English 101 final

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What are some forms of meta commentary?

-essay titles - elaboration on ideas - guiding your reader/roadmap -general claim into a specific example

How can you answer the "who cares and "so what" questions in writing?

1) identify the person or group who already is interested in your topic 2) so what by explaining real world scenarios and applications/consequences to your claims

What are three organizational mode for comparison and contrast essays

1) whole to whole 2) point by point 3) similarities and differences

What is meta commentary? Why is it useful?

A way of commenting on your claims and telling others how to think about them. Because written word is interpreted in so many ways this prevents any misinterpretation and develops ideas an length

Why should you always try to plant a naysayer in your essay

Because your thesis is a contestable claim, it is important to anticipate objections. Give voice to what others might say against you.

What is a run on sentence, and how can you fix it?

Compound sentences which consists of two independent since last clause fix it by splitting coordinating conduction were; compound sentences which consists of two independent since flash close fix it by splitting sent., coordinating conductions, or semicolons

What are the three ways to respond to what others are saying about your topic?

Hook by intro. A quote of what they say, etc., give your p.o.v, explain background

What should you include in your intro paragraph?

Hook, thesis ,and background information

When incorporating sources in MlA papers what should be included in the quotation sandwich?

Introduction. Direct quote. Citation. And explaining it.

What are the three main steps of the writing process

Prewriting Drafting Revising

What is exigency? How does it relate to academic writing?

Rethoric, is an issue, problem or situation that causes or prompts someone to speak or write. 2) b/c all writing comes from this; responding to others who have also aaddressed a topic

What is the difference between revising and editing which should be done first?

Revising is making sure your ideasmake sense, concepts, and full paragraph changes Editing is diction correction and minor grammar issues

What are three parts of the SEE format used for body paragraphs?

Statement Evidence Explain

What is the difference in revisions tragedies between experience with and student writers cording to Nancy's so mers study study

Students would make it a priority to change diction and little grammar errors instruction and sentence structure where as the experience would change concepts and constantly re-write them until they got their p.o.v

Why is it important or valuable to start an essay with what others are saying.

To address your p.o.v, to keep audience engaged

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