English 1B Midterm

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What is a Round Character?

A character who is well-developed, closely involved in the action and responsive to it.

What is kinetic (Poetry)?

When there's physical movement in a poem

What is the Geographical Setting?

Where the story takes place

What is Imagery?

Words or phrases that describe the concrete experience of the five senses

What is Imagery (Poetry)

Words or phrases that describe the concrete experience of the five senses.

Who is the author of "The World is Too Much with Us"?


What is a Static Character?

a character that stays the same throughout the story

Who is the author of "A Good Man is Hard to Find"?


What is confessionalism (poetry)?

When a poet decides to use their personal experience and childhood in their poem.

What is a Dynamic Character?

A character that changes throughout the story

What is a Flat Character?

A character that is static or stereotypical, someone who the reader does not know a lot about

What is a Simile(poetry)?

Comparison of two seemingly unlike things using the words like or as

What is an example of a flashback(Include the speaker)?

A Rose for Emily - The story continually jumps from the present at Emily's funeral, to the past, when she is alive. The speakers are the people of the town.

What is A Good Man is Hard to Find about?

A family is planning to go on vacation to Florida, but the grandma notices that a criminal called the Misfit has just escaped prison and has been seen in that area. She first rejects the idea of going, but later gives in. On the drive, their car breaks down and the Misfit shows up. The grandma tries to turn the Misfit to calm him down, but the Misfit ends up killing her.

What is Personification (poetry)?

A figure of speech that endows inanimate objects or abstract ideas with life or human characteristics

What is Personification?

A figure of speech that endows inanimate objects or abstract ideas with life or human characteristics

What is Deportation at Breakfast about?

A man walks into a diner thinking he is going to have some breakfast, but the cook is deported in the middle of cooking eggs. The customer becomes the cook as he takes over the restaurant, and nobody notices it.

What is a foil character?

A minor character whose role is to highlight the main character by presenting a contrast with him or her

What is an allusion?

A reference, often to literature, history, mythology, or the Bible.

What is knowledge of grounds?

A story where a character may have an advantage, whether that be in a house, or country and the character will have an advantage over another character.

What is Connotative Value (Poetry)?

A word that suggests beyond its literal, dictionary meaning; its emotional associations, judgments, or opinions.

What is an example of a crisis(Include the speaker)?

A&P - A crisis occurs when Sammy decides to quit his job at the grocery store. The speaker is Sammy.

What is an example of a flat character(Include the Speaker)?

A&P - Lengel would be a flat character because he is not well developed throughout the story, and is static about his decision involving the girls. The speaker is Sammy.

What is an example of a Round Character(Include the speaker)?

A&P - Sammy would be considered a round character because he is well developed throughout the story. The speaker is Sammy.

What is an example of the climax of the story(Include the speaker)?

A&P - The Climax occurs when Sammy decides to quit his job at the grocery store. The speaker is Sammy.

What is an example of the resolution of the story(Include the speaker)?

A&P - The resolution is that Sammy now sees the world from a different perspective.

What is an example of an exposition (Include the speaker)?

A&P where Updike introduces the girls and has the narrator provide information about his job working as a cashier at the grocery store A&P. The speaker is Sammy.

What is the mood (Poetry)?

Atmosphere created by the elements of literary work

What is tone?

Attitude of the speaker toward the subject itself or the audience, determined by word choice and arrangement of piece

What is the The Story of an Hour about?

Because Mrs. Mallard had heart troubles, the news that her husband has passed away had to be broken to her gently. When she was told, she began to cry and reminisce about his passing. Once she is in her room, she later has a revelation, and feels free from her troubles, free from her husband's will, and whispers "free" to herself as her heart fills with joy. Then her husband, who was apparently far from the accident that supposedly killed him, shows up at her door, causing her to have a heart attack.

Who is the author of Henderson the Rain King?


What is the theme (Poetry)?

Central idea of a piece of literature made concrete by the details and emphasis in the work itself

Who is the author of "Water Names"?


Who is the author of "The Story of an Hour"?


What is a Metaphor?

Comparison between two unlike things without using like or as.

What is a metaphor (Poetry)?

Comparison between two unlike things without using like or as.

Who is the author of "Washing Rice"?


Who is the author of "Faith' is a fine Invention"?


Who is the author of "Heaven'-- is what I cannot reach!"


Who is the author of "Some keep the Sabbath going to church"


What is Third Person Objective?

Eliminate all interpretation by the narrator and force readers to make judgments based only on what the characters say and do

What is the novel "Henderson the Rain King" about?

Eugene Henderson is a bulky middle-aged man who is unhappy with his life choices and his relationships, who is constantly angry and drunk, and sometimes even suicidal. He hears a voice in his head telling him it wants something, and he goes to Africa to find answers, knowing he needs to make a change. From the queen of the Arnewi tribe, he learns that what he wants is to live (grun-tu-molani). He fails to help them with their water shortage, and leaves in shame to another tribe, the Wariri, where he befriends King Dahfu, a philosopher-king who believes he can help Henderson. He exposes him to a lion, wanting him to adopt more lionlike qualities, and helps Eugene realize that he can still make a difference in the world, and become a doctor and help others like he wanted.

Who is the author of "A Rose for Emily"?


What is the Resolution?

Final stage in the plot of a drama or work of fiction. Action comes to end, and loose ends are tied up

What is the Exposition?

First stage of a plot, where the author presents the info about characters and the setting that a reader will need to know to understand the subsequent action

Who is the author of "Deportation at Breakfast"?


Who is the author of "Out, out--"?


Who is the author of "Once Upon a Time"?


Who is the author of "My son, my executioner"


Who is the author of "Those Winter Sundays"


Who is the author of "To an Athlete Dying Young"


What is style?

How the author selects and arranges words to express ideas and, ultimately, theme

Who is the author of "Birmingham Sunday"?


Who is the author of "The Negro Speaks of Rivers"?


What does the physical setting do?

It can influence a story's mood as well as its development

What is language?

It enhances a story's elements

What does the Historical Setting do?

It establishes a story's social, cultural, and economic environment

Who is the author of "The Lottery"


Who is the author of "Birthmark"


Who is the author of "Poetry"?


Who is the speaker in the poem "Ex-Basketball Player"?

Most likely a friend or someone who went to the same high school as Flick Webb.

Who is the author of "If I ruled the World"?


Who is the author of "Tonight I can write the Saddest Lines"?


What is Oliver's Evolution about?

Oliver, as always, been known to make countless mistakes and had a childhood filled with misfortune. For instance, he had swallowed mothballs when he was younger. His relationships with his family and friends were not strong, and caused him to feel lost. He later met someone that had a sad childhood like him, who he cared for and got married, which ultimately changed him. He became a strong and family-oriented man, as his family was his motivation to become a better person.

What is a symbol?

Person, object, action or idea whose meaning transcends its literal or denotative sense in a complex way

Who is the author of "The Cask of Amontillado"?


What is the Crisis in the story?

Point at which the decisive action of the plot occurs

What is the Climax?

Point of greatest tension of importance, where the decisive action of the plot occurs

What is Foreshadowing?

Present early in a story of situations, characters, or objects that seem to have no importance but in fact are later revealed to have great significance.

What is static (poetry)?

Purely descriptive, there is no movement throughout the poem.

What is A&P about?

Sammy is a teenager who works as a cashier at a grocery store, and he sees three girls walk in with nothing but bathing suits on. He is shocked and admires their bold nonconformity. When the manager, Lengel, comes to tell them that they are violating the dress code, Sammy begins contemplating his job, not wanting to end up with a life like Lengel or his coworker Stokesie. He quits his job, partly to stand up for the girls and partly because he does not want his future career to be at the A&P; but the girls already left.

Who is the author of "Working Late"?


Who is the speaker in the poem "Faith' is a Fine Invention"

Someone who believes faith and science should have a balance.

Who is the speaker in the poem "Heaven'-- is what I cannot reach!"?

Someone who believes they cannot reach "Heaven" even if they know where it is.

Who is the speaker in the poem "Tonight I can Write the Saddest Lines"?

Someone who has a hard time letting go of their wife or girlfriend who left them.

Who is the speaker in the poem "To an Athlete Dying Young"

Someone who has watched the athlete throughout his life and knows the consequences of fame.

Who is the speaker in the poem "Poetry"?

Someone who is analyzing the importance of reading poetry.

Who is the speaker in the poem "If I Ruled the World?"

Someone who knows the world is flawed and wants it to change for the better.

Who is the speaker in the poem "Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church"?

Someone who prefers not to attend church during the Sabbath and instead stay at home.

Who is the speaker in the poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers"?

Someone who remembers the past experiences of fellow African Americans and those before him.

Who is the speaker of the poem "The World is too Much with Us"

Someone who thinks humans have ruined the world and do not appreciate its nature.

Who is the speaker in the poem "Birmingham Sunday"?

Someone who was around to experience the bombing of the church.

Who is the speaker in the poem "Out, out--"

Someone working at the wood-cutting area or someone watching as the boy's hand is cut.

What is Third Person Omniscient?

Storyteller knows actions and internal doings of all of the characters and does not figure in the action

What is an example of foreshadowing(include the speaker)

The Cask of Amontillado - Montresor speaks of getting revenge on Fortunato at the beginning of the story, hinting at Fortunato's eventual death at Montresor's hand at the end of story. The speaker is Montresor.

What is the Cask of Amontillado about?

The Cask of Amontillado' is the story of a man named Montresor who decides to seek revenge against a man named Fortunato, who has insulted him. He meets Fortunato at a carnival, and lures him with wine. Montressor then brings Fortunato to his catacombs which are filled with dead people. He then locks Fortunato in a room and buries him alive.

What is the novel "The Mysterious Stranger" about?

The Mysterious Stranger is a novel revolving around three boys- Theodor, Nikolaus, and Seppi. These three boys meet a mysterious stranger who is later introduced as Satan. Satan shows them many wondrous things he can do, and takes them to different places in the world, but they end up realizing that Satan is misguided, if not evil. His definition of helping people is by giving them a quicker death or changing their future and affecting another person's negatively, and his way of 'helping' the townspeople seems much more like cruel tricks.

Who is the speaker in the poem "Working Late"?

The child of the father who is a lawyer working on cases.

Who is the speaker in the poem "Those Winter Sundays"?

The child of the father, who has experienced the "chronic angers" of the house.

Who is the speaker of the poem "Washing Rice"?

The child of the mother washing rice.

What is a Simile?

The comparison of two seemingly unlike things using the words like or as

Who is the speaker in the poem "My Son, My Executioner"?

The parent of the "son".

What is Third Person limited omniscient?

The storyteller knows only some actions and internal doings of the character

First person narrator(reliable or unreliable)

The storyteller must be a major character in the story or a character who witnessed the story's events.

What are Figures of Speech?

The use of words to achieve effects beyond ordinary language

Who is the author of the Mysterious Stranger?


Who is the author of "A&P"?


Who is the author of "Ex-Basketball Player"?


Who is the author of "Oliver's Evolution"?


What is a Flashback?

Variation of chronological order that presents an event or situation that occurred before the time in which the story's action takes place

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