English Antigone Scene 3 - 5

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Scene 4: How does the Choragus characterize Antigones final speech?

"as unyielding and powerful, strong but tormented"

Scene 4: How do the tones of Antigone and the Chorus contrast in lines 5-15?

self pity and a lot harsher and the tone of the Chorus is more uplighting and complimentary

Scene 4: How is Antigones tone different in lines 25-35 than in earlier scenes? Speifically what is her attitude toward her actions and her punishment? Which words emphasize the difference?

shes proud of her acts and pleads for guilty

Ode 4: How does Antigone fit the idea that no moral can escape Fate's reach?

that no moral can escape Fates reach because fate found means to build a tome like yours for all her joy

Scene 4: What reminder does the Chorus issue as Antigone seeks pity for her fate?

that she did this to herself; she brought this fate upon herself

Discuss the theme of blindness vs. sight;

the blind are the ones who actually see and knows what right; "this is the way the blind man comes... 2 heads lit by eyes of one"

What is the best message of the play?

theres no happiness wher ethere is no wisdom; big words are always punished, and proud men in old age learn to be wise

Scene 4: Sophocles alludes to Niobe and Tantalus because, like Antigone, they have done what

they both died alone; disobeyed the laws and gods

What was the highlight of the play?

to find out Eurydice killed herself meaning all 3 of them are dead

Scene 3 Creon's choice of words, "subordinate," reflects what attitude toward the father-son relationship? Which other words in the passage convey similar ideas?

His son is beneath him; Father's will; dutiful; hating his father's enemies; honor his father's friends

Scene 3: How does Haemon's use of the word "desert" apply to Creon's style of leadership?

If the state wants to die, they should follow him. He is leading himself to death and the city will look for water elsewhere.

Scene 3: Creon's exclamation that "Every word you (Haemon) say is for her!" might reflect what character trait?

Lack of confidence; selfishness

Scene 4: Which sound device is reflected in Antigones realizations that she will find "neither love nor lamentation; no song, but silence" in her death?


What does the play suggest about where a persons highest loyalty should lie?

Creon gives a long speech about the importance of loyalty to ones country and government in the story

Scene 4: Antigones cry, "O, Oedipus, father and brother! You marriage strikes from the grave to murder mine," even though Oedipus is absent from the scene is best termed as an....?


Scene 3: What types of comparisons does Haemon use in an attempt to sway his father's mind?

-"The man who thinks he is always right turns out empty." -"It is not reason never to yield to reason." -"In flood time you can see how some trees bend..." -"Make you sheet fast, never slacken—and over you go..."

How responisble is Creon for the deaths of antigone, haemon, and eurydice? What change do you see in creon from the beginning of the play to end?

Creon is indirectly responsible for their deaths. He didnt actually stab them, but its his fault they died; The change we see in creon is guilt and remorse. First he was strict and apatheic and the end hes upset and regretful

Scene 3: As suggested in lines 40 - 50, of what two things does Creon seem to be afraid?

Anarchy and traitors and women

What is the resolution?

Antigone commits suiciude with her fiance and the king finds his wife commited suicide too

Scene 4: what is occuring in this scene?

Antigone prepares for death and talks to the Chorus about her death

How does Sophocles build suspense?

Antigone reveals that she has plans to bury her borther and this wont cause peace and harmony - causes problems and chaos. The allusions are to princess Danae, King of Lycurgos, muses, etc. - draws the audience and makes connections

Who better fits the definition of an archetypal tragic hero, Antigone or Creon?

Antigone; she was a dignified, superior character; meets tragic end; possesses tragic flaw

Scene 4: What is the "chamber/where all find sleep at last" to which the Chorusagos refers?

Chamber where she is going to die

Scene 3: What is Haemon's tone toward his father in the speech beginning with "Reason is God's crowning gift..."?

Flattering; imploring

Scene 4: What emotions do the Chorus express as Antigone is led to her death?

Full of love, that is unconquerable; not unpraised

Scene 3: How does Creon plan to free the State from any culpability in Antigone's death?

He will take her to the wilderness and lock her in a stone vault where she will be given food.

Scene 4: Who is "sleepy death"?


Scene 3: According to Haemon, what is the role of the king; what is it according to Creon?

Haemon- listen to the needs and wants of the city Creon- to make all of the decisions for the city

Scene 3: How does Creon interpret Haemon's statement that "her (Antigone's) death will cause another"?

He asks Haemon if he has lost his senses and if he is threatening him.

Scene 3: How has Haemon's attitude toward his father changed since the scene's opening?

He began by trying to honor his father. He leaves in a fit of rage that his father is so tyrannical.

Scene 3Creon's belief that Haemon must either hate or love him reflects what quality of his character?

He does not bend.

What is the message about pride?

Pride is peoples downfall; "Oh it is hard to give in to risk everything for stubborn pride" & "you forget yourself you are speaking to your king"

Scene 3 As reflected in lines 8-10, what is Haemon's attitude toward his father?

Reverence. He respects his father's wisdom.

Why Sophocles would have put paean in the play and why he put it after scene 4?

Sophocles puts it there to show that theres a lot of bad in the city and hopefully after this, it will be peaceful and make to normal

Scene 4: Antigones reminder to the elders that instead of death she should be starting a new life with Haimon reflects which literary technique?

apostrophe because shes talking to dead people who arent actually there

Scene 3: What are Haemon's main ideas regarding public opinion?

The public doesn't want Antigone killed. They speak behind Creon's back and say that no one has ever been killed for performing a kind deed.

Scene 4:What is the meaning of blasphemy, as used in line 44? What connotationsare associated with the word? How does use of the word intensify Antigones speechs in the passage?

act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about god or sacred things; profane talk -connotations associated with the word are shocking and make everything "real"; gets everyone serious

What is the climax?

When creon and antigone have confrontation and creon realizes he cant overpower her

Scene 3 What is Creon's view of government, as stated at line 35? How can his views be applied to Antigone's situation?

Whoever is chosen to govern should be obeyed..;He is the leader; therefore, she should obey him.

Scene 3: Creon refuses to listen to Haemon's reasoning based on his youth and emphasizes his disdain for Haemon's lack of experience through what word? boy What connotations are associated with this word? What tone does it suggest?

Young; ignorant; foolish; overly passionate;patronizing

Scene 4: Lines 66-70 introduce an element of foreboding. What does Antigone say that might be played out in future scenes?

her punishment might be the same as creons which may play out in future events

Ode 3: Love is characterized as what type of force?Which words emphasize this idea?

inescapable; Unconquerable; tremble before your glory; you have made; merciless

Scene 3Creon gives Haemon advice on dealing with women, even though he shows little skill in doing the same. Which literary technique does this reflect?


Ode 3: begins as an address to whom or what?


Scene 4: Which rhetorical or literary technique is reflected in Antigone's assertion that she has been "a stranger in my own land"?


Scene 4: Overall, what was the Chorus tone toward Antigone as revealed?

sad at first innocent

Ode 4: What lessons did Danae, Lycurgos, and the new wife of King Phineus learn about fate?

where fates take precedent and cant be changed or avoided

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