English Final Grammar Part

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When do we capitalize titles ?

When they are used before a person's name

What numbers do you need to write out?

Write out numbers like first, fifth, fifty-second and so on. [Not 1 st , 5 th , 52 nd ]

Do we Capitalize the first word of every sentence.


Is the first word of every line of poetry capitalized, whether or not the word begins a sentence?


If a number follows a course name,is it a particular course and what should happen to it?

Yes it is and it should be capitalized

Are Monuments, bridges, buildings documents, planets, ships, and any other particular person, place or thing capitalized?


Are islands,bodies of water,mountains and parks capitalized?


Do we capitalize word like the South, the Far East?


Are languages and PARTICULAR courses capitalized? Give an example

Yes! Algebra 1, Honors Geometry,Japanese, Physics 402

Do we capitalize adjectives that are part of a name referring to a political or geographical divisions? Give an example

Yes! Central America, Northern Ireland, South Korea, Western Europe

Are special organizations capitalized? Give an example

Yes! Girl Scouts, New York Philharmonic, Circuit Court of Saline County

Do we capitalize abbreviations of proper nouns?

Yes! NRA (National Rifle Association), FAA (Federal Aviation Administration); TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority), Gen. (Genesis), Ga. (Georgia), Fr. (France), U.S. (United States)

Do we capitalize proper adjectives?

Yes! ex: Spanish,Roman,Jeffersonian, Elizabethan

With limited context when do you use figures? ex: 1,2,3

use figures for all of them if they pertain to the same category.

Titles following a name or used alone in place of a name are not usually capitalized unless....

used in direct address

When do we capitalize common names such as avenue, building, bridge, church, park, school, street?

only when part on an official name ex:Pensacola Christian College, a college; Fort Niagara, a fort; First Baptist Church, a church

What do we use to enclose titles of short stories, short poems, songs, chapters, articles, and other parts of books or magazine

quotation marks

what do we use to enclose the exact words of a speaker (direct quote)

quotation marks

WHat always go outside closing quotation marks?

semicolons and colons

when should you us A.D. (in the year of or Lord)

should come before the year number;

when should you us B.C. (before Christ)

should follow after the year number

What do you do in non-scientific writing?

spell out all numbers of one or two words.

Give an example of religious writings, groups, and terms that are capitalized

the Bible, Scripture, Baptist, Catholic, the Fall, the Resurrection

What do you not capitalize of Brand names?

the business's products (common noun after the brand name)

What words do we capitalize in the titles of books,magazines,newspapers,poems,stories, plays, musical compositions, paintings, sculpture, and other works of art?

the first and last words and all import words

What geographical things are capitalized?

the names of Continents, countries, states, counties, cities

What pronoun and interjection are capitalized?

the pronoun "I" and the injeerection "O"

What is not capitalized when it comes to streets and highways?

the second part of a hyphenated number is not capitalized (Fifty-third Street)

Why are language courses capitalized? Give an example

they are proper nouns English,French

What do contractions require?

they require apostrophes to indicate letters are missing

When do we use parentheses?

to enclose supplementary or explanatory information added merely for clarity ex:Ernest Hemingway (1899 -1961) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

When do you use a comma and a coordinating conjunction?

to join two independent clauses

What do we use a semicolon for?

to join two independent clauses if there is no coordinating conjunctions

Give an example of nationalities/races/tribes that are capitalized

Chinese, Canadian, Cherokee

what words do we need to capitalize referring to the true God?

God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Savior, Lord, Prince of Peace

Give an example of Historical events that care capitalized

Hundred Years War, Battle of the Bulge, Great Depression

Do NOT begin a sentence with......


How do we form the possessive case of a plural noun that doesn't end in s?

first write the plural spelling of the word. Then add an apostrophe and s. ('s) Children's books

How do we form possessive of a singular noun?

first write the singular spelling of the word. Then add an apostrophe and s. woman's shoe

What words do we italicize that aren't formally accepted into English?

foreign words and phrases

What do we not use contractions in?

formal writing

What do we use to enclose long poems of book length and long musical compositions, such as operas and symphonies


What do you do When forming the possessive case of compound words and words that show joint possession?

make only the last word possessive. ex:Bill and Judy's home

What numbers do we hyphenate?

numbers twenty-one through ninety-nine.

When do you use a period?

-Use a period to end an indirect question -Use a period to end a polite request disguised as a question.

How do we write the singular possessive of a name ending in s? What is the exception with ancient names?

-even if a name ends in s, add an apostrophe and an s -with ancient names ending in es, only add an apostrophe

WHat do we use dashes to indicate? (2)

-parenthetical elements that are emphatic or contain internal punctuation. ex:When the game was over—what a game!—we celebrated -interrupted speech

What do we underline(italicize)?

-the titles of books, magazines, newspapers, plays, works of art, and the names of trains, ships, submarines, aircraft, and spacecraft (underlining indicates those words that would be italicized if the sentence were typed) -words, letters, and numbers referred to ex:The words affect and effect are often used incorrectly. You're a's look like u's and your 9's look like y's.

When do question marks and exclamation point go inside? when do they go outside?

-when they apply to the quoted matter only -if they refer to the entire sentence.

What do we use ro set off a direct address?

Commas ex:May I borrow the car, Dad?

What calendar events aren't capitalized? Give an example of calendar events and periods that are

Name of the seasons are NOT capitalized (spring, summer, fall, winter) unless they are personified: "I am Winter, King of the Seasons." Friday, May, Easter, Savannah Arts Festival

Do we capitalize adjectives that merely indicate a portion of region? Give an example

No southern France, northern Idaho, eastern Mexico

Are GENERAL courses capitalized? give an example

No! history,algebra,computer

What do we not use quotation marks for?

an indirect quotation, which is a rewording of the person's statement.

when do we use single quotes

an item within quotation marks that also requires quotation marks

What are the coordinating conjunctions?

and, but, or, nor, for, yet.

what do we use to form possessive case of nouns?


when do we use colons?

before listed items, especially when they are announced by such words as follows or the following. ex:We took these items to the reunion: salad, green beans, and tea.

What do we use to set off parenthetical expressions?

commas ex: in fact,

What do we use yo set off nonessential elements? (nonessential participial phrases,nonessential adjective clauses, and nonessential adverb clauses)

commas ex:Claire, who is an interior designer, likes bold colors. (nonessential adjective clause)

What always goes inside closing quotation marks?

commas and periods

What words are unimportant in titles?

coordinating conjunctions, prepositions, and the articles a, an, and the

What words do we set off at the beginning of a sentence?

well,yes, and no

When is the abbreviations Jr. and Sr. capitalized?

when following a name

When are family-relationship words capitalized?

when they are used before a person's name and when used alone in place of the name (used as the name)

When do we use a dash in a series of words or phrases?

when they give details about the statement to follow ex: Salad, green beans, and tea—these are the items we took to the reunion.

When do we not capitalize north,east,south,west,northwest, ect?

when they refer to a direction: west of town, east on I-30

Define Direct Address

when you speak directly to someone AND call them by a particular name (not necessarily by their given name).

When do we capitalize earth,sun and moon?

without the article "the" in front of a list with other planets

How do we form the possessive case of a plural noun that ends in s?

write the plural spelling of the word. Then add an apostrophe. boys' socks

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