English Grammar

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I had heard that your sister was in town visiting you, and this morning I bumped into at the gas station. (her) Both choices are correct. ... I bumped her into at the gas station. ... I bumped into her at the gas station.

... I bumped into her at the gas station.

In order to lock in, tickets must be purchased within twenty-four hours of making the reservation. (the price) In order to lock in the price, tickets must ... Both choices are correct. In order to lock the price in, tickets must ...

Both choices are correct.

Write the indefinite pronoun in the sentence below: Everyone should do what he or she can to help.


____ March, I'm going to take a class ____ the YMCA. In March, I'm going to take a class at the YMCA. In March, I'm going to take a class in the YMCA. On March, I'm going to take a class in the YMCA.

In March, I'm going to take a class at the YMCA.

St. Patrick's Cathedral is one of the landmarks of Dublin, Ireland, for a variety of reasons. are was No revision is necessary. were

No revision is necessary.

Write the relative pronoun in the sentence below: The car that Andres bought is very attractive


Classify the following word: country


Pavarotti, in particular, had already established himself as both an exceptionally classical artist and a popular, accessible singer of more contemporary music. No revision is necessary. exceptional classical very exceptionally classical exceptionally, classical

exceptional classical

Who were the first of your ancestors to _____ to the United States?


Although Gina had _______ Dino for years, she was just starting to like him.


The tour guide _____ us into the gloomy, damp cave.


The doctor thinks that Astrid ______ have diabetes, so she ran some tests; we expect to know the results on Monday.


The sky is clear with hardly a breeze right now, but even still, it ______ rain in the afternoon.


Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.I was pleased that I didn't see _______ litter on the street after the football game.


The last time I checked, there _______ only a few pieces of pizza left. were was


Write the interrogative pronoun in the sentence below: Which direction should I drive to get to St. Louis?


Solve the following by selecting the answer choice that best corrects the underlined portion of the original sentence. For Identifying Sentence Errors questions, mark the correct statement that corrects the underlined word or phrase which is grammatically incorrect. Counting each of the planets and their many moons, there is 162 known and accepted celestial bodies in our solar system.

Counting each of the planets and its many moons, there are

a recording of the wildly successful concert by the Three Tenors on the eve of the World Cup final in 1990 in Rome. wildest very wild No revision is necessary. wild

No revision is necessary.

Politicians announce their intention to run for office in several ways: in news conferences, major speeches, and with their websites. Politicians announce their intention to run for office in several ways: in news conferences, during major speeches, and on their websites. Politicians announce their intention to run for office in several ways: during news conferences, during major speeches, and by having their own websites. No change

Politicians announce their intention to run for office in several ways: in news conferences, during major speeches, and on their websites.

Do you know why Ahmed did not _______ soccer practice yesterday?


Because Lou was sick for two weeks, Molly _______ him her notes so he could study for the test.


A number of church structures has stood on the site since the fifth century, and the Normans built a more permanent stone church in 1191. have been had No revision is necessary. have


A basic _____ of American democracy is that all people are created equal.


Select the correct pronoun to complete the statement: Neither her employer nor (she, her) could discourage the salesperson.


Classify the following word: chess


Classify the following word: work (as in job)


For renovation jobs, Marty is the person who does the best job and I trust. No change For renovation jobs, Marty is the person who does the best job, and I trust that. For renovation jobs, Marty is the person who does the best job and the one I trust.

For renovation jobs, Marty is the person who does the best job and the one I trust.

In James Joyce's "Araby," the narrator promises to buy a gift at the fair for Mangan's sister, but he arrived at the fair too late. No change In James Joyce's "Araby," the narrator promises to buy a gift at the fair for Mangan's sister, but he arrives at the fair too late. In James Joyce's "Araby," the narrator has promised to buy a gift at the fair for Mangan's sister, but he arrived at the fair too late.

In James Joyce's "Araby," the narrator promises to buy a gift at the fair for Mangan's sister, but he arrives at the fair too late.

____ an hour, I'm meeting Marco ____ the Star Cinema, so I'll think about the YMCA courses later. In an hour, I'm meeting Marco at the Star Cinema, so I'll think about the YMCA courses later. On an hour, I'm meeting Marco in the Star Cinema, so I'll think about the YMCA courses later. At an hour, I'm meeting Marco in the Star Cinema, so I'll think about the YMCA courses later.

In an hour, I'm meeting Marco at the Star Cinema, so I'll think about the YMCA courses later.

Some of the older tenants moved into the building in 1980, but everyone has to move out by December 5. No change during; in at; since

No change

and a popular, accessible singer of more contemporary music popular, accessibly popularly accessible No revision is necessary. popularly, accessible

No revision is necessary.

Since then, the $50 bill was issued in 2004, the $10 bill was issued in 2006, and the $5 bill was issued in 2008 by the Department of the Treasury. Since then, the Department of the Treasury has issued the $50 bill in 2004, the $10 bill in 2006, and the $5 bill in 2008. 1.No revision is necessary. Since then, the $50 bill was issued in 2004, the $10 bill in 2006, and the $5 bill in 2008 by the Department of the Treasury. The $50 bill was issued in 2004, the $10 bill was issued in 2006, and the $5 bill was issued in 2008 by the Department of the Treasury since then.

Since then, the Department of the Treasury has issued the $50 bill in 2004, the $10 bill in 2006, and the $5 bill in 2008.

The yoga class meets early ____ the morning, ____ Saturdays. The yoga class meets early at the morning, on Saturdays. The yoga class meets early on the morning, on Saturdays. The yoga class meets early in the morning, on Saturdays.

The yoga class meets early in the morning, on Saturdays.

Most of Professor Stephen Greenblatt's writing _______ with Shakespeare. deal deals


Juan's new house has _____ windows than his previous home.


After a grueling day at the office, Monty decided to _____ down and take a nap.


Neither my mother nor my older brothers _______ spicy food. likes like


To _____ the game by only one point was heartbreaking for the team.


Amanda played the Mozart sonata extremely _____.


A number of memorials is also erected to major Irish political, military, and religious leaders. was are No revision is necessary. were


The buildings we see today was constructed in the thirteenth century, were have been No revision is necessary. had been


Anahi is very predictable; as always, she ______ bring deviled eggs and roasted potatoes to the potluck on Saturday.


The more acute symptoms of this particular strain of flu last only a few days, although it may take another week or more to fully get over. (it) ... week or more to fully get over it. ... week or more to fully get it over. Both choices are correct.

... week or more to fully get over it.

According to the ad ____ the newspaper, I need to register in person for the class ____ February 3. According to the ad on the newspaper, I need to register in person for the class on February 3. According to the ad in the newspaper, I need to register in person for the class on February 3. According to the ad at the newspaper, I need to register in person for the class at February 3.

According to the ad in the newspaper, I need to register in person for the class on February 3.

After the movie, we'll ride home ___ the bus and then listen to some music ____ the radio. After the movie, we'll ride home on the bus and then listen to some music on the radio. After the movie, we'll ride home at the bus and then listen to some music on the radio. After the movie, we'll ride home in the bus and then listen to some music in the radio.

After the movie, we'll ride home on the bus and then listen to some music on the radio.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Many people who drew well welcomed photography enthusiastically when it became popular in the 1840s. 1. Many people who drew good welcomed photography enthusiastically when it became popular in the 1840s. 2. No change 3. any people who drew well welcomed photography enthusiastic when it became popular in the 1840s.

No change

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.The debate between realist and artist photographers persists to this day. 1. No change 2. The debate between realistic and artist photographers persists to this day. 3. The debate between realistic and artistic photographers persists to this day.

The debate between realistic and artistic photographers persists to this day.

The story "Araby" by James Joyce has made use of religious symbolism. No change The story "Araby" by James Joyce made use of religious symbolism. The story "Araby" by James Joyce makes use of religious symbolism.

The story "Araby" by James Joyce makes use of religious symbolism.

The watermark is part of the paper itself and can be seen from both sides of the bill. The watermark is made into the paper itself and could be seen from both sides of the bill. The watermark is part of the paper itself, and it has been seen from both sides of the bill. The watermark is part of the paper itself and is visible from both sides of the bill. No revision is necessary.

The watermark is part of the paper itself and is visible from both sides of the bill.

Ask your next-door neighbor to _____ a package for you if you're not home.


The fifth-grade teacher made an announcement to her class: "Once all of you have _______, you may play basketball in the gym for twenty minutes."


He was equal at home in opera houses, such as La Scala and New York City's Metropolitan Opera House, and at sports events such as the World Cup. equally most equal No revision is necessary. very equal


Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.The committee recommended a feasibility study to determine how much _______ we would need in order to fully replicate the original research.


The director of the theater claims that _____ best reviews were for Via Dolorosa by David Hare.


I took the dog for a short walk, but it is too hot and humid outside for _______.


I've never seen this coffee shop so crowded; there ______ be twenty people in line already.


The most largest selling classical record of all time is a recording of the wildly successful concert by the Three Tenors on the eve of the World Cup final in 1990 in Rome. the most large-selling No revision is necessary. the most-largest selling the best-selling

the best-selling

Maria reread all of her letters from Frank, who had _______ to her every week since he had gone to Afghanistan.


In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Artists could use photographs as references, eventual limiting the need for live subjects to pose for hours. 1. No change 2. Artists could use photographs as references, eventually limiting the need for alive subjects to pose for hours. 3. Artists could use photographs as references, eventually limiting the need for live subjects to pose for hours.

Artists could use photographs as references, eventually limiting the need for live subjects to pose for hours.

The phone must have fallen from his pocket on New Year's Eve; he found it in March, when all the snow melted. in; from No change at; since

No change

A new $100 bill in 2013 completed the series, The series was completed in 2013 with the addition of a new $100 bill No revision is necessary. The series was finished in 2013 with the appearance of a new $100 bill In 2013, the series was completed when a new $100 bill was released

No revision is necessary.

____ the Fourth of July, I can swim outside or practice yoga ____ the grass. On the Fourth of July, I can swim outside or practice yoga on the grass. At the Fourth of July, I can swim outside or practice yoga in the grass. At the Fourth of July, I can swim outside or practice yoga on the grass.

On the Fourth of July, I can swim outside or practice yoga on the grass.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Photography as documentation took another leap forward during the U.S. Civil War, when photographers showed the public how badly life on the front lines was. 1. Photography as documentation took another leap forward during the U.S. Civil War, when photographers showed the public how bad life on the front lines was. 2. No change 3. Photography as documentation took another leap forwardly during the U.S. Civil War, when photographers showed the public how badly life on the front lines was.

Photography as documentation took another leap forward during the U.S. Civil War, when photographers showed the public how bad life on the front lines was.

How much does it cost to get a lawyer's ______ about estate planning?


An absence of sunshine in the winter can _____ people's moods.


Did you notice the instructor's _____ to Hamlet?


Choosing _____ the six candidates will be difficult.


She feels _____ about losing the race.


Wisconsin's _____, Madison, boasts a top-notch university.


My nephew _______ about transferring to an engineering firm in Lucerne, Switzerland.

is thinking

Write the noun in the sentence below: The jury reached its verdict.


If you want to graduate on time, you ______ file your application before the March 12 deadline.


The coach said that every player who works hard will be _______ at the end of the season.


We have enough plates, napkins, and glasses for the dinner, but we don't have enough _______. Maybe we can borrow a few from the neighbors.


If this neighborhood had better public transportation, residents ______ be able to spend less time getting to and from their jobs.


Salad, mashed potatoes, fried chicken, and dessert _____ the birthday dinner.


Poll results show that the public is getting frustrated with Congress; more than 60 percent of respondents said that the members from both parties ______ stop squabbling and do their jobs. should might could


His last public performance, where he seemed to sing so good in spite of his ill health, was his appearance at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, where he sang his trademark song, "Nessun Dorma." No revision is necessary. so well so very good so goodly

so well

Once Norah is out of college, she wants _______ to Spain and Portugal.

to travel

Classify the bold word in countable and uncountable. Air pollution is becoming an issue.


Each of the candidates _______ claiming victory after the early primaries. was were


As dean, Swift, as well as his successors, were the religious leaders was the religious leader No revision is necessary. had been the religious leaders were the religious leader

was the religious leader

The choirs of St. Patrick's and Christ Church Cathedral was combined to perform the work. have been were had been No revision is necessary.


Solve the following by selecting the answer choice that best corrects the underlined portion of the original sentence. For Identifying Sentence Errors questions, mark the correct statement that corrects the underlined word or phrase which is grammatically incorrect. The three Supreme Court Justices appointed by the current President were judged on their trial records as an attorney and as an elected judge.

were judged on their trial records as attorneys and as elected judges

which began with the arrival of Saint Patrick in the fourth century and many other Irish missionaries arrived in the fifth. No revision is necessary. which began with the arrival of Saint Patrick in the fourth century and many other Irish missionaries which arrived in the fifth. which began with the arrival of Saint Patrick in the fourth century and which included many other Irish missionaries arrived in the fifth. which began with the arrival of Saint Patrick in the fourth century and many other Irish missionaries in the fifth.

which began with the arrival of Saint Patrick in the fourth century and many other Irish missionaries in the fifth.

Mr. Damir commented that his mother's declining health has made it particularly challenging to care for in her own home. (her) ... challenging to care her for in her own home. ... challenging to care for her in her own home. Both choices are correct.

... challenging to care for her in her own home.

IT technicians will be updating our systems tonight; employees are advised to save and close all files and back up before leaving. (them) Both choices are correct. ... close all files and back them up before leaving. ... close all files and back up them before leaving.

... close all files and back them up before leaving.

Our current mayor will almost certainly be reelected. She is so popular with both voters and the business community that no one has stepped forward to run against. (her) Both choices are correct. ... no one has stepped forward to run against her. ... no one has stepped forward to run her against.

... no one has stepped forward to run against her.

Many indigenous groups have filed lawsuits to oblige museums to give back that the groups say rightfully belong to them. (artifacts) ... oblige museums to give back artifacts that the groups say... Both choices are correct. ... oblige museums to give artifacts back that the groups say...

... oblige museums to give back artifacts that the groups say...

It's possible that opposing counsel will mention Mr. Evans's traffic ticket, but we don't want to bring up ourselves. (it) Both choices are correct. ... we don't want to bring up it ourselves. ... we don't want to bring it up ourselves.

... we don't want to bring it up ourselves.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Before he formed his own distinctively brass band, John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) made the Marine band's marches sound good for many years. 1. Before he formed his own distinctive brass band, John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) made the Marine band's marches sound good for many years. 2. Before he formed his own distinctively brass band, John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) made the Marine band's marches sound well for many years. 3. No change

1. Before he formed his own distinctive brass band, John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) made the Marine band's marches sound good for many years.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Artistry crept into photography when nineteenth-century photographers careful manipulated lighting to achieve a particularly effect. 1. Artistry crept into photography when nineteenth-century photographers carefully manipulated lighting to achieve a particular effect. 2. Artistry crept into photography when nineteenth-century photographers careful manipulated lighting to achieve a particular effect. 3. No change

Artistry crept into photography when nineteenth-century photographers carefully manipulated lighting to achieve a particular effect.

Before the civil rights movement of the 1960s ended, Martin Luther King Jr. and John and Robert Kennedy are murdered. Before the civil rights movement of the 1960s ended, Martin Luther King Jr. and John and Robert Kennedy had been murdered. No change Before the civil rights movement of the 1960s ends, Martin Luther King Jr. and John and Robert Kennedy were murdered.

Before the civil rights movement of the 1960s ends, Martin Luther King Jr. and John and Robert Kennedy were murdered.

A phrasal verb is made up of more than one word—usually a verb and a preposition. The following item contains a phrasal verb, marked in bold type, and is followed by a possible object in parentheses. Choose the answer option that places the object correctly; if both are acceptable, choose Both choices are correct.Auto dealers are so anxious to boost sales that they are allowing buyers to spread out over eight years with no additional interest. (their payments) Both choices are correct. ... allowing buyers to spread their payments out over eight years ... ... allowing buyers to spread out their payments over eight years ...

Both choices are correct.

By the end of tomorrow's race, Annie has run more than forty miles 1. By the end of tomorrow's race, Annie will run more than forty miles. 2. No change 3. By the end of tomorrow's race, Annie will have run more than forty miles.

By the end of tomorrow's race, Annie will have run more than forty miles.

I can't decide whether to sign up for a class ____ yoga or ____ swimming. I can't decide whether to sign up for a class in yoga or in swimming. I can't decide whether to sign up for a class on yoga or in swimming. I can't decide whether to sign up for a class on yoga or on swimming.

I can't decide whether to sign up for a class in yoga or in swimming.

If I take the swimming class, I could meet Marco afterward ____ Café Java ____ Locust Street. If I take the swimming class, I could meet Marco afterward in Café Java at Locust Street. If I take the swimming class, I could meet Marco afterward at Café Java on Locust Street. If I take the swimming class, I could meet Marco afterward in Café Java in Locust Street.

If I take the swimming class, I could meet Marco afterward at Café Java on Locust Street.

Samantha phoned her brother. She explains that she needs to postpone her trip to visit him, and she asks if she can arrive later in the month. No change Samantha phoned her brother. She is explaining that she needs to postpone her trip to visit him, and she is asking if she can arrive later in the month. Samantha phoned her brother. She explained that she needed to postpone her trip to visit him, and she asked if she could arrive later in the month.

Samantha phoned her brother. She explained that she needed to postpone her trip to visit him, and she asked if she could arrive later in the month.

Solve the following by selecting the answer choice that best corrects the underlined portion of the original sentence. For Identifying Sentence Errors questions, mark the correct statement that corrects the underlined word or phrase which is grammatically incorrect. The baseball team who I follow just signed a multi-million dollar contract with the best home run hitter since Mark McGwire.

The baseball team who I am following just

The swimming class meets ___ 5:30 ____ the evening, so I could go after work. The swimming class meets on 5:30 in the evening, so I could go after work. The swimming class meets on 5:30 at the evening, so I could go after work. The swimming class meets at 5:30 in the evening, so I could go after work.

The swimming class meets at 5:30 in the evening, so I could go after work.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Scott Joplin (1868-1917) syncopated the traditional march beat to create the energetically music of ragtime. 1. Scott Joplin (1868-1917) syncopated the traditional march beat to create the energetic music of ragtime. 2.Scott Joplin (1868-1917) syncopated the traditionally march beat to create the energetically music of ragtime. 3. No change

1. Scott Joplin (1868-1917) syncopated the traditional march beat to create the energetic music of ragtime.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.From 1900 to 1925, ragtime composers wrote furious, creating over a thousand tunes and a good situation for music publishers. 1. From 1900 to 1925, ragtime composers wrote furiously, creating over a thousand tunes and a good situation for music publishers. 2. No change 3. From 1900 to 1925, ragtime composers wrote furious, creating over a thousand tunes and a well situation for music publishers.

From 1900 to 1925, ragtime composers wrote furiously, creating over a thousand tunes and a good situation for music publishers.

Our friends were calling to announce their engagement and to say they have picked May 19 as their wedding date. 1. Our friends are calling to announce their engagement and to say they pick May 19 as their wedding date. 2.No change 3. Our friends were calling to announce their engagement and to say they will have picked May 19 as their wedding date.

No change

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Some artists evenly introduced props to suggest their subjects' inner character. 1.Some artists even introduced props to suggest their subjects' inner character. 2.Some artists evenly introduced props to suggest their subjects' inside character. 3. No change

Some artists even introduced props to suggest their subjects' inner character.

The poetry of Robert Frost, of Emily Dickinson, and the music of Willie Nelson are some of my favorite things. No change Robert Frost's poetry, Emily Dickinson's poetry, and hearing Willie Nelson's music are some of my favorite things. The poetry of Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson and the music of Willie Nelson are some of my favorite things.

The poetry of Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson and the music of Willie Nelson are some of my favorite things.

The qualities of friendship include being a good listener, an honest opinion, and a sense of humor. No change The qualities of friendship include being a good listener, honesty, and having a sense of humor. The qualities of friendship include being a good listener, giving an honest opinion, and having a sense of humor.

The qualities of friendship include being a good listener, giving an honest opinion, and having a sense of humor.

Who ______ Charles Dickens's novella A Christmas Carol into a play?


During this period of shortages, the stores are opening between daybreak, and they are usually sold out for two hours. during; at at; in No change

at; in

The tombs of Jonathan Swift, the well-known author of Gulliver's Travels, and his beloved "Stella" attracts many visitors will attract attract attracted No revision is necessary.


Under the new city ordinance that went into effect last week, tenants ______ deduct the cost of many kinds of repairs from their rent as long as they submit valid receipts for the work. could might can


Solve the following by selecting the answer choice that best corrects the underlined portion of the original sentence. For Identifying Sentence Errors questions, mark the correct statement that corrects the underlined word or phrase which is grammatically incorrect. While the definition of Generation X is hotly debated concerning the age ranges of its members, culturists generally agree that they describe a group of self-focused adults

is hotly debated concerning the age ranges of its members, culturists generally agree that it describes

The only one of the prom dresses that _______ good on me is the beautiful lavender one. looks look


Although older bills maintain their value, they are withdrawn from circulation as they wear out, and they have then been shredded at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Although the value of older bills is still maintained, various banks withdraw them from circulation as they wear out and sent them to be shredded at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. No revision is necessary. Although older bills maintain their value, they have been withdrawn from circulation as they wear out, and they will then be shredded at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Although older bills maintain their value, they are withdrawn from circulation as they wear out and are then shredded at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Although older bills maintain their value, they are withdrawn from circulation as they wear out and are then shredded at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

However, he actually lip-synched the number. actuality actual quite actually No revision is necessary.

No revision is necessary.

How many _____ must you meet for admission to graduate school?


Select the correct pronoun to complete the statement: Give the materials to Mrs. Davis and (she, her, herself) as soon as possible


Although the pharmacist promised at 12:30 that the prescription would be done for an hour, Mr. Maxwell's son got to the pharmacy in 2:00, and it still wasn't ready. by; for in; at No change

in; at

From his speech, we can _____ that the governor intends to seek the nomination.


In 2003, the first redesigned U.S. paper currency, the $20 bill, was issued by the U.S. government. No revision is necessary. The first redesigned U.S. paper currency, the $20 bill, is issued by the U.S. government in 2003. In 2003, the first redesigned U.S. paper currency, the $20 bill, is issued by the U.S. government. In 2003, the U.S. government issued the first redesigned U.S. paper currency, the $20 bill.

In 2003, the U.S. government issued the first redesigned U.S. paper currency, the $20 bill.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Other photographers, such as Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956), thought differently; they believed it was fine to create images artificially as some painters did. 1. Other photographers, such as Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956), thought different; they believed it was fine to create images artificial as some painters did. 2. Other photographers, such as Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956), thought differently; they believed it was fine to create images artificial as some painters did. 3. No change

No change

Pavarotti tragically died of pancreatic cancer in 2007 at the age of seventy-one. most tragically quite tragically No revision is necessary. very tragically

No revision is necessary.

Whom have the sportswriters _______ most recently for the Baseball Hall of Fame?


Paul Krugman, a newspaper columnist and a professor of economics, _______ complex concepts such as the connection between deregulation and prices. clarifies clarify


Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.The movie had a great plot and good acting; I would have liked it much better if it had _______ car chases.


One of the contemporary novels that _______ affected me is Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner. has have


The prom committee _______ arguing for months about location, food, and décor have been has been

have been

Automobiles began to outnumber horses on the city streets near the 1920s, and at 1940, very few horse-drawn vehicles could be seen. No change during; with in; by

in; by

Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.How _______ apples are in that box?


It ______ take a little getting used to, but the new operating system has many worthwhile features and improvements. should must may


Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.We don't want the cake to be too sweet, so don't add very _______ sugar.


None of the assignments from Professor Blakely _______ that difficult. seems seem


According to my instructor, neither the novels of John Grisham nor James Patterson are of high literary quality, but I enjoy them nevertheless. According to my instructor, neither the novels of John Grisham nor James Patterson's books are of high literary quality, but I enjoy them nevertheless. According to my instructor, neither the novels of John Grisham nor those of James Patterson are of high literary quality, but I enjoy them nevertheless. No change

According to my instructor, neither the novels of John Grisham nor those of James Patterson are of high literary quality, but I enjoy them nevertheless.

A phrasal verb is made up of more than one word—usually a verb and a preposition. The following item contains a phrasal verb, marked in bold type, and is followed by a possible object in parentheses. Choose the answer option that places the object correctly; if both are acceptable, choose Both choices are correct.Both doctors concur that the rash is probably not a cause for alarm, but they want to do a test in order to rule out. (measles) ... do a test in order to rule out measles. ... do a test in order to rule measles out. Both choices are correct.

Both choices are correct.

If a guest was to visit the bureau, he or she would be able to purchase various souvenirs containing shredded money. If someone was to visit the Bureau, he or she would be able to purchase various souvenirs containing shredded money. If a guest were to visit the Bureau, he or she would be able to purchase various souvenirs containing shredded money. If anyone was to visit the Bureau, he or she would be able to purchase various souvenirs containing shredded money. No revision is necessary.

If a guest were to visit the Bureau, he or she would be able to purchase various souvenirs containing shredded money.

If a person was to look at any redesigned bill, he or she would notice three major features. No revision is necessary. If a person were to look at any redesigned bill, he or she would notice three major features. If one was to look at any redesigned bill, I would notice three major features. If anyone was to look at any redesigned bill, you would notice three major features.

If a person were to look at any redesigned bill, he or she would notice three major features.

From a close reading of Shakespearean texts _______ Stephen Greenblatt's speculation about the playwright's life. come comes


Before a serious knee injury ended her track career, Mila ______ run the 400-meter sprint in under 50 seconds.


Jack prefers living in the Rockies to the East Coast. Jack prefers the Rockies to life on the East Coast. No change Jack prefers living in the Rockies to living on the East Coast.

Jack prefers living in the Rockies to living on the East Coast.

It's unlikely that you'll find a(n) _____ judge in that liberal community.


In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Scott Joplin's sheet music for "Maple Leaf Rag" sold quickly, which probably made Joplin feel good. 1.Scott Joplin's sheet music for "Maple Leaf Rag" sold quickly, which probably made Joplin feel well. 2.No change 3.Scott Joplin's sheet music for "Maple Leaf Rag" sold quick, which probably made Joplin feel good.

No change

While researching Edgar Allan Poe, I discovered that it was important not only to analyze the plots of his famous short stories but the details of his personal life. While researching Edgar Allan Poe, I discovered that it was important to analyze not only the plots of his famous short stories but to look at the details of his personal life. While researching Edgar Allan Poe, I discovered that it was important to analyze not only the plots of his famous short stories but also the details of his personal life. No change

While researching Edgar Allan Poe, I discovered that it was important to analyze not only the plots of his famous short stories but also the details of his personal life.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.American music from 1900 to 1950 was notably for its harmony and melody, which served the public well. American music from 1900 to 1950 was notable for its harmony and melody, which served the public good. American music from 1900 to 1950 was notable for its harmony and melody, which served the public well. No chang

American music from 1900 to 1950 was notable for its harmony and melody, which served the public well.

St. Patrick's is both a church offering daily worship services and a site that documents and embodies the heritage of the Irish people. had been No revision is necessary. are was

No revision is necessary.

Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.New presidents and their families bring many personal items to Washington, but _______ of the furniture in the White House has historical importance and stays in place from one administration to the next.


Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.The administration assured us that the tuition cuts would make a lot of difference, but they really haven't saved us _______ money.


In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.As far as we can tell, Gershwin never composed music bad. His many works, including "I Got Rhythm," Rhapsody in Blue, and Porgy and Bess, are imprinted indelibly on our musical heritage. 1. As far as we can tell, Gershwin never composed music badly. His many works, including "I Got Rhythm," Rhapsody in Blue, and Porgy and Bess, are imprinted indelible on our musical heritage. 2. No change 3.As far as we can tell, Gershwin never composed music badly. His many works, including "I Got Rhythm," Rhapsody in Blue, and Porgy and Bess, are imprinted indelibly on our musical heritage.

As far as we can tell, Gershwin never composed music badly. His many works, including "I Got Rhythm," Rhapsody in Blue, and Porgy and Bess, are imprinted indelibly on our musical heritage.

Derek was thinking about whether he will go to graduate school next year or whether he is getting a job. Derek is thinking about whether he will go to graduate school next year or whether he has gotten a job. Derek is thinking about whether he will go to graduate school next year or whether he will get a job. No change

Derek is thinking about whether he will go to graduate school next year or whether he will get a job.

A security thread is embedded in the paper by the designers to help prevent counterfeiting. No revision is necessary. A security thread was embedded in the paper by the designers to help prevent counterfeiting. Designers have embedded a security thread in the paper to help prevent counterfeiting. A security thread embedded in the paper by the designers to help prevent counterfeiting.

Designers have embedded a security thread in the paper to help prevent counterfeiting.

Donna told her teenaged son, "From now until the end of the school year, there were consequences for your disrespectful behavior." 1. Donna told her teenaged son, "From now until the end of the school year, there will be consequences for your disrespectful behavior." 2.Donna told her teenaged son, "From now until the end of the school year, I was giving you consequences for your disrespectful behavior." 3.No change

Donna told her teenaged son, "From now until the end of the school year, there will be consequences for your disrespectful behavior."

I admired the doctor in charge of the case and who stayed with us as my grandfather took his last breaths. No change I admired the doctor who was in charge of the case and the fact that he I admired the doctor who was in charge of the case and who stayed with us as my grandfather took his last breaths.

I admired the doctor who was in charge of the case and who stayed with us as my grandfather took his last breaths.

In the first chapter of the novel Forgetfulness by Ward Just, a Frenchwoman takes a walk in the mountains outside a French village. After she tripped and hurt her foot, she implored four foreigners who crossed her path to carry her home. They complied for a while, but then they murdered her. 1. In the first chapter of the novel Forgetfulness by Ward Just, a Frenchwoman had taken a walk in the mountains outside a French village. After she has tripped and hurt her foot, she implores four foreigners who cross her path to carry her home. They complied for a while, but then they murdered her. 2. In the first chapter of the novel Forgetfulness by Ward Just, a Frenchwoman takes a walk in the mountains outside a French village. After she trips and hurts her foot, she implores four foreigners who have crossed her path to carry her home. They comply for a while, but then they murder her. 3.No change

In the first chapter of the novel Forgetfulness by Ward Just, a Frenchwoman takes a walk in the mountains outside a French village. After she trips and hurts her foot, she implores four foreigners who have crossed her path to carry her home. They comply for a while, but then they murder her.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.It is well to remember that Irving Berlin will live on endless in American culture because of songs such as "White Christmas" and "God Bless America." 1. It is good to remember that Irving Berlin will live on endlessly in American culture because of songs such as "White Christmas" and "God Bless America." 2. No change 3. It is good to remember that Irving Berlin will live on endless in American culture because of songs such as "White Christmas" and "God Bless America."

It is good to remember that Irving Berlin will live on endlessly in American culture because of songs such as "White Christmas" and "God Bless America."

Maybe I will take the YMCA swimming class but practice yoga ____ home, especially ____ Sundays. Maybe I will take the YMCA swimming class but practice yoga in home, especially on Sundays. Maybe I will take the YMCA swimming class but practice yoga at home, especially on Sundays. Maybe I will take the YMCA swimming class but practice yoga at home, especially in Sundays.

Maybe I will take the YMCA swimming class but practice yoga at home, especially on Sundays.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Naturally, some composers of the early twentieth century wrote bad; an Irving Berlin or George Gershwin doesn't come along every day. 1. Naturally, some composers of the early twentieth century wrote badly; an Irving Berlin or George Gershwin doesn't come along every day. 2. No change 3. Natural, some composers of the early twentieth century wrote bad; an Irving Berlin or George Gershwin doesn't come along every day.

Naturally, some composers of the early twentieth century wrote badly; an Irving Berlin or George Gershwin doesn't come along every day.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.George Gershwin (1898-1937) learned to play the piano fortuitously because his parents had bought the piano originally for George's older brother Ira. 1. George Gershwin (1898-1937) learned to play the piano fortuitously because his parents had bought the piano original for George's older brother Ira. 2. No change 3. George Gershwin (1898-1937) learned to play the piano fortuitous because his parents had bought the piano originally for George's older brother Ira.

No change

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.In the West, photographers took pictures showing that the mountainous landscape looked nearly as good as they had claimed. 1. In the West, photographers took pictures showing that the mountain landscape looked near as good as they had claimed. 2. No change 3. In the West, photographers took pictures showing that the mountain landscape looked nearly as good as they had claimed.

No change

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Irving Berlin (1888-1989) made an extremely significant contribution, working continuously on popular songs and Broadway musicals. 1.Irving Berlin (1888-1989) made an extreme significant contribution, working continuously on popular songs and Broadway musicals. 2.No change 3..Irving Berlin (1888-1989) made an extremely significant contribution, working continuous on popular songs and Broadway musicals.

No change

What would you rather do tonight—go to that new movie we wanted to see, get tickets for the rock concert on campus, or just stay home and watch television? What would you rather do tonight—go to that new movie we wanted to see, the rock concert on campus, or just stay home and watch television? What would you rather do tonight—go to that new movie, the rock concert on campus, or watch television? No change

No change

The third security measure that has been incorporated is the watermark. The third security measure that will have been incorporated is the watermark. No revision is necessary. The third security measure that will be incorporated is the watermark. The third security measure that was being incorporated is the watermark.

No revision is necessary.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Some photographers, such as Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946), held strong to the belief that photographs should not try to look like paintings, which they certainly were not. 1. Some photographers, such as Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946), held strongly to the belief that photographs should not try to look like paintings, which they certainly were not. 2. Some photographers, such as Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946), held strongly to the belief that photographs should not try to look like paintings, which they certain were not. 3. No change

Some photographers, such as Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946), held strongly to the belief that photographs should not try to look like paintings, which they certainly were not.

In the following sentence, one or both of the underlined adjectives and adverbs are in the wrong form. Select the answer option that shows the two correct forms; or, if the underlined words are both correct, select No change.Toward the end of the 1800s, people began to debate strenuously whether photography should be judged technical or as art in its own right. 1.Toward the end of the 1800s, people began to debate strenuously whether photography should be judged technically or as art in its own right. 2.Toward the end of the 1800s, people began to debate strenuous whether photography should be judged technical or as art in its own right. 3.No change

Toward the end of the 1800s, people began to debate strenuously whether photography should be judged technically or as art in its own right.

Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.Only a _______ students rode their bikes to school today.


Select the appropriate answer based on whether the noun in the context is classified as a count noun or a noncount noun. Count nouns name things that can be counted, such as dogs, houses, people; use few, fewer, and many for count nouns. Noncount nouns name abstract items (respect, curiosity), liquids, and masses that cannot be measured with numbers (milk, sand, rice); use less, little, and much with noncount nouns.The candidate is very popular with both younger and older men, but his campaign manager is afraid that not _______ women voters will support him.


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