english I module two

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Example - In the 21st century, with an intensely competitive consumer market, advertisers increasingly used digital technology to call greater attention to products. In 2009, for example, the world's first video advertisements to be embedded in a print publication appeared in Entertainment Weekly magazine. The thin battery-powered screen implanted in the page could store up to 40 minutes of video via chip technology and automatically began to play when the reader opened the page.

Direct Quotation - One example of an increased use in technology for advertising purposes was the "battery-powered screen implanted in the page" which "could store up to 40 minutes of video." Summary- The 21st century brought much competition in advertising, so advertisers began using digital technology for greater effect. Paraphrase - Video advertisements began being used in printed magazines in the 21st century in order to bring more attention to advertised products.


Emotional appeal; typically positive Examples - "These shoes will make your feet happier!" "Look how thrilling it would be to drive THIS car!" "Eating our burgers will make you happy." "Think of how safe you will feel buying insurance from us!" Emotional Appeal Positive Images or Feelings Negative Images or Feelings


Establish credibility for the product Examples- Celebrity-endorsed products "Serving Burgers Since 1922" "9 out of 10 Dentists Recommend..." Establish Credibility Professional or Expert Opinions Celebrity Endorsements

Drafting an outline for your essay?

OUTLINE Title: Thesis Statement: I: A. B. II. A. B. 1. 2. III. A. 1. 2. B. C.

DRAFTING AN OUTLINE FOR YOUR ESSAY Here's what you need to know: As you write your outline, think of it as the skeleton of your essay. This skeleton represents only the basic ideas of what will be added to the body of the essay. When you write the essay, you're building the body of the essay around the ideas. SLIDE 2 As you write your outline, think of it as the blueprint of your essay. This blueprint represents only the basic ideas of what will be added to the body of the essay. Just like a builder uses the blueprint from the architect to build a home; when you write an essay, you're building the body of the essay around your ideas. Think of the outline as the "blueprint" for your essay. SLIDE 3 So, what should your outline look like? When you write an outline for a formal academic essay, there are certain items you should definitely include. First, include a title for your essay. Remember, you can always change this title later, but be sure to include one for now. Be sure to center your title and capitalize each important word within the title, like this: Are Newspapers Dying Out?

SLIDE 4 Second, your thesis statement should be listed just below the title. Your thesis statement should be labeled and aligned with the left margin of the page, like this: Thesis Statement: Due to the increasing popularity of online information sources, newspapers are dying out and will soon cease to exist. SLIDE 5 Once you have a thesis in place, think of the main ideas you would like to focus on and add them to your outline using Roman numerals as labels, like this: Online information sources are more popular than ever Few people purchase newspapers anymore Society no longer needs newspapers SLIDE 6 Now that your main ideas have been planned, add some ideas for details and examples you want to include in the essay. Use capital letters to label the details and examples as you add them to your outline, like this: Online information sources are more popular than ever Search engines make finding information easy and simple Local newspapers also publish all content online Electronic devices are widely available Few people purchase newspapers anymore Advertisers will not pay to advertise as much as they did when paper was popular Extreme couponers stock up on newspapers only once per week Using too much paper may be bad for the environment Society no longer needs newspapers Long ago, newspapers were the only way to get information Since there is no need, they will stop being produced Most people already find their news from other sources SLIDE 7 Are you finished? Well, depending on the requirements of your assignment, your outline might be complete now. However, it is a good idea and it may be required sometimes, that you take the outline to the next level by adding ideas for minor details. If you will add the minor details, do so by using numerals listed below the corresponding capital letter ideas, like this: Online information sources are more popular than ever Search engines make finding information easy and simple Google Yahoo Bing Local newspapers also publish all content online Electronic devices are widely available Personal computers/laptops Portable tablets Smart phones and other devices SLIDE 8 How much is too much? In general, each Roman numeral represents the ideas you will include in a single paragraph. So, if you are asked to write a multi-paragraph essay, your outline should include at least three Roman numerals, or main ideas, but typically no more than five or six main ideas.

Pieces of the thesis

THESIS EXAMPLE If you were writing an essay to persuade your parents to extend your curfew, your thesis statement might be similar to this: Because I have proven to be a responsible young adult by keeping my grades up at school, and because I have shown maturity in the ways in which I relate to my peers, you should reward my excellent behavior with a two-hour extension of my curfew. PIECES OF THE THESIS FIRST PIECE Because I have proven to be a responsible young adult by keeping my grades up at school, and because I have shown maturity in the ways in which I relate to my peers, you should reward my excellent behavior with a two-hour extension of my curfew. This first piece of the statement would become the topic sentence of the first body paragraph in your essay. SECOND PIECE Because I have proven to be a responsible young adult by keeping my grades up at school, and because I have shown maturity in the ways in which I relate to my peers, you should reward my excellent behavior with a two-hour extension of my curfew. This second piece of the thesis would become the topic sentence of the second body paragraph in your essay. FINAL PIECE Because I have proven to be a respon sible young adult by keeping my grades up at school, and because I have shown maturity in the ways in which I relate to my peers, you should reward my excellent behavior with a two-hour extension of my curfew. This final piece of the thesis would become the topic sentence of your third body paragraph. THESIS TIPS TO REMEMBER BE SPECIFIC If a reader were to only read your thesis statement, he or she should know what your entire essay is about. FOCUS ON PURPOSE If you intend to persuade, be sure your thesis is persuasive. Likewise, if the purpose of your essay is to tell a story, be sure that your thesis is narrative.

What is a thesis statement?

The term thesis statement can be frightening, but it does not have to be. Thesis statements help the writer to stay organized without running off into different areas other than the one the writer proposes. -This is a one-sentence summary of the essay you are writing. -As you write, your thesis statement should be presented within your introductory paragraph. -This statement forms the "foundation" of your essay. -All other ideas in your essay must be related to the thesis statement.

Example Article:

Title: The Kindle Shakes Up Publishing Thesis Statement: However, with the introduction of the Kindle, tensions began to build between publishers and Amazon.com. I: In 2007 Amazon.com began to sell its own Kindle e-readers, which helped energize the e-book market. A. In 2011 the company introduced a related low-cost tablet computer, the Kindle Fire, B. and by 2012, the Kindle Fire was estimated to constitute 50 percent of the tablets sold that used Google's Android mobile operating system. II. After its first full year of selling books in 1996, book publishers praised the new service as a great way to help them clear their backlists of slow-selling books. A. The company wanted to sell new e-books for a fixed price, well below what new printed books sold for, prompting many complaints from the publishing industry. B. By 2010 the rift between book publishers and Amazon.com over the price of e-books had grown. 1. The publishing company Macmillan Books threatened to pull its e-books from Amazon.com, 2. which retaliated by removing all Macmillan books, both printed and electronic, from the site. III. However, within weeks, Amazon.com capitulated and allowed Macmillan and other publishers to set prices of e-books. In 2009 the company introduced its first publishing line, AmazonEncore, dedicated to popular self-published and out-of-print books. A. It also let individuals publish their own e-books. 1. In 2011 its e-book ambitions led to the launch of Amazon Publishing with the intent to develop and publish its own titles. 2. That year Amazon.com announced that Kindle e-books were outselling all printed books. B. While many book publishers continue to derive significant revenue through sales at Amazon.com, the company is no longer considered by publishers merely as another bookseller. C. It is now also a major competitor in their industry.


Useful product information Examples- What does it do? How does it work? What do you do with it? Useful Information Benefits of Use Logical and Straightforward

Citation and Summary

Why Cite? You need to borrow someone else's words or ideas and you must avoid plagiarism. In order to avoid plagiarism, you must "cite" your sources. In other words, you must give credit to the original writer or speaker of the material you are borrowing. Three ways to cite textual evidence 1. summary (use your own words to explain the main ideas of the material you are borrowing.) 2. paraphrase (use your own words to retell the ideas.) 3. direct quotation (use the exact words from the source to explain you own point. Use quotation marks to indicate the exact words from the original source.)

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