Which of the following makes best use of a signal phrase and parenthetical citation?
Hira Bhagtani writes, "The initial results of the new medication are positive" (637).
Looking closely at the details, select the answer that properly cites lines from a poem.
In "How Do I Love Thee?" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, she expresses the fullness of her love in lines like: "I love thee with a love I seemed to lose / With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, / Smiles, tears, of all my life" (11-13).
"If there is anything to conquer, then, it is no longer a mythical and national territory but a human territory" (Agosto). Student's Attempt to Paraphrase: Agosto explains that in Hemingway's fiction, if there is anything to be defeated, it is no longer a pretend or single country's space but a human space.
contains plagiarism
Looking closely at the details, select the answer that properly cites lines from a poem. 2
"I wander'd lonely as a cloud / That floats on high o'er vales and hills" (Wordsworth 1-2).
In MLA format, the entries on a Works Cited page are
Using a quotation in your research paper requires
an introduction of the quotation proper documentation of the quotation an explanation of the quotation
Before using material from the Internet, one should check to see if the teacher allows it, if it is dated, and if the author or organization is listed.
In MLA format, what pieces of information for an article from a magazine do you need to list on the Works Cited page?
author, title of article, publication, publication date, pages
"Common knowledge" refers to facts or quotations not requiring documentation because the information is on the Internet.
In MLA format, how should the following parenthetical citation for a selection from an anthology appear if you do not list the author's name to introduce your quotation?
(Prothrow-Stith 15).
Which one of the following must you do when paraphrasing from a passage?
Restate the content in your own words. Indicate any exact wording in quotation marks. Clearly identify your sources.
"Common knowledge" refers to facts or quotations not requiring documentation because the information is on the Internet.
"Integrating quotations" is just another way to refer to documentation.
In MLA format, which one of the following entries in your Works Cited would be correct for a journal article from a database?
King, Kimball. "The Elusive Tennessee." Southern Literary Journal 34.1 (2001): 254. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 May 2009.
The second step to integrate a quotation is to reference the source on your Works Cited.
Other research shows that "children watch an average of three to five hours of television a day. (Faleen and Brown 6)"
Match the following term to its example. A. " " B. ( ) C. ... D. [ ] E. /
A - 4 B - 3 C - 1 D - 2 E - 5
You have to find out how to cite an Internet source on the Works Cited page. You are not sure if it is a simple web page or one that is from an organization whose name is not listed. What should you do?
ask your teacher read what The Brief Handbook says about web pages read what Research Strategies for a Digital Age says about these sources
In MLA format, which one of the following entries on your Works Cited would be correct for a journal article from the library database?
Bracey, Gerald W. "The Success of Single-Sex Education is Still Unproven." The Education Digest 5.4 (2007): 22-26. Education Research Complete. Web. 21 Mar. 2009
In MLA format, which one of the following entries in your Works Cited would be correct for an online journal article?
Miles, Felix. "'Where are the Nurses?': Women's Urgent Roles in Battle." The Civil War 91 (2007): 46. N.p. Web. 12 May 2009. <www.clarabarton.org/nurses>.
Which one of the following must you do when paraphrasing from a passage?
Restate the content in your own words and reorder the syntax. Indicate any exact wording in quotation marks. Clearly identify your sources.
In MLA format, a Works Cited entry for a book written by a single author would like one of the following:
Spadoni, Carla. A History of the Vote. Boston: Penguin, 2002. Print.
In MLA format, a Works Cited entry for a book by a single author would like one of the following:
Steinbeck, John. Cannery Row. Boston: Penguin, 1945. Print.
In MLA format, what pieces of information for a book written by a single author do you need to list on the Works Cited page?
author, title of book, place of publication, publisher, copyright date
Research claims that "10% of parents watch evening television with their children" (Childs 12).
In MLA format, how is a book with single author listed on the Works Cited page?
the author's last name is first
When you write the MLA entry for a selection from an anthology, you must include
the editor the author of the selection the page numbers of the selection within the anthology
During the competition for the title of Miss America 1961, five finalists were given two questions to answer. First they were asked what they would do if "you were walking down the runway in the swimsuit competition, and a hell come off one of your shoes?" The second question, however, was a bit more esoteric: "Are American women usurping males in the world, and are they too dominant?" Taken from p. 281 of the essay "Pink Think" by Lynn Peril, published in Everything's an Argument (edited by Andrea Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters) on pp. 280-283.
"During the competition for the title of Miss America 1961, five finalists were given two questions to answer."
Looking closely at the details, select the answer that properly cites lines from the Bible. 2
"Remember that the person who plants few seeds will have a small crop; the one who plants many seeds will have a large crop" (The Good News Bible, 2 Cor. 9.6).
In MLA format, how should the following parenthetical citation for the newspaper article, "Decorating on a Dime," appear if the article does not have an author and you do not use a signal phrase?
("Decorating on a Dime" C7)
In MLA format, how should the following parenthetical documentation for the newspaper article, "Decorating on a Dime," appear if the article does not have an author and you do not use a signal phrase?
("Decorating on a Dime" C7)
In MLA format, how should the following parenthetical documentation for the newspaper article, "Ways to Save for College," appear if the article does not have an author and you do not use a signal phrase?
("Ways to Save" C4)
In MLA format, how should the following parenthetical documentation for a single book appear?
(Carter 23)
In MLA format, which one of the following entries in your Works Cited would be correct for an article from a journal?
Berzak, Dana. "Home Remedies for a Sore Throat." Journal of Alternative Medicines 54 (2008): 187-190. Print.
During the competition for the title of Miss America 1961, five finalists were given two questions to answer. First they were asked what they would do if "you were walking down the runway in the swimsuit competition, and a hell come off one of your shoes?" The second question, however, was a bit more esoteric: "Are American women usurping males in the world, and are they too dominant?" Taken from p. 281 of the essay "Pink Think" by Lynn Peril, published in Everything's an Argument (edited by Andrea Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters) on pp. 280-283. Which one of the following correctly quotes the first sentence of the passage in MLA format?
Lynn Peril writes, "During the competition for the title of Miss America 1961, five finalists were given two questions to answer" (281).
Which one of the following entries in your Works Cited would be correct for an online journal article according to MLA format?
Stellacio, James. "The Art of the Iris." Glassblowing. 24.1 (2009): 164-175. Traditional Arts Alliance. Web. 2 Mar. 2009. <http://www.taa.org/glassblowing/flowers/iris.html>.
There are four basic steps to integrate a quotation into your essay.
In MLA format, which one of the following entries on your Works Cited would be correct for an e book on the web?
Williams, Tennessee. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. New York: New Directions, 1957. Google Book Search. Google. Web. 30 Aug. 2009. <http://books.google.com/books?id=c3EU9dfGo7IC&dq=cat+on+a+hot+tin+roof+Tennessee+Williams>.
"Children watch an average of three to five hours of television a day" (Rana Faleen and Martin Brown 6).
"The idea of nature in American literature has thus evolved from a dangerous wilderness to be repressed to an optimistic version of a rich and promising nature" (Agosto). Student's Attempt to Paraphrase: The concept of the environment in United States' literature has changed from a scary wilderness to be fought back to a hopeful version of a rich and optimistic environment (Agosto).
contains plagiarism
In MLA documentation, to signify a quotation within a quotation, writers must
use single quotation marks: "Joy would hear her mother call, 'Come on in,' and then they would talk for a while" (O'Connor 237).
You may never shorten an exact quotation.
You find an excellent quote in a medical journal to support your argument paper on the dangers of anorexia. The quotation you want to cite seems to be too long so you
paraphrase it, give an identification tag as to who said it, put the page number in the parentheses and include an entry on your Works Cited
Which of the following pieces of information would NOT need to be documented in an essay?
Men can usually lose weight more quickly than women.
During the competition for the title of Miss America 1961, five finalists were given two questions to answer. First they were asked what they would do if "you were walking down the runway in the swimsuit competition, and a hell come off one of your shoes?" The second question, however, was a bit more esoteric: "Are American women usurping males in the world, and are they too dominant?" Taken from p. 281 of the essay "Pink Think" by Lynn Peril, published in Everything's an Argument (edited by Andrea Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters) on pp. 280-283. In MLA documentation, which one of the following would be the correct Works Cited entry for this passage that is from an anthology?
Peril, Lynn. "Pink Think." Everything's an Argument. 5th ed. Ed. Andrea Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. 280-283. Print
Which one of the following entries in your Works Cited would be correct for an article from a print journal according to MLA format?
Shumaker, Conrad. "'Too Terribly Good to be Printed': Charlotte Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper'." American Literature. 37.3(1985): 99-127. Print.
Which one of the following entries on your Works Cited page would be correct for a book according to MLA format?
Shumaker, Conrad. American Literature. Charlotte, NC: Duke UP, 1985. Print.
Which one of the following entries on your Works Cited page would be correct for a selection from an anthology according to MLA format?
Stellacio, James. "The Art of the Iris." Glassblowing. Ed. Rose Turner. New York: Random House, 2009. 164-175. Print
Which of the following correctly describes what a writer should do with a quotation of prose that is longer than four lines?
The writer should indent the quotation, take off the quotation marks, and put the period before the parenthetical notation.
In MLA format, how should the parenthetical citation for a book written by two authors appear?
(Bleu and Li 256)
Paraphrased plagiarism means that a student failed to give any credit to the source used.
You may never shorten an exact quotation.
"The subject matter of the story easily lends itself to being interpreted as a quest of the vital and regenerative forces of nature" (Agosto). Student's Attempt to Paraphrase: Agosto explains that Hemingway's "Big Two-Hearted River" can be read as extolling the natural world's healing qualities, a remedy that is continually sought by readers.
documented without plagiarism
In MLA documentation, to signify a quotation within a quotation, writers must 2
use single quotation marks: "'I don't know,' Al said. 'I don't know what I want to eat'" (Hemingway 21).
Looking closely at the details, select the answer that properly cites lines from the Bible.
"Human desires are like the world of the dead—there is always room for more" (The Good News Bible, Prov. 27.20).
Looking closely at the details, select the answer that properly cites lines from a play.
In Seven Guitars, August Wilson's Vera resists Floyd's attempts to win her back at first, reminding him of how he left with another woman: "She sure meant something to you before. She meant enough to you for you to pack up your clothes and drag her to Chicago with you" (1.2).
Which one of the following pieces of information would require you to use a parenthetical citation to indicate that you took the information from an outside source?
"On film or videotape violence begins and ends in a moment."
Which is the correct way to quote a phrase from a source and cite it parenthetically in MLA format?
An article in The New York Times states, "Voter turnout has never been so low" (Hughes A4)
Rana Faleen and Martin Brown, researchers for The Children of Tomorrow Foundation, reveal that "Children watch an average of three to five hours of television a day" (6).
Most superintendents agree that "schools need more resources to deal with the growing issue of bullying" ("Helping Boys be Good Men" 1).
correct if the source has no author
In MLA format, the entries on a Works Cited page are
the author's last name is first
Before using material from the Internet, one should check to see if
the teacher allows it the material is dated the author or organization is listed
Ellipses enable writers to omit an unnecessary portion of a quotation.
Which of the following correctly descibes what a writer should do with a quotation that is longer than four lines?
The writer should indent the quotation, take off the quotation marks, and put the period before the parenthetical notation.
In MLA format, a Works Cited entry for a book by a single author would look like one of the following:
Toomer, Jean. Cane. New York: Random House, 1923. Print.
Ellipses enable writers to edit quotations.
Seminole's Academic Integrity policy gives instructors the ability to fail a student for the entire course after only one instance of plagiarism.
We put the line numbers of the poetry excerpt we've quoted in the parenthetical notation instead of the page number.
Looking closely at the details, select the answer that properly cites lines from a poem. 2
Yeats writes of love past the bloom of youth in "When You are Old," with lines such as "But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, / And loved the sorrows of your changing face" (7-8).
In MLA format, how should the following parenthetical citation for the newspaper article, "Ways to Save for College," appear if the article does not have an author and you do not use a signal phrase?
("Ways to Save" C4)
In MLA format, how should the parenthetical documentation for a book with two authors appear?
(Hopper and Jones 77)
During the competition for the title of Miss America 1961, five finalists were given two questions to answer. First they were asked what they would do if "you were walking down the runway in the swimsuit competition, and a hell come off one of your shoes?" The second question, however, was a bit more esoteric: "Are American women usurping males in the world, and are they too dominant?" Taken from p. 281 of the essay "Pink Think" by Lynn Peril, published in Everything's an Argument (edited by Andrea Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters) on pp. 280-283. According to MLA documentation, which one of the following would be the correct way to parenthetically cite the above passage in your paper if you do not use the author's name to introduce your quotation?
(Peril 281).
It is okay for research writers to use brackets to change a direct quotation's meaning, such as: "Hamlet [never] struggles with indecision" (Devin 231).
Paraphrasing simply means changing the vocabulary in a quotation, so quotation marks are no longer needed.
Plagiarism is defined as only the intentional use of someone else's words or ideas without documentation.
We put the page number of the book where we found the poetry excerpt we've quoted in the parenthetical notation.
In MLA format, which one of the following entries on your Works Cited would be correct for an online journal article?
Miles, Felix. "'Where are the Nurses?': Women's Urgent Roles in Battle." The Civil War 91 (2007): 46. N.p. Web. 12 may 2009. <www.clarabarton.org/nurses>.
In MLA format, which one of the following entries on your Works Cited page would be correct for an article from a journal?
Miles, Felix. "'Where are the Nurses?': Women's Urgent Roles in Battle." The Civil War 91 (2007): 46. Print.
In MLA format, which one of the following entries on your Works Cited would be correct for a book?
Miles, Felix. The Civil War. New York: Random House, 2007. Print
When quoting lines from a play, we identify the character speaking in a lead in to the quotation and then put the Act, scene, and line numbers in the parenthetical notation instead of using a page number.
According to MLA format, if a quotation is more than four typed lines, the quotation should be
indented one inch from the left margin, double spaced and without quotation marks
"In O'Connor's view, to reject God's love in small ways is just as sinful as rejecting his love in big ones, because without God there is no value system left" (Bernardo). Student Attempt to Paraphrase: According to Flannery O'Connor, rejecting God's love a little is just as sinful as rejecting his love a lot, because without God there is no value system (Bernardo).
contains plagiarism
"[Hemingway's] fiction travels through various lands, in a nomadic approach to nature, taking vistas on the rivers, the lakes and the forests of Michigan, the green hills of Africa, the snowy mountain tops of Kilimanjaro and the Alps, the Mediterranean landscapes of Italy and Spain" (Agosto). Student's Attempt to Paraphrase: His stories go through different countries, going along rivers, the lakes and woods of Michigan, the mountains of Africa, the snow caps of Kilimanjaro and the Alps, the Mediterranean vistas of Spain and Italy (Agosto).
contains plagiarism
"This not-so-wise woman is under the mistaken opinion that being well-dressed and respectable is next to Godliness, when in fact there is no relationship whatsoever. Nothing is next to Godliness, O'Connor argues; there is only Godliness. Either one is a believer, or one is not -- and the old woman is not" (Bernardo). Student Attempt to Paraphrase: O'Connor establishes the grandmother as misguided early in the story. The grandmother chooses to dress up for the car ride because she correlates looking nice with righteousness, but people cannot use appearances to sidle up to God; in fact, O'Connor argues, "Nothing is next to Godliness; there is only Godliness" (Bernardo).
documented without plagiarism
Every phrase that matches in a Turnitin.com report could be considered plagiarism. There is no such thing as an "inconsequential match," such as phrases like "students are expected to perform" that could understandably show up in numerous sources and would not require documentation.
In MLA format, website addresses or URL entries should always be underlined.
Plagiarism is defined as only the intentional use of someone else's words or ideas without documentation.
In MLA format, which one of the following entries on your Works Cited page would be correct for a book?
Berzak, Dana. "Home Remedies for Common Ailments." New York: Penguin 2008. Print
In MLA format, which one of the following entries in your Works Cited would be correct for an online journal article?
Berzak, Dana. "Home Remedies for a Sore Throat." Journal of Alternative Medicines 54 (2008): 187-190. Centers for a Natural Approach to Living. Web. 2 March 2008. <www.jam.net/home/throat>.
The second step to integrate a quotation is to reference the source on your Works Cited.
Which one of the following entries in your Works Cited would be correct for an article from a print journal according to MLA format?
Fluker, Teri. "Divorce and the American Family." Sociology and the 21st Century 6.1 (2007): 44-47. Print
Looking closely at the details, select the answer that properly cites lines from a play. 2
Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing, not unlike comedies today, includes a wedding. Lonato speaks for many wedding guests when he says, "Come, Friar Francis, be brief; only to the plain / form of marriage, and you shall recount their / particular duties afterwards" (IV.i.1-3).
In MLA format, website addresses or URL entries should always be underlined.
Looking closely at the details, select the answer that properly cites lines from a poem. 2
In "How Do I Love Thee?" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, she expresses the fullness of her love in lines like: "I love thee with a love I seemed to lose / With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, / Smiles, tears, of all my life" (11-13).
"At the turn of the century, the first world conflict dramatically opened the frontiers and caused a shift in man's relationship to nature and in human relationships altogether. Doubt and questioning shaped the modernistic experience and subjectivity of perception came as a response to the sense that the world and outside reality were losing stability and coherence" (Agosto). Student's Attempt to Paraphrase: The advent of World War I in 1914 changed the "stability and coherence" with which people viewed their world. People lost trust that they could agree upon "the world and outside reality" with each other (Agosto).
documented without plagiarism
Any material taken from a source, whether you quote it or paraphrase it, must be documented. The one exception is
legitimate common knowledge
The data shows that above age 42, you have to be incredibly lucky to get pregnant with your own egg, says Norbert Glei-cher, founder of the Center for Human Reproduction in Chicago? (Klein 15).The mistake in the above documentation is that:
quotes-within-a quote ("'aaa'") are needed to make it clear what Glei-cher said that Klein quoted and what Klein wrote that the student is quoting
It is wise to use Seminole's full-text electronic databases because they are collections of previously published periodical articles, it is easier to search in a collection of articles than the whole Internet, and the articles are usually screened in advance for credible content.
One common example of an inconsequential match that would not require documentation is a title, perhaps of a book, a program of study, or even a job description like: Kenneth Trump, the President of the National School of Safety and Security Services.
Seminole's Academic Integrity policy gives instructors the ability to fail a student for the entire course after only one instance of plagiarism.
When we borrow a few sentences from a source, those sentences require both quotation marks and parenthetical notation to be considered properly documented.
In MLA documentation, to signify a quotation within a quotation, writers must
use single quotation marks: "The engineer said, 'The Mars Project is working well'" (Jones 6).
In MLA format, how should the following parenthetical documentation for a single book appear?
(Foster 62)
"This not-so-wise woman is under the mistaken opinion that being well-dressed and respectable is next to Godliness, when in fact there is no relationship whatsoever. Nothing is next to Godliness, O'Connor argues; there is only Godliness. Either one is a believer, or one is not -- and the old woman is not" (Bernardo). Student Attempt to Paraphrase: This nutty grandma mistakenly thinks that being well-dressed and respectable is next to Godliness, which it isn't. Clearly, O'Connor thinks that nothing is next to Godliness. Either one believes or doesn't, and grandma doesn't (Bernardo).
contains plagiarism
Jenna Childs claims "10% of parents watch evening television with their children" (12).
Since what a word means is "common knowledge" it is okay to copy a definition into your essay word-for-word without any quotation marks for the borrowed written expression.
"Paraphrased plagiarism" means that a student copied word-for-word and credited the source only with parenthetical notation. Without putting the borrowed language in quotation marks, the student has represented the written expression as his or her own and this misrepresents the student's contribution.