English - Including Quotations in Your Writing

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Colon :

used after a complete sentence, to introduce a quotation

Quotation Marks ""

used to enclose words written/spoken by someone else

Forward Slashes /

used to indicate lne breaks in poetry quotations

Square Brackets [ ]

used to indicate that the enclosed words have been altered or added

Ellipses ...

used to indicate that words or sentences have been left out


Ideally, you want to embed your quotations within your own sentences.


He describes the birds as "cheerily chirping in the early day" (Owen 6).


If quoting more than one line of poetry, you should lay it out as a block quotation.


"Warbling water," (Owen 18) is an example of alliteration.


You cannot enclose a quotation within a quotation.

B. ...a phrase which introduces a quotation.

A single phrase is... A. ...a phrase which points out the author of the quotation. B. ...a phrase which introduces a quotation. C. ...a sentence which comes before a quotation. D. ...a group of words which appear in parentheses after the quotation.


According to McKenzie, "the failures of the previous administration are too many to count" (34).


Block quotations do not to be enclosed within quotation marks.


If you have already mentioned the author/speaker's name in your sentence, you do not need to include it in the parenthetical citation.


Explaining the relevance of your quotation is not necessary.


It is clear that more research is needed: "We have insufficient evidence to support the claim that a high protein diet causes heart disease' (Jones 129).

correct (but do not put citation in middle of sentence)

It is difficult to agree that "the whole affair was preposterous" (Stephens 84), when one has no first-hand knowledge of the event.


Macbeth does not have time to mourn his wife's death and wishes she "should have died hereafter" (5.5.17).


Nick realises that he was "alone again in the unquiet darkness" (Fitzgerald 25).

A. Try to embed the quotation within your sentence. B. Make a point, include a quotation and then give an explanation.

To include a quotation in your writing, you should do the following: A. Try to embed the quotation within your sentence. B. Make a point, include a quotation and then give an explanation. C. Change a few words of the quotation into your own words. D. Include a quotation for every sentence in your essay.


We can see evidence of bias when he calls the government "misguided and completely irresponsible." (Daniels 23)

A. Start a new line C. Indent the whole quotation D. Write the parenthetical citation at the end of the quotation

When including a block quotation of poetry, do these things: A. Start a new line B. Enclose in quotation marks C. Indent the whole quotation D. Write the parenthetical citation at the end of the quotation D. Use slashes between lines


When quoting a play, you need to only include the line number within the parenthetical citation.

A. Bryson points out that "Shakespeare's greatest achievement in life... [was] just surviving his first year" (24) because of the terrible plague. (but do not put citation in middle of sentence)

Which sentence is correct? A. Bryson points out that "Shakespeare's greatest achievement in life... [was] just surviving his first year" (24) because of the terrible plague. B. Bryson points out that "Shakespeare's greatest achievement in life... [was] just surviving his first year" because of the terrible plague (24). C. Bryson points out that "Shakespeare's greatest achievement in life... (was) just surviving his first year" (24) because of the terrible plague.

Keats believed that art and beauty could transcend mortality: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever: / its loveliness; it will never / pass into nothingness" (Lines 1 - 3).

Which sentence is correct? A. Keats believed that art and beauty could transcend mortality: A thing of beauty is a joy forever: / its loveliness; it will never / pass into nothingness (1-3). B. Keats believed that art and beauty could transcend mortality: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever: / its loveliness; it will never / pass into nothingness" (Lines 1 - 3). C. Keats believed that art and beauty could transcend mortality: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever: / its loveliness; it will never / pass into nothingness" (1-3).

B. Lee argues that "self-confident individuals anticipate success" (54).

Which sentence is correct? A. Lee argues that 'self-confident individuals anticipate success" (Lee 54). B. Lee argues that "self-confident individuals anticipate success" (54). C. Lee argues that: "self-confident individuals anticipate success" (54).

B. The narrator calls her a "hauntingly beautiful creature" (34).

Which sentence is correct? A. The narrator calls her a "hauntingly beautiful creature." (34) B. The narrator calls her a "hauntingly beautiful creature" (34). C. The narrator calls her a "hauntingly beautiful creature. (34)"

B. When Elizabeth says, "I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine" (Austen 12), she reveals her acute self-awareness.

Which sentence is correct? A. When Elizabeth says, "I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine" (Austen, 12)she reveals her acute self-awareness. B. When Elizabeth says, "I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine" (Austen 12), she reveals her acute self-awareness. C. When Elizabeth says, "I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine." (12) She reveals her acute self-awareness.


You can change words within a quotation for the sake of clarity.


You don't to include in-text citation when you are writing about poetry.

B. When your prose quotation is longer than 4 lines. D. When your poetry quotation is longer than 4 lines.

You must use a block quotation when in the following situations: A. When your prose quotation is longer than 2 lines. B. When your prose quotation is longer than 4 lines. C. When your poetry quotation is longer than 3 lines. D. When your poetry quotation is longer than 4 lines.

A. ...when you want to bake up your thoughts with evidence. C. ...when you want to include the exact words of someone else.

You should include a quotation in your writing... A. ...when you want to bake up your thoughts with evidence. B ...whenever you mention an author. C. ...when you want to include the exact words of someone else. D. ...when you want to plagiarize someone else's thoughts.


You shouls have a comma between the citation information enclosed in paratheses.

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