English IV Unit 1 Answers PHS

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(L3) Demurred means _________.


(Q1) Fate means ________.


(Q2) The best example of imagery is _______.

sentence 3

(L5) Eating in a restaurant with other people is a ________.

social context and cultural custom

(Q2) A ________ is a brief explanation of the main points of a text.


(L1) What is the theme of this Unit?


(L3) The descriptions in paragraph 14 show that ________.

the Italians are entertaining themselves with a game

(Q1) The phrase cattle had been harassed means ________.

the cows were chased

(Q3) A person makes (1.) __________ to ideas in a text by using (2.) __________ which is information from prior learning that helps a person to understand new ideas. When a person relates a text to her own ideas, this is comparing the (3.) __________, and the differences of the ideas. Also, this kind of knowledge is important when making a(n) inference (4.) __________ or a conclusion based on evidence. It is not usual for people from different (5.) __________ to make different inferences. (6.) __________ is similar to making an inference, but the best inference is based on facts. These skills are also much needed in writing (7.) __________ and for other subject areas.

(1.) connections (2.) background knowledge (3.) similarities (4.) inference (5.) cultures (6.) Guessing (7.) essays

(Q2) ________ is the creative use of words or phrases, usually not the literal use of language.

Figurative language

(Q2) ________ is less personal writing for professional or academic purposes.

Formal writing

(PT) What evidence does the author use to support claims about many of the Italian banks?

He gives facts from interviews.

(L7) In paragraph 9, what inference can be made about the author's words?

He's calling half of the upper class Italians criminals.

(Q2) ________ includes the dates and the events that occurred on those dates from which a narrative or story is told.

Historical context

(Q2) ________ is when writers use someone else's writing as their own.


(PT) A(n) _________ is formal notes detailing where information comes from.


(PT) How is ultra-parasitical being used?

connotatively and judgmentally

(L9) Looking at new phones is what I'm doing now.


(L9) Whichever one has sprinkles is the cake I want for the party.


(PT) Pernicious means _______.


(L9) My aunt's dog look a lot like that dog.


(L2) The definition of steerage is ________.

low-priced passage area in a ship

(Q3) Derek, although the youngest of my brothers, ____ the most money.


(L2) If a reader does not pay attention to the context when looking up a word in a dictionary, it could cause a(n) _______.


(L9) Carlos' and George's tuxedos needs to be picked up today.


(L7) To support his conclusion in paragraphs 7 and 8, the author offers ________.

none of these

(Q1) Idle means ________.

not busy

(L2) A reader must also know the _______—how the word is used in a sentence—to figure out the meaning and use it correctly.

part of speech

(L4) If a reader is familiar with an author, that reader can identify the author because of the _______ in the voice of a text.


(Q3) My friends who are going to the game ____ to come over at 7:00 p.m.


(L3) Different dialects use different words and different _________.


(L3) In paragraph 8, the author is suggesting that Italians know that Americans have _________ feelings toward them.


(L4) Tone is the author's attitude, while mood is the effect on the _______.


(Q2) ________ is formal notes detailing where information comes from.

A citation

(L6) Which is the best paraphrase of the underlined sentence in paragraph 4?

A man was laughing how an old man was weak and couldn't fill out an application for deportation.

(L6) Paraphrase the underlined sentence in paragraph 5.


(L6) Summarize one of your experiences in a recent event. This should just be facts and NOT have commentary (no conclusions or opinions).


(L3) Words such as impala, gumbo, and safari originate from ________.

African languages

(Q2) ________ includes the ideas, the art, and traditions of a society at any given time or place.


(L1) How do the ideas in this text relate to the survival theme?

Immigrants have to learn how to survive in a new country and learning a new language is survival.

(L6) Which is the best summary of the story about the editor?

The editor of an Italian newspaper wants to fight some newspaper editors, so he insults them.

(L1) Which of the following statements is correct about this text?

The text is probably nonfiction, relating true events.

(Q2) The author's tone is _______.

[angry and condemning]

(Q2) The author writes about ______.

[the social context of the men and women]

(L3) The definition of ethnicity is ________.

a shared cultural heritage originating from a common ancestry, a nation, or a cultural tradition

(L1) Which is the best definition of the word trifle as it is used in the text?

a small item

(L3) In the underlined sentence in paragraph 1, the author is suggesting _________.

agents were lying

(L2) A reader needs to understand how words are being used in a text to _______ the meanings.


(L1) What is a purpose for having a discussion?

brainstorming ideas, being creative, and writing

(L2) The word transmutation means ________.

complete change

(L2) Take the plunge is used _________.

connotatively and negatively

(Q1) Pierce in the phrase of paragraph 1 is used ______.

connotatively and with a violent nuance

(L5) Differences in the food are mainly ________.

cultural differences

(Q1) Peril means ________.


(L2) Utter wretchedness is used ________.

denotatively and negatively

(L4) Which is the best example of imagery from paragraph 3?

dripping and slimy

(Q1) Fugitives means _______


(L4) The mood of the text is _______.


(L2) The definition for armed is _______.

gotten ready for

(L5) The owner or proprietor of the restaurant gave them an effusive greeting which means ________.

happy and grateful

(Q2) The author makes commentary based on _______.

his reading experience

(L4) In paragraphs 1 and 2, the writer describes ________.

his wonderings about the noisy gatherings

(L4) My mood after reading is or should be ________.


(L2) The word trace means ________.


(L3) How is the author using the word, haven?


(L2) The word ground means ________.

item for study

(L2) Tumult means ________.

loud roar

(L4) The author sees the men playing a game of ________.

mora and guessing

(Q1) Impalpable means ________.

not noticeable

(Q2) A ________ is a rewording of what someone has spoken or written.


(L4) In paragraph 7, the words convivial and congenial both have ________.

prefixes "con-" that mean "with"

(L4) When the author describes the scene, he _______.

relates facts and is spying on the Italians

(L2) If a person says "You did great on that exam," when that person knows you failed, then that person is being ______.


(L3) Caste means _________.

social positions

(L3) Averred means _________.

stated to be the case

(L2) To determine nuance, the context, connotation, and ________ should be considered.


(L5) The fact that women were not welcome in the restaurant has to do mainly with ________.

the Italians' culture and the historical and social context

(L3) Paragraph 10 shows that _________.

the author was used to fine furnishings, and the author and his wife were uncomfortable

(L4) The author's tone, as expressed by his writing style is ________.

thoughtful and positive

(L1) Define annotate.

to take notes alongside a text

(L1) What might be a person's reason for reading this text?

to understand experiences and how people coped with them, and to learn about America's history

(L2) The English language has many _______ from groups or cultures.


(L3) Paragraph 13 shows that the author and his wife ________.

were self-sufficient and wealthy

(L3) Today's English mainly comes from _________.

British settlers

(L4) Most tone and mood words are ________, words that describe nouns.


(L4) The description in paragraph 5 shows ________.

an entertainment for workers

(L7) A(n) (1.) __________ is a conclusion based on evidence. It is also (2.) __________ about something, but using one's (3.) __________, which is information from prior learning that helps a person to understand new ideas. All of the (4.) __________ in a person's life help him to make conclusions. People from different (5.) __________ may make different inferences. However, the (6.) __________ does not change.Similar to making inferences is making (7.) __________ or comparing the (8.) __________ and differences to one's own knowledge of other texts, experiences or ideas in the world. It is important to remember well-known literature and current ideas because this is background knowledge for important (9.) __________ topics and making inferences in other subjects.

(1.) inference (2.) guessing (3.) background knowledge (4.) experiences (5.) cultures (6.) evidence (7.) connections (8.) similarities (9.) essay

(L5) Brandenburg uses (1.)__________, casual or familiar writing, to tell his experiences. He does not support all of his opinions to tell this (2.)__________, which is a spoken or written account of events. The (3.)__________, or the environment or context of the ideas—the time, place, and mood, is in New York. It is also specifically in the apartments or (4.)__________ that the Italian immigrants reside. Their (5.)__________, or the ideas, the art, and traditions of a society at any given time or place, collide when Brandenburg and his wife decide to live and investigate the immigrants' lives. The (6.)__________, the dates and the events that occurred on those dates from which a narrative or story is told, is important because it is a cause for this particular story. It is the influx of immigrants in the 1900s and the effects it had on America at the time. Also, the (7.)__________ of the restaurant where Brandenburg and his wife visit caused the immigrants to react negatively. The facts presented in the text make it more like (8.)__________, which is less personal writing for professional or academic purposes, yet Brandenburg's writing is more for (9.)__________ than academic purposes because he doesn't cite his sources.

(1.) informal writing (2.) narrative (3.) setting (4.) tenements (5.) cultures (6.) historical context (7.) social context (8.) formal writing (9.) entertainment

(L6) Choose the correct word to fill in each sentence. To (1.) __________ is to reword what someone has spoken or written. The writer must understand the message by considering the (2.) __________ of the words and phrases, first. However, when a writer states word for word or(3.) __________ and paraphrases the words of another author, the source of information must have a(n) (4.) __________ It should be cited in the sentence or on a(n) (5.) __________ page, or both. (6.) __________ is considered cheating or even (7.) __________ to publish work without sources cited. A(n) (8.) __________ is a brief explanation of the main points of a text. Summarizing is a(n) (9.) __________ reading and writing skill. When paraphrasing and summarizing, both should not have any personal (10.) __________opinions, analyzing, or other extra information added.

(1.) paraphrase (2.) context (3.) quotes (4.) citation (5.) works-cited (6.) Plagiarism (7.) illegal (8.) summary (9.) foundational (10.) commentary

(PT) _________ is the feeling achieved in the reader through the use of words. It is also the emotional setting of a text.

(PT) Mood

(PT) _______ is when writers use someone else's writing as their own.

(PT) Plagiarism

(L5) Which situation(s) made Brandenburg's plan less valid to his purpose?

(all of these) People know that he and his wife are not Italian immigrants. He is living with upper class Italians. He cannot speak their language yet.

(L5) When the author and his wife enter into the restaurant, they feel out of place because ________.

(all of these) looks of suspicion passed people acted constrained silence fell

(PT) ________ is a rewording of what someone has spoken or written.


(L7) Relate to some idea or event that you have read in the excerpts from Brandenburg's book. Make a connection to your personal experience. Use evidence from the text to support the connection. You may use these notes to write your formal personal essay. Lesson 8 will give the specific requirements and a rubric for the personal essay.


(L8) Copy and paste a draft of your personal essay according to the requirements, the outline, and the rubric in this Lesson. Reread your essay several times and make improvements. Use a grammar and spell check, as well.


(L8) Discuss with another student or person how your personal idea or event compares and contrasts with one of Brandenburg's ideas in Imported Americans. Write two conclusions from this discussion that will help you write your personal essay.


(PT) Choose if each verb form in the sentence is correct or incorrect. Incorrect correct incorrect

Choose if each verb form in the sentence is correct or incorrect. The causes of the high school dropout rate remains the same in the report. My neighbor and her German shepherd walk to the park every day. My teacher who won three awards were written about in the newspaper.

(Q2) ________ should not be included in paraphrases and summaries.


(PT) _______ is the choice and use of words and phrases.


(Q2) _______ is the choice and use of words and phrases.


(Q2) _______ is words that appeal to the senses or create pictures in the mind.


(L7) In paragraphs 7 and 8, the author is making an inference about the upper-level social class saying _______.

In paragraphs 7 and 8, the author is making an inference about the upper-level social class saying _______.

(PT) _________ is a conclusion based on evidence.


(PT) Which is an inference supported by the text?

Italian banks are doing something the Italian government is trying to do, and the Italian banks are unfair to immigrants.

(L5) The underlined sentences in paragraph 4 are about the different ________.

Italian dialects

(L5) In paragraph 1, the underlined phrase is figurative language showing that the author and his wife are not used to ________.

Italian food

(L3) Paragraphs 5-7 have examples of _________.

Italian-American dialect

(L3) Words such as anime, karaoke, sushi, teriyaki, and tofu originate from _________.


(PT) Which is the best summary of the excerpt?

Many Italian banks are being illegally run. They offer many different services to immigrants and unfairly use them, similar to the Italian government. In offering contract labor, they take over half of their pay.

(L7) What is the author suggesting in paragraphs 1-5?

Many Italians are from high class positions and have much influence, and most Americans do not consider the higher-class immigrants.

(L4) Match the definitions with the terms. style imagery voice diction syntax figurative language mood

Match the definitions with the terms. similar to craft; the writing choices that work together to create an author's voice words that appeal to the senses or create pictures in the mind the unique and individual writing style of an author the choice and use of words and phrases the grammatical arrangement of words and phrases that create sentences in a language the creative use of words or phrases; usually not the literal use of language the feeling achieved in the reader through the use of words; also the emotional setting of a text

(L2) Match the definitions with the terms. denotation tone perspective verbal irony context subtext connotation nuance

Match the definitions with the terms. the primary meaning of a word author's attitude viewpoint when words are not used for what they actually mean circumstances or environment of an event or word meaning underlying theme and intent suggestive meaning of a word slight difference in meaning, expression, or sound

(PT) Match the definitions with the terms. historical context culture formal writing ethnicity verbal irony nuance

Match the definitions with the terms. includes the dates and the events that occurred on those dates from which a narrative or story is told the ideas, the art, and traditions of a society at any given time or place less personal writing for professional or academic purposes a shared cultural heritage originating from a common ancestry, a nation, or a cultural tradition when words are not used for what they actually mean slight difference in meaning, expression, or sound

(PT) Match the definitions with the terms. connotation dialect denotation subtext background knowledge

Match the definitions with the terms. suggestive meaning of a word a language form that varies from the dominant regional language the primary meaning of a word underlying theme and intent information from prior learning that helps a person understand new ideas

(Q1) Match the words with the definitions. ethnicity nuance context connotation denotation

Match the words with the definitions. a shared cultural heritage originating from a common ancestry, a nation, or a cultural tradition slight difference in meaning, expression, or sound circumstances or environment of an event or word meaning suggestive meaning of a word the primary meaning of a word

(Q1) Match the words with the definitions. verbal irony theme subtext annotate dialect

Match the words with the definitions. when words are not used for what they actually mean the main idea or underlying meaning of a creative work underlying theme and intent to take notes alongside a text a language form that varies from the dominant regional language

(Q2) _______ is the feeling achieved in the reader through the use of words. It is also the emotional setting of a text.


(L5) What is the most evident clue that this text is informal writing?

Some of the author's statements are opinions, and the author does not quote anyone.

(PT) _________ is similar to craft, which is the writing choices that work together to create an author's voice.


(Q2) _______ is similar to craft, which is the author's writing choices that work together to create an author's voice.


(PT) _________ is the grammatical arrangement of words and phrases that create sentences in a language.


(Q2) ________ is the grammatical arrangement of words and phrases that create sentences in a language.


(Q2) Choose the best summary.

The author examines the way women were treated in ancient Greece. He says they did not have power except to raise children. They also did not have much social interaction with men, or even their own husbands.

(L1) Which sentence would be evidence to support the answer in the previous question?

The text has dates and facts that support a historical time.

(L7) Which is the best evidence that supports the idea that higher-class immigrants are well-educated?

They knew several languages, and they ran businesses.

(PT) ________ is the unique and individual writing style of an author.


(Q2) ________ is the unique and individual writing style of an author.


(L1) How might this definition of theme relate to your future goals?

Written and oral communication is important for survival and learning new skills is needed to compete and win.

(Q3) What is the author implying to the reader?

[Immigration laws are already unfair and are going to get worse]

(PT) The author's tone is _______.


(PT) The use of the word "bureauize" is the author's own ________.


(Q1) This text is describing ________.

a country at war and a realistic expression

(L3) The definition of dialect is ________.

a language form that varies from the dominant regional language

(L1) Which is the best definition of the word immigrant according to the text?

a person who comes to live in a new country

(Q3) What kind of evidence supports that Italians think the immigration laws are unfair?

a question the author said he received from several unnamed Italian immigrants

(PT) To ________ is to take notes alongside a text.


(L9) Those is the best French fries I have ever eaten!


(Q3) There ____ too many people in line for me to wait.


(Q3) The friends that Darrel invited to play basketball also ____ his school.


(L9) My simple midnight blue evening gown that I bought from Clancy's express my personality.


(L9) Cobie and Anthony goes to the library every Wednesday.


(Q3) Watching my little sister sing ____ been the funniest thing.


(L4) In paragraph 2 the author is asking the reader to _________.

identify with his feelings

(L4) Participial phrases such as "opening into each other," "straining excitement," and "satisfying knowledge" contribute to the writer's style by _______.

illustrating the past with present tense descriptions; focusing on the actions of the characters and their surroundings

(Q1) In context, mutilated means _______.

in pieces

(L9) That my birthday is coming up soon are the reason my mother bought me a new ring.


(L9) There are a chair for each person.


(L9) Thinking about which college to attend are a daunting task.


(Q3) My mother wanting to know where I am ____ the main reason she calls me.


(Q3) That Max ____ turning 17 next month seems to be the reason for the trip.


(Q3) There is going to be a swim competition at the high school.


(PT) The figurative meaning of the word, poverty-pinched _______.

is imagery that suggests pain

(Q3) Which is the best evidence for the idea that immigrants help the United States economy?

jobs need to be filled and ship companies profit from them

(PT) A(n) ________ is a brief explanation of the main points of a text.


(Q3) The author is suggesting _______.

that the current rush of immigrants is because of new immigration laws about to go into effect and moving to a new country is very stressful

(L5) That Italians from different parts of Italy had come to live together was ________.

the author's discovery, historical context, and social context

(Q1) In the phrase, the iron of war had entered into their souls, the author is suggesting _______.

the effects of war were coming upon them

(L1) Define the literary definition of the word theme.

the main idea or underlying meaning of a creative work

(L1) What do you think is the author's purpose for writing this text?

to explain the immigrants' point of view

(L2) What are the author and his wife's plans?

to uncover truth and find out who are mistreating the immigrants, and to disguise themselves as immigrants to explain their experiences

(L2) In the Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast, Belle dislikes Gaston intensely. He is always asking to marry her, and she answers, "I don't deserve you." This is an example of _______.

verbal irony

(L4) The style includes diction, the author's _______ set from the author's education and culture, as well as syntax, figurative language, and imagery used.


(Q3) My grandmother's special pie recipes always ____ first place at the fair.


(L7) Estimable, in paragraph 11, means _______.

worthy of respect

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