english week 1 chapter 6

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A story with a twist or surprise ending is an example of what?

the falling action

After Tessie draws the dotted paper, Mr. Summers states, "All right, folks. Let's finish quickly." This is the beginning of what?


As the names of the townspeople are called and the papers are drawn from the black box, the reader can see people's facial expressions and hear the characters' conversations. During this process, all of these expressions are present EXCEPT what?

Rising action

As the townspeople are talking about the lottery and the roll is called to ensure everyone is present, the people ready themselves to draw slips of paper for the lottery. These events are all part of the ___.


At the end of page 2 of "The Lottery" we read, "Bill, she made it after all." Mrs. Hutchinson reached her husband, and Mr. Summers, who had been waiting, said cheerfully. "Thought we were going to have to get on without you, Tessie. " Mrs. Hutchinson said, grinning, "Wouldn't have me leave my dishes in the sink, now, would you, Joe?" and soft laughter ran through the crowd as the people stirred back into position after Mrs. Hutchinson's arrival. This creates what type of mood?

the lottery is of little or no significance

At the top of page 3 of "The Lottery," Mr. Summers says: "Well, now. " Mr. Summers said soberly, "guess we better get started, get this over with, so's we can go back to work. Anybody ain't here?" Specifically, look at "...get this over with, so's we can go back to work..." This suggest what about the lottery? Choose the best answer.

inviting, worrisome

Based on the setting, the interaction of the townspeople, and the overall feel of the exposition-the start of the story that sets the stage for the rest of the plot-how could we characterize the start of the story?

sunny, bright, warm

Based on the very first paragraph, what type of scene and setting is established in the exposition? Select all that apply.

mrs hutchinson is selected as the winner

Based on your knowledge of the plot, the climax of the "The Lottery" is when ___.


Both short stories and longer stories, such as novels, contain plot.

the killing of general zaroff

Consider "The Most Dangerous Game" once again. Identify the key aspect of the resolution in this short story.

verbal irony

Consider the short story "The Most Dangerous Game." In a conversation between General Zaroff and Rainsford, Zaroff claims, "I have electricity. We try to be civilized here." Based on the context of the quote, where Zaroff has just explained to Rainsford that he captures and hunts humans, identify the type of irony presented here.


Fill in the blank below to correctly finish the statement. The _______________ is the high point of conflict or anxiety and is the greatest point of intensity or excitement in the story


Fill in the blank below to correctly finish the statement. When a character or reader expects or assumes one thing and the opposite is true, the writer has created _______


Fill in the blank to complete the statement below. The _____________ is the starting point for the story. It is the "ground level" of the story and provides the foundation for the rest of the plot.


Fill in the blank to correctly finish the statement below. In the _______________, the story has been brought to a conclusion and the conflict is resolved.

dramatic irony

If you are reading a story and you know where the villain is hiding, that a certain character is faking his appearance or identity, or when you already know the present the character is about to open, these are all examples of _____________.


In literature, irony is often based upon bad luck or unfortunate circumstances

he thinks ending the lottery is a crazy idea

In the conversation between the Adams's family and Old Man Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Adams explain that other towns have considered stopping the lottery or have already cancelled it altogether. What is Old Man Warner's response to this idea of cancelling the lottery?

mrs hutchison is stoned by her family and community

In the shocking resolution of the short story, "The Lottery," the conflict is resolved and the story is concluded when ___.

Verbal irony

In today's age the term, "lottery" has a positive connotation among our society. In other words, the word "lottery" has become associated with a positively-desired result or outcome for most of the general population. Yet, in the story "The Lottery" the exact opposite is true. This is an example of what?

when the reader knows more than the character, when the opposite of what you expected happens, when the charcter says one thing, but means abother

Irony can be described as which of the following? Select all that apply.


Irony is a device used in literature that looks at the difference between what is expected versus the actual outcome.

evil happens to children, family means nothing, children were prepared to hurt their family

Knowing the conclusion of the story, what is so alarming about the following? And someone gave little Davy Hutchinson a few pebbles. Select all that apply.

Situational Irony

Let's look once again at "The Most Dangerous Game." At the conclusion of the story, Rainsford, the one hunted all throughout the story, has become the hunter, coming after Zaroff in his bed chamber. This is a classic example of what?

mrs hutchison is forgetful

Look at the following arrival of Mrs. Hutchison: ....her sweater thrown over her shoulders, and slid into place in the back of the crowd. "Clean forgot what day it was," she said to Mrs. Delacroix, who stood next to her, and they both laughed softly. "Thought my old man was out back stacking wood." This indicates what? Choose the best answer.


On the most basic level, the __________ is what happens in the story.


Plot is present in which type of stories?

rising action

The ________ ______ is the key events that move the story along and ultimately lead to the climax.

its a town where everyone gets along, everyone knows everyone, everyone seems to like it

The exposition creates a very distinct scene of the town. With the description of how the children and teenagers are playing together and how the townspeople interact, what can be inferred about the town in which they live? Select all that apply.

setting, main character, initial conflict

The exposition includes the introduction of which of the following? Select all that apply.

a fun, enjoyable, exciting one

The lottery is compared to the square dances, the teen club, and the Halloween program in the town, suggesting that the lottery is also what type of social activity? Select all that apply.

situational ironY

The shocking, unexpected conclusion of "The Lottery" in which the "winner" actually gets death by stoning is a prime example of ___.


The use of sarcasm is this type of irony.

the beasts, rainsford, zaroff, the war, eerie island

Think back to the story "The Most Dangerous Game" that you read in Module 4. Which of the following would be included in the exposition for that short story? Select all that apply.

rainsford is in zaroff's room

Thinking back to "The Most Dangerous" game again, which would be considered the climax of the story?

falling action

This occurs after the climax and help leads the story to a conclusion.

all of the answers

Understanding plot and how the story functions and unfolds is critical in further developing ___.

it is very old, it appears shabby, it has a history

What does the reader learn about the infamous black box? Select all that apply.

they were preparing to stone their friend

What seems so very wrong and backward about the following? "Delacroix selected a stone so large she had to pick it up with both hands and turned to Mrs. Dunbar. "Come on," she said. "Hurry up." Mrs. Dunbar had small stones in both hands" Choose the best answer.


When a character means the opposite of what he is really saying, this is _________________.


When analyzing the setting, it is important to look at both where and _______ the story takes place.

in this society, parents are willing to turn on thier kids

When asked if there are any other family members present for the Hutchinson family, Mrs. Hutchinson states: "There's Don and Eva," Mrs. Hutchinson yelled. "Make them take their chance!" At this point in the story, we still don't know yet what the drawing is for, but it's obvious that Mrs. Hutchinson appears upset and uneasy by it. Based upon this, what point is Jackson clearly making here?

its not a big deal, its only a game, the town expects her to play along

When it is revealed that the Hutchinson family has drawn the "winning" paper, Mrs.Delacroix tells Mrs. Hutchinson, "Be a good sport, Tessie," This suggests what? Select all that apply.


When the author reveals an aspect of the plot to the reader but not the characters IN the plot, this is_________________________________.

situational, verbal, dramatic

Which of the following are the main types of irony, as used within literature? Select all that apply.

All of the answers

Which of the following are true about irony?

the fact that old man warner has been participating for 77 years

Which of the following best represents the idea that the lottery is a long-standing tradition that has not been altered despite the lapse of time?

situational irony

With unexpected endings or unexpected reactions by characters, __________________ can be used to create humor but also can reflect tragedy.

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