ENGR 2392 EXAM 1

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Codes of Ethics --- Engineers in public service as members, advisors, or employees of a governmental or quasi-governmental body or department may participate in decisions with respect to services solicited or provided by them or their organizations in private or public engineering practice as long as such decisions do not involve technical engineering matters for which they do not possess professional competence.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers may not be required to follow the provisions of state or federal law when such actions could endanger or compromise their employer or their clients' interests.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers may perform services outside of their areas of competence as long as they inform their employers or clients in writing that they are doing so.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers may review but need not approve those engineering documents that are in conformity with applicable standards.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall acknowledge their errors only after consulting with their employers or clients.


Your work will be evaluated based on the particular position you take up.


Act utilitarians permit lying in a situation if doing so will promote the best consequences.


Intuition is defined as an insight that just seems to be true or correct. Intuition is not the result of perception, introspection or explicit inference.


Professionalism entails not only responsibilities, but rights as well, according to Baker.


Respect for Persons --- According to Kant there is a perfect duty to avoid causing harm but only an imperfect duty to help others.


The goal(s) of most ethics courses a. is to enhance ethical sensitivity b. is to improve ethical reasoning c. is to tell you that you are an immoral human being d. are A&B. e. are A,B and C.

are A&B.

Communication --- Dr. Fontenot highlights a quote from an article written by Sherri Sheppard. This quote states that "Students will see the importance of [x1], [x2], and ability to lead and persuade."

Specified Answer for: x1 communication Specified Answer for: x2 teamwork

Virtue Ethics --- (spelling counts) According to the article, being a good engineer requires that one demonstrate professional autonomy, discernment, and [x1].

Specified Answer for: x1 technical competence

A standalone account of virtue entails that virtues are used to supplement approaches like utilitarianism or RFP ethics.


As long as one has the right attitude towards his/her action, they are acting virtuously.


Code of Ethics--- Engineers may issue subjective and partial statements if such statements are in writing and consistent with the financial interests of their employers or clients


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers are advised to avoid the use of their names or associates names in business ventures with any person or firm that they believe is engaged in fraudulent or dishonest enterprise.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers having knowledge of any alleged violation of the code of ethics, following a period of 30 days during which the violation is not corrected, shall report thereon to appropriate professional bodies and, when relevant, also to public authorities, and cooperate with the proper authorities in furnishing such information or assistance as may be required.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall be required to engage in truthful acts only in cases where the public health, safety, and welfare are at risk.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall not affix their signatures to plans or documents dealing with subject matter in which they lack competence, but they may affix their signatures to plans or documents prepared under their direction and control where they have a good faith belief that such plans or documents were competently prepared by another qualified engineer.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall not intentionally falsify their qualifications nor actively permit written misrepresentation of their or their associate's qualifications. Engineers may accept credit for previous work performed where the work was performed during the period the engineers were employed by the previous employer. Brochures or other presentations incident to the solicitation of employment shall specifically indicate the work performed by the engineer and the dates the engineers were employed by the firms.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall not offer, give, solicit, nor receive, either directly or indirectly, any contribution to influence the award of a contract by a public authority, or which may be reasonably construed by the public as having the effect or intent of influencing the award of a contract. An important exception is made if such contribution is made in accordance with applicable federal or state election campaign finance laws and regulations.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall strive to be objective and truthful in professional reports, statements or testimony, with primary consideration for the best interests of the engineers' clients or employers.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, routinely consider the safety, health, and welfare of the public.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers may accept assignments and assume responsibility for coordination of an entire project and shall sign and seal the engineering documents for the entire project, including each technical segment of the plans and documents.


Communication --- According to Dr. Fontenot, engineers only need to focus on written communication


Communication --- Fontenot argues that communication skills are not necessary to professional advancement.


Ethical Theory--- When faced with complex issues, technically competent, ethically sensitive people will always agree on the right thing to do.


Intuition --- Intuitions as discussed in this course are an ethical theory on a level equal to utilitarianism, respect for persons, and virtue ethics.


Jeremy Bentham and John Stewart Mill both claimed that pleasure is the not an intrinsic good.


Philosopher and writer David Sosa maintains that intuitions should be treated as unreliable under any and all conditions. Intuitive judgments are intrinsicly more flawed than introspective judgments or perceptive judgments.


Respect for Persons --- According to Kant, the obligation to help others trumps the obligation to avoid harming others.


Utilitarianism --- If one makes the descriptive observation that most people fail to act in accord with utilitarianism, this by itself undermines the claim that we ought to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people.


Utilitarianism --- Virtues precede the Principle of Utility in Utilitarianism.


Virtue Ethics --- Aristotle argued that virtues are valuable because they lead to happiness.


Virtue Ethics --- Role ethics is appropriate only for professional in practicing in the public domain when they are in possession of specialized knowledge or training.


Virtue Ethics --- Virtue ethics is not concerned with the consequences of an action.


What is the value of a supreme principle of morality with respect to ethical theories? Select the one best answer.

Identifying the supreme principle is important inasmuch as it provides a foundation for deciding what is right and wrong in each ethical theory.

Communication:--- The Rule of 7 states the following about PowerPoint Presentations: (Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) No more than 7 words across No more than 7 lines down No more than 7 slides per presentation No more than 7 minutes per slide

No more than 7 words across No more than 7 lines down

[x1], [x2], and [x3] analysis are critical areas in engineering concerns for safety according to Dr. Baker.

Specified Answer for: x1 Cost Specified Answer for: x2 benefit Specified Answer for: x3 risk

[x1] utilitarians place an emphasis on rules which when widely followed lead to [x2] utility.

Specified Answer for: x1 Rule Specified Answer for: x2 an overall increase in

Virtue Ethics --- (spelling counts) Eudaimonia can be translated as: happiness, [x1] or well-being

Specified Answer for: x1 flourishing

In his article, Baker points out that engineering responsibility must be [x1] [x2] and not only deal with "can we do it" but also [x3] we do it...

Specified Answer for: x1 forward Specified Answer for: x2 looking Specified Answer for: x3 ought

The ethical systems of Jeremy Bentham and John Stewart Mill are referred to as [x1] utilitarianism.

Specified Answer for: x1 hedonistic

Act utilitarians place an emphasis on [x1] actions.

Specified Answer for: x1 individual

Respect for Persons --- Kant argued that people have a duty to help others, seek their own happiness and develop their own talents. These duties,however, allow some flexibility such as how one helps others. These are called imperfect duties.


Respect for Persons --- Kant argued that some duties create a very special obligation (Perfect Duties) such as not to lie, break promises, take a life or commit suicide.


Respect for Persons --- The Respect for Persons approach provides guidance when some stakeholders would be harmed disproportionately if another ethical such a utilitarianism were used.


Utilitarianism Prescription (as opposed to description) is the central concern of an engineering ethics course.


Utilitarianism --- Hedonistic utilitarianism allows for qualitative differences in pleasure.


Virtue Ethics --- According to Aristotle, self-control (continence) is praiseworthy but not virtuous.


Virtue Ethics --- Virtue ethics address the issue of right or wrong from the perspective of being the right kind of person; cultivating desirable traits such as honesty, courage and compassion.


You may use the text book, class notes, current event articles and previous assessments as resources. You may not, however, receive help from any other person in completing the examination. Answer True to affirm that you completed the examination independently.


In his article, "Engineering Ethics: Applications and Responsibilities", Bill Baker argues that the goals of those teaching courses in ethics are: a. To provide hard and fast "yes" and "no" answers b. To generate awareness of ethical concerns and dilemmas c. To disarm prejudices d. To bring about more value laden professional behavior e. None of the above

b. To generate awareness of ethical concerns and dilemmas c. To disarm prejudices d. To bring about more value laden professional behavior

Pluralistic utilitarians argue that (select the best answer)...

there is more than one category of intrinsic good.

One can be more confident in the use of intuition in resolving an ethical dilemma if one or more of the following conditions are met. Select the best answer(s). A. A person is not emotionally invested in a particular outcome B. The ethical issue is simple rather than complex. C. If one intuitive judgment does not conflict with another intuitive judgments. D. Other ethical theories do not apply. E. There are no conditions that are are relevant to the reliability of intuition.

1. A, B, C

Which combination of the following attributes are important outcomes that result from the application of the principles of utilitarianism? (one answer) A. Concern for other persons B. Unambiguous resolution of ethical dilemmas C. Consensus building about the right thing to do D. Promotion of a positive state of affairs E. The principles are universally applicable to ethics in engineering practice

1. A, B,C, D

Respect for Persons --- According to Immanuel Kant's theory, human beings are special and must be treated with a basic level of respect. Human beings ought not to be used for this or that purpose and be discarded afterward


Respect for Persons --- According to Kant's theory of Respect for Persons, one or more of the following apply when solving moral and ethical problems. (Select the best answer(s). Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. Any solutions that cannot be at once universalized and rationally accepted are to be discarded. B. A decision maker should only make those choices that would be acceptable for everyone to make. C. It is permissible for the decision maker to be excluded from the consequences of the choices made. D. According to Kant, the consequences of an action must always be considered when making a choice.

A. Any solutions that cannot be at once universalized and rationally accepted are to be discarded. B. A decision maker should only make those choices that would be acceptable for everyone to make.

Intuition --- Rich Burgess groups the criticisms of intuitions into one or more categories. Choose the catagory(s) Mr. Burgess used. (Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. Historical-reflective B. Psychological C. Positivistic D. Relativistic

A. Historical-reflective B. Psychological

Respect for Persons --- Which of the following statements are consistent with the Principle of Humanity? (Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. It is not enough to take for granted that people are worthy of fundamental consideration. B. According to Kant, people are worthy of respect because they are rational and autonomous beings who choose their own ends in life C.In contrast to Utilitarianism, which maximizes the most good for the most people, even if some persons suffer negative consequences, Respect for Persons implies that it is impermissible to treat one or a few individuals as a mere means to an end. D. Under the theory of Respect for Persons, the inviolable status of the individual leads to restrictions on the choices others may make. E. Kant's theory of Respect for Persons would not extend to sentient animals.

A. It is not enough to take for granted that people are worthy of fundamental consideration. B. According to Kant, people are worthy of respect because they are rational and autonomous beings who choose their own ends in life C.In contrast to Utilitarianism, which maximizes the most good for the most people, even if some persons suffer negative consequences, Respect for Persons implies that it is impermissible to treat one or a few individuals as a mere means to an end. D. Under the theory of Respect for Persons, the inviolable status of the individual leads to restrictions on the choices others may make.

Communication: --- Dr. Fontenot states the following about PowerPoint presentations. (Multiple answers, incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. It is over used. B. There should be 10 or more bullet points per slide C. Powerpoint should not be used as a substitute for "3X5" card presentation notes D. Powerpoint should maximize the use animations. E. Powerpoint presentations should never be given to an audience in printed form for note taking

A. It is over used. C. Powerpoint should not be used as a substitute for "3X5" card presentation notes

Communication:--- Engineering Communication deals with: (Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. Performing tasks B. Answering Questions C. Making decisions D. Persuasion E. Organizing documents for easy retreival F. Mining social media sites for competitive information

A. Performing tasks B. Answering Questions C. Making decisions D. Persuasion

Which of the following ethical theories are the most influential in Western moral philosophy? Select one or more answer(s). A. Virtue Ethics B. Utilitarianism C. None of these are infleuntial ethical theories in Western moral philosophy. D. Respect for Persons Ethics E. Moral Intuition F. All four are influential ethical theories in Western moral philosophy

A. Virtue Ethics B. Utilitarianism D. Respect for Persons Ethics

Virtue Ethics --- Practical wisdom requires that one perform the right action: (Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit.) A. at the right time B. for the right duration C. at the right intensity D. towards the right people

A. at the right time B. for the right duration C. at the right intensity D. towards the right people

Utilitarianism:--- Which of the following attributes are important outcomes that result from the application of the principles of utilitarianism? (Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. concern for other persons B. unambiguous resolution of ethical dilemmas C. consensus building about the right thing to do D. promotion of a positive state of affairs E. universal applicability to ethics in engineering practice F. minimizing the harm to all stakeholders

A. concern for other persons C. consensus building about the right thing to do D. promotion of a positive state of affairs

Virtue Ethics --- On Aristotle's view, happiness or eudaimonia: (Select the best answer(s) A. is a subjective concept that varies with each individual B. is the basis of the distinction between right and wrong (virtue and vice) C. is an objective concept that applies to all human beings D. refers simply to contentment

B. is the basis of the distinction between right and wrong (virtue and vice) C. is an objective concept that applies to all human beings

Utilitarianism:--- Pluralistic utilitarians argue that:(Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. acts that promote one intrinsic good will never negate another intrinsic good. B. there is more than one category of intrinsic good. C. things like knowledge, friendship and accomplishment are only valued in virtue of their connection to pleasure. D. Intrinsic good are easily determined.

B. there is more than one category of intrinsic good.

Respect for Persons:--- Kant's theory of Respect for Persons has been viewed as problematic because of the following:(Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. It places greater emphasis on some duties than others. B. There are situations in which producing the best state of affairs may not be the morally correct choice. C. It completely disregards the consequences of an action. D. That persons are worthy of respect by virtue of having a soul which depends on specific beliefs that are not universally shared.

C. It completely disregards the consequences of an action. D. That persons are worthy of respect by virtue of having a soul which depends on specific beliefs that are not universally shared.

Respect for Persons --- The word respect can have different meanings in different contexts. Which of the following best conveys the meaning of "respect" as used in Kant's theory of Respect for Persons?

C. Respect for Persons conveys the concept that a person is to be accorded a basic level of respect regardless of their accomplishments or status in society.

Utilitarianism --- The guiding principle for utilitarianism implies one or more of the following. (Select the best answer(s). Incorrect answers result in negative partial credit) A. That utilitarians are focused on consequences of actions taken. B. An action is right only if it promotes the most overall good and is wrong if it fails to do so. C. An action is right if and only if it promotes the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the greatest number of individuals. D. That one is morally obligated to act on the principle of utility. E. That the principle of utility is impartial in the sense that the decision maker is not accorded any more consideration than other similarly situated individuals.

D. That one is morally obligated to act on the principle of utility. E. That the principle of utility is impartial in the sense that the decision maker is not accorded any more consideration than other similarly situated individuals.

According to Mr. Burgess, the theories highlighted in this course embody ethical principles we often use in day to day life.


Baker states that 'values' and 'facts' are inseparable and we must avoid the hazard of assuming that better science could perfectly answer the question: "How safe is safe enough?"


Baker states that the necessary function of analytical philosophy is to make clear the most appropriate way to approach problems in professional ethics.


Baker--- Until other criteria are put forth, public interest will still be measured chiefly in terms of dollar flow.


Baker--- Without a patterned way to approach the problem of making choices, freedom to choose may not be worth much


Baker:--- If analysis shows dollar benefits to exceed dollar costs, projects are presented as desirable, when "real" costs, even if unquantifiable, may exceed "real" benefits. This amounts to misleading the public, intentionally or otherwise.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers may not accept financial or other valuable consideration, directly or indirectly, from outside agents in connection with the work for which they are responsible, even if such compensation is fully disclosed.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall not issue statements, criticisms, or arguments on technical matters that are inspired or paid for by interested parties, unless they have prefaced their comments by explicitly identifying the interested parties on whose behalf they are speaking and revealing the existence of any interest the engineers may have in the matters.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall not solicit nor accept a contract from a governmental body on which a principal or officer of their organization serves as a member.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall undertake assignments only when qualified by education or experience in the specific technical fields involved.


Codes of Ethics --- If an engineers' judgment is overruled under circumstances that endanger life or property, they shall notify their employers or clients and such other authority as may be appropriate.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers may publicly express technical opinions that are founded upon knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject matter.


Codes of Ethics --- Engineers shall not participate in any matter involving a conflict of interest if it could influence or appear to influence their judgment or the quality of their services.


Communication --- According to Dr. Fontenot, learning about communication helps prepare students for the professional part of engineering.


Communication --- According to Dr. Fontenot, oral and written communication is an essential part of the profession of engineering.


Communication --- Dr. Fontenot argues that eye contact is essential to effective communication.


Communication --- Dr. Fontenot states that communication is moving thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions, concepts from your head to someone else's head.


Communication --- Mental models are a type of "noise" that interferes with communication.


In spite of the problems that arise in the application of one or more forms of utilitarianism, a focus on consequences helps in determining the rightness or wrongness of actions.


In the introductory video, Rich Burgess states that ethics is integral to the practice of engineering.


Intuition --- The criticisms mentioned in the article and lecture are intended to introduce doubt about the reliability of intuitions instead of proving they are always flawed.


Intuition --- When we examine the reliability of intuitions, we are looking at our reasoning process.


The guiding principle for utilitarianism implies which of the following? (This question is graded on an all or nothing basis.) a. That utilitarians are focused on consequences. b. An action is right if and only if it promotes the most overall good and is wrong if it fails to do so. c. An action is right if and only if it promotes the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the greatest number of individuals. d. That one is morally obligated to act on the principle of utility. e. That the principle of utility allows the decision maker more consideration than other similarly situated individuals.

a. That utilitarians are focused on consequences. b. An action is right if and only if it promotes the most overall good and is wrong if it fails to do so. d. That one is morally obligated to act on the principle of utility.

According to Aristotle, a virtue is: (choose the best answer).

choosing the mean between two extremes; excess and deficiency

One of the most important concepts in utilitarianism is (select the best answer)

determining what is meant by the term "good".

Practical wisdom requires that one perform the right action: (Select the best answer(s)). a. at the right time b. for the right duration c. at the right intensity d. towards the right people e. all of the above f. none of the above

e. all the above

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