ENT - CH. 10 Human Resources Management

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Prior convictions; Arrest record

Employers may ask about a candidates _______ but not their ________


Entrepreneurs should always ask candidates to fill out a(n) _______ for employment

Be concise and oriented toward the basic information needed

Entrepreneurs should remember to _______ when writing an advertisement for a new hire

Readership and Viewership Rates charged for placing advertisement Statistics on reply rates

Identify the important pieces of information that need to be considered by an entrepreneur who seeks to place an advertisement on a job placement website.

The compensation and benefits offered to the employees The means of reviewing the performance of the employees

Identify the key issues that entrepreneurial businesses should consider when trying to retain employees who add value

If there is a direct link between performance on the test and the skills required for success on the job

It is perfectly acceptable for companies to test their job candidates _______

Marijuana laws and drug-free workplace programs may conflict

Promoting a drug-free workplace may be more difficult in states like Washington and Colorado where ______


Some major cities pay what has been called a _____ wage that is indexed to what someone works 40 hours a week needs to stay above the poverty line

To not discriminate in the payment of men/women

The Equal Pay Act requires employers _______

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The _____ established a minimum wage for workers

Americans with Disabilities

The ______ Act requires businesses unfettered access to all disabled people


The ______ process ends when a candidate returns a signed original offer letter

Equal Pay Act

The ______ requires that employers not discriminate in pay to men and women who do the same job

Immediately reject those candidates who do not have the minimum position requirements Focus first on those candidates who most closely match the job description Directly compare the applications with the job description

The business owner should do which of the following to determine which candidates to interview?

Job Offer

The details of the ______ should be developed prior to the conversation with the candidate

Closely regulates children who work under the age of 16

The government _______

The candidate returns a signed original of the job letter

The hiring process ends when ______


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employers from discriminating in hiring, dismissing, determining level of pay, or promoting based on an employees ______

Affordable Care Act

Under the ________, businesses with more than 50 employees must provide insurance for their employees

When the employee will be driving a company or personal car for business purposes When the position requires the employee to visit the customer's homes When the employee might be in a position to put the business or its customers at risk

Under which of the following conditions are examples of when a business owner should conduct a more comprehensive reference check?

Who lose their job through no fault of their own

Unemployment compensation is financial assistance for some period for people

Give everyone an equal opportunity Write job descriptions that are gender neutral Advertise jobs widely to include many potential groups

Ways that entrepreneurs can ensure that they avoid discrimination or the appearance of discrimination are to do which of the following

Express excitement about the firm Communicate the firms culture Make the advertisement stand apart

Which of the following are characteristics of a good employment advertisement?

It requires businesses to provide unfettered access to both employees and customers who are disabled It requires special accommodations to be made for employees who need physical adaption to work at a business The Act requires Braille to be provided in a business

Which of the following statements are true of the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Employees judge the fairness of their compensation based on anothers in a similar situation Employees need a clear understanding of how their compensation compares to their peers Employees will accept that someone who has been with the company longer may earn more

Which of the following statements regarding equity theory are correct?

Performance Review

A ______ examines an employees goals and the outcome of those goals over a particular given period


A ______ is a set amount of compensation for a given time period


A ______ is payment based on a percentage of sales

Hybrid Compensation System

A ______ is where a sales commission is paid in addition to a basic salary


A(n) _______ description describes the skills and capabilities that a candidate should have

Hourly Wage

A(n) _______ is the amount that a business pays an employee per hour of work performed


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical benefits cost ___% of total compensation costs for an employee

As much of an impact as

An entrepreneurial firms package of benefits has ______ compensation it offers to a job candidate

Human Resources

One of the most important differences between a typical entrepreneurial start-up and family businesses are issues related to _______


_______ resources is the quantity and quality of human effort directed toward producing goods and services

Name, address, telephone numbers Social Security Number Work History

Which of the following questions should be included on a job application?

Resume List of references

Which of the following should an advertisement ask an applicant to submit?

The most important role of human resources is to meet basic legal requirements

Which of the following statements about human resources is NOT true?

They typically charge the company a fee They generally provide employers with highly qualified employees Fees can be a significant portion of of the employee's first year's salary

Which of the following statements about recruiting companies are correct?

The business owner should decide on the points he/she is willing to negotiate on The offer should require a fairly prompt response from the candidate The business owner should finalize the agreed offer in writing

Which of the following statements regarding negotiating a deal with a job candidate are correct?

It has tried to be more lenient towards small businesses Small firms with less than 10 employees do not have the record-keeping obligations that larger firms have Fines are lower for businesses with less than 25 employees

Which of the following statements regarding the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are correct?


Business owners are guilty of _______ when they base the hiring, dismissing, determining the level of pay, or promoting an employee based on their race, color, gender, religious belief, or national origin

Profit Sharing

_______ is an example of a hybrid compensation system where the employee is paid a small salary but earns a percentage of the profits at the end of the year.


_______ theory argues that people judge how they are treated relative to how they see others being treated


(T/F) An entrepreneur should keep continuous records of all advertisements that have been run whether a physical publication or on the internet, who responded, and the criteria for a job


(T/F) Entrepreneurs usually do not have the right to fire employees


(T/F) Worker's compensation laws in the United States require the rates of workers' compensation to be the same in all states

A personality test A test on basic mathematics

An entrepreneur of a retail store looks to hire billing executives. The job requires the executives to greet and interact with a large number of customers every day. In this scenario, which of the following are perfectly acceptable to test the job candidates?

They are similar to profit sharing They are not as well defined as profit sharing They are based on the employees performance

Which of the following statements regarding bonus systems are correct?

The organization does not fully benefit from the unhappy employee The problem may cause other employees to have problems The owner loses time dealing with the situation

Which of the following are likely to affect a small business when an employee becomes a problem?

Compensatory time is typically not allowed from one pay period to the next Nonexempt employees who work over 40 hours per week must be paid time and a half Firms that pay employees on a weekly basis cannot use compensatory time

Which of the following about the FLSA requirements regarding nonexempt employees are correct?

Word of mouth College placement office Trade Association

Which of the following are low to no cost means of advertising a job opening?

Performance Reviews Wages and hour requirements Compensation and benefit systems

Which of the following aspects listed below are part of retaining employees?

Overpromising what the job will be Underselling the job expectations

Which of the following need to be avoided by a business owner, or an interviewer, to provide a job candidate with a realistic preview of the job and company

A successor should be selected and the person should be prepared early When the parent retires, her or she should let the child run the business on his or her own Parents often wait too long before creating a formal succession plan

Which of the following statements about succession are true?

Does not eliminate

Hiring a family member _______ discrimination issues for larger family businesses

Advertising for a job position Writing a job description

Which of the following are part of the hiring process?

May be a source of frustration for both employees and the employer

Commision compensation systems can be abused and ______

Gender Religion Age

Which of the following questions are examples that an employer may NOT ask

Make sure that the applicant is right for the firm and the firm is right for the person

Business owners will want to conduct a second interview after checking references to

Plans for future employee growth through experience and training How employees perform related to their objectives Defined objectives for the next year

Which of the following are steps in a systematic employee review

The Act provides tax incentives for small entrepreneurial firms to encourage them to offer health benefits to their employees One of the biggest beneficiaries of the Act are entrepreneurs in a business that only employs themselves and their family

Which of the following statements are true about the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Salary and benefits play an important role in maintaining employee morale It needs to be fair and equitable for all employees Employees often compare their salaries with others at their company

Which of the following statements regarding a company's compensation system are correct?

Existing salespeople do not like changes to compensation systems that decrease commissions New hires do not think it is fair to be paid a lower commision than older sales staff Business owners need to think about the sales commision long term when creating it

Which of the following statements regarding changing the commision system as the company grows are correct?

States may set a higher minimum wage than set by FLSA The Act covers virtually all workers The Act does not cover workers on small farms

Which of the following statements regarding the minimum-wage requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are correct?

It takes time to bring each new employee to an acceptable level of performance The hiring process is time consumes a lot of time and money

Why should business owners retain employees who add value?

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