Environmental Biology Final

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Islands such as Tobago and Mauritius successfully preserved natural areas in the _____, as scientists from colonizing nations understood their importance to environmental health.


A person more than ___ percent over the ideal weight for the person's height and sex is considered obese.


Although hundreds of millions of people have better water supplies than they did 25 years ago, over ___ people still lack access to safe drinking water

A billion

factor most responsible for the rise in our standard of living over the past two centuries.

Access to easily acquired natural resources

Sulfur plays a strong role in controlling the ___ of rain, surface water, and soil


Poison dart frogs have evolved an ability to sequester potent toxins from their diet which they use for defense against predators. The predation pressures have driven the frogs evolutionary ___ and therefore natural selection if this groups of frogs


Predation can affect a species population during _________ life stages of both predator and prey species


What are examples of intraspecific interactions

An adult mother polar bear chasing her full grown young out of her territory and two stallions fighting over a mare

Why might countries experience a rise in birth rates during Stage II of a demographic transition pattern?

Better nutrition Better medical care Better sanitation

Currently there are over 7.7 ___ people in the world


Where as ____ itself is decreasing, attempt to protect it through reserving and protecting more natural areas in increasing


The zebra longing butterfly can withstand toxins and defenses in its host plant, the Passion flower. This back and forth response of adaptions between the butterfly and plant has last for thousands of year is


Many disciplines are involved in environmental science including chemistry and biology which ___ and economics and political science which ___

Contribute evidence; help is understand how people use resources

Which of the following are undesired effects of widespread pesticide use?

Creation of pesticide-resistant populations Need for stronger and greater amounts of pesticides Destruction of nontargeted organisms

Science is a _____ process with scientific innovation building in the discoveries of the past


Match the organic compound with the correct example: nucleic acids


In a highly developed country, what pressures tend to reduce fertility?

Desire for children offset by a desire for other goods More women in the workforce Higher education for women

Genetic isolation may lead to speciation because the separated populations build up genetic ___ over time


What Environmental factors are not classified as physiological


What test(s) can used to avoid researcher bias

Double blind and blind

If a scientists were tracking birth rates, dearth rates, and overall population fluctuations of mountain gorillas in Uganda. That scientist is studying the population ___ of gorillas


Those services and resources provided by environmental system on earth are called

Ecosystem services

When an atom gives up one or more ___ it said to be oxidized, but if an atom gains electrons is it said to be ____

Electrons; reduced

two ways that different states in India achieved the demographic transition.

Emphasizing birth control Providing wide-spread social benefits

The second law of thermodynamics recognizes that ___ tends to increase in nature


The second law of thermodynamics states that

Entropy tends to increase As energy is transformed less energy is available for work

Species are limited to where they can live by

Environmental factors

Match the organic compound with the correct example: proteins


True or False: environmental science concentrates on esrth's natural hazards


True or false: The primary role of forests is to provide natural resources for human use.


The rise in the standard of living over the last 200 years can be attributed mainly to the availability of cheap, abundant __.

Fossil Fuels

What is the greatest threat to coral reefs?

Global warming, which causes coral bleaching

Desertification is a major threat to ___, especially due to overgrazing.


According to psychologists, the public decision to accept or reject scientific evidence often depends on ___ identity rather than sound science. This is the case when a persons political identity determines their acceptance of theory


Rejection of scientific explanations is more a reflection of a persons

Group identity

The Florida Everglades is the ecological ___ of the osprey. Calling the osprey a wetlands secondary consumer is ecological ____

Habitat; niche

In a highly developed country, what pressures tend to reduce fertility?

Higher education for women More women in the workforce Desire for children offset by a desire for other goods

Which of the following are modern family planning options?

Hormone-like chemicals such as birth control pills Mechanical barriers such as condoms and diaphragms Surgeries such as tubal ligations and vasectomies

the following characteristics produce a temperate scrubland?

Hot season coincides with a dry season Cool, moist winters

Which of the following statements about human population growth is correct?

Human populations grew slowly until relatively recently.

Taxonomy is

Important in scientific research and they study of types of organisms

what made it possible to support a much higher human population size than in the past?

Improved sanitation Progress in agricultural productivity Advances in medicine

How are social progress and environmental quality linked

Improving the plight of marginalized people is often good for the environment

What is true regarding recent trends in global health

Infant morality has declined, millions have gained access to clean water, some diseases have been eradicated

Adaptation is the acquisition of advantageous traits. These traits must be ___ in order to be passed on and benefit future generations


When a species is affected by a population of another species, this is an example of a(n) ___ interaction

Inter specific

When a new male lion from a different population takes over a pride, often that new male kills all of the cubs. This is an example of a(n) __________ interaction


While the world population continues to grow the rate of population growth

Is decreasing

In order for a new species to arise, there must be genetic


What all applies to scientific knowledge

It requires many people and is a cumulative effort

The famous naturalist ___ based his beliefs in preserving nature on aesthetic and spiritual values irregardless of how useful nature might be to us he was the first president of the sierra club

John Muir

The original Latin meaning of the word species is


ocean communities from the farthest inland at the top to the farthest out to sea at the bottom.

Littoral Zone Intertidal Zone Continental Shelf

The type of population growth patterns that slow as the carrying capacity is approached and makes a s shaped curve on a graph is ___ growth

Logistic (sigmoidal)

A positively charged ion has one or more

Missing electrons

In a desert habitarme plant survivability is most critically limited by the amount of


What are current issues related to climate change

More frequent flooding, melting sea ice, rising sea levels

Primary reason of importance of population group

More people use more resources and make more waste

John Muir argued that nature should be persevered because

Nature deserves to exist

the American carrion beetle is a decomposed that lives in marshy forstest areas in North American East of the Rockies. The role and location Together are the ___ of the beetle


isotopes are forms of elements that differ in their _____

Number of neutrons and mass

Match the organic compound with the correct example: Lipids


The material of which bio molecules and therefore living organisms are called

Organic compounds

Primary reason of importance of sustainable cities

Over 50% of people live in urban areas

Ocean fish stocks are on the decline primarily because of ___.


What species concept states that when organisms are genetically similar they are members of the same species? ___ species concept


The saguaro cat cuts can only exist in environments that do not go below freezing, this would be an example of ___ limiting species distribution

Physiological stress

the following correctly describe the oceans?

Phytoplankton are the basis of most marine food webs. Ocean currents transport organisms and nutrients. Oceans cover 3/4 of the earth's surface.

The types of limitations that may affect a species' distribution are ___, ____ and (physiological) stress

Predators and competition

The atomic number of an element reflects the number of ___ in an atom of that elements


How we use numbers and graphs to understand our world is

Quantitative reasoning

What are the early initiations of the pragmatic utilitarian conservation movement

Roosevelt and Pinchot

Short-duration confinement of livestock to a small penned-in feeding area with subsequent shifting to a new location is called ___.

Rotational Grazing

the following characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert?

Salt tolerance Water-storing capacity Thick epidermal layers

Assuming the world is noble and observable ____ helps us to understand the world around us


The monarch butterfly has developed a chemical defense against predation from birds. This adaptation has led to increased survival from all predators overall and therefore is driving natural


What an example of competition

Sheep and cows grazing In a field

People often destroy forests using ___ techniques that make the land ready for cultivation.

Slash and Burn

What type of progress addresses issues such as public health and sanitation that affect the poorest people which in turn improves water quality and other environmental issues

Social progress

Earth is remarkable because it has plentiful clean air, fresh water, and ______ that are constantly renewed through biochemical processes and biological communities


The Development of A new species is


Primary importance of agricultural and rural devlopment

Stewardship of the land is important for non urban dwellers and agricultural

The suggested growth projection for humans is likely to be around 8 to 10 billion people by 2050. Why would the human population not continue to grow at a constant rate taking us to over 12 billion people by 2050?

Successful family planning programs Lack of availability of vital resources Increases in world contraceptive use

Match the organic compound with the correct example: carbohydrates


A species of moth has a range of mating times within the same forest, Over time, there is a divergence with moths other mating in the morning or in the late afternoon until the two groups no longer interbreed, leading to two unique species. This type of speciation is _________.


The study of organisms and their relationship is called ____. Scientists use it to classify and organize organisms


An area known for hot, dry summers and cool, moist winters would most likely be a ___ biome.

Temperate Shrubland

An elements atomic number involves the number of protons in an atom because

The number of protons does not vary and the number of neutrons do vary (producing different isotopes)

Primary importance of protecting the atmosphere

The primary concerns are climate change and pollution

What is the current balance between rich and poor

The richest 1% have more wealth than the other 99

What are valid reasons that we will not expand farmland in the future to currently uncultivated regions?

The uncultivated land is already serving another important ecological role. Tropical soils are infertile, and expensive to make fertile. Much uncultivated land is in too steep or too cold areas.

Primary importance of deforestation and protecting biodiversity

These biomes play many roles including water cycling, reproduce creating, and being a home to diverse species.

Primary importance of environmental policy

This guides decisions on protecting and using resources wisely

Primary reason of importance of healthcare

This is essential for a productive life

Primary reason of importance of reducing resource consumption

This is essentially significant for wealthy regions that use more than their fair share

Primary importance of combatting of desertification and drought

This is imperative as it associated with water resources essential to forming resources and life

Primary reason of importance of combatting poverty

This reduces access to development essentials

What is the purpose of corridors?

To connect a natural habitat area to smaller habitats that are already protected To allow populations to expand into new breeding territory To effectively create a large reserve from several small ones

Enviornmental factors have Levels behind which a species Can it survive we refer to these a ___ limits


Rank the tropic levels from the highest feeding status to the lowest

Top predator Secondary consumers Primary consumer Primary producers

The highest trophic level is fueled by

Top predators

the following is a threat to the rich, diverse communities found in the coastal zone?

Trash and sewage Destructive fishing methods Excess nutrient runoff from land Introduced pathogens and predators

T/f matter and energy flow in and out of a system taking different forms


True or false: Today there is more land protected, such as in parks, preserves, or wildlife management areas, than a century ago.


Roosevelt and Pinchot view was that nature should be preserved and used to provide resources for humans. This is now known as pragmatic _____ conservation


A carbon stored in rocks such as limestone is cycled through the system

Very slowly

China's one-child policy worked at controlling the population growth, but now China has a problem in that __.

a "birth dearth" is likely

Despite mass production of food, ___ people are still malnourished worldwide.

a few billion

Population momentum is the increase in population size that occurs after ______. It occurs in developing countries where much of the population is of childbearing age.

a replacement birth rate has been reached

Improvements in __ throughout human history have allowed the population to make significant jumps in population.


Hunting and habitat destruction in Florida had brought what species to very low numbers by the late 1960s but recovered very well after being placed under the protection of the Endangered Species Act? The American---


The passing of the Endangered Species Act helped --- ---the recover from just 800 birds; this species was suffering primarily due to DDT poisoning.

bald Eagle

Eight kilograms of grain are required to produce 1 kilogram of ___.


Biodiversity has value both culturally and aesthetically; Americans spend over $100 __ every year on wild-life related recreation.


A large biological community is a(n) ---. Desert and tundra are two examples.


To avoid research bias, __ experiments are often used.


Most of the world's remaining forests are located in cold---regions and the humid--- forests.

boreal, tropical

How are protected areas categorized by the World Conservation Union?

by allowed human impact

Emotional wellness, help around the house, religious practices, support in old age, and social status are all reasons people choose to have many___


The process by which land gradually becomes less fertile as soil washes and blows away, salts accumulate, and organic matter is lost is called land ___.


Tide pools are ___.

depressions in a rocky shoreline that are flooded during high tide but retain water during low tide filled with numerous intertidal organisms

Antarctica is considered to be a(n) ---; the high atmospheric pressures over the continent result in very little precipitation.


People may experience hunger as a result of job loss, lack of social services, and poverty even in--- countries.


Meat consumption per person has more than doubled in ____ countries in the past 50 years.


The changes in population size over time is known as population


A demographic transition pattern is used to link falling death and birth rates to an increase in social and___development


Tourism that is ecologically and socially sustainable is called---


The two factors most closely associated with fertility rates in developed countries are ______.

education and socioeconomic status

In addition to soil, agriculture is dependent upon water, nutrients, favorable climates to grow crops, productive crop varieties, and upon the mechanical ---to tend and harvest them.


The first law of thermodynamics states that

energy is neither created nor destroyed

Rank the following oceanic zones from shallow (on top) to deep.

epipelagic zone Mesopelagic Zone Bathypelagic Zone Abyssal zone Hadal zone

Soil loss or streambank--- can occur as a result of removing trees near streambanks and by damage to banks caused by grazing cattle.


Overgrazing of livestock on land leads to ___.

erosion damage to vegetation more runoff

The species concept that defines a species according to common ancestors is the---species concept.


True or false: All deserts have sparse vegetation and low species diversity.


True or false: Scientists already recognize most details regarding the oceans' role to both marine and terrestrial life on earth.


In Arizona, most birds gather in trees and bushes surrounding the few available rivers and streams. This behavior shows that ___.

freshwater ecosystems are important to the survival of some terrestrial species

According to the phylogenetic species concept, organisms are members of the same species based on---- similarity.


Entropy tends to ________ in all natural systems.


Since we have few absolute laws, the scientific community often relies on ________ reasoning.


Because grazing cattle consume the edible species, many ___ species have built up on rangelands.


What threatens the U.S. temperate rainforests?


Small-scale family farms help to ___.

maintain environmental quality preserve rural culture

Unique trees that serve to stabilize and build coastlines and act as nurseries to terrestrial and marine wildlife are---


Regions such as forested watersheds, wetlands, and grasslands could be converted to agricultural lands, but they shouldn't because these lands ___.

may support insect pollinators that ensure product crops may be important in regulating water supplies

Although flushing salts from soil is one way of dealing with salinization, this method can cause the problem of ___.

more saline water for downstream users

What people should be allowed to stay on preserved land as they often have important knowledge that can be used to help manage and preserve the ecosystem?--- people.


Differing numbers of which particle can make different isotopes of the element


While public parks may have been around for thousands of years, the idea of setting aside land for recreation and preservation ___.

only began to rapidly expand about 50 years ago

The B horizon, or subsoil, is located just below most ___ activity in the soil.


Environmental factors that chase physiological stress are

pH and temperature

The population growth that continues for a few generations despite having a replacement birth rate is called ______.

population momentum

what group projected to be responsible for 90% of the world's population growth.

projected to be responsible for 90% of the world's population growth.

Forests are vital because they ___.

provide habitat for wildlife help to regulate climate control water runoff purify air and water

Changing the species of crops planted from one year to the next in the same field reduces pests' ability to build up populations over time; this is called crop---


Estuaries are bays where rivers empty into the sea, and ---marshes are shallow wetlands flooded regularly or occasionally with seawater along the coastlines.


What is the term we use for the cumulative body of knowledge we use to help explain and understand the world


Coral reefs are the most threatened marine ecosystem due to ___

sediment runoff rising sea temperatures destructive fishing methods

Soils that contain a high amount of ---are the best for growing crops. (Hint: We are looking for a mineral grain size here.)


Farms used to be ___ and now many are ___.

small scale; vast operations

In order to mass produce crops, forests and grasslands are converted to crop fields, which increases ___.

soil erosion

Protecting a single large reserve is beneficial for ___.

species with a big territory species such as tigers or elephants keeping an ecosystem intact

Used for centuries on steep hillsides, ___ are created to hold earth and water in order to cultivate the land.


A major negative side of the rich lifestyle in modern China, North America, and Europe is the disastrous impact it can have on __.

the environment

What patterns show a connection between birth and death rates and economic development? Demographic ______.


True or false: Modern contraceptive methods in development are mostly chemical in nature.


Terracing is a strategy used to control soil and--- loss on farmed hillsides.


Tide pools are found along ___.

wave-blasted shorelines

According to the theory of island biogeography, a large island can support more individuals of a species than a small island because ___.

with more individuals there is less vulnerability to natural disasters and/or genetic problems large islands tend to have more variation in habitat types

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