ENVR 1402 - CH. 25

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True or false: "Affluenza" describes the acquisition of a sickness brought on by hoarding too many items.


Conspicuous consumption is the ________.

purchasing of things we do not want or need to impress others

Which of the following actions would increase environmental impact?

- Switching from a diet based on beans and tofu to one based on beef and lamb - Driving to short-distance errands instead of walking or bicycling

The leading student environmental organizations in the United States, such as the Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) and the network of Public Interest Research Groups, ______.

- engage in direct action by organizing confrontational protests of projects that are likely to cause environmental harm - conduct environmental awareness efforts on campus, such as a recycling promotion - are a training center for student leaders

As a nongovernmental organization (NGO), Conservation International has been a leader in ______.

- establishing initiatives in economic development that seek locally made goods to provide livelihoods along with environmental protection - debt-for-nature swaps to protect areas particularly rich in biodiversity

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are ______.

- important in mobilizing public interest for projects beyond what a local group could do - vital in the struggle to protect areas of outstanding biological value - important in offering financial support for projects beyond what a local group could do

Rank the diets based on their environmental impact, starting with the diet that has the least environmental impact at the top.

1. Vegetarian-based 2. Farm-raise fish-based 3. Red meat (beef)-based

The first Earth Day was celebrated in ______ marking the birth of a new era in environmental protection.


Match the general suggestion for how to reduce your environmental impact with a particular action for how to do so.

Avoid disposable items - Use cloth napkins Conserve energy - Walk or bike Reduce excess packaging - Buy items in bulk Conserve water - Wash only full loads of laundry Purchase less - Use an item as long as possible

Which of the following statements is the reason why student environmental groups are promoting the strategy of fossil fuel divestment as a way for colleges and universities to address climate change?

Divestment is a logical step for colleges and universities to take given their commitment to the future well-being of their students.

The first ________________ Day was celebrated in 1970s, and marks the start of the environmental movement in full force in response to dramatic, public disasters such as the Cuyahoga River burning.


Match the university or college with an action that demonstrates their role as an environmental leader.

Emory University - This campus has 11 buildings that are or will soon become LEED certified. Carnegie Mellon University - Students designed a green roof, which they monitor for how it is reducing stormwater runoff, and energy use. Carleton College - This campus has its own wind turbines which generate 2/3 of their electrical needs. Berea College - Student designed housing that generates its own electricity and uses a living machine to treat wastewater.

Match the field of study to the way it can contribute to a career in the environmental field.

Engineering - People who are likely to develop technologies and products to clean up pollution and prevent its production in the first place. Environmental education - People who are able to guide and prepare an environmentally literate population. Economics - People who can evaluate the costs of pollution and resource depletion and develop solutions that are cost-effective. Business - People who appreciate how products sold and services rendered affect our environment and who promote green consumerism. Science - People who can understand the natural world and the effects of human activity on the environment. Art - People who can raise awareness through creative expression about environmental issues.

______, the sustainable use and protection of the natural environment, is the responsibility of everyone, as ecological, economical, and societal processes on earth are closely intertwined in our daily lives.

Environmental stewardship

True or false: It is best to just focus on the classes that are in your major, as those are the only ones that can help you to build the skills you need and provide you the necessary knowledge for being successful in accomplishing your life goals.


________ are needed to develop government and industry policy, laws, and regulations to protect the environment.


Which one of the following is not an example of how students on college and university campuses are engaging in "going green?"

Students are lobbying to shut down parts of their campuses that are not sustainable and return the land to its natural state by removing buildings.

______ involves meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable development

True or false: In terms of climate-change policy in the United States, a diverse and passionate grassroots movement may prove to be successful in raising awareness and affecting policy change, where the large established environmental groups have failed to make gains.


True or false: Some NGOs such as Conservation International work behind the scenes rather than publicly to promote environmental causes.


When you purchase sustainably-produced products you are being ______.

a green consumer

Critics of consumerism describe the feelings of worthlessness and dissatisfaction, rather than experiences of a better life, that result from the drive to possess stuff as "________."


Economist and social critic Thorstein Veblen coined the term ______________ _____________ to describe the acquisition of luxury items, not because they were needed, but to display these expensive items to attract attention to one's wealth or to suggest that one is wealthy.

conspicuous consumption

The process indicated in the figure is a life-cycle or ______ analysis that is implemented by organizations to evaluate the material and energy inputs and outputs at each stage of manufacture, use, and disposal of a product.


A form of consumer activism that is based on the concept of "voting with your dollar," and is practiced through purchasing environmentally friendly products is referred to as _______________ consumerism.


A type of marketing spin which is used deceptively to promote the perception that a company's products or policies are environmentally friendly is known as ______.


Ducks Unlimited was started by hunters to protect ducks and their ______________ at a time when wetlands were being drained at an alarming rate. The _______________ Club was formed to protect Yosemite Valley from development.

habitat; Sierra

A person who is environmentally literate ________.

has the knowledge of the principles of ecology and routinely includes the environment as one of the considerations in work and daily living

If you are walking across campus and come across a sign that says "LEED certified", you are likely looking at a ______.

building that meets specific environmental standards

An evaluation of the materials and energy inputs and outputs at each stage of the manufacture, use, and disposal of a product is called ______.

life-cycle analysis

The influence and respectability of major environmental groups such as the Audubon Society and Ducks Unlimited come about from their ______.

long history large memberships professional staff

The ______ evaluated and synthesized the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being, and provided a scientific blueprint for how to conserve and use the world's ecosystems and the services they provide.

millennium assessment

Citizen science is ______.

scientific research conducted by amateur scientists who contribute to scientific knowledge by gathering and providing data to researchers

Universities across the U.S. are creating new buildings ______ because they save money, they are visible examples of commitment, and students ask for them.

that fulfill environmental standards

International ________________ give the financial and public backing to small, local groups with environmental concerns the support they need. (Insert an acronym in the blank.)


Opportunities in environmentally associated careers such as engineering, ecology, hydrology, law, and business administration are ______.

all growing rapidly

Scientific research that is conducted by amateur scientists, wherein these nonprofessional participants contribute to scientific understanding by gathering and providing data to researchers, is known as ______.

citizen science

A 2016 bipartisan survey of public opinion in the United States found that ______.

American voters care about clean air and climate change and want science to dictate pollution policy

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in ___________ _______________(AASHE) offers the resources that colleges and universities need to support their environmental causes and concerns.

Higher Education

Which of the following is not an example of developing countries adopting the unsustainable lifestyles of the more affluent countries?

Improving access to reliable sources of clean drinking water and sanitation services is reducing mortality associated with waterborne diseases.

What do the established environmental groups such as the Sierra Club bring to the political scene that new groups do not?

Influence and respectability

NGOs raise public awareness on environmental issues by participating in public actions such as marching, protesting, and acts of civil ________________


The BBC poll of 22,000 residents of 21 countries found that ______.

there appears to be a dramatic worldwide shift in public attitudes toward environmental protection

Exercise your right to _______________ on environmental issues large and small; a strong democracy depends on you doing this.


Striving to do well in all your college classes is an assurance that ______.

you are a better informed citizen you will have needed skills in the future

What is the primary role of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education?

To provide resources for colleges and universities

True or false: The job outlook for environmental disciplines is good.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the current influence of environmental groups in climate policy making?

A new grassroots movement has been successful in raising awareness about climate change, and may be effective in achieving climate-change policy.

Which of the following actions demonstrates an act of leadership in support of sustainability?

Starting a petition to start a small organic farm on your college campus

Access to water, education, and sanitation increased and hunger, poverty, and child mortality drastically decreased, which were all part of the 2000 and 2015 Millennium ____________________ Goals.


Fossil fuel ______________ refers to the strategy whereby individuals and organizations refuse to invest in the fossil fuel sector to take a stand against this industry's negative effect on climate change, and their unwillingness to acknowledge and address this problem.


Environmental leadership fits naturally with colleges and universities as they have the knowledge and experience in their ______ and energy and creativity in their ______.

faculty; students

It is important to exercise your right to vote because ______.

freedom and democracy need tending, and it is every citizen's responsibility to be a part of this effort

Which of the following would not be among the strategies used to shape public opinion and mobilize support for environmental policy?

Allowing negative remarks made on TV or radio about the issue you support to go unchallenged, as it is best for every point of view to be voiced

Match the environmental organization with the original challenge it was established to address.

Audubon Society - To protect egrets and other birds that were being slaughtered for their plumes as hat decorations Sierra Club - To protect the giant redwood trees and their habitats in California from logging Ducks Unlimited - To protect ducks and their wetland habitats from being drained for conversion into farm fields during the Dust Bowl years Wilderness Society - To protect open space for all citizens, not just the wealthy elite who could afford private retreats in the mountains

The Nature ____________________ is a large professional group with assets of over $3 billion; they buy and preserve land of high ecological value.


What are some of the strategies environmental groups such as Greenpeace use to accomplish their goals?

- Bearing witness to environmental harm by confronting those who threaten specific resources - Organizing protest marches to bring attention to particular environmental concerns - Participating in civil disobedience by attending meetings at which they have no legal right to attend

How can sustainable development be accomplished?

- By making an energy transition that has a growing reliance on renewable energy resources - By committing to a political transition that is grounded in fairness and justice - By having world human population numbers stabilize with low birth and death rates

Which three trends associated with the 2000 and 2015 Millennium development goals occurred?

- Child mortality decreased signficantly. - Poverty dropped sharply. - Hunger fell dramatically.

Which of the following actions would result in a reduced environmental impact?

- Choosing to wear a sweater rather than turn up the heat - Installing low-flow shower heads

How is using the term "organic" on a product potentially misleading?

- Cosmetic products that use the term "organic" may have no significance at all because they are not likely to have pesticide residues anyway. - Some synthetic chemicals, especially those used in shampoos and skin care products, can be included under the umbrella term "organic."

Which of the following are arguments made by supporters of fossil fuel divestment?

- Divestment is a way to make a statement, as colleges did about smoking when they divested from tobacco companies. - The divestment strategy works, as it was successful in the past in toppling the South African apartheid regime.

Which of the following are arguments made by those who oppose fossil fuel divestment?

- Many universities and colleges are financially unsteady and should not risk low returns by divesting from the profitable fossil fuel sector. - Divestment disengages educational institutions from the fossil fuel industry when it is essential to stay engaged to influence corporate practice. - Educational institutions' investments are tiny relative to the size of the fossil fuel industry, so divestment has minimal impact on them.

What did the millennium assessment intend to do?

- Provide a scientific basis for actions that would enhance the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems - Examine the consequences of ecosystem change on human well-being

Which of the following are non-consumptive ways that a person can participate within their community and shape environmental policy?

- Running for a seat on your town's environmental commission - Joining a civic organization that advocates and supports a local network of nature preserves - Speaking at a local hearing regarding expanding the bike paths in your community - Voting in local and national elections for candidates who support labeling genetically modified food

Which of the following are among the influential student environmental groups in the United States?

- Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) - Public Interest Research Groups

Which of the following are examples of a citizen-science projects?

- Students from a high school team up with a state park biologist to study the park's bald eagle population. - Farmers gather data on pasture and stream health on their property, which they share with their local agricultural extension agency.

How is using the term "nontoxic" on a product potentially misleading?

- There is no legal definition for the term, so it can have many meanings. - The term does not specify how nontoxic the product is. - The term does not specify to whom the product is nontoxic.

Why are colleges and universities suited for the role of environmental leadership?

- These institutions have an interest in the future, as they are preparing students who will live in and influence the world in the decades to come. - Colleges have students to do the necessary research for whom the learning will be a valuable experience. - Universities have the knowledge and expertise to be environmental leaders.

What are the two main goals of the National Environmental Education Act?

- To encourage postsecondary students to pursue careers related to the environment - To improve understanding among the general public of the natural and built environment and the relationship between humans and the environment

Which of the following are potentially greenwashing claims?

- Using the term "natural" in beauty-care products - False or meaningless claims that exaggerate the environmental benefits of a product - A claim that a plastic garbage bag is biodegradable

The leading environmental organizations in the United States, like the Natural Resources Defense Council, Audubon Society, Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, and National Wildlife Federation, are often criticized for ______.

- being too entrenched in the establishment rather than true to their activist grassroots history - having limited contact with their ordinary members and largely depending on their professional staff to carry out the work of the organization

The Audubon Christmas Bird Count and the Earthwatch projects are good examples of ______.

- community-based research - organized citizen-science projects

There is a growing interest among businesses to design products and manufacturing processes that minimize environmental impact from the start because ______.

- it makes a business more competitive in future markets - it can save a business money in waste disposal costs - planning for sustainability reduces the potential for future litigation

As developing countries of the world become more affluent, they are ______.

- purchasing more automobiles, which affects air quality, world fossil fuel supplies, and global climate - adopting many of the wasteful and destructive lifestyle patterns of the richer countries

A person who is environmentally literate is more likely to ________.

- understand how human society is influencing the environment - understand the scientific concepts and facts that underlie environmental issues - be involved in activities to improve and restore environmental quality

Leadership is important for environmental policy because ______.

- when people with a passion for environmental quality get into positions of leadership they can effect change - leaders can organize citizen groups to lobby legislators to back environmental policies

Match the group of people with the way they can best contribute to environmental stewardship.

Farmers - Change practices to conserve soil and water Loggers - Maintain the ecological integrity Consumers - Purchase only things that are needed Environmental scientists - Develop bioremediation techniques to restore contaminated streams Politicians - Initiate or support environmental policies Teachers - Help children develop a sense of wonder about nature

In 1990, Congress recognized the importance of environmental understanding by all citizens by passing the ______ with the goals of improving environmental literacy among the general public, and encouraging college students to pursue environmental careers.

National Environmental Education Act (NEEA)

How does the Nature Conservancy deal with other groups that want to use or buy the same land they are interested in preserving?

They attempt to work with them.

Effective use of the ________________ can bring the necessary publicity to your environmental group's work or concerns. This includes writing letters to the editor, having celebrities support your position, and asking your local newspaper or radio station to do a feature on your group.


In the long run, green business practices such as reducing waste, improving efficiency, and minimizing environmental impacts in the manufacturing process all save companies _____________________


Large environmental organizations are criticized for ______, causing them to move away from their grassroots.

not being run by volunteers

Signing a petition to advocate for your campus cafeteria to carry fair-trade coffee is an example of ______, whereas purchasing fair trade coffee is an example of ______.

political activism; green consumerism

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