ENVS 125 Final

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Invasive annual grasses arrived in California about _______ years ago.


In the graph above,

1 is amplitude.

Approximately how much of the original extent of coastal sage scrub remains today?


Dune ecosystems in California vary systematically on the following scale(s):

100s of kilometers from north to south 10s to 100s of meters, from the beach towards inland Correct! Meters, from the front to the back of individual dunes

Approximately ___% of California grasslands occur on public lands.


In California, active timber harvesting began in the _____, while forest fire suppression began in the _________.

1850s, 1920s

Stocks of native oysters in San Francisco Bay were depleted by:


Northern coastal forest ecosystems extend from ____ in the south to ______ in the north.

200 km. south of San Francisco, Canada

The approximate global extent of alpine ecosystems as a fraction of total land area is:


About _____ of California's forests and woodlands are managed to supply raw materials for wood products.


Cities cover about ____% of California's total land area.


Of the fog that collects on redwood needles, Burgess and Dawson found that ____% is actually take up directly through the needles, rather than dripping to the soil where roots can take it up.


In California, rangelands cover approximately ____ of the state's land area, while range covers about ____ of the state.

60%, 33%

San Francisco currently diverts about ____% of its waste from landfills and has a goal of increasing that to _____%.

80, 100

Today, California's agriculture uses about ___% of the state's water supply, while 50-60 years ago it used about ____%.

80, 90

The proportion of California's amphibians and reptiles that depend on riparian habitats are ____ and ____, respectively.

83%, 40%

A four-level trophic cascade was triggered in Elkhorn Sough by population recovery of an apex predator, the sea otter, leading to:

A decline in its prey and increase in grazers. A decrease in biomass of microalgae.

A large autumn rainstorm in the Emerald Lake Basin led to:

A large decline in net ecosystem production A shift from autotrophy to heterotrophy

Compared to below Folsom Dam, the South Fork of the American River above the dam has:

A more variable annual hydrograph More flood scouring and removal of sediment

Younger Lagoon's beach is:

A reflective beach Correct! A pocket beach

Which of the following statements is/are true about California's kelp forests?

A subset of Marine Protected Areas are also no-take areas. Correct! Threats to kelp forests include nuclear power and pollution

Chlorotic mottle is:

A type of leaf damage caused by overexposure to tropospheric ozone

For a tree to form krummholz, it must have:

Ability to grow at leaders other than the apical meristem

California is home to:

About 30% of all plant and vertebrate species found in the U.S. Correct! The largest number of single-state endemic species in the U.S. Correct! The largest number of rare and at-risk species of any state in the U.S. About 35% of all indigenous languages originally spoken in the U.S. and Canada

Which of the following statements is false?

Actual evapotranspiration cannot exceed precipitation.

Which of the following contributes most to a pattern of declining rainfall from west to east in California?

Adiabatic cooling

Most of the sand comprising a dune field arrives there directly from:

Adjacent beaches

Nitrogen deposition:

Affects a greater proportion of coastal sage scrub than of any other California ecosystem type. Correct! Enhances production by exotic species. Increases fire risk.

Most of the annual California timber harvest came from private lands:

After 2000

Contributors to pollution in estuarine ecosystems in California include:

Agricultural runoff Correct! Urban stormwater discharge Correct! PBDEs Correct! Mercury Correct! Zinc

Aside from the effects of climate change, the most widespread environmental stressor affecting subalpine forests today is:

Air pollution

Conservation easements typically:

Allow ranchers to increase revenues or reduce costs in order to keep their land. Place a permanent deed restriction on the property title that prohibits development. Provide tax benefits or payments to landowners.

Characteristic mammals of California's subalpine zone include:

American pika Belding's ground squirrel Correct! Bighorn sheep

Rivers subsidize terrestrial food webs through support for:

Anadromous fishes consumed by terrestrial predators. Correct! Aquatic larval phase of terrestrial winged insects.

Important agents of soil disturbance in California grasslands include:

Ants Gophers

Temperature and precipitation patterns cause plant growth rate in California grasslands to peak in approximately:


Arboreal soils:

Are composed entirely of organic material and develop distinct horizons

The broad, relatively flat intertidal benches at Scott's Creek beach:

Are likely formed from sedimentary substrate.

Sessile space-holders in the intertidal:

Are more diverse in the presence of predation than in its absence. Correct! Are more diverse in the presence of wave action than in its absence.

In the CCS, surface ocean temperatures and chlorophyll content:

Are negatively correlated, with highest productivity in upwelling hotspots.

Rocky intertidal community compositions in California:

Are strongly shaped by sea surface temperature. Correct Answer Differ mainly in the relative abundances of taxa rather than their identities. Correct! Experience both top-down and bottom-up regulation. Correct! Are organized into distinct zones as a function of depth.

Beach food webs:

Are subsidized by phytoplankton and macroalgal production offshore. Correct! Have primary consumers that include suspension, wrack, and deposit feeders.

Montane hardwood-conifer forests are characterized by composition including:

At least 1/3 each hardwoods and conifers.

Animals that benefit from recent fires include:

Bark beetles that seek out burning vegetation in which to lay eggs. Vertebrates that forage on insects that colonize burned trees. Both A and B

The typical hydrograph of an undammed river in California involves:

Base flows in summers following wet years Correct! Flow peaks coinciding with winter rain events

Current and likely threats to coastal dune ecosystems include:

Beach erosion Correct! Sea level rise Correct! Development inland of dunes Correct! Invasive species Correct! Livestock grazing

Tools that aid in restoration of rivers and streams in California include:

Beavers Re-establishment of stream contours Correct! Planting riparian vegetation

The most abundant form of livestock raised in California today are:

Beef cattle

The first old-growth redwood park, established in 1902, was:

Big Basin Redwoods State Park near Santa Cruz

Water infiltration and nutrient availability can be enhanced in deserts by:


A stock production curve is the relationship between ____ and ____.

Biomass, stock production

According to chapter 29, the mammal species that occur in alpine settings and have the widest elevational range are ___________ and ____________.

Black bear, deer mouse

According to Figure 22.9 (Z&M, p. 439),

California Sage (A. Californica) populations from more variable climates showed the greatest growth responses to climate change.

Passive methods for monitoring large mammal use of the beach at Younger Lagoon include:

Camera traps Tracks

Thermal stress for intertidal organisms:

Can be mitigated in daytime by evaporative cooling. Can interact with the stress of dessication.

Ectomycorrhizae in redwood forests (and in general):

Can form edible mushrooms.

Fires in California grasslands today:

Can increase the species richness of exotic plants. Can increase the species richness of native plants. Generally favor forbs over grasses. Generally favor legumes over grasses.

Ericoid mycorrhizae in redwood forests (and in general):

Can mobilize nitrogen directly from organic sources. Correct! Are restricted to plants in the family Ericaceae

The subsurface water table at a beach:

Can receive nutrients from either the beach or the uplands.

Ecosystem services provided by salt marsh habitats in Elkhorn Slough include:

Carbon sequestration Correct! Removal of nutrients from the water Correct! Vertebrate habitat

Santa Ana winds are:

Caused by cool, dry air mass flows from high-elevation basins in western North American interior toward lower atmospheric pressures of the Pacific coast. A regional phenomenon expressed most strongly within the coastal margin and nearby mountain passes of southern California.

Genera with dozens of species that occur in California chaparral ecosystems include:

Ceanothus Correct! Manzanitas

The ecoregion with the largest area of riverine wetlands is:

Central California Foothills

The California ecoregion with the largest area of freshwater wetlands is:

Central Valley

Ship strikes most often affect:


Drivers of decline in the Sierra Nevada mountain yellow-legged frog include:

Chytrid disease Introduced fishes Pesticide contamination

A ___________ estuary has adequate freshwater inflow and tidal exchange to maintain a broad salinity gradient year-round.


Dry upper beach and high tide line habitats on California beaches are reduced most by:

Coastal armoring

Fog forms along California's coast because:

Cold coastal waters bring the marine layer down to its dew point.

Measures to protect and restore oak woodlands in California include:

Conservation easements on private ranches. Correct! Multispecies habitat conservation plans.

The California Floristic Province:

Contains more plant species than the state of California. Coincides broadly with the distribution of Mediterranean climate in North America.

Technology plays a strong role in mediating population-environment relationships in:

Cornucopianism IPAT B OR C

Shoaling of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ):

Could lift the OMZ to depths from which upwelling waters in the CCS are derived. Would compress habitats for pelagic species. Correct! Can interact with higher marine productivity to produce hypoxic events.

Tools for studying the composition and diversity of vertebrates in maritime chaparral include:

Cover boards Live trapping Correct! Pitfall traps

The view that population-environment relationships are shaped strongly by geography, equity, history and politics is:

Critical social science perspective

Important interactions of California agriculture with wild animal species include:

Crop consumption by wild herbivores. Control of crop pests by wild predators and parasitoids. Crop pollination by wild bees.

The predominant offshore phytoplankton are:


According to Figure 33.3 (Z&M, p. 717), dam operations:

Decrease the average magnitude of peak high flows in the summer.

A strategy employed by shrubs that are water stress tolerators is:

Dense vascular tissue.

The dominant nearshore phytoplankton in the California Current System are:


According to Figure 36.6 & 36.7 (Z&M, p. 823, 824),

Differences in overall stand-level biomass densities across management regimes were driven primarily by the biomass in live trees larger than 65cm in diameter. The average biomass of standing dead trees in forests managed by the Forest service is almost double that of private timberlands. Both B and C.

The phytoplankton that most commonly form harmful blooms are:


Subalpine forests of California comprise the highest elevation ecosystems:

Dominated by upright trees. Correct! Influenced primarily by abiotic controls, including snowpack.

Portions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have subsided as much as 15 m because of:

Drainage for agriculture Microbial oxidation of peat Erosion A and B All of the above.

Which of the following statement(s) about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta is/are true?

Draining for agriculture in the Delta led to land subsidence, placing much of it well below sea level. Most of the water that flows in to the Delta eventually flows out through the Golden Gate to the ocean.

In the Chaparral, growth and photosynthesis of shrubs and ecosystem processes are most active:

During the spring when soils have been recharged by rain and temperatures are rising.

According to Figure 19.3 on p. 364 in Zavaleta & Mooney (2016), the watershed with the most variable flow magnitude during 1970-2010 was the:


California oaks are:

Either winter-deciduous or evergreen

Biodiversity in the city of San Francisco includes:

Endemic species whose entire global distribution is within city limits. Exotic species that reside wild in the urban environment. Exotic species intentionally introduced to and maintained in the city. Native species that persist in the city on their own or with help from people.

Rodents and burrowing mammals:

Enhance native plant diversity by creating gaps for seedling establishment. Correct! Enhance exotic plant establishment by creating gaps.

The zones where montane forests occur are defined by:

Enough precipitation, at least 80cm/year. The right range of temperatures, with an annual average of ~50° F.

Tools for studying how herbivores affect chaparral plant community composition include:


Successful actions to protect species in California in the last 100 years include:

Expanded protected areas Correct! Bans on lead ammunition Correct! Eradications of invasive fishes and mammals Correct! Reintroductions of species to the wild

Large-scale diebacks of tanbark oaks are likely to affect redwood forests because of the oaks':

Extensive mycorrhizal networks Correct! Significant canopy cover

Canopy-forming kelp species that occur along the California coast include:

Feather boa kelp Correct! Giant kelp Correct! Elk kelp Bull kelp

Grazers in the intertidal:

Feed on both seaweeds and algal films on the rocks.

The maritime chaparral at Fort Ord Reserve is characterized by:

Fire-dependent wildflower species Fog

The taxonomic group with the highest proportion of exotic species in California is:


Organisms that use the sandy beach as part of their reproductive cycle include:

Fishes Correct! Pinnipeds Correct! Shorebirds

Forestry is distinct from forest ecosystems in that:

Forestry is an economic as well as an ecological activity. Forestry is concerned with using forests to meet societal goals and needs.

Tree species in California's subalpine zone include:

Foxtail pine Correct! Bristlecone pine Limber pine

Relatively highly invaded ecosystem types in California include:

Freshwater Correct! Grassland

According to Figure 32.6b (Z&M, p. 700),

From 1960 to 2011, annual primary productivity increased by fivefold.

The alpine flora of California most likely colonized the region:

From north to south, with many species coming from the Rocky Mountains. More fully during the Pliocene and Pleistocene, with many species becoming more restricted to the north since then.

Curl-driven upwelling is:

Generated by variability in coastal winds. Correct! Weaker than coastal upwelling. Responsible for supporting distinct components of the marine food web.

Volcanic substrates:

Give rise to soils with andic properties Generate more rapidly developing soils than granitic parent materials do. Can be metamorphosed to greenstone, which produces soils with clay horizons. All of the above.

The geology of California's Klamath Mountains is influenced by:

Glaciation Accretion of oceanic sediments Metamorphosis A and B All of the above.

According to Chapter 25, soil ecosystem engineers that likely enhance oak woodland biodiversity in California include:

Gophers Correct! Ground squirrels

Volcanic activity in the Cascade Range is caused by subduction of which plate beneath the North American plate?

Gorda plate

Fire return intervals in California foothill oak woodlands are/were reduced by:

Grazing Fire management

What's going on in Figure 25.7 in Zavaleta & Mooney (2016)?

Gross primary production, a measure related to photosynthesis, declines as evaporation declines. Correct Answer Gross primary production, a measure related to photosynthesis, declines as soil water deficit increases. As the ratio of precipitation to evaporation increases, so does canopy leaf area.

Which of the following is true?

Ground fires can store lightning events for days or weeks.

Species that reduce oak recruitment and growth in California's oak woodlands include:

Ground squirrels Correct! Gophers Deer

The effects of climate change on California's montane forests could include:

Growth of greater fuel loads. Correct! Prolonged summer drought resulting from reduced snowpack. Correct! More generations per year of bark beetles, increasing their populations. Correct! Moisture stress to trees resulting in higher pathogen susceptibility.

The main threat to California's biodiversity today is: Climate change

Habitat loss

Commercial fish landings:

Have declined since the late 1990s due to regulation.

Coastal sage scrub plant communities are characterized by:

High beta-diversity, or species turnover among sites. Correct! Shrubs interspersed with forbs and cacti. Correct! Species with seasonally dimorphic leaves.

Which of the following contribute(s) to the large number and impacts of invasive species in California?

High rates of endemism in California Correct! Climatic similarity to source regions Correct! High habitat diversity Correct! High rate of introductions

The field study we visited in the Hollister area is addressing:

How agricultural insect pests are affected by foraging bats. How bats use agricultural landscapes at varying levels of cropping intensity and inputs.

The following factors delineate sharp ecosystem boundaries on the 11-ecosystem hike:

Hydrology Correct Answer Fire Correct Answer Soil properties

California agriculture today covers about ____% of the state's land area


Climate change has:

INCORRECT: Extended the fire season by about four months in the last 50 years.

Chaparral shrubs in the Transverse Ranges stabilize soils by:

INCORRECT: Production of hydrophobic compounds that bind soils

Management of an individual stock depends most on ____________, with _______ species typically the most sensitive to harvest.

INCORRECT: Species life history, short-lived

The amount of a pollutant that an ecosystem can experience before it begins to experience degradation is called:

INCORRECT: ecological footprint

The view that population-environment relationships are jointly determined by population size and affluence is:


Which of the following statements is false?

In areas that burn severely, more carbon is lost to combustion than to decomposition.

Which of the following statements is/are true?

In areas where bull and giant kelp co-occur, giant kelp is the competitive dominant. In areas where bull kelp and giant kelp co-occur, bull kelp generally occurs in deeper and/or shallower waters than the giant kelp.

Beach wrack:

Includes both animal carcasses and macrophytes. Can vary from a thin line of debris to meters-thick accumulations of decomposing matter.

Sea otters at Elkhorn Slough:

Increase eelgrass productivity Correct! Reduce predation pressure on sea hares

Movement of sediment into areas at Elkhorn Slough is intended to:

Increase resilience of these areas to sea level rise. Recover salt marsh habitat.

An alpine plant species that occurs throughout the Sierra Nevada will be:

Increasingly restricted to mesic sites as one moves from north to south. More likely to be endemic if it is restricted to higher elevations.

The most widespread grassland type in California is:


Widespread ecological changes brought about by European colonization prior to 1850 included:

Introduction of exotic diseases and plants Introduction of livestock Construction of missions

Pitfall traps at Younger Lagoon are used to monitor:


According to Figure 38.8 (Z&M, p. 877),

Irrigated agriculture dominates the use of California's water resources. Allocation of flows into wild and scenic rivers makes up the second largest use of water in California

California's population today:

Is about 10% of the total US population

The California Undercurrent:

Is continuous along the length of the CCS. Moves tropical Pacific waters into the CCS.

Ocean acidification:

Is exacerbated by upwelling in the CCS. Correct! Is caused by rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, which in turn increase dissolved CO2 levels in the ocean.

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO):

Is often associated with higher precipitation and more storms in southern California. Typically increases sea surface temperatures off the California coast

Seasonal variation in kelp forests:

Is shaped by the seasonality of storm-associated waves.

Which of the following statements is/are true about coastal sage scrub in California?

It harbors the highest concentration of rare species of any California ecosystem. Correct! It occurs mainly on south-facing, steep slopes.

Which of the following statements is true about Lake Tahoe?

Its primary productivity has increased steadily since 1968.

Conifer species common in California montane forests include:

Jeffrey pine White fir Correct! Douglas-fir

Most of California's subalpine forests are found in the Sierra Nevada and the:

Klamath Mountains

A species protected from commercial harvest even though it has never been commercially harvested in California is:


Important marine hotspots in the California offshore ecosystem include:

Krill hotspots associated with blue whale foraging. Areas where bathymetric features, eddies or fronts concentrate productivity. Areas where two water masses mix. Sardine spawning aggregations in saline waters with curl-driven upwelling.

Physiological adaptations in desert animals for coping with heat include:

Large ears, feet, and other distal body parts Higher optimal body temperatures than non-desert animals Fat storage in tails and other distal body parts

Introduced trout in high-elevation Sierran lakes have reduced:

Large, pigmented species of zooplankton. Correct! Mountain yellow-legged frogs. Correct! Garter snakes. Correct! Phantom midges.

Ecosystem impacts of landfills include:

Leaching of toxic substances into groundwater Habitat loss Methane emissions Waste of reusable materials such as paper and metal products

Types of organisms that live entirely in the canopy of redwood forests include:

Leaf endophytes Correct! Salamanders Correct! Invertebrates Correct! Plants Correct! Fungi

Historically, fire in coastal sage scrub ecosystems:

Led to evolutionary adaptations to fire in many species. Correct! Was very infrequent due to the rarity of coastal lightning. Correct! Was more frequent than in chaparral ecosystems. Correct! Burned as often as every 30 years.

Rangelands around the world tend to have:

Limited, variable rainfall Soils that tend to be low in fertility, shallow, and/or rocky A significant portion of net primary productivity cycled by large herbivores

Adaptations in bristlecone pine to extreme conditions in the White Mountains include:

Long needle lifespans Correct! Stripbark growth

Which of the following statements is/are true about Lundy Lake?

Lundy Lake was formed by a dam.

The most deterministic view of population-environment relationships is:


Widespread chaparral dominants include:

Manzanitas Chamise Correct! Ceanothus

The maximum harvest a stock can sustain without inevitable decline is called:

Maximum sustainable yield

Which of the following statements about the rocky intertidal in California is/are true?

Medium-sized boulders harbor the greatest diversity of organisms due to the effects of wave action.

Important direct drivers of land use change in California's deserts have included:

Mining Ranching Energy development

Important marine hotspots in the California offshore ecosystem include:

Monterey Bay Cape San Martin to Point Arguello (0.67/1)

Exclusion of fire from Sierran montane forests has led to:

More flammable forests. Higher tree density.

Annual plants are _____ common in California's alpine ecosystems than elsewhere, and they face a strong disadvantage relative to perennials because of ____________.

More; short, cool growing seasons.

Which of the following statements is true of California's beaches?

Most resident beach animals are nocturnal. The ultimate fates of beach sands include dunes and submarine canyons. Most beach sand originates inland and is brought to the coast by rivers.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about California's lakes?

Named natural lakes still outnumber reservoirs by about 2 to 1. Correct! No regular statewide monitoring of lake status exists.

Per capita greenhouse gas emissions from transportation are:

Negatively related to urban population density Positively related to urban sprawl

Rare and endangered species whose management occurs at least partly on working timberlands in California include:

Northern spotted owl Fisher

According to Chapter 25, foundation species in California woodlands include:


Woody species that lack the ability to resprout after fire are called:

Obligate seeders

Globally, kelp forests:

Occur along the margins of continents and islands in both hemispheres. Correct! Require nutrient-rich waters.

Species that can sustain high harvest rates when environmental conditions are appropriate include:

Ocean shrimp

Cumulative water deficit in California oak woodlands peaks in ____________, when __________ is high and _____________ is low.

October, PET, soil moisture

In rivers, EPT taxa:

Often decline in response to human disturbance, serving as bioindicators of river condition. Are sensitive to temperature, oxygen concentrations, sediment and contaminant loads.

Private timberlands are concentrated more ____, while public timberlands are concentrated more ______.

On the coast, in the Sierra Nevada

Which of the following statements is true?

Ozone levels have declined in California but remain in exceedance of federal standards in many areas. Nitrous oxide and reactive organic gas concentrations have declined since the 1970s in California. Particulate matter levels in California have remained steady since the 1970s. Correct! All of the above.

Urban effects on local climate include:

PARTIAL: Shading by vegetation Evaporative cooling from irrigated vegetation

Winter flooding of rice fields in the Central Valley is beneficial for:

PARTIAL: soil fertility migratory birds

According to Figure 31.0 (Z&M, p. 683), under wet conditions when wetland soils are anoxic the end product of decomposition of organic matter is:

PARTIAL: Methane.

Dunes that run perpendicular to the prevailing wind are called:

Parabolic dunes Dune sheets Slacks Foredunes Correct! None of the above.

The consequences of a Mediterranean climate in most of California include:

Peak production in spring rather than summer in many ecosystems.

The zone between the mountain front and the playa in the desert basin range valleys incorporating both alluvial fans and pediments is called a(n):


California ranks first among states in the U.S. for species richness of:

Plants Mammals

In many fisheries, there is a ___________ relationship between size and ____________.

Positive, fecundity

California kelp beds have been harvested for:

Potash Alginates Correct! Acetone Correct! Abalone farming

Islands (e.g. Año Nuevo) provide important subsidies to California offshore ecosystems in the following way(s):

Predator-free terrestrial breeding habitat for marine vertebrates Concentrators of prey for top marine predators such as sharks

According to Figure 21.8 (Z&M, p. 422),

Private construction projects no longer take place in coastal dunes.

Geographic variation in California kelp forest communities:

Produces distinct assemblages north and south of Point Reyes. Correct! Is driven in part by geology. Reflects species distributions limited by climate and oceanography

In coastal sage scrub, soil fungal communities can:

Promote growth of exotic species. Correct! Promote growth of native species. Correct! Vary in response to varying soil nutrient availability. Correct! Enter plant roots.

According to Figure 26.8 (Z&M, p. 546), which of the following tree species has the highest ratio of foliar uptake capacity to nocturnal conductance?

Pseudotsuga menziesii

Which of the following statements is false?

Rainfall peaks at the highest elevations in N-S tending mountain ranges in California.

The largest and first abalone species to be depleted was the ____abalone, while the ____ abalone was the first to be placed on the endangered species list

Red, white

Climate change could:

Reduce the depth of the OMZ. Correct! Increase upwelling strength in the CCS. Correct! Reduce upwelling strength in the CCS.

California's agricultural expansion in the 1940s to 1960s was fueled by:

Reduced labor costs through the federal Bracero program. Interbasin water transfers and dam construction.

California's timberland types include:

Redwood forests Mixed conifer forests Douglas-fir forests Ponderosa pine forests

Specialization of particular moth species on particular yucca species (and vice-versa):

Represents a mutualistic relationship Facilitates sexual reproduction in sparse plant species.


Results from onshore Ekman flow. Correct! Results from poleward winds at the California coast.

Hillslope erosion following fires:

Returns to near-normal levels within a few years after a fire.

Which of the following characterize California's chaparral ecosystems?

Rocky, shallow soils Correct! Sclerophyllous shrubs

According to Figure 19.3 on p. 364 in Zavaleta & Mooney (2016), the watershed with the earliest single-year flow timing in 1970-2010 was the


Which of the following statements is true?

Salt concentrations are highest in wet playas because of constant evaporation

California's first large city was:

San Francisco

According to Figure 38.4-38.6 (Z&M, p. 873),

San Joaquin valley's production of oranges and almonds has surpassed Sacramento and southern California's productions rates in the last decade.

According to Figure 21.8 (Z&M, p. 422),

Sand and propagules can be transported in both directions between the beach and the coastal dunes. Correct! Inland ecosystem and dunes each provide food to animals in the other ecosystem type.

Sea urchins are prevented from producing urchin barrens in kelp forest sites by:

Sea otters Correct! Wave action

Climate change can affect kelp forests through altered:

Sea surface temperatures Correct! Hypoxic zones and hypoxia Correct! Ocean pH Correct! Storm frequency and severity Correct! Upwelling

During El Niño events:

Sea surface temperatures typically rise in southern California

The largest and most consistent physical and biological changes in the CCS take place on a time scale of:


Which of the following is a plant adaptation to crown fires?

Serotinous cones

Oaks can affect the composition of the understory vegetation through:

Shading Correct! Hydraulic lift Correct! Nutrient inputs in litterfall Correct Answer Harboring nitrogen-fixing lichens in their canopies Correct Answer Influences on herbivore and granivore activity

Subalpine meadows typically occur within subalpine forests in areas where:

Shallow water tables create conditions too wet for tree establishment.

Macroinvertebrates in the headwaters (high reaches) of streams like Devil's Creek (at Big Creek Reserve) tend to be dominated by ____________, with greater proportions of ________________ in lower reaches.

Shredders, grazers

The ecosystem type most displaced by California cities is:


Eelgrass beds in Elkhorn Slough estuary:

Slow the loss of sediment from the estuary. Provide habitat for juvenile marine fishes. Correct! Form the base of a food web that supports otters.

Compared to foredunes, backdunes experience more:

Soil development

Coastal sage scrub and chaparral communities differ clearly in their:

Soil fertility. Deciduousness.

Threats to California desert ecosystems today include

Solar energy development Wind energy development Invasive species Mining Road-building

Which of the following statements is/are true about California's Marine Protected Areas?

Some include beaches, but only up to the high tide line. Some protect harvested species that use beaches.

National Forest timberlands and reserved forests can differ strongly in:

Species composition Age structure Size structure Understory structure

Predators of the intertidal include:

Species that access the intertidal only during high tides. Correct! Species that access the intertidal only during low tides. Correct! Species able to feed in the intertidal during both low and high tides. Correct! Resident organisms. Correct! Non-resident organisms.

Native plants modify dunes by:

Stabilizing sand Correct! Intercepting blowing sand Correct! Increasing nutrient content

European beachgrass alters dune geomorphology by:

Stabilizing sand with deep, extensive roots. Reducing sand supply to backdunes.

Which of the following marine mammals use(s) Año Nuevo Island?

Steller sea lion Elephant seal California sea lion

American pikas survive the long, cold winters of the alpine zone through:

Subterranean haypiles

Sierran montane forest soils can be nitrogen-poor because:

Summer droughts limit decomposition and microbial activity. Recent glaciation produced relatively young soils throughout the region.

The mesopelagic zone:

Supports fishes that migrate up to feed at shallower depths at night, to avoid visual predators. Has been affected by shoaling of the oxygen minimum zone.

Which of the following contributes most to poor air quality in the Central Valley?

Temperature inversions

The greatest source of production in the highest reaches of small coastal creeks like Devil's Creek (at Big Creek Reserve) are most often ____________, while in lower reaches near the ocean production shifts towards _________________.

Terrestrial litter inputs, instream algae

The highest conifer species diversity in the world occurs in:

The Klamath Mountains

The most diverse of California's deserts is:

The Mojave Desert

Which of the following contributes most to a pattern of rainless summers in California?

The North Pacific High

The largest inland water body in California by area is:

The Salton Sea

Important centers of population density in California today include:

The San Francisco Bay Area Southern coastal California The Central Valley

Areas where housing development poses high risks to oak woodlands today include:

The Sierra Nevada foothills northeast of Sacramento. Areas adjacent to and south of San Francisco Bay.

Which of the following statements is/are true?

The beginning of the 20th century marked a shift from grain production to intensive fruit and nut cultivation. California's agricultural valleys are the most intensively farmed non-tropical areas in the world. (0.67/10)

According to Figure 30.10 (Z&M, p. 652),

The diversity of ants species follows a climatic gradient in the California deserts.

Which of the following statements is/are true?

The highest concentration of mammalian species diversity in California is in the state's far north.

Which of the following is/are true about coastal wetlands in California?

They include salty, brackish and freshwater systems. They include tidal systems

Lake Elsinore is:

The largest natural lake in southern California. A shallow eutrophic lake.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about California's dune ecosystems?

The least altered coastal dune complexes in California include Morro Bay and Point Reyes. The best sites for remnant native dune vegetation include Franklin Point.

Coastal upwelling is:

The major component of coastal California's upwelling. Responsible for the most nutrient-rich waters off the coast. Spatially variable along the coast due to orographic effects. Correct! Temporally variable along the coast due to atmospheric dynamics.

How does sand mat manzanita influence oak abundance in maritime chaparral?

The manzanita increases oak abundance by serving as a nurse plant for the oaks.

According to Figure 22.5 (Z&M, p. 435),

The native shrub (Salvia mellifera) has a longer and less pronounced period of growth than their companion exotics.

Which of the following statements is true?

The number of fires in California increased more dramatically in the early 20th century than it did in the last half of the 20th century. The number of fires in the Sierra Nevada declined markedly in the last half of the 20th century. The density of fires is higher in southern than in northern California. All of the above.

Which of the following statements is true? (Check all that apply.)

The relationship between fire intensity and severity is mediated by plant community composition. dNBR is a severity measure based on remote sensing of an area before and after it burns.

Which of the followings statements is/are true about Mono Lake?

The salinity of Mono Lake has increased in the last 100 years. Correct! Mono Lake levels were much higher in the Pleistocene than they were 100 years ago.

Benthic-pelagic coupling in the intertidal includes:

The supply of upwelled phosphorus to macrophytes during high tides. The supply of planktonic larvae to settling sites. Correct! The supply of plankton to sessile suspension feeders during high tide.

The upper limit of alpine ecosystems is set by:

The upper limit of soil development Cliffs, talus slopes and scree fields Glacial extent Treeline None of the above.

Which of the following statements is/are true about alpine ecosystems in California?

Their hydrology and biogeochemistry are sensitive to small changes in temperature and water availability. Alpine nitrogen cycling is very sensitive to snowpack changes. Thin, oligotrophic soils make them sensitive to the atmospheric effects of urbanization in interior California.

California's annual grasslands are good model systems for studying the effects of climate and atmospheric changes because:

Their plants are small. They have high diversity within small areas. Their generation time is short.

Bristlecone pines have helped refine understanding of the timing of historical events up to 10,000 years ago because:

Their wood decomposes slowly. Correct! Their tree rings can be aged precisely and use to calibrate carbon-14 dating methods. Correct! Their lifespans can exceed 5,000 years.

Which of the following is/are true about desert sand dune ecosystems in California?

They are too dry to support vegetation. They are formed mainly from inland transport of coastal/ marine sands. They shift continually in location rather than persisting in particular areas. They form at the bases of rapidly eroding hillslopes and pediments. None of the above.

Riparian areas are often the ecosystem types most affected by trampling because:

They concentrate cattle seeking shade and water sources.

Which of the following is/are true about giant sequoias?

They include the largest single-stem tree in the world.

Prefire management involves:

Thinning small and medium sized trees. Prescribed burns. Both B and C

Which of the following statements is/are true about small pelagic fishes in the California offshore ecosystem?

This group is dominated by anchovy, sardine and mackerel. Because their populations vary asynchronously, they can replace one another over time as the principal forage fishes in the system.

The upper limit of the subalpine zone is defined by:


Open bodies of water drained since the 1850s in California's Central Valley include:

Tulare Lake

Soil characteristics in coast redwood forests include:

Ultisols with deep, red clayey argillic horizons Histosols of organic matter supporting epiphyte communities. Both A and C.

Behavioral adaptations in desert animals for coping with heat include:

Use of burrows Nocturnality

Features that can make it impossible for plants to establish in desert sites include:

Vesicular horizons Desert pavement

The San Francisco Bay-Delta:

Was once mostly tidal Correct! Was once mostly freshwater Correct! Includes the largest estuary in California

The differences in salinity between wet and dry playas arise from:

Water table depth

Marine terraces are formed when:

Wave action cuts flat benches that are subsequently uplifted

Which of the following statements is/are true?

Wave periods increase with distance from the wave-generating storm.

The ecosystem type that has lost the highest proportion of its area to agriculture in the Central Valley is:


Species no longer fished commercially in California include:

Whales Sea otters Abalone PARTIAL

California's Forest Practice Rules require private timberlands management to consider:

Wildlife habitat Tree genetic diversity Tree age and size diversity Soil productivity

Alpine ecosystems can extend in pockets below treeline in areas of:

avalanches rockfall cold air drainage waterlogging absence of soils

The type of range with the highest productivity in California is:

coastal Mediterranean grassland

Threats to numerous high-elevation Sierran lake ecosystems include:

declining snowpack invasive fishes Correct! chytridiomycosis

Livestock grazing affects range ecosystems through:

defoliation trampling nutrient redistribution

In areas of California with rainfall below 50 cm/yr, the presence of shade trees is usually:

desirable likely to increase forage growth

The three most significant ways that California agriculture today interacts with the ecology of California's larger landscapes include:

effects on cycling and flows of water effects on land cover stocks and flows of fertilizer and other farm inputs across ecosystem boundaries

California wetlands support over 40% of the North American species of:

fairy shrimp

Wetland types in California include

fens mountain meadows vernal pools bogs desert oases

Old-growth montane forest animals in California include:

fisher Correct! northern flying squirrel California spotted owl

Important ecosystem services provided by California grasslands include:

forage water quality water infiltration carbon storage pollination

Fisheries are social-ecological systems comprised of interactions among:

governance economics ecology

Which of the following ecosystem types can chaparral transition to along gradients of moisture, temperature, soils, aspect, and/or elevation?

grassland Correct! oak woodland Correct! evergreen sclerophyllous woodland Correct! coastal sage scrub

For an area to be classified as range, it needs to be:

grazed by domestic livestock

The living roof at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco is an example of:

green infrastructure

Most freshwater wetlands in California can be classified as:

iNCORRECT: palustrine lacustrine riverine

In mixed conifer forests, fire suppression favors:

incense cedar Correct! firs

Edith's Bay Checkerspot butterfly has declined because of:

partial: declines in its host plant stochasticity invasive plant species

Coastal grasslands typically have more ____ than interior grasslands in California.

perennials woody invaders

For land to be classified as a wetland, at least of these attributes must be present

seasonal shallow water or saturated substrate water-saturated soils submerged vegetation

Important sources of revenue for California wetlands management include:

sport fishing

Companion species to coast redwoods in redwood-dominated forests include:

tanbark oak Douglas-fir

The distribution of coast redwoods extends from ____ in the south to ______ in the north.

the Santa Lucia mountains, the southern Klamath Mountains

For an area to be classified as rangeland, it needs to be:

uncultivated and undeveloped dominated by grasses or shrubs

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