EOC Practice Exam

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When zooplankton consumes phytoplankton, how much energy is retained by the zooplankton.


In pea plants, the allele for green pea pods (G) is dominant over the allele for yellow (g) pea pods. A homozygous dominant pea plant and a homozygous recessive pea plant are mated. Which of the following lists the distribution of genotypes most likely to be seen in the offspring?

100% Gg

Which is the number of chromosomes in a haploid cell?


A geneticist crossed fruit flies to determine whether two traits are linked. The geneticist crossed a fly with blistery wings and spineless bristles (bbss) with a heterozygous fly that had normal wings and normal bristles (BbSs). Which results in the next generation would suggest these traits are linked?

222 normal wings, normal bristles, 27 normal wings, spineless bristles, 22 blistery wings, normal bristles, 228 blistery wings, spineless bristles

Blood type is an example of a trait with 3 possible alleles, how many possible phenotypes can be expressed?


According to Figure 13-6, which parents might give a false positive if only the longer DNA fragments were analyzed?


The diagram below shows two amino acids. What would biochemists call the result of chaining many of these molecules together?

A protein

What makes a water molecule polar?

A water molecule has a slight charge on each end.

The plasma membrane, also called the cell membrane is in charge of which of the following?

All of the above

Which of the following is a part of all seeds?

All of the above

Where does the noncompetitive inhibitor bind?

Allosteric Site

A replication fork is -

An area where the DNA separated into two strands and new DNA synthesis occurs

Which kingdom contains organisms that are all multicellular, only heterotrophic, and do not have a cell wall.


Which of the following is not an effect of a mutation?

Any of the others could occur. Adding function, creating new or preventing formation

Which domain includes organisms that are called extremophiles?


Which picture shown in Figure 22-2 is the most likely outcome?


Which of the following Kingdoms is not included in the Domain Eukarya?


Which of the following are possible causes of cancer?

Both overexposure to chemicals and radiation

According to Figure 13-6, which are the parents of the child?


You arrive at your desk to find a colorless liquid in an unidentified beaker sitting at your seat. What should you do with it?

Call your teacher over for identification and removal.

Which product of alcoholic fermentation causes bread dough to rise

Carbon dioxide

What is the basic unit of structure in biology according to the video?


Why is the presence of DNA important for the cellular metabolic activities?

DNA directs the production of enzymes.

You have one copy of a gene from your mother and one copy from your father. What is the term used to describe a cell that has 2 versions of every chromosome?


Scientists around the world have been working to develop a medication to prevent or reduce the spread of HIV viruses in the body. If a successful medication were produced, which of the following might it most likely be able to do?

Disable reverse transcriptase.

You and your partner have completed a chromatography lab that uses a mixture of petroleum ether and ethanol. What should you do to dispose of these chemicals?

Dispose of them according to your teacher's directions

Which of the following is a decomposer?


The banding on a chromosomes are sections of chromosomes that are high in -

Either Adenine and Thymine or Cytosine and Guanine

Which of the following are prokaryotes that contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls?


Return all unused chemicals to their original containers.


Which of the following is the correctly paired monomer and polymer?

Fatty acids and Glycerol make up Triglycerides

What direction will solutes move if a protein pump is functioning properly?

From a concentration of low to high

In pea plants green seeds (G) is dominant over yellow seeds (g). What are the possible combinations of genes in the offspring of two green seeded heterozygous plants.

GG, Gg, and gg only

Which event during meiosis leads to a reduction in chromosome number from 2n to n?

Homologous chromosomes travel to opposite sides of the cell.

Which of the structures in Figure 12-2 are composed of RNA?

II and IV

Root tips, in plants, have special traits such as an apical meristem where growth occurs. What is the purpose of root hairs?

Increase surface area for absorption

Humans have forever changed the ecosystem of Lake Lavon by introduce the Zebra Muscle to the lake. The Zebra Muscle has begun to wipe out some species that are native to the lake and have inadvertently lead to the increase of algae blooms. The Zebra Muscle is an example of -- ?

Invasive Species

All of the following are true of protein denaturation except that it

Is always reversible

What is the importance of crossing over and independent assortment?

It allows for genetic variation within species

Using the graph below, predict what probably happened to the memory B cell count after the second exposure.

It increased.

Which is a difference between meiosis I and meiosis II?

Meiosis II results in four haploid cells instead of two diploid cells.

Which of the following is a term most associated with a tumor that is able to spread to unconnected tissue through the blood vessels.


What type of system is shown in Figure 35-1?

Negative feedback

What should you do if you are ever injured during a lab experiment?

Notify your teacher of your injury so that you can be sent to the nurse if necessary.

Which of the following is not an example of a carbohydrate?


In what organism would you find cell division being completed by cytokinesis, a process in which a new plate forms between two daughter nuclei?


When collecting a sample of DNA from a crime scene what process must occur for there to be enough DNA for gel electrophoresis to work.

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Complex carbohydrates, such as starch, are examples of polymers. Which scientific explanation below best describes a polymer?

Polymers are made of many small molecules that are similar or different.

The bigger bands will move slower through the gel and so will stay closer to the starting point than the smaller bands.

Possible Father 2

How is the illustration below interpreted by many scientists?

Prokaryotes might have entered host cells as prey or parasites.

Plants such as the Venus flytrap produce chemical compounds that break down insects into substances that are usable by the plant. The enzymes, that break down the insects are most likely what kind of molecule?


Which of the following is not an ecological pyramid?

Pyramid of Succession

When cells leave the cell cycle, they exit during G1 phase and then enter G0 phase. G0 is a resting phase. Most normal cells can leave G0 phase and reenter the cell cycle at G1 phase before entering S phase. Cancer cells are different because they cannot enter G0 phase and are likely to do which of the following?

Repeat the cell cycle continuously

What type of cells undergo meiosis?

Reproductive cells

During which stage of the cell cycle does the cell duplicate its DNA?

S stage

The cell membrane only allows certain molecules in and out of the cell. It is said to be:

Selectively permeable

How might digestion be affected if the body's pH remained at a constant level of 7?

Some enzymes would not work well

Muscular Dystrophy is a sex linked trait. Which chromosomes are involved in sex linked traits?

The X and Y Chromosomes

What will happen to a cell in a hypotonic solution where osmosis is occurring?

The cell will expand as water enters

Evaluate the common expression, "One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel."

The expression is true because a rotting apple gives off ethylene, which would speed the ripening of the other apple.

Which of the following statements does not describe a climax community?

The flora (plant life) and fauna (animal life) show continued growth

Which of the following is not a possibility for the gametes produced during meiosis?

The gametes produced will begin to undergo mitosis

A student designed an experiment to see if plants grow better when watered with a sugar solution. He divided the plants into six groups, measured the initial height of each plant, and calculated the average height for each group. Once a week for two months, he watered the plants in each group using a different sugar solution for each plant group. At the end of two months, he measured the final height of each plant and calculated the average height for each group. The student's data are shown in the table below.

The high sugar content caused too much water to move out of the root cells.

In the lysogenic cycle -

The host cell copies both its own DNA and the Viruses

As a result of the lytic cycle -

The host cell is destroyed

Within a decade of the introduction of a new insecticide, nearly all of the descendants of the target insects are resistant to the usual-sized dose. What is the most likely explanation for this change in susceptibility to the insecticide?

The insects developed physiological adaptations to the insecticide.

What does the process of crossing over involve?

The swapping of like genes between homologous pairs

Which is true of a retrovirus?

The use reverse transcriptase allows for the RNA to be transcribed into DNA.

A student outlined the following steps of the lytic cycle of bacteriophage infection of bacterial cells: 1. Virus lands on host cell. 2. Virus injects the capsid containing its DNA into the cell. 3. Viral DNA is used by bacteria to make virus parts. 4. New viruses are assembled in the bacterial cell. Which step would the student need to add to describe a lysogenic cycle?

The viral DNA becomes a part of the bacterial DNA.

Why do plants grown in a heated greenhouse in winter rarely grow as fast as the same type of plant grown outside during the summer?

There is less solar energy available during the winter.

Describe the actions of the cell's chromosomes during metaphase, a stage of mitosis.

They line up in the middle of the cell.

Algal cells are placed in an isotonic solution. Additional amounts of solutes are slowly added to the solution. What happens to the cells?

They will shrink

A chemical reaction is the process by which atoms or groups of atoms in substances are reorganized into different substances.


Autosomes make up 44 of the chromosomes found in humans


The arrows in a food web show the flow of energy from one organism to another?


When directed to smell a gas evolved from a chemical reaction, the correct method for doing so is to:

Use your hand to waft the smell toward you.

Which statement is true about A in the illustration?

Water evaporates through it.

Changes in the shapes of guard cells result in the opening and closing of stomata. Which of the following ideas would most likely explain how a guard cell can change its shape?

Water moving into and out of the guard cell causes it to swell or shrink.

Which of the following is an example of negative feedback?

When a commode is flushed, water fills the bowl until the float signals that it is full.

Which of the following is not an adaptation of arctic plants?

Wide leaves to absorb heat and sunlight.

Vascular tissues in plants is similar to the human circulatory system. Which of the following correctly states the two types of plant vascular tissues and their functions?

Xylem brings water up, Phloem lets sugar flow down

Which of the following can lead to cancer?

a disruption in the cell cycle

What is likely to have triggered hormone production shown in Figure 35-1?

an increase in the body chemical

What does the prefix hypo mean?


Which step is the same in both forms of fermentation, as well as in cellular respiration?

breakdown of glucose

The G 1 stage of the cell cycle marks the beginning of the ________.

cell cycle.

Following the levels of organization, which of the following makes up a your bicep, a specialized tissue in your body?


Which best describes the difference between chemical and mechanical digestion?

chemical digestion requires the use of enzymes, mechanical digestion does not involve enzymes

When organisms use inorganic oxidation to convert chemicals to produce carbohydrates rather than light, the process is called


An individual has type AB blood. His father has type A blood and his mother has type B blood. What is the individual's phenotype an example of?


Both DNA and RNA

contain phosphate

DNA is known as the molecule of life because it -

contains the hereditary material that controls cell activities

Which of the following tissues would limit the rate of transpiration the most?


Which of the following provides growth and development information to cells?

deoxyribonucleic acid

How can cancer cells be described?

dividing out of control

James Watson and Francis Crick first discovered the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953. They discovered that the molecule has a shape specific to just that molecule. That shape can best be described as —

double stranded and twisted, with a base bonded to another base holding the strands together

DNA provides a very significant role in the formation and development of an organism. What is that role?

encodes information

The cancer cells collected from Henrietta Lacks called HeLa cells are important in research, but will only be available for a few more years before they die


A DNA segment is changed from -AATTAGAAATAG- to -ATTAGAAATAG-. This is a(n) ____.

frameshift mutation

The model below represents the outcome from a step used in the recombinant DNA process. What is the step called?

gel electrophoresis

Most of a small population of insects is killed by an insecticide. Which term best describes the effect on the genetic variation of the species?

genetic drift

Which of the following is the correct pairing of a process and its requirements?

glycolysis: no oxygen

What does a virus need to replicate?

host cell

Look at the illustration above of an animal cell.What does the illustration represent?

hypertonic solution

During transcription a molecule is formed:

inside the nucleus

If you have no other information about an organism other than the fact that it was single celled, what could you conclude?

it could be either prokaryotic or eukaryotic

A set of photographs of chromosomes grouped in order in pairs is called a(an)


Which reaction takes place in the stroma (2) of the chloroplast?

light-independent reaction

Applicants for the fourth job of the Help Wanted ad in Table 12-1, "Supervisor," could qualify if they were ____.


What is produced during transcription?

mRNA molecule

Which digestive processes occur first?

mechanical digestion in the esophagus

Which organelle is called the "powerhouse of the cell"?


Which is the function of a flagellum?


Egg cells are produced in which structure of the female reproductive system?


A molecule of DNA is made up of _________.

paired nucleotides

A student completed a series of experiments and found that a protein-digesting enzyme (intestinal protease) functions best when the pH is 8.0 and the temperature is 37 ˚C. During an experiment the student used some of the procedures listed below. Procedures Adding more protease Adding more protein Decreasing the pH to 6.0 Increasing the temperature to 45 ˚C Decreasing the amount of light Which procedure would have the least effect on the rate of protein digestion?

procedure 5

What occurs during the process of meiosis in humans that can lead to a child with the condition of Down Syndrome?

production of gametes with one duplicate chromosome

The ______ takes in all the plant's nutrients out of the soil.

root hair

In comparison to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is

shorter than the X chromosome.

Which combination of characteristics in a population would provide the greatest potential for evolutionary change?

small population, many mutations

Colchicine is a chemical that when applied to a cell during mitosis can be used to "freeze" cells in metaphase by preventing the chromosomes from moving away from the metaphase plate. What part of the cell does colchicine most likely affect?

spindle fibers

If a hypothetical colony of 100 humans isolated themselves on an island, their genetic make up after several generations would be determined by ____________

the founder effect.

What results from the removal of a phosphate group from ATP?

the release of energy

Translation begins --

the start codon AUG

What is the single greatest limiting factor for plants to survive on land?

water resources

Crossing over would most likely occur during which stage of the cell cycle?

when homologous chromosomes line up in pairs

When would a substitution mutation cause no change in the resulting polypeptide chain?

when it created a codon that still coded for the same amino acid

Which of the following clues would tell you whether a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

whether or not the cell has internal membranes

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