Epidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic

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en (in) + demos(people) = endemic Endemic is refers to a disease or condition regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. Eg: In many malaria-endemic countries, malaria transmission does not occur in all parts of the country. Polio remains endemic in three countries - Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Pertussis is endemic worldwide, even in areas with high vaccination rates. Leave endemic Ebola zones - Germany tells nationals


epi (among) + demos(people) = epidemic An epidemic is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time: Eg: Annual influenza epidemics follow a winter seasonal pattern in the United States with typical activity peaking during late December to early February. An intense flu epidemic spreading across the nation has already taken a tragic toll in Michigan. H1N1 Flu Epidemic Fills Up Texas Hospital Beds And ERs Ebola Epidemic Ravages West Africa


pan (all) + demos(people) = pandemic A disease becomes pandemic when it spreads beyond a region to infect large numbers of people worldwide Eg: The Black Death was one of the worst pandemics in human history, killing at least 75 million people on three continents The Franco-Prussian War triggered a smallpox pandemic of 1870-1875 that claimed 500,000 lives. The 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic [is] estimated as being responsible for the deaths of approximately 50 million people or more. Americans fear pandemic as Ebola patients evacuate to Atlanta

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