Eryrhrocyte Inclusions
Normal erythrocytes are _____ µm in size. One-third of the central portion of the cell is pale, referred to as _____
7 to 8 central pallor
What are Pappenheimer bodies are caused by?
accelerated red cell division or impaired hemoglobin synthesis.
When the large reticulocytes normally found in the bone marrow are present in the peripheral blood, they are referred to as _____. These cells may be up to twice the size of normal mature red cells and are an indication of the bone marrow's response to severe anemia.
shift or stress reticulocytes
A mature erythrocyte containing siderotic granules is referred to as a _____, while an immature (nucleated) erythrocyte containing siderotic granules is known as a _____.
siderocyte sideroblast
iron-containing granules are called _____.
siderotic granules
Reticulocytes appear blue-gray on the Wright or Wright-Giemsa-stained smear and are referred to as polychromatophilic red cells. what stain is used?
supravital stain
to confirm the presence of Heinz bodies, hemoglobin H bodies, or reticulocytes, smears must be prepared after staining an aliquot of fresh whole blood with a _____
supravital stain
Cabbot rings
thin, red-violet-staining strands in the shape of rings, figure eights, or shapes of the letter B on Wright-stained smears
When do you see cabbot rings?
Cabot rings have been observed in megaloblastic anemia, lead poisoning, severe anemia, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, and other cases of dyserythropoiesis
One of the functions of the spleen is _____, which refers to its ability to pluck out particles in red blood cells without destroying them.
what stain is used to detect siderosomes
prussian blue
When is coarse stippling seen?
Coarse basophilic stippling may be seen in lead poisoning (or other heavy metal poisoning), thalassemias, and anemias associated with abnormal heme synthesis such as sideroblastic anemia.
When are Howell Jolly bodies seen?
Howell-Jolly bodies may also be seen in hemolytic anemias, thalassemia, and sickle cell anemia.
Which inclusions may be observed on a Wright-stained peripheral blood smear if a patient has had a splenectomy?
Howell-Jolly bodies and Pappenheimer bodies
When a red cell precursor contains too much iron, the siderotic granules form a ring around the nucleus. If five or more siderotic granules form a ring around at least half the periphery of the nucleus of a nucleated red blood cell, the cell is referred to as a _____.
ringed sideroblast
What stain is used for Pappenheimer bodies?
Prussian blue stain
polychromatophilic RBCs
Reticulocytosis, immature RBCs
The presence of relatively evenly-distributed dark-blue particles or granules of varying size in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes is referred to as basophilic stippling which includes _____ and may indicate impaired hemoglobin synthesis, probably due to the instability of RNA in the young cell.
Ribosomes (RNA)
Howell-Jolly bodies
round, smooth, almost pyknotic, dark-purple bodies, contain DNA
The ringed sideroblast is associated with what?
The ringed sideroblast is associated with sideroblastic anemias and myelodysplasias.
How many Howell Jolly bodies do you normally see?
The basophilic stippling that is clinically significant is referred to as _____
coarse stippling
Pappenheimer bodies
degenerating cellular remnants that contain iron
Heinz bodies are composed of _____.
denatured hemoglobin
Heinz bodies are commonly associated with:
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and other red cell enzyme disorders
When are Pappenheimer bodies seen?
in certain types of anemia that are characterized by an increase in the storage of iron, such as sideroblastic anemia and thalassemia.
How do we detect shift or stress reticulocytes?
in the IRF channel