Essentials of Business Communications 5, 6, 7

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Which of the following is the most effective opening sentence for a response message?

Yes, we can put together a corporate travel package that will meet your needs and fit your budget.

**A popular format of business letters, called _____________________ style, aligns all parts on the left of the page.


**Byron has ended a sales message with the sentence Book your vacation by May 15 to receive our reduced rate. What technique is he using to motivate action?

Setting a deadline

When service is involved in a claim, you should

cite names of individuals spoken to and dates of calls.

Persuasive claim messages are also called

complaint messages.

Most workplace messages should be organized


You will use the direct strategy for your message when the bad news is not damaging, when the receiver might overlook the bad news, when directness is preferred, and when

firmness is necessary.

Emotional appeals

focus on status, ego, and sensual feelings.

**Smart businesses regard complaints from customers as

free consulting reports from the field.

Most persuasive requests should be organized


**Effective persuasion has the aim of __________________ others.


Effective persuasive claim messages

present a logical case with clear facts.

**An effective direct-mail sales letter

presents information completely, using a personalized tone.

When granting a customer's claim, a business communicator should include an opening in an adjustment message that

presents the good news immediately.

**Text messaging requires a SMS, which stands for

short message service.

**In responding positively to a claim, begin the message with

the good news that you are complying with the customer's request.

The indirect strategy works best when the bad news is personally upsetting, when the news will prompt a hostile reaction, and when

the message arrives unexpectedly.

**Readers are more likely to accept negative news when

they feel that the decision was fair, impartial, and rational.

*When you must refuse typical requests, you should first think about how the receiver will react to your refusal and decide

whether to use the direct or the indirect strategy.

**Sending a goodwill message via e-mail (vs. a handwritten note) is acceptable if

you frequently communicate with the receiver by e-mail.

*Persuasion is necessary when

your audience may have resistance about your idea.

The final element of an e-mail message should be

your name and full contact information.

**In crafting e-mail sales messages, the term above the fold refers to

your primary points appearing early in the message. Rationale: "Above the fold" means that you put your primary points early in the message so that they capture the reader's attention.

Bennett is sending an e-mail message about a change in procedure for submitting work hours. Which of the following represents the most direct opening?

A new procedure for submitting work hours will go into effect on April 1.

Why do some employers forbid employees to use instant messaging (IM) and texting?

Some employers consider IM and texting distractions.

Which of the following is the most effective emotional appeal?

Surround yourself in the uncompromising safety and luxury of a Lincoln because you've earned it.

**TED Talks are a popular example of podcasts. TED refers to

Technology, Education, and Design.

Which statement about the format of a business letter is most accurate?

The appearance of a business letter can send nonverbal messages about a sender to a receiver.

**In announcing negative news to employees, where should you place an alternative, when one exists?

The closing

Which of the following is the most appropriate opening for an adjustment message granting a claim?

The enclosed check for $78, which covers the cost of your dinner, demonstrates our desire to satisfy our customers and earn their confidence.

Which of the following illustrates a testimonial?

After completing your training, I received job offers from three employers in one week!

When developing a claim message, you should

All answer choices are correct. Rationale: You can develop your claim message effectively by avoiding a blow-by-blow chronology of the details, including relevant materials, and clearly specifying your resolution to the problem.

*Persuasive claims are often written when

All answer choices are correct. Rationale: Persuasive claim or complaint messages are often written for damaged products, mistaken billing, inaccurate shipments, warranty problems, limited return policies, insurance problems, or faulty merchandise

Businesses use social networking to

All answer choices demonstrate how businesses use social networks. Rationale: Businesses use social networking to collaborate, to connect dispersed employees, and to solicit customer input at the product-design stage.

**Learning the techniques of sales writing can help you

All of these are benefits of learning sales writing techniques. Rationale: Even if you never have to write a sales letter on the job, learning the techniques can help you be a more effective communicator, recognize sales strategies directed at you, and make you a more perceptive consumer.

**Which of the following is true of sales messages sent through direct mail?

All of these are true of sales messages sent via direct mail. Rationale: Direct mail is a great channel for personalized, tangible messages because they are less invasive than phone calls and unsolicited e-mail messages. It is also shown to have greater emotional impact.

Which of the following best presents the bad news in a message refusing a customer's claim?

Although a full refund cannot be issued, we would be happy to repair your DVD player for a nominal fee.

Allison is declining a request for a monetary contribution from a charitable organization to which her employer, BMI Industries, usually donates. Which of the following most effectively implies the refusal?

Although our profits are being reinvested in BMI Industries this year, we hope to be able to contribute next year.

Which statement best demonstrates the use of positive wording?

Although the warranty will not be extended, we are happy to replace your item with a similar product at no charge.

Which of the following sentences presents the reason for denying a customer's request for credit most effectively?

Although your credit rating does not meet our minimum standards, we would be happy to reconsider your application if you add a cosigner.

Which of the following bad-news messages should be organized using the direct strategy?

An announcement of changes in business services

Which of the following is the most important part of a negative message?

An explanation of the reasons for the bad news

*Taylor must send a bad-news message to a client and indicate to her that he will be unable to meet a delivery deadline. What should Taylor do first?

Analyze the bad news to see how it will affect his reader.

Mikhail's claim has been denied once. Now, he is writing a second persuasive claim message to his digital media services company asking for a promised rebate package. Because he expects resistance, what should he do?

Appeal to the receiver's sense of responsibility and pride in the company's good name.

Which of the following situations would most likely require persuasion within an organization?

Asking employees to accept a pay cut to avoid layoffs or plant closings

In writing messages that deliver instructions, what advice should you follow?

Assume that employees want to contribute to the success of the organization.

As a manager, Corbin must inform his staff that all employees must now contribute more to their health insurance premiums. What advice should Corbin follow when delivering his message?

Be honest and provide the important reasons for the increase in individual contributions.

Which of the following sentences represents an appropriate end date in a claim message?

Because we have enjoyed your prompt service in the past, we hope to receive the correct projectors by January 12.

What is the current advice on the use of a greeting on business e-mail?

Begin with a greeting to provide a visual cue and to show friendliness.

Corbin must inform employees that overtime pay will be reduced from the current 2.0 factor to a 1.5 factor. Because he anticipates a hostile reaction, which of the following sequences should Corbin use for the parts of his message?

Buffer, reasons, bad news, and closing

Which of the following statements about claims is most accurate?

Businesses will probably take a claim letter more seriously than an e-mail message or a telephone call.

Sammie is planning a persuasive request. What advice should she follow for the opening of her request?

Capture the reader's attention and interest.

**Which of the following is an effective strategy for controlling your e-mail inbox?

Check your e-mail at set times during the day.

Which of the following situations is most appropriate for sending an e-mail message?

Chris must send the monthly sales data to his department.

Which of the following statements best describes use of social networks by businesses today?

Companies struggle with finding the right balance between permitting access to the Web and protecting security as well as ensuring productivity.

Which of the following would be an effective way to begin a bad-news message using the indirect strategy?

Complimenting the reader Providing a statement of mutual agreement Revealing the best news All answer choices would be effective techniques to open a bad-news message using the indirect strategy. All answer choices would be effective techniques to open a bad-news message using the indirect strategy.

Choose the best closing for a message requesting the receiver's support for a proposed change in a benefits plan.

Contacting me by December 1 about your support of this new benefits plan will allow me to present this proposal at the next strategic planning session.

Which of the following is not a social networking site?

Firefox Rationale: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are all social networking sites. Firefox is a Web browser.

Which of the following is the best title for a blog?

Five Ways to Get Your Résumé Read

You want to propose a workplace change to your employer. Which of these is the best advice for you?

Focus on how much money the proposed change will save the company.

Which of the following is not a helpful tip for apologizing in a negative-news message?

Focus on your regret.

Graciella is making a persuasive complaint at work. Which of these sentences will be most effective in achieving her goal?

For the past two weeks, fax machine No. 223- 51 has been unavailable to complete essential business for 25 of our employees due to incomplete service. Please ensure our equipment is repaired by Friday.

Porter Grace, RN, is declining an invitation to speak about the health benefits of juice bars at the fall conference of the Health and Fitness Trainers Association (HAFTA). Which of the following is the most effective buffer?

HAFTA members must be looking forward to the annual fall conference in Phoenix this year.

*Which of the following sentences would be least effective in a sympathy note?

I am sorry to hear your sad news; but if I may be of any help, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tara is starting a new job that will allow her to use text messaging. What advice should she follow?

Identify herself when texting a new contact.

Which of the following most effectively reduces resistance and builds desire?

If you are worried about booking a tour with us, please know that our European walking tours were rated the safest and best planned in the industry.

Which of the following is the best tip for replying to e-mail messages?

If you can't reply immediately, acknowledge receipt of the message and tell the sender when you'll be able to reply.

Which of the following is the most effective closing for a sales message?

If your sales don't increase at least 10 percent after your salespeople complete our "Closing the Deal" training, you get a full refund. Use our toll-free number to call me by August 1 and begin training on September 1.

Courtney is getting married and is trying to gather information about the banquet facilities of a potential venue in Las Vegas. She has lots of questions and decides to write a routine informational message. How should she present these questions in her message?

In a bulleted or numbered list in the body of her message

Which of the following statements about communication in today's workplace is most accurate?

Individuals are using more mobile electronic devices to communicate with others.

Which of the following statements about online complaints or reviews is most accurate?

Individuals should give companies an opportunity to resolve the issue before writing an online complaint.

You are using the corporate blog to respond to a business emergency. Which of the following is the best recommendation?

Make the blog part of your overall effort to communicate information regarding the business's emergency.

Which statement about the use of e-mail in today's workplace is most accurate?

Most messages in today's workplace are sent by e-mail.

You must write a sales message to prospective customers. What should you do in the opening of your sales message?

Offer something valuable, promise a benefit to the reader, or use some other technique to gain your reader's attention.

Which part(s) of your messages are readers likely to find most interesting and read first?

Opening and closing

**Which of the following sentences is an example of sensitive language in an adjustment letter?

Our goal is to earn your confidence with quality products and excellent service.

**Which statement about persuasion in business communication today is most accurate?

Persuasive tactics are more impersonal today than they were many years ago.

Which of the following sentences is not a parallel step in this set of instructions?

Placing age or gender preference in the candidate qualifications section creates legal jeopardy.

**As a Human Resources representative, Laura must inform Matt that his vacation request for August is not approved. Which of the following should she do?

Plan the message strategically.

Which of the following is an effective opening for a routine request message?

Please answer the following questions about your Web services.

Which of the following openings is most appropriate for a claim message?

Please process a refund for $68 to reimburse us the amount we were overcharged for our banquet.

Which of the following would be the most effective closing statement in a routine action request message?

Please send a contract for heating and ventilation work by April 1 to allow installation to begin by April 15.

Which of the following is the most appropriate closing for an e-mail message or memo?

Please submit your report by August 1 so that the information can be presented at the seminar.

What is the best advice for presenting the bad-news portion of your negative message to employees?

Position the bad news so that it does not stand out.

Which of the following is not a guide word used in e-mail messages and memos?


**When sending condolences, which of the following should you aim to do?

Recognize good qualities of the deceased. Offer assistance. Assure the receiver of your concern. (You should aim to do all of these when sending condolences.)

Arika is following the three-part plan to write a claim message about a problem with her digital communication service bundle. What should she put in her opening?

A clear description of the desired action

Which of the following sentences to employees best explains the reasons for a reduction in a company workforce?

Because of a decrease in sales, the number of employees will need to be reduced, which we know will affect all of you.

What advice should you follow when using down-editing to reply to an e-mail message?

Delete the sender's message header, signature, and all unnecessary parts.

Business communicators have many goals in conveying negative news. Which of the following is not a goal in communicating negative news?

Demonstrating the company's superiority in the global marketplace

When you use the AIDA persuasive approach, your first task is to gain the reader's attention (A). Which of the following represents your second step, or "I" tasks, of AIDA?

Describe the benefits a product or service offers and make rational or emotional appeals.

Which of the following statements best describes the use of letters, e-mails, and memos in businesses today?

Despite the popularity of e-mail, in certain situations letters remain the preferred channel of communication for delivering messages outside an organization.

Which statement about direct-mail messages is most accurate?

Direct mail is an effective channel for personalized, tangible, three-dimensional messages that are less invasive than telephone solicitations.

**Which of the following is an important etiquette consideration for sending text messages?

Don't text at a time that calling would be inappropriate or rude. Don't use text messages to notify others of sad news or sensitive matters. Don't text during face-to-face conversations (All of these are important etiquette considerations for text messaging.)

**When bad news must be given to large groups of employees, which of the following digital media would be appropriate for management to use?

E-mail An intranet post A webcast (All of these would be appropriate forms.)

Travis has asked you for some advice regarding the use of social networking in the workplace. What advice will you share?

Establish boundaries, and don't share information online that you wouldn't share openly in the office. Rationale: If you are providing advice, know what the experts suggest: don't share sensitive information lightly, be careful refusing friend requests or "unfriending" people because these acts could jeopardize work relationships, don't assume the social networking site content is protected, and do establish boundaries.

**Which of the following statements about writing negative messages is most accurate?

Even experienced communicators are sometimes unsuccessful in meeting the goals related to negative messages.

Which statement about today's organizations and their employees is most accurate?

Executives today rely on persuasion to achieve buy-in from subordinates.

Eyasu must create a corporate blog. Which of the following should he use in his blog?

Eyasu should use all these techniques in his blog. Rationale: The body of a blog should be structured with numbers, bullets, and subheadings. In addition, it should contain expressive action verbs and use conversational language to sound warm and authentic.

Which of the following is most accurate about the use of persuasion in business?

Honesty is not just the best policy; it's the only policy.

**Which of the following is not an effective subject line?

Important! Please Read Now

Which of the following statements about instant messaging in the workplace is most accurate?

Instant messaging allows people to share information immediately and make decisions quickly.

Kenesha must respond to a negative comment written by a customer on Twitter. What advice should she follow?

Investigate the situation thoroughly before responding Admit that her company errored if the complaint is legitimate and try to remedy the problem. Suggest a refund or a discount on future services. (Kenesha should follow all these tips.)

Which of the following messages would most likely require the indirect strategy to persuade an audience?

Requesting favors and action from coworkers

Yer's company has decided to let employees use instant messaging (IM) as an internal communication tool, and she wants to make sure that she's using it professionally. What should she do?

Respect her receivers by using proper grammar, spelling, and proofreading in her instant messages.

What is the best advice for writing goodwill messages?

Send a goodwill message promptly.

**Which of the following will increase the effectiveness of an online sales message?

Sending it only to receivers who have given you permission to send them e-mail marketing messages.

**The use of ALL-CAPS for phrasing in an e-mail message is often read as


Which of the following is the best opening for a note expressing thanks for a gift?

Thank you, Elena, for the e-reader commemorating my twenty years with Brown Sales; it will make a perfect travel companion.

**Dean has decided to include an apology as part of an adjustment message he is writing. Where in the message should he include it?

The opening

**Which of the following is true about short persuasive messages submitted online?

Tweets and other online posts can be used to project a professional, positive image.

Constructing messages saying no to emotionally involved receivers is a challenging communication task. Which of the following is the best advice for this task?

Use neutral, objective language to explain the reason the claim is refused.

Which of the following is the best advice for writing the body of an e-mail message?

Use numbered or bulleted lists when appropriate.

Which of the following statements about the ethics of delivering bad news is most accurate?

The indirect strategy is unethical only if the writer intends to deceive the reader.

Which of the following is not a goal when writing adjustment messages?

To verify the honesty of the customer's claim

In the popular block letter format, which of the following guidelines apply?

Use ragged, unjustified right margins. Rationale: In full-block style, the parts of a letter (dateline, inside address, body, and so on) are set flush left on the page. The letter is arranged on the page so that it is centered and framed by white space with margins of 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Set lines with left justification and ragged right margins.

In deciding to share negative information about another employee to your supervisor, what question should you consider first?

Was the act criminal or hostile behavior or just a one-time mistake?

Maya has decided to apologize briefly in the buffer of her bad-news message to a client. Which of the following is the best apology?

We sincerely apologize for the problems you experienced with your espresso machine. To prevent recurrence of this problem, we will recalibrate the heating element at no charge to you.

Which of the following represents the most appropriate apology in an adjustment message?

We understand your reliance on a high-performance router and apologize for the incomplete installation of your DataServe router.

Matt must send a refusal letter to Ryan, who recently interviewed for a job. Which of the following will be the best closing?

We wish you all the best in your job search.

Podcasts and wikis are part of the new user-centered virtual environment called

Web 2.0.

**As a project manager, Mallory needs to make sure that her geographically dispersed team members can interact and have the same information, templates, and documentation. Which of the following tools should she consider using?


In which of the following situations should you send a letter instead of an e-mail message?

You are asking leading members of the community to contribute to a fundraising event to improve local parks.

Which of these messages most effectively conveys empathy in a bad-news message?

You have every right to be disappointed. I am truly sorry that our product failed to perform as expected.

Which of the following sentences most effectively presents promotional materials in a message responding to a customer inquiry?

You will find that our top-selling host gift baskets not only welcome your guests but also save you money and time compared to individually purchasing and assembling your host baskets on site.

You must decline an employee's request to telecommute three days per week. Which of the following statements best explains why this bad news is necessary?

Your daily presence in the office is important to ensure regular customer contact.

Select the most effective opening for a persuasive request that invites a state representative to speak at your organization's Flag Day celebration.

Your patriotism and leadership in the House of Representatives have improved the quality of life across our state.

*All of the following are considered routine business messages except

a letter to a customer denying a request for credit.

**Because Maya knows that the most important part of an e-mail message is the subject line, she should

adjust the subject line if the topic changes after repeated replies.

In the body of a persuasive request, you can reduce resistance by

anticipating objections and offering counterarguments.

Techniques to elicit audience desire and overcome reader resistance in a marketing message include all of the following except

application forms. Rationale: Overcome resistance and elicit desire by offering free samples or trials, testimonials, guarantees or warranties, names of satisfied customers, and performance polls.

**Messages expressing thanks should

be specific, warm, and conversational.

When using the indirect strategy in a persuasive message, you should place the reasons and explanations

before the main idea.

**A device to reduce the shock or pain of bad news is called a(n)


An e-mail message or memo usually ends with action information, dates, or deadlines; a summary of the message; or a

closing thought.

End dates and specific actions in a routine request message should be placed in the


Companies use blogs for all of the following reasons except

conducting job interviews.

*The buffer in a bad-news message should

contain information that encourages the receiver to continue reading.

**To project a professional image when sending a negative message, you should

control your emotions.

Purposes of e-mail marketing include attracting new customers, keeping existing customers, encouraging future sales, cross-selling, and

cutting costs.

*When you must deliver bad news to one person or a small group, you should usually

deliver the message in person.

**AIDA, the indirect strategy for persuasive messages, seeks to gain the attention, interest, ________, and action of the audience.


The body of a routine request message presents

details explaining the request.

One important guideline when preparing instructions is to

divide the process into logical steps and present them in the correct order.

Businesses have embraced podcasts for audio and video messages because podcasts

do not require a live presence, yet offer a friendly human face.

The primary channel that consumers use to interact with brands today is


One advantage of a wiki is that it

eliminates the problem of document version confusion.

The ability to understand and enter into the feelings of another is called


You can effectively build interest in a sales message by

emphasizing central selling points identified in the prewriting analysis.

*The primary benefit of using the indirect strategy to communicate bad news is that it

ensures that your reasoning will be read while the receiver is still receptive.

You can improve the effectiveness of a claim message by

explaining the problem with necessary details.

All of the following are helpful tips to deliver a bad-news message personally in the workplace except

focus on the future and avoid discussing the past or the present.

**When calling a customer by phone to address a problem or disappointment, you should describe the problem and apologize, offer an explanation and resolution, and

follow up with a written message that documents the phone call and promotes goodwill.

Although e-mail is successful for both internal and external communication, you should still use letters when

formality and sensitivity are essential.

Your primary goal in writing a sales or marketing message is to

get your audience to devote a few moments of attention to your message.

A bad-news message, whether delivered in person or in writing, is usually better received when you

give the reasons before the bad news.

**Marketers often use blogging as a platform to get their messages to spread rapidly online, also known as

going viral

Instant messaging and text messaging are advantageous for all of the following reasons except

guaranteed privacy.

Most e-mail messages and memos

have nonsensitive topics and begin directly.

The biggest advantage of business blogs is that they

have the potential to reach a vast, far-flung audience.

Using the indirect strategy to prepare the reader in a bad-news message

helps you keep the reader's attention until you can explain the reasons for the bad news.

The opening of a blog should

identify a need and propose to solve the problem.

Joaquin will use the three-step writing plan for his claim message. In the body of the message, Joaquin will

identify enclosed copies of all pertinent documents.

You can soften the blow of the bad news in refusing a typical request or claim by

implying the refusal.

On behalf of your civic organization, you are inviting a motivational speaker to your semiannual meeting. In your request you guarantee the speaker an enthusiastic audience and a positive impact on the community, both of which emphasize

indirect benefits to the reader.

Persuasion in today's businesses focuses on

influencing others

All of the following messages to subordinates would use the indirect strategy except

instructions to operate the new phone system installed in all offices.

*The primary difference between ethical and unethical communicators is that unethical communicators

intend to deceive.

A wiki

is a Web-based tool that uses collaborative software to allow multiple users to create, access, and modify documents.

Blogs are most similar to

journal entries

*Positive phrasing is important in bad-news messages because it

keeps the reader in a receptive mood. describes what you can do instead of what you can't. often sounds more sincere. (accomplishes all of these.)

The bad feelings associated with disappointing news can be reduced if the receiver feels that the news was revealed sensitively, believes that the matter was treated seriously and fairly, and

knows the reasons for the rejection clearly.

Human Resource Specialist Julie Woodard must inform employees of a major reduction in health care benefits. When delivering this announcement, she should apply all the following techniques except

let the employees find out through the office grapevine.

Rational appeals focus on making or saving money, increasing efficiency, and

making good use of resources.

The closing of a persuasive request should

motivate action.

As a persuasive writer, you should practice all of the following except

offering a bribe or kickback to ensure that you win over your audience.

All of the following statements about social networking are accurate except

only teenagers use social networking sites to communicate with others. Rationale: Although social networking sites are popular among young adults, older age groups are now using social media at rapid rates. The majority of Fortune 500 companies also use social networking for a variety of reasons: to recruit employees, share company information, and exchange ideas As a result, many companies have adopted the Facebook model when developing their own corporate networks.

**Business letters are typically sent

outside an organization.

*Frontloading a message refers to

placing the main idea of the message first.

All of the following are effective techniques for softening bad news except

positioning the bad news at the beginning or end of a paragraph.

Use an emotional appeal when the

product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.

In the closing of a claim message, you should

promote goodwill and summarize your request.

The conclusion of a response message should

provide specifics if further action is required.

**Sam wants to ensure that the tone of his informational e-mail matches his intent. He should

read the message aloud to himself

Most companies receiving a claim message tend to

respond promptly because they want to maintain customer goodwill and loyalty.

*The closing of a bad-news message may do all of the following except

restate the bad news.

**Minimizing I when praising others to a good way to ensure that your message is


Goodwill messages should be short, selfless, specific, spontaneous, and


**When preparing to send an e-mail with an attachment, you should

specify the date, sender's name, receiver's name, and subject line on the attachment.

All of the following are reasons memos are used to send internal messages except


**The _____________________ of a direct reply letter generally refers in abbreviated form to previous correspondence and/or summarizes an earlier message.

subject line

**Which of the following would show confidence in the closing of an adjustment message?

suggesting a new product or service. writing with a positive tone. mentioning the product in a favorable light. (all of the above)


the practice of tapping into the combined knowledge of an online community to solve problems and complete assignments.

All of the following are reasons businesses use social networking except

to avoid legal challenges and issues. Rationale: Social networking sites enable businesses to connect with customers and employees, to share company news, and to exchange ideas.

All of the following are reasons businesses use wikis except

to improve the brand image of a company. Rationale: Businesses use wikis for the following reasons: to share information between corporate headquarters and satellite offices, to collect and share information to large audiences creating a database for important company information, to generate feedback from employees before and after meetings, and to facilitate project management.

Personally delivering bad news is sometimes recommended, but written messages are important to establish a record of the incident, to formally confirm follow-up procedures, and

to promote good relations.

When writers must convey bad news, they must carefully consider all of the following except the

total number of words they use.

When writing persuasive claim or complaint messages, you should

use a moderate tone.

When presenting the reasons for bad news, you should

use positive wording. explain the reasons clearly and specifically without revealing confidential information or creating potential legal liability. cite benefits to the reader or others. (All answer choices are correct).

**Although the term podcasting has caught on, a more accurate term when it applies to video content is


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