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A deontological theory is similar to consequentialist theories in that a deontological theory agrees that we are always morally required to maximize good consequences.


According to Aristotle's idea of virtue, it is possible for someone to be too courageous.


According to Aristotle, being virtuous is when one exhibits strength of will by overcoming one's bad impulses and doing the right thing.


According to Aristotle, eudaimonia (or well-being) is achieved by experiencing a life that contains more happiness than suffering.


According to Kant, there is a list of basic moral rules, none of which are reducible to another.


According to Kant, whether or how a feature is morally relevant depends on the context.


According to act-utilitarianism, there are times when we are morally required to act in a way that does not maximize the good.


According to consequentialism, an action is morally right if and only if the action is morally required by one's culture.


According to virtue theorists, deontological theories focus too much on what kind of person it is best to be.


Animal Rights is a topic covered in metaethics.


Aristotle thinks that our emotions cannot be wrong.


Global Poverty is a topic covered in normative ethics.


In the early twentieth-century, virtue ethics was considered the most helpful normative theory in determining what we ought to do in the contemporary debates about applied ethics issues like abortion and euthanasia.


One objection to utilitarianism is that it does not demand enough sacrifice from individuals.


The distinction between a descriptive claim and a normative claim is the same thing as the distinction between a fact and an opinion.


The doctrine of the swine objection criticizes utilitarianism for advocating some actions that are - at least intuitively - morally wrong.


Virtue Ethics cannot give guidance on what one ought to do when faced with a moral dilemma.


In the early twentieth-century, virtue ethicists had difficulty participating in contemporary debates about applied ethics issues like abortion and euthanasia.


Normative Ethics is the division of ethics that proposes theories for how we ought to act.


One objection to utilitarianism is that its moral demands are too severe.


The method of philosophy involves presenting arguments and evaluating those arguments according to the standards of logic.


The practical aim of a moral theory is to provide a way to determine what one ought to do when faced with a moral dilemma.


The theoretical aim of a moral theory is to discover the underlying features of actions that make them right or wrong, good or bad.


Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory.


Virtue Ethics has been criticized for not being able to provide moral guidance.


Imagine the following scenario: Rose always seems to know how best to tell the truth. She has lived a long life and has experienced many situations in her life when she had to decide whether or not it was appropriate to tell the truth and how to do so. Her grandchildren always come to her for advice on how to be more honest, but remain considerate of others' feelings when doing so. For Rose, understanding how to be honest just seems to be part of who she is. K Does Rose demonstrate phronesis?


According to utilitarianism, we can determine what the right action is by calculating net utility. Net utility is calculated by:

subtracting the amount of unhappiness likely to be produced by the action from the amount of happiness likely to be produced by the action.

According to rule-utilitarianism, we should consider the net utility produced by the moral rules that we adopt.


"It is illegal to steal from the university bookstore" is an example of:

A descriptive claim

When applying the universal law formulation of the categorical imperative (the first formulation), a maxim (or rule of our behavior) can fail by:

Both (a) & (b)

A good argument must have the following features:

Both a & b

Select the branch of philosophy that studies topics like what counts as knowledge as opposed to just belief.


Select the branch of philosophy that studies how we should live and what we ought to do.


Imagine the following scenario: Ariana asks Serena whether or not the outfit that she has tried on is flattering. Serena does not want to hurt Ariana's feelings by telling her that it doesn't look very good on her, but Serena thinks that it looks quite bad. In fact it's the worst thing that Ariana has tried on that day - even though it is clear that it is Ariana's favorite. What should Serena do, according to consequentialism?

It is not clear what Serena should do according to consequentialism. It depends on what one values (e.g. how one defines the "best consequences").

Consider the following case: Jon has become quite stressed out about the end of the semester and has realized that he has not done nearly enough research to write a good paper on how medieval societies were able to defend themselves against the threat of outside military forces. He does know, though, that his friend Sansa has done this research. He decides to steal Sansa's paper and submit it as his own work. Which of the following is an explanation of why Jon's action was wrong according to the end-in-itself formulation of the categorical imperative?

Jon should not have stolen the paper from Sansa because he is not treating her the way we should treat other rational persons. He is using her knowledge and effort in order to get a better grade for himself rather than considering her as an individual, herself

Consider the following case: Jon has become quite stressed out about the end of the semester and has realized that he has not done nearly enough research to write a good paper on how medieval societies were able to defend themselves against the threat of outside military forces. He does know, though, that his friend Sansa has done this research. He decides to steal Sansa's paper and submit it as his own work. Which of the following is an explanation of why Jon's action was wrong according to the universal law formulation of the categorical imperative?

Jon should not have stolen the paper from Sansa because it is not rational to do so. If he would have considered it fully, he would have realized that he was making an exception for himself. This is not a rule that he would want to be applied universally.

Imagine the following scenario: Rory, on his third birthday, chooses to share all of his new toys with his friends Gianna and Carolina. When asked why he chose to share with his friends, Rory says "because I knew that they would love my toys and I love my friends." Does Rory demonstrate phonesis in sharing with Gianna and Carolina?


Imagine the following scenario: Ariana asks Serena whether or not the outfit that she has tried on is flattering. Serena does not want to hurt Ariana's feelings by telling her that it doesn t look very. good on her, but Serena thinks that it looks quite bad. In fact it's the worst thing that Ariana has tried on that day - even though it is clear that it is Ariana's favorite. What should Serena do, according to rule-utilitarianism?

Serena should tell the truth. Lying violates a moral rule, and following that rule results in more overall happiness.

Imagine there is a surgeon who has five patients who are in need of a transplant in order to survive. The patients will die very soon if they do not receive a transplant. Then, the surgeon sees a healthy man enter the hospital - this man has the exact same blood type as the five patients. If the surgeon were to kill the healthy man and take his organs, he would be able to save the five patients. Which of the following responses do you think best represents the view of an act-utilitarian?

The surgeon should kill the healthy man, as doing so would allow the surgeon to save five other patients

Imagine there is a surgeon who has five patients who are in need of a transplant in order to survive. The patients will die very soon if they do not receive a transplant. Then, the surgeon sees a healthy man enter the hospital - this man has the exact same blood type as the five patients. If the surgeon were to kill the healthy man and take his organs, he would be able to save the five patients. Which of the following responses do you think best represents the view of a rule-utilitarian?

The surgeon should treat the healthy man for the ailment that he came in for, as the moral rule that doctors must avoid harming their patients results in more overall happiness than the alternative.

A deontological theory differs from consequentialist theories in that a deontological theory will state that it we are sometimes morally required not to maximize good consequences.


According to Aristotle, instead of overcoming bad impulses in order to do the right thing, a virtuous person would not have evil desires in the first place.


According to Kant's deontology, there are times when we are morally required to act in a way that does not maximize the good.


According to Kant, our duties can be analyzed in terms of one universal moral rule.


Being virtuous, according to Aristotle, means...

all of the above

According to rule-utilitarianism:

an action is morally permissible if and only if the rules with the greatest expected utility would allow it.

An example of an action that is immoral, but not illegal is:

breaking your promise to help your best friend move.

Another way to-refer to actions that are morally wrong is by saying they are:

morally forbidden

Another way to refer to actions that are morally optional is by saying they are:

morally permissible

A thought experiment is useful tool in philosophy that is used to...

test our intuitions and discover what basic principles we are committed to.

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