Ethics Final 9-10-11-14-15-16

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Ursula came to work wearing a low-cut blouse and a short skirt. Mike spent the whole day staring at her, and when they were alone together in a meeting, he touched Ursula's breast. She immediately left the room and reported Mike to human resources. When human resources asked Mike for his side of the story, which of the following responses would be similar to a statement a rapist would make?

"She's not my employee." "She's not in a relationship." "She's not offended when other people touch her." *"She wanted it."*

Daniel Callahan coined the term

abortion-on-request. *conceptus.* viable. spontaneous abortion.

Anastasia has been suffering from AIDS for a long time, and her health has begun to deteriorate. Her husband decides it is time to put Anastasia in a _________, so that she can get the comfort and caring she needs as a terminal patient.

clinic hospital *hospice* sanatorium

The pro-choice point of view states that human life does not have value until

conception. the third trimester. *birth.* the second trimester.

hose who believe in the _____________ view say that life begins at conception.

gynecological *genetic* developmental obstetric

Vito is treating Sophia for depression. He decides that he is going to give her a new medication that has serious side effects—including the possibility of causing sterility. Vito knows that Sophia really wants to have children and decides that it's best not to tell her about the side effects because he doesn't want to upset her over something that is unlikely to happen. Some would say that Vito is violating Sophia's right to

respect. individualism. life. *know.*

Reverse discrimination is caused by

workplace ageism. *affirmative action.* sexual harassment. disability harassment.

Which of the following statements best describes paternalism in medicine?

"The best doctor gives the least medicines." "Just because your doctor has a name for your condition doesn't mean he knows what it is." "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." *"The doctor always knows best."*

The _____________ principle of "Love thy enemies" would support the idea that killing is wrong in all circumstances, even in defense of others.

**Christian** Buddhist Hindu Jewish

Which of the following caused the increase of the arguments against war in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries?

**Military technology** Military politics Military rhetoric Military thought

Anahit has hated her husband, Jeb, for many years; the couple has had an acrimonious relationship and is known for fighting constantly. When Jeb got a new job with a million dollar insurance policy, Anahit decided to kill him for the money. After she made the decision to go through with it, Anahit spent many months planning everything so that she would be most likely to get away with it. Which of the following best describes Anahit's actions?

**Murder** Killing Suicide War

Alexis went on trial for murdering her boyfriend, Gary. Gary's family believed that she should get the death penalty because she deserved it for her actions. This is an example of which theory?

**Retributive theory** Restitution theory Results theory Rehabilitation theory

After being condemned to death, who took his own life by drinking hemlock?

**Socrates** Heraclitus Aristotle Plato

Jeff and Bianca have a newborn baby. Someone broke into their house one night, and Jeff saw the intruder walking toward the nursery where his wife and baby were sleeping. Jeff screamed at the man to stop, but the intruder didn't, so Jeff shot and killed him. Which school of thought would say that Jeff was wrong?

**Value of Life Principle** Value of Justice Principle Value of Death Principle Value of Domino Principle

What is the difference between a mercy death and a mercy killing?

*A mercy death is voluntary, while a mercy killing is involuntary.* A mercy death is done with drugs, while a mercy killing is done with machines. A mercy death is requested by the patient's family, while a mercy killing is requested by the patient. A mercy death is slow, while a mercy killing is fast.

What is the difference between acute pain and chronic pain?

*Acute pain disappears eventually, while chronic pain persists and typically worsens.* Acute pain occurs after a surgery, and chronic pain occurs after taking medications. Acute pain occurs because of an injury, and chronic pain occurs because of a disease. Acute pain occurs before a medical procedure, and chronic pain occurs after a medical procedure.

What is the difference between amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling?

*Amniocentesis is a test in which amniotic fluid is drawn, and chorionic villus samplinginvolves drawing cells.* An amniocentesis test is done during the 1st weekof pregnancy, and chorionic villus sampling is done during the 15th week of pregnancy. Amniocentesis is when a doctor checks for birth defects, and a chorionic villus sampling is when a doctor checks for the fetus's sex. Amniocentesis is a test during an overnight hospital stay, and chorionic villus samplingis done in a clinic on an outpatient basis.

Which statement best illustrates the anything-goes approach to advertising?

*Caveat emptor (Let the buyer beware)* In vino veritas (In wine there is the truth) Res ipsa loquitur (the thing speaks for itself) Castigat ridendo mores (Laughing corrects morals)

Which of the following doctors has failed to use the mercy death safeguards set forth by Dr. Christopher Meyers?

*Jack, who helped a patient with a mercy death three days after the request.* Derek, who denied a request for a mercy death that came from a patient's husband. Clementine, who required that a patient who wanted a mercy death repeat the request twice more. Aisha, who required that a patient who wanted a mercy death put the request in writing in front of a witness.

Which doctor might have a hard time treating a patient if there is a perception that the patient is guilty of something?

*Jade, whose patient contracted AIDS after sharing contaminated needles with another addict.* Holly, whose patient contracted AIDS from an unfaithful spouse. Andre, whose patient contracted AIDS after being raped. Cyrus, whose patient contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion.

Which of the following people most likely believes the domino argument against abortion?

*Misha, who believes that the mass genocide in Nazi Germany could not have occurred if abortion had been illegal* Esther, who believes that even though she could not have an abortion herself, it's none of her business what another woman does Greta, who believes that abortion is wrong in most cases, but acceptable when the pregnant woman's life is at risk Nailah, who believes that a woman be required to view an ultrasound before making a decision about an abortion

The Karen Ann Quinlan, Nancy Cruzan, and Terri Schiavo cases illustrated the importance of advanced directives that were outlined in the

*Patient Self-Determination Act.* Natural Death Act. Adult Health Care Consent Act. The Affordable Care Act.

Jana is thinking about committing suicide. When she discusses her feelings with one of her friends, she is told that suicide is wrong because people's lives are loaned to them and they have a responsibility to stay alive and live well. This view is based on which argument?

*Religious* Freedom Justice Domino

Heidi is excited about her first pregnancy, and she has worked with her doctor to find out all of the developmental changes that are going on with her fetus. During her latest doctor's visit, Heidi was told that they could now learn the fetus' sex. What stage of pregnancy has Heidi most likely entered?

*The 10th week* The seventh week The sixth week The fourth week

Rocky was hired by a pharmaceutical company to test a new medication through a series of clinical trials. During the course of his trials, Rocky found out that a few patients suffered from heart attacks. Despite having this information, he does not stop the study because the drug is not being developed to treat heart disease. Which of the following best describes Rocky's approach?

*The engineering model* The individualism model The reciprocal model The priestly model

Which of the following doctors is operating in a paternalistic way?

*Zeke, who does not share information with his patients or their families.* Thom, who does not make a decision without informing the patients' families first. Desiree, who does not prescribe a medication without explaining all of the possible side effects. Samantha, who does not have time to talk to patients outside of the clinic.

Drugs, hypnotism, incarceration, and electrical brain stimulation are examples of

*behavior control.* genetic changes. informed consent. human treatments.

Benito does not believe that a woman should have an abortion under any circumstances, even in the case of rape, incest, or if the pregnant woman's life is at risk. He believes that if you allow abortion in these extreme cases, you would have to allow people to have an abortion for any reason. Benito is making the ___________ argument.

*domino* justice medical psychological

Clara is against mercy deaths in all cases because she believes that if it is allowed for one kind of illness, people with other kinds of illnesses will want to die in this way too. She says this can lead to people dying despite the fact that they were not that sick but could have had successful treatments.Clara's beliefs are an example of the ___________ argument.

*domino* psychological religious individual rights

Discrimination is a form of

*prejudice.* exchange justice. affirmative action. truth telling.

During her regular prenatal visit, Johannawas told that her fetus' heart has started beating. The doctor further explained that at this stage, the heart looks like a tube. Johanna is in the __________ of her pregnancy.

6th week 16th week *4th week* 10th week

What is the difference between a right and an obligation?

A right is something that is promised by law, and an obligation is something that is promised by individuals. A right is something that is received from the government, and an obligation is something that is received from a spouse. A right is something people do for themselves, and an obligation is something people do for others. *A right is an entitlement, and an obligation is a responsibility or duty people have to each other.*

What is the difference between a spontaneous abortion and an induced abortion?

A spontaneous abortion occurs in a few hours, and an induced abortion occurs in a few minutes. A spontaneous abortion occurs in an outpatient clinic, and an induced abortion occurs in the hospital. A spontaneous abortion occurs with the help of medication, and an induced abortion occurs with the help of medical devices. *A spontaneous abortion occurs naturally, and an induced abortion occurs with assistance.*

What is the difference between an embryo and a fetus?

An embryo is a developing human from the 30th to 40th gestation week, and a fetus is a developing human from the 1st to 29th gestation week. An embryo is a developing human from the 1st to 5th gestation week, and a fetus is a developing human from the 6th to 19th gestation week. *An embryo is a developing human from the 2nd to 7th gestation week, and a fetus is a developing human from the 8th to 39th gestation week.* An embryo is a developing human from the 10th to 39th gestation week, and a fetus is a developing human from the 1st to 10th gestation week.

Shemia is an oncologist at a university hospital. When she treats her patients, she takes the time to talk to them about what they want and she also consults with each of her patients' families about what is in their loved one's based interest. In addition, Shemia discusses her cases with other doctors in the hospital and the nurses who see the patients every day. Which school of thought best describes Shemia's approach?

Bioethical *Reciprocal* Informational Maternal

What is the difference between bioethics and medical ethics?

Bioethics is concerned with the role that doctors play in the health care field, and medical ethics is concerned with the role that nurses and other supporting medical professionals play in the health care field. *Bioethics is concerned with how we relate to people in matters of illness, injury, and death, and medical ethics is concerned with how physicians relate to their patients.* Bioethics is concerned with health care that is delivered in a hospital, and medical ethics is concerned with health care that is delivered in a clinic. Bioethics is concerned with how patients are billed for medical care, and medical ethics is concerned with mercy death and mercy killing.

Who concluded that the developmental view is best for understanding when life begins?

Carl Sagan Jean Seligman *Daniel Callahan* Judith Jarvis Thomson

XTC automobile manufacturer designed a car that millions of people bought. After some died in accidents while driving this car, the company discovered that there was a faulty mechanism in the product that made it difficult for people to drive safely. After learning of this problem, XTC immediately recalled the car and gave consumers the option to trade it in for a safe model. XTC was practicing which principle?

Distributive justice Obligatory justice *Social justice* Exchange justice

Gizela is a reporter who covered a lawsuit where a woman sued a famous actor for rape. Although other media outlets named the woman and plastered pictures of her all over their articles and television shows, Gizela refused to do the same. In her reporting, she never showed the woman's face and only referred to her as "Ms. Doe." When asked about her coverage, Gizela said that if it happened to her, she would not want her name and picture out there. Which of the following news values set forth by Patterson and Wilkins was Gizela following?

Diversity Equity *Reciprocity* Dignity

What is the difference between exchange and distributive justice?

Exchange justice involves fairness in lending, and distributive justice involves fairness in wages. Exchange justice involves the rights of consumers, and distributive justice involves the rights of the government. *Exchange justice involves the reimbursement for services rendered, and distributive justice involves the circulation of profits.* Exchange justice involves honesty in pricing, and distributive justice involves honesty in advertising.

Sandra's mother, Juanita, has been battling cancer for a long time. At some point, her doctor suggests that they stop providing treatment for Juanita because there is nothing more that can be done for her. Sandra agrees and wants her mother to die with dignity. By ceasing medical care, what are they allowing Juanita to do?

Have a mercy killing *Die* Have a mercy death Commit suicide

What is the difference between saline and hysterotomy abortions?

In saline abortions, a woman does the procedure herself, and in hysterotomy abortions, a medical professional does the procedure. *In saline abortions, a woman gives birth to a stillborn, and in hysterotomy abortions, a doctor removes the conceptus.* In saline abortions, a woman is given drugs, and in hysterotomy abortions, a woman undergoes a suction procedure. In saline abortions, a woman goes to the hospital, and in hysterotomy abortions, a woman goes to an outpatient clinic.

What is the difference between the collegial and contractual models of the reciprocal view?

In the collegial model, doctors work closely with other doctors and do not consult patients, and in the contractual model, doctors are duty-bound to work with nurses and no one else. In the collegial model, doctors give preference to physicians who went to school with them, and in the contractual model, doctors work with physicians from different schools, medical facilities, and disciplines. In the collegial model, doctors treat patients who are admitted to university hospitals, and in the contractual model, doctors are legally obligated to only treat patients in a private facility. *In the collegial model, doctors and patients are considered equals with all of the same goals, and in the contractual model, doctors and patients have mutual respect for each other but recognize that they have different interests.*

What is the difference between the engineering and priestly models under paternalism?

In the engineering model, doctors will ignore the opinions of patients, and in the priestly model, doctors will ignore the opinions of other doctors. In the engineering model, doctors are primarily concerned with getting more practical experience, and in the priestly model, doctors are primarily concerned with getting more education. In the engineering model, doctors prefer to work as part of a team, and in the priestly model, doctors prefer to work by themselves. *In the engineering model, doctors are primarily concerned with being value-free, and in the priestly model, doctors are primarily concerned with not harming patients.*

Rosita is a strong supporter of the death penalty. When she argues with her friends about it, Rosita always says that the death penalty is needed because it rids a community of the worst criminals and makes it safer for everyone. Her views are best described by which theory?

Innocence theory **Utilitarian theory** Economic theory Deserts theory

Jasmine believes that suicide is always wrong, even when someone is suffering from a terminal illness and gets a doctor's assistance to die. She believes that if you let someone commit suicide for that reason, it will open up the floodgates for people to commit suicide for all reasons. That is an example of which theory?

Justice theory *Domino theory* Utilitarian theory Results theory

One way that doctors determine brain death is by checking a patient's


Which of the following is unlikely to be considered criminally or civilly unlawful in most states?

Manslaughter Execution **Suicide** Killing

Which of the following is considered an acceptable form of prejudice?

Mera does not hire a man for a sales position because he looks too ethnic to interact with clients. Cierra does not hire a man for a chef job because he's too old to keep up in a busy kitchen. Ali does not hire a woman for an executive assistant position because she has children. *Blake does not hire a candidate for an executive position because she does not have a graduate degree.*

Which of the following is currently against the law in 39 states?

Mercy abandonment *Mercy death* Mercy hospice Mercy killing

A recent report released by the Mayo Clinic concluded that over 50 percent of physicians are suffering from burnout, which can lead to issues such as substance abuse and medical mistakes. This information can be used as a reason to support which school of thought?

Moderate paternalism Practical empiricism Complete behaviorism *Radical individualism*

Which scenario follows the path that was founded by The Hemlock Society?

Noor is a cancer patient who would rather pursue alternative medicine instead of chemotherapy. Arlo is a cancer patient who has just learned of a new experimental drug his doctor wants to try. *Ginny is a cancer patient who asks her doctor to assist her with a mercy death.* Jesse is a cancer patient who has been released from the hospital into hospice.

What is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary means of medical care?

Ordinary means is voluntary, and extraordinary means is mandatory. *Ordinary means is an obligation, and extraordinary means is an option.* Ordinary means is asked for, and extraordinary means is not asked for. Ordinary means is provided by nurses, and extraordinary means is provided by doctors.

Who said that "When we leave home and cross our nation's boundaries, moral clarity often blurs" in regards to multinational business?

Phillip Patterson *Thomas Donaldson* Herbert Johnston Richard Paul

What is another term for free enterprise?

Quid pro quo ("something for something") Veni, vidi, vici ("I came, I saw, I conquered") *Laissez-faire ("let people do what they want")* Comme il faut ("as it should be")

Which of the following doctors is violating the principle of sharing appropriate information?

Sari, who never ends an appointment without explaining any medical terms she used when talking to patients. *Michael, who does not listen to patients' questions and does not have the tolerance to try to understand what his patients are concerned about.* Darius, who does not tell patients about the ramifications of their diagnosis. Annalise, who does not respond to patients in a cold manner when talking about their problems and concerns.

Ari went into a store that sold authentic Asian antiques to find a birthday gift for his wife. The owner of the store, Zhi, helped Ari pick a Chinese vase. Ari agreed to pay $100 for the vase, but when he wrote a check, it was for $80. Zhi reminded Ari that the vase cost $100, but he refused to pay the rest of the money, saying it wasn't worth it. Which principle did Ari violate?

Social justice Distributive justice *Exchange justice* Multicultural justice

Which group created "A Patient's Bill of Rights"?

The American Nurses Association The American Psychoanalytic Association The American Medical Association *The American Hospital Association*

Georgia published an article on her blog about a crime that occurred in her city. She named a suspect in the case, but she was later informed by a reader that she named the wrong person based on an error during a police press conference. After learning that she made this mistake, she wrote another article highlighting the mistake that she made and how she got the incorrect information. Which of the following is Georgia practicing?

Truth in advertising *Honesty* Exchange justice Laissez-faire business

What is the difference between war and terrorism?

War is waged to catch international criminals, and terrorism is waged to free the innocent. War is waged for years, and terrorism is waged for months. **War is waged against nations, and terrorism is waged against innocent parties.** War is waged because of politics, and terrorism is waged because of injustice.

Which court case stated that women had a fundamental right to an abortion without restrictions in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services *Roe v. Wade* Planned Parenthood v. Casey Stenberg v. Carhart

Some people argue for capital punishment because they believe killers like Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy cannot be

compensated fairly. deterred. declared innocent. **rehabilitated.**

Donatella suffered from depression and committed suicide. Her husband and three children were heartbroken and had a hard time coping with it for many years. People who believe the _____________ argument say this is why suicide is wrong.

deserts *justice* domino restitution

Shana is a prosecutor who put a man on trial for killing his best friend. If Shana argues that the man should get the death penalty because the victim's family deserves justice, she would be arguing ____________ theory.

deserts deterrent utilitarian **restitution**

Stephen is a doctor conducting research to create new prosthetic limbs. He says that war is the only way that these kinds of scientific discoveries can ever be made. This is an example of the _____________ theory.

economic gain and unity population control necessary evil *mother of invention*

Nicola owns a local paper that used to cover news that affected the community, like city government and the job market. When Nicola bought the paper, however, she changed the focus to primarily cover celebrity news and gossip and gave very little space to the issues that were previously covered. According to Patterson and Wilkins, this violates the principle of

equity. sufficiency. reciprocity. dignity.

When people first started using the term "euthanasia," the word meant "a __________ death."

fast happy sad *good*

Charlie Sheen went on the "TODAY" show to reveal that he is HIV positive. If his doctor had gone on the show instead of Sheen, and without Sheen's consent, to reveal this information, the doctor would have violated

informed consent. individuality. *confidentiality.* sharing appropriate information.

Kristen was date-raped, after which her rapist dropped her off at her house. Although she was terrified, Kristen immediately called 911 and was taken to the hospital right away. As the doctor conducted a rape kit, Kristen explained that she was very concerned about pregnancy. The doctor told her this is not something she will have to worry about because the rape

means it is very unlikely that she will become pregnant. will only affect her psychologically, not physically. *was reported in time to prevent pregnancy.* gives her the absolute right to have an abortion.

Nadya is in the sixth month of pregnancy, and her fetus frequently moves and kicks her. She knows that she is having a girl and she has seen its face. When Nadya asks her doctor what her daughter is thinking at this point, she is told that it's too early for the fetus to think because Nadya is not yet in the _______________ month of her pregnancy.

ninth 10th eighth *seventh*

In the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, medical researchers observed the effects of syphilis on African American men. The researchers gave the participants meals and free medical insurance for their participation, but never disclosed to them that they were suffering from syphilis that would not be treated. In fact, even though penicillin was readily available, the doctors who conducted the study did not use it on participants. This study was widely criticized for its lack of

paternalistic measures. *informed consent.* radical individualism. collegial relationships.

Gino was in a serious motorcycle accident. He suffered damage to the cerebral cortex, which means that although cognitive functions have been impaired, his brain stem is still functioning. Gino's symptoms indicate that he suffered a _________ death.

psychological *cerebral* brain neurological

Carina is an attractive young woman originally from Mexico who went on trial for murdering her husband. Her trial dominated the headlines, and many hours of television was dedicated to updating the public about her case. In addition, many newspaper and magazine reporters covered the trial, usually making mention of Carina's ethnicity and her looks. She was also regularly discussed on blogs and in social media, with people online declaring she was not given a fair trial. Carina's trial can be best described as ____________ driven.

rights harassment *media* prejudice

Bella had a nose job and for the next few days, experienced a lot of pain. She took painkillers for a short time, and within a few weeks, she was back to normal. The pain that Bella suffered can be best described as __________ pain.

somatic *acute* chronic nerve

Anje was in a car accident and received treatment for a spinal injury that the doctor said she suffered during the crash. After taking medication for a year for her injury, she developed a bone disease. Anje went to another physician who told her that she did not actually have the spinal injury that the first doctor diagnosed, so she should not have been on the medication that was prescribed. After this experience, Anje decided to reject the new doctor's recommendation to take another medication and went to a holistic doctor instead. Her decision is an example of

the priestly model. *radical individualism.* complete paternalism. the reciprocal approach.

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