Ethics Final

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A company in a country with an emission trading system mandated emission limit before the allotted year is finished, what ethical action can it take?

a. Try and purchase extra emission allotment for a low carbon company b. Try to hide the extra emissions from investigators c. Try to hide the extra emissions from (NGO's?) d. Lobby the government to change its cap-and-trade system

Which of the following organizations can assist in a country seeking to negotiate a trade agreement or settle a trade dispute?

a. United Nations b. International Market c. World Trade Organization d. International Organization of standardization

What is an example of an ill-conceived goal that in time could generate unethical behavior in employees?

a. Unrealistic profit expectation b. Yielding (???) promotion c. Reducing company carbon emissions d. Being —

Diversity training should enhance more awareness, knowledge, and skill when addressing diversity issues and is best achieved through?

a. Video testimony and role playing b. Department specific training c. The web-based training d. Social training and face to face interactions and exercises

What kind of question would be asked to assess land and property community impacts?

a. With land purchase and sourcing of food commodities make housing and food scarce or too expensive for locals b. Does a purchase with land cause a legal concern c. Have local developers been given first right of refusal d. Have the appropriate permits been signed off on by local officials?

How does the team problem solving process differ from the Pinch theory reconciliation process?

a. Emphasis clarification of the problem up front b. It helps parties to conflict understand each others perspectives c. It better utilizes the unique perspectives of parties to the conflict d. It prevents conflict from escalating to a bigger intense problem

What is a likely type of information that is shared in open book management?

a. Employee evaluations b. Profit reports c. Company goals d. Personal reflections

What is an example of an ethics-based initiative that could be evaluated through employee performance?

a. Employee participation in — ethics and diversity training workshops b. affirmative action goals c. Mood of employees in department d. How many —

What is the primary danger of implementing stretch goals?

a. Employees may behave unethically to reach them b. Employees may become demoralized by trying to reach them c. Employees may become complacent because they are too easy to reach d. They take the place of ethical goals

What is the strongest positive influence on organizational justice?

a. Ethical subordinates b. High job satisfaction c. Having a code of ethics d. Ethical leadership

Which of the following is a characteristic of superior ethical training?

a. Flattening of power relationship between management and not management b. Accountability from both management and non-management c. Neutral third parties d. Reduced management credibility

Which of the following qualifies as social entrepreneurship?

a. For profit company that donates a small portion of its profits to philanthropic b. A hybrid business model that seeks to see social change c. A manager who works for a non-profit and what's to develop a long-term vision d. A manager in finance, who works as a consultant for social organizations

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was passed primarily to deal with information?

a. Gender b. Race c. Ethnicity? —

Which is one of the greatest challenges business leaders must address?

a. Greenhouse gas b. Greenhouse awareness c. Global sustainability d. Environmental regulation

The purpose of the Anti-Bribery Convention is to do what?

a. Have the developed nations criminalize the payment of bride in the American Country b. Criminalize Bribery worldwide c. Hold developing nations or accountable to government officials. d. Criminalize bribes made in development nation's Government officials Not taking bribes

How does the text define organizational trust?

a. Having a positive attitude of another member and don't take advantage of one's vulnerability. b. Being aware of and handling with respect to an organization's mission. c. Fair goals and practices to employees d. Accepting that other members of the organization are acting in the best interest

Bullying affects organizational performance by causing what?

a. Higher absenteeism b. Lower turnover c. Higher levels of organization commitment d. Lower levels of unethical company leadership

Which of the following statements about ethical or unethical behavior of management is accurate?

a. Highly ethical employees place under unethical employees b. Unethical behavior by managers is not often influenced by subordinates c. — d. Employees want to see honesty from managers over all other attributes

When an American Company pays bribes to the government in a host company, where is the most damage done?

a. In the host country of the business which is made in ethical deal b. In the American business which may suffer from a loss of profitability c. In the United States which will suffer a loss in reputation. d. In the host country where the bribes reinforce and grow on ethical behavior

Which two components are essential to global warming as predicted by the meteorologist John Sawyer?

a. Industrialization and deforestation b. Industrialization and CO2 Emissions c. Population growth and decreased oxygen levels d. The decrease of -

An employee witnesses another employee making fun of co-workers' clothing. The target of the insult is —- Both parties went on with their work day. What should the employee witnesses do?

a. Intervene and try to negotiate a solution b. Nothing because a pattern has not been established c. Watch the employee to see if it happens again d. Mention the incident to a supervisor

What is a specific benefit of having an ethics assist line?

a. It gives companies legal cover for ethics b. It proactively reaches out to employees c. It allows anonymous reporting of unethical behavior d. It provides — for religious —

Which of the following are true about Walmart?

a. It is a large private use of electricity b. It is the largest private polluter of the world false c. —- d. It is focused on short term sustainability rather than long term goals.

What is the practical purpose of using a diversity wheel in the workplace?

a. It provides an overview of dimensions of diversity that are present + active in one's workplace b. It explains how different personality —each other. c. Predicts how employees d. It protects managers and supervisors from discriminatory accusations in the workplace.

Which of the following do ethics officers say is the biggest barrier to effective ethics training?

a. Lack of interest b. Lack of resources c. Unethical behavior by upper management d.. Failure to train human resource personnel

Which of the following is a core weakness of most web-based ethics training?

a. Lack of nuance in critical thinking b. Lack of flexibility to meet employee needs. c. Not broad enough in range of issues covered d. Lack of timely feedback

How does the text define fairness?

a. Making decisions based on rules and not bias b. Treating everyone with - c. Equal distribution of scarce resources d. Making a fair distinction between all possible options.

How does the text define renewable energy?

a. Natural processes continuously replenished by nature before it can all be used up. b. Energy sources continually are reduced by humans at no net cost to the environment c. The natural process including wind, solar, and electric that can be used as energy sources d. Energy source excluding fossil fuels

Which of the following is an example of discriminative justice?

a. Notification of changes to company's policy are communicated to all employees in a timely way. b. Promotions are granted in a fair and consistent way c. Managers keep an open-door policy for employees to express concern d. The decision to reprimand or sanction an employee can be (appeared?) by that employee

Which of the following is the most characteristic of a fully engaged employee at work with respect to Maslow's hierarchy?

a. Powerful and self-actualization without the need to fulfill lower levels b. The achievement of physiological and safety needs c. Fulfillment of all levels of the hierarchy d. No need for recognition for personal achievements

What is the primary reason management is given power is to what?

a. Provide problem solving for employees b. Promote organization and culture c. achieve organizational objectives d. Maximize

What is the first step in enhancing the moral consciousness in employees' wellness of the ethical decision-making process?

a. Raising understanding b. Teaching the spectrum of emotional responses c. Engaging in rural planning exercises d. Raising moral awareness and sensitivities

Where are the large national and multinational corporations concentrating their efforts to minimize climate change?

a. Science based targets associated with the Paris Agreement b. Environmental, social, and governance markets c. Influencing environmental legislations through engaging relations d. Developing green Technology and increasing the number of green jobs

What is the first step in which a whistleblower should take when choosing to report company proceeds?

a. Self - b. Financial saving c. consult an attorney d. Wait and see if the company addresses the problem

Which of the following might be an example of a glass ceiling at work?

a. Severely employees made 60 or higher were passed over for promotions in favor of young ones b. Older employees tend to fill supervisory roles c. Younger employees d. Upper management at the company is on the men when middle management is women and minorities

What do good employee performance appraisals have in common with the manager evaluation balanced scorecard approach?

a. The ethical behavior is a priority over the other behaviors b. Focus on leadership — c. Take the holistic approach d. Designed to measure promotion potential

If you purchase a product listed as for fair trade, you can be confident that what?

a. The maker or seller is not living in poverty. b. The product was produced with sustainable practices. c. The supply chain is the entirety of unethical practices. d. Western level price was paid to the maker of the product.

An American Business manager makes a bribe to a foreign government official in a host country, with such a bribe is not illegal, what would happen?

a. The manager would be punished by the host company because it must enforce American jobs. b. Even if cost, the manager would not be punished, the host country is liable. c. If caught, the manager could end up in American Jail. The bribe breaks American law. d. At most, the American manager would have to pay a fine. though the manager would not be punished because he did not break host country laws. e. He would end up in jail.

Which of the following statements about employee empowerment is accurate?

a. The same control system or level of empowerment should be imposed on all employees. b. Specific workplace criteria should not be imposed between employees and the chance at empowerment c. Employees that do not want to be in power should be forced into it. d. Not all employees should be in power.

When we prejudge someone, it's usually a reaction to what?

a. The work performance b. The practical work knowledge c. A difference in their communication style d. A diversity factor

In which of the following ways do adversarial differ from -

a. They do not self-actualize to do work b. They should never be in power c. They are eager to leave work at the official end of the day d. They genuinely do just enough to keep from being fired.

What common purpose is served by the false claims act, tax-relief and health care act, -?

a. They encourage whistleblowers among employees — b. They reduce the need for whistleblowers to report on private companies c. They protect whistleblowers from retribution d. They provide whistleblowers with financial compensation —

Which of the following situations is mutually exclusive could we expect to provide the most benefits in terms of supporting ethical behavior and —

a. a strong level of diversity among employees b. A company that has a strong public reputation of ethical behavior c. A ceo with strong sense of personal morality d. A manager that has an open door policy to discuss ethical issues

Linking employee performance appraisal results in raises and promotions which will result in greater ethical behavior if what component is present? (CHAPTER 10)

a. bonus are only awarded for ethical behavior b. Ethical misconduct is extremely punished c. Companies culture is ethical in nature d. — has an ethics component???

What is an example of a permanent dimension factor of diversity?

a. — b. Physical Ability c. Weight d. Ethnicity

What type of situation requires an ethical leadership style?

a. — b. When a manager is authoritarian and is now associated with most ethical problems?? c. Situation in which the — is delegated? d. All situations regardless of a managers leadership style

Where are most sweatshops located?

Eastern Europe and East and South Asia Asia and Central and South America South America and Africa Africa and Eastern Europe

What is employee silence?

a. A company's culture on any grounds of unethical conduct b. Employees at a company have an unspoken agreement to not discuss ethical conduct c. An employee — refuses to report the incident d. Witnesses unethical conduct but does not discuss or report it??? An employee witnesses ethical misconduct but does not discuss with anyone involved

How does the text define employee engagement?

a. An emotional bond or attachment an employee has to the work task, organization, or its members. b. The ability of organization management to create a positive relationship between employees at work. c. The Extent to which employees engage in socialization with co-workers or formal employee work groups d. The attachment an employee has to his or her specific job description.

A reverse discrimination lawsuit—--

a. An ethic disc b. A member of a majority group claims discrimination group

How does the text define philanthropy?

a. Any voluntary action that assists market with people in need b. The donation of time to assist a non-profit organization or people in need c. The donation of time or money/products to assist a non-profit organization in need d. The possession of good will towards those in a more disadvantaged situation

Which of the following can an organization reasonably expect to happen if it implements an EMS plan?

a. Better competitive performance in the marketplace b. The elimination of an environmental risk c. A supply chain that adheres to strict environmental standards d. A negative carbon footprint

Which of the following statements about global warming and greenhouse gasses is accurate?

a. CO2 Emissions from fuel consumption at the time of the industrial revolution were high b. The united states consumes the most coal in the world by far c. Increasing levels of CO2 have created a thinner insulation layer around the earth d. Greenhouse gasses are necessary for life on earth.

Climate change is defined as a long-term change in the earth's what?

a. Carbon dioxide emissions b. The average atmospheric temperature c. The sea level d. The fossil fuel emissions

Which of the following constitutes embezzlement?

a. Cashier overcharges employees on purchases and pockets extra money. b. A bank teller pocketing money from the cash drawer during each shift. c. A real estate agent omits other reports to owe less in taxes? — commissioner on tax returns to owe less in taxes. d. A company donates large amounts of cash to various charities to reduce their tax obligations.

Which of the following is one of the four core ethical principles that the international Ombudsman associates with the code of ethics that an ombudsman must have?

a. Confidentiality b. Integrity c. —- d. Courage

What is the best way to remedy a problem in which the employees don't recognize that the managers are ethical or that the managers don't realize they are acting unethically?

a. Create employee feedback system to report ethical issues b. Changing the ethics cultural of the organization c. Explain to employees that it's up to them to lead by example d. Highlight the work that is — at the most high moral character.

Which of the following statements about fraud detection is accurate?

a. Customer and Client are by far the most common source of fraud detection b. The average fraud lasts about six months before being detected c. Tips are the most common form of detection fraud d. Internal audits are a particularly inefficient means for detecting fraud

Which of the following conditions should be met in accordance with most before whistleblowing?

a. Damages over 1 million b. Serious harm is involved c. The employee must still be employed by the company d. The employee must have video or audio recording of —-

How is embezzlement related to theft and fraud?

a. Embezzlement requires the operation of a big b. Embezzlement relates specifically to market gain, as theft and fraud relate to conduct. c. Embezzlement is a specific type of fraud in which a person uses a — of their employment to steal. d .Embezzlement is a subset of theft and fraud that deals specifically with an employee and employer Book specifically says: a specific type of theft and fraud where an employee steals money for his or her employer

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