Ethics Final

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Calhoun would agree that our preferences are influenced by our formative experiences.


According to Kant, moral goodness depends on principle, not consequences.


Pojman says that the No-Rest objection to Utilitarianism is not a problem because:

A rule prescribing rest and entertainment would be included in a utility-maximizing set of rules.

Pojman tells us that there are two forms of Utilitarianism. They are:

Act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism

According to Hobbes, the Social Contract is:

An agreement to content ourselves with only so much liberty against others as we would allow them to have against us.

As discussed in lecture, what parts of our experience play a role in engaging in a fitting response to actions upon us, according to The Responsible Self?

Anticipation, community, and commitments.

Calhoun says that a neutral approach to eliminating bias will fail, so:

Gender, race, and class must be explicitly incorporated into philosophical analysis.

What does Singer believe those who live in relatively affluent countries have a duty to sacrifice to protect people in poor countries from preventable evils?

As much as they can afford without sacrificing something of comparable moral worth to what the poor are lacking.

According to Rawls, the 'Veil of Ignorance' allows

Deliberators in the original position to have no knowledge of their own positionality.

What is the basic metaphor for our experience (moral and otherwise) in The Responsible Self?


One of Sen's objections to Utilitarianism is that:

Distribution of goods doesn't count.

Calhoun advocates for a view of moral theorizing that seeks to eliminate bias in general.


Calhoun would likely deny that there are morally significant differences between genders.


Kant says that the morally correct intention for us to have is the intention to treat someone merely as a means.


To avoid doing wrong, Kant thinks we should act to promote the happiness of as many people as possible.


In what sense is moral virtue a "mean" according to Aristotle?

It occupies the middle ground between excessive and deficient possibilities of feeling and acting.

The Formula of Universal Law and the Formula of Humanity are two of:

Kant's basic moral principles.

5.6 million children under the age of 5 years died in 2016. According to the World Heath Organization,

Nearly half of these early child deaths are due to conditions that could be prevented or treated with access to simple, affordable interventions.

According to Hobbes view of the social contract:

Peace and prosperity depend on some limitation of natural rights.

One objection to Singer's example is:

Suppose a case in which someone must save drowning children over and over again at the cost of most other life concerns.

According to lecture, one problem with the social contract is that:

The social contract has historically left out issues of race, class, and gender and thus cannot be neutral.

Calhoun would likely say that our preferences may themselves be the product of oppressive circumstances.


Calhoun's central objection can be summarized as which of the following?

Undue emphasis on shared humanity underestimates how basic moral interests are shaped by social location.

What three moral theories does Parfit combine in his 'triple-theory'?

Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, and Social Contract Theory.

Singer's argument is primarily based upon which of the following moral theories?


What does Aristotle identify as the chief good?


What might be a reply from Singer's perspective if someone objects to Singer's argument on the basis that reducing poverty is the job of governments, not individuals?

What if the government doesn't fulfill its role?

One moral question raised about cloning human beings in lecture is:

Will it devalue human life?

The trolley problem is

a hypothetical moral problem.

According to the article on scientists editing a dangerous mutation,

a mutation that causes a common heart condition was repaired in dozens of embryos.

According to Singer, the fact that many other people are in a position to donate to famine relief makes

a psychological difference but no difference to our moral obligations.

The ethics of care stresses

actual relations between particular human beings.

Rawls and some others have claimed that the Social Contract is the best moral and political approach because it is based on:

agreements reached in theory by equal, rational, free individuals.

According to Habermas, the Discourse Principle says that a rule of action or choice is only justified if

all those affected by the rule or choice could accept it in a reasonable discourse.

According to Held, the central focus of the ethics of care is

attending to and meeting the needs of the particular others for whom we take responsibility.

Why am I not necessarily acting immorally when I use a bank teller to cash my paycheck?

because the teller can consent in principle to being used in this way

From a Kantian perspective, why am I not necessarily acting immorally when I use a bank teller to cash my paycheck?

because the teller can consent in principle to being used in this way.

Held understands care as

both a value and a practice.

Timmerman disagrees with Singer on the following claim:

commonsense morality requires that we give aid until the costs of doing so exceed the benefits thereby secured.

Singer claims that his argument upsets the traditional distinction between

duty and charity.

According to Kant, an action is not morally praiseworthy unless it is done in accordance with one's strongest inclinations.


According to Kant, we should never be ourselves but should always put on an act in order to seem like good people.


According to O'Neill, to treat another rational agent as a mere means is wrong unless doing so is required to treat other rational agents as ends in themselves.


According to the ethics of care, impartiality is a fundamental criterion of correct moral reasoning.


Calhoun would likely agree that social structures exert influence on the formation of identity but not with the force traditional moral theorists assume.


Kant thinks that true morality, described by him as the Hypothetical Imperative, is a matter of getting what we want.


The Trolley Problem is typically used to emphasize a form of Kantian Ethics because Utilitarianism has no answer to the problem.


According to the article about scientists suggesting a moratorium on gene editing, we should

halt gene editing until the risks have been better assessed and a societal consensus has been reached.

According to lecture, lying and other kinds of action might be assessed morally on the basis of

immediate or long-term effects on oneself and others

In the original trolley case, the driver sees that driving straight will cause five to die and turning the trolley will cause

one to die

How does Mill define happiness?

pleasure and the absence of pain

When faced with the complaint that utilitarianism is a doctrine worthy of swine, Mill responds that pleasures differ in


Aristotle claims that the function of human life is:

rational activity

According to Niebuhr, our actions are always first of all

responses to actions upon us.

In the "Bystander's Three Options" case, Thomson adds a new option to the trolley case, so that the bystander can

sacrifice himself to save everyone else.

In response to the challenge of weighing all people's interests fairly, Calhoun claims theorists have

sought to define a "moral self" that captures our common humanity.

Singer's argument includes the assumption that

suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care are bad.

The surgeon case is similar to the trolley case, because both cases are about a choice to

take one life to allow five people to live.

According to lecture, a reason some people might have for cloning a pet is:

they love their pet

The point of the trolley problem is

to make us think about what principles underlie our moral judgments.

Habermas offers a dialogical principle of universalization that says: "A [moral norm] is valid just in case the foreseeable consequences and side-effects of its general observance for the interests and value-orientations of each individual could be jointly accepted by all concerned without coercion"


Held claims that the ethics of care starts with the moral claims of particular others.


Kant says that a good will makes us morally worthy of happiness.


Parfit's 'Triple Theory' says that: "An act is wrong just when such acts are disallowed by the principles that are optimific, uniquely universally willable, and not reasonably rejectable."


The ethics of care values emotion as an aid to discerning what morality recommends.


In "Bystander's Three Options," Thomson believes that the permissible option is

turn the trolley to kill one worker or let the trolley run straight to kill five workers.

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