ETI - Mechanical Reasoning

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C - 400 rpm.

A double belt drive is shown in the figure above. If the pulley marked X is revolving at 100 rpm, the speed of pulley Y is A - 800 rpm. B - 200 rpm. C - 400 rpm. D - 25 rpm.

B - 900

Assume that a gear and a pinion have a ratio of 3:1. If the gear is rotating at 300 revolutions per minute, the speed of the pinion in revolutions per minute is most nearly A - 100 B - 900 C - 300 D - 1,800

D - open the air flap.

Assume that the color of the flame from a gas stove is bright yellow. To correct this you should A - close the air flap. B - increase the size of the gas opening. C - increase the gas pressure. D - open the air flap.

C - 3 and 4.

Four gears are shown in the figure above. If gear 1 turns as shown, then the gears turning in the same direction are A - 2 and 3. B - 2 and 4. C - 3 and 4. D - 2, 3, and 4.

B - Gear C makes two clockwise revolutions every minute.

If gear A makes one clockwise revolution per minute, which of the following is true? A - Gear B makes on counterclockwise revolution every 4 minutes. B - Gear C makes two clockwise revolutions every minute. C - Gear B makes four clockwise revolutions every minute. D - Gear C makes one counterclockwise revolution every 8 minutes.

C - 5

In the diagram above, crank arm C revolves at a constant speed of 400 rpm and drives the lever AB. When lever AB is moving the fastest, arm C will be in position A - 1 B - 6 C - 5 D - 7

D - 3 feet in the opposite direction.

In the figure above, a 150-pound person jumps off a 500-pound raft to a point in the water 10 feet away. Theoretically, the raft will move A - 5 feet in the same direction. B - 10 feet in the same direction. C - 1 foot in the opposite direction. D - 3 feet in the opposite direction.

D - 7, 3, and 5

In the figure above, assume that all valves are closed. For air flow from R through G and then through S to M, open valves A - 7, 6, and 5 B - 7, 3, and 4 C - 7, 6, and 4 D - 7, 3, and 5

C - 1 inch to the right.

In the figure above, the threaded block can slide in the slot but cannot revolve. If the hand wheel is turned 20 revolutions clockwise, the threaded block will move A - 1 inch to the left. B - 1/2 inch to the left. C - 1 inch to the right. D - 1/2 inch to the right.

C - Part 2

Looking at the figure above, determine which part of the rope is fastened directly to the block. A - Part 1 B - Part 3 C - Part 2 D - Part 4

A - contain cold water.

Sweating usually occurs on pipes that A - contain cold water. B - contain hot water. C - are chrome plated. D - require insulation.

D - the volume of water flowing past point 2 in a minute is the same as the volume of water flowing past point 1 in a minute.

The figure above represents a pipe through which water is flowing in the direction the arrow. There is a constriction in the pipe at the point indicated by the number 2. Water is being pumped into the pipe at a constant rate of 350 gallons per minute. Of the following, the most accurate statement is that A - the velocity of the water at point 2 is the same as the velocity of the water at point 3. B - a greater volume of water is flowing past point 1 in a minute than is flowing past point 2. C - the velocity of the water at point 1 is greater than the velocity at point 2. D - the volume of water flowing past point 2 in a minute is the same as the volume of water flowing past point 1 in a minute.

B - tank will empty completely if the intake pipe is closed and the discharge pipe is allowed to remain open.

The figure above represents a water tank containing water. The number 1 indicates an intake pipe and 2 indicates a discharge pipe. Of the following, the statement that is least accurate that the A - tank will eventually overflow if water flows through the intake pipe at a faster rate than it flow out through the discharge pipe. B - tank will empty completely if the intake pipe is closed and the discharge pipe is allowed to remain open. C - water in the tank will remain at a constant level if the rate of the intake is equal to the rate of the discharge. D - water in the tank will rise if the intake pipe is operating when the discharge pipe is closed.

D - 4

The figure above shows a bolt and nut and four numbered pieces. If all of the pieces are long enough to go through the bolt, and if the circular hole extends through the bolt and through the other side of the nut, which piece must you use to fix the nut in a stationary position? A - 1 B - 3 C - 2 D - 4

B - 8

The number of threads per inch on the bolt above is A - 16 B - 8 C - 10 D - 7

D - 17.0

The reading shown on the above gauge is A - 10.35 B - 13.5 C - 10.7 D - 17.0

A - inclined plane.

The simple machine pictured above is form of A - inclined plane. B - pulley. C - spur gear. D - torque.

C - 30 feet

The tank, T, is to be raised as shown above by attaching the pull rope to a truck. If the tank is to be raised by 10 feet, the truck will have to move A - 20 feet B - 40 feet C - 30 feet D - 50 feet

C - 5

The wrecking bar is a first-class lever with curved lever arms. In the following figure what is the theoretical mechanical advantage in using the wrecking bar to tear the crate open? A - 3 B - 4 C - 5 D - 6

C - around twice.

There are twenty teeth on the front sprocket and ten teeth on the rear sprocket on the bicycle above. Each time the pedals go around, the rear wheel will go A - halfway around. B - around once. C - around twice. D - around four times.

A - 6 rpm.

To open the valve in the figure above once every second, the wheel must rotate at A - 6 rpm. B - 10 rpm. C - 20 rpm. D - 30 rpm.

C - washer.

To stop a faucet from dripping, your first act should be to replace the A - cap nut. B - seat. C - washer. D - spindle.

C - They are necessary to maintain the proper balance of the crankshaft.

What is the function of A and B n the crankshaft shown in the drawing? A - They strengthen the crankshaft by increasing its weight. B - They make it easier to remove the crankshaft for repairs. C - They are necessary to maintain the proper balance of the crankshaft. D - They hold grease for continuous lubrication of the crankshaft.

A - Gear Y turns L, and gear X turns R.

Which of the following is correct if gear Z in the figure above is turned to the right (R)? A - Gear Y turns L, and gear X turns R. B - Gear Y turns R ,and gear X turns R. C - Gear Y turns L, and gear X turns L. D - Gear Y turns R, and gear X turns L.

B - Silver

Which spoon above is hottest? A - Wood B - Silver C - Steel D - Silver and steel are equally hot.

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