Euro Chapter 18 and 19 Test

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Ethnic minorities in the new nations

After WWI, the attempt to redraw European boundaries along nationalist lines was undermined by:


After the Bolsheviks failed to win the majority vote, Lenin ordered the Red Army to disperse the:

German workers rebelled and a republic was declared.

After the Germans failed at the Second Battle of the Marne and the allies approached Germany in the fall of 1918:

Made mandates of European powers.

After the War, the Middle Eastern territories of the Ottoman Empire were:

The creation of a provisional government

After the violence of Bloody Sunday in 1905, Russia experienced a revolution characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

Growing support of the government by the wealthier peasants, or kulaks.

All of the following were results of collectivization in Soviet Russia EXCEPT:


All of these factors contributed to the outbreak of war in 1914 EXCEPT:


Alliances in the early twentieth century came together to counter the power of:

Economic problems

Anti-Semitism in Germany became worse during the 1920s and 30s because the Jews were blamed for:

Were pushed back by the French and stuck with a two-front war.

At the Battle of the Marne in 1914, the German army:

A massive popular demonstration

Due to the provisional government decision to back the allied powers and stay in the war, in July 1917 they were threatened by:

They relied on the free market

During World War I, the Great powers needed to create unprecedented amounts of bullets, guns, and machines in order to keep the war effort going. Which of the following was NOT one of the techniques used by European governments to meet wartime economic demands?

The spread of socialism

Economic tensions increased __________ between European nations and helped lead to war.

The free market guarantee liberty

Economists such as Friedrich Hayek endorsed classical economic liberalism, whose basic tenet is that:

Take personal command of the Russian army.

In 1915, Nicholas II of Russia further weakened the monarchy by making a poor and desperate decision to:


In 1919, Austrian-Hungarian Admiral Mikios Horthy overthrew Bela Kun's communist regime in what country?

Take over the local government in Munich through violent actions.

In 1923 during the "Beer Hall Putsch," Hitler and the Nazi party made a grab for power by attempting to:

Virtually stopped lending to Europe

In order to stop the flow of red ink after the Stock Exchange crash in 1929, American banks:

Was promised Austrian Territory

Italy agreed to join the Triple Entente because it:

Trench warfare

New technology and weapons like machine guns and long-range artillery led to the advent of:

Short war, bringing the troops home by Christmas

Popular masses believed that WWI would be a(n)

The terms of the Versailles settlement fatally hindered the economy of the Weimar Republic

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: According to the cartoon, which of the following results of the Treaty of Versailles can be deduced?

German civilians

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: Based on the Cartoon, which of the following would MOST likely have agreed with the cartoonist's viewpoint?

The poem contrasts the early optimism about noble war and the later disillusionment of British soldiers facing modern warfare.

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: In this war poem, what is the viewpoint of Owen (an officer on the Western Front)?


Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: Mussolini's argument in the passage above most clearly supports which of the following ideologies?

Illustrates how science was harnessed in total war to more effectively kill

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: New Chemical weapons appeared in WWI around 1915, and their use:

The implementation of the first and second Five Year Plans

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: The image displays which facet of Stalin's Soviet Union?

The exploitation of postwar bitterness and economic instability by groups and individuals

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: The tone of the attached statement best reflects which of the following developments in Europe between WWI and WWII?

Attempts to rethink economic theories and policies

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: The tone of the attached statement best reflects which of the following developments in European history?

Germany was forced to pay crippling monetary reparations to Allied nations.

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: To the new German government, which of the following conditions of the Versailles settlement BEST exemplified the phrase "You've got to swallow it whether you like it or not" and would have has the worst effect on the Weimar Republic?

Grassroots opposition to continued political repression by secret police forces.

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: Which of the following answers BEST explains the context for the Secret Speech?

The high unemployment rates in Western Europe during the Great Depression.

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: Which of the following best explains why Keynes saw a link between the struggles of "Individualistic capitalism" and moral issues such as "justice" and "virtue"?

An economic crisis, caused by the weaknesses in International trade and monetary theories and practices, undermined Western European democracies.

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: Which of the following conclusions about Europe in the interwar period is best supported by the passage above?

The Cult of Reason during the French Revolution

Refer to the attached document to answer the following question: Which of the following developments BEST parallels the relationship between the image and the speech in a previous period of history?

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Russia lost much territory, people, and resources, after Lenin ended the war through:

Using nationalism to create domestic issues for opposing forces

T. E. Lawrence organizing the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans is an example of:

Massive casualties

The Battles Verdun and the Somme resulted in:

Agrarian reform

The Bolshevik Revolution success was because they promoted:


The General von Schlieffen Plan is what led to Germany's attack on:

Providing for a temporary compromise with capitalistic economic policies

The New Economic Policy, or NEP, implemented by Vladimir Lenin in 1921 was intended to revive the Soviet economy by:

Produced a global depression that affected the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

The U.S. stock market crash in October 1929:

Women stepped into male jobs

The draft created work shortages for industry and farms, which meant that:

They were expensive and lead to more government involvement

The major objection to public works and welfare programs during the Depression was that:

National self-determination

To Woodrow Wilson, one of the most important of the Fourteen Points was:

Were reluctant to fire on the crowds, and some actually joined the demonstrators

Unlike in 1905, the Russian troops during the demonstrations against the government in March 1917:

The losing nation was not allowed to participate in the peace conference

Unlike the Congress of Vienna, the Paris Peace Conference following WWI:

The heir to the throne of Austria

WWI was sparked by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, who was:


What country was the first great power to bow out of war because of domestic, economic, and political problems?

Guaranteed the western border between France and Germany but left the Eastern border with Poland open to revision.

What did the Treaty of Locarno, signed in 1925 by Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Belgium, do?

Mussolini was appointed prime minister by King Victor Emmanuel III

What happened after Mussolini and his supporters marched on Rome in 1922?

The Ruhr Valley

When the Weimar Republic did not pay its war reparations bill in January 1923, French and Belgian troops occupied:


When the Weimar Republic printed the money to pay off their reparations debt in 1923, the result was:

Dawes Plan

Which "plan" facilitated the withdrawal of occupying forces from Germany after WWI and helped Germany manage reperations?

Russia and Austria

Which two countries clashed due to their interest in the Balkans?


Who mobilized its troops first in 1914?

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