Euro Semester 1 (11-21)

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, self contained cooperatives each made up of 1,620 people.

British capital supply

- Brit had a ready supply of capital, an effective central bank, and well developed credit facilities, many ppl use paper instruments to facilitate capital transactions, and many early factory owners were merchants and entrpreneurs who profited from 18th C cottage industry

Prereq for Industrial Society, why GB?

- Britain had had the agricultural revolution, meaning it could now feed more people at lower prices wit less labor. - Brit families don't need to spend all money to buy food, rapid pop growth gives a pool of surplus labor for new factories, and rural workers give a potential labor source.

Sequence of the French Civil Wars

- Henry II killed, Catherine De medici takes power and tries to find way to defuse political tensions but both sides weren't willing to make concessions. - Wars erupted when duke of Guise massacred a peaceful congregation of Huguenots at Vassy -Guise family persuades the king and his mother Catherine de Medici that this gathering of Huguenots was a threat Charles and his advisers choose to eliminate them quickly. King's guards kill some prominent Huguenot leaders, starting St. Bartholomew Day Massacre -Holy League Formed - War of the three henries -Henry of Guise seizes Paris and forces King Henry III to make him chief. Henry of Guise killed -Henry III joined withHenry of Navarre toc rush Catholic Holy League and retake Paris, though Henry III was soon killed. Henry of Navarre claims throne, and with his cornation, French wars of religion end. Edict of Nantes issued in 1598 -

Division of Powers in Constitution

3 branches, president is the chief eecutive who executes laws, vetos, supervises foreign affairs, directs military forces, legilsative power is in a bicameral legislature made of the senate, elected by state legislatures, and the House of reprsenataives, elected by the people. Supreme courts are the third branch.

Constitutional Convention

55 delegates attend a convention in Phillie to revise the Articles of Confederation. Convention's delegates are wealthy, poltiically experienced.

The Bourgeoisie in the 3rd Estate

8 percent, or 2.3 million people. Own 20-25 percent of land, includes merchants, industrialists, and bankers, as well as professional people. Sought security and status tby buying land. Separated by vast differences in wealth and iportance.

Urban Life in France

90 percent of french towns had fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, only nine cities had more than 50,000 people. Consumer prices rise faster than wages, so urban groups have a decline in purchasing power. Income lags behind food prices, and there's a 140 percent rise in rents for working people in skilled and unskilled trades.

Composition of the 2nd Estate at Versailles, what they believed with regards to reform.

90 were liberal minded, urban orientated, and interested in the enlightened ideas of the century. Half were under 40 years of age.

Bill of rights

: It affirmed Parliament's right to make laws and levy taxes and made it impossible for kings to oppose or do without Parliament by stipulating that standing armies could be raised only with the consent of Parliament. Both elections and debates of Parliament had to be free, meaning that the king couldn't interfere. Citizens culd petition the sovereign, keep arms, have a jury trial, and not be subject to excessive bail. It fashioned a government based on rule of aw and a freely elected Parliament.

Napoleon and Nationalism

..."Relied on it to get the big armies, but also spread the ideal as well. Aroused nationalisms by maing themselves hated opressors thus arousing patriotism, and by showing people what nationalism was anad what a antion in arms could do.

A Spanish social group who gained noble privileges but still of lower status then grandees. Spanish gentleman, knight, cavalier.


Council of Trent

A general council of Christendom called to resolve the religious differences made by the Protestant revolt. It reaffirmed traditional Cahtolic teachings in opposition to Protestant beliefs.

Friends of Blacks

A group that advocates the abolition of slavery, achieved in France in 1791. However, French planters in Haiti oppose this.

Black Legend

A historiographical term that states Spain committed extremely horrible crimes during its colonization of the New World. However, it neglects to mention that other colonial powers were equally as brutal.


A layman who represented the intersts of the tsar and assured Peter of effective domination of the church. Was the head of the Holy Synod, which made decisions for the church.

League of Augsberg

A league consisting of Spain, the HRE, the United Provinces, Sweden, and England during the War of the League of Augsberg, which brought economic depression and Famine to France. The Treaty of Ryswick ending the war forced Louis to give up most of is conquests in the empire.

Catholic League

A league of German states organized by Duke Maximilian of Bavaria, causing Germany to be divided. This was formed to counteract the Protestant Union.

Confederation of the Rhine

A league of German states that replaced the Napoleonic Confederation of the Rhine. Expected to be a buffer against the French and be a balance of power.

Ship Money

A levy on seacost towns to pay for coastal defense, which was collected annually by the king's officials throughout England and used to finance other government operations besides defense.

Index of Forbidden Books

A list of books that Catholics were not allowed to read. It included all works of Protestant theologians as well as authors considered to be against the teachings of the papacy, which included the works of Erasmus.

Grand Remonstrance

A list of grievances presented to Charles I of England by the English parliament on December 1, 1641. It was to transfer control of the armed forces to Parliament by undermining confidence in the king and his ministers and by demonstrating the integrity of Parliament. It passed narrowly in Parliament.

Masonic Lodges

A local chapter of the Freemasons, who met as a body. Here, one could discuss intellectual topics between each other.

Inductive Reasoning

A logical process in which multiple premises all believed to be true, are combined to obtain a specific conclusion.

Printing Press

A machine for printing text or pictures from type or plates. It was first used by Johannes Gutenberg, who used it to print the Bible. Increased literacy throughout Europe and helped the Protestant reformation spread.

Diet of Wurms

A meeting between Martin Luther and Charles the V, where he defended his writings. He was expected to recant his heretical doctrines,but he refused and was subsequently made an outlaw. However, Luther went to Wartburg Castle for nearly a year, and he was bale to continue to spread his teachings.

Scientific Method

A method of seeking knowledge through inductive principles, using experiments and observations to develop generalizations.


A method used to print things. It is a relief printing technique in printmaking. An artist carves an image into the surface of a block of wood with gouges, leaving the printing parts level with the surface while removing the non-printing parts.


A mock serenade that is very noisy, performed by a group of people in derision of an unpopular person or incelebration of a marriage.


A monastery and palace in central Spain near Madrid, built in the late 16th century by Philip II.

Roman Inquisition

A movement during the Protestant reformation . It attempted to root out doctrinal errors in the Catholic Church to prevent collaboration ith Protestant moderates.

Spanish Inquisition

A movement in Spain that started after Ferdinand and Isabella to kill all non-Catholic individuals, including Jews and Muslims. Later on, it also attempted to kill all Spanish protestants.


A new art movement that began in Italy in the last quarter of the sixteenth century, replacing Mannerism. Artists sought oto bring classical ideals of renaissance art with the spiritual feelings of the sixteenth century religious revival. Art reflected the search for power in 16th century ethos.

Peace of Augsberg

A peace between Charles V and the Schmalkaldic League which recognized the division of Christianity, with Lutheranism given equal legal standing with Catholicism. It also accepted the right of each German ruler to determine the religion of his subjects.

Commercial Revolution

A period of European economic expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism lasting from the late 13th century to the early 18th century. It was succeeded by the mid 18th century Industrial revolution.

Time of Troubles

A period of Russian history consisting of the years between the death of the last Russian Tsar of the Rurik Dynasty and the establishment of the Romanov Dynasty in 1613. It followed after the death of Ivan the terrible. It was a period of political crisis and complete anarchy in Russia. It was ended when the national assembly chose Romanov as the new tsar.


A period of public revelry at a regular time each year, typically during the week before Lent in Roman Catholic countries, involving processions, music, dancing, and the use of masquerade.


A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God. Atheism means that there is no higher being/God.

Petition of Right

A petition that prohibited taxation without Parliament's consent, arbitrary imprisonment, the quartering of soldiers in private houses, and the declaration of martial law in peacetime. Charles reneged on the agreement because it limited royal power.

L'etat, c'est moi

A phrase meaning, "The State, it's me." It was meant to symbolize the absolute rule that the king of France supposedly heald over his subjects.

Temples of Reason

A place to worship the new cult of reason. Cathedral de Notre Dame became called one of these.


A political faction and party in the palriaments of England, Scotland, Great Britain, and the UK. They fought with the Tories, believing in constitutional monarchism as opposed to absolute monarchy. Wanted to excu\lude James and establish a Protestant king with toleration of the Dissentors.


A portion of one's harvest or income, paid by medieval peasants to the village church.

Hanseatic League

A powerful league of merchants. Was commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and their market towns dominating Baltic trade. Had a monopoly on many northern European trade goods, and based out of Flanders.


A pragmatic philosophical approach taht regards an activity chiefly as an instrument or tool for some practical purpose, rather than in more absolute or ideal terms in particular. Practiced by Dewey and Popper.

Paul rubes

A prolific artist and important figure in the spread of the Bargoque from Italy to other parts of Europe. In his artistic masterpieces, bodies in volent motion, heavily fleshed nudes, a dramatic use of light and shadow, and rich, sensuous pgments converge to express intense emotions.


A protestant sect that believed in adult baptism, tried to return literally to the practices and spirit of early Christianity, believed in separation of church and state, and followed a strict democracy where all believers were considered equally. Were savagely murdered by Catholics and Protestants, causing them to flee to the New World.

Raison d'etat

A purely political reason for action on the part of a ruler or government, especially where a departure from openness, justice, or honesty is involved.

What was the Renaissance?

A rebirth of antiquity, or Gerco - Roman civilization, marking a new age. Refers mostly to Italy. Manifested itslelf there, and spread to the rest of Europe. Italian intellectuals became interested in the Greco - Roman culture of the ancient Mediterannean world.

Cult of the Supreme Being

A religion based on deism devised by Maximilien Robespierre, intended to become religion after the French revolution.


A religion that grew out of a religious society established in the Church of England. It is strong in the US, and has a strong tradition of missionary work and concern with social welfare, and emphasizes the believer's personal relationship with God.

Guise Family

A religious faction in the French Wars of Religion. The ultra-catholics aimed to put Henry duke of Guise on the French throne in place of Henry III. Ruled Guise, a province in France. They led the extreme Catholic party.

The Peasants' War

A revolt by peasants dissatisfied in Germany against the princes of the Holy Roman Empire. Peasants hadn't had much economic improvement, and some lords abused their peasants, so many looked to Martin Luther for support. Luther, however, sided with the German princes to go kill the peasantry, who were savagely murdered.


A ruler of a dutch province. This is a hereditary chief executive, who had the land through a family relation and therefore had full control of it.

No Bishop No King

A saying uttered by King James I. He needed bishops to be king, presiding at the Hampton Court Conference in 1604 between the English bishops and the Puritans demanding Church reforms. Puritans demanded elimination of the episcopal system of churchorgnaization, but James refusted, and supported the bishops, as he realized the Anglican church was a major support of the monarchial authority.


A series of cvil wars in France between 1648 and 1653, occurring in the midst of the Franco-Spanish war, which began in 1635. The king confronted the combined opposition of the princes, nobility, law courts, and most of the French people, yet still won out.

Price revolution

A series of economic events from the second half of the 15th century to the first half of the 17th century. There was a very high rate of inflation across Western Europe, with prices rising six times. May have been caused by influx of gold and silver from the New world.

War of the Austrian Succession

A series of wars, two of which developed following the death of Charles VI. It was a war for the succession to his territories and to the elected position of emperor.

ON the Freedom of a Christian Man

A short treatise on the doctrine of salvation. It is faith alone, not good works, that justifies, frees, and brings salvation throguh Jesus.


A small number of individuals known for defending the lower class and expressing the demands of the radical sans-culottes during the French Revolution. Played an active role in the Paris uprising that forced the expulsion of the Girondins from the National Covnention, allowing the Montagnards to assume full control. Became associated witht his term for their angry rhetoric appealing to the Convention to take more measures that would benefit the poor.

The Consistory

A special body for enforcing moral discipline. It was set up as a court to oversee the moral life and doctrinal purity of Genevans. It used public penance and excommunication.

Blood Sports

A sport involving the shedding of beld, especially the hunting or killing of animals. Popular during carnivals.


A support of Charles I in the English Civil War. They claimed absolute monarchy and divine right of the king.

Table of ranks

A system designed to creat opportunities for nonnobles to serve the state and join the nobility. All civil offices were ranked according to fourteen levels' a parallel list of fourteen grdes was also created for al military offices. Every official was required to being at level one and work his way up the ranks, and when a nnonble reached the eight rank, he acquired noble status.


A tax placed on a certain good entering a country.

Renewal of War

A third Coaltiion is made between britain, Austria, and Russia. War starts up again in 1803.

Spirit of the Laws, Montesqieu

A treatise by Montesqieu; was a comparative study of governemnts in which he attempted to apply the scientific method to the social and political arena to ascertain the natural laws governing the social relationship sof human beings.

Teraty of Aix La Chapelle

A treaty that ended the War of the Austrian Succession. Austria recognized Prussia's conquest of Silesia and renounced parts of its Italian territories to Spain. France regained some of its colonies, while Maria Theresa ceded several cities in Italy to Spain.

Treaty of Utrecht

A treaty thatconfirmed Philip V as the Spanish ruler, nintiating a Spanish Bourbon dynasty that wuld last into the 20th century and affirmed that the thrones of Spain and France were to remain separated. England received Gibraltar as the French possessions in America of Newfoundland, Hudson's Bay Territory, and Nova Scotia. Created after the War of the Spanish Succession.


A true-to life style which involves the representation or depiction of nature with the least possible distortion or interpretation. Quasi photographic quality to these. Minimum amount of detail. Didn't aim to communicate a feeling, just wanted to be as accurate as possible.

The Seven Years War

A war fought between 1754 and 1763, the main conflict occurring in the seven year period from 1756 and 1763. It split Europe into two coalitions led by Great Britain on one side and France on the other. It spanned multiple continents. It was a flaring of rivalries between multiple powers in Europe, include Britain and France, and Austria and Prussia.

Stephen Razin

A Cossack leader who led a major uprising against the nobility and tsarist bureaucracy in southern Russian in 1670 to 1671, though he failed, the Cossacks lost more of their authonomy.


A German mercantile and banking dynasty that dominated European business during the 15th and 16th centuries. This banking dynasty was a financial supporter of Maximilian I, and helped to finance the election of Charles V, Maximilian's successor, as emperor.

Ultricht Zwingli

A Swiss who studied in Vienna and basel. He was a Protestant, and preached a kind of Protestantism that got rid of all relics and images of god, as well as paintings and decorations, as well as many practices considered an outward manifestation of preaching piety to God. Later killed during a war between Swiss Protestant and Catholic cantons, causing Zwingli to be brutally killed.

Joint Stock Investment bank

A bank which is a public company with shares owned by investors rather than a government, helped spur early industrial development.


A belief in a future thousand-year of blessedness, beginning with or culminating in the Second Coming of Christ. Followed by Melchorites.

The Steamboat

A boat that used steam to power itself. It helped to overcome America's geographical distances, thus imrpoving transportation and spurring the US industrial development.


A body of Muslim schoalrs recognized as having specialist knowledge of Islamic scred law and theology.

Rotten Borough

A borough that could elect a representative with very few voters. The choice of representative was generally in the hands of one person or family.


A catholic order of nuns during the Catholic Counterreformation who focused their attention on establishing schools for the education of girls.

Dutch East India Company

A chartered company by the Dutch government, had a 21 year monopoly on Dutch spice trade. It had quasi-governemtnal powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison and execute, negotiate treaties, and estbalihs colonies. Took over Indonesia, was extremely powerful and made huge profits from its spcie monopoly.

Bank of Amsterdam

A deposit and transfer institution. Bank for the city of Amsterdam. Vouched for by the city of Amsterdam, the precursor to the modern central bank. During the last decade of the Republic of the United Provinces, the premium on the Bank's money disappeared, and by the end of the year it was insolvent. City of Amsterdam took it over.


A doubtful or questioning attitude, especially about religion.

Hanoverian dynasty

A dynasty established in 1714. After Queen Anne died without a heir, the crown was offered to Protestant rulers of hanover. Because the Hanoverian King didn't speak English, the chief ministers were allowed to hand Parliament, which was an important step in the development of the modern cabinet system In the British government.

Mississippi Company's Bubble

A financial scheme in 18th century France that triggered a speculative frenzy and ended in collapse. John law and the duke of Orleans established the General Bank which could issue notes and the Company of the West. Public demand for shares increased, so the price per share increased a lot.

The Swedish Phase: Gustavus's opening moves

Keick the imperial forces out of the north, go into germany. Wallenstein is recalled by the imperials. They remain in German, and the imperial army defeates the Swedes, ensuring that German would be catholic.

Successional Crises in France

King Ed III was closest male relative in line to throne: however, French argued that inheritance of monarchy can't be through female line and chose Philip duke of Valois as King Philip VI.

King in Paris

King accepts the National Assembly's decrees. King becomes a prisoner in Paris.

Christian IV

King of Denmark.

James I

King of England 1602-1625 of England. Understood little about the laws, instutiutions, and customs of the English. Espoused vine right of kings, the bleif that kings receive their power directly from God and are responsible to no one except God, which alienated Parliament

King Henry VIII

King of England, well known for having many different wives. Broke from the Roman Catholic Church and established the Anglican church, and got rid of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, leading to conflict with the Pope.


King of France from 1830 to 1848, refused to make Liberal changes. Was overthrown and fled to Britain. A provisional government was established by a group of moderates and radicals.

Charles VI

King of France. Was weak, as the dukes of Burgundy and Orleans sought to control him

Alexander I

King of Russia, monarch, defeated Napoleon, initially a liberal, but after the defeat of Napoleon, he became a reactionary, and his government went to strict and arbitrary censorship.

Peter the Great

King of Russia, tried to westernize Russia. Tried to reorganize army and creation of a navy in western lnes, created a senate to supervice administrative machinery of the state, became a ruling council but ineffective. Also divided Russia into 8 provinces.

King Phillip II

King of Spain, often called the 'most Catholic king.' Aimed to make Spain a dominant power in Europe, by continuing colonization of the New World. Also attempted to suppress a rebellion in the Netherlands, and sent the Armada to invade England, though this failed miserably.

Gustavus Adolphus

King of Sweden from 1611 to 1632. Responsible for reviving Sweden and transforming it into a great Baltic power. Brought a disciplined and well-equipied Swedish army to northern Germany. Also a devout Lutheran who fel compelled to aid his coreligionists in Germany. Established freedom of religion, speech, and press, and instutited a new code of justice eliminating torutre. Reduced tariffs, tools, and encouraged trade and agriculture.

Henry II

King of france. Was killed accidentally in a tournament, causing him to be succeeded by a series of weak and neurotic sons, two of whom were dominated by their mother Catherine de Medici.

Charles V

King of the Holy Roman Empire, notable for inviting Martin Luther to the Reichstag, the imperial diet of the HRE, in Worms, where he was expected to recant his heretical doctrines he espoused. He later made the Edict of Worms, where Martin Luther was made an outlaw within the empire. Ruler of both the Spanish Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Habsburg Netherlands. Heir to the Habsburg, Burgundian, and Spanish thrones. Owned all of these terrirtories through the marriage of Philip of Burgundy, the son of HRE emperor Maximilian I to Joanna, the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella.

Maximilian I

King of the Holy Roman Empire; was in the Habsburg dynasty. Attempted to centralize the administration by creating institutions common to the entire empire,, though opposition from the German princes doomed this effort. He did succeed in his marriage allliances: Phillip of Burgundy, son of Maximilian's marriage to Mary, was married to Joanna, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella. They made a son Charles that was heir to the Habsburg, Burgandian, and Spanish lines.

George IV

King of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland following the death of George III. Had an extravagant lifestyle, didn't act as a role model for the British while they were fighting the Napoleonic Wars, required to accept Catholic Emancipation.

Thomas Cromwell

King's principal secretary after the fall of Wolsey. Advised the king to otain an anulment of his marriage in England's own ecclesiastical courts. He helped Henry VIII to get a divorce from Catherine of Aragon.


Kingdom encompassing most of southern Italy and usually Sicily. Fought over by the French, though it remained a backward monarchy that was poor and dominated by the nobles.

Ferdinand and Isabella + Catholic Church

Knew how pewerful itw was and how wealthy, so they secured form the pope the right to select most importan church officials in Spain, making the clergy an instrument of royal power.

Voltaire and Ferney

LEt voltaire write what he want. Through writings, inheritance, and investments, he became wealthy and could write lots of pamphlets, novels, plays, letters, and histories.

Voltaire on Diesm

LOved it, built on th newtonian world-machine, which said of a mechanic who had created the universe. God had no direct involvement in the world e had created and alllowed it to run according to its own natural laws.

The Great retreat

Lacking food and supplies, Napoleon abandons Moscow and heads across Russia on a great retreat.


Landed elite of Prussia. They held many of the poltical positions in the government, and served in the military.

Where was Renaissance Italy centered + how was Italy organized

Largely an urban society. Northern Italy was mostly a land of independent cities dominanting countryside.


Largely dominated the government. Made up of members of the landed classes. A political party that supported the king, believing that Parliament shouldn't tamper with succession to the throne.

Marriage in Europe

Later marriage. However, there was more illegitimacy, and fthere's generalllly ftwp children per family. They contribute to the economy, help in manufacturing or work as household servants. Children work the land or help in the cottage industry.

Effect of Occam's Belief

Lead to development of the Natural Sciences, creating suppport for ratinal and scientific analysis.


Leader of the Cossacks, succeeded in welding the disparate elements of discontent into a mass revolt, and they won the support of many peasants. They killed more than 1500 estate owners and their families, but it soon failed, as gov't forces ralied and became effective, and was killed, and rebellion collapsed. Catherine further suppressed the peasantry, halted rural reform, expanded serfdom.

William the Silent

Leader of the Dutch revolt against the Spanish. Known as the silent, as he respected religious differences. Wished to unify all seventeen provinces of Netherlands.

Suleiman the Magnificent

Leader of the Ottoman Turks. Leading the Turks, he almost managed to captured Vienna, where they were repulsed in 1529.


Leader of the Physiocrats, claimed he would sdiscover the natural economic laws governing human society. First principle was that land constituted the only source of wealth, and that wealth could be increased only by agriculture. Rejected mercantilism. Emphasizedthat the existence of supply and demand meant that individuals should be left free to pursue their own economic self-interest. Argued that state shouldn't interrupt the free play of natural economic forces, arguing for laissez-faire.


Leaders of mercenary soldiers in regional states in Italy who sold services of their bands to highest bidder.

John ball

Leaders of the 1381 peasants revolt. Claimed nobles weren't greater than peasants. Was a preacher.

Toussaint L'overture

Leadership of the revolt on Haiti, son of African slaves, and seized control of all of Hispaniola by 1801. He is captured and dies in a French dungeon, but the French soldiers succumb to the slaves.

Cassandra Fedele

Learned both Latina and greek from humanist tutors, became prominent for her recitatoins of orations.

Simon Bolivar

Led the Latin American revolution for freedom. Freed Columbia in 1819 and Venezuela in 1821.

Nationalism in Prussia

Led to a serious reform of the old order that had been so easily curshed by the French emperor.

3 giants of High Renaissance

Leonardo Da Vinci, raphael, and Michelangelo.

Battle of Vienna

Leopold I encouraged the eastward movement of the Austrian Empire, but was challenged by the Ottomans, who pushed west and attacked Vienna in 1683. They were defeated, and by the Treaty of Karlowitz, Austria gainedan empire in Southeastern Europe.

Philosophic Letters on the English

Letters written by Voltaire, he expressed a deep admiration of English life, especially its freedom of the press, its political freedom, and its religious toleration.

General war commissariat

Levied taxes for the army and oversaw its growth and training. SOon evolved into an agency for civil government, and it was the elector's chief instrument for governing the state. Many officials were members of the PRussian landed aristocracy.

Effects of Chapbooks

Literacy rates for men increased, as for women. Cetain groups more literate, like the midle class and upper class which was all literate. Lower class people got literachy as welll.

Two primary factors that caused the rapid acceptance of new science

Literate mercantile and propertied elites were attracted, it offered new ways to exploit resources for profit. Political interests also used the scientific conception of natural world to boslter social stability.

Effect of the Reform Act

Little changed, primarily benefited the upper middlers, lower middle class still had no vote. Didn't change the composition of House of Commons. Industrial middle class joined to landed interests in ruling Britain.

Guillaume Dufay

Lived for a few year in Italy, change in the composition of the Mass. First to use secular tunes to replace georgian chants as the fixed meolody that served as baiss for the mass. Composed secular songs.

Jacquerie Causes

Lnaded Nobles wanted to hold on to their politically priviliged position, and threatened y higher wages and lower prices.

Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Locke denied Descarte's belief ininnate ideas. Instead, he argued that every person was born with a tabula rasa, a blank mind. Our knowledge is derived from environment, not from heredity, and from reason not faith.

Robert Peel

London politician who introduced legislation creating the first police force of London.

Women's Role in the Seventeeth and 18th centuries

Lost sphere of influence in midwiferey. Traditional crafts were degraded, professionalized as males took over. It reaffirmed traditional ideas about women.

Decline of Witchcraft

Lots of destruction by religious wars, fewer magistrates would accept the disruptiveness of witchhnting, and there was more education.

Effect of US Revolution on Europe

Lots of literature on the American events. Proves to europeans that the ideas of the enlgihtenment were possible.

After the Thirty Years War: what happeened to many govs

Lots of rebellions and civil wars.

Cardinal Richelieu

Louis XIII's chief minister from 1624 to 1642, who iniitated policies that eventually strengthened the power of the monarchy. Eliinated the political and military rights of the Huguenots and preserved their religious ones.

March of the Women

Louis XVI is inactive at Versailles. Crowds of Parisioan women go for Versailles to confront the king and the National Assembly. After meeting with a delegation of the women, Louis XVI promised them grain supplies for Paris. Paris national guard under Lafayette follows their lead, marches to Versailles. The crowd says that the family must go to Paris, so the King complies.


Louis is at home in his court, you gets some informality and relaxd rules of etiquette. Evening begins with concert, followed by games of cards, and ends with buffet.

Louis XVI

Louis's twenty year old grandson, knew little about the operations of the french government and lacked the enrgy to deal with stte affairs. His wife Marieantoinette was a spoiled Austrian princess.

Infant Childrearing

Lower class women breast feed their children, and there's strong taboo against sexual intercourse while breast feeding. Lower class women also wet nurses for other higher class women. Chldhood viewed as a phase in human development, so children are in more comfortable clothes.Practice of treating the first son as favorit e comes under attack, games and toys for children, though this was limited to the upper class of western europe.

Characteristics of the country house

Lower floors devoted to public activities. Central entrance hall for the setting of cermonial arrival and depature f guests. There's a drawing room with instrumnts. There's a library, study, gallery, billiard room,a nd conservatory. Private rooms.

Whiff of Grapeshot

Lyon had defied the National Convention while the republic was in peril. As a result, the committee makes an example of it, butchering 1880 citizens of Lyons. When guillotining was too slow, cannon fire and grapeshot blew men into open graves.Napoleonic phrase, when the directory is established there are still radicals. Napoleon gives them a whiff of grapeshot by killing them. Is the conservative reaction.

Marriage in Italy

MArriage arranged to strengthen business or family ties. Details worked out well in advance, and reinforced by legally binding marriage cotract. Most important aspect was the size of dowry, money given by wife's family to husband. Size - indicative if the daughter could marry man of higher social status, letting them move up in status.If marrie dlower class family, dowry would be smaller b/c reputation of her family raised status of husband.

Pope Sixtus IV

Made 5 of his nephews cardinals andgave them abundance of church offices to build up their fannces

Empereror Ferdiand's action after being king of Bohemia

Made Bohemia hereditary habsubrg possession, confiscated land of the Protestnat nobles, and establish Catholicism as the sole religion. Spanish attack Dutch.


Made History of Italy and History of Florence, which reprsent the beginning of modern analytical historiography. Felt the purpose of writing history was to teach lessons, but due to the complexity, he developed skills enabling him to analyze political situation precisely and critically. emphasied political and military history.

Baron Heinrich Von Stein and Prince Karl Von Hardenburg

Made Prussia embark ona series of political and military reforms, including the abolition of serfdom, election of city councils,and creation of a larger standing army.

Frederick I William the Great elector

Made a deal with obles- in return for a free hand in gov, gave nobles unlimited power over peasants, exempt them from taxes, and made them the highest ranks in the army and Commissariat with the understanding that theywouldn't challenge his political control, and let them bind peasants to the soil as serfs.


Made advances in anatomy. Studied medicine at Paris.Emphasized practical research as the principal avenue for understanding human anatomy. Had a hands-on approach to teaching anatomy.

Anti-corn Law League

Made by Richard Cobden and John Bright, helped workers by lowering bread prices. Doing this would also aid the industrial middle classes, who wanted free trade. Repeal came in 1846 when Peel, leader of the Tories, persuaded some of his associates to support freee trade principles and abandon Corn laws.


Made many advances in medicine during the enlightenment. Was appointed city physician and professor of medicine at Basel in 1527, rejected the work of both Aristotle and Galen, believed that humans were a smaller replica of the larger world. Believed that the poison that caused a disease would be its cure if used in proper form and quantity.

Female Role in the Revolution

Made members and eputies aware of their demand.


Made numerous advances in medicine, published On the Motion of the Heart and Blood, published in 1628.Demonstrated that the heart was the beginning point of the circulation of blood, that the same blood flows in both veins and arteries, and that blood makes a complete circuit in the body.

Effect of 100 Year sWar on French National feeling

Made strong french nationality, resulting in the authority of the king to get higher authority. Established a royal army, and got the right to levy the taille, an annual direct tax usuallly on land or property, without any need for further approval from estates general.

Johannes guten berg

Made the first movable press.

Prevalence of Women and Children in employment

Made up 2/3rds of cotton industry's labor, but as their number decline, places taken by women, who dominated labor froces of early factories. Mostly unskilled labor, paid 1/2 or less of what men receive, excessive workhous outlawed.

Paris Commune

Made up of the Sans-Culottes, ordinary patiroits without fine clothes. More radical than the Legislative Assembly.

First estate and its influence, tax contributions, divisions in wealth among them.

Made up of the clergy, numbers about 130,000 people. Church owns 10 percent of land. Clergy exempt from taille, though the church had to pay a voluntary contribution every 5 years to the state. Clergy radically divided, since the higher clergy shared the interest of the nobility while parish priests were poor commoners.

Urban society in the Renaissance: social hierarchy

Made up of the patricians at the top, petty burghers below, and below them were propertyless workers earning bad wages and the unemployed, who lived crappy lives and were veryry poor.

Apotehcaries in the 18th

Main function was to give herbs and potins as recomended by physicians but also acted independentlyin diagnosing illnesses.

Louis Blanc

Maintained that social problems could be solved by government assistance. Denounced competition as the amin cause of the economic evils of his day, called for the stablishment of workshops that would manufacture goods for public sale.State finances the workshops, but workers own and manufacture them.


Major Romanticist poet, was against industrialization in all of his writings.

Divides in the Continental War Effort

Major divisions, loyalists between 15 and 30 percent of the population. Patriots win over many of the uncommitted.

Christian Humanism

Major goal was the reform of Christianity. Cultivated a knowledge of the classics. Focused on sources of early Christianity, the Holy Scriptures and writings of church fathers like Augustine, Ambrose, and Jerome. Felt that through education in the sources of classical and Christian antiquity, they can reform church and society.


Major social reformer, was appointed first secretary to the council that had been set up to administer the British government's annual grants to education. His work as a physician demonstrated to him the social and educational needs of the poor in Britain's industrial towns.

John Calvin

Major theologian and organizer of the Protestant movement. Mostly followed Luther's beliefs on the most important doctrines, though he placed much emphasis on the absolute sovereignty of God.

What Napoleon does after smashing the 3rd coaltiion

Makes the Grand empire and the Continental System.

Women's Question in the Enlightenment

Male thinkers argued that there was a natural biologicald difference between men and woen. Female constitution made women mothers. Males were critical of women writing in the enlightenment, yet thinkers offered more positive views of them: Diderot said men and women weren't different.

New Monarchial Power

Many kings became more powerful after King Phillip established that spiritual authority had no authority over temporal authority.

Victims of the terror

Marie Antoinette, Girondins, Olympe de Gouges, thousands of peasants. Most opposed the sans-culottes. 50,000 people were killed by the guillotine.

Sexual Norms in the renaissance + difference in ag

Marital relationships could be deep emotinal attachments, or purely formal ties. Males allowed to have a lot of sex, but women were expected to be virgins. In addition, women often more young than men.

French Academy under the War Secreatary of France

Marquis de Louvois told the French RS to continue its practical work to benefit bth the king and state.

Prussian law code of 1794

Marriage btw noble males and middle class females was forbidden without a government dispensation. However, different social groups remain everywhere.

Napoleon's Marriage

Marries Josephine de Beauharnais, widow of a guillotined general, who lives in luxury. He married her but she had lots of affairs.

The Temperance Movement

Mass movement in the 19th century. Advocated for abstention from alcohol.

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Massacre by the powerful duke of Guise a congregation of Huguenots at Vassy. Occurred in August 1572, beginning early in the day on August 24 when the king's guards killed some prominent Huguenot leaders.

Practices that started up again after the Thermidorean Reaction

Materialistic reaction to the suffering and sacrifices that had been demanded in the Reign of Terror and the Republic of Virtue. Speculator make fortunes in property by taking advantage of the government's monetary problesm. Elaborate fasions are wor, gambling and rolette is popular, and sons of the wealthy take to the streets to insult the Revolution.

Causes of the Fronde

Mazarin was hated everywhere. Nobles didn't like the centralization of power, so they allied with members of the parlement of Paris.

The Corn Law

Measure that imposed extraordinarily high tariffs on foreign grain. Tariffs helped the andowners, but the price of bread rose a lot, making conditions for the working classes more difficult]]

Marburg Colloquy

Meeting between Zwingli and Martin Luther to create an alliance between the Swiss and German reformed churches. The meeting managed to agree on everything except the interpretation of the Lord's Supper, as Zwingli believed that the scriptural words "This is my body" and "this my blood" should be taken symbolically not literally, while Martin Luther believed it should be taken literally. This caused the meeting to break up and an alliance to fail.

Congress of Vienna

Meeting where the leaders of many nations in Europe gathered together at Vienna to discuss the future of Europe. They aimed to arrange a final peace settlement after almost a decade of war.

Thomas Aquinas's Belief abt Genders

Men = Domineering, women are more submissive.

The Bible in Protestant families

Men and women called to read the Bible and participate in relgiious ervices together.

Finale of the Latin American Revolutions

Mexico and the Central American provinces also get their freedom and by 1825, after Portugal recognized the independence of Brazil, almost all of Latim America was freed from the colonials.

Italian states after the treaty of Utrecht

Milan, sardinia, and Naples all surrenedered to the Habsburg emperors, and Sicil was given to the northern Italian state of Savoy. Bourbons of Spain reestablished control over Naples and Sciily. Venice and Genoa became more impotent in international affiars.

Effect of death of Cromwell

Military chooses to put in power Charles II.

Great Northern War

Military conflict in which Russia, Denmark-Norway, and Saxony Poland challenged the supremacy of Sweden in the Baltic area. Resulted in the decline of Spawedish influence and emergence of Russia as a major power here.

Reception of Avignon

Millions hated it: it symbolized abuses of Church, as they lived extravagantly, Likewise, the City of Rome was always the capital of the Church, andthe popes also tried to get some new taxes on the clergy to get more revenue b/c they lost the Papal states.

Working class, ind rev

Mixture of groups, factory workers ind proletariat, but weren't even a majority of the working class in any major city. 1.8 mill agricultural laborers, 1 mill domsetic servants but only 811,000 workers in cotton and woolen industries.

Joint Stock Investment Bank Effect on Ind Rev

Mobilized the savings of thousands of small and large investors, creating a suply of captial sent into industry.Essential to Continental industrialization.

Enlightened Absolutism

Monarchs attempted to follow the advice of enlightenment philosophers, establishing a path to modern nationhood, though they remained absolute rulers.

Enlightened Absolutism

Monarchs who followed the advice of the philosophes and ruled by enlightened principles, establishing a path to modern statehood.


Money paid by a vassal to his lord so he won't have to do military service.


Money paid to the Catholic church to reduce the amount of time a deceased loved one has to spend in the purgatory.

Children in Middle Ages

More Resources devoted to their education. In addition, hospitals started to raise children. Girls went to grammar school and that was it, but boys went to secondary school while some went in for university training.

Government Action Ind Rev

More and more ffforts to document and eal with problems, did a series of factoryacts that limit child labor between 9 and 16 to 12 hours a day, forid employment of children under 9, chidlren need to get readin and arithmentc during working hours, but it applies only to cotton mills, not facotires or mines where some of worst abuses were. No provision for enforcing acts through inspection.

Euro pop trends, causes

More food and better transportation. New crops from the Americas, the bubonic plague ended.

Livestock in Europe

More livestock increases the amount of meat in the euro diet. enhanced food production by making more animal manure which was used to fertilize fields.

Effects of Dechristianization

Most people are alienated, as France is still overwhelmingly Catholic.

Modern Devotion

Movment led by Gerard Groote, who sparked the mystical movement. It occurred in the lOW coUNTRIES, AND EMPHASIZED THAT ONE MUST ACT LIKE jesus to achieve spiritual communion with God.

Influence of the 2nd estate

Much heavy interest controlled by them. Dominated royal law courts, administrative offices. Derive status from officeholding.


Napoleon makes peace with the Catholic Church. Reestablishes it in France. Pope gets the right to depose French bishops, but gives him little real control of the French Catholic Church, as the state as right to nominate bishops. Catholic Church allowed processions and reopened the seminaries.

Battles with the 3rd Coaltioin

Napoleon smashes the Austrians at the Battle of Ulm and smashes the Russian and Austrains troops at Austerlitz. Austria sues for peace, and Tsar Alexander heds back to Russia. HE smashes the Purssians at Jena and Auestadt, ten smashes the Russians in 1807 at elau and Friedland.

The Invasion of Russia

Napoleon's Grand Army of more than 600,000 men enters Russia. However, there's no hope for victory as Russian forces refuse to give battle and retreat hundereds of miles and apply scorched-earth. The elements kill al ot of people, and when they get to Moscow the city is ablaze.

100 Days

Napoleon's brief return back to the continent. During this time period, he raised another army to fight the Allies, though he was defeated at Waterloo and sent to the Island of St. Helena.

Formation of the Legislative Assembly

Nat. Assembly passes a self-denying ordinace that prohibits the reelection of its members, making the Legislative Assembly different. Cleric and nobles are gone, representatives are all men of property, most had gained experinece throught the National Guard, the Jacobin Clubs, and elective offices spawned by administrative reordering of france.

Zemsky Sobor

National Assembly. Ended the Time of Troubles by chosing Michael Romanov as the new tsar, beginning a dynasty that lasted until 1917.

Thermidorean Reaction

National Convention curtails power of the Committee of Public Safety, shuts down the jacoins, and tries to protect deputies from Parisian mobs. Churches allwed to reopen for public worship, and freedom o worship to all cults is made. Economic regulation was dropped in favor of laissez faire, and a new constitution of 1795 is made.


National convention gets rid of all traces of Christianity, the word sain is removed from street names, churches are pillaged, priests encouraged to marry. The worship of reson is held, patriotic maidens adorned in white dresses paraded before a temple oreason.

Signficicance of the Ind Entrpereneurs, their rise in society and how they eventually came to be considered

New Biz aristocracy, stem from professional and industrial mid classes, especially as sons inherit successful biz fby fathers, new ind entrepreneurs came to amass much wealthand be as important as traditional landed elites. Ind rev began when preindustrial agrarian world still dominated by landed elites, as they get great estates and social respectability, they want political power, and wealtheist members would merge w/elites.

Napoleon's Rule after the Coup

New form of republic was proclaimed with a constitution establishing a bicameral legislative assembly elected indirectly reduce the role of elections. Executive power is in the hands of the three consuls, and as first consol, he gets executive authority of government. He eventually becomes consul for life, and makes France a monarchy when he makes himself emperor Napoleon I.

Georges Danton

New minister of Justice, heads the Paris Commune. Seeks revenge on those who aided the king and resisted the popular will, and thousnads of people are killed. radical and ultra-democratic, and they completely supported the new republic and the abolition of the monarchy

Battista Sforza

Niefe of the ruler of Milan. Worked to foster art and letters in Urbino. Because her husband was often absent, she was respected for governing the state.

Were women in the Declaration of Rights and Man?


Russia during INd Rev

No mid lass, imported ind goods, largely rural, kept peasants in serfdom

Divide between Nobles and the french society

Nobles marry within their own ranks, making it a closed group. Had tax exemptions form the taille.

Causes of the 2nd fronde, its result

Nobles of the sword. Wanted to overthrow Mazarin to secure positions and increase their own power. It is crushed by 1652.


Northern European painter. His paintings are known for being sermons on folly and sin, and many of the themes of his works are religious. Some of his famous paintings include The Cure of Folly, Cruxifixion, and The Adoration of the Magi.


Northern Italian city state. Characterized by a stable political entity governed by a small oglichargy of merchant aristocrats. Commercial empire brought in much wealth and power, and later embarked in an overland war to protect trade routes and food supply.


Northern Italian city state. Conquered by Francesco Sforza in 1447, becoming the city's new duke. They made a highly centralized territorial state, and successful in making systems of taxation that generated much revenue for the government.


Northern Italian city state. Was dominated by a partrician class of nobles, but had a representative government for a brief time period.

Ministerial responsibility

Notion that the ministers of the king were responsible to the legislature.


Notion that, in order to reestablish peace and stability in Europe, one must restore the legitimate monarchs who would preserve traditional institutions. Was done in the restoration of the Bourbons in France and Spain, and in the return ofa number of rulers to thrones in Italy.

Average trend in Emigration from Europe

Number of emigrants from Europe average 110,000 a year, went from Ireland and Southern Germany, times of agrarian crisis resulted in great waves of emigratio, rural masses sought a solution to poverty by heading to towns and cities in their own countries.

Poverty in the Cities

OVercrowding, exacerbating urgan problems as cities grow from the rural immigratns, and beggars make up 3 to 5 percent of pop, and many people became prostituties.

Challenges and opposition to Industrialization on the Continent

Obstacles include lack of good roads, problems with river transit, toll stations on important rivers and customs barriers along state boundaries, guild erstrictions, and continental entrpreneurs were generally less enterprising than their British counterparts and didn't like competition, liked family security coupled with unwillingness to take risks in investment, and worshipped thriftiness.

Centers of Industrial Rev

Occcurred in three major centers, including Belgium France, and teh german States.

Peasant Revolts in the Countryside

Occcurs in 5 areas of France. Peasants force their lay and ecclesiastical lords to renounce dues and tithes, while other places they burn charters listing their obligations. Not acting in blind fury, and thought the King suported their actions.

The Anglican Church in England, how people felt abt it

Offered little spiritual excitement.

Characteristics of Armies during this time period

Officers from the landed aristocracy, iddle class individuals kept out of the higher ranks of the officer corps but in the middle ranks. Rank-and-file soldiers from the lower classes. 18th century armies mostly foreign troops, many from Switzerland or the German states. Most troops were natives who enlisted voluntarily for 6 years, but many bagabonds and unemployed. Maritime powers felt navies more important than armies.

Pluralism and Absenteeism

Officers in the church held several offices (aka pluralism). To hold them, they hired poor priests to work in the offices.


Officials sent to the provinces to execute the orders of the central government. As their functions grew, their power came into conflict with provincial governors. They were victorious in most disputes, further strengthening the power fo the crown.

Age of Reason

Often called the Enlightenment. Period in which individuals rejected religious fanaticism, believing instead that action based on rationality and reason was best.

Bourgeoisie Resentments

Often excluded from teh social and political privileges Nobles have.

Trend in heavy industry on Continent

Old and new, adoption of new techniques like coke smelted iron and pudddling furnaces coincided with old-type charocal blast furnace, Germany lagged hehind both Belgium and France in eheavy ind, most German iron making was based on old techniques,

Who is opposed to the 5 Headed Directory

On the right is royalists who dream of restoring the monarchy, while the left has Jacobin hopes of power that were revived with continuing economic problems, especially the total collapse in the value of the asignats.

Values of Grand Empire

One had equal opportunity with offices open to talent, religious toleration, equality before the law.

Women in Germany

One in seven became an astronomer.

Abbe Sieyès

One of the delegates to the National Assembly, member of the Third Estate. He is known for issuing a pamphlet in which he asked, "What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been thus far in the political order? Nothing. What does it demand? To become something."

The Mountain, their view on the King.

One of the factions in the National Convention, had to decide on the fate of the king. Were called that, because its members' seats were on the side of the convention hall where the floor slanted upward. Represents the interests of the city of Paris, owes much of its strength to the radical and popular elements in tehc ity, though many in the faction are middle class.

Oliver Cromwell

One of the leaders of the New Model Army, the army of Parliament against the monarchy. He beheaded the king, and was later the commander in chief of the army. Crushed a Catholic uprising in Ireland, facing opposition at home, and later dissolved parliament and made himself the Lord Protector, with legislative power in a reconstituted Parliament.


One of the more radical deputies at the beginning of the revolution. Served primarily as discussion groups, joined together in extensive correspondence network, seeked affiliation with the Parisian club. Members were elite of their local socieites, but also included artisans and tradespeople.


One of the most important members of the Committee of Public Safety. Dedicated to using power to benefit the pople, though was very radical and wanted to kill people.

Francis of Xavier

One of the original members of the Society of Jesus, and carried the message of Catholic Christianity to the east. Converted many thousands of individuals in Japan, India, and Singapore.

India, effect of Ind Rev

One of world's greatest exorters of cottton cloth made by hand labor, but it fell under BEI Company, and their inexpensive Brit factory produced textiles made Indian spinners and hand loom weavers become unemployed.

Females at Vittorino's school

Only female pupils were the two daughters of the Gonzaga ruler of Mantua. Studied the classics and encourgaged to know history and to ride, dance, sing, play the lute, and appreicate oetry but discourged from learning math and rhetoric.

Josephine Butler

Opposed the Contagious Diseases Acts, which gave authorities the right toe xamine prostitutes for venereal disease. Butler objected that it punished women but not men who suffered from veneral disease, and was successful in gaining the repeal of the acts in 1886.

The Patriot's Voting Procedure Proposal

Opposed the Parlement's voting procedures. Want voting by head, and because it has double the size, it could turn the three estates into a single chamber legislature that would reform France in its own way.

John Wesley

Ordained Anglican minister. Experienced a deep spiritual cris, underwent a mystical experience. Felt 'the gift of God's grace" assured him of salvation and led him to be a missionary to the English people, bringing the glad tiding sof salvation to all people. Preached to the masses in open fields, appealing to the lower classes neglected by the Anglican church. Led to violent experiences.


Order of nuns that focued attention on schools for girls.

National Board of Health

Organization created by Britain's first Public Health Act, empowered to form local boards that would establish modern sanitary systems.

Pogroms + why it happened

Organized massacres of Jews during the Black Death. Occurred becaused many believed the Jews caused the black death by poisoning town wells.


Organized massacres of Jews, were denounced by the Philosophes.

Britain's great exhibition of 1851

Organized the world's first industrial fair, was at Kensing ton in the Chrystal palace. Six million visited in six months, foreign visitors prominent, displayed britian's wealth tot he world, even trees were inside to demonstrate human domination over nature, ppl linked British success to divine will.

New Jerusalem

Originally intended to Münster, in Westphalia in northwestern Germany near the Dutch border. Site of an Anabaptist uprising. It was a haven for Anabaptists from the surrounding neighborhood, especially for the Melchiorites, who believed they would usher in the kingdom of God with Münster as the New Jerusalem. They were crushed by a joint army of Catholics and Lutherans.

Pauper Apprentice

Orphans or poor children from the large industrial cities who had no one to look after them. Didn't earn any money in return for work, but instead were given food, clothes, and lodging in the apprentices' dormitoiries in the attic of Mill Number Four. Also got a basic education.

Battle of Kosovo

Ottoman forces defeated the serbs, and both King Lazar and Sultan Murad die.

Ottoman destruction of the Byzantine empire

Ottoman turks seized lands of the seljuk turks and the Byzatine Empire. Bypassed Constantinople, moved into Balkans. Under Sultan Murad, ottoman forces went into Bulgaria and into lands of the serbians.

Effects of the plague in cities

Oversupply of goods and drop in demand made some industries suffer. Industrial revolts also broke out.


Owed much to the enlgihtement of the 18th century and to the US and French revolutions. Believed that people should be as free from restraint as possible.

John Wycliffe

Oxyford theologian; had a disgust with clerical corruption, leading to attack papal authority and medieval Christian beliefs and practices. Advocated that the popes be stripped of their authority and property, and that the Bible should be a Christian's sole authority. Condemned all Christian practices not mentioned in Scripture.


Paid mercenaries who worked for a state. A condottiere was a leader of this group of mercenaries.


Painter during the Middle ages, who was well known for imitating nature in his paintings. Leonardo and other Italians during the renaissance maintain that he started this tradition. Figures known for being painted realistically, solidly, and in a rounded nature.


Painter of frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel in in Florence. Long regarded as the first masterpiece of Early Renaissance art. Known for his development of realism, particularly his three - dimensional human figures.

The triumph of Death

Painting by Francisco Traini. Depicts 3 young nobles seeing 3 coffins as wellas several young aristocrats engaging in pleasurable pursuits but threatened by death.

Death of Sardanapalus

Painting of the dramatic last moments of the decadent Assyrian king, who was besieged by enemy troops and was going to die.

Rembrandt van Rijn

Paitned opulent portraits and grandiose scenes that were often quite colorful. Prolific and successful, but he turned away from materialistic success to fllow is own aritsitc path but then died bankrupt. Paintings have scenes form bible, and is the one great Protestant painter of th 17th century.

The Avignon papacy

Papacy that arose at avigon, a town on the border of the HRE and France. Started by Clemence V w

The estate

Pariticaption in intrigues for the king's favor,serene walks in formal gradens, and duels to maintian one's honor. Aristocrats spend lots of crap in estates. Many have giant parks to tke a walk in.

Repeal of Combo Acts in 1824

Parli accepted argument that acts had so alienated workers they formed unions, now tolerated, ut other legislation enabled authorities to keep close watch onactivites. Union mvment began to focus on maing national unions.

Short Parliament

Parliament from 1629 to 1640. Here, Charles pursued a course of personal rule, which forced him to find ways to collect taxes without the cooperation of Parliament. He often would not summon it to meet.

Second part of the English Civil War

Parliament marches on London, beins negotiationg with the king. Charles flees, seeks help fromthe Scots. Cromwell and the army get the king, and Cromwell makes the rump parliament and then condmmens Cahrles I to death.

Interchangeable Parts

Parts that could be replaced between products, thus allowing for more reliable and reparable goods.

Pascal on reuiting Christianity and Science

Pascal failed, gap between grew more.

Cosimo De Medici

Patron of an informal discussion group known as the Florentine Platonic academy. Commissioned a translation of Plato's dialogues by Marsilio Ficino, one of the academy's leaders.

Relics of feudalism in the Peasants

Payment of fees to use village facilities, tithes to the clergy, and nobility can hunt on peasants' land.

Joan of Arc

Peasant girl who led the French forces to retake Orleans and shift the tide of the 100 years war against the English. burned at the stake by the english.


Peasant revolt in France in 1358. Was caused by the destruction of normal order by the Black Death, the subsequent economic dislocation, growing class tensions, and ravages caused by the Hundred Years' War. Was later crushed by the nobility in France.


Peasant revolts occurring in Northern France. Caused by the Black Death, economic dislocation, the hundred years war, and class tensions.

1381 peasants revolt - events

Peasants refused to pay the tax and expelled collectors, eventually sparking a widespread rebellion of both peasants and townspeople by Wat Tyler and ohn Ball. The revolt was initially successful, and they soon marched on London. However, King Richard II promised to accept the rebls' demands if they returned to their homes, a word that they accepted, but the king reneged and with the assistance of aristocrats they arrested hundreds of rebels. The poll tax was eliminated and most peasants freed.

Effect of Peter's policies

Peoople in Russia don't trust it.

How were absolute rulers not absolute?

People relied onlocal courts, tax collectors, and organizers of armed forces. King and ministers needed to work thorugh local agents. Mass of urban and provinical privileges, liberties, and exemptions and a whole host of corporate bodies and interest groups limited what monarchs could achieve. Landed aristocracy continued to be important in the Euro monarchical sys.


People who got wealth from capitlistic enterpises in trade, industry, and banking, letting them to dominate their urban communities economically, socially, and politically.

US industrialized nation, stats

Per captia income was 40 percent higher than nat average in NE< Diets were better and more varied, machine made clothing more abundant, but there weren't less economic disparities. Richest 10 percent had most wealth, but poor still got richer.

Little Ice Age

Period between about 1300 and 1870 during which Europe and North America were subject to much colder winters than during the 20th century, causing crop failures in many places around the world.

Lorenzo the Magnificent

Person in Florence, was the leading citizen in the city. His court included leading artsts and scholars in the city.

John of Leiden

Person who proclaimed himself king of the new jerusalem. Said he would lead the elect from Munster out to cover the entire world and purify it of evil by the sword in preparation for Jesus' Second Coming and the creation of a New Age. Believed all goods would be held in common and siants would live without suffering.

Ferdinand VII

Person who restored the Bourbon dynasty in Spain. Agreed to observe the liberal constitution of 1812, which allowed for the Cortes, but he soon dissolved it and persecuted its members, leading to a group of army officers, upper-middle-class merchants, and liberal intellectuals to revolt. Capitulated, but Metternich put him back in power.

Axel OXenstierna

Persuaded king to adopt a new policy in which the nobility formed a first estate occupying the bureacratic positions of an expanded central gov, making a stable monarchy and freed the king to riase a formdiable army.

War between Peter and Charles and effects

Peter eventually crushed Charles, king of Sweden. Sweden became a 2nd class power, and he built Saint PEtersburg.

Italy's migration from Spanish to Austrian Rule

Phillip II has his presence felt everywhere, and only Florence, the Papl states, and Venice remain independent. Eventually, Austria managed to take over some territorie in this region.

Why Did Avignon Start?

Phillip IV didn't want any future papal threat, so he made the cardinals get a French pope, and the new pope then set up on Avignon.

Rene Descartes

Philosopher who asserted that he would accept only those things that his reason said were true. Deduced the separation of mind and matter, establishing the absolute duality between mind and body, or Cartesian Dualism. Using mind or reason, humans can understand the material world becaue it is pure mechanism.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Philosopher, first welcomed the French Revolution for freeing the human spirit, but wanted German national spirit radically different from that of France.

"The Woman's Question"

Philosophical debate over what the true nature of women was, as well as what her place in society was.

Richard Tervithick

Pioneered the first steam powered locomotive on an industrial rail line in Southern wales, which 10 tons of ore and 70 people at 5 miles an hour.


Placed emphasis on reforming secular clergy and ecourgaed them to do their duties. FOunded orphanages and hospitals.

Sunday School Movement

Places where poor children could learn to read. Began in Britain in the 1780s, Christian philanthropists wanted to free these children from a life of illiteracy. Because Saturday was part of the workweek, Sunday was the only time the kids could get an education.

The Black Death

Plague during the 14th century that killed up to 1/3rd of all people in Europe.


Poem set to music. USually 12 line poems wrrtten in the vernacular, and theme was emtional or erotic love. Written for five 5 or 6 voices and employed text painting, where music tried to portay literal meaning of the text.

Partition of Poland

Poland got parititioned by Austria, Russia, and Prussia, so Poland lost 30 percent of its land and 50 percent of its population, Austria took thethe rich district of Galicia, Russia took the east, and Prussia got West Prussia, the most valuable territory, and remaining Polish state further dominated by Russians. In the second partition, to more territory, and the third partition got rid of Poland.

Levee En Masse

Policy of mass conscription, involved total warfare. Became the largest in European history, pushed the allies across the rhine, conquered the Austrian Netherlands, and crushes the anti-French coalition.


Polish composer and pianist, Romanticist, his music has association with poltical insurrection. Performances known for nuance and sesntivity, made mazurkas, waltzes, influenced by Back, Mozart, and Schubert.


Political group that advocated ideas like freedom of speech, religious toleration,a nd a democratic republic, arguing for the right to vote for all male householders over the age of 21. Also called for annual parliaments, women's equality, and government programs to help the poor.


Political ideology originating from Edmund Burke, who maintained that society was a contract, but the state was a partnership between those who were living and those who were dead and going to be born. No one could destroy the partnership, each generation had the duty to preserve and transmit it to the next. Advised against revolution, but didn't reject the possibility of change.


Political movement that aimed to achieve political democracy, demanding universal male suffrage, payment for members of Parliament, elimination of property qualifications for members of Parliament, and annual sessions of parliament.

Third Section

Political police, were given sweeping powers over much of Russian life. Deported suspicious or dangerous persons, maintained close surveillance of foreigners, and reported regularly to the tsar on ublic opinion.

The address to the nobility of the German Nation

Political tract written in German in which Luther called on the German princes to overthrow the papacy in Germany and establish areformed German Church

Reactions to the Plague: Wealthy and Poor People

Poor threw themselves into alcoholic orgies, while Rich flew away to the country estates

Pop growth Ind REv, ca

Pop increases began in 18th C, but more dramatic in 19th, rapidly increased to 266 mill by 1850.

Napoleon's gains from the Concordat

Pope now must acknowledge the accompishments of the Revolution, and the pope agrees to not raise the question of church lands that were taken. Catholicism isn't made the state religion, clergy paid by the state, protestant miniters on the state payroll.

Leo X

Pope that issued a special jubilee indulgence to finance the ongoing construction of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. As a result, many people were very discontent to the church. Made a major mistake by believing that Luther's 95 theses weren't serious.

Pope Julius II

Pope that was also somewhat like a warrior. Major patron of Renaissance culture and art. Tore down the Basilica of Saint Peter and built the present day Saint Peter's Basilica.

Martin V

Pope that was elected after all 3 competing popes either were deposed of or resigned.

Alexander VI

Pope. Member of the Borgia family, who scandalized the church by encouraging his son Cesare to carve a state in Central Italy out of the territories of the Papal States. Known for his debauchery and sensuality, raised one son, nephew, and brother to cardinalte. Scandalized hcurch by encoruage son Cesare to carve a state for himself in centaly out of territories of the papl states.


Popular literature, It was printed on cheap paperwere short brochures sold by itinerant peddlers to the lower classes, and contained both spiritual and secular material, like lives of saints and inspirational stories competed with crude satires and adventure stories.

Pain d'egalite

Popular side of the revolutionary. Call of the masses, who wanted bread.

Catalan Revolts

Portugal and Catalonia reblled against the Spanish gov in 1640, common people in Naples and Sicily revolted against the gov and the landed nobility in 1647. Split northern Catalan territories from the Principalityof Catalonia and the Crown of Aragon, thereby receding the borders of Spain to the Pyrenes.

Neoplatonic Hierarchy of Substances

Postulates the idea of a hierarchy of substances, or great chain of being, from the lowest form of physical matter to the purest spirit in which humans occupied a central or middle position.

Christian Response to the adversities of the 14th century

Ppl stressed the performance of good works particularly acts of charity. Bequests to Hoospitals increased, family chapels established.

How did Renaissance popes act

Ppl were really tyrannical, liking war and stuff.


Practice of those with power and influence to others by granting ppl offices.


Practice or arrangement whiere a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for speicified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium.

Montesquieu on England

Praised it a lot, alayzed England's constiuttion that led to his most far-reaching and lasting contribution to political though, the importance of checks and balances created by means of a separation of powers. owever, he misread the English situation and insisted on a separation of power because he wanted nobility of France to play an active role int eh gov't.


Preached a doctrine of strict atheism and materialism, arguing that aeverything in theuniverse consisted of matter in motion, and that humans were simply machines. God was a product of the human mind and was unnecessary for leading a moral life. People needed only reason.

Protestant Family Characteristics

Preached sermons advocating a more positive side to family relationships. The family could be placed at the center of human life, and a new stress on mutual love between man and wife could be extollled.

Prereq of Irish Potato Famine

Predominantly Catholic peasnat pop rented land from mostly absentee British Protestant landlords who wanted to collect their rents, lived in mud hovels in desperate poverty, cultiavted potato that enabled them survive and even expand in numbers. However, great Famine decimated their pop, more than a mill died of starvation and disease, 2 mill went to US and Britain.

Poland: What did the nobles do?

Preoccupation of Poland's rulers with problems in Bohemia and Hungary, as well as war with the russians and Turks, letting aristocrats to reestablish their power. Magnates reduced the peasantry to erfdom and established right to elect kings.

Trend in Legislation of 1830s and 40s with regards to children in factories v. workhouses

Primarily affected child labor in textile factories and mines, didn't touch use of children in small workshops or nonfactory trades, and b/c they compete with new facotrie, conditions in wrokshops even worse.

Robert Walpole

Prime Minister of England from 1721 to 1742, pursuing a peaceful foreing policy to avoid new land taxes, but England favored expansion of trade and world empire.

Russia in the Renaissance

Principality of Moscow was born. Ivan II annexed other russian principlaities and took advantage of dissension among ongols to throw off their yoke by 1480.

Emergence of print culture

Print culture is all forms of printed text and forms of communicatuion. It came in Europe during the 15th century with the introduction of the ol master print and later popular prints, which made printing more efficient.


Printer by Trade. Famous writer, wrote Pamela: or Virture rewarded, focusing on a servant girl's resistance to numerous seduction attempts by her master. Eventually, the master realizes that she has a good mind as well as body and marries her. Stories were often very sentimental and emotional.

New industries in Northern Italian cities

Pritning, mining, and metallurgy began to rival the textile industry in importance in the fifteenth century. New machinery and techniques to dig deeper mines were developed.

Public Health Act

Prohibited the construction of new buildings without running water and an internal drainage system, british act.

"Self-Denying Ordinance"

Prohibits the reelection of its members. Causes the composition of the Legislative Assembly to be quite different from that of the National Assembly. Clerics and nobles were largely gone. Most reps were men of property, many were lawyers.

Books in the 15th and 16th C

Proliferation of those dedicated to machines and technology, which espoused the belief that innovation in techniques was necessary.


Prominent Greek physician, surgeon, and philosopher in the Roman Empire, argued that disease was caused by an imbalance of the 4 tumors


Prominent architect of the 18th century. Used the Baroque-Rococo style of architecture to design some beautiful buildings of the century. His buildings had elaborate detail, rich colors, and opulaent decoration.

Margaret Cavendish

Prominent female scientist of the 17th century, wrote Observations upon Experimental Philosophy and Grounds of Natural Philosophy, where she attacked the defects of rationalist and empiricist approaches to scientific knowledge, and criticized the belief that humans would be masters of nature.

Olympe de Gouges

Prominent playwright and pamphleteer, refused to accept the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen's exclusion of women. Penned the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, where she insisted that women should have all the same rights as men. National Assembly ignored her.

Frederick William I King of Prussia

Promoted the evolution of Prussia's highly efficient civil bureacrcy by developing the General Directory,also established the rigid class stratification witht e nobility or landed arisotcary known as junkers.

Charles Fourier

Proposed the creation of small model communities called phalansteries, self contained cooperatives each made up of 1,620 people. They would live and work together for mutual benefit. Work assignemnts would e rotated frequently to relieve workers of undesirable financial tasks. Unable to gain financial backing for his phalansteries, and his plan was untested.

The Calas Affair

Protestant, accused of murdering his own son to stop from being a Catholic. Calas soon died after torture, Voltaire published broadsides that aroused public opinion and forced a retrial where Calas was exonerated when it was proved that his son had done suicide.


Provided for regualr holding of general cunils to ensure that church reform would continue.

Portrait of duke and duchess of Urbino by Piero della francesca characteristics

Provides accurate repseentations as well as a sense of both the power and wealth of rulers of urbno.


Provincial law courts. Luois was able to exercive both political and economic control over them. Local officials could still obstruct the execution of policies they disliked. They were to powerful for the king to have direct control over.

Castiglione + what does his book talk about

Published The Book of the Courtier, which was a handbook for European aristocrats. He argues three basic attributes of the perfect courtier, including fundamental native endowments, certan achievements, and have a classical education adorned with the arts.

Pico della Mirandola

Pupil of Ficino. Produced book called the Oration on the Dignity of Man. In the book, said that there was unlimited human potential. Book made through the works of many different philosophers of different backgrounds.

Political intersts and Sciecne, with regards to Puritans

Puritan reformers felt it was important to reform and renew their society, seized on the new science as a social useful instrument to accomplish goal

Parlements and taxes

Pushed their own interests, blocked new taxes on the Frecnh nobility.

Elizabeth I

Queen of England after the death of Queen Mary in 1558. She is known for her religious policy of moderation and compromise, as well as her policy of caution when dealing with foreign affairs.

Conditions of Early Factories

Quite terrible. All individuals worked for long hours, and were paid incredibly low amounts. At the same time, the foreman could oftentimes be incredibly punishing towards an individual, and the many machines could pose a dangerous bodily harm.

Handbook of the Christian Knight

REflected Erasmus' preoccupation with relgiion, calling his conecption of religion " the philosophy of Christ." Mean that christianity should be a guiding philosophy for the direction of daily life rather than the systemy of dogmatic beliefs and practices medival church stressed.


Radical protestants in England who wanted to remove any trace of Catholicism from the Church of England, though Elizabeth kept them in check during her reign.

Wealth divide, ind rev

Rapidly increased between upper and lower.

Jacque-Louis David

Re-created a scene from Roman history with the three horatius brothers swearing an oath before their father, saying their willingness to sacrifice their lives for country.

Why People Started Fighting Other Countries

Reactionaries hoped that a preoccupation with war would cool off the Revolution. Rench defeat, which is likely in the view of the army's disintegration, might lead to restoration fo the old regime. Leftists hope the war would consolidate the rovleution at home and spread it.

Slavery in the Renaissance - its history + role of slaves.

Reapppeared in spain. Shortage of workers after the Black Death led italisn to introduce slaves on a large scale. Used as skilled workers, making handcrafted goods or worked in the house. Girls were nursemaids and boys playmates. Slavery declined a lot by the end of the 15th entury, but the Portuguese who got African slaves made the numbers of slaves in europe increase.

Treaty of Paris

Recognized independence of the US colonies, gives them control of the western territory from the Appalachians to the mississippi river.

Marsiglio of Padua

Rector of University of Paries who beieved that the churchw as only 1 element of society and should confine itslef to spiritual functions. Denied that temporal authority was subject to spiritual authority.

How did Humanists write Hisotry

Reduced role of miracles in historical interpretation, because they took a new approach to sources. Used documents and xercised cirtical skills in examining them. Larger atten to political events and forces affecting city states or larger territoral units. emphasis on secularization, deemphasized divine intervention in favor of human motives.


Refers to a large and important southern Netherlandish family of artists. One of the most famous is Peter Bruegel I, who brought a humanizing spirit to traditional subjects. Known for having several of his paintings focus on the lives of Flemish commoners.

Boccaccio - What does his writing reflect about society?

Reflects the easy going, cynical values, as it is the seduces of women who is the real hero.

Cardinal Caraffa

Regarded all compromise with Protestant innovations as heresy, and accussed him of selling out to the heretics. He chose to increase the power of the inquisition.

Taverns in the 18th

Regular gathering places of neigborhood men. They soild too much alcohol, mas poor people rank themselves into oblivion. Rich drink port and brandy.

How effective were Colbert's mercantilistic policies

Regulations were often evaded, and high tariffs brought foreign retaliation. Furthermore, the more revenue Colbert got, the faster Louis depleted it, and the burden of taxes fell on the French people.

Council of Troubles

Reign of terror where even powerful aristocrats were killed.

Rococo in gemonetry

Rejected strict geometrical patterns, had a fondness for curves, liked to follow wanderinglines of natural objects, like seashells and flowers.

Brahe's conclusions

Rejected the Aristotelian Ptolemaic system, but couldn't accept Copernicus's suggestion that the earth moved.

Thirty Years war, main causes- religion and the HRE description.

Relgioion, especially the struggle between militant cahtolicism and militant calvinism. Peace of Augsbert ended religious warfare, but religion still divided Germans, as Lutherans and Catholics wanted control of certain principaliites. Likewise, many german states had adopted Calvinism. The protestant union was formed, so the Catholic league was made to counter it. Furthermore, habsburg emperors wanted to consolidate authority n the HRE, but was resisted by princes, so people looked to Spain for help while the princes turned to enemies of Spain.


Religious ceremony or act of the Christian church regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual divine grace.

Why was there so much witchcraft craze?

Religious uncertainties, and many witchcraft trails occurred in areas where Protestaism ahd been recently vicotorious or in regions where Protestant Catholic controversies still raged. People were also afraid of the increasing number of poor, and people thought of them evil.

Louis XIV's moves to get rid of the nobles + increase his own power

Removed them from the royaal council, and kept them preoccupied at Versailles. relied for his ministers on other nobles. He dominated his ministers and secretaries, and had to bribe people controlling the provinces.

Renaissance View of Liberal arts + its influences

Renaissance view of the value of the liberal arts was strongly influenced by COncerning Character by Pietro Paolo Vergerio, which stressed the importance of the liberal arts as the key to true freedom, enabling individuals to reach their full potential.

Henry V

Renewed the 100 years war while France was dealing with a civil war

Peter the Great's Military

Reorganized the army, created a navy. Russians and Euros are officers, and peasants are conscripted for 25 years to build an army of 210,000 men.

Estates General

Representative assembly in France, though considerably less powerful than other assemblies like Parliament. Made up of the First Estate, or the clergy; the Second Estate, or the nobility, and the Third Estate, consisting of peasants and inhabitants of towns and cities.

House of Lords

Representative body composed of chief bishops, and abbots fo teh realm and aristocratic peers. Had a hereditary position in the parliament.

House of Commons

Representatives of shires and boroughs, considered less important than the lords and ecclestial lords. They held meetings that were called the house of commons, and they were in England.

Structure of the Jesuits

Resembled a military command. 2 year novitiate weeded out all but most dedicated adhereents. Executive leadership in hands of a general, and Loyola was general of the order.

Natural Philosophers and Newton

Resisted Newton's ideas.

Jews during the enlightenment

Restricted n movements, forbidden to own land or hold many jobs, neeed to pay burdensome special taxes, get pogroms against them.

Martyrdom of Saint Sebastion

Revels in classical motifs, and attempts to protray the human body under stress.

1381 Peasants Revolt - causes + what it was + effects

Revolt in England; caused by rising expectations after the Black Death, as peasants got higher wages and greater freedom. Aristocratic landlords fought back with ligslation to depress wages and impose old feudal dues; the most pressing issue was the monarchy's attempt to impose a poll tax on each adult member of the population.

Effect of the Steam Engine

Revolutinized the production of cotton goods, and allowed the factory system to spread to other areas of production, thus securing whole new industries. Ensured triumph of Industrial Rev.

Revolutions of 1848

Revolutions that swept Europe and lead to the formation of iberal constitutions and liberal governments. However, many of them disappeared soon after because of divisions that shattered their ranks,

Cardinal Mazarin

Richlieu's trained successor, dominated the government. He attempted to carryon Richelieu's policies until his death in 1661. Disliked by all elements of the French population, particularly the nobles, and nobles led the first Fronde, which broke out in Paris. Louis XIV took over after Mazarin died in 1661.

Causes of POlish destruction

Rivalry between Austria, Russia, and Prussia. Chose to split poland to not get competition.

Council of Trent - Its effects

Roman Catholic Church had a clear body of doctrine and a unified church under supremacyof popes who had triumphed over bishops and councils.

Galileo and the Inquisition

Roman Inquisistion condemend copernicanism, ordered Galileo to reject the copernican thesis. However, they said he could continue to discuss it as long as he said it wasn't a fact but math supposition.

Ferdinand and Isablla, how did they strengthen royal control of the gov?

Royal council, supposed to supervise local administration and oversee the implenentation of gov policies, was stripped of aristocrats and filled primarily with middle class clawyers. Operatied on the belief that monarchy embodied the power of thestate.

Development and characteristisc of the royal societies, what did the royal societies focus on mostly

Royal society created a committee to investigate technological imprvoements for industry' French Academy collected tools and machines. However, socieites soon came to focus on theoretical work in mechanics and astronomy. Construction of observatories at paris and Greenwich facilitated research in astronomy. However.

Hohenzollern Dynasty

Ruled an insignificant principality in Northeastern Germany. They inherited some lands in the Rhine valley in 1609, and nine years later, received the duchy of Prussia. By the 17th century, the dominions of the house of Hohenzollern consisted of 3 masses in western, central, and eastern Germany

Ivan III

Ruler of Russia. Russian prince who annexed other principalities and took advantage of dissension among the Mongols to throw them out of Russia by 1480.

Christian II of Denmark

Ruler of three scandinavian kingdoms overthrown by Swedish barons led by Gustavas Vasa. Deposed b Danish nobility and succeeded by Frederick I.

The Capetians + what they failed to do and its effects

Ruling family in France. It failed to have a male heir in 1328, triggering a succesional crisis.

Russia and the Continental System

Russia began to defy it. As a result, Napoleon had to invade it.


Russian composer, works are among the most popular music in the classical repertoire. Music is grand, somewhat western-orientated.

Treaty of Adrianople

Russians receive a protectorate over the provinces of Moldavia and Wallachia. Ottomans agree to allow Russia, France, and Britain to decide on the fate of Greece. They declare the nation an independent kingdom, and two years later a new royal dynasty is established.

Montesquieu on Republics, monarchy,a dn despotism

Said Republics was suitable for small states and based on citizen iviolvement, monarchy was good for middle-sized states and grounded in the ruling clas's adherence to law, and despotism, apt for large empires and dependent on fear to inspire obedience.

Descartes and Scientific Methodology

Said each step in an argument should be as sharp and well well founded as a mathematical roof

Triennial Act

Said parliament must meet at least once per 3 years no matter what.

Mercantilist theory

Said that a nation should get as much gold and silver, get more exports than imports, and state should provie subsidies to manufacturers, grant monopolies to traders, build roads and canals, and impose high tariffs to limit imports. Colonnies seens as valuable source of raw amterials and market for finished goods.

Labor theory of Value

Said that gold and silver weeren't the source of a nation's true wealth, but he didn't think soil was either. Rather, labor of indiivduals constituted the true wealth of a nation.


Said that humans are as much a part of God or nature of the universal order as other natural objects. Philosopher.

Etienne Marcel

Said that the Third Estate would grant taxes if King john's son wouldn't tax without Estates-General's permession and allowed them to meet on a regular basis and participate in important political decisions. This movement was crushed.

What did the Brothers of the Common Life Believe?

Said you needed to imitate Jesus and lead lives dedicated to serving needs of fellow human beings. Emphasized inner piety and morality based on Scripture and avoidance of complexities of theology.

Journal des Savants

Scientifc journal; it was published weekly by the French Academy and printed results of experiments as well as general scientific knowledge. Its format appealed to both scientists and the educated public interestedin science.


Scott tried to evoke the clash between Saxon and Norman knights in medieval England.


Scottish economic philosopher, believedin Laissez-Faire. Attacked mercantilism, condemning the mercantilist use of tariffs to protect home industries. Claimed that labor was the true wealth of a nation, and believed that the state shouldn't interfere in economic matters.

American separation from Britain, Content of the Declaration of Independence.

Second Continental Congress approves a declaration of independence written by Thomas Jefferson. Affirmed the enlightenment's natural rights of life, liberty, and the pusuit of happiness, and declares the colonies to be free and independent states absolved from allegiane to the Brits.


Secret societies in Italy that conspired and planned for revolutionagainst the extremely reactionary governmentseager to smother any liberal or nationalistic sentiment.

Northern Union

Secret society in Russia, composed of young aristocrats who had served in the Napoleonic wars and were aware of the world outside Russia andiltelectuals alienated by censorship and lack of academic freedom in Russian universities. Favor constitutual monarchy, abolition of serfdom.


Secret society, sympathetic to the ideas of the philosophes.


Secretary of the French Royal Academy of Science. Able to communicate scientific knowledge in a clear and witty fashion that appealed to his upper-class audiences. Science became part of literature. Portrayed churches as enemies of scientific progress.

Philsophes in History

Secular orientation, eliminated the role of God in history and freed them to concentrate on events themselves and serach for causal relationships in the natural world. Paid attention to economic, social , intellectual and cultural developments. Did social history as well.


Seeing divinty emobdied in all aspects of nature and in the heavenly bodies as well as in earthly objects.

King Louis's Reaction while in Paris to the reovlutionary events

Seeks to flee France in 1791 and almost succeeds before being captured at Varennes and brought back to Paris. Radicals call for the king to be deposed, but members of the National Assembly ignore his flight and pretend he was simply kidnapped.

Why was Poland so weak

Sejm had an elective nature. It was a two chamber assembly, and to be elected to kingship, prospective monarchs ahd to agree to share power with the Sejm in taxation, foreign and military policy, and appointing state officials. However, ppl wanted to ensure the central authority wouldn't affect their local interests.

Unam Sanctum

Series of papers released by Boniface 8 about the surpremacy of spiritual authority over temporal authority.

Foundling homes, what was it like

Serious overcrowding. Mortality rates extremely high, and children who survived go to miserable jobs.

Roles of nobles

Serve as militay officers, soem are in the machinery of state, nobles in russia and Prussia served the state, but those in Spain and Italy had little use. MAny nobles became poor.

July Ordinances

Set of edicts by Charles X that imposed rigid censorship of press, dissolved the legislative assembly, and reduced electorate in preparation for new elections.

Effect of New World Silver

Set off spiraling inflation that disrupted the Spanish economy, hurting textileproduction and agriculture. Expenses of War were also bad, and they never were more than 20 percent of the royal revenue, causing the government o impose a crushing burden of taxes. Gov't ahd to borrow a lot as a result.

Divisions of the Netherlands

Seven north provinces germanic in culture and dutch speaking, while French and Flemishspeaking southern provinces closely tied to France. Some were Lutherist of Anabaptist, Calvinist was there as well.


Shared communal identification with one's nation.

Foreign policy of Elizabeth towards the Dutch, French and Spanish

She didn't want to have war with Spain, though she encouraged English seamen to raid Spanish ships and colonies. She also gave some aid to French Huguenots and Dutch Calvinists to weaken France and Spain, though avoided alliances. Initially tried not to support Dutch, but later had to.

Petty Burghers

Shopkeepers, artisans, guildmasters, and guild members who were concerned with providing goods and services for local consumption.

The One Hundred Days

Short period of time during which Napoleon returned from the island of Elba and took control again of France. Defeated at Waterloo, however.

Periodic crises of overproduction in industirlization, econ hardship

Short term econ depressins brought high unemployment, increase social tensions, unemployment could be high.

Skeletons in the Quarreles des Femmes

Showed female skulls to have larger pelvic area, while skulls are smaller than those of males. "Proved" that women mean to be chidlnearsr, and the larger skull "demonstrated" the superiority of the male mind.

Kepler on the Planet's Orbits

Showed that the planet's orbits were elliptical.

Last Supper

Shows organization of space and use of perspective to depict subjects three - dimensionally ina two - dimensional medium. Philip is didealized, and the work emobodies psychological dimension.


Site in France of a major battle. The English killed 6,000 French men, while they lost only 300 people.


Site of a battle between the English and French. Joan of Arc inspired the French Army to beat the English. Is also a city in French.

Poitiers + what the effects on the Hundred Years were

Site of battle between the black prince and King John II of France during the Hundred Years War, resulting in an English victory. Resulted in the Peace of Bretigny, ending 1st phase of the 100 years war.


Sixteenth - century artisti movement that broke down the High renaissance principles of balance, harmony,a nd moderation.


Skilled craftspeople in the Midlands and northern england who in 1812 attacked the machines that they believed threatened their livelhioods. Attacks failed to stop industrial mechanization, however.

Trade Unions

Skilled workers in a number of new industries , wanted to preserve their own position by limiting entry into their trade and wanted to gain ebnefits from the employers.

Trend in british importation of cotton

Sky rocketed, and Britian soon becaeme the world's biggest producer of textiles. Cheap cotton cloth made it possible for millions of poor people to werar undergarments, was tough, comfortable, cheap, and easily washable.

Why did slavery decline at end of 15th century

Slaves freed for humanitarian reasons, and source of slaves dried up as black Sea slave markets closed to Italian traders after Trks got the Byzantines. Likewise, slaves also felt to be too dangerous.

Spatial trend of industrialization

Small decentralized, islands in an agricultrual sea, meant severe

Popolo minuto

Small shopkeepers and artisans in Florence.

Popola Minuto

Small shopkeepers and artisans in Florence. Briefly had a share in the government during the middle ages, though their power was later taken away by a counterrevolution of the popolo grasso.

Fate of Chartism

Smashed up, all of their national petitions were rejected by members of parliament, who were not at all ready for political democracy. Not a threat to the Brit establishment, but wasn't a total failure. Significance stemmed froma bility to arouse and organize millions of working lcass men and women.

Duke of Wellington

Smashes Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo, and sends him off all the way to Sain Helena, a small, forsaken island in the South Atlantic.

The Consumer Society

Society that focuses on the acquisition of wealth, generated by the Industrial Revolution which produced mass quantities of goods for consumption.

How philosophes got around state censorship

Some published under pseudonyms or anonymously or abroad. Used double meanings like talking about the persians when they meant the French. Books also used double meanings, like talking about the Persians when they meant the French. Books were published and circualted secretly or in manuscript form to avoid censors. When gov't said a book was burned, it ade the book more popular.

Charles II

Son of Charles I. After returning to England from exile, he inclined to Catholicism, which angered Parlaiment.

Edward I

Son of Henry III and king of England in 1272-1307, during a period of rising national consciousness. He strengthened the crown and Parliament against the old feudal nobility, subdued Wales and destroyed its autonomy, and tried to conquer Scotland. His reign is known for administrive efficiency, and passed statutes that strengthened the crown in the feudal hierarchy.

Joseph I

Son of Leopold I. Continued the War of the Spanish Succession against Louix XIV in an attempt to make Charles VI King of Spain. Was somewhat forward looking, tried to make bureaucracy more efficient. Fought a rebellion in Hungary

Thomas More

Son of London lawyer, interested in new classical learning. Was lord chancellor of England. Opposed England's break with Roman Catholic Church. Wrote Utopia, a new social system where cooperation and reason replace power and fame as proper motivating agents for human society.

Cesare Borgia

Son of Pope Alexander VI. Used ruthless measures to achieve goal of carving out a new state in central Italy.


Song sung by a group from the Marseilles. The group was one of the 20,000 national guardsmen called up to defend Paris. The song declares that the enemies of France were coming into France, and calls on people to arm and kill the enemy.

The grand tour

Sons of aristocrats go to Europe's majro cities.However, there could be pirates or bandits, and inns have thieves and bedbugs. Trip was expected to be educational, so they were accompanied by tutors, though young men also drank and had sex.

Paris and the Uprisings

Soon gets taken over by the insurgents

Desires of the nobles,

Sought to expand their privleges at the expense of th monarchy, to defend liberty by resisting the arbitrary actions of monarchy, and to maintain their monopolistic control over positions in the military, church, and government.

Neo-Classical Art

Sought to recapture the dignity and simplicity of the classical style of ancient Greek and Rome.

Juan Luis Vives

Spanish humanist and student of Erasmus. He emphasized induction as a method of inquiry. He was eminent in psychology and philosophical method.


Spanish theologian who published the Errors of the Trinity, where he said those who believed in the Trinity were really Tritheists (believers in three gods) or atheists. The work was banned. He also made numerous scientific discoveries, but also had beliefs in conflict with John Calvin of Geneva, causing him to be killed.

Test Act

Specified that only Anglicans could hold military and civil offices.

Cottage Industry

Spinners and weavers work in their own cottages. Allowed rural people to earn eincomes that supplement their pitiful wages as agricultural laborers.

Catherine's eastern expansion

Spread south by defeating the ottoman turks. Russians gained land and privilege of protecting Greek orthodox christians in the ottoman empire. Occurred at the expense of neighboring poland. Gained 50 percent of Polish territory.


Standard bearer of justice in Florence

Origins of the Rails

Started where small hand carts filled with coal were pushed along parallel wooden rails, which reduced friction, enabling horses to haul more susbtantial loads. Wooden rails replaced with cast iron, and rails more common. Under innovations by Tervithinthick and Stephenson, the rail became more widespread and crisscrossed the country.


Stated that a general council of the church recieed its authority from God, so every Christian, including the pope, was subject to its authorityy.

Cahiers de doléances

Statements of local grievances, drafted throughout France during the elections to the Estates-General, advocated a regular constitutional government that would abolish the fiscal privileges of the church and nobility as the major way to regenerate the country.

Pacification of gent

Stipulated all provinces would stand together under William's leadership, respect religious differences, and demand that Spanish troops be withdrawn.

Factory Act of 1833

Strengthened earlier labor legislation, included all textile factories, Children between 9 and 13 could work only eight hours a day, those between 13 and 18 only twelve. Factory inspectors could fine those who broke the law.

effect of catherine's policies

Strengthened the landholding class.Gentry were formed into corporate groups with special legal privilges, including right to trial by peers and exempt from taxation and corporal punihsment.

Decline fo the dutch republic during the Enlightenment era

Struggle between oglicharcies that governed the Dutch republic and the house of Orange. Regents wanted t reduce the power of the Orangists but soo n becme divided when Dutch burghers who called themselves the patriots began to agitate fro democratic reforms that would open up the municipal councils to greater participation than that of the oligarchs. Patriots succeded, leading to foreign interferance when the Prussian king sent troops to protect sister wife of the Orangist stadholder. Patriots crushed, Oragists and regensts reestablished the old sys.


Student socieites dedicated to fostering the goal of a free united Germany.

Gothic Art

Style of art that developed in Northern France out of Romanesque Art. Had Grand Tall desighns, a soaring arches and buttresses, feature the bible in it, highly religious.

Frederick II, the Great

Succeeded tot eh throne of Prussia, took advantage of the new empress Maria Theresa to invade Austrian Silesia. Very well educated, well versed in enlgithtenment thought, made the Prussian bureaucracy wellknown for its efficiency and its honesty, granted osoemf reedom of speech and press and complete religious toleration,elargened his army, but kept serfdom.

War of the Spanish Succession, causes

Succession ot the Spanish throne. Charles II, Habsburg ruler, has no children and leaves the throne of Spain to grandson of Louis XIV. He becomes king philip V of Spain, which destroys the balance of power.

Joseph II

Successor to Maria Theresa, ruled the Austrian Empire. Issued a Toleration patent, recognizing Catholicism's public practice, granted all people the right to worship privately.

Limited Suffrage in GB

Suffrage for the elections to the House of Commons was controlled by the landed gentry, and it was restricted and unequal, especially in light of the changing distribution of the British population due to the Industrial Revolution. Man new large industrial cities have no reps, while landowners use pocket and rotten boroughs to control seats in the House of Commons. Power of the crown in the hands of the ruling party in parliament.

Peter the Great's senate, what happened to it

Supervised the administrative machinery of the state. It was a ruling council, but its ineffectiveness caused Peter to put in colleges or boards of administrators entrusted with certain fucntions.


Supports of Parliament during the English Civil War. They were also known as Parliamentarians, and wanted to give Parliament supreme authority over executive administration..

Effects of the Plague on Medicine

Surgeons were more important, and great emphasis on anatomy in university curriculum. Medical textbooks important, public health laws established, and boards of public health were also established.


Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist who formalized the modern system of naming organisms.

Effect of Charles XII's death

Sweidsh nobility control public life, reduce the monarcy to puppet status. Divison of nobility into pro-french and russian factions, letting King Gustavus II to get power of the monarchy.

Jaques Necker

Swiss banker and director general of finance under Louis XVI. Viewed as the savior of France, tried to make I t seem like France was in a strong financial position when the reality was much worse. cker sought to reduce public expenditures by such measures as abolishing unnecessary positions and by demanding larger payments from the private companies that had purchased the right to collect indirect taxes. He also attempted to introduce some reforms in the inequitable system of taxation. Financed the American Revolution, thus making the national debt bigger.

Jacob Burckhardt

Swiss historian and arti critic who created the modern concept of the renaissance in his book The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, published in 1860.


System where Christian boys from Blakans would be collected by force to serve the Ottoman government. Converted to Islam, and became educated. They became the Janisseries.

Transubstantiation + LUther's beliefs

Taught that the substance of the bread and wine consumed in the rite is miracously ransformed into the body and blood of Jesus, though he continued to insist on the real presence of Jesus' body andblood in the bread and wine given as a testament to God's forgiveness of sin.

Wage, price, and consumption pattern, ind rev

Tea, sugar, coffee still consumed by upper and middle classes and better off artisans, meat consumption less in 1840 than in 1780, mass market developed in cheap cotton goods important to Ind Rev, drop in prices accompanied by slight increase in wages.However, living conditions were still crappy, real gain was by middle class and some skilled workers not smahsed b new machines.

Response by the 3rd Estate to 1st estate's desire to vote by order

The 3rd estate votes to constitute itself a national assembly,d raws up a constitton. When they find the meeting place's door locked, they move to a nearby tennis court.

Book of Common Prayer

The Anglican bible. This was imposed on the Scottish Presbyterian Church, so the Scots rose up in rebellion against the king. The prayer book used by protestants. From the reign of Edward VI, it had some revisions added to it to make it more acceptable to Catholics. The 39 articles were added to it.

Klemens Von Metternich

The Austiran empire's Foreign Minister and chancellor from 1821 to 1848. Established the Metternich System and engineered a balance of power that kept Europe from entering another war for about 100 years.


The French police, dressed in blue uniforms to make them easily recognizable by all citizens. Lightly armed.

The Academie

The French scientific society. It was recognized by Louis XIV, received abundant state support, remained under government control, and its members were appointed and paid salaries by the state.


The German police force. Organized more along military lines, used for political purposes. Had weaponry like swords, pistols, and brass knuckles.

Fredrick III

The King of Prussia, instituted liberal reforms like abolishing serfdom, municipal self government through town coucnils, expansion of primary and secondary schools, and universal military conscription to make a national army. However, he didn't make a legislative assembly or representative government, and was an absolutist state.

Night of August 4

The National Assembly votes to abolish seigneurial rights as well as the fiscal privileges of nobles, clergy, towns, and provinces.

Second estate

The Nobility, no more than 350,000 people who own 25 to 30 percent of the land. Hold many of the leding positions in the gov't, military, law courts, and church offices.

Interactions betwen the Paris Commune and the National Convention

The Paris Commune favors radical change and puts a lot of pressure on the National Convention, pushing it to more radical positions.

The Royal Society and The Academie

The Royal Society was a gathering of scientsts, who emphasized the practical value of scientific research. It created a committee to investigate technological improvements for industry. There was a French and British royal society.


The Russian nobility prior to Ivan the Terrible.

The Armada

The Spanish fleet that set sail to rendezvous with the army of the duke of Parma in Flanders, and then cross the English Channel to invade England. It was smashed by the English and further destroyed by poor weather as it circled around the British Isles to return to Spain.

Kind's reaction to the Tennis Court Oath

The Third Estate had no legal right to act as the National Assembly. The revolution was soon in jeopardy, as the kind sided with the First estate and threatened to dissolve the Estates- General.

Influence of French Rev vs. US Rev.

The US rev is less important to Europe than the French rev. It was more complex, violent, more radical, provided a model of revolution for Europe and rest of the world.

Union of Utrecht/Union of Arras

The Union of Arras was seven northern Dutch speaking states organized into a protestant union to oppose Spanish rule. The union of Arras consisted of the southern Dutch provinces that formed a Catholic union and accepted Spanish control.


The Unique cultural identity of a people based on a common language, religion, and national symbols.

Regions of France break away from the revolution, what do those regions want

The Vendee revolt against the new military draft, want the king, priests, and the old regime. Lyon, and Marseilles break away from the central authority and favor a decentralized republic to free themselves from theascendancy of Paris.

New Model Army

The army of Parliament. It was composed primarily of more extreme Puritans known as the independents, who believed they were doing battle of the Lord. They were well disciplined and trained in the latest military tactics.


The art of translating plato and the exposition of the platonic philosophy.

Emerging Opposition to the 1791 Assembly

The assembly has growing opposition from clerics angered by the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, lower classses hurt by the rise in cost of living from the assignats, peasants who still opposed dues not abandoned, and political clubs offering radical solutions, like the Jacobins.

Balance of Power

The attempt to make countries and nations powerful enough to prevent any one country from dominating Europe.


The belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes; also, organized activity to advance women's rights.

Cultural Relativism

The belief that no culture is superior to another because culture is a matter of custom, not reason, and derives its meaning from the group holding it.

Supremacy of the Bible

The belief that the bible must be rigorously adhered to when practicing Christianity. All other practices like pilgrimages and indulgences which are not mentioned in the Bible are considered to be unnecessary to the practice of Christianity.

Henrietta Maria

The catholic sister of King Louis XIII of Franc. Charles I married her, and by marrying her, there was suspicions about the king's own religious inclinations.

General Directory

The chief administrative agent of the central government, supervising military, police, economic, and financial affairs.

William II

The co-monarch with Mary. They later enacted the Bill of rights, which affirmed Parliament's right to make laws and levy taxes and made it impossible for kings to oppose or do witout Parliament by stipulating that standing armies could be raised only with the consent of parliament.

Divine Right of Kings

The doctrine that kings gain their authority from God, not from their people. This, as a result, means that rebellion is a very horrific crime. Used by many European monarchs, like Louis XIV.

Pompey the Dog

The dog of William the Silent. It is believed that while William the Silent was sleeping one night, when the dog suddenly started barking, thus alerting William to assasins approaching his tent.


The first European to make observations of the sky with the telescope. Discovered much about the surface of the moon, moons of Jupiter, the phases of venus, and sunspots. He was jailed by the Catholic church, and also demonstrated that a uniform force on an object would make it move at an accelerated speed and discovered the principle of inertia.

George I

The first Hanoverian king; did not speak English and neither he nor Goerge II had much familiarity with the British system, allowing their chief ministers to handle Parliament. This allowed the moder cabinet system to develop in Britain.Locke:

Wars against the 1793 coalition

The french armies begin to experience reverses, and some mbers of the anti-French coalition are ready to invade France. If they succeed, revolution is smashed.

Doubling the Third Estate

The government ruled that the Third Estate should get double representation during elections for the Estates General. As a result, while both the First and Second estates had about 300 delegates each, the commoners had almost 600 representatives.

Cardinal Wolsey

The highest ranking English church official and lord chancellor used by King Henry VIII to get Pope Clement VII to grant an annulment of the king's marriage.

Separation of Spheres

The idea that both men and women focus on different aspects in daily life. Women focus on home duties while men focus on the working life.

Economic liberalism

The idea that government shouldn't interfere in the workings of the economy.

Duke of Orleans

The individual governing France after Louis XIV> He was drunk and immoral. Succeeded by Cardinal Felury.

Gottfried Leibniz

The individual who invented the calculus separately of Newton, Winkelmann corresponded her.

James II

The king after Charles II. His accession virtually guaranteed a new constitutional crisis for England. Aimed to further Catholic interests, making religion once more a primary cause of conflict between king and parliament. Named Catholics to high positions in the government, and suspended all laws barring Catholics and Dissenters from office.

Class consciousness

The knowledge of being members of one single class, which was brought about by the industrial revolution. This was caused by more individuals working in a factory and thus holding a same occupation, thus causing them to develop a central class unity.

Richard III

The last Yorkist king; defeated by Henry Tudor, duke of Richmond, and established the Tudor dynasty.


The medieval forerunner to chemistry. It was concerned with how to turn different metals into gold.

Electors established by the Constitution of 1795

The members were all chosen by electors who ahd to be owners or renters of property worth between 100 and 200 days of labor, limiting their number t 30,000. Electors chosen by active citizens, nowdefined as all male taxpayers over age 21.


The mistress of Louis XV. She gained both wealth and power, often making important government decisions and giving advice on appointments and foreign policy.

Marquise du Châtelet

The mistress of Voltaire, one of the first intellectuals to adopt the ideas of Isaac Newton and in 1759 published her own translation of newton's famous Principia. Collaborated on a book about the natural philosophy Newton.

Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems, Galileo

The most famous work of Galileo. Written in Italian rather than Latin. It took the form of a dialogue among Simplicio, a stupid supporter of Aristotle and Ptolemy, Sagredo, an open minded layman, and Salviati, a proponent of Copernicus's ideas. It defends the Copernican system.

Parlement of Paris

The most important court in France, had jurisdiction over half of the kingdom, and members formed the nobles of the robe. Opposed new taxes levied by the gov to pay for the 30 year's war

Catherine de Medici

The mother of two sons that came to power in France. She dominated them. She was a moderate Catholic, trying to find a religious compromise to defuse the political tensions but there were too man religious fanatics unwilling to amek concessions.


The national diet, or assembly. Through their control of this national diet, the nobility reduced the peasantry to serfdom and established the right to elect kings. However, the pOlish kings proved unable to establish a strong royal authority.


The new English police officers.

Ecclestiastical Ordnances

The new church constitution of Geneva. Created a church government using both clergy and laymen in the service of the Church. The Consstory to enforce moral discipline was set up.

Republic of Virtue

The new republic that would be established after the war and domestic emergency was over. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the citizen would be fully established.


The noble or aristocracy. They owned large estates with many serfs, and played a dominating role in the Prussian state. They also held a complete monopoly over the officer corps of the Prussian army.

St. Peter's Basilica

The papal enclave within the city of Rome. One of the largest churches in the world. In 1517, Pope Leo X issued a special jubilee indulgence to finance the construction of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, causing Luther to nail his Ninety - Five theses to a church door in Wittenberg.

Cavalier Parliament

The parliament formed under Charles II after he returned to England.

Peasants in the 3rd estate

The peasants are 75 to 80 percent of the total population, owned about 35 to 40 percent of the land, though landholdings vary from area to area and over half had no or little land on which to survive. Serfdom no longer existed, but French peasants had obligations to local landlords that were resented.

Interregnum/Puritan Republic

The period in England after the execution of Charles I. The Rump Parliament abolished the House of Lords and Monarchy and proclaimed England to be a republic. Eventually, Cromwell got rid of the parliament, feeling it difficult to work with.


The place where souls went to after death to be purged of punishments for sins committed when alive.

Effect of the Civil Constitution of the Colergy

The pope forbade it, only 54 percent of the French parish clergy take the oath, and majority of bishops refuse. The Catholic Church isnow an enemy, and it arouses the opposition of the church, giving counterrevolution a popular base from which to operate.


The practice of awarding titles and making appointments to government and other positions to gain political support.


The practice of relying on observation and experiment.


The prayer book used by protestants. From the reign of Edward VI, it had some revisions added to it to make it more acceptable to Catholics. The 39 articles were added to it.

Simony + why it started

The purchasing of church offices using money. Started because the papacy at Avignon needed more revenue.

Quarelles Des Femmes

The question about the true nature and status of women.

Conspiracy of equals

The radical faction that was lead by Francois Babeuf, who was appalled by the misery of the common people, and wanted to abolish private property and eliiante private enterprise.

Rump Parliament

The remainder of Parliament, after the Presbyterian members of Parliament were purged and only 53 members of the House of Commons. They then tried and condmend the king on a charge of treason, who was beheaded.


The royal palace of King Louis XIV. It was the personal household of the king, the location of central government machinery, and the place where powerful subjects came to find favors and offices for themselves and their clients. The greatest danger came from the very high nobles and princes of the blood, who were preoccupied with courtlife and politics at Versailles.

Primary means of disseminating Luther's ideas

The serman. It found favor throguhout Germany, and there was soon a pulic debate in which the new preachers proved victorious. PHamplets also helped.

Why Did Parliament Arise in Europe?

The shift to Mercenary soldiers meant monarchs needed more funds and more taxes. This went through parliament, letting them gain more power by asking favors first.

Charles I

The son of King James I. Tried to infring on the power of parliament, deciding that since he could not work with Parliament, he wouldn't summon it to meet. Pursued a course of personal rule, which forced him to find ways to collect taxes without the cooperation of Parliament. Also had a bad religious policy, ppl thought he was catholic.


The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

Charles X

The successor to Louis XVIII, was the count of Artois. Granted an indemnity to aristocrats who lost their lands during the Revolution. Encouraged the Catholic church to reestablish control over the French educational system. Vilated an agreement with the public about ministerial responsibility, and a protest by deputies led him to dissolve the legislature in 1830, call for new elections, making France about to revolt.

Michael Romanov

The tsar that took power after the Time of troubles. Established a dynasty that lasted until 1917.

Creation of Adam

The well - proportioned figure of Adam awaits the divine spark. Adam reveals an ideal type of human with perfect proportions. Meant to reflect divine beauty, the more beautiful the body the more God - like the figure.

Marie Antoinette

The wife of King Louis XIV. Many people thought that she controlled the king way too much. She was known for being exuberant at the Palace of Versailles.

Katherine von Bora

The wife of Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation. Her marriage with Martin Luther is often used as an example to show how a Protestant family should work.

Charles XII

The youngking of Sweden. When Peter the Great with Poland and Denmarkattacked him, he smashed the danes, flattened the Poles, and routed the Russian Army. However, he was eventually defeated. Primarily interested inmilitary affairs, eventually made Sweden a second clas northern power.

Philosophes Causing the Rev

Their ideas widely circulated. Didn't advocate revolution, but they were often quoted.

Church and the Revolution of Science

Theology became seemed to be the queen of sciences, though new scientists felt it was like they didn't know what they said about.

Secondary Schools in Europe

There was a large humber of secondary schools like the grammar and public schools in england, Gmnasiums in German, and collèges in France and Spain. Were elitist, and were meant to continue the class hierarchy of Europe.

Political atmosphere: challenge to industrialization

There were a good number of upheavals that were associated with the revolutionary eras, and disruption of regular comms btw Britain and the Contient made it difficult for the continent to keep up w/Brit tech, and wars smashed up trade and Napoleon's Continental sys smashed a number of prosperous ports.

American Philosophes

There were also many American philosophers during the enlightenment. Notable among them includes Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, as well as Alfred Whitehead. Jefferson and Franklin were both notable for developing ideals of freedom.

Ferdinand Isablla: Spanish Inquisition, why did it happnen, what, how

There were many Jews and Muslims in Spain. INcreased persecution in the 14th century made most Spanish Jews to become Christian, but complaints about their sincerity caused Ferdinand and Isabella to ask pope to introduce the Inquisition, which worked to gurantee the othodoxy of converts but had no authority over practicing Jews. As a result, they expelled all professed Jews from Spain. Likewise, Muslims were all expelled from Spain after conquest of Granada.

Effect of the Great Retreat

There's a general uprising in Europe. Napoleon defeated in 1814. Napoleon sent to Elba, Bourbon monarchy restored with Louis 18.

Government of towns, social classes

There's the long tradition of patrician oligarcheisthat control communities, though they are a small minority of the urban pop. There's the nonoble office holdres, financiers and bankers, merchatns, wealthy rentiers, and lawyers. Another group was the petty bourgeioise o rlower middle lcasse made of artisans, shopkeepers, and small traders. below is the laborers or working classes. Urabn industry carried on in small guild workshops.

Dutch Realism

These were portraits of the Dutch themselves, group portraits of their military companies and guilds, landscapes, seascapes, genre scenes, still lifes, and the interiors of their residneces. They were interested in the realistic portrayal of secular everyday life.

Commoners Response to the King

They decide to rise up and save them from being smashed.

What did humanists do to the classics

They eagerly perused the works of Plato, as well of those of greek poets, dramtists, historians, and orators like Euripides, Sophocles, and Thucydiddes.

Committee of Public Safety: Economic Controls

They establish a system of requisitioning food supplies for the ciites enforced by the forays of revolutionary armies into the countryside, establish the Law of General Maximum.

Parliament during the Enlightened Absolutist era

They had minister s responsible to himself who set polciy and guided parliament, parliament could make laws, levy taxespass the budget and iniderctly influence the king's ministers. British parliament was dominated by a landed aristocracy divided into the peers who sat for life in the House of Lords and the landed gentry, who sat in the House of Commons and served as justices of the peace in the counties. Both were landowners with similar economic interests, and often intermarried.

Actions of the Paris Commune before the National Convention

They seek revenge on those who aid the king. Thousands of traitors arrested and massacred. Artisans and tradespeople conduct mass executions of inmates.

Committee of Public Safety: Explaining the Revolution to the Departments, actions

They send representatives as agents of the central government to all departments to explain the war emergency measures and implement laws dealing with the wartime emergency.

General tendency ofPopes to the COuncil of Constance + how

They slowly got rid of the council's authority. This was because councils could issue decrees, but popes had to execute them, and popes owuld not cooperate with councils that diminished their authority.

Delegates With Regards to the king

They still had respect for him, didn't want to overthrow the king.

Characteristics of Northern renaissance painters

They were focused on empirical observation of visual realtiy, the accurate portrayal of details. Northern painters placed emphasis on emotional intensity of religious feeling and created great works of devotional art.

Role of Women in smaller renaissance courts

They were often responsible for running the estate / territory. Likewise, they were often well educated.

Relation between Luther and the Princes of Germany

They were used to organize and guide the new Lutheran reformed churches.

Tennis Court Oath

Third Estates votes to constitute itself as a National Assembly and decides to draw up a constitution. Three days later, the deputies of the Third estate arrive at their meeting place to find the doors locked, so they move to a nearby indoor tennis court and swore the Tennis Court Oath that they would continue tomet until there was a French constitution.

European Crime and Punishments

Thumbscrews, the rack, executions were used to deter potentialoffenders. Nobles were beheaded, but lower-class criminals were tortured, broken on the wheel, or drawn and quartered.

Balance of Power in Action under Metternich

To balance Russian Gains, Metternich strengthened Prussia and Austria. France, meanwhile, wasn't significantly weakened, and remained a great power. Conferees created an enlarged kingdom of the Netherlands made of the former Dutch Republic and the Austrian Neteherlands under a new ruler, King William I of Orange. Piedmont was enlargened, Prussia got territory along the east bank of the Rhine, and the Germanic Confederation is made.

Effects of the efforts

Too many spanish Aristocrats,and there's a bunch of internal revolts.

The stratification of Muscovite Society in the 17th century

Top is the tsar who claimed to be a divinely ordained autocratic ruler. Society is dominated by an upper class of landed aristocrats who bound peasannts to the land Serdom is preasent, townspeople strictly controlled, merchants can't move from their cities or sell their businesses to anyone outside their class.

Directions in Medicine - The Medical Hierarchy

Top was the Physicians, beneath them was surgeons, then was midwives and barber surgeons, and then apothecaries were also down there.

Causes of the French Civil Wars

Towns and Provinces' resentment of the growing power of monarchial centralization, as well as towns and provinces were only too willing to join a revolt against the monarchy. Lots of religious inteleration between the radical Protestants and radical Catholics.

Women in Protestant Families

Traditional roles as husband as rler and wife the obedient servant who needed to please her husband. Also should bear children. Women can't be nuns because monasticism was destroyed. It also removed women from their traditional role as controller of religion.

The Spiritual Exercises

Training manual for spiritual development emphasizing exercises by which the human will could be strengthened and made to follow the will of God as manifested through his instrument the Catholic Church.

Giangaleazzo Visconti

Transformed despotism in Milan to hereditary duchy

Sanitary conditions in towns

Trashy, city streets often seweres and open drains, cities smelled terribly and were unhealthy. Fundamentally death traps, deaths outnumber births and only a constant influx of ppl from countryside kept them alive and growing.

Urban living conditions in Ind Rev, upper, midd, working class

Trashy, rapid urbanization intensified proles, made wretched conditions, wealth and middle class went to suburbs or outer ring of city, and the center of the ind towns were the row houses of ind workers. Lived badly, rooms small, often overcrowded.

Working conidtions fo rind rev

Trashy, work 12 to 16 hours a day, 6 days a week half hour for lunch and dinner, no security of employment or minimum wage, cotton mills were crap, were dirty, dusty and unhealthy.

Treaty of Utrecht

Treaty ending the War of the Spanish Succession. It took the Italian territories and the Netherlands away from Spain. France recognized Queen Anne as the British sovereign and stopped supporting the son of king James II, and ceded territory in the New World, and allowed the Dutch to retain fortresses in the Netherlands.

Louis fights the HRe, effects

Tries to get Alsace and Lorraine, as well as Strasbourg, which makes a new coalition called the League of Augsberg.

The Netherlands and Piedmont

Two kingdoms that were enlargened after the Napoleonic Wars. They were meant as buffer states against France and to ensure a balance of power.

Ferdinand and Isabella

Two rulers of two different Spanish kingdoms who eventually united into a dynastic union. Ferdinand controlled Aragon, while Isablla controlled Castile. They worked to strengthen royal control of the government. They operated on the belief that the monarchy embodied the power of the state. Also reorganized the military forces of spain, and started the Inquisition to convert Jews and Muslims to Christianity.

Composition of the 3rd Estate at Versailles

Two thirds are people with legal training, and three-fourths are from towns with over two thousand inhabitants.

Composition of the Third Estate

Two thirds of the latter were people with legal training, and three fourths were from towns with over 2,000 inhabitants, giving the Third Estate a very strong legal and urban representation. Acitivists in the Third Estate and the reform-minded individuals among the First and Second Estates had common ties in their youth, urban background, and hostitlity to priviliege.

Labor Force in the US

US didn't have many craftsppl, but had expanding farm pop, size in NE soon outstripped available farmland, women were more than 80 percent of laboring force in large textile factories, factories use entire failies for mills, women, children, and immigrants were largeley unskilled laborers, and it had a capital intensive pattern, owners invested heavily in machines that could produce in quantity at thands of untrained workers.

US ind rev

US was an agrarian society, no large cities, most ppl farmers, but its pop raipidly grew to 30 million. Sam slater borrows from GB, but it equaled or surpassed British tech inventions, had an American system to reduct costs and saved labor.

Demographic Trends of Industrialization

Under industrialization, there was generally a rapid increase in population. This was caused not by a higher birthrate which were declining after 1790, but by a drop in the number of deaths from famines, epidemics, and war. Major epidemic diseases declined noticeably, although small scale epidemics broke out now and then. Ordinary death rate also declined as a general increase in food supply spred to more places, and famine largely disappeared from Western Europe.However, there was sever congestion in the coutnryside, where ever-larger numbers of people divided the same amt of land into smaller plots and caused more landless peasants.

What did Ficino do in his works? + What was his theory

Undertook thesynthesis of Christianity and Platonism into a single system. His theory of Platonic love maintained that just as all people are bound together in their common humanity by love, so too are all parts of the unvierse held together by bonds of sympathetic love.

How the Code napoleon Treated the Women

Undid legislation that restricted rights of father over children and laws that made divorcee easier. Divorce still allowed but made more difficult, and when women married their property was under control of their husbands. In lawsuits, they are treated as minors and their testimony seen as less reliable than that of men.


Units of Russian guardsmen form the 16th and early 18th centuries armed with firearms, known as the Marksman Troops.

The Vendee

Uprising in the Vendée region of France during the French revolution. Openly rebelled against the national Convention. The commander of the revolutionary army killed about 130,000 people, notoroious acts of violence.

Urban pop trend on the Continent

Urban pop grew but less dramatically on the continent, Britain had more than 50 percent living in towns and cities.

Change in Military tactics after 30 years war

Use of farmers. Use of the firing line, the cavalry are more mobile, and there' higher training, and better dsiscipline. Armies are larger, more military schools, linear formations, and the development of ships of the line. Also an increase of taxes to fund this development.

Early renaissance charateristic

Use of monumental figures, more realistic relationship between figures and landscape, visual repsresntation of laws of perspective, realistic style of painting. Emphasis of math side of painting, working out laws of perspective and organization of outdoor space and light by geometry andperspective.

How did Henry get fianncial resoruces of the English monarch?

Used diplomacy to avoid the wars. He avodided having to call Parliament on any regular basis to grant him fundss. He therefore won the favor of the middle class and landed gentry, and so they provided much suppport for his omonarchy.

Steam engine use on the continent

Used for mining and metallurgy rather than tetile making.

Education in the Reformation

Used humanist methods in protestant secondary schools and universities. Schools aimed for everyone, and everyone needed to be educated. Protestants also first established the secondary school.

Factory Owners, how to impose working values

Used the evangelical churches and promoted Methodism, which emphasized that people "reborn in Jesus" must forgo immoderation and follow a disciplined path. Laziness and wasteful habitats were sinful, acceptance of hardship in this life paved the way for the joys of the next. Parraleled the efforts of the new factory owners to instill laborers with their own middle class values of hard work, discipline, and thrift.

john cabot

Venetian navigator and explorer whose 1497 discovery of the coast of North America under the commission of Henry VII of England was the first European exploration of coastal North America

paracelsus, his personality

Very arrogant, couldn't disguise his vanity and quick temper, didn't disguise his conempt for universities and physicians who didn't agree with him. Rejected work of Aristotle and Galen and attacked universities.

The People's View of the Catholic Church

Viewed as a pillar of the older, and it feels the impact of reform. Most of the lands of the church were confiscated, and assignats, a form of paper money, were issued based on the collateral of the newly nationalized church property. The church is also secularized, and Civil Constitution of the Clergy is put in effect.

Society for Revolutionary Republican Women

Viewed themselves as af amily of sisters, vow to defend the Fatherland.

Marquis de Lafayette

Volunteered for service in America in order to strike a blow against England. Returned to France with ideas of individual liberties and notions of republicanism and popular sovereignty, became ma member of the society of Thirty, a club ade of people from the Parisian salons. Commander of the National Guard, later persecuted by the National Convention.

How did Phillip II aim to consolidate his lands in Netherlands, Italy, and New World?

Wanted strict conformity to catholicism enforced by the Spanish Inquisition, as well as a strong monarchial authority.

Philip IV nad Gaspar de Guzman, what they did

Wanted to revive Spain's energies.

The War of the Three Henrys

War between Henry Duke of Guise, in the pay of Philip II of Spain, seized Paris and forced King Henry III to make him chief minister. Henry III then assassinated the duke of Guise who joined with henry of Navarre to crush the Catholic Holy League and retake the city of Paris. Henry III gets killed by a monk repelled by a catholic king cooperating with a protestant, and Henry of Navarre claims the throne, but makes himself a Catholic.

Glorious Revolution

War between a group of seven prominent English noblemen who invited Jame's daughter ary to invade England. Wiar was over who should be the monarch. Event started in 1688, ended in 1689.

Dutch decline causes

War with France and England. English shipping challenged the Dutch as well.

Monroe Doctrine

Warns against any further European intervention in the New World.

Louis XIV's Wars

Wars launched by Louis XIV includes the War of Devolution in which he invaded the Spanish Netherlands, the Franco-Dutch war of 1672-1678, the War of the Spanish Succession.

The Spirit of the Laws: Montesquieu on Gov't

Was a comparative study of governments in which Montesuieu attempted to apply the scientific method to the social and political arena to ascertain the natural laws governing the social relationships of human beings. Distinguished 3 basic governments, including republics, monarchy, and despotism.

Effect of preindustrial knship pattern on employment of children and women

Was a continuation of preindustrial kinship pattern, cottage industry always involved the efforts of thentire family, men always take their wives and children to factory. Impetus for family work often came from family itself.

Great Fear

Was a period of panic and riot by peasonts about rumours of an aristocratic conspiracy by the king and the privileged to overthrow the 3rd Estate. The commoners would use the name of the 3rd estate to wage a war on the rich, claiming that the aristocrats were plotting to destroy the estates-General and retain its privileges.

Winkelmann and Berlin Academy

Was denied a post with them, which feared that it would establish a preced ent by hiring a woman.

Belgium, French, German cotton making

Was disperesed through many regions, mixture of old and new, as techniques of cottage sys held on much longer.

Formation of the National Convention

Was elected in 1792. Acted as the sovereign ruling body of France, and began to draft a new constituion.

Donato Bramante: The Tempietto, charateristics

Was from Urbino but lived in Rome. Designed the Tempietto, which had doric columns surrounding a snactuay enclosed by a dome, summarizing the architerctural ideals othe HIgh Renaissance. Columns, dome, and sanctuary form a onumental and harmonious whole.

King's Response to the Uprisings

Was informed that royal troops were unreliable. King can't enforce his will. Appoints Lafayette as commander of the National Guard. Popular revolt breaks out in other cities, and there's peasant revolts in the countryside.

Louis XVI Citizen Louis Capet

Was the French monarch, though he eventually was killed by beheading. When he was captured and thrown in prison, he became known as Citizen Louis Capet, a more humble name derived from his ancestors. Public pressure demanded that he be put on trial, but there was lots of legal advice against this. Capet was a more humble name derived from his ancestors.

Francis I

Was the Valois king of France. Because he became encircled by the Habsburg empire, Francis fought in as series of conflicts with Charles over territiories in southern France, the Netherlands, the Rhineland, North Spain, and Italy which were fought for 24 years and prevented Charles from concentrating on the Lutheran problem in Germany.

Charles VI

Was unable to produce a male heir to the Austrian throne, so he spent much of his reign negotiating the Pragmatic Sanction, by which different European powers agreed to recognize his daughter as his legal heir.

September Massacres

Wave of killings in Paris and other cities in the late summer of 1792, during the French Revolution. There was a fear that foreign and royalist armies would attack Paris and that the inmates of the city's prisons would be freed and join them. During ths time period, a large amount of prisoners were killed.

Jacques Coeur

Wealthy and powerful French merchant, who was councilor to King Charles VII of France. Was the argentier, or steward of the royal expenditure and banker of the court and also a member of the king's council.

Marie Therese Geoffrin

Wealthy bourgeois widow, welcomed the encyclopedists to her salon and offered financial assistance to complete the work in secret.

Growth of the Nobles

Wealthy middle class individuals can enter the ranks fo the nobility by obtaining public office and entering the nobility of the robe. 6,500 new noble famlies made over the course of the century.

Robert Owen

Well known cotton magnate and social reformer, came to believe in the reation of voluntary assocaitions that would demonstrate to others the benefits of cooperative rather than competitive living.


Well-to -do landowners below the level of the nobility.

Effect of the revolt on Nicholas

Went froma conservative to a reactionary determined to avoid another ebellion, strengthens the bureaucracy and the secret police.

Women and the Royal Society/Academy of Sciences

Were excluded in being accepted, which was considered a male preserve. Wasn't a statue saying that you can do that.

Naming of the months of the new calander

Were given names that were supposed to evoke the season, the temperature, or the state of the vegetation.

Peasants and Townspeople in the Renaissance, trend among feudalism.

Were most of the population, except in highly urbanized areas of northern Italy and Flanders. Decline of manorial system + elimination of serfdom. MOre and more peasants were becoming legally free.

New Industrial Entrepreneurs, responsibilities and qualities

Were resourceful, greedy, intiative, vision, ambition, but were called on to superintend an enourmous array of functions, needed to raise capital determine markets, set company objectives, organize factory, train supervisors, opportunities for money great but trisks huge.


Widely acclaimed high renaissance painter during the High Renaissance. Acclaimed for his numerous madonnas, where he attempted to achieve an ideal of beauty surpassing human standards. Well known for his School of Athens in the Vatican Palace.


Widely considered to be the father of the Italian Renaissance Humanism. Notable for considering the Middle Ages as a period of darkness. Interest in classics led him on a quest for forgotten Latin manuscripts. Inaugurated the humanist emphasis on pure classical latin.

Martin Luther + his life story

Widely known as the person who started the Protestant Reformation. Born in Germany; father originally wanted him to be a lawyer. Later entered the monastic order; went on to be a professor in theological faculty at the University of Wittenberg. Believed in piety as the way to achieve salvation, as opposed to indulgences and other methods.

Golden Age in the Netherlands

Widely recognized as the 17th century. The United Provinces became very wealthy from trade, the population in their country grew rapidly, the Dutch produced many new work sof art, and they explored many new places.

Wives in renaissance

Wife managed the household, though their primary function was to bear children. Upper class wives were frequently pregnant.

Anne Boleyn

Wife of King Henry VIII, and raised Queen Elizabeth, who eventually ascended to the throne.

King Louis's Response to this

Will use force to disperse the 3rd estate. Kind sides witht he First estates.

Destruction of Constantinople

With 80,00 troops against 7,000 defenders, Sultan Ehmet II laid siege to Constantinople, and they used massive cannons that launched stone balls 1200 pounds each, destroying the walls.

Ferdinand's reaction to the Rebels

With maximilian of Bavaria and the Cahtolic League, the forces defeat frederick and the bohemian nobles at battle of White Mountain. Feederick goes into exile in the Netherlands, and the Spanish take the western part of the Palatinate and duke maximilian of Bavaria takes the rest.

Women under Peter

Women got rid of their traditional veils, and made social gatherings for men and women. women can also marry freely.

Men in the querelles des femmes

Women portrayed as inherently base, prone to vice, easily swayed, and sexually insatiable

Development of industry in Northern Italian cities

Woolen industries of Flanders and northern Italian cities began to recover. CIties began to develop and expand luxury industries, especially silk, glassware, and handworked items in metal and precious stones.

Effect of the Inquisition on science work in Italy

Work passed to the northern countries, especialy england France and the Dutch Netherlands.

Artisans and craftspeople in ind rev

Worked in bunch of small industries, form an aristocracy of labor, not in guilds but they start to loose their power, so they support movements against industrialization.

Henry VII (Tudor)'s actions as king

Worked to reduce internal dissension, and establish a strong monarchial government. Ended the private wars of nobility by abolishing practice where wealthy aristocrats maintained private armies dedicated to service of the their lord. King relied on speical commissions to trusted nobles to raise troops, after which they were disbanded.

Philip IV

Worked to revive the interests of the monarchy. Flurry of domestic reform decrees to curtail power of the Catholic Church and ladned aristocrac, a political erform program to further ecentralize government of spain, but it failed. Efforst also undermined by Spain's involvement I the 30 years war.

Spinoza and Dscartes

Wouldn't accept his implications, said God asn't the creator of the universe, he was the universe. All that is in god and nothing is part of him.

Philosophe's society- how did censors treat them.

Wren't free to write whatever they choose, state censors chose what could be published and could result in the seizure of their works.

Giovanni Boccaccio

Writer and poet famous for the Decameron, a book about several italian people who flee Florence during the Black Death and spend the time telling sories.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Writer in the English vernacular. Fomous for the Canterbury tales a collection stories told by 29 pilgrims on a pilgrimage


Writer in the vernacular. Famous for his book Decameron. Describes the story of ten young people who flee to a villa outside of Florence toe scape the plague, and spend the time telling stories. Said to reflect the society's easygoing, cynical post plague values.

Lord Byron

Writer of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, dramatized himself as the melancholy Romantic hero, fought for Greek independence, died there.

Mary Shelley

Writer of Frankenstein. Romantic author.


Wrote Persian Letters, where he crticizied French Institutions, especially the Catholic Church and the French monarchy. Attacked traditional relgion, advocated religious toleration, denounced slavery,a nd used reason to liberate humans from their prejudices. Believed in separation of powers

Bishop Jacques Bossuet

Wrote Politics Drawn form the Very Words of Holy Scripture, arguing first that voernment was divinely ordained so that humans could live in an organized society. God established kings and through tem reigned over all the peoples of the world. Since they got their power from God, their authority was absolute, and responsible to no one except God.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wrote The Sorrows of the Young Wertheri, rejected Romanticism in favor of Classicism.


Wrote Vindication of the Rights of Woman, believed that women neding to obey men was contrary to the beleifs of the same people who said that the arbitrary power of monarchs over their subjects of slaves was wrong. Women should have equal rights with men in education and in economic and political life.

Francesco Petrarch

Wrote in the Italian vernacular. Considered a great lyric poet, and widely recognized for his sonnets.

Henry Fielding

Wrote novels about people without scruples who survived by their wits. Wrote The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, a novel about the adventures of a young scoundrel. Preseted scens of English life from the hovels of London to the country houses of the aristocracy. Emphasized action over inner feeling.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wrote promethes Unbound, a portrait of the revolt of humans against oppressive laws and customs, died in the editerranean.

Dante Alieghieri

Wrote the Divine comedy, a book in the Italian Vernacular that told the story of a soul's progression from hell to salvation.


a ruler exercising authority in a colony on behalf of a sovereign.

Amerigo Vespucci

an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer. Born in the Republic of Florence, he became a naturalized citizen of Spain in 1505


began to receive support from the new industrial middle class.

Effect of factory acts

breakup kinship pattern of work, ld to pattern of separation of work and home, men seen as responsible for work obligations, women do daily contorl of family, do some laudnry work.


composer, Achieved fame in Germany, Russia, and Britain, founders of program music, which tried to use moods and sound effects of instrumental music to depict actions ande motions in a story, event , or personal experience.

David Ricardo

conomic philosopher, developed the iron law of wages, which says that increases in population means more workers, causing wages to fall below subsistence level. Result is misery and starvation, which reduces the population. Consequently, the number of workers declines, wages rise abve the subsistence level again, encouraging workers to have larger families, which repeats the cycle.


courts established to administer royal justice; also, one of the most important governmental institutions of Spanish colonial America


created by the Spanish to control and regulate American Indian labor and behavior during the colonization of the Americas.

Effect of the rail on the Ind Rev

demands for coal and iron furthered growth of these respective industries. Their supremacy in civil and emch engineering was n alrge part based on skills acquried in rail building, huge captial demands needed for rails encouraged middle class investors to invest money in joint stock companies, made new job opportunities for farm laborers and peasants, made larger markets by reducing price of goods, increased sales necessitated more factories and machinery, reinforcing the self-sustaining nature of the Ind Rev, productivity of the Ind Rev enabled entrepreneurs to reinvest profits.

The Eastern Question

diplomatic problem posed in the 19th and 20th centuries by the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, centering on the contest for control of former Ottoman territories.

French Interferance with English Vassals

eNGLISH KING PLEDGED LOYALTY AS VASSAL TO THE fRENCH King. However, the Capetians increased the power over important vassals and interfered a lot with them, angeringthe king of england.

Laura Certa

educated in latin by her father, defended the ability of women to pursue scholarly pursuits.

Peace of Huberstusburg

ended the European conflict. All occupied territories returned, and Austria recognized Prussia's permanent control of Sliesia.

Effect of Church's decision

established dived between Scientifc investigations and religious beliefs. As scientific believes tiriumphed, it was inevitable that religious beliefs would suffer, leading to a growing secularization in European intellectual life.

Law of the General Maximum

established price controls on goods declared of first necessity, like food and drink and fuel and clothing. Failed to work very well because the government alcks machinery to enforce them.

Louis XIV and Scientific Societies

established the French RAS.

Double Entry Bookkeeping

every entry to an account requires a corresponding and opposite entry to a different account.


experienced a stormy international career, profoundly secular in temperament. After studying Italy, he moved to England, where he spent most of his adult life attempting to run an opera company. Wrote music for large pulic audiences. Best known for his religious music, his Messiah was called a rare work that appealed to everyone and is indisputable a masterpiece.

Nicholas poussin

french classicist painter. Chose scenes from classical mythology, the orderlness of his landscapes, postures of his figures copied from the sculptures of antiquity, and his use of brown tones.

Reform Act of 1832

gave explicit recognition to the changes wrought in British life by the industrial Revolution. Disenfranchised 56 rotten boroughs and nefranchsied 42 new tosn and cities, reapportioned others, gving the new industrial urban communities some voice in government. Property qualification retained, so number of voters meant only 1 in 30 was represented in parliament.

Antoine Watteau

had a lyrical view of aristocratic life, refined, sensual, civilized, with genetlemen and ladies in elegant dress. reflecting a world of upper-class pleasure and joy. Below was an element of sadness.

Male Revolutionary view of the women

hate them, view them with disdain. Felt their place was in the home, not in the military or in politics.


historically used by astronomers and navigators to measure the inclined position in the sky of a celestial body, day or night

Dependent states, who are they

included Spain, the Netherlands, the kingdom of Italy, the Swiss republic, the Grand Duch of Warsaw, and the Confederation of the Rhine.

Deductive reasoning

is when a conclusion is based on the concordance of multiple premises that are generally assumed to be true.

Price Revolution

legendary Christian patriarch, presbyter and king who was popular in European chronicles and tradition from the 12th through the 17th centuries.

Code Napoléon

makes 7 codes, the most important of which was the Cvl Code. Recognized the right of individuals to choose their professions, religious toleration, and the abolition of serfdom and feudalism. Property rights carefully protected, interests of employers safeguarded by outlawing trade unions and strikes. Also


navigational maps based on compass directions and estimated distances observed by the pilots at sea. middle ages

Bartholmeu Dias

obleman of the Portuguese royal household, was a Portuguese explorer. He sailed around the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488, reaching the Indian Ocean from the Atlantic, the first European known to have done so.

Sans Culottes, beliefs

ordinary patiroits without fine clothes. Were merchants and better off artisans who were often the elite of their neighborhoods and trades. The most fundamental political ideals of the sans-culottes were social equality, economic equality, and popular democracy. They supported the abolition of all the authority and privileges of the monarchy, nobility, and Roman Catholic clergy, the establishment of fixed wages, the implementation of price controls to ensure affordable food and other essentials, and vigilance against counter-revolutionaries.

School of Athens - characteristics

reveals a world of balance, harmony, and order

Reign of Terror

revolutionary courts were organized to protect the republic from its internal enemies., who might not be for the National Convention and the Committeee of Public Safety.

Federigo da Montefeltro

ruled Urbino. Not only a good ruler, but an unusual condottiere, as he was reliable and honest, and a great patron of renaissance culture. Was also benevolent.

Empress Maria Theresa

ruler of the Austrian empire. Wanted to reform her empire in preparation for the conflict with Prussia, curtailed the role of the diets and provincial assemblies in taxation and local administration. Divded up Austrian and Bohemian lands, all administered by royal officals rather than repsentatives of the diets. Staunchly catholic and conservative, not open to wider reform calls othe philosophes.

Iron Law of Wages

says that increases in population means more workers, causing wages to fall below subsistence level. Result is misery and starvation, which reduces the population. Consequently, the number of workers declines, wages rise abve the subsistence level again, encouraging workers to have larger families, which repeats the cycle.

Declaration of Indulgence, parli's response

suspended laws that Parliament passed against Catholics and puritans. Parli hates it, and apsses the Test Act that speifisonly Anglicans could hold military and civil offices.

Napoleon's Overhaul fo the Tax System

tax collection is made systematic and efficient, and it is collected by professional collectors employed by the state who dealt directly with each individual taxpayer. No tax exemptions due to birth, status, or special arrangement.

Cardinal Fleury

the King's minister, took over after the duke of Orleans. Under him, France pulled back from foreign adventures while commerce and trade expanded and the government promoted the growth of industry, especially in coal and textiles. Budget was also balanced, succeeded by Louis XV.

Jean Baptiste Colbert

the finance minister of Louis XIV. He sought to increase the wealth and power of France through general adherence to mercantilism, which stressed government regulation of economic activites to benefit the state. To decrease theneed for imports and increase exports, Colbert attempted to expand the quantity and improve the quality of French manufactured goods, founding new luxury industries.

Long Parliament

the first session of parliament, lasting from November 1640 to September 1641. It was called long, as it lasted in one form or antoher from 1640 to 1660, and it placed severe limitations on royal authority.


the last Stuart ruler. She died without a heir so the crown was offered to the Protestant rulers of the German state of Hanover.

Louis XV

the ruler after Cardinal Fleury. He was lazy and weak, and ministers and mistresses began to influence the king, control the afairs of state, and undermine the prestige of the monarchy. Influenced by madame de Pompadour, his mistress, who gained both wealth and power, making important government decisions and dgiving advice on appointments and foreign policy.

Protestant churches in Europe during this time

there's curhces all over Europe. Lots of Protestant minorites in other European countries.

Louis XIII

took over after Cardinal Richelieu died in 1642. He was succeeded by his son Louis Xiv, then but four years old.

Medicine in the 18th century

top was the physicians, who were university graduates and had a high social status. Conducted in Latin and based on Galen, though there was clinincal experiece that was introduce.

French empire

was the inner core, consisted of an enlarged France extending to the Rhine in the east and including the western half of Italy north of Rome.

Allied States

were those defeated by Napoleon and need to fight Britain, includes Prssuia, Austria, and Russia.

Effect of the old scholars in Math

when they were rediscovered, and the influence of plato, Renaissance scholars promoted it.


A water-born disease that often broke out in urban environments; was especially rampant in the overcrowded cities. People became ocnvinced that filthy conditions helped spread the disease, eventually supporting the call for new public health measures.

Popolo Grasso

A wealthy merchant-industrialist class in Florence. Assumed a dominant role in the government by establishing a new constitution known as the Ordinances of Justice, which lay down the government of Florence.


A working class movement in Britain. Wanted to achieve political democracy. Took up its name from the People's Charter,a document drawn up in 1838 by the London Working Men's association. Demanded universal male suffrage, payment for members of Parliament, elimination of property qualifications for members of Parliament, and annual sessions of parliament.


AN economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Marquise du Deffand

Abandoned her husband in the provinces, established herself in Paris, had ornate drawing rooms which attracted many of the Enlightenment figures like MOntequieu, ume, and Voltaire.

1791 Assembly's restructuring of Franc

Abolishes old local and provincial division, divides france into 83 departments,

Bread in the Life of the Commoners

Absolutely vital. Ordinary people spend 1/3rd to 1/4rth of their money on bread, which is 3/4ths of their diet. People expect the price to be controlled, and grow despearte when prices rise. Only recourse was mob action to try to change it.

Rebellion in Ireland

Ac atholic uprising occurred in Ireland, which was crushed by oLiver Cromwell.

Newton's ideas in england

Accepted, out of pride and conviction and for some political reasons.


Accomplished painter, sculptor, and architect during the High Renaissance. Influenced by Neoplatonism. Commissioned to decorate the Vatican chapel's ceiling. Also built David, a marble statue commissioned by the Florentine government.

Ten Hours Act

Act that reduced the workday for children between thirteen and eighteen to ten hours, women also now included in the 10 hour limitation.

Why did noles participate in ceremonies

Active involvement was the king's prereq for obtaining offices, titles, and pension only he could cgrant.

The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith attacked the mercantilit use of tariffs to protect home industries. If one country can supply another country with a product cheaper than the latter, it is better to pruchase than produce it. Free trade was most important. Also had labor theory of value, and speciied role of the state.

Peter's econ policies

Adopted mercantilism. Tried to increase exports and develop new industries while exploiting domestic resources like the iron mines in the Urals.

Sultan Suleiman I foreign policy

Advanced up the danube, and the turks get Belgrade and Ungary, though rpulsed at Vienna and smashed at Lepanto.

Thomas Cranmer

Advisers to King Henry VIII, who advised the king to obtain an annulment of his marriage in England's own ecclestical courts by cutting off all appeals from English church courts to Rome. Henry could now get a divorce. Cranmer eventually ruled that the King's marriage to Catherine was null and void, and validated Henry's marriage to Anne. Cranmer became archbishop of Canterbury.


Advocated by Fourier, a French utopian socialistand philosopher who advocated a reconstruction of society based on the idea that the natural passions of man would result in social harmony. Wanted a society organized in units called phalanxes composed of male and female reps of 810 personality types, in which natu

Dec of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, Characteristics

Affirmed the destruction of aristocratic privileges by proclaiming an end to exemptions from taxation, freedom and equal rights for all men, and access to public office based on talent. Monarchy was restricted,a nd all citizens were to have the right ot take part in the legislative process. Freedom of speech and press, outlawed arbitrary arrests.

Utopian Socialists

Against private peroperty and competition of capitalism, by making new systems of social organization, a better environment for humanity could be made.


Aggressive businessman, establsiehd profitable industrial plant in Belgium, pirarted a lot of innovations, and the continent soon acheived tech independence.

Committee of Public Safety

Aimed to curb anarchy and counterrevolution at home while attempting to win the war by a virgorous mobilization of the people. Dominated initially by Danton, virtuall the same 12 members were reelected and gave the country leadership to weather domestic and foreign crises.

The Spectator, magazine

Aimed to enliven morality with whit, to talk about Philosophy, wished to instruct and etnertain ath teh same time. Praised famiy, marriage, and coutrey so it had a strong appeal to women. Also had a Female Spectator

Amsterdam's urgabn expansion

Aimed to increase city's territory from 500 to 1800 acres though building large canals. Builders prepared plots for tall houses, anals allowed merchants to use houses be used as store rooms.


Aimed to recapture the dintiy and simplicity of the clasicla style of ancient greece and rome. Clascial elements evident in work of Jacques -Louis David.

Results of joseph's reform program on the nobility and public opinion

Alienated the nobility, freed the serfs and alienated the church by attacking the monastic establishment. Serfs unhappy, unable comrpehend Joseph's policies. Attempt to rationalize administration of the empire by imposing german as teh official bureacratic language alienated the non-german anationalities. Felt a deep sense of failure.

Affect of Zwingli's teachings in Zurich

All relics and images abolished, and paintings and decorations removed from churches and replaced with whitewashed walls. Mass replaced by new liturgy consiting of scripture reading, prayer, and sermons, and Music was elminated from service. Monasticism, pilgrimages, veneration of saints clerical cleibacy and pope's authority all killed.

Effect of public cofidence in financial institutions in Britain

Allows the Brit gov't to borrow lots of money at low rates of interests, giving it an advatage over france.

New Republican Calendar

Also makes a new republican calendar, which marks years from the day the French republic was maved. It has 12 months, each is 3 ten day weeks, and tenth day of ech week a rest day.

Why did diplomacy change in the renaissance? + How it changed?

Ambassadaor viewed as a servant for the state. No longer part of Christendom.Many states existed, so their security was easily threatened by their neighbors. To survive, Italians states sent diplomatic agents to each other to get useful info.

American Vs. British View of Representative Rule

Americans had their own representative assemblies, believed that neither the king nor parliament had any right to interfere in their internal affairs and that no tax ould be levied without the consent of an assembly. Brits envision a single empire with Parliament as the supreme authority throughout. Only they culd make laws for all the people in the empire, including American Colonists.

Causes of Dutch commerce and financial flourishing

Amsterdam merchants had huge ship fleets, dutch have th fluyt, and the war profits. Amsterdam is important as a financial center. Tradiing profits prove lots of capital, and the exchange bank fof Amsterdam is made. Propserous manufacturers.


An 18th century intellectual and artistic movement rejecting the emphasis on reason of the Enlightenemnt. Stressed importance of intuition, feeling, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing.

The Enlightenment

An 18th century intellectual movement led by the philosophes that stressed the application of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of life.


An English Aristocrat, letter writer, and poet. Known for her letters, particularly those from travels to the Ottoman Empire. Known for introducing and advocating for smallpox inoculation to Britain after returning from Turkey. Writings address and challenge contemporary social attitudes towards Woman and their intellectual and social growth

John Locke

An English Enlightenment political philosopher. He argued against the absolute rule of one man, believed that humans lived in a state of equality and freedom rather than a state of war prior to social organization. His ideas were influential in creating the constitutional government, the rule of law, and the protection of rights.

Francis Drake

An English captain who was encouraged by Queen Elizabeth to plunder Spanish fleets loaded with gold and silver from Spain's New World empire.


An Italian polymath, interests and proficiencies ranged from being a mathematician, physician, biologist, physicist, chemist, astrologer, astronomer, philosopher, writer, and gambler. Influential mathematician, key in the foundation of probability and the earliest introducer of the binomial coefficients and the binomial theorem. Invented several mechanical devices as well.

Tabula rasa

An absence of preconceived ideas or predetermined goals; a clean slate.

Concordat of Bologna

An agreement between the Pope and King Francis I. The concordat gave the French King the power to name French bishops. However, the right of canonical investiture remained with the papacy.

Estates General

An assembly of France. It was called to assemble as the Government needed a way to solve the immediate financial crisis. Made up of the First Estate, or the clergy and had about 130,000 people, the Second Estate which was the nobility and had no more than 350,000 people, and the third Estate, or the commoners of society, making p the overwhelming majority of the French population.

Cato Street Conspiracy

An attempt to murder all the British cabinet ministers and Prime minister Lord Liverpool. Failed when the police got an informer; 13 were arrested, 1 policeman killed.

Cult of Reason

An attempt to organize a civic religion without gods, a kind of atheism, to replace Christianity during the French Revolution. Centered on humanity rather than divinity, the goal was the perfection of mankind through the pursuit of truth and reason. Intended as a replacement for Roman Catholicism during the French Revolution.Its structure was defined by many radicals.

Revocation of edict of Nantes

An edict issued by Louis XIV of France, which allowed for the destruction of Hgueneot churches and the closing of Protestant schools. About 200,000 Huguenots defied the prohibition on their leaving France and sought asylum in England, the United Province,and the German estates, which weaked the Frencheconomy.

Edict of Nantes

An edict that acknowledged Catholicism as the official religion of France but guaranteed the Hueguenots the right to worship in select places in every district and allowed them to retain a number of fortified towns for their protection. Hueguenots were also allowed to enjoy all political privileges.


An elite core of 8,000 troops personally loyal to the sultan, they wre Chrisitan boys who had been taken from their parents, converted to the muslim faith, and subject to rigid military discipline.

The Chrystal Palace

An enormous structure made entirely of iron and steel, was a gigantic symbol of British success, it was the world's first industrial fair and served to symbolize Britain's rapid industrialization and newfound power.


An ethical theory that states that the best action is one that maximizes utility. Utility is defined usually in terms of the well-being of sentient entities like humans and animals.

Agricultural revolution

An increase in food production during the 18th century attributed to more farmland, increased yields per acre, healthier and more abundant livestock, and an improved climate, which was caused by a variety of improved agricultural practices and methods as well as the ending of the Little Ice Age.

Oratory of Divine Love

An informal group of clergy and laymen who worked to foster reform by emphasizing personal spiritual development and outward acts of charity.

Effect of Seige of New Jerusalem

Anabaptism became much more peaceful.

On the fabric of the human Body

Anatomical treatise by Vesalius, presented a careful examination of the individual organs and general structure of the human body.


Aneconomic doctrine saying that an economy is best served when the government doesn't interfere but allows the economy to self-regulate according to the forces of supply and demand.


Another French playwrite. Wrote, produced, and acted ina series of comedies that satirized the religious and social world of his time. This sometimes got him in trouble, and oly the protection of the king saved moliere from more severe harassment.


Another one of the factions to decide on the fate of the King. Wanted to keep the king alive as a hedge against future eventualities. Supported by the Peasants in the countryside. oderate group of revolutionaries. They actually supported a constitutional monarchy because they felt it was necessary for the stability of the country. They also hoped to create a decentralized government that focused most of the power in the provinces and that did not interfere too much in the nation's economy.


Any English protestant who does not conform to the doctrines of the established Church of England. It was used during the late 17th century.


Appointed by napoleon. They were responsible for supervising all aspects of local government, but ween't local men and careers depended on the central government.

The guild

Apprenticeces can go there, but they become closed oglarchies as membership is restriced to the relatives of masters. Many skilled artisans often forced to be lowpiad workers.


Arabic term referring to non - Islamic population that lived in Islamix conquered lands, and were granted special status and safety in Islamic law in return for paying the capital tax.

William Laud

Archbisop of Canterbury. Attempted to introduce more ritual into the Anglican Church, which struck the Puritans as a return to Cahtolic popery. When he attempted to impose the Anglican Book of Common Prayer on the Scots, the Scots rose up in rebellion agains the king.

Peasants in European society

Are the largest soial group, make up 85 percent of Europe's population. Msot peasant propietors owed tithes, and they owe a variety of dues and fees. Local aristocrats cliamed hunting rights on peasant land had monopolies on everything.

On Liberty

Argued for the liberty of the individual, and absolute freedom of the press to be protected from both government censorship and tyranny of the majority.

Rationalistic Art

Argued that architecture's intellectual base is primarily in science as opposed to reverence for and emulation of archaic traditions and beliefs. Emphasized geometric forms and ideal proportions. Very boxy, geometrically strict shapes.

Hume on observation and man

Argued that observation and reflection, grounded in common sense, would make a 'science of man.'


Argued that punishments should serve only as deterrents, not as exercises in brutality. Opposed to using capital punishment, as it failed to stop others from commit crimes. Rather, Imprisonment made a more lasting impression.

Women in the quarres des femmes

Argued that women also had rational minds and could grow from education. Most women were pious chaste and temperate, so there was no need for male authority. emphasized education's importance.

Mary Astell

Argued that women needed to become better educated. Argued for equality of sexes in marriage.

Newton and the Hermetic tradition

Argued, for both political and psychological reasons to repress that aprt of his being, an it is as the symbol of Western science that Newton came to be viewed.

Nationalism in Germany

Arose up, a number of intellectuals advocated a cultural nationalism based on the unityof the german people.


Art that attempted to communicate with emotion. Attempted to provoke emotions in the viewer/listener/reader.

Leonardo da Vinci

Artistic giant during the High Renaissance, who carried on the experimental tradition by studying everything. He also stressed the importance of going beyond realism, and initiated the High Renaissance's preoccuptation with the idealization of nature. Notable paintings include Last Supper.

Baroque Art

Artistic movement that used dramatic effects to arouse th meotions and reflected the search for power in the seventeenth-century ethos.

North Artistic renaissance

Artists of the Nroth. Prevalence of gothic cathedrals with their stained - glass windows resulted in more emphasis on illuminated manuscripts and wooden panel paiting for altar pieces. Space available in these works was limited, and great care was required to depcit each object, leading northern painters to become masters at rendering details.

Artist and Social Status

Artists viewed as heroes, individuals praised more for their creativity than competence as craftspeople. Leonardo, Raphael, and MIchelangelo seen as artistic geniuses with creative energies like the divine. They were viewed as equals inthe upper class, so they mingled with political and intellectual elite and were more aware of their intellectual theories.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, Influences

Assembly adopts it. Reflects the ideas of the major philosophes of the French enlgihtenent, owed much to the American Declaration of Independence and American state constitutions.

States general

Assembly of rresentatives from every province. Opposed Orangist ambitions, advocated a decentralized or republican gov't.

The National Assembly, characteristics and organization

Assembly sits for 2 years and has 745 representatives chosen by an indirect system of election that preserves power in the hands of the more affluent members of society. Distinction made between active and passive citizens: only active ctizens, or those over 25 pay taxes equvalent to 3 days unksilled labor, could vote. These individuals then elected for electors, who chose the deputy. To be a deputy, you need to pay a silver mark intaxes.


Assignats were paper money issued by the National Assembly in France from 1789 to 1796, during the French Revolution. Backed by the value of properties formerly held by the Catholic Church, the assignats were immediately a source of political controversy. While their proponents, like other eighteenth-century advocates of "land banks," argued that land was a more stable source of value than was gold or silver, the assignats' opponents saw them as based on an illegitimate seizure of property.


Attacked Christianity, published the 28 volume Encyclopediai. Its purpose was to change the way of thinking, and they attacked religious uspersitition and advocated toleration as well as a program for social, legal, and political improvements that would lead to a society more csompopolitan, tolerant, humane, and reasonable.


Attacked supersitition, religious intolerance, and ogmatism. Felt compelling people to believe a religion was wrong, as it created hypocrites and was contrary to what religion should be about. Individual conscien should determine one's actions.

Babylonian Captivity of the Church

Attacked the sacramental system as the mean s by which the pope and church had held the real meaning of the gospel captive for a thousand years. Wanted marriage and freedom of choice.


Attempted to break down the High Renissance's principles of balance, harmony, and moderation. They distorted the rules of propostion by portraying elongated figures conveying asense of suffering and a strong emotional atmosphere filled with anxiety and confusion.

Ségur Law

Attempts to limit the sale of military officerships to 4th generation nobles, excluding newly enrolled members of the nobility.

Continental System

Attempts to prevent british goods from reaching the European continent in order to weaken them economically and destroy its ability to wage war. fails, allied states begin to cheat and others to resist, opening the door to British collaboration. New Markets provides compensation for the British.

Gothic Literature

Attraction to the bizarre and unusual.

Principle of Intervention, applied in Naples, Spain

Austria, Prussia, and Russia meet in a third congress in January 1821, send Austrian troops to Naples, crush the revolt, restore Ferdinand I to the throne, and move north to mash up rebels in Piedmont. France invades Spain to crush the revolt against Ferdinand VII.

Thomas à Kempis

Author of Imitation of Christ. Was a priest in Germany. Believed in following the teachings of Jesus.


Author of the Divine Comedy, written between 1313 and 1321. Wrote in the vernacular, and came from a Florentine noble family. Is a story of the soul's progression to salvation, moving through hell, purgatory, and finally to heaven.

Catherine the great

Autocrat of Russia, tried to reform Russia along Enlgihtenment ideas. She expanded russia's territory westward into Poland and south to the black sea, and defeated the Ottoman Turks. Also partitioned up Poland, gaining about 50 percent of its territory.

Overall effect of the Congress of Vienna

Avoided general European conflict for almost a century.

British attempt to stop stealing tech and practices

Banned artisans from leaving the country, export of important machinery and machine parts especially for textile production was forbidden, but this failed completely.

Poor Law of 1834

Based on the theory that giving aid to poor encouraged laziness, increased number of paupers. Made paupers so wretched they would choose to work. Those who couldn't were crowded together in workhouses where living and working conditions were intentionally miserable so people would find profitable employment.

Neoplatnoism: What is it based on?

Based on two primary ideas, the Neoplatonic hierarchy of substance sand a theory of spiritual love.

Religious policy of Elizabeth

Based upon moderation and comrpomise. Wanted to prvent england from beign torn apart by matters of religion. Catholic legislation of Mary's reign was repealed, and a new Act of Supremacy made Elizabeth the supreme ruler of this realm , not the church.

Changes in Urban Life - Sanitation and Prostitution.

Bathouses were closed down, and new ordinances made against waste products in the streets. Prostitution was allowed, but only in certain areas of the town.


Battle between Napoleonic navy, combined French-Spanish fleet. It is smashed by the Brits, and the French can no longer invade into Great Britain.


Battle in which Napoleon was defeated by Duke of Wellington. He was sent off to Saint Helena.


Battle where Napoleon faced a large Russian army under Tsar Alexander I and some Austrian troop at Austerlitz. The cominedd allied troops outnumbered Napoleon, but the tsarchose bad terrain and Napoleon devastated the allies. Austria sues for peace, and ALsexander takes his remaining forces back to Russia.

Battle of Mohacs

Battle where Ottoman forces defeated and killed King Louis of Hungary, Charles's brother in law, allowing the Ottomans to overrun most of Hungary, move into Austria, and almost take Vienna.

Battle of Lepanto

Battle where a fleet of the Holy League financed by the Spanish empire defeated the Ottoman naval forces off Western Greece.

HIstorical and Critical Dictionary, Bayle

Bayle, Believed that the new rational prnciples of textual criticism should be applied to the Bible as well as secular documents. Demonstrated the results of his own efforts with a famous article on the Israelite Kind David. Portrayed the king as a sensual, treachorous, cruel, and basically evil man.


Became associated with a Marxist analysis of human society, but early socialists wanted to introduce equality into social conditions, believed that human cooperation was uperior to competition In capitalism.

Florence after Counterrev

Became dominated by an oglicharchy

British agriculture under individual rev

Became food importer rather than exporter as number of ppl in agri went to 20% of pop.

The family in the enlightned absolutism era

Became hear tof European social organization. Ppl still thought of the family as a patriarchichal instuitution. Uppper classes concerned forthe family as a house, an association whose collective interests most important. Parents still select marriage partners for children.

Gustavas Vasa

Became king of independent Sweden and toook lead in establishing Lutheran Reformation, making the Swedish Lutheran National Church.

Effects of the Water Frame, Crompton's mule, and Power Looms on the location of workers

Became much more efficient to bring workers to the machines and organize teir labor collectively in factories located next to rivers and streams, soure\ces of power for many early machines, than to leave them in their cottages. Brought the laborers and families to live in new towns that rapidly grew up around factories.

Phillip V

Became the Spanish ruler after the War of the Spanish Succession, iniitating a Spanish Bourbon dynasty that would last into the 20th century.

Surgeons, htheir development

Began to examine patients like Physicians. Began to be licensed.

Economic liberalism

Beief that the state should not interrupt the free play of natural economic forces, escpecially supply and demand.

Natural laws

Belief in natural rights, or inalterable privileges that ought not be withheld from any person. This included equality before the law, freedom of worship, speech, and press, the right to assemble, hold property, and seek happiness.

Justification by Faith

Belief that humans are not saved through their good works but through faith in the promises of God, made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Primary doctrine of the Protestant Reformation.

Religious Pluralism

Belief that many different faiths can each coexist with each other. Tolerant of other faiths.


Belief that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.

Religious pluralism

Belief that the views of multiple religions are all equally acceptable.

Liberals on suffrage

Believe in limited suffrage. Although all people were entitled to equal rights, they shouldn't have qual political rights. The right to vote and hold office would be open only to men who met certain property qualifications. As a political philosophy, liberalism was tied to middle class men, especially industrial middle class men who favored extending voting rights. Didn't want lower classes to have the power.

Humanism's View on History

Believed classical civilization followed by an age of barbarism, or the Middle Ages, which in turn was succeeded by their own age, with its rebirth of the sutdy of the classics. Divided past into ancient world, dark ages, andown age.

Kepler and Hermetic Magic

Believed in the harmony of the human soul, thought it was mirrored in the numerial relationships between the planets, spent much of his attention on discovering the music of the spheres. Elaborated on his theory that the universe was constructed on the basis of geometric figures.


Believed in the heliocentric conception of the universe. Argued that it consisted of 8 spheres with the sun motionless at the center and the sphere of the fixed stars at rest in the eighth sphere.

Political Liberalism

Believed in the protection of civil liberties, and the basic rights of all people, which included equality before the law, freedom of assembly, speech, and press, and freedom from arbitrary arrest. Al freedoms should be guaranteed in a written document. Advocate separation of church and state, right of peaceful opposition to the government in and out of parliament, making laws by a representative assembly elected by qualified voters, and believe in a constitutual monarchy or state with limits on powers of gov't would gurantee these rights. And ministerial responsibility.

Role of State, Smith on it

Believed state shouldn't interefere in economic matters. Should protect society from invasion, defened individuals form injustic and oppression, and keep up certain public works like roads and canals that private people can't afford.

The 'World Machine'

Believed that God was everywhere and present and acted as the force that moved all bodies on the basis of laws. However, God himself no longer intervened as much.


Believed that humans in their primitive condition were happy, when there was no laws, judges, and all were equal. Tried to harmonize individual liberty with governmental authority. Said liberty was achieved through being forced to follow what was best for all, and that true freedom is adherence to laws one imposed on oneself. Believed education should foster rather than restrict children's natural instincts.

Two Treatises of Government

Believed that humans lived then in a state of equality and freedom rather than war, and humans had certain inalienable natural rights, so they established a government to protect their rights. Government would protect the rights of the people while people would act reasonably towards the government, but if the government broke this agreement, the people could form a new government.

Paracelsus's Medicinal beliefs, how ppl viewed him for that

Believed that the poison that caused a disease would be its cure if used in proper form and quantity. ppl thought he was a homicide physiciain.

Hermetic Magic

Believed that the world was a living embodiment of divinity. Homans, who also had a spark of divinity whtin, culd use magic, especially mathematical magic, to understand and dominate the worl of nature or employ the powers of nature for beneficial purposes.


Belif in God as the creator of the universe who after setting it in motion, ceased to have any direct involvement in it and allowed it to run according to its own natural laws.

Surgeons in the 18th

Below physicians. Bleed pateints and perform surgery but it was done crudely without painkillers in filthy conditions. Began to seperate from barbers, organized their own guilds.

Symphonie Fantastique

Berlioz used music to evoke the passionate emotions of a tortured love affair, including a fifth movement where he musically creates an opium-induced nightmare of aiwtches' gathering.

Hospitals in the 18th

Big problem, were very dirty.

effect of Danish losses in the 30 years war

Bloodless revolution in 1660. Nobility's power is curtailed, a hereditary monarchy s made, and an absolutist constitution is made. Under Christian V, a centralized administration with nobiity as the chief office holders is made.

The hussite Wars - how they started, what is it about

Bohemia, poland's neighbor, was part of the HRE but distrust of the Germans and close ethnic ties to the Ples and Slovaks encouraged Czechs of Boemia to associate with Northeastern Slavinc Neighbors. Hussite wars led to further dissension and civil war. Because of their weak monarchy, bobles increased their authority and wealth at expense of both crown and church.

Bohemian Phase of the War - causes

Bohemian estates accept the Habsburg Archduke Ferdinand as king, but don't like him. He was a Catholic, tried tor ecatholicize Bohemia. Protestantnobles rebel against them and throw two Habsburg governors and a secretary out the window in Prague.

Institutes of the Christian religion

Bok published by John Calvin. Was a masterful synthesis of Protestant though that immediately secured his reputation as one of the leaders of Protestantism.


Book about a mad scientist who brings into being a humanlike monster who goes berserk.

Crimes and Punishments, Beccaria

Book by Cesare Beccaria, condemned torture and the death penalty. Was a founding work in criminology and promoting criminal justice.

the Progress of the human mind.

Book by Condorcet

On the revolutions of heavenly spheres, Copernicus

Book by Copernicus. It argued that the sun was the center of the universe, as opposed to the Earth. However, his own timidity and fear of ridicule from fellow astronomers kept him from publishing it until May 1543.

Treatise on Human Nature, David Hume

Book by David Hue, argued that observation and reflection, grounded in systemazied common sense, made conceivable a science of man. Careful examination of the experiences that constituted human life would lead to the knowledge of human nature that would this science possible.

Encyclopeida, Diderot

Book by Diderot. It attacked religious superstition and advocated toleration and a program for social, legal, and political improvements that would lead ato a society more cosmopolitan, tolerant, humane, and reasonable. Spread the ideas of the enlightenment.

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Book by Edmund Burke, in which he wrote his reaction to the French Revolution, especially its radical republican and democratic ideas.

The Praise of Folly

Book by Erasmus. He engaged in humorous yet effective criticism of the most corrupt practices of his own society.

Corpu sHermticum

Book by Ficino, translated the book into Latin. Contained two kinds of writings. One type stressed the occult sciences with emphasis on astrology, alchemy, and magic. The other focused on theological and philosopic beliefs and speculations.

On anatomical Procedures

Book by Galen, led Vesalius to emphasize practical research the prncipal avenue for understanding human anatomy.

Starry Messenger

Book by Galileo, where he was a firm proponent of Copernicus's heliocentric system.

System of Nature.

Book by Holbach

Metamorphosis of the Insects of Suriname

Book by Merian. used 60 illustrations to show the reproductive and developmental cycles.


Book by Rousseau. Said education should foster rather than restrict children's natural instincts. Need prompings of the heart, and wated a balance between heart and mind, and sentiment and reason.


Book by Thomas Hobbes, who claimed that in the state of nature, human life was short, poor, and brutal. They were guided not by reason and moral beliefs but by animalistic instincts and a ruthless struggle for self-preservation, and to prevent self destruction, people created a commonwealth which placed its power into the hands of a sovereign authority preferable a single ruler with absolute power.


Book by Thomas more, is about an imaginary island near the New World. Has a new social system where cooperation and reason replace power and fame as the proper motivating agents for human society. More envisioned Utopia as an orderly world where social relations, recreation, and travel were carefully controlled for the moral welfare of society and its members.

The Imitation of Christ

Book by Thomas à Kempis, which stressed religious actions as the ultimate way to achieve salvation.

The Sorrows of the Young Wether

Book in which Werther was a romantic figure who sought freedom in order to fulfill himself. Misunderstood and rejected y society, believed in his own worth through feelings, but love for a girl who didn't love him caused him to suicide.

Western customs in Russia

Book of etiquette to teach western manners, russian beards are t be shaved and coats shrotened, nobles' beards and coats are shaved.

Discourse on Methods, Descartes

Book published by Descartes. Said he would accept only those things that his reason said were true. Deduced the separation of mind and matter. Said that humans can understand the material word because it is pure mechanism a machine governed by its own physical laws because it was made by God.

The PEarsian Letters, Montesqieu

Book published by Montesquieu, which used the format of two Persians supposedly traveling in western Europe and sending their impressions back home to enable him to criticize French institutions, especially the Catholic Church and the F\rench monarchy. It attacks traditional religion, advance religious toleration, denunciates slavery, and uses reason to liberate humans from their prejudices.

Modern Devotion

Book that downplayed religious dogma and stressed the need to follow the teachings of Jesus.

On the Subjugation of Women

Book where he argued that the legal subordination of onesex over the other was wrong.


Book written by Isaac Newton. In the work, Newton demonstratd the mathematical proofs for his universal law of gravitation and completed the new cosmology begun by Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo.

Napoleon's Personal Life

Bor in Corsica, from nobility. hes tudied in Autun and got a scholarship to study at a military school. Becomes a lieutenant, but not well liked because hewas short, spoke italian acent, had little money. Spent uch of hist ime reading the philosophes and studying the military leaders of the past. He rises through the ranks, becomes a general and soon a major general.

Artemisia Genitleschi

Born in Rome,s tudied painting under her father's direction. Moved to Florence, became a painter. Elected to Florentine Academy of Design, known as a portrait painter but most famous for pictures of ehroines formthe old testament. Most famous for Judith beheading Holofrnes, a rendering of biblical scene whenJudith kills Holofernes ot save her town from the Assyrian army.

ISotta Nogarola

Born to a noble family in Verona, mastered Latin, wrote numerous letters and treatises that brought her praise.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Both bishops and priests of the Catholic Church are elected by the people and paid by the state. Ll clergy were required to sear an oath of allegiance to the Civil Constitution.


Bourbon king restored after Napoleon was sent off to Elba. Accepted Napoleon's Civil Code, recognized equality before the law. Property rights of those who had purchased confiscated lands during the Revolution were preserved. Established a bicameral legislature.

Causes of the Seven Years War

Bourbon-Habsburg rivalry, but there was also British-French and Austrian-Prussian rivarly over Silesia. France abandoned prussia and alied with Austria. Russia, seeing Prussia as a hindrance to Russian goals in central Euro, join the new alliacn. GB allied with PRussia.

Ending of the Revolution

Brit army of Cornwallis was forced to surrender to a combined US and French army and French fleet under Washington at Yorktown. Treaty of Paris is signed.

Obstacle to industrialization: British industrial equipment

Brit ind equipment = larger, more expensive, meaning that self financed family enterprises were either unable or unwilling to raise the amt of capital needed to modernize by investing.

British markets

Britain had a lot of markets, developed a vast colonial empire, well developed merchant marine to transport goods, and could produce cheaply the stuff most in demand abroad, and Britain had the highest standard of living growing pop.

Iron Industry in Britain, development

Britain had lots of iron ore. New methods of smelting iron ore to make cast iron devised, based on using coke derived from coal. Puddling invented, boom in the Brit iron industry.

British, French, Austrian, Prussian, Russian Rxns

Britain refused to agree on the principle, arguing that it had never been the intention of the Quadruple Alliance to interfere in the internal affairs of other states except in France. French, Austrian, Prussian, and Russians accept it.

Robert Owens

British cotton manufacturer, believed that humans would reveal their true goodness if they lived ina cooperative environment. Made a squalid factory town into a flourishing, healthy community. When he tried the same in New Harmony, Indiana, bickering in the community destroyed his dream

James Cook

British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy. Sailed thousands of miles, mapping lands from New Zealand to Hawaii in the Pacific Ocea. Published Travels, an account of his journey, which became a best seller.

British Domination of Latim America

British merchants head their, while investors pour in funds, especially In mining. Latin America is a source of raw materials and foodstuffs for the industrializing nations of Europe and the US, while consumer goods are sent down there, declining industrial production in LA. Caused an ongoing domination of Latin America by foreigners.

William Pitt the younger

British politican of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Became Prime Minister in 1783, known for leading Britian in the great wars against France and napoleon. Great administrator who worked for efficiency and reform.

British Naval Power w/ regards to the Monroe doctrine, etc

British ships stood between Latin America and any Euro invasion force, Continentals reluctant to challenge them.


British writer, romantic, stressed that historical events were the deeds of heroes, the romantic hero in his book didn't destroy himself in ineffective protets against society but transformed society instead.

Brit entrepreneurs

Brits had a bunch of entrepreneurs,though ppl made fortunes quickly and lost it just as quickly.

Brit Mineral Resources

Brits had coal, iron ore, was also small, had abundant rivers, had the building of new roads, bridges, and canals, and no internal custom barriers.

Obstacle to indutstiralization: Borrowing technique and practices

Brits were preventing their machinery and machine parts from leaving the country. However, through piracy, ppl gradually discovered how to build industrial equipment.

First Fronde

Broke out in Paris, but ended by compromise

KIng Matthias Corvinus

Broke power of wealthy lords, made a well organized bureaucracy. Patronized new humanist culture, brought italians cholars to cpaital at Buda, and made his corut one of the most brilliant outside Italy. After he dided, Hungary went to weak rule.

Lorenzo Valla + what was his book

Brought up in Rome, educated both in Greek and Latin. Was a papal secretary. Had consciousness of being a humanist. Major work was The Elegances of the Latin Language, an effort to purify medieval Latin and restore it to its proper position over the vernacular, and created a new literary standard.

Union of Klamar

Brrought the unification of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden under the king of Denmark. It was almost about to fall apart.

Charles XI

Built Swedish monarchy like an absolute monarchy. Resumed control of the crown lands and revenues. Weakened the independnet power of the nobility, built a bureacracy, subdued the risdag and the church, improved the army and navy, and left Charles XII and Swedish state domminating northern europe.

US transportation

Built thousands of miles of roads and canals linking east and west, steamboat to help trasnportation, built thousnads of miles of railroad, turned US into a single massive market for manufactured goods of the nE.

Essay on the Principles of Population

By Malthus, where he argued that population unchecked increases at a geometric ate, while food supply increases arithmetically. Result is severe overpopulation and starvation for humans if growth isn't held in check.

The Social Contract

By Rousseau, tried to harmonize indiivudal iberty iwth governmental authority. Social contract was an agreement on the part of an entire society to be governed by its general will. If any indiviudal wanted to follow his own self-interest, he sould be compelled to abide by the general will. Liberty achieved through being forced to follow what was best for alll people because what was best was best for each individual. True fereedom is adherence to laws one has imposed on oneself.

Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind

By rousseau, began with humans in primitive condition where they were happy. there wasn't laws or judges and was complete equality. To preserve private property, ppl made laws and governers, thus going into chains. Said Government was an evil, but a necessary one.

Jan Hus

Called for the elimination of the worldliness and corruption of the clergy,, and attacked the excessive power of papacy in the Cathlic church. The Council of Constance invited him to the council, though he was instead arrested, condemned as a heretic, and burned at the stake, causing a revolution in Bohemia.

Against the Robbinga nd mudering hordes of peasants

Called on the german princes to kill the peasants. KNew how much his reformation of the church depended upon the ful support of the German princes and magistrates, supported the rulers.

The Jesuits

Called the Society of Jesus, and were the chief instrument of the Catholic Reformation. They focused on using education to teach individuals Christians and to combat Protestantism. In addition, they also aimed to spread Catholicism to the East.

John Knox

Calvinist reformer of Scotland. Commended Calvin's success in Geneva.

Henry IV of Navarre

Calvinist ruler who cooperated with Henry III to crush the Catholic Holy League and retake the city of Paris. He later converted back again to Catholicism.


Came from family of musicians, worked for the electors of Cologne, assistant organist, studied uner Haydn. Composed Eroica, originally intended for napoleon, used unctrolled rhythms to create dramatic struggle and uplifted resolutions.

Spehardic Jews

Came out from spain, went to cities to be free to bein the banking and comercial activites that Jews always did.


Came when a group of Franciscans chose to return to the simplicity and poverty of Saint Francis of Assisi. Cared for poor, but also focused on preaching Gospel directly to people.

Venture Captial

Capital invested in a project in which there is lots of risk. It was how the Dutch East India Company was funded, as was the Brit East Idnia Company.

Successor to Richelieu

Cardinal Mazarin

Election of Pope Urban VI

Cardinals at Rome were told they would be killed if they didn't get an Italian pope, so they got an Italian. The French cardinals then went to Avignon, and more Italian cardinals in Rome.

Effect of Pugachev's rebellion

Catherine further suppressed the peasantry, halted rural reform, expanded serfdom.

Catherine's Instruction book

Catherine questioned instituitons of serfdom, torture, and captial punishment and advocated for equality of all people in the yes of the law.

Franco SweidshPhase, alliances and what was happening

Catholic French support the Protestant Swedes agains tthe Catholic Habsburgs of Germany and Spain. French crust the Spanish, and win over the Bavarian armies in SOuth Gerany. Eventually, the Peace of Westphalia is signed. However, French and Spanish.

Mary Queen of Scots

Catholic cousin of Queen Elizabeth. She was ousted from Scotland by rebellious Calvinist nobles, and fled for her life to England, though she tried to kill Elizabeth numerous times while under house arrest. Eventually beheaded.

Edict of Restitution, who did it, why

Catholic league had won out. Prohibited Calvinist worship and resotred to teh catholic church all property taken by Protestant princes or cities in the past 75 years.

Teresa of Avila

Catholic saint. Nun of the Carmelite order, and experienced a variety of mystical visions that she claimed resulted in the ecstatic union of her soul with God. Believed that mystical experience should lead to active life of service on behalf of her Catholic faith.

Effects of the defenstration

Catholic side says the ppl's survival was due to the intercession of Virgin Mary, while Protestants say it was cause they felll in manure.

Catholic church and the State, what did the Portugese do to the Jesuits

Catholic states wanted higher authority over the churches in their countries. Portugese monarch destroyed the Jesuits in Paraguay, dissolved the Jesuit order. Decline in papal power.

Fontenelle's effect on religion

Caused increased skepticism

Father husband in Renaissance families

Center of Italian family. Managed all fiannces, repsonsible for all legal matters, and his authority over his children was absolute ntil he died or freed his children. Adulthood came when the father went before a judge and formally emancipated them.

Chamber of Deputies

Chamber in the bicameral legislature elected by an electorate restricted to slightly fewer than 100,000 wealthy people.

Chamber of Peers

Chamer chosen by the king in the bicameral legislature.

Agricultural Revolution

Changes in methods of farming and stock breeding led to a significant increase in food production.

Atittudes to the poor

Charity to poor beggars is argued to simply encourage their idleness andled themto vice and crime. Vagrancy and begging is considered a crime so the French authorieties round them up and incarcerate them.


Charles II, after eleven years of exile, returned to England. Parliament kept much of its power, but Chalrels kept on pushing his own ideas, some of which were clearly out of step with many of the English people.

Causes of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Charles IX's sister was marrying Henry of Navarre, the bourbon ruler of Navarre. Was also acknowledge political leader of Huguenots, so many went to Paris. Guise family persuad king and Catherine de Medici that this was a threat, so they went out and killed them.

Charles XI with Burgundy

Charles attempted to make a middle kingdom between France and Germany, but Louis opposed theise efforts, and Luois added the duchy of Burgundy to his own lands when Charles the Bold was killed. Provinces of Anou, Maine, Bar, andPRovence brought under croyal control.

Pombal of portugal

Chief minister to a series of Portugese Kings. Nobility and Catholic church curtailed, protugese empire revivied.

Perception of Childbrith in the Renaissance + its effect on number of pregnancies

Childbirth looked as a fearful occasion. Was painful, and could be deadly, with as many as 10 percent of mothers dying in childbirth. Likewise, almost 50 percent of the bcildren born died before the age of 20. As a result, upper - class families tried to have as many children as possible.

Workforce in factories and mines

Children improtantpart but were exploited a lot, their smaller size let them crawl under machines to get loose cotton, more easily broken to factory work, paid only 1/6th or 1/3rd of what a man was paid, children under 1 made up 29 percent of total workforce, children as young as seven work 12 -15 hours per day, 6 days a week in the mills.

Infanticide in Western europe, when you did it

Children were too big a burden, so they killed them or sent them to foundling homes. It was a solution to too many children.

Actions of the family i the cottage economy

Children work the land, married woemn grew vegetables in small plots, tend livestock, sold eggs, veggies, and milk. iwves of agricutral workers work int he fields, while wives of unskilled laborers are laundresses and cleaners for the rich.

How were deputies to the House of OCmmons chosen

Chosen from the boroughs and counties, but not by popular voting. Who was eligible varied alot, allowing wealthy landed aristocrats to gain support by patronage and baribery.

The Danish Phase of the War - Christian IV motives

Christian IV of Denmark helps the Protestants by leading an army into Northern Germany. Made an anti-Habsburg and anti-Catholic alliance witht eh United Provinces and England. Also wanted Cathlic land in northern Germany to benfit himself.

Catholic Church, their power in Europe

Church had lots of wealth. Heirachically structured. Wide gulf btw upper and lower clergy/


Church practice where high church officials took over more than one church office, allowing them to have higher salaries.


City south of flanders. Site of major battle where the English devasteated the French army during the 100 years war.


City where John Calvin took up ministry. He lived there until his death in 1564. Notable for being a center of Protestantism, after the city council accepted his new church constitution known as the Ecclesiastical Ordinances. Spread Protestantism.

Church of San Lorenzo characteristics

Classical columns, rounded arches, coffered ceiling created an environment that did not overwhelm the worshipper materially and psychologically, but comforted as apsspace created to fit human, no divivne measurements.


Coke was used to burn way impurities in pig iron to produce an ron of high quality, causing a boon in the British iron industry.

Grimm Brothers

Collected and published local fiary tales.


Colossal marble statue commissioned by the florentine government in 1501 and completed in 1504. Shows the beuaty of the human body and is a fitting symbol of the Italian Renaissance's affirmation of human power.

Ties between the 3rd and the Reform Minded 2nd and 1st Estates

Common ties in their youth, urbban background, and hostiltiy to privilege.

Third estate

Commoners of society. Divided by vast differences in occupation, level of education, and wealth.

The Fall of the Bastille

Commoners organized a popular force to capture the Invalides, a royal armory, and on July 14 they attacked the bastille, another royal armory.


Compiled a detailed record of the positions and movements of stars and planets. Was also an imperial mathematician in Prague to Emperor Rudolf II, who as interested in astronomy, astrology, and hermetic tradition.

1791 National Assembly, what they do

Completes a new constiution that establishes a limited constitutional monarchy. Still a monarch but he has few powers not subject to review by the new Legislative Assembly.

Napoleon's Grand Empire

Composed of 3 major parts, including the French empire, a series of dependent states, and allied states.

Curriculum of Secondary Schools

Concentrated on greek and Latin classics with little attention to math, science, or modern language.

Will Pitt the Elder in NA

Concentrates a little in Europe and cnoncentrates resources on the Colonial war.

Balance of Power

Concept of how to counterbalance the power of one state by another to preent any one state form dominating the oterhs. Helped to lead to compromise.

British Interferance w/ Policy of Intervention

Concert of Europe breaks down when the British reject Metternich's principle of intervention. Keep the Continentals from interfering in Latin America.

War of devolution

Conflcit between France and spain over possession of the Spanish Netherlands. Lasted from 1667-1668.

The Hundred Years War

Conflict between England and France over the province of Gascony as well as inheritance to the French throne.

Puritan and Presbyterians during the English Civil War

Conflict between Parliament and the royalty in England. Parliament created an army of extreme Puritans known as the Indepednents. Presbyterians wanted to disband the army and restore Charles I with a Presbyterian state church, while the army was opposed to the establishment of such a church.

War of Spanish Succession

Conflict that arose out of the disputed succession to the throne of Spain following the death of the childless Charles II. Lasted from 1701-1714.

The Directory

Consisted of 5 directors elected by the Council of elders from a list presented by the Council of 500. Members of the National Convention ruled that 2/3rds of new members of the National Assembly must be chosen from their ranks, making disturbances in paris. However, it was battered by the left and right, so the Directroy relied on the military to maintain power, leading to the coup in 1799 that put Napoleon in power.


Constatine was the legal heir to the throne, but renounced claims in favor of Nicholas. However, the abdication wasn't made public, and the military leaders of the Northern Union rebelled against Nicholas, but were crushed by troops loyal to Nicholas, and leaders were soon executied.

Constitution of 1795

Constitution that established a national legislative assembly consisting of 2 chambers, a lower house known as the council of 5000, whose function was to initiate legislation, and an upper house of 250 members, the Council of elders, composed of married or widowed members over age forty.

Adulteration of food

Consumers were defrauded, beer milk watered down, red lead in pepper, alum to make bread look white and more expensive. gov't won't intervene either.

French and Indian War, opening moves

Contention at the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and in the Ohio river Valley. French moved osuth from great lakes and went to the Mississippi, began to establish forts i the Appalachians. Brits get worried, and there's allies from the Indians.

Continental Army vs. Great Britain's Army

Continental Army wasn't well armed, George Washington is Commander in Chief. Britain is much more powerful.

British, Continental Reaction to the Revolution

Continentals favore using troops to restore Spanish control in Latin America. However, Britain wasnts access to an entire continent for investment and trade, and proposes joint action with the US against Euro interference in Latin America

Pope Paul III

Continued renaissance papal practice of appointing nephews as cardinals, involving himself in politics, and patronizing arts and letters on a lavish schale. He did allow reform through the Catholic Refomration, however.

Serfdom in eastern Europe

Continued t be dominated by large estates owned by powerful lords and worked by serfs. It came late to the east. Bound to the lord's estate, had to perform labor services on lord's land, can't marr or move without permission. Landlords also have later legal jursidiction in 18th century, and Russian peasants almost exist in slavery.

Charles de Calonne

Controller general of finance. Finding himself unable to borrow any more, he proposed a complete revamping of the fiscal and administrative system of the state. To gain support, he convened an assembly of notables. However, they refused to cooperate, and the government's attempt to go it alone brought further disaster. Proposed a general tax to replace the taille, a lighteining of indirect taes and abolition of internal tariff barriers, confiscation of church bodies, and establishment of proivinical assemblies in which propertied elements should be represented.

Ind Bus risks (talk abt cotton trade, what religion were most entrepreneurs + from what social classes)

Cotton trade wsas intesnely competitve, only constant expansion could make you feel secure, so you reinvest most of your initial profits, fear of bankruptcy constant, most early enterprises were small, most of the successful came from a mercantile background. Members of idssenting religious minorities were prominent, like quakers. religiosu minoritiesw ere so prominent may be because they lacked other opportunities. Arsitcrats also became entrepreneurs.

Council of constance

Council attempting to resolve the schism by getting all 3 competing popes to step down or become deposed. This succeeded, as Pope Martin V was elected.

Gaspar de Guzman

Count of olivares. Clever, hardworking, and power-hungry. Dominated the king's every moon and tried to revive the monarchy. Sent reform decrees curtailing power of the Catholic church and the landed aristocracy, as well as political reform program to centralize government of spain and possessions in monarchial hands.

Court of Star Chamber

Court established in England by Henry VII. Controlled the activity of the nobles. Did not use juries, and allowed torture to extract confessions.

Coal mine working conditions

Crappy, steam power meant only they lift coal to the top and men still dig the coal out while horses, mues, women and children ahul coal carts on rails to the lift. Lots of cave ins, explosions, and gas fumes. Cram conditions don't exceed 3 or 4 feet in height.

Constitution made from the Convention

Created a central gov't distinct from and superior to the governments of individual states, Nat gov't can levy taxes, raise a national army, regulate trade, create a national currency, central or federal gov't divided into 3 branches.

Napoleon's Cleaning of the Administration

Created a new aristocracy basedon merit in the state service. Makes 3,263 nobles between 1808 and 1814, nearly 60 percent is military officers, the remained is from the upper ranks of the civil service or were other state and local officials.


Created an engine powered by steam that could pump water from mines three times as quickly as previous engines. He enlargened the possibilites of the steam engine when he developed a rotary engine that could turn a shaft and thus drive machinery, allowing steam to be applied to spinning and weaving cotton.


Created by Menno Simons, who dedicated his life to the spread of peaceful Anabaptism that stressed separation from the world in order to truly emulate the life of Jesus. The Mennonites went from the Netherlands to northwest Germany and the New World. These two communities are both descended from Anabaptism, and went to the New World, particularly the US and Canada.

Effect of the subsequent expansion of the cotton industry and ongoing demand for cotton

Created more pressure for new and more complicated technology. First ppl were just itnkerers.

Effect of Geocentric term on Humans+what protestant reformers thought

Created uncertainty about the human role in the universe as well as God's location. Protestant reformers attacked the ideal.

Credit Mobilier/Damstadt Bank/Kreditanstalt

Credit Mobilier was a major joint investment bank in France, the Darmstadt bank was a major investment bank in Germany, while the Kreditanstalt was a major investment bank in Austria. Toook in the savings of small investors and bought shares in the new industries.

Voltaire on religion

Crticized traditional religion, strong attachment to the ideal of religious toleration. Lent prstige and skills as a polemicist to fight cases of intolerance.

Popular Culture

Culture of the commoners. It typicall differed from the culture of the elite, or High Culture.

High Culture

Culture of the elite

Reaction by the Nat. Convention against the 1793 Coalition

Curb anarchy and counterrevolution at home, attempt to win the war by mobilizing the people. Give broad powers to the Comitttee of Public Safety, and virtually the same.

Peasant diet

Dark bread, drink water, wine and beer and ate soups and gruel made of grains and veggies.

Isabella d'este

Daugter of Duke of Ferrara, who marrie d Francesco Gonzago, marquis of Mantua. Was known for her intelligence and political wisdom, and responsbile for making one fo the finenst librrries in Italy. Ruled Mantua effectively, was a clever negotiator.

Leipzig Debate

Debate Between Catholic theologian Johan Eck who forced Luther to move beyond indulgences anddeny the authority of poes and councils. Eck also identified Luther's ideas with those of John Hus.

Effect of renaissance magic on screv

Declared that Humans could understand and dominate the world of nature or employ the powrs of nature for beneficial purposes, so people went out and did stuff.

Act of Supremacy

Declared that the king was accepted as the supreme head of the Church of England. Passed after Henry the VIII wanted to get a divorce from his wife.

Effect of Black Death on Peaseantry

Decline in pop held stable or depressed demand for food, lowering prices for output. Meanwhile, the Peasants demanded much higher wages.

Karlsbad Decrees

Decrees by the Germanic Confederation that closed the Burchsncaften, provided for censorship of the press, and placed the universities under close supervision and control.

Giuseppe Mazzini

Dedicated Italian nationalist who founded Young Italy. Urged Italians to dedicate their lives to Italy.

Marsilio Ficino

Dedicated his life to the translation of Plato and the exposition of Platonic philosophy, called Neoplatonism. Undertook synthesis of CHistianity and Platonism into a single system. Theory of spiritual or Platonic love said that all parts of the universe heldtogether by bonds of sympathetic love.

Effect of Napoleon's escape from Elba on the Negotiations

Delayed them, didn't alter the overall agreement. Decided, however, that France's borders were pushed back to those of 1790, and nation payed an indemnity and accepted an army of occupation for 5 years.

The Railroad, contributions to Ind Rev

Demanded coal and iron, furthering the growth of those industries. Huge captial demands needed for rail building caused ppl to invest in joint stock companies, creating new job opportunities for farm laborers and peasants, and a cheaper and faster means of transportation helped the industrial economy by making a larger market, necessitating more factories and machines, thus reinforcing the self-sustaining nature of Ind rev, and it helped to transport ppl and stuff.

Results of Newton's universal law of gravitation

Demonstrated that one universal law could explain all motion in the universe. Made people thing the universe was one huge, regulated, and uniform machine that operated according to natural laws in absolute time, space, and motion.

On the mOton of the Heart and Blood

Demonstrated that the hear and not the liver was beginning point of circulation of bloood, same blood flows in veins and arteries, and blood makes a complete circuit as it passes in body.

Kepler on Orbit Speed

Demonstrated that the speed of a planet is greater when it is closer to the sun and decreases as its distance from the sun increases.


Denied Descarte's belief in innate ideas, argued that every person was born with a blank mind. Said that people were molded by their environment, and therefore be changed. Said knowledge is from environment, not heredity, and from reason not faith.

Acts of the Bohemian rebels

Depose Ferdinand, take Bohemia, and put Elector Frederick V in power.

Cartesian Dualism, by who

Descartes, Absolute duality between mind and body. Using mind or human reason, the path to certain knowledge, and its best instrument mathematics, humans can understand the material world because it is pure mechanism, a machine governed by its own physical laws.

Renaissance Artists, impact on the S Rev

Desire to imitate nature led them to rely on a close observation of nature. Their accurate renderings of rocks, plants, animals, and human anatomy established new standards for the study of natural phenomena.


Determined to make Enlightenment changes, carried on his mother's goal of enhancing the habsburg power within the monarcy of Europe. Believed in the need to sweep away anything standing in the path ofreason. Abolished serfdom, tried to give the peasants hereditary rights, new penal code, religious toleration, and restrictions on the Catholic church.

Cardinal richlieu's ways to increase his power

Developed an efficient netwrok of spies to uncover noble plots, crush their conspiracies and kill the conspirators. Sent out intendants, and the taille was increased.


Developed by the French. They rejected the Baroque style. Classicism had an emphasis on clarity, simplicity, balance, and harmony of design. It continued the Baroque's conception of grandeur in the portrayal of noble subjects.

Newton's Influence on the Scientific Revolution, what he discovered

Developed calculus, and was very much interested in alchemy. Discovered gravity, defined the basic laws of mechanics, and created the notion of a 'world machine.'


Developed calculus, was English. Studied alchmy, established the universal law of Gravity, declared that every object continues in a state of rest or uniformmotion in a straight lin unless deflected by a force, the rate of change of motion of an object is proportional to the force acting on it, and to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Causes of industrialized textile manufacturing, how did it be industrialized

Develpment fo the flying shuttle, a water frame.


Devout followers of Machiavelli's teachings. Known to be ruthless, carved out a state out of the Papal Territories.

Effect of employment of many women in factories

Didn't change much, traditional female labor still predominated in work world.

Geocentric Conception: What did Professional Astronomers think about the Geocentric Conception?

Didn't like it. Wanted to ascertain the precise paths of the heavenly bodies acrosss the sky. Tried to save appearances by developing an elaborate system of devices, proposing that the planetary bodies traveled in epicycles, concentris spheres in speheres, which would let the paths of planets to correspond to observations.

Did the Instrument of gov work? Why

Didn't. Cromwell couldn't work with parliament, and so he dissolved Parliament and divided the country into 11 regions each ruled by a major general. Also levied a 10 percent land tax on former royalists, and uses military force to maintain the rule of tindpendents.

Pragmatic Sanction

Different European Powers would recognize Maria thereas as the legal heir to Habsburg emperor Charles VI.

Jethro Tull

Discovered that using a hoe to kep the soil loose allowed and moisture to reach plants, thus enabling them to grow better. Also used a drill to plant seeds in rows instead of scattering them by hand, a method that lost much seed to birds.

George II

Dismissed Will Pitt the Elder. He lost the US colonies, and managed to avoid change by appinting Will Pitt the younger, son of Will Pitt the elder, pm in 1783. Manged to stay in power. He wass sometimes insane.

US Rxn to Britain

Distrustful of British motives, issues the Monroe doctrine which guarantees the independence of the new Latin American antions and warns against any further Euro intervention in the New World.

Divine Comedy: Plot

Divided into three sections including Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Dante lead by Virgil, symbol of human reason. After Purgaotry, Beatrice representing revelation leads Dante to Paradise, and hands him to Saint Bernard, symbol of mystical contemplation. He is then given to Virgin Mary, since grace is needed to achieve the final step of entering the presence of God.


Divided regions in the Ottoman Empire by religion, and leader of each millet supported the Sultan in exchange for power over their millet.

Voting procedure at Versailles- what the Parleement proposed

Division from the start over qhetehr voting should be by order or by head. The parlement consisted of nobles of the robe, advocated voting by the order used in 1614. Each order would vote separately, each would have veto power over the other two, thus guaranteeing aristocratic control over reforms.

What does Louis do while he's in Versailles and peasant uprisings are occurring.

Does Nothing. However, he refuses to promulgat the decrees on the abolition of feudalism and the declaration of rights, but when the Women's March to Versailles happens, he promises the women to give them grain supplies for Paris.

El Greco

Domeniko theotocopoulos, from Crete, but after studying in Venice and rome, went to Spain, where he became a church painter in Toledo. Made elongated and contored figures, portrayed in unusual shades of yellow and green against an eerie background of turbulent grays.

Johann Tetzel

Dominican in Germany. Criticizes indulgences in Germany, saying that "as soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." Highly against the practice of indulgences.

Decline of the Chruch

Due to the Great schism which caused many to lose faith in the Church as well as the Black Death, many people began to focus more on mysticism, or oneness with God.

Growth of Public Services

Due to the industrial revolution which generated lower living conditions, many more social reformers began to demand that the government provide more social services like universal public education as well as public waste treatment facilities and sewer systems.

Civil War in France + 100 Years War+ French response.

Duke of Burgundy and Orleans wanted to control Charles VI: So, Henry V invaded, and they got all of Northern France. Charles VI of Souther France fought back, thoughhe couldn't rally the French.

Henry TUdor

Duke of Richmond, and defeated the last YOrkist king at Bosworth field and established the new Tudor Dynasty.

Henry VII

Duke of Richmond; defeated the last Yorkist king Richard III and established the new Tudor dynasty, ending the War of the Roses. He aimed to establish a strong monarchial government, ended private wars of the nobility by abolishing private armies of followers who fought for their lord, and established the Court of Star Chamber to control activity of the nobles.


During the sixteenth and 17th centuries, there was an increased number of trials and executions of presumed witches. They usually confessed to a number of practices. Theys aid they swore allegiance to the devil and attended sabbats or octurnal gatherings where they feasted, danced, and copulated with the devil, but also admitted to using evil incantations and special ointments to wreak havoc on neighbors.

Changes in Art and Literature

During this period, literature started to use the vernacular. In addition, art began to concentrate more on death and pain. It also became more realistic.

Franz Hals

Dutch Golden Age portrait painter who lived and worked in Haarlem, notable for his loose painterly brushwork and helped to develop 17th century portraiture.


Dutch painter who specialized in domestic interior scenes of middle-class life. Worked slowly and with great care, used very expensive pigments. Known for his use of light in his work.

Sea Beggars

Dutch pirates that attacked the Spanish ships. Attacked the Spanish during the Dutch revolt against the Spanish.

Causes of the Dutch Revolution

Dutch realized that their taxes were being spent on Spanish interests. Philip tried to crush Calvinism, causing religion to be a catalyst. There was a permanent sales tax that alienated many merchants and commoners, and a special tribunal inagurated a reign of terror that killed powerful aristocrats.

Louis's invasion of the Dutch, affects

Dutch, english, and Sedes force Louis to sue for pecce and accept some tows in the Spanish netherlands. France then invades the Dutch, but nothing happens. Brandenburg, Spain, and HRE end that war.

Thomas Malthus

Economic philosopher, argued that population unchecked increases at a geometric ate, while food supply increases arithmetically. Result is severe overpopulation and starvation for humans if growth isn't held in check.

Sweden in the 17th century

Economy was weak, the monarchy was in a conflict witht he powerful nobility.

Paris Salons

Eelgant drawing rooms in the urban houses of wealthy. Philosophes and guests gathered to engage in conversations centered o the ideas of the philosophes.

Schmalkadic League

Eight princes and eleven imperial cities that were all Lutheran made a defensive alliance, which was called the Schmalkaldic League. They vowed to assist each other if they were attacked. Though it was at first defeated, the Leagu soon reestablished, and they allied with the French king Henry II.

Rococo Art

Eighteenth century artistic movement that emphasized grace, gentility, lightness, and charm.

Polish King's limitations

Elected by the pOlish nobles, has limited revenues, a small bureacracy, and a standing army of no more than 20,000 soldiers.


Elected function parliamentary assembly. However, the king soon dissolved them and persecuted its members, leading to army officers, upper-middle class merchants, and liberal intellectuals to revolt.

German Electors

Electoral process to elect the king of the HRE. 4 lay princes and 3 ecclesiastical rulers would serve as electors for the king of the HRE.

Coal Mines Act

Eliminated the employment of boys under ten and women in mines. Eventually, men would beenefit as well.

Religious Practices and Popular Culture with Protestantism

Elimination of religious ceremonies and imagery, like processions and statues. Replaced with individual private prayer, family worship and collective prayer and worship on Sunday. Saints' days and relgiious carnivals eliminated, as well as ban on drinking, drama, and dancing. Christmas was also stopped.

Causes of Spanish decline

Empty treasury, Phillip II spent too much on war and Philip III spent too much on ocurt. Armed forces out of date, gov't inefficient, comercial class weak, nobles love luxury, and there's too many priests and monks.

Frederic I

Encouraged Lutern preachers to spread their doctrines and introduce a LUthern litrugy into the Danish church service. Lutheran state church installed with the king as the supremem authority.

Effect of Printing

Encouraged development of scholarly research and desire to attain knowledge. Facilitared cooperation among scholars, produce standardized definitive texts. Also stimulated development of expanding lay reading public.

Importation of raw cotton from slave plantations

Encouraged productin of cotton cloth in europe, where a profitabl market developed because of growing demand for lightweight cotton clothes.

Leopold I

Encouraged the eastward movement of the Austrian Emprie, but was challenged by the Ottomans. Defeated them, took control of much of southeastern Europe, and gained Spanish Netherlands and received formal recognition of its occupation of Spanish possessions iin Italy.

Peace of the Pyrenees

Ended Franco-spanish war

Peaceof Lodi

Ended amost a half century of war and inaugurated a relatively peaceful forty - year era in italy. Alliance system of Milan, Florence, and naples versus venice and the papacy was made leading to workable balance of power in Italy.

Instrument of government

England's first and only written consi=titution. Executive power was veted in the Lord Protecter, and legislative power in the Parliament.

War of the spanish succession, events

England, United Provinces, Austria, and German Staes fight France and spanin for 11 years.

John Stuart Mill

English Philosopher, wrote on liberty, where he argued for absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on everything, needs protection from gov't and tyranny of majority, supported women's rights.


English Romantic poet, influential, poetry known for sensual imagery, notably in the series of odes. Known as the standard bearer of sensory writing.

British East India Company

English and later british joint stock company that was formed to puruse trade with the east Indies but ended up trading mainly with the Indian subcontinent and Qing China. Eventually rose to account for half of the world's trade, and ruled the beginnings of the Brit Empire in India.


English painter, printmaker, pictorial satirist, social critic, and editorial cartoonist pioneering western sequential art. L


English philosopher adnd political radical, known for his moral philosophy which evaluates actions based upon their consequences. Wrote lots of philosophy of law, spending most of his life critiquing the existing law and strongly advocating legal reform. Critiques accounts of law that claim liberty, rights, and such exist independent of government.

William Wilberforce

English politican, philanthropist, and a leader of the movement to eradicate the slave trade. Eventually became an independent member of Parliament for Yorkshire, and became an Evangelical Christian.

Lord Liverpool

English politician, longest serving Prime Minister since 1806, steered the country through the Napoleonic Wars, favoured commercial and manufacturing interests as well as the landed interests, leader of the Liberal Tories who lowere dhte tariff, abolish death penalty, reformed criminal law.


English priest that translated the bible into English. He wanted to have it taught to all common people in England. This was an illegal activity, so he was later captured, put on trial for heresy, and killed.

Mary Tudor

English princess, the only child of King Henry VIII and his first wife Catherine of Aragon. She intended to restore engalnd to the Roman Catholic fod, but it she subsequently caused more Protestants to arise in England.


English, very prolific and made more than 20,000 paintings, drawings, and watercolors. Cocnern with nature manifested itself in many landscapes and seascapes, sunrises, and sunsets. Didn't try to idealize nature or reproduce it with accuracy, tried to convey its moods through interplaying light and color to suggest natural effects. Allowed obects to melt into surroundings.

Peace of Westphalia, effects

Ensured that all German states could determine their own religion. France gets parts of Western germany, Sweden, Brandenburg, and Bavaria get some territory, while the Habsburgs don't get much. The 300 principalities are considered indepnednet. Habsburg emperor becomes a figurehead in the hRe, and reduces pope's power.


Entered service of Florentine republic, was a secretary to the Florentine Council of Ten and made several diplomatic missions. Published The Prince, a treatise of political power that said political activity shouldn't be restricted by moral considerations and that the prince acts on behalf of the state.

Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg

Entered the Army in the service of the Austrian Empire. Became one of the first German princes to join the coalition against Bonaparte. Noble, had gains after the Congress of Vienna.

Leonardo Bruni

Enthusiastic pupil of the Byzantine scholar Manuel Chrysoloras. One of the first Italian humanists to gain a thorough knowledge of Greek.


Envisioned by utopian socialist Fourier, who envisioned a society organized in them where the status of manual labor would be elevated by making work enjoyable and satisfying. Advocated emancipation of women. Failed, however.

Kepler on Period revolution

Established that the square of a planet's period of revolution is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun.

Francis Bacon

Established the scientific method. Urged scientists to proceed from the particular to the general. From carefully organized experiments and observations, correct generalizations could be developed.

The poor law act of 1834

Established workhouses where jobless poor ppl were forced to live, intent was to make them so wretched as to make them a terror to the poor. They were locked up in workhouses, where family members were separated, forced to live in dorms, given work assignments, and fed bad food.

30 years War

Europe - wide conflict lasting from 1618 to 1648. It is divided into 4 major phases, including the Bohemian Phase, Danish Phase, Sweidsh Phase, and Franco - Swedish phase. Causes of it include religion, but secular, dynastic-nationalist consideratiosn eventually trupted those concerns.

Population Prior to the Black Death: how many people

Europe had a great increase in population. Virtually all productive land was being farmed, movement to overpopulated urban places, and peasant acreage was rapidly decreasing.

Popular view of jews

Europeans want to assimilate them, but only by convesion to Chrisitanity.

Peterlooo Massacre

Event in which a squadron of cavalry attacked a crowd of 60,000 demonstrators at Sain Peter's Field in Manchester. The deaths of eleven people led the government to restrict large public meetings and the dissemination of the poor. Also managed to avoid meeting the demands for electoral reform.

Defenestration of Prague

Event where protestant nobles rebelled against Ferdinand and proclaimed their resistance by throwing two of the Habsburg governors and a secretary out of the window of the royal castle in Prague.

Daily life at Versailles

Everything closely relegated,lots of daily ceremonies carefully staged. Who could sit where at meals is closely watched. Also had entertaiment, like walks int he garden. boating trips, performances, and ballets.

Elizabethan era of literature

Exhibits the exuberance and pride associated with engalnd's international exploits at the time. Expressed the enrgy and intellectual versatility of the era better than drama.

Prostitution in Renaissance Europe

Factors of enivronment, welath, and demographic trends favored late ages for first marriages of males. As a result, prostitution was viewed as a necessary vice.

Obstacle to industrialization: the work schedule

Factory demanded a new type of disciline from its employees, as owners couldn't allow their expensive machinery to stand idle. Workers needed to work regular hours and in shifts to keep machines producing at a steady pace for max output, which they weren't used to. As a result,owners needed tough methods to accomplish their goals, with factory regulations being minute and detailed. Adult workers were fined for a wide variety of minor infractions like lateness or drunkness, and also beat children because they did't understand implications of dismissal.


Family in Florence that expanded from cloth production into commerce, real estate, and banking. Used to be the greates bank in Europe. However, they had a sudden decline at the end of the century due to poor leadership and bad loans. Eventually collapsed.

Importance of the Family in Italy

Family was vital. It mean the extended household of parents, children, and servants, as well as grandparents, widowed mothers, and unmarried sisters. Source of security, and a crime committed by 1 family member fell on the entire family, ensuring that retaliation would be bloody.

The Great Famine

Famine that occurred in Ireland. Irish peasants lived in mud hovels with desperate poverty, depending on the cultivation of the potato. however,when a blight due to a fungus turned the potatoes black, famine decimated the Irish popualtion, causing more than a milllion to die of starvation and disease and almost 2 million heading to the US and Britain.


Famous Austrian composer. Wrote music prolifically and passionately until he died a debt-ridden pauper at 35. Carried the tradition of Italian comic opera with The Marriage of Figaro, and Don Giovanni, a black comedy about the havoc Don Giovanni wrought on earth before going to hell. Composed with ease of melody and a blend of grace, precision,a nd emotion.


Famous Dutch painter during the early 1600s. Notable for his painting of biblical scenes, as opposed to secular scenes. In addition, he is also known for the colorfulness of his art.


Famous English writer; known for writing in the vernacular. His masterpiece the Canterbury Tales describes a group of pilgrims journeying from London to the tomb of Saint Thomas à Becket at Canterbury. Along the way, they tell stories to pass the time.

Benevuto Cellini

Famous Florentine sculptor, goldsmith, and writer. Was an important Mannerist artist. Very well known for his beautiful golden metalworks and his sculptors.


Famous Florentine sculptor. Spent time in Rome studying and copying the statues of antiquity; known for his statue of David, a freestanding Bronze nude.

Eugene Delcroix

Famous French Romantic artist. Fascinated by the exotic, passion for color, painted death of Sardanapalus.

Jan Van Eyck

Famous Northern Renaissance painter. Known for his usage of oil paint, and made the famous Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride. Also known for his attentiveness to detail in his paintings.

De vega

Famous Spanish playright. Wrote witty, chrming, action packed, and realistic plays. Wrote plays to atisfy public demand, and wrote them to make money.


Famous Venetian artist of the sixteenth century. Known for his use of color. Painted altarpieces, portraits, mythologies, and pastoral landscapes with figures. He also is known for painting works with mythological subjects for domestic settings.


Famous architech and sculptuor of the Baroque. Completed St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, designed the vast colonnade enclosing the piazza in front of it. Action, exuberance, profusion,a nd dramatic effects mark his work. Stufff had a lot of detail.


Famous composer. Composed 104 symphonies in addition to streng quartets, concerti, sogns, oatorios, and masses. Was musical director for the wealthy Hungarian princes, the esterhazy brothers.


Famous historian during the Enlgihtenment. Had a great masterpiece, the six volume Decline an Fall of the Roman Empire. Thought that the decline of Rome had many causes though portrayed the growth of Christianity as a major reason for Rome's eventual collapse.


Famous neoclassical artist. Painted the Oath of the Horatii in Rome, as it emphasized patriotic duty.


Famous painter in Florence. Interest in Greek and Roman mythology was reflected in one of his most famous works, Primavera. His figures were well defied, though they also had an otherworldly quality far removed from Early Renaissance realism.


Famous painter, one of the greatest European painters. Gave his talents to painting portraits, which capture the appearance of reality through the seemingly effortless handling of sensuous paint. Traveled in Italy.


Famous playright, best known for writing plays, but was also an actor and shareholder in the lord Chamberlain'sCompany, which played in theaters like the Globe and blackfriars. Instrumental in codifying the enlgish language, incredible insight intohuman psychology, and understood the human condition.

Marie Winkelmann

Famous women astronomer in Germany. She discovered a comet, corresponded with Gottfried Leibniz, who invented the calculus.

Female Mystical Experiences: What did they do?

Fasting, recieving the Eucharist

Jeremy Bentham

Father of modern utilitarianism and social reform, advocated individual and economic freedom, separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, right to divorce, and decriminalizing homosexual acts, abolishing deat penalty and physical punishment, and advocated animal rights.

Cardinal Contarini

Favored concessions to Protestants in hope of restoring Christian unity. Was accused of selling out to the heretics.


Favored excluding Austria and making the Prussian king emperor of the new German state.

Why did Henry VIII want a new wife

Fell in love with Anne Bleyn, a lady in waiting to Queen Catherine. He also needed a male heir to the throne.

Effect of Taihiti and Cook'sJourneys on the Enlightenment

Felt existence of exotic peoples presented an image of a naturlal man who was far happier than many Europeans.

Galileo and the Church, what he felt about Church doing science with the bible.

Felt it made little sense for church to determine the nature of physical reality on the bais of biblical texts that were subject to radiaclly divergent interpretations. Church confirmed the Ptolemaic-Aristotelian Cosmology

Mercantile and propertied elites of Europe with the new science

Felt it offered new ways to exploit resources for profit. Early scientists showed how they could be applied to industry and tech. Also made it a part of the higher culture.

Philosophes on education

Felt it should keep ppl in their class. Wanted schools to give a broader education, and said that universisites provided no training in the sciences or modern languages.


Femal utopian socialist, attempted to foster a utopian synthesis of socialism and feminism, traveled through France preaching the need for liberation of women. Largely ignrored for impracticality.

Leon Battista Alberti

Fifteenth century Florentine architect, known for saying that "Men can do all things if they will."

Events of the War of the Austrian Succession

Fight not only in Europe where Prussia seized Silesia and France got the Dutch, but in the East where French got madras from the Brits, and in NA, wen the Brits got Louisbourg at the entrance of the Saint Lawrence river.


Fighters during the Peninsular War against Napoleon who employed unconventional warfare against the French. The Spanish uprising against napoleon's rule, aided by Britsh support, kept a French force of 200,000 pinned down for years.

Paolo Uccello

Figures became mere stage props to show off mastery of laws of perspective. In addition, investiagtion of movement and anatomical structure

Louis Napoleon

First elected president of France during the 2nd republic. He soon became emperor of France.

Judith Leyster

First female member of the painting ugild of saint luke in Haarlem. She made portraits of musicians playing instruments, women sewing, children laughing, and actors performing.

Ivan the Terrible

First ruler to take title of tsar, expanded eastward, crushed the boyars, and dynasty came to an end in 1598. Death caused the Time of Troubles.

The Hungry 40s

Food crisis caused by potato blight that struck Northern Europe in the mid 1840s, produced excess mortality and suffering in affected areas, particulalry the Scottish Highlands and even more Ireland. Many people starved due to lack of access to other staple food sources.

Servants, ind rev

Form another large group of urban workers, many were women from coutnry side who were depndent on upper and middle class employers.

Second Republic

Formed after the 1848 revolution in France. Had an unicameral legislature of 750 elected by universal male suffrage for 3 years and a president elected by universal male suffrage for 4 years. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte is elected, and would soon become emperor.

The National Assembly

Formed by the Third Estate, which voted to constitute itself a National Assembly. This was because they represented the overwhelming majority of France.

Grand National Consolidated Trades Union

Formed in Feb 1834, wanted to do general strike for 8 hour work day. However,lack of real support caused its collapse, movement went totrade unions for individual crafts.

Abandonment of the old open field system, ne w one

Formerly empty flieds planted with alfafa, turnips,a dn clover, which store nitrogen tin their roots and restore the soil's fertility. Also provide winter fodder for livestock.

Stocks, whippings, and branding

Forms of public humiliation. Stocks involved chaining someone outdoors, while branding involved pressing a hot metal against someone else.

Vittorini da Feltre at Mantua

Founded a school, where he based much of his educational system on the ideas of classical authors. Also had the schoool stress physical education, with pupils taught javilin throwing, archery dancing, running, hunting, wrestling, and swimming.

Bank of England

Founded in 1694. Made loans. In return for lending money to gov, the bank could issue paper banknotes backed by its credit. Also issued gov bonds paying regular interes, backed by the Bank ofEngland and the London fincanical community.

Frederick I William the Great Elector

Founded the Prussian state, came to power in the midst of the 30 years war, built a competent and efficient standing army, possessed a force of 40,000 men that abosorbed more than 50 percent of state revenue. Made the General War commissariat levy taxes for army and oversee growth and training.

Edmund Burke

Founder of conservatism, who maintained that society was a contract, but the state was a partnership between those who were living and those who were dead and going to be born. No one could destroy the partnership, each generation had the duty to preserve and transmit it to the next. Advised against revolution, but didn't reject the possibility of change.

Departments, their division.

France is divided up into 83 of these things. Roughly equal in size and population, they were then divided into istricts and communes, all supervised by elected councils and officials who oversaw financial, administrative, judicial, and ecclesisastical institutions within their own domains.

Financial Collapse of Govenrment Finances

France is drastically short of money, yet its expenditures continue to grow due t costly wars and royal extravagance. Gov't responds by borrowing, and interest on the debt is 1/2 o/ gov't spending.

Trend in Continental cotton making, which countries are best

France is number one, but Britain is still far better. Belgium soon gets the most modern cotten manfucacturing sys on the continent.

War of the League of Augsberg

France the League of Augsberg. It causes economic depression and famine in France. Treaty of Ryswick signd.

Citizen's Reaction to the Invasion: what do the radicals do

Frantic search for scapegoats, defeats in war and economic shortages reinvigorates popular groups and leads to renewed political demonstrations. Radicial olitical groups attack the royal palace, take the King captive, and force the Legislative Assembly to suspend the monarchy and call for national convention based on universal male suffrage to decide on the future government.


François-Marie Arouet. Read Philosophic Letters on the English, admired English Life,e specially its freedom of the press, political freedom, and religious toleration, thus criticizing Frech society. He criticized traditional relgion, had strong attachment to religious toleration, fought cases of intolerance in France. Championed Deism. Famous French philosopher. He wrote applauded the English, lauding its constitutional monarchy, its relative freedom of religion and press. His ideas had a major influence on the French revolution

Seven years War in Euro, Peter III and its ending

Frederick the Great smashes the Austrian French and Russian armies. However, they were eventually almost defeeated unteil Tsarina elizabeth of Russia died, letting Peter III come t o power, who withdrew russian troops from the conflict. This guaranteed a stalemate and led to a desire for peace.

José de martin

Freed Chile in 1817 and moved on to Lima, Peru, the center of Spanish authority. Was soon joined by Bolivar, who assumed the task of crushing the last Spaniards in 1824.

Initial French Fighting, How they Did

French Army invades Belgium but is routed. Paris fears invasion by the Austrians and Prussians, so the Legislative Assembly calls for 20,000 National Guardsmen to defend Paris.


French Calvinists. They consisted of 40 to 50 percent of the French nobility. They were attacked viciously during the French Wars of Religion.

Olympe de Gouges

French Playwright and political activist whose feminist and abolitionist writing reached the general public. Outspoken advocate for improving the condition of slaves in the colonies. Demanded that French women be given the same rights as men. Challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality, executed by guillotine.


French aristocrats who fled France in the years following the French Revolution of 1789. From their places of exile in other countries, many émigrés plotted against the Revolutionary government, seeking help in their goal of restoring the old regime. Later invited back by Napoleon.

Nobles of the robe

French aristocrats whose rank came from holding certain judicial or administrative posts. They didn't give the holder a title of nobility. Offices were often hereditary, and made up the second estate in prerevolutionary France.


French economist who was an administrator under Louis XV and served as the controller general of finance. Attempted to institute financial reform, blocked by the privileged classes. Tried to abolish corvée, but his enemies tore that down.French economist and statesman. Remembered as an early advocate for economic liberalism, recognized the law of diminishing marginal returns in Agriculture.

Seve Years War in Idnia

French had returned Madras to ritain after the war of the Austrian succesion,but jockeying for power continued. British under Robert CLive ultimately won out.

Louis XI

French king who advanced the process of developing a French territorial state. Through the taille, he secured a regular source of income, though he failed to repress the French nobility. Added the duchy of Burgundy to his lands after Charles the Bold was killed when fighting the Swiss.


French law courts responsible for registering royal decrees. Could block royal edicts by not registering them. Although Louis XIV had forced them into submission, the Parlements had gained strength, and they and their noble judges assumed the role of defenders of liberty against the arbitrary power of the monarchy.


French military engineer and physicist, often described as the father of thermodynamics. Gave the first successful theory of the maximum effiency of heat engines. Used by Clausius and Kelvin to make the 2nd law of thermodynamics and define the concept of entropy.


French neoclassical sculptor. Famous for portrait busts and statues of philosopher, inventors, and political figures of the enlightenment, like Denis Diderot, Benjamin Franklin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, Washington, Jefferson, Robert Fulton, and Napoleon Bonaparte.


French philosopher, mathematician, and earlypolitical scientist whose Condorcet method in voting tally selects the candidate who would beat each of the other candidates ina run-off election. Advocated a liberal economy, constitutionalism, and equa rights for women and people of all races.

Jean Baptiste racine

French playright. Used greek and roman themes and plots famous play is Phèdre, where he closely followed the plot fo the greek tragedian Eurpides' Hippolutus. Focused on conflicts that characterized ad revealed tragic deimensions of life.


French poet, novelist, and dramatist. Wrote Les Mis and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, passionate supporter of republicanism, works touch on ost of the political and social issues and the artistic trends of his time.

Jean Bodin

French political philosopher, who exposed the principles of stable government in Europe. Most famous for his writing The Six Bookes of a Commonweale, which said that the best way to secure order and authority is in recognizing the sovereignty of the state and that the distinctive mark of the state is supreme power, which is completely absolute.

Jean-Paul Marat

French political theorist, physician, and scientist who became best known for his role as a radical journalist and politician during the French Revolution. Advocated basic human rights for the poorest members of society, very radical voice, defended the sans-culottes. Assasinated by Charlotte Corday, a Girondist sympathizer. He became an icon to the Jacobins as a revolutionary martyr


French salonist and author. Wrote numerous novels, like Mémoires du comte de Comminge.


French scientist, wanted to keep science and religion united. Invented a calculating machine, devised a theory of chance or probability, and worked on conic sections. Refused to rely on scientist;s world of order and rationality to attract people to God.

Philip V, actions

French style ministries, officals similar to Frenchintendants introduced. Catholic church under royal control, king got rid of Jesuits and circumscribed activities of the Inquisition. Aristocracy continued to exercise substantial power, though.

Foreign Aid in the Revolution

French supply arms and money to the rebels, and French officers and soldiers serve in Washington's Continental Army.


French writer and priest who wrote the comic masterpiece Garagantua and Pantagruel. It was a popular success. He also worked as a physician for some time. Also published Tiers Livre.


French writer, politician, diplomat, and historian, considered the founder of Romanticism in French literature. Royalist by political disposition. Wrote descriptions of Nature, analysis of emotion, making him the model for a generation of romantic writers. Wrote mémoires d'outreptombe, harsh critic of the July Monarchy.

Joseph de Maistre

Frenchmen, the most influential spokesman for a countervolutionary and authoritarian conservatism. Espoused the restoration of hereditary monarchy, which he regarded as a divinely sanctioned instiution. Only absolute monarcy could guarantee order in society and avoid the chaos generated by movements like the French Revolution.

Filippo Brunelleschi

Friend of Donatello's, accompanied Donatello to Rome. Drew much inspiration from architectural monuments of Roman antiquity, and used his knowledge to create new architecture in Florence. Built the cathedral of Florence. Also built the Church of San Lorenzo

Albrecht Dürer

From Nuremberg; painter that came from the North to Italy to learn about Italian painting. Mastered laws of perspective and theories of proportion, writing detailed treatises on the two subjects. Tried to integrate minute details more harmoniously into his works, and also tried to achieve a standard of ideal beauty by examining the human form.

Background of the members of the Legislative Assembly

Gained experience in the new revolutionary politics and prominence int ehir local areas through the National Guard, Jacobin Clubs, and many elective offices spawned by administrative reordering of France.

Peace of Nystadt

Gave recognition to Peter's gain of Estonia, Livonia, and Karelia.

Tendency Among Gov's in Italy

Generally became dominated by dictator AND TYRANTS, WHO PURCHASED titles from the emperor (HRE).

Economic Trends of Industrialization

Generally increased a country's GDP. Due to industrialization, Great Britain rapidly became the wealthiest nation in the world. Britain had many overseas markets allowing it to sell its goods overseas. In addition, it had a sufficient supply of capital, an effective central bank, and well-developed, flexible credit facilities to fund industry. Lastly, it had an entrepreneural spirit.

Amalgamated Soc of Enginners

Generous unemployment benefits in return for small weekly payment, practical gain trade unions osought.

Napoleon and Germaine de Staël

Germaine de Staël refuses to accept his despotism, so she sets up a salon, writes novels and political works that denounces Napoleon's rule as tyrannical. She gets banned in France and is sent to German states, but continues to write. She come backs to France after Napoleon is removed but soon dies.

German attack on Rome

German army went berserk, killing many in Rome, so Clement came to terms witht he emperor, and Charles V stood supreme over much of Italy.


German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period. Revived interest in the music of Bach, well received as a composer, conductor, and soloist.


German composer, theater director, polemicist, and conductor known for his operas. Created a concept of the Gesamtkunstwerk, by which he osugh to synthesise the poetic, visual, musicial, and dramatic arts, with music subsidiary to drama.


German painter, early life experiences left him with a lifelong preoccupation with God and nature. Painted landscapes with an interest that transceded the mere presentation of natural details, portrayal of mountains and nature conveyed sense of mystey and mysticism. Artistic process depended on ones inner vision.


German philosopher who became a founding figure of the philosophical movement known as German idealism. Had insights into nature of self-consciousness or self-awareness, wrote that consciousness is not grounded in anything outside of itself.

Kant, him on aesthetics, on the mind and experience, on space and time, the world and our conception of it.

German philosopher, considered the central figure of modern philosophy. Argued tht the human mind creates the structure of human experience,that reason is the source of morality, that aesthetics arises fom a faculty of disinterested jadgement, that space and time are forms of our sensibility, and that the world is indepdent of our concepts of it.

Friederich List

German writer, emigrated to America and returned to Germany as a US consul. In his National System of Poltiical Economy, he advocated a rapid and large sclae program of industrialization as the best way to develop a nation's strength, and they needed to use protective tariffs to protect their industries.


German writer, philosopher, dramatist, publicist, and art critic, Considered to be the first dramaturg in his role at Abel Syeler's Hamburg National Theater.

MIchael Mästlin + Kepler

Germany's best-known astronomer, caused Kepler to spent much time pursuing his realinterests, math and astronomy. He abandoned theology and became a teacher of amth and astronomer.

Frederick's reaction to Christian, Wallenstein's opening oves

Gets Albrecht von Wallenstein, a Bohemian nobleman who had taken advantage of Ferdinand's victory to be coutnry's welathiest landowner. They defeat a Protestna army at Dessau, then fight in North germany. Christian is defeated by the Cahtolic League, Wallenstein takes the north.

La Gloire De France

Glory of France. Louis XIV sought glory in foreign wars, as France was the most powerful European antion.


God had predestined some people to be saved, and others to be damned.

Brahe and King Frederick II

Got an island near Copenhagen, built the elaborate Uriniborg Castle and got an observatory.

Habsburgs - how did they get powerful?

Got powerful through dynastic marriages. Married son Maximilian to Mary, daughter of Duke Charles the Bold of Burgundy, letting Frederick II gain Fanche - Comté in east - central france, lux, and large par of low countries.

Movement North of Ottomans

Got threatening Hungary, Austria, Bohemia, and Poland, and Charles V became their bitter enmy in 16th century.

Gov of Venice

Gov dominated by the Great Council, members of 2000 wealthy families. There was a Doge, though actual power became vested in the hands of the Great Council and the senate, while the Council of Ten became the real executive power.

Initial motives of the Estates-General Being Summoned

Gov't was simply tryng to solve the immediate financial cirsis, didn't want a major reform of the government.

Industrialization on the Continent: Role of gov't

Gov't's on the Continent were used to playing a big role in economic affairs, so gov'ts provided for the costs of tech education, gave grants to investors and foreign entrepeneurs, exempted foriegn industrial equipment from import duties, and financed factories, and built transportation infrastructure, and used tariffs to protect the industry.

Laissez Faire

Government shouldn't restrain the economic liberty of the individual and should restrict itself only to defending the country, police protection of individuals, and construction and maintenance of public works to expensive for private indviduals to undertake

Practicing medicine, how

Graduate with a doctorate needed to recieve a license before bing a practicing member of the physicians' elite corporate body. Only officialy licensed physicians could hold regular medical consultations and recieve payments.

Toleration Act

Granted Puritan dissenters the right of free public worship, although they did not yet have full civil and political equality, as the Test act wasn't repealed.

Why Napoleon's empire failed quickly

Great Britain survived, and it rules the waves, so it's almost invulnerable to military attack. He can't overcome Trafalgar, so he turns to his Continental System. Also is due to nationalism.

Concert of Europe

Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria renewed their commitment against any attempted restoration of Bonapartist power, and agreed to meet periodically in conferences to discuss their common interests and examine measures to ensure peace and prosperity in Europe.

Walter Scott

Great Romantic, his novels became European best sellers.


Great Victorian novelist. Wrote realistic novels focusing on the lower and middle classes in britain's early industrial age, which became extraordinarily succesful. Descriptions of the urban poor and the brutalization of human life were very realistic.

Principle of Intervention

Great powers of Europe had the right to send armies into countries where there were revolutions to restore legimate monarchs to their thrones.

Gian Bernini

Greatest figure of the Baroque. Made Saint Peter's basilica at the Vatican, designed the encolosing piazza in front of it. Action, exuberance, profusion and dramatic effects mark his work. Famous for throne of Saint Peter, and Ecstasy of Saint Theresam a ns=tstucak experience in her life.

Greek Revolution, Euro influence

Greeks revolted against the Ottoman Turks in 1821. However, there's an outpouring of European sentiment for their revolt. A combined British and French fleet went to Greece and mashed up an Ottoman armada. Russia declares war on the Ottomans, invades in Moldavia and Wallachia.

French Military under Louis

Grew to 400,000.

French Society before the rev

Grounded in the inequality of irghts, or the idea of privilege. Pop of 27 mill is divided into 3 estates.


Group of public figures in France who placed politics before religion, believing that no religious truth was worth the ravages of civil war.

Young Italy

Group set its goal as the creation of a united Italian republic. Mazzini urged Italians to dedicate their lives to the Italian nation.

Expansion of reading public and publishing

Growth fof publishing houses, made it possible for authors to make money from their works and be less dependent on wealthy patrons.

Effect of flourisihing trade with colonies

Growth of towns and cities. Developed textile manufacturing, sugar refining, and tobacco processing, and increse in dock workers, building tradesmen, servants, and numerous service people.

Great Britain on Magazines

Had 25 periodicals published.


Had a background in law, became obsessed with eliminating the poverty and squalor of the metropolitan areas. Became a civil servant and was soon appointed to a number of government investigatory commissions. Initiated a passionate search for detailed facts about their living conditions, summarized the results in his Report on the Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britian, where he concluded that the variety of diseases were caused by their living conditions, which could be eliminated. Advocated a system of modern sanitary reforms consisting of efficeint sewers and a supply of piped water.

Ottoman Politics/Admin

Had a highly effective gov'tal system, especially when it was led by strong sultans or powerful grand viziers. Splendid capital called Constantinople, possessed a pop far larger than that of any european city. However, politics often became blooody intrigues as factions fought each other for influence and the throne. Ruling sultan could murder his brothers to avoid challenges to his rule, though a well-trained bureacracy administered the state.

French Econ growth prior to the rev

Had a period of economic growth due to expansion of foreign trade increase in industrial production, though many people failed to share in the prosperity.

British Gov't with regards to industrialization

Had a stable gov't, passed laws that protected private property, placed more freedom for private enterpise and fewer restrictions on private entrepreneurs.

Limitations to Industrialization outside of Europe, developments similar to those of UK

Had achieved pop growth, made agricultural improvements, expanded cottge industries, witnessed growth in foreign trade, but didn't have good roads and problems w/ river transit, toll stations on important rivers and customs barriers, guild restrictions, continental entreprenurys less enterpising than brit counterparts and adhered to dislike of competition, high regard for family security, didn't like risks, liked thriftiness.

Characteristics of Nat. Convention

Had artisans, doinated by lawyers, professionals, and property owners. Two thirds of deputies under 45, almost all had political experience because of the Revoltuion and distruttful of the king and his activities. They abolish the monarchy and establish a republic but the Covnention soon splits into factions over the fate of the king, making the Girondins and the Mountain.

The Nobles during the FLorence

Had declining real incomes, though they survived. Nobles managed to dominate society, serving a smilitary officers and holding important political posts and advising the king. Members of the aritocracy also purused education to maintain their role in government.

What was the Estates General Like?

Had much less power than the Parliament, as it was only one of many institutions. Represented only the North of France, and the South of France had their own estates.

Characteristics of the Bastille and its people

Had only 7 prisoners, there were few weapons there except those in the hands of the small group of defenders. Was an imposing fortress with 8 towers connected by 9 foot thick walls, easily defended, but its commander was more inclined to negotiatie. The garrison surrenders.

Austrian Monarchy why wasn't it a centralized absolutist state

Had so many different national groups. Remained a collection of territories held together by a personal union. Habsburg emperor was archduke of Austria, king of Bohemia, and king of Hungary.

British Cotton Industry

Had surged ahead, used the flying shuttle to speed the process of weaving on aloom, enabled weavers to double output.

Universities, scientific discovery

Had very little.

Indepndence of Haiti

Haiti announces its freedom, becomes the first independent state in Latin America.

Locke's Influence on the Enlightenment: where a person's knowledge came from, on rule, and on the natural state

He argued that every person was born with a blank mind, meaning that our knowledge is derived from our environment, not from heredity, reason, or faith. He argued against the absolute rule of one man; he believed that humans lived in a state of equality and freedom rather than war prior to social organization. Also believed in the social contract.

Treatise on Toleration

He argued that religious toleration had created no problems for england and Holland and reminded gov'ts that all men are brothers under God.

Napoleon's Invasion of Egypt

He doesn't think the French can get to England, so he decides to take egypt and thereaten India, a major source of british wealth. His army gets cut off however, so he heads over to Paris, where he does the cop to become dictator.

Napoleon's Interactions with the 2nd Coalition: the peace, who is the 2nd Coalition

He fights Russia, Great Britain, and Austria. He gets a peace at Amiens, leaving France with new frontiers and some territory from the Nroth Sea to Adriatic. Peace doesn't last because the Brits and French see it as temporary and don't want to adhere to tis terms.

Qualities of Napoleon that make men like him

He has energy, charm and cna comprehend complex issues quickly and make decisions fast. He is tough on his officers and rove them relentlessly, and ate with his rank-and file soldiers, gave them good food and clothing, and charmed them.

Napoleon's Increasing Despotism

He shuts down 60 of France's 73 newspapers, and insists that all manuscripts be subject to Government scrutiny before being published. Mail was opened by teh government police.

Napoleon's Interactions with the Inner Core and Dependent States

He tries to destroy the old order, and nobility and clergy everywehre lose their special privileges. Napoleon order equality of opporutnity with offices open to talent, equality before the law, and religious tolerations.


Held thepost of organist and music director at a number of small German courts before becoming director of church music at the Church of Saint Thomas in Leipzig.Composed his Mass in B Minor, his Saint Matthew's Passion, and cantatas and motets. Believed music was a means to worship God.

Caballeros and Hidalgos

Hidalgos are the minor nobility of Spain. They often had little wealth, and were interested in improving their positin thorugh overseas empire.

The cities

High death rates from unsanitary lviing conditions, polluted water, and no sewage facilities. too many rural immigrants.

Cahholic Religiosity

Highly selective. Popular devotion to externalized form of worship focusing praying to saints, pilgriamges, and devotion to relics andimages.

Hungrary's History : What was it like during the renaissance

History closely tied to that of central and western Europe by conversion to Roman catholicism by German missionaries. Church became a large and prosperous institution, bishops became powerful independent political figures.

Civic Humanism + where it arose

Humanism becomes tied together with Florentine civic spirit and pride. Intellectual life described as one of solitude. People rejected family and a life of action in the community. Instead, there was the belief that it was the duty of an intellectual to live an active life for one's state, and ppl believed that their studies of the humanities should be put to the service of the state.

Spinoza on Human Beings and God

Humans attributed the existence of things to a creor God who must be worhsipped to gain their ends. Failure to understand God lead to many miscoceptions.

Spinoza on Human emotion

Humans made moral condemnations because they failed to understand humn motions, and said we need to analyze them like the planets.


Hungurians. They came from behind the Ural Mountains and invaded Hungary, thus making the Magyars, or Hungurians.

Effect of Napoleon on Industry

Hurt it, war smashed trade, weakened currency, smashed physical buildings, killed manpower, continental sys smashed some ports, though it temporarily revived woolen industyr in France, Belgium, stimulated textile manufacturing in Rhine and Silesia, but the textile industry suffered after 1815 when Brit goods went European.

Mary II

Husband of James's daughter Mary. Ruled with William of Orange over England, Scotland, and Ireland. They raised an army and invaded England from France.

Marriage after Black Death + Gender Roles

Husbands were often much older than wives. Some industries became female - dominated, though that was rare. In addition, Women were expected to not have active functions in society, and didn't have much legal rights.

Other causes of the Revolution

Ideas of the Philosphes, failure to make reforms, financial crisis, manufacturing depresssion causes food shortage, rising prices for food and other stuff, unemployment in cities, number of poor is 1/3rd of the population.


Identifying the great force in nature with God. Romantics would have nothing to do with the deist God of the Enligthenment, maker of the world machine.

Mercantilist use of Tariffs

If one country can supply another country with a product cheaper than the latter can make it, it is better to purchase than to produce it.

The nobility, what they did, their life

Immune from punishment, exemption from taation, expected to live off their estates, and eager to profit from industries. Many nobles involved in mining, metallurgy, and glassmaking, and eat lots of meat and fish with cheese, nuts, and sweets.


Important artist during the Renaissance, in its later years. Was a great Italian Mannerist painter of Venice. Some of his best paintings include Vulcan Surprising Venus and Mars, Christ and the Adulteress, and his masterpiece The Last Supper of San Giorgio Maggiore.

Maria Merian

Important entomologist during the 18th century. Published the Metamorphosis of the Insects of Surinam, where she used 60 illustrations oto show the reproductive and developmental cycles of Surina's insect life.

The Commune Attacks the Convention

In 1793, they organize a demonstration, attack the Convention, arret the leading Girondins, leaving the Mountain in control.

Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism

In the geocentric conception, the universe was a series of conecentric spheres with a fixed or motionless earth at its center. Composed of earth, air, fire, and water, the earth was imperfect and constantly changing. Heliocentrism stated that the sun was the center of the universe. It was argued by Copernicus.

Separation of Powers, the three branches

Includes a sperate executive, legislative, and judicial powers that served to limit and control each other, provided the greatest freedom and security for a state.

LIberal Studies + its purpose

Includes history, moral philosophy, eloquence, letters, poetry, mathematics, astronomy, and music. Wanted to produce individuals who followed a path of virtue and wisdom and possessed the rehtorical skills with which to persuade others to do the same.

Philip II

Incompetent Spanish king. Interested ony in court luxury or miracle working relics, allowed his first minister, the greedy duke of Lerma, to run country, and accumulated power and walth for himself. Sent a fortune on his court.

Characteritsics of War

Increase in the size of armeis and navies. war no longer driven by ideology, and rulers begin to feel that destroying civilian taxpayers is stupid. Clever and elaborate manuevers more fashionable. System of romalities accepted by all sides allowed defeated opponents to withdraw without being captured or destroyed, encouraging building of vast fortresses to secure roads and supplies needed by armies.

Who was Kepler, what did he get, what was the result of what he got.

Indicidual who derived three laws of planetary motion. They confirmed the heliocentric theory, destroying the Aristotelian system Showed that the planet's orbits were elliptical, demonstrated that the speed of a planet is greater when it is closer to the sun and decreases as its distance from the sun increases, and established that the square of a planet's period of revolution is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun.


Indicidual who derived three laws of planetary motion. They confirmed the heliocentric theory, destroying the Aristotelian system. Showed that the planet's orbits were elliptical, demonstrated that the speed of a planet is greater when it is closer to the sun and decreases as its distance from the sun increases, and established that the square of a planet's period of revolution is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun.


Indiciduals who claimed they would discover the natural economic laws that governed human society. Their first principle was that land constituted the only source of wealth and that wealth itself could be increased only by agriculture because all other economic activites were unproductive and sterile

Hazards faced by Brit entrepreneurs

Individual or family proprietorship was usual mode of operation, but they got rid of them easily as well.

Ignatius of Loyola

Individual who founded the Society of Jesus. Injuries in battle cut short his military career, experiencing a spiritual torment similar to Luther's.], but resolved his problems by deciding to submit his will to the will of the Church. Prepared for his lifework by prayer, pilgrimages, going to school, and writing The Spiritual Exercises.

Matteo Ricci

Individual who spread the message of Catholicism to China. To convert Christians, he attempted to draw parallels between Christian and Confucian concepts and show similarities between their morals.

The elect

Individuals that God had predestined to be saved

Old Believers

Individuals that separated from the official Russian Orthodox Church as a protest against church reforms introduced by patriarch Nikon of Moscow between 1652 and 1666. Believed the government was the antichrist.


Individuals wanted a Germany that included the German province of Austria.


Individuals who criticized King Louis XVIII's willingness to compromise and retain many features of the Napoleonic era. Wanted to return to a monarchial system dominated by a privileged landed aristocracy and to restore the Catholic Church to its former position of influence.

Spread of Industrialization outside England

Industrialization spread widely outside England, though it was initially confined entirely to England. It was spred mainly through the illegal export of important machinery and machine parts, especially for textile production. America also underwent a period of industrialization, with the country adopting many roads and its own textile manufacturing industry.


Influential Christian humanist, said that Christianity should be a guiding philosophy for the direction of daily life rather than the system of dogmatic beliefs and practices that the medieval church seemed tos tress. Demphasied inner piety and external forms of religion.

Formation of the Coalitions against the French in 1793

Informal coalition of Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain and the Dutch Republic is pitted against France. French welcome the struggle.

Fritz Harkot

Iniitated the engineering industry in Germany, once excalimed that he could scarcely wait for Germans to be trained so they could beat the British.

Gov in Florence

Initially a freee commune with Grandi, popolo grasso, who made republican gov dominated by 7 major guilds of the city. Executive power vested in hands of council of elected priors and the gonfaloniere, while the popolo minuto eventually got a share in the gov. Ciompi also got some representation as well.

Initial Power Looms, effect on Hand Looms, eventual development.

Initially were very ineffeicient, enabling home based hand loom weavers to continue to propser until the mid 1820s, but were soon replacd by the new machines.

Frederick I the great elector, his economic policies

Initiated mercantilist policies, constructing roads and canals and used high tariffs, subsidies, and monopolies for manufactureres to stimulate the domestic industry. Continued to favor the interests of the nobility at the expense of the commercial and industrial middle classes in the towns.

Where was petrarch's inspiration? Characteristics of his writing

Inspired by love for a married lady.He was less concerned to sing lady's praise than to imortalize his own thoughts, showing a strong sense of individuality.


Instituted by King Louis XI; was an annual direct tax on land or property that didn't have any need for further approval from the Estates General.


Intellectual movement based on study of classical literary works. Humanists studied the liberal arts, all that were based on ancient Greek and Roman authors.


Intellectuals of the enlightenment. Were literary people, professors, journalists, statesmen, economists, political scientists, and social reformers. Intellectuals of the 18th century Enlightenment who believed in applying a spirit of rational criticism to all things, including religion and politics, and who focused on improving an enjoying this world rather than on the afterlife.

Madame de Pompadour

Intelligent and beautiful woman, was a mistress that chagrmed Louis XV to get both wealth and power, often making important government deciisons and giving advice onappointments and foreign policy.

Reaction towards the new clanader

Intense popular opposition, and revolutionary gov't uses coercion o win its acceptance. The use of the revolutionary calendar serves to mark the Revolution as a new historical beginning, a radical break in time.

Activities during Carnival

Intense sexual activity, time of aggression verbally and acts of physical violence.

Christina Adolphus

Interested in philosophy and relgiion than ruling sweden. Favored nobiltiy's interests, so other estates protested. She abdicated in favor of King Charles X.


Invented a system of naming the chemical elements, regarded as the founder of modern chemistry.


Invented a wter frame powered by horse or waer, which turned out yarn much faster than cottage spinning wheels. Led to development of mechnazed looms invented in the 1780s.

The Rocket

Invented by George Stephenson, used on the first public railway line which opened in 1830 and extended 32 miles from Liverpool to Manchester. It sped along at 16 miles per hour.


Invented the power loon, which allowed the weaving of cloth to catch up with the spinning of yarn. Early power looms were grossly inefficent, enabling home-based hand-loom weavers to continue to propser until mid-1820s auntil being replaced by new machines.


Invented the spinning jenny, which enabled spinners to produce yarn in greater quantities.

Declaration of Pillnitz

Invites other European monarchs to put the King of France back in power. However, European monarchs are too suspicious and don't do this. French enthusiasm for war leads the Legislative Assembly to declare war on Austria on April 20.

Opposition to Cromwell

Irish hate him, there's teh levellers who want annual parliaments, the diggers, and things are divided.

Edmund Burke

Irish statesman born in Dublin, as well as an author and political theorist and philosopher. Known for supporting the cause of the American revolutionaries. Widely regarded as the philosophical founder of modern conservatism.


Island onto which Napoleon was allowed to play ruler. Was off the coast of Tuscany. However, he slips back into France.

Pope Pius II

Issued execrabilis, condenming appeals over the head of a pope as heritical.

Roco Archeticture

It cold be used with Baroque architecture. Used in both palaces and churches.

Village in the Peasant's daily lives

It maintains publicorder provides poor relief, has a church, maybe schoolmaster, collected taxes for the central gov, maintained roads and bridges, established procedures for farming, but often dominted by peasants.

Decline of the Committee of Public Safety

It suddenly executes the leaders of the Paris Commune, but by doing this, it alineates an important group. The French are also successful against the foreign foes, meaning tha tht eTerror no longer is very important. HOwever, it continues, as Robespierre wants to get rid of all the corrupt. Eventually, an anti-Robespierre coalition in the Convention, eager to destry Robespierre, gathers enought votes to condmn him, and Robespierre gets butchered.

Popish plot

It was a plot to assassinate King Charles and place his brother James on the throne, though it was soon exposed as imaginary. It inflamed Parliament to attempt to pass a bill that would have barred James from taking the throne, who was a professed Catholic.

Diplomacy with the Ottoman Gov't

It was being treated like another european power by Euroean rulers seeking alliances and trade concessions.

Characteristics of French Drama

It was made for the elite, and depndended on royal patronage.

Count Nikolaus Von Zinzendorf

It was the mystical dimensions, the personal experience of God, in one's life that had true religious expereince. Opposed to rationalistic approach of orthodox Lutheran clergy.


Italian Christian preacher, reformer, and martyr, known for his clash with tyrannical rules and the corrupt clergy. Was the sole leader of Florence after the overthrow of the Medici, and set up a democratic republic.


Italian city state. Dominated in the Italian region of Tuscany, in the north. Was governed by a small merchant oligarchy manipulating the republican government. Center of the cultural Renaissance.

Marsilius Padua

Italian political philosopher; produced the work Defensor pacis, an important treatise on political theory during the Middle Ages. Believed that the state's principal responsibility is the maintenance of law, order, and tranquility, and that the source of all political power and law is the people.


Italian sculptor and architect. While a major figure in the world of architecture, he was, also and even more prominently, the leading sculptor of his age, credited with creating the Baroque style of sculpture. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (1652) David (1624)

Warfare in Italy during Renaissance + its history, French and Spanish intervention in italy

Italy became battleground between French and Spanish monarchies. Ludovico Sforza invited the French to intervene in Italian politics, so Charles VIII sent an army of 30,000 men to occupy aples. Italian states then went to Spanish for help, and Fredinand of Aragon sent int roops, who then fought the French.

The Rise of Italian City States: Why did it happen

Italy had failed to develop one central authority governing all of Italy. As a result, government was based on the individual cities.

Philosophical Transactions

Journal by the Royal Society. Published papers of its members and learned correspondence, and was aimed at practicing scientists. Became a prototype for the scholarly journals of later learned and academic societies and a crucial instrument for circulating news of scientific and academic activities.

Characteristics of Calvinism

Justification by faith alone to explain how humans achieved salvation. Predestination Belief that the church was a divine institution responsible for preaching the word of God and administering he sacraments. Believed in baptism and the Lord's Supper, though the Jesus was in the sacrament only in a spiritual sense.

What was baroque painting known the most for

KNown for use of dramatic effects to heighten emotional intensity.

Napoleon's reorganization of France

Keeps the 83 departments, eliminates locally elected assemblies and puts in prefects.

French Army during the 100 years war

Initally relied on knights, though this tactic failed. They eventually relied on cannons which helped them win the war.

New Inventions

Inventions include the development of the clock, new cannons as well as gunpowder and paper.

The decameron

A book by italian author Giovanni Boccacio. Set during the black death, it talks about 10 people who fled the plague in Florence and tell stories to pass the time.


A city in northern france; was the only city after the 100 years war that was left in English hands.

Little Ice Age

A cooling event from 1300 to 1870 when Europe and North America had lower temperatures, affecting crop yields.

Flagellants + what happened to them

A group believing that self - flagellation could cleanse themselves of sin and gain God's forgiveness. Was eventually crushed by public authorities in 1350

Council of pisa

A group of cardinals from Avignon and Rome who attempted to resolve the great schism by deposing the 2 competing popes and electing a new one. Failed when the other 2 refused to step down.


A hearth tax, used by Phillip VI of France to get more income to fight 100 years war.

The Great schism

A religious conflict that split the papcy in half, with a papacy in Avignon and Rome. Both claimed the other was illegitimate.

War of the Roses

A series of wars in England over control of the throne. King Henry IV killed Richard II and made himself king.


A tax on salt in France used by Phillip VI of france to get more revenue to fund the 100 years war.

Wat tyler

A well to do peasant that helped to lead the English peasant revolt of 1381

Subsistence Agriculture

Agricultural practice where a peasant grows food for them and their families and none for trading.

Stocks, public whipping, and branding

All forms of punishment to make fun of people. Stocks were used to keep people's feet locked in a board, and branding consisted of touching a person with a hot metal.

William of Occam

Asserted that all unversals or general concepts were simply names, and that only individual objects percieved by senses were real. Believed reason can't substantiate spiritual matters.

Where was King John II captured?

Battle of Poitiers.


Belief that only a general council of cardinals could end the great schism.

The statute of laborers

Bill passed by the English Parliament which limited peasant wages and forbid their mobility.

Divine comedy

Book by Dante Alighieri, an Italian. Story of soul's progression to salvation, and was written in Italian.


Book by Italian Giovanni Boccacio. Set during the Black death, it tells the story of ten people who flee Florence to escape the plague and spend the time telling stories. Written in Italian.

Saint's day: what is it about

Celebrates all saints


Celebration (catholic tradition) with circuses, street parties, performances, and games.


Folk custom where a couple is made fun of by the public for being unable to procreate.

Brothers of the Common life

Followers of Gerard Groote

Estates General

French parliament, and was composed of representatives from the clergy, nobility, and the third estate (aka everyone else).

Peace of Bretigny + effects

Gascony was enlarged, Edward renounced claims to throne of France, and French paid ransom for King John of France. However, much of Gascony was retaken, though France was still plundered by mercenaries.

English Army during the 100 years war

Had knights, but relied a lot on soldiers with long bows. Under the black prince, the English avoided pitched battles and pludered the country side.

Saint's day festivities

Holiday celebrated on November 1. Festivies include wreath's placed at graves, as well as traditions where small children recieve candys

The three calamities of the 14th century

Includes the great schism, 100 years war, and the black death

Boniface VIII

Italian pope who believed that the papacy had authority over secular princes. Later died when Phillip IV captured him.

Christine de Pizan

Italian woman famous for the book fo the City of Ladies, which refutes antifeminist attacks and argues that women are just as good as men.


Major Northern Italian city state; grew rich from commercial activity in the Eastern Mediteranean. Had a republic government.

Edward the Black Prince

Son of the English prince King Edward III. Notorious for laying waste to French countryside. Defeated King John II at Battle of poitiers.

Blood sports

Sport involving the shedding of blood, especially animals. Some sports include bull or cockfighting.

The four humors

Teh four substances connected to organs in the body. It consisted of blood from the heart, phelgm from the brain, yellow bile from the liver, and black bile from the spleen.

Why did the French loose Agincourt

The French attacked in a disorganized manner

Yersinia Pestis

The bacteria causing the cblack death, was carried on the fleas in rats.


The city from which the black plague originated. Mongol soldiers tossed dead soldiers with the Black Plague into the city, infecting civillians. Trade caravans from here spread the disease.


The immediate experience of oneness with God

Vernacular Language

The language comon to a speicific region or country in Europe. Many works of literature, particularly in Italy, started to use vernacular as opposed to latin when writing.

Social History

The study of commoners in history


The study of the writing of history

Galen and Hippocrates

Two famous greek thinkers who pushed the idea of the 4 humors, including phlegm, black bile, blood, and yellow bile. These people were ancient authorities, continuosuly referred to by people in the medieval medical community.

Parliament + what it was made up of + affects under King Edward III

Was the repsentative asssembly in England. Was enlarged by King Edward III, andwas made up of the House of Commons and House of Lords.


Wealthy class of partrician nobles

Popolo grasso

Wealthy merchant industrialists in Florence

Catherine of Siena

Woman who had a vision, and told the pope at Avignon to either use their virtue and authority or step down.

Ciompi revolt

Wool Workers were pissed at the real wages went down because the coinage was debased. Got some concessions from municipal gov and got right to form guilds and be rperesnted in gov though these were all shor lived.


Wool workers in Florence. Briefly had representation in the government during the 1930s.

Canterbury tALES

bOOK BY gEOFFREY CHAUCER. cOLLECTION OF STORIES BY A GROUP OF 29 pilgrims who spend the time telling stories. Is written in old english.

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