everyman character description/analysis

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God's messenger, he brings everyman to his reckoning and in this sense, he doesn't signify death but as a transition into death.


Good Deeds is the only character who does not forsake Everyman - and at the end of the play, accompanies him to his grave. Good Deeds represents Everyman's good actions - nice things that he does for other people.


calls audience attention that if they pay attention it could save their souls


criticizes everyman's choice to put vices first before him. he sends death to give everyman his reckoning


one of the first ones to abandon everyman. shows beauty is irrelevant in heaven


represents ability to make choices, abandons everyman when strength abandons him


represents all of humanity and their flaws, and shows the only way to get into heaven is by showing all of your good deeds


stays with everyman and tells audience everymans fate.


tell audience there is still hope yet


tell everyman his fate


tells everyman he will stand by him until he learns that everyman is going to die, and abandons him

5 wits

the common sense, imagination, fantasy, estimation, and memory. show these traits are helpful on earth but not in heaven/hell when he abandons everyman

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