Evolve: Pediatric - Growth and Development

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Which content type of play allows a child to experience pleasure by swinging?

Sense-pleasure play

Which finding in a 5-month-old infant indicates age-appropriate gross motor development? Select all that apply

Turns over from the abdomen to the back Assumes symmetric positioning with the arms extended Puts the feet to the mouth when placed in a supine position

When does the Babinski reflex disappear?

After 12 months

Which condition causes failure to thrive in infants due to an increased metabolism?

Congenital heart disease

What is the appropriate parenting implication for an infant who is sleeping with the eyes closed and has regular breathing, no movements except for an occasional sudden bodily twitch, and no eye movement?

Continue usual house noises

Which motor response appears at 8 months of age?

Crude pincer grasp

In which stage of development can a child identify with the parent of the same sex, according to Freud's theory?


Which stage of cognitive development does the nurse suspect in a child who says, "My doll is crying because it is feeling hungry"?


Which assessment finding on a newborn's skin would need further investigation?


In which type of play does a child experience pleasure by swinging?

Sense pleasure play

At which age does an infant have a strong grasp reflex?

1 month

Which reading of a newborn's pulse may indicate an abnormality in the function of the cardiovascular system?

100 beats/min

What would be the Apgar score of a newborn in severe distress, which may predict a developmental delay?


Which playtime activity would best promote linguistic development in toddlers?

A children's TV program

Which characteristics are observed in the embryonic stage of prenatal development? Select all that apply.

Appearance of arm and leg buds Rapid development of the nervous system Beginning of development of fingers and toes

Upon interacting with the parent of an infant, the nurse observes that the parent is using an incorrect formula preparation method. Which risk does this pose to the infant?

Failure to thrive

Which immunoglobulins (Ig) are transferred from a mother to a fetus?


Which stage of spiritual development is characterized by imitation of religious gestures and behavior of others without understanding their significance?

Intuitive-projective stage

According to Piaget, which developmental stage is characterized by logical thinking?

Middle childhood

Which gross motor skill can be observed in a 7-month-old infant?

Sits alone without support

Which internal asset helps young people make positive choices and build relationships?

Social competencies

According to Kohlberg's moral judgment theory, which characteristic behavior would the nurse find in the child who is in the naive instrumental orientation stage?

The child is motivated by a selfish desire to obtain rewards and benefits.

What is the outcome of an authoritative parenting style?

The child may become self-reliant.

During a well-baby clinic visit, the nurse finds that a 1-year-old infant says "ma" and "pa." The infant does not say anything else and uses gestures to communicate. What should the nurse infer from this finding?

The infant exhibits normal language development.

What could be a cause of a stiff, tense appearance of the sutures in a newborn?

The neonate is crying.

The site of choice for administration of an intramuscular (IM) medication to an infant is:

Vastus lateralis

The nurse teaches a group of adolescents about contraception. Which statements made by the adolescents indicate effective learning? Select all that apply.

"Condoms require consistent use and decrease spontaneity." "Lea's shield is less effective in women who have given birth." "Spermicidal creams may not be completely effective in preventing pregnancy."

Which statement by the mother of a 5-month-old infant indicates effective learning about proper nutrition for the infant's growth and development?

"I will breastfeed my child."

The nurse is interacting with the parent of a male adolescent and interprets that the adolescent is in the fourth stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory. Which statement made by the parent supports the nurse's conclusion?

"My child yells at me when I forbid him from attending any late night parties."

The registered nurse is teaching a mother about the introduction of solid foods to her infant. Which statement should the nurse include in the teaching?

"Spoon-feed your child after giving the child a small amount of breast milk."

The parent of an 8-year-old child is worried that the child is very thin and looks unattractive due to large teeth. What is the nurse's best response?

"The pattern of fat distribution changes in children of this age."

Which spiritual development stage is observed in early childhood, as per Fowler?


A child's body mass index (BMI) is 26. Which dietary habits would increase the health risks in the child? Select all that apply.

Avoiding beans and legumes in the diet Excluding calcium-rich foods from the diet

The nurse is caring for a high-risk infant who is receiving intravenous fluids through an infusion pump. Which complications may occur if the fluid rate is more than the prescribed rate? Select all that apply.

Pulmonary edema Congestive heart failure Intraventricular hemorrhage

Which games may help develop muscle strength in preschoolers? Select all that apply.

Skating Riding a tricycle

Which is the fifth stage of moral development according to Lawrence Kohlberg?

Social contract orientation

Which of Duvall's developmental stages of the family is characterized by parents adjusting to their children's peers and school influences?

Stage IV

Following the assessment of a child, the nurse concludes that the child has an easy temperament. Which observation in the child supports the nurse's conclusion?

The child is open to changes and adapts positively.

While collecting data on a 7-year-old child, the nurse suspects that the child has impaired cognitive development. Which behavior supports the nurse's conclusion?

The child is unable to copy a diamond shape.

During recess, a 5-year-old child loses a tooth. What is the best action by the school health nurse?

The nurse should provide support and reassurance during the dental trauma.

The nurse is reviewing the dietary habits of a few toddlers in a day care center. Which toddler is most at risk of calcium deficiency?

Toddler A

Which statement made by the mother of a 9-month-old infant supports the nurse's conclusion that the infant has good fine motor development?

"My baby picks up small objects."

The nurse is assessing a newborn. Which finding should raise a concern and require further investigation?

Absence of red reflex

Which fine motor activity can be observed in a 3-month-old infant?

Brings objects from the hand to the mouth

Which condition does the nurse suspect in the newborn who has a fluid-filled sac, probably due to herniation of the brain and meninges through a defect in the skull?


What should the nurse advise the parents of a child who performs manual stimulation of his genitalia in public places?

Explain that genital stimulation is acceptable in private places.

A preschooler says he wishes his sibling would die, and then the sibling falls ill with an infection. The preschooler feels guilty for wishing harm to his sibling. What is the best action for the parents to take in this scenario?

Explain to the child that wishes do not make things happen.

Which intervention, if followed by the parent, may help manage encopresis in a 9-year-old child?

Including cereals in the child's diet

After teaching from the nurse about common infant injuries, the parent says, "I will not allow my child to go near the plants in our house." Which risk to the infant can be prevented by this action?


Which signs and symptoms would a nurse observe in a newborn in which Werdnig-Hoffmann disease is suspected? Select all that apply.

Poor suck reflex Absence of deep tendon reflexes Diaphragmatic breathing with sternal retractions

Which clinical manifestations should the nurse look for in a newborn with suspected spina bifida cystica? Select all that apply.

Rectal prolapse Overflow incontinence Flaccid partial paralysis of the lower extremities

The nurse who is caring for a child with botulism anticipates that the child's growth and development may be hampered due to cranial nerve deficits. Which signs presented by the child support the nurse's conclusion? Select all that apply.

Reduced gag reflex Loss of head control

A 10-year-old child has sustained an injury resulting in avulsion of a permanent tooth. Which interventions should the nurse implement to keep the tooth alive and suitable for reimplantation? Select all that apply.

Rinse the tooth with saline, if dirty. Insert the tooth back into the socket. Transport child to the dentist immediately.

While assessing an infant, the nurse strokes the infant's cheek and the infant turns toward the nurse while making sucking sounds. What reflex did the nurse elicit?

Rooting reflex

A teacher encourages a 10-year-old boy to play with his fellow students in school, but he is unable to make friends. He also has trouble completing the tasks he is given at school, so his parents try to motivate him. Which characteristics can be observed in this child due to failure at this stage of development, according to Erikson's theory? Select all that apply.

Sense of inferiority Sense of inadequacy

While playing with her child, a mother takes a toy from the child and hides it. She then observes that the child begins to look for the hidden object. According to Piaget, which developmental stage is indicated by this behavior?


The nurse is collecting data on a few children at the community health care center. Which child is most likely at high risk for injury and delinquent behavior?

Child A

While assessing a newborn, the nurse strokes the newborn's cheek and observes for a response. What reflex does the newborn produce in response to the nurse's stimulation?

Rooting reflex

The nurse is reinforcing best parenting practices to the parents of a 13-year-old child. Which statements made by the parent need correction? Select all that apply.

"I should motivate my child to perform well in exams by comparing her to her siblings." "I should teach my child to make decisions and understand consequences as an adult would."

After collecting data on a 2-month-old infant, the nurse reinforces proper safety measures to the infant's mother to reduce the risk of injury in the infant. Which statements made by the infant's mother need correction? Select all that apply.

"I should protect my child's crib mattress with a plastic covering." "I should ensure that my child's car seat is rear-facing in a seat with an airbag."

The nurse is teaching a group of school-age children about bicycle safety. Which statement of the children may indicate effective learning? Select all that apply.

"I should watch for drain grates and potholes." "I should not carry packages that interfere with my vision." "I should equip the bicycle with proper lights and reflectors."

Which statement by the practicing nurse indicates the need for additional teaching about communication with adolescents?

"I will ask closed-ended questions."

Which statement by a mother indicates the need for additional teaching about safety guidelines for infants and toddlers?

"I will give my child hard candies for chewing."

The registered nurse is teaching the mother of an infant about the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Which statement by the mother indicates effective learning?

"I will position my baby on the back while sleeping."

Which statement by the parent of a 9-month-old supports the nurse's conclusion that the infant displays developmental accomplishments appropriate for this age?

"My child can throw a ball."

Which statement made by the parent of a 7-month-old infant indicates that the child has delayed fine motor development?

"My child is unable to use both hands while grasping objects."

The nurse is collecting data from a 6-year-old child during a well-child visit. After interacting with the child's mother, the nurse suspects that the child requires psychiatric screening. Which statement by the mother supports the nurse's conclusion?

"My child still wets the bed at night."

The nurse is explaining which developmental milestones a child's parents should expect to see at the age of 18 months. Which statements made by the parents indicate the need for further instruction? Select all that apply.

"My child will be able to take a few steps on tiptoe." "My child will be able to take a few steps on tiptoe." "My child will be able to kick a ball without losing balance."

An anxious parent of a 6-year-old child expresses that the child looks slimmer than a year ago, although the nurse finds the child's height and weight to be age-appropriate. What is the nurse's response to the parent?

"The fat has diminished, and the fat distribution pattern has changed."

The mother of a 2-year-old girl expresses concern that her daughter's growth rate has slowed. What should the nurse explain to the mother about the growth of toddlers?

"This growth pattern is typical at this age.

The nurse is reinforcing methods to enhance gross motor skill development in toddlers to the parents of a 24-month-old child. Which should the nurse include in the teaching to provide effective teaching?

"You should encourage your child to play soccer."

The school health nurse sees many students carrying heavy bags to school. What instruction should the nurse give to the children to prevent soft tissue injury?

"You should move the books from one arm to another."

The parent of a 7-year-old child states, "My 7-year-old is the same size as my friend's 10-year-old. I get embarrassed when we are all out together, as my child is not nearly so well behaved." What is the best response from the nurse?

"Your child's behavior is age-appropriate."

A father expresses concern that his 2-year-old daughter has become a "finicky eater" and is eating less. How should the nurse respond?

"Your daughter's behavior is expected in response to her slower growth."

A neonate has irregular, slow, weak cry; well-flexed extremities; heart rate of 102 beats/min; no response to reflex irritability; and the color of the body is completely pink. What would be the Apgar score in this neonate? Record your answer using a whole number.______

-Irregular, slow, weak cry = 1, well-flexed extremities = 2, heart rate of 102 beats/min = 2, no response to reflex irritability = 0, color is completely pink = 2. Therefore, the Apgar score is 7.

A 6-month-old infant is admitted to the pediatric unit with a diagnosis of failure to thrive. The birthweight was 7 lb. Judging from growth and development charts, how many pounds does the nurse conclude that the infant should weigh?


How many deciduous teeth would be present in a 10-month-old infant? Record your answer as a whole number. ________

Age of child in months minus 6 = Number of deciduous teeth. Therefore, the number of deciduous teeth is 10 - 6 = 4.

Which stage is observed in a 2-year-old child according to Freud's theory?

Anal stage

Which congenital neural tube defect is characterized by absence of both hemispheres?


In which type of play do children play together, share toys, and communicate with each other?

Associative play

In which type of play do children play together, share toys, and communicate with each other?

Associative play -Children from 2 years of age are mostly involved in associative play, in which they play together, share toys, and communicate with other children. In parallel play, children play next to each other but have little interaction. In solitary play, the child plays alone, which is usually seen in infants. In onlooker play, a child watches others playing, but does not interact.

Which stage of psychosocial development should an individual successfully master to achieve self-control and willpower, according to Erikson's theory?

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

The nurse is assessing a newborn immediately after birth. Which findings indicate abnormality and need further investigation? Select all that apply.

BP is 80/70 mm Hg Body temperature is 97.0° F Head circumference is 3 cm less than chest circumference

What is the cause of athetoid cerebral palsy in infants?

Birth asphyxia

Which family has at least one step-parent and step-sibling?

Blended Family

An 8-year-old child is being prepared for surgery the next day. How should the nurse present preoperative instructions to this child?

By focusing on simple anatomical diagrams

The nurse has assisted in the delivery of a newborn who weighs 8.6 pounds and is born postterm. The nurse performs physical examination of the newborn to assess the newborn's use of both arms and the Moro reflex. Which condition is the nurse trying to rule out in the newborn?

Clavicle fracture

Which behavior is observed in a newborn in deep sleep?

Closed eyes

Which stage of development is observed in a 9-year-old child according to Jean Piaget's cognitive development theory?

Concrete operational

While playing, a child takes a few pebbles and places them in order from smallest to largest. Which stage of cognitive development does the child's behavior demonstrate?

Concrete operations

A community health nurse makes a home visit to a disabled 13-year-old client who has a 6-month-old infant sister. The infant lies quietly in her crib and rarely smiles or vocalizes; it appears that the infant barely has her basic needs met. What is the nurse's most appropriate intervention?

Determine if there is anyone who can help with chores and the infant's care.

During the assessment of a newborn, the nurse pulls the infant from a lying to a sitting position and observes that the infant is unable to control the head in an upright position. Which problem does the nurse suspect?

Down Syndrome

While caring for a child, the nurse observes that the child turns onto the side, flexes the knees to assume a kneeling position, and then pushes the torso upright by walking the hands up the legs. Which condition does the nurse suspect in this patient?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

A nurse in the pediatric clinic should be most observant for signs of cerebral palsy in a 6-month-old infant who was born:

During the 32nd week of gestation

Which condition results from an abnormal organization of cells into a particular tissue type?


Which behavioral quality involves demonstrating the feelings and behaviors characterized by self-consciousness?


Which could be the result if a person fails to master the intimacy vs. isolation stage of Erikson's psychosocial development?


During data collection, the nurse finds that a preschool-age child is stressed about the family relocating to a different city. The nurse tells the parents about ways to reduce the child's stress during the transition. What is the best approach the parents can take to help their child cope with the transition?

Explaining what the child can expect

The mother of an infant with Down syndrome asks the nurse what causes the disorder. Before responding, the nurse recalls that the genetic factor of Down syndrome results from:

Extra chromosomal material

Which physiologic changes are observed in pregnant women during the third trimester? Select all that apply.

Fatigue Urinary frequency Braxton Hicks contractions

An infant appears very fussy, cries loudly, and draws up its legs to the abdomen. What does the nurse suspect to be the cause of these behaviors?

Feeding the infant cow's milk

A middle-aged adult contributes to future generations through parenthood, teaching, and community involvement. To which stage of Erikson's theory does this relate?

Generativity versus stagnation

Which action by a mother indicates the need for additional teaching about the administration of oral iron supplements in children?

Giving a liquid iron supplement with whole cow's milk

The school health nurse is teaching a group of teachers about promoting the mental health of school-age children. Which action made by the teachers promotes a sense of industry among the children?

Giving grades and gifts for satisfactory performances

While reviewing the blood test reports of a 12-month-old infant, the nurse finds that the infant's blood shows phenylalanine levels as 25 mg/dL and implements measures to be followed for the infant to reduce the risk. During follow-up visits the nurse finds that the infant's condition is not improving, even after treatment. Which actions by the mother may be contributing to the infant's condition?

Giving milk to the infant Giving peanut butter to the infant

A child complains of stomach pain, and the nurse suspects it is a symptom of stress. Which other signs and symptoms of stress would lead the nurse to investigate the situation further? Select all that apply.

Headache Passing urine in bed Difficulty sleeping

The nurse is observing a group of school-age children riding bicycles. Which actions of the children might increase their risk of injury? Select all that apply.

Hitching a ride behind a car Two people riding side by side Riding bicycles near parked cars

When assessing a 7-year-old child, which activity would the nurse anticipate the child to perform?

Identifying missing numbers and pictures

A 13-year-old child states, "I don't know if I want to go to college or start working after high school." Which stage of psychosocial development is indicated by this child's uncertainty?

Identity vs. role confusion

A newborn infant has a heart rate of 80 beats per minute and irregular respirations with a weak cry. The extremities show some flexion; however, the infant exhibits a sneezing reflex, and the body is pink. What would be this infant's Apgar score? Record your answer using a whole number._______

In Apgar scoring, each characteristic is assessed via a numerical scale. A heart rate of 80 beats per minute, irregular respiration with a weak cry, and some flexion of the extremities are each scored as 1. The presence of a sneezing reflex would be scored as 2. The body is pink and the extremities are blue, a condition known as acrocyanosis, which would be scored as 1. Therefore, the total Apgar score of the infant is 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6.

An 8-year-old girl boasts to the nurse that she got a gold star every day last week for doing all her daily chores. What is this child's developmental stage according to Erikson?

Industry vs. inferiority

The nurse is caring for four full-term infants in a primary health care setting. Which infant does the nurse suspect to have craniosynostosis?

Infant 1

The nurse is assessing motor development in four infants. In which infant does the nurse suspect delayed gross motor development?

Infant 2

The nurse is collecting data from a few infants in a pediatric unit. Which infant has impaired growth and development?

Infant D

Which stage of psychosocial development is observed in a 5-year-old child according to Erikson's theory? Correct

Initiative vs. guilt

Which attribute of temperament is related to the energy level of the child's reaction?

Intensity of reaction

Which is a characteristic of the developmental theory?

It provides a dynamic, rather than a static, view of the family.

The nurse has completed a newborn's initial assessment and finds tiny white papules on the newborn's cheeks, chin, and nose. How should the nurse document the finding?


What is a characteristic of a slow-to-warm-up child?

Reacting negatively to new stimuli

Which feelings and behaviors can be observed in early preschool children in response to the divorce of parents? Select all that apply.

Regressive behavior Increased tantrums Blaming themselves for the divorce

Which enzyme is responsible for retaining milk in the stomach of infants long enough for digestion?


The nurse finds a child to be unmotivated and disheartened due to dysfluency of speech. What should the nurse advise the parents to do to build the child's confidence to speaking? Select all that apply.

Resist the urge to complete the child's sentences. Listen attentively to what the child says. Speak to the child in a slow and relaxed way.

During a home visit, the nurse finds that a 9-year-old child is very fond of riding on a scooter. The nurse teaches the child and the family about the safety measures to be followed. Which action of the child indicates a need for additional teaching?

Riding the scooter at night when there is less traffic

The parent of a child says, "My child is repeatedly banging the table to make loud sounds." Which sensorimotor stage of cognitive development best explains this behavior of the child?

Secondary circular reactions

A child who is unable to master his schoolwork received low scores. What behavior could result if the child is not encouraged by teacher or parents?

Sense of inferiority

In which phase does a child develop the sense of object permanence according to Jean Piaget?


Which stage of moral development is indicated when a child says, "I must follow the rules; otherwise, I will be punished"?

Stage 1

Which stage of spiritual development is characterized by the child's belief that good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is punished?

Stage 2

During a home visit, a mother reports to the nurse that her preadolescent child has been trying to avoid the family's routine religious practices such as attending church and reciting prayers. The mother also reports that her child keeps saying religion is "pointless". Which stage of development does the child belong to, according to Fowler's theory?

Stage 3

An adolescent who has had type 1 diabetes for 5 years stops adhering to the therapeutic regimen. In light of the client's developmental level, the nurse concludes that the behavior is a reflection of a:

Struggle for identity

While communicating with the parents of a preschool child, the nurse finds that the parents are worried about their child's feelings of rivalry with his siblings and by the use of offensive language by their child. What other aspects should the nurse anticipate in the child? Select all that apply.

Telling exaggerated stories Asking too many questions Using 4-5 word sentences

The nurse finds that an adolescent male's trunk is short when compared to the legs. What should the nurse infer from these findings?

The adolescent has normal growth and development.

What would be the weight of an infant by the age of 2.5 years who had a birth weight of 7 pounds? Record your answer using a whole number.___________

The birth weight doubles by 4 to 7 months of age and triples by the end of the first year. By the age of 2.5 years, the birth weight usually quadruples. Therefore, the infant who had a birth weight of 7 pounds would weigh 28 pounds by 2.5 years of age (7 x 4 = 28).

According to Piaget, what behavior should the nurse expect to find in a 7-year-old child?

The child classifies and sorts facts to solve problems.

The nurse sees a 4-year-old girl with a webbed neck and short stature. What could be the probable finding in genetic testing?

The child has mutated chromosome 45 with XO inheritance.

Which observations does the nurse expect in a 4-year-old child with normal growth and development? Select all that apply.

The child is able to catch a ball reliably. The child is able to throw a ball overhand. The child walks down the stairs using alternating feet.

Following the assessment of a child, the nurse concludes that the child is in the conventional stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral development. Which behaviors may be evident in the child? Select all that apply.

The child maintains the expectations of the family. The child is concerned with conformity and loyalty. The child considers obeying the rules to be correct behavior.

A 2-year-old child attempts to jump, but falls down, and everyone around starts laughing at the child. What would be the result, if this pattern keeps repeating?

The child will develop doubt and shame.

The mother of a toddler is anxious about her child's eating habits because the child is very fussy and doesn't eat well. What should the nurse explain to the mother?

The child's eating habits are normal for this age.

The nurse observes a toddler saying sentences such as, "I play," and "No sleep." Upon interacting with the mother, the nurse finds that the child is 20 months old. What does the nurse conclude?

The child's language acquisition is right on track.

Which physical parameter indicates inadequate growth and development in a school-age child?

The child's leg length has decreased in comparison to height.

Which physical findings can be observed in a 2-month-old infant? Select all that apply.

The crawling reflex disappears. The posterior fontanel is closed.

The nurse finds that an 8-year-old girl has a large collection of dolls. What should the nurse understand from the girl's behavior?

The girl enjoys collecting the dolls.

On the fourth day after birth, an infant passes light brown stools that are firm and have an offensive odor. What should the nurse infer from these findings?

The infant is exclusively formula-fed.

While assessing a newborn, the nurse finds a pink rash with papules on the thorax and abdomen. What does the nurse infer from this finding?

The neonate has erythema toxicum. -A pink rash with papules superimposed on the thorax, back, buttocks, and abdomen is called erythema toxicum. A port-wine stain is called nevus flammeus. Irregular areas of deep blue pigmentation in the sacral and gluteal regions are called Mongolian spots. Flat, deep pink localized areas usually seen on the back of the neck are called telangiectatic nevi.

The nurse finds that a newborn has a flattened forehead and the circumference of the head has decreased. What information does the nurse document?

The newborn has a normal head.

A child, accompanied by a parent, visits a dentist for reimplantation of an avulsed tooth. The child holds the avulsed tooth in the socket by biting on it. After examination, the dentist concludes that the tooth cannot be reimplanted. What is the possible reason for this conclusion?

The tooth was inserted with the lip side facing back.

A registered nurse advises parents to assist their child with stretching exercises. The child has impaired physical mobility due to neuromuscular impairment. What is the rationale for performing stretching exercises?

To prevent contractures

The nurse teaches a parent about managing nocturnal enuresis for a 7-year-old child. Which action by the parent would be helpful in managing the child?

Waking up the child at night to use the bathroom

Which characteristics are observed in a preschooler? Select all that apply.

Weight gain of about 5 pounds per year Increase in height of 6.2 to 7.5 cm per year Participation in associative play with others

After interacting with a preschooler, the nurse concludes that the child has normal development according to Fowler's spiritual development. Which behavior of the child supports the nurse's conclusion?

The child imitates the adults as they pray.

Following a regular health checkup and health interview of an 8-year-old child, the nurse concludes that the child's gastrointestinal system is well developed. Which findings support the nurse's conclusion? Select all that apply.

The child is able to maintain stable blood sugar levels. The child eats after 3 to 4 hours without feeling hungry in between. The child had less than three episodes of stomach upset in the previous year.

Which finding indicates an 8-year-old is a latchkey child?

The child is unsupervised at home after school.

A newborn who was delivered with the assistance of forceps sustains an injury that results in facial paralysis. What would the nurse state to the mother?

The condition usually subsides on its own in a few days.

Which finding supports the nurse's conclusion that a 12-month-old infant should be evaluated further for developmental dysplasia of the hip?

Inability to pull to a standing position

The nurse is caring for a child with cerebral palsy. After reviewing the child's medical file, the nurse finds that the child has spastic deformities. Which treatment option would the nurse expect to be beneficial in this child?

Selective dorsal rhizotomy

While sitting on the counter, a child touches a pan on the stove and burns her hands. The child learns that it is not safe to touch objects on the stove. Which stage of Piaget's cognitive development does the child's behavior demonstrate?


Which assessment finding in a newborn indicates impaired vision?

Absence of corneal reflex

The New Ballard Scale score of a newborn reveals abundant lanugo, smooth pink, visible veins on the skin, plantar creases ant. 2/3, flat areola, stiff ears with thick cartilage, and a prominent clitoris with enlarging minora. What would be the maturity rating in this newborn? Record your answer using a whole number.______

Abundant lanugo = 1, smooth pink, visible veins = 1, plantar surface creases ant. 2/3 = 3, flat areola = 1, stiff ear with thick cartilage = 4, prominent clitoris with enlarging minora = 1. Therefore, the maturity scale in this newborn is summed up as 9.

During a routine checkup, the nurse learns that an adolescent patient is planning to get a navel piercing. What should the nurse assess in the adolescent to ensure safety?

Blood glucose levels

Which sensory skill can be observed in a 5-month-old infant?

Can localize sounds made below the ear

The parents of a toddler who has been admitted to the pediatric unit for surgery to correct hypospadias ask the nurse when this defect happened. The nurse responds that it usually occurs during fetal development, in the:

First 12 weeks

Which theory explains psychosexual development through infancy to adolescence?

Freud's theory

Which factor is responsible for predisposing an infant to severe acute respiratory tract infections?

Inability to produce sufficient immunoglobulin A

Which is observed in the preoperational stage of Piaget's cognitive development?

Transductive reasoning

Which age-specific cognitive characteristic increases the risk of injuries in school-age children?

Transitional cognitive processes

A new mother who is unable to breastfeed her newborn expresses breast milk to feed the baby. Which actions of the mother should be corrected by the nurse? Select all that apply.

Adding water to dilute the expressed milk Storing expressed milk at room temperature Adding honey to expressed milk to improve taste

Which type of cerebral palsy may cause a wide-based gait in children?


Which condition is an example of a deformation that affects a child's growth and development?

Club foot

Upon assessing a newborn, the nurse finds that the newborn's eyes are closed with no eye movement. Also, the newborn's breathing is regular with no body movement. What does the nurse understand about the newborn's state?

Deep sleep -The newborn with closed eyes, no eye movement, and regular breathing is in deep sleep. A newborn in light sleep may have closed eyes with irregular breathing and may smile. During a quiet alert state, a newborn may have the eyes wide open and respond to stimuli. During an active alert state, a newborn's eyes are open and may show slight body movement and irregular breathing.

During a regular examination of a child, the nurse suspects that the child may be at a risk for obesity. What does the nurse advise to prevent obesity in the child?

Have small and frequent family meals.

Which behaviors are observed in individuals at a conventional level of moral development? Select all that apply.

Obeying the rules Respecting authority Maintaining social order

While caring for a newborn in a neonatal intensive care unit, the nurse notices that the neonate is not moving his legs simultaneously. Which condition might the nurse suspect to be the reason for this?

Spinal cord injury

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