Exam 1

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The primary limitation of which ethical principle occurs when telling the client the truth would seriously harm the client's ability to recover or would produce greater illness? 1. Justice 2. Veracity 3. Nonmaleficence 4. Beneficence


Typically, only which organs are recovered and transplanted from a donation after cardiac death (DCD) donor? 1. Corneas 2. Kidneys 3. Lungs 4. Liver


Which of the following is a legal action conducted by the state through the enforcement powers of its regulatory boards to protect the public's health, safety, and welfare by establishing professional standards? 1. Registration 2. Licensure 3. Certification 4. Accreditation


Which of the following is a very important element in the Roy adaptation model because it provides baseline data about the client that the nurse obtains through assessment techniques? 1. Input 2. Output 3. Feedback 4. Throughput


The main concern in the development of which model was to balance the impersonal aspects of nursing care that are found in the technological and scientific aspects of practice with the personal and interpersonal elements that grow from a humanistic belief in life? 1. Watson model of human caring 2. Johnson behavioral system model 3. Swanson's theory of caring 4. Orem self-care model


To this day, which organization remains firmly committed to its stand that all nursing education should be housed in institutions of higher learning? 1. American Nurses Association 2. The Joint Commission 3. Institute of Medicine 4. World HealthOrganization


If an advanced practice nurse is prepared to provide direct client care in primary care settings, focusing on health promotion, illness prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of common health problems, this nurse is acting in which advanced practice role? 1. Nurse practitioner 2. Certified nurse midwife 3. Clinical nurse specialist 4. Case manager


Which legislative act made it illegal for insurance companies to genetically screen individuals, even infants, for costly and potentially lethal diseases that might occur later in life, thus saving insurance companies a great deal of money? 1. Affordable Care Act 2. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 3. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 4. Emergency Treatment and Active Labor Act


Which model of interprofessional nursing education takes the emphasis placed on primary care in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and expands it to all areas of health care? 1. Medical home model 2. D'Amour and Oandasan model 3. World Health Organization model 4. Commission on Education of Health Care Professionals in the 21st Century model


Which organization has always viewed advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) as a threat to their scope of practice and even their livelihood, although study after study has shown this to be untrue? 1. American Medical Association 2. American Nurses Association 3. American Hospital Association 4. American Psychological Association


Which type of program allows nurses to upgrade their education and move from one educational level to another with relative ease by granting credit for previous coursework and experience and without loss of credits from previous education? 1. Ladder programs 2. Practical nursing programs 3. Associate degree nursing programs 4. Baccalaureate degree nursing programs


With Florence Nightingale's radically new idea about a separate educational setting for nurses, the nursing profession took its first steps toward which of the following? 1. Autonomy 2. Accountability 3. Precision 4. Specificity


According to the Neuman health-care system model, teaching clients about stress management, giving immunizations, and encouraging aerobic exercise to prevent heart disease are examples of which type of intervention? 1. Primary intervention 2. Secondary intervention 3. Tertiary intervention 4. Quaternary intervention


Citizens of the United States having the right to equal access to housing regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion is an example of which type of right? 1. Welfare rights 2. Ethical rights 3. Option rights 4. Basic human rights


Health-care administrators seem to support the concept of which type of licensure because it allows them to employ less-educated and lower-paid employees rather than the more highly educated and better-paid employees? 1. Permissive licensure 2. Mandatory licensure 3. Organizational licensure 4. Institutional licensure


Although the client likely would prefer to avoid taking medications, tolerating uncomfortable treatments, and participating in demanding activities, he or she cooperates because the nurse has a good relationship with the client; this is an example of which type of power? 1. Referent power 2. Expert power 3. Coercive power 4. Legitimate power


Health-care providers making unilateral decisions that disregard clients' wishes implies that providers alone know what is best for clients. This practice is known as which of the following? 1. Paternalism 2. Essentialism 3. Emotionalism 4. Fraternalism


Members of which organization receive the official publication Imprint, which keeps nurses current on recent developments in health care and nursing? 1. National Student Nurses' Association 2. International Council of Nurses 3. National League for Nursing 4. American Association of Colleges of Nursing


Permissive licensure allows individuals to practice nursing as long as they do not use which letters after their names? 1. RN 2. LPN 3. LVN 4. APRN


The Affordable Care Act recognizes advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) as equal partners in providing health care at multiple levels, but particularly in which area? 1. Primary care 2. Obstetrics/gynecology 3. Emergency medicine 4. Internal medicine


The first, and certainly the most important, way in which nurses can gain power in all areas is through which action? 1. Professional unity 2. Political activity 3. Accountability and professionalism 4. Networking


The legal system became aware of the potential abuses of procedures performed on in vitro fetuses and passed legislation to control their use, including limiting the age of in vitro fetuses to what age, after which they have to be destroyed? 1. 6 weeks 2. 8 weeks 3. 10 weeks 4. 12 weeks


Today's nurses are often found in remote and often hostile areas, providing care for the sick and dying, working 12-hour shifts, being on call, and working rotating shifts. This is why nursing is universally known as which type of profession? 1. Altruistic 2. Synergistic 3. Optimistic 4. Pragmatic


Which ethical principle is the right of self-determination, independence, and freedom and refers to the client's right to make health-care decisions for himself or herself even if the health- care provider does not agree with those decisions? 1. Autonomy 2. Fidelity 3. Veracity 4. Beneficence


Which ethical principle underlies the first statement in the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses: "The nurse in all professional relationships practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual, unrestricted by consideration of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems"? 1. Justice 2. Fidelity 3. Veracity 4. Beneficence


Which legislative act was passed to help guide health-care workers in the use of genetic information and the protections for clients under the law? 1. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act 2. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 3. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act 4. National Organ Transplant Act


Which terminal degree has been the gold standard for nursing education since the beginning of college-level nursing baccalaureate degrees? 1. PhD 2. DSN 3. DNSc 4. DNP


Which type of nursing practice will always have an important place in any health-care system? 1. Hospital-based acute care nursing practice 2. Hospital-based chronic care nursing practice 3. Community-based acute care nursing practice 4. Community-based chronic care nursing practice


A follower of a pure form of which system of ethical decision-making believes in the ethical absoluteness of principles regardless of the consequences of the decision? 1. Teleology 2. Deontology 3. Utilitarianism 4. Consequentialism


According to the Johnson behavioral system model, nurturing and promoting self-image is the primary type of activity of which behavioral subsystem? 1. Security 2. Dependency 3. Taking in 4. Eliminative behavior


Although organ donation is done in a clinical setting, tissue and eye retrieval can take place in such venues as hospital morgues, funeral homes, and specialized recovery suites anywhere in which timeframe after cardiac death has occurred? 1. 4 to 12 hours 2. 12 to 24 hours 3. 24 to 36 hours 4. 36 to 48 hours


Because social media is primarily a means of communication, the standard of care that is most applicable is found in which legislative act that deals with breaches of patient privacy and confidentiality? 1. Affordable Care Act 2. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 3. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 4. Emergency Treatment and Active Labor Act


By demonstrating their knowledge of the client's condition, recent laboratory tests, and other elements that are vital to the client's recovery, nurses demonstrate which type of power? 1. Referent power 2. Expert power 3. Coercive power 4. Legitimate power


Even though permissive licensure is no longer legal, which of the following appear to fall under an unofficial type of permissive licensure? 1. Registered nurses 2. Certified nursing assistants 3. Licensed practical nurses 4. Licensed vocational nurses


Formulated in 1987, which model is widely used as the theoretical framework for research on prenatal care and pregnancy? 1. Parse model 2. Pender's health promotion model 3. Swanson's theory of caring 4. Orem self-care model


Health-care providers often leave instructions for the nursing staff indicating that the nurses should not resuscitate the client but should instead merely go through the motions to make the family feel better, which is sometimes referred to as which of the following? 1. No-code order 2. Slow-code order 3. Advance directive 4. Provider orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST)


If an advanced practice nurse focuses on the care of pregnant women before, during, and after the birth process, this nurse is acting in which advanced practice role? 1. Nurse practitioner 2. Certified nurse midwife 3. Clinical nurse specialist 4. Case manager


In health care, which ethical principle includes the professional's faithfulness or loyalty to agreements and responsibilities accepted as part of the practice of the profession? 1. Justice 2. Fidelity 3. Veracity 4. Beneficence


In the real world, which type of nurses are often required to provide care well outside their scope of practice, leaving them in legal limbo and vulnerable to lawsuits? 1. Registered nurses 2. Licensed practical nurses 3. Advanced practice nurses 4. Case managers


In which model is nursing an activity that helps the individual achieve and maintain an optimal level of behavior through the manipulation and regulation of the environment? 1. Parse model 2. Johnson behavioral system model 3. Swanson's theory of caring 4. Orem self-care model


Nurses are often the primary, and frequently the only, defendants named when errors are made that result in injury to the client. This is due to which concept associated with the nursing profession? 1. Autonomy 2. Accountability 3. Precision 4. Specificity


Select from the following the model in which the client-system's boundaries are called lines of defense and resistance and may be represented graphically as a series of concentric circles that surround the basic core of the individual. 1. Orem self-care model 2. Neuman health-care systems model 3. King model of goal attainment 4. Watson model of human caring


The advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) certification has become the recognized credential for nurses receiving which degree in a specialized expanded practice role? 1. Bachelor's degree 2. Master's degree 3. Doctor of nursing practice degree 4. Doctor of nursing science degree


The belief in universal access to health care in the United States is an example of which type of right? 1. Welfare rights 2. Ethical rights 3. Option rights 4. Basic human rights


The best fetal tissue comes from fetuses aborted during which period because they have well developed nervous, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and renal systems and are capable of feeling pain? 1. First trimester 2. Second trimester 3. Third trimester 4. During the birth process


The nursing profession tends to use which term when attempting to explain apparent relationships between observed behaviors and their effects on a client's health? 1. Model 2. Theory 3. Hypothesis 4. Evidence


The practice of honoring do not resuscitate orders, living wills, and withdrawal of ventilators or other life support falls under which umbrella definition? 1. Active euthanasia 2. Passive euthanasia 3. Voluntary euthanasia 4. Involuntary euthanasia


Which agency noted that poor communication and lack of teamwork among health-care professionals were major contributors to the increased number of medicine and other errors in the hospital setting? 1. American Nurses Association 2. The Joint Commission 3. Institute of Medicine 4. World Health Organization


Which organization boasts the first online nursing journal, which can be accessed by any nurse with a computer anywhere in the world? 1. American Nurses Association 2. Sigma Theta Tau 3. International Council of Nurses 4. National League for Nursing


Which process is viewed by scientists as the first step to understanding how life developed on Earth and eventually as a way to create designer bacteria that can produce everything from medicines to biofuels? 1. Analogous recombination 2. Homologous recombination 3. Endogenous recombination 4. Heterologous recombination


Which role of advanced practice nursing is a generalist with a master's degree who can coordinate care for clients, use evidence-based practice in care, focus on quality improvement, and oversee risk management and client safety? 1. Clinical nurse specialist 2. Clinical nurse leader 3. Clinical registered nurse anesthetist 4. Rehabilitation nursepractitioner


Which type of nursing program was developed by Mildred Montag as a short-term solution to the nursing shortage experienced after World War II? 1. Practical nursing programs 2. Associate degree nursing programs 3. Baccalaureate degree nursing programs 4. Licensed vocational nursing programs


Which type of skills have long been stressed by mental health nursing faculty as a key element in the treatment of psychiatric problems? 1. Critical thinking skills 2. Therapeutic relationship skills 3. Case management skills 4. Interdisciplinary skills


According to the Neuman health-care systems model, which type of stressors occur within the client and include physiological responses, psychological reactions, and internal thought processes? 1. Extrapersonal stressors 2. Interpersonal stressors 3. Intrapersonal stressors 4. Transpersonal stressors


Although originally studied in the perinatal setting, which of the following has been adopted into many other health-care settings, including critical care, mental health, public health, hospice, gerontology, and oncology? 1. Parse model 2. Pender's health promotion model 3. Swanson's theory of caring 4. Orem self-care model


Because of society's demands for an increased level of safety and high-quality nursing care, nursing education institutions began using the competencies of which organization to develop the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competency model for nursing curricula? 1. American Nurses Association 2. The Joint Commission 3. Institute of Medicine 4. World Health Organization


Factors in the client's past, such as personality characteristics, past experiences, religious beliefs, and social norms, that have an indirect effect on the client's health status are referred to as which type of stimuli? 1. Focal stimuli 2. Contextual stimuli 3. Residual stimuli 4. Factual stimuli


If a nurse uses information from research as the basis for making decisions about providing care, this nurse is engaging in which type of practice? 1. Client-based practice 2. Physician-based practice 3. Evidence-based practice 4. Provider-based practice


If a nurse uses which type of power, it can destroy therapeutic and personal relationships, and it can also be considered unethical and even illegal in certain situations? 1. Referent power 2. Expert power 3. Coercive power 4. Power of rewards


If an advanced practice nurse is comfortable working in high-tech environments with seriously ill individuals and their families, this nurse is acting in which advanced practice role? 1. Nurse practitioner 2. Certified nurse midwife 3. Clinical nurse specialist 4. Case manager


In 1952, which organization assumed accrediting responsibilities for all schools of nursing? 1. American Nurses Association 2. National Nursing Accrediting Service 3. National League for Nursing 4. American Association of Colleges of Nursing


Similar to fetal stem cells, adult stem cells found in which area lack differentiation and have the ability to grow into different types of cells, including nerve cells, liver cells, heart cells, and cartilage cells? 1. Plasma 2. Platelets 3. Bone marrow 4. Peripheral blood


Teaching a client how to care for a colostomy bag at home after discharge from the hospital is an example of a nursing activity at which level? 1. Primary level 2. Secondary level 3. Tertiary level 4. Quaternary level


The current widely accepted practice of establishing health-care goals for clients and directing client care to meet these goals has its origins in which model? 1. Roy adaptation model 2. Orem self-care model 3. King model of goal attainment 4. Watson model of human caring


What is the most commonly used criterion for determining death in deceased donors? 1. Cardiologic criteria 2. Respiratory criteria 3. Neurologic criteria 4. Osteopathic criteria


Which ethical principle requires that health-care providers protect from harm those who cannot protect themselves? 1. Justice 2. Fidelity 3. Nonmaleficence 4. Beneficence


Which legislative act has created a myriad of ethical and legal issues, but all transplantation organizations agree that not accepting the donation from a medically suitable donor is a violation of this law? 1. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act 2. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 3. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act 4. National Organ Transplant Act


Which legislative act made it mandatory for all health-care facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and home health-care agencies, to provide information to clients about the living will and durable power of attorney for health care? 1. Affordable Care Act 2. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 3. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 4. Emergency Treatment and Active Labor Act


Which of the following are fundamental standards of right and wrong that an individual learns and internalizes, usually in the early stages of childhood development? 1. Ethics 2. Values 3. Morals 4. Laws


Which process acknowledges the attainment of increased knowledge and skills and provides nurses with a means to validate their own self-worth and competence? 1. Registration 2. Licensure 3. Certification 4. Accreditation


A back-door approach to allowing which type of licensure has been to allow foreign graduate nurses and nurses who are licensed in foreign countries to work in specific institutions without taking the U.S. licensure examination? 1. Permissive licensure 2. Mandatory licensure 3. Organizational licensure 4. Institutional licensure


According to which model, illness is the client's inability to integrate life experiences and the failure to achieve full potential or inner harmony? 1. Roy adaptation model 2. Orem self-care model 3. King model of goal attainment 4. Watson model of human caring


Although membership is open to individual nurses, the primary membership of which organization comes in the form of agency membership, usually through schools of nursing? 1. American Nurses Association 2. Sigma Theta Tau 3. International Council of Nurses 4. National League for Nursing


Although universally rejected by every major nursing organization, which type of licensure has become a reality for many other types of health-care workers, such as respiratory therapists and physical therapists? 1. Permissive licensure 2. Mandatory licensure 3. Organizational licensure 4. Institutional licensure


Donated tissue can be processed and stored for up to 10 years after recovery. Which of the following is an exception to this rule? 1. Skin 2. Bone 3. Tendons 4. Heart valves


Donation of which of the following is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medical implant or device and is subject to stringent quality-control guidelines? 1. Liver 2. Kidneys 3. Lungs 4. Human tissue


If a nurse employs the underlying principles in the process of behavior modification, the nurse is utilizing which type of power? 1. Referent power 2. Expert power 3. Coercive power 4. Power of rewards


If a nurse taking action to perform the activities that promote patient care, this nurse is acting with which of the following? 1. Power 2. Control 3. Authority 4. Empowerment


If an advanced practice nurse functions to coordinate services for clients with high-risk or longterm health problems who require access to the full continuum of health-care services, this nurse is acting in which advanced practice role? 1. Nurse practitioner 2. Certified nurse midwife 3. Clinical nurse specialist 4. Case manager


Nursing decisions made about client care can come only from individuals who have which source of power? 1. Referent power 2. Expert power 3. Coercive power 4. Legitimate power


Organizational certification is the certification of a group or health-care institution by some external agency and indicates that the institution has met standards established by either the government or by a nongovernmental agency. Organizational certification is usually referred to as which of the following? 1. Registration 2. Licensure 3. Certification 4. Accreditation


Stem cells from which area, like all postnatal cells, are considered to be "adult" stem cells and are responsible for the development of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, thereby making these cells a viable treatment option for blood and immune system diseases, cancers, and congenital defects? 1. Placenta 2. Bone marrow 3. Peripheral blood 4. Umbilical cord


The language of the consensus model includes which process, which allows the nurse to continue the same level of practice as long as he or she maintains an active license? 1. Reciprocity 2. Accreditation 3. Credentialing 4. Grandfathering


Which element of the King model of goal attainment refers to a life situation in which perceivers and things perceived are encountered and entered into as active participants? 1. Action 2. Reaction 3. Interaction 4. Transaction


Which ethical principle is one of the oldest requirements for health-care providers and views the primary goal of health care as doing good for clients under their care? 1. Justice 2. Fidelity 3. Nonmaleficence 4. Beneficence


Which form of ethics is a bottom-up approach to ethics that starts with what society is already doing ethically and develops ethical principles based on the observed actions of people rather than starting with ethical principles and applying them to society? 1. Metaethics 2. Normative ethics 3. Applied ethics 4. Descriptive ethics


Which legislative act created the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) to regulate organ allocation and maintain the national organ transplant waiting list? 1. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act 2. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 3. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act 4. National Organ Transplant Act


Which model of interprofessional nursing education considers the current education system for health professionals as a "silo" where members interact only among themselves? 1. Medical home model 2. D'Amour and Oandasan model 3. World Health Organization model 4. Commission on Education of Health Care Professionals in the 21st Century model


Which nursing degree is now being considered as the terminal degree for advanced practice nurses? 1. Doctor of nursing science (DNSc) 2. Doctor of science in nursing (DSN) 3. Doctor of nursing (DN or ND) 4. Doctor of nursing practice (DNP)


Which organization has developed and published a set of guidelines for the education of professional nursing students that is widely used as the theoretical basis for baccalaureate curricula? 1. Sigma Theta Tau 2. International Council of Nurses 3. National League for Nursing 4. American Association of Colleges of Nursing


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