Exam 1: Chapters 1,2,3 and 6

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Which program type depends on correctional resources available in the community to assist the offender in seeking help and abiding by certain conditions?

Community corrections

________ is the return of prisoners to the larger community with a brief period of supervision with rules such as curfew, treatment completion, and maintaining employment.

Conditional release

Repeated and cumulative media exposure is thought to contribute to an escalating public fear of crime, according to _________.

Cultivation theory

Which of the following suggests that repeated and cumulative exposure to violence eventually creates a sense of insecurity and irrational fear of violent victimization and anxiety about certain types of people?

Cultivation theory

According to the evidence-based approach, correctional treatment should target higher-risk offenders. Intensive treatment for lower-risk offenders:

can actually increase the likelihood of recidivism.

Which of the key requirements for an effective deterrence system is problematic because it is reasonably achieved only if citizens are willing to be constantly monitored?


Hanging a horse thief to discourage others from stealing horses expresses the philosophy of _______.

general deterrence

Which of the following provided the basis for criminal and civil law and defined procedures for commerce and trade?

Code of Hammurabi


-holds convicted felons -holds persons sentenced to one year or more -operated by state or federal government

Jonathan was arrested for petty larceny(2nd offense). He has stable parents at home and the judge is considering pretrial release. What factors will be considered?

-Active community supervision -current charges and outstanding warrants -history of criminal convictions

Which of the following is an example of incapacitation through technology?

-Chemical intervention such as Antabuse for alcoholics -Monitoring offender movement with the use of electronic devices -Surgical castration of sex offenders

Which of the following is a factor that enhances the rigor of a study?

-Utilizing an adequate sample size for each tested group -Ensuring that not only is there a treatment group, but also a comparison group -Making use of bivariate and multivariate statistical tests


-holds individuals not convicted -holds convicted misdemeanors -operated by local government

Which of the following focuses on altering the moral reasoning, attitude, and problem-solving skills of the offender?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Zachariah was the owner of a grocery shop. He was a dishonest man and his products, besides being priced higher than normal, were usually of inferior quality. He was given a warning but was soon after caught selling meat at double the price. He was ordered to be sent to the pillory in the center of the market place, where he would remain for four hours to be humiliated by the public. Given the nature of Zachariah's punishment, which era did he belong to?

1200 BCE-100 CE

Scott was a serial car thief who stole over 20 cars in four years. When he was finally captured, he was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment, with the goal of rehabilitation, on the grounds that he had a psychological disorder. Given that Scott's rehabilitation was built around individualized treatment that involved examination, diagnosis, and treatment, he most likely lived in the ________.

20th century

Under which era of rehabilitation was criminality considered similar to an illness that can be diagnosed and treated?

20th century

Henry Johnson was charged with a hit-and-run. The police received a description of his car from eyewitnesses, and he was tracked down with the aid of surveillance cameras. Which of the following will be considered during the pretrial assessment to determine Henry's release on bail?

A background check by the police for any previous criminal convictions.

Bail Bond

A document guaranteeing the appearance of a defendant in court as required and recording the pledge of money or property to be paid to the court if he or she does not appear, which is signed by the person to be released and anyone else acting on his or her behalf.

Which of the following is an example of the treatment of prisoners in the Western states?

A group of prisoners spending nights in a log pit in inhumane conditions after a day's hard labor at a mill

Which of the following offenders is likely to be housed in a prison?

A person who is charged with a predatory felony

Which of the following is NOT a reason given for the declining use of imprisonment?

A reduction in admissions for probation and parole violations

The disproportionately high number of U.S. prisoners deeply affects ____________.

African-American and Latino communities

Officer Stanley was a prison warden in London when the 1779 Penitentiary Act was passed. Based on the new principles, he had to implement a number of changes for prison inmates. Which of the following rules would Officer Stanley implement in order to adhere to the new standards?

B.Abolishing fees for basic needs and services like food

The four main decisions that prosecutors make are initial case screening, ________, plea offers, and case disposition.


Which of the following is true of the transportation of prisoners in eighteenth-century England?

Ship captains who transported criminals would auction them off to the highest bidders upon arrival in the colonies.

Which of the following is NOT one of the main decisions points for prosecutors?

Deciding whether to arrest a suspect

Abraham is a first-time offender who has been convicted of possession of drugs. While earlier he would have been sentenced to years of imprisonment he received a different result as a result of California's passage of Proposition 36. What is the purpose of this proposition?

Drug treatment

Luciano's mother is the sole earning member of the family and has a difficult time trying to make ends meet. Luciano, who is in his early twenties, can help her financially, but he keeps getting into trouble with the law and is unable to hold a steady job. Which of the following is being negatively affected by Luciano's actions?

Economic mobility

________ may avoid the problem of racially and ethnically biased sentencing by imposing prison sentences based on what offenders did rather than who they are.

General incapacitation

Treatment interventions should target risk factors that are most closely associated with criminal behavior to help reduce the rate of recidivism. These factors include all of the following EXCEPT:

High levels of personal, vocational, and educational achievement

The emphasis on education and trade training, indeterminate sentences, and early release from prison came to be known as the ________.

Irish system

Which of the following is a characteristic of the contemporary approach to rehabilitation?

It focuses more on the offender's reentry.

Which of the following is true of the norm of reciprocity?

It is the view of punishment as a natural response, or reaction, to a wrongful act.

Kenneth Evans' father was a raging alcoholic who physically abused him and his mother, and Kenneth spent most of his childhood in an atmosphere of near-constant terror. He grew up to have a violent temper. When he was 24, he was arrested for hitting a cop who gave him a speeding ticket. According to the medical model, which of the following approaches would be most suitable for Kenneth?

Kenneth's act should be viewed as a result of his upbringing in a dysfunctional family, and he should receive treatment accordingly.

The U.S. surpasses all other countries in having the ________

Largest prisoner population

The court has a considerable backlog of cases that vary between 6 and 12 months between the arrest and the time when the case is resolved by the courts. How long does the average criminal trial last?

Less than 1 week

Which of the following is an example of technological incapacitation?

Morris was sentenced to three months of house arrest for breaking and entering a store. He is monitored through GPS and RF technology by officials at the nearest police station.

________ is a process wherein offenders receive a level of correctional control or punishment that is greater than what they really require, resulting in bringing more people into the system.

Net widening

Prisons developed differently in the South and North. Which of the following is NOT considered a cause of the differences?

There was a preference in the South to have justice dispensed at the state rather than local level.

________ was an important reason why penal development in the southern states differed from penal development in the North.


________ is reinstating the victim, community, and offender through accountability, respect for the law and the legal process, and attention to victim needs.


Which of the following was characteristic of corrections in the late twentieth century?

Restorative justice procedures received increased attention as a way to recognize concerns of victims.

Which of the following is true of prisons based on the Auburn system?

They promoted factory-oriented labor and produced more money for the state.

Which of the following factors is responsible for the decline of imprisonment in the twenty-first century?

State budget deficits

The mayor of an American city was meeting with members of the city council to arrive at a strategy to reduce prison expenditure and employ prisoners in order to generate money for the government. Which of the following would be implemented in this scenario?

The auburn system

release on recognizance

The pretrial release of a criminal defendant on his or her written promise to appear in court as required. No cash or property bond is required.

Conditional Release

The release by executive decision of a prisoner from a federal or state correctional facility who has not served his or her full sentence and whose freedom is contingent on obeying specified rules of behavior.

A group of researchers was conducting an evidence-based study on a group of 25 middle-aged female prisoners to determine the background causes that could increase their recidivism rate. They compared the test group with a similar set of female prisoners from another state and gathered a significant amount of statistical data. The study, however, was not adequate for evidence-based research. Which of the following is a reason for the inadequacy?

The size of the test group was less than 40

Crime policy in the United States is more punitive than crime policies in other Western countries for each of the following reasons EXCEPT:

U.S. judges and prosecutors are career civil servants who receive special training and remain in their position for the remainder of their career.

Carter was charged with theft of goods, and he was scheduled to appear for his trial in ten days. He was not jailed before the trial. Bail of $500 was also not set, as Carter assured the court that he would appear for the trial. However, on the day of the trial, Carter failed to appear in court. He was arrested the next day and sentenced to a year in jail. He was also made to pay the bail amount. Which of the following types of release was Carter originally granted?

Unsecured bond

Angelo and Eric are 19-year-olds who grew up amidst drugs, guns, and poverty and led a hard life. They decided to loot a convenience store, and in the shootout that followed, they killed a seven-year-old girl and injured the shopkeeper. They felt no remorse for what they had done even after they were sentenced to prison. Which of the following restorative practices will be most suitable for helping Angelo and Eric understand the seriousness of their act?

Victim impact classes

Which program helps inmates understand the victimization facts and the plight of victims' rights and greatly improves their sensitivity levels?

Victim impact classes.

Amelia was charged with possession of stolen goods worth $1,000. She was given a sentence of one year; however, owing to principles governing the new women's facilities in the nineteenth century, the sentence was extended by another two years. Which of the following was the reason for the extension in Amelia's sentence?

Women reformers believed that for reform efforts to be successful, offenders should be held for a longer period.

In which way did the new women's reformatories of the late nineteenth century differ from those for men?

Women's reformatories were built in a cottage plan with the women living in small individual units (cottages).

The more effective treatment interventions are those that:

are focused on either males or females specifically.

The country of Northania is known for its severe forms of punishment as a response to crime. Theft is a rare occurrence, as the hands of thieves are cut off. The intention behind such severe punishment is to dissuade people from even thinking about committing a crime. Such types of punishments can be said to focus on ________.


A gang of miscreants, which operated on the outskirts of Detroit, was responsible for numerous highway robberies in the area. The number of incidents grew so high in a few months that a group of police officers was asked to patrol only that particular area. Which of the following terms describes this strategy taken by the police department?

hot spot policing

Which of the following is a characteristic of the deterrence philosophy of punishment?

it asserts that people are innately rational

Prisons in the agricultural south made use of a __________ that provided labor to plantation owners and other farmers who needed help with crops.

lease system

The primary goal of the restorative justice philosophy is to __________.

make the victim and community whole again

While walking past a closed clothing store late one night, Sean noticed a pair of expensive jeans, that he could not afford to buy, on display. Deciding to take the jeans and run out, Sean broke into the store through a side window. However, his entry set off an alarm and he was caught before he could get very far. He was charged with burglary. According to Nigel Walker, which of the following penalties is appropriate for Sean?


Generally speaking, under __________ incapacitation people are sentenced to prison based on their personal characteristics, whereas under __________ incapacitation people are sentenced to prison based on characteristics of their crime.

selective / general

Prison programs in the late twentieth century were more likely to emphasize _____.

restorative justice procedures

________ states that punishment is applied because it is the right thing to do, not because it will achieve some end.


A program evaluation is judged to be of highest quality if all six conditions exist in the way that the study itself is carried out, from the group selection method, to the number of people in the sample, all the way to the validity of the testing instrument. To be considered of high quality, a study should _________.

show significant differences between treatment and control groups

How staff members relate to offenders is extremely important to achieve a long-lasting behavioral change. According to evidence-based practices (EBP), when considering how staff members, such as probation officers or community corrections counselors relate to offenders __________.

the quality of the interaction is more important than the quantity

Many people believe American crime policy is ready to move toward less dependence on prison and more reliance on alternatives that will provide for public safety, hold criminals accountable, and reduce recidivism. According to a 2012 public opinion survey, American voters believe ____________.

too many people are in prison

Nigel Walker's example of how retributionists perceive proportionality is illustrated using ______.

two ladders intersected by a rod

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