Exam 1 - CSC220
123*+4- evaluates to what?
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
A language based on object-oriented concepts that provides tools such as diagrams and symbols to graphically model a system.
sequential search
A search algorithm that scans through a list of items, one at a time, until it finds the target or until the list is exhausted. Also known as "linear search".
selection sort
A sort algorithm that repeatedly scans for the smallest item in the list and swaps it with the element at the current index. The index is then incremented, and the process repeats until the last two elements are sorted.
A sort that continuously divides the list into two parts, sorts those parts, and then brings the sorted parts back together. requires 2N space
quick sort
A sorting technique that sequences a list by continuously dividing the list into two parts and moving the lower items to one side and the higher items to the other. It starts by picking one item in the entire list to serve as a pivot point.
insertion sort
Each item is taken in turn, compared to the items in a sorted list and placed in the correct position.
FIFO data structure, can be visualized as a circle
FILO data structure, insertion and removal are restricted to the top/end of the list
driver class
In a programming project, this is the class that contains the method where program execution begins, such as the main method in Java.
O(N) notation refers to the _____ case
binary search big O
O(log n) (best case o(1))
sequential search big O
O(n) (best case o(1))
insertion sort big o
O(n^2) (best case O(n))
selection sort big o
O(n^2) (best case O(n^2))
quick sort big o
O(n^2) (best case O(nlogn))
merge sort big o
O(nlogn) (best case O(nlogn))
object class
Superclass of all Java classes.
The keyword ____ is used to declare a variable whose value may only be assigned once and is constant
overriding methods
The polymorphic feature of object-oriented programming where methods inherited from parent classes, such as the toString method from the Object class, are redefined and customized to better fit the purpose of the current class
compile time
Which is preferable, compile time or run time errors?
array; linked list
___ has easy random access memory while ___ has sequential access
linked list; array
___ takes O(1) time for insertion/removal while ___ takes O(n) time for insertion/removal
array list
____ is a class that mimics an array and allows dynamic expansion
____ keyword is an access modifier that makes instance variable accessible only to methods of class in which it was declared
linked list; array
____ takes O(n) time to access memory while ___ takes O(1) time
______ are NOT inherited by a subclass, can be invoked; must be the 1st statement in the subclass
linked list
a data structure that stores an ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node
a file can contain multiple classes if they are ____
superclass, subclasses
a java class can have only one ____, and may be extended by many _____
list and queue
a linked list can act as a ______ bc of the interface(s) it implements
input, logic, output
a method is composed of...
binary search
a search algorithm that starts at the middle of a sorted set of numbers and removes half of the data; this process repeats until the desired value is found or all elements have been eliminated.
a type that consists of a set of method declarations, contains only method headers (no bodies); workaround to single inheritance as a class can extend only one superclass, but can implement many interfaces
list only
an arraylist can act as a _______ bc of the interface(s) it implements
=, + -, * / %, unary ops
arithmetic operator precedence from lowest to highest
dynamic array
arraylist internally uses a ______ to store the elements
storing and accessing
arraylist is better for ______ data
automatically determining object's type at run time, using most specific type possible; allows code to produce different behavior depending on type passed as parameter
no penalty of resizing; no wasted extra array space
benefits of using a stack as a linked list are...
C, logN, N, NlogN, N^2, N^3
big o growth rates from smallest to largest
+, -, *, /, %
binary arithmetic operators
blueprint for an object
base case
case that can be computed without recursion, which recursive call makes progress towards
classes that implement an interface form an ____ relationship with that interface
iterator interface
collection interface requires an ____
creating an instance of a class or object
priority queue
data structure that returns items in order of priority
data hiding
declaring an instance as private is known as ____
derived class keyword
encapsulation of data and behaviors
linked list, array list, priority queue, tree set
examples of collection interfaces
inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation
features of OOP
reference; wrapper, primitive
generic classes only work with ____ types; must use ____ class for ____ types
declaration, primitive
giving a name to a variable of a certain type; automatically allocates memory for ____ types only
in a stack, methods return in ___ order they were called
name, parameters, return type
in order to override a method from a superclass, the subclass method must have the same...
derived, extend
inheritance allows ____ class to ____ functionality of a base class
instantiation keyword; invokes the object constructor
interface keyword
comparable interface
interface that allows comparison of objects with a class that has a natural ordering; takes one argument and "this" reference
comparator interface
interface that allows comparison of objects without a natural ordering, uses a separate class that determines what is being compared; takes two arguments
java defaults to ____ conversions, prevents loss of data
kind of method that can be called without first being declared in an object of the classe
linked list is better for _____ data
doubly linked list
linked lists internally use a _______ to store the elements
manipulation (insertion and deletion) is ____ in a linked list (and why)
manipulation (insertion and deletion) is ____ in an arraylist (and why)
giant blocks of bytes; memory addresses
memory in java is _____ with respective _____
method to find the length of an array list
node that is not an object, stores only a reference
object containing a reference to the next instance of a LL structure
data, behaviors
objects have attributes (____) and methods (_____)
operator to compar strings, objects
problem solving approach that describes a sequence of actions
problem solving approach that describes actions repeated using a method that calls itself, breaks problem in to smaller parts
code on scale
programs with hierarchies of related object types
enqueue, dequeue
queues use the methods ___
||, &&, == !=, > < >= <=
relational/logical operators from lowest to highest precedence (all lower than arithmetic operators)
push, pop, peek
stacks use the methods ____
collection interface
storage data structure is called ___
structures in Java are all ____ with special properties
treat front as the head, treat back as the tail
to make a queue a linked list...
treat the top of the stack as the head; push to add to the beginning of stack; pop to remove from top
to make a stack a linked list...
++, --
unary arithmetic operators
unary operator position with i where the expression will be evaluated first, and then the increment will be applied to the variable i
unary operator position with i where the increment will be applied to the variable i first and then the expression will be evaluated
run time
when machine code is executed
compile time
when source code is turned in to machine code