Exam 1

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Family feuder/told them to leave

Which of the following are examples of information processing services?

Insurance, banking and legal services

Generic differences between Services and Goods

Intangibility, heterogeneity (variability), perish-ability of output and simultaneity of production and consumption.

Mr. Mahaleel

Tailesias/financial service

Which of the following clusters of benefits includes feelings by customer that in an established relationship there was less risk of something going wrong?

confidence benefits

A methodology for collecting, categorizing, and analyzing critical incidents that have occurred between customers and service providers is called the

critical incident technique

In which of the following levels of customer participation should product be standardized

low level

Which of the following is NOT an axample of service that has traditionally been high contact but can be low contact today because of technology?(retail banking, purchase of retail goods, medical service, high education)

medical service

Formalized relationship between the firm and an identifiable customer, who signs up in advance for service

membership relationship

In Which of the following categories of service processing must the customers be present mentally but can be located either in a specific service facility or in a remote location connected by broadcast signals or telecommunication linkages?

mental stimulus processing

In which of the following categories of service processing do customers need to be physically present throughout service delivery to receive desired benefits?

people processing

Which of the following is NOT considered a service without formal relationship but with discrete transaction (police protection, car rental, toll highway, public transportation)

police protection (Continuous service /no formal relationship

The extent to which customers interact directly with elements of the service organization is referred to as

levels of customer contact

A lack of consistency in inputs and outputs during the service production process is referred to as


Which of the following is Not an example of a mental stimulus processing service? (banking, advertising and pr, arts and entertainment and broadcasting and cable)


The advantage to the service organization of having--- is that it knows who its current customers are, what they spend, and when where, and how often they use the services offered.

Membership relationship

visual or other tangible clues that provide evidence of service quality refer to which of the following components of integrated service management>?

Physical evidence

According to the text, the ---sector accounts for most of the new job growth i developed countries


The core product of the lodging industry can be best described as

a bed for the night

Intangibility refers to a

a characteristic of services that makes it impossible to hold on to or touch them

Services are defined by marketers as

acts or performances that provide benefits for customers

Critical incidents

are service encounter where the outcomes is especially satisfying or dissatisfying to both customers and employees

Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a selected way of classifying services?( direct recipient of the service process, place and time of service delivery, customization versus standardization, degree of reliability of service)

degree of reliability of service

All of the following are mentioned in the text as generic differences between services and good Except: (demographics, variability, perish ability of output, simultaneity of production and consumptions


--- are typical of services like transportation, restaurants, cinemas, and show repair shops.

discrete transactions

Which of the following is Not an example of an information processing service? (accounting, education, banking, data processing


---attributes can only be discerned after purchase or during consumption

experience attributes

Which of the following is not an example of people processing service? Passenger transportation, health care, lodging, freight transportation

freight transportation

Hairdressing and medical services are categorized as which of the following levels of customer contat services?


Arrow Mgmt

information processing/ word of mouth and refrigerator magnets

One of the most famous classification schemes divides good into all of the following categories Except: (convenience goods, intangible goods, shopping good, specialty goods)

intangible goods

Customer contact personnel are those employees who---

interact directly with customers in person or through mail and telecommunications

A service encounter---

is a period of time during which customers interact directly with a service

A moment of truth

is a point in service dlivery when the outcomes of a customer interactions with a service provider may affect perceptions of quality

Relationship marketing

refers to activities aimed at developing long-term, cost-effective ties with a company's customers

Most physical good tend to be relatively high in --- attributes


color, style, shape, price, fit, feel and smell are characteristics of which of the following attributes

search attributes

which of the following attributes refers to the characteristics that a customer can determine prior to purchasing a product

search attributes

---- make up the bulk of today's economy, not only in the United States and Canada, but also in other developed industrial nations throughout the world


high contact servies are---

services that involve significant interaction among customers, employees and service facilities

---involve mutual recognition between customers and employees, being known by name, friendship with the service provider, and enjoyment of certain social aspects of the relationship.

social benefits

When firms offer a customized service, the----

tailor the service to meet each customer's specific needs

When ski patrol members take away lift tickets from downhill skiers who are exhibiting reckless behavior by skiing too fast, which type of jaycustomer are they dealing with

the rule breaker

The Jaycustomer that has no intention of paying and sets out to steal goods and services is call

the thief

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text as one of the three levels of customer contacts? (high, medium, low, zero)


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