Exam 1 (Modules 1-4 and Tophat)

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Explain the overall basis of "amygdala hijack" and or "emotional sabotage."

1. Emotion sampling by the amygdala 2. Activates the hypothalamus pituitary axis = releases stress hormones 3. Changes brain prioritization of info = emotion gets prioritized = amygdala hijack 4. takes over RIGHT side of pre-frontal cortex

Explain the different zones of personal space.

1. Intimate = 6-18" 2. Personal (people we know) = 18-48" 3. Social (people we don't know) = 4-12' 4. Public zone = >12'

What are the 2 rules to non-verbal communication?

1. Never assume - always baseline - read gesture in clusters not as the whole message (never assume) 2. Look for congruence - non-verbal more impactful then verbal content (ex: in conflict women look at non-verbal cues more then verbal)

Describe the 3 subdivisions of the directive style of communication.

1. Prescriptive - provide advice, guidance, directing suggestions (ex: telling someone what to do and how to do it during an exercise session) 2. Mirroring - reflect/paraphrase a persons message - include opinion/suggestion to follow 3. Confronting - reflect/paraphrase a persons message - include opinion/suggestion to follow

Describe the 4 competencies of EQ.

1. Social awareness - understanding other people 2. Relationship management - managing intercommunications 3. Self-awareness - understanding yourself 4. Self-management - managing own behavior

Describe the 2 subdivisions of the informative (educating) style of communication.

1. Strategy - info using many different sources compared together - enhances ethos of the fitness professional 2. Strategy - If asked for opinion (given permission) = professional can assume a more directive style (prescriptive)

Describe the 3 subdivisions of the collaborative style of communication.

1. Supportive ("the cheer leader") - listening - foster sense of self efficacy/empowerment - encourage individuals strengths/accomplishments - praise, compliments, and admiration 2. Catalytic ("the spark") - uses questioning - encourages open dialogue/ creative thinking - explore solutions 3. Cathartic ("the empathizer") - help individual express thoughts/emotions - empathetic, nonjudgemental, noncontroversial

Explain the key components of building rapport.

1. Warmth 2. Genuineness 3. Empathy

Describe the two components of effective communication.

1. Words - only convey factual info 2. Non-verbal (body language) and voice tone (vol, pitch, speed) - convey true emotion (meaning or purpose) behind the communication

What is the preferred speaking-to-listening ratio for a professional when attempting to develop rapport with another individual?

70% listening; 30% speaking

What does the term 'golden nuggets' refer to?

A personal story to make yourself more memorable.

Where is the power gaze located?

A triangle between the eyes and forehead

Distinguish between emotion and mood.

A) Emotion - short lived, intense - definite reason/cause - distinct facial expression B) Mood - longer lasting, mild - no specific reason/cause - no distinct facial expression

Explain how emotional sabotage occurs in the pre-frontal cortex.

A) Negative emotion - activate RIGHT PFC - inhibits LEFT PFC B) Positive emotion - activate LEFT PFC - inhibits RIGHT PFC

Explain what each compound results in what type of personality and describe that personality.

A) Testosterone = director (driven) - tough-minded - direct - exacting - skeptical - determined to win B) Estrogen = negotiator (amiable) - socially aware - relationship management - verbal skills - compassionate - intuitive C) Serotonin = builder (analytical) - cautious - conventional - meticulous - respectful D) Dopamine = explorer (expressive) - curious - creative - sponatneous - daring - adaptable - energetic

Explain what the A in OCEAN represents. Explain what scoring low/high in this trait means.

Agreeableness - demonstrates care - compassionate - trustworthy - altruistic - kind - affectionate - empathetic and concerned - humanitarian Score low = little interest in others' problems/feelings, competitive/manipulative, antagonistic, frequently insult and belittle others; suspicious and detached

Give an example for the I in BASIC ID.

Any visualizes of success/failure - more positive or negative- optimistic vs pessimistic outlook? How do they visualize life (outcomes) with behavioral change?

What are the four fundamental skill sets of a coach?

Ask, listen, understand, and respond

What is Lazarus' BASIC ID? Define what each letter represents.

B - Behavior - How a person acts A - Affective - How a person feels (emotions) S - Sensation - What a person physically feels (sensory) I - Imagery - Images a person sees or visualizes C - Cognition - What a person thinks (internal dialogue) I - Interpersonal - External social influences D - Drugs (Biological) - Health status

Which of the following is LEAST likely to reflect the true feelings behind what is being communicated by a person: a) gesturing b) voice inflection c) statistics d) body lean

C) statistics

What are the 7 C's of effective communication?

Clear and concise, correct and coherent, complete and concrete, and courteous.

Explain the personality style of Collaborators based on the Daves & Holland model.

Collaborators - HIGH sociability - LOW dominance - more emotion, less thinking - emotionally open, relationship oriented - amiable, warm, trustworthy, honest, sociable, easy going, supportive - avoid risks, slow to decide, non-confrontational, sometimes exploited - team and ask oriented, gather info to reach consensus over conflict

Explain what the C in OCEAN represents. Explain what scoring low/high in this trait means.

Conscientiousness - Perseverance - Complete tasks (disciplined) - organized - control - thoughtfulness - goal-directed Score low = dislike structure/schedules, messy/sloppy, fail to be punctual with tasks; easy going and careless

Explain what a backward lean means?

Conveys disinterest

Explain what a forward lean means?

Conveys interest

Give an example for the D in BASIC ID.

Current objective v subjective perception of overall health? Health issues/limitations to participation in healthy activity? Medications?

Explain rapport by DESIGN.

Custom - trying to make a connection w/o known associations

Give an example for the B in BASIC ID.

Daily behavior (could be increased/deceased to better quality of life

Explain the personality style of Deliberator based on the Daves & Holland model.

Deliberator - LOW sociability - HIGH dominance - more thinking less emotion - methodical, logical, objective, analytical, accurate - problem solver, work alone or in small groups - careful planning and procedure - rigid, formal, and cautious - high creativity, detail oriented - reserved, distant

Explain the personality style of Directors based on the Daves & Holland model.

Directors - LOW sociability - HIGH dominance - more thinking less emotion - action, competitive, take charge - resourceful, identify solutions, formulate plans/goals, delegate job to others - insensitive, impatient, opinionated - poor listeners - unapproachable, unyielding, inflexible, blunt - emotionally reserved - value time over relationships

Give an example for the A in BASIC ID.

Emotions expressed most often - concerns and triggers? Reactions to negative and positive events? Feelings towards healthier behaviors?

Explain the difference between empathy and sympathy.

Empathy - understanding and appreciating another's experience (FUELS connection) Sympathy - demonstrating compassion for another's experience (DRIVES disconnect)

True / False: Within the OCEAN dimensions of personality, the trait the reflects how easily a person may experience unpleasant emotions such as depression or vulnerability is categorized under 'conscientiousness.'


True / False: Women should generally consider smiling more in professional settings so that they appear more approachable


True / false: The words conveyed when speaking have the ability to express both factual information and the true meaning behind the message


True/False: Directors generally exhibit traits of speaking at fast rates, but do so with high amounts of inflection


T or F: People spend about 80% of their time in the triangle between eyes and mouth, also called the social gaze.

False; 90%

T or F: The majority of adults prefer to learn by personal experience.

False; by teaching others

Describe active (immersed) listening. Give and example.

Free of distractions - gives speaker undivided attention Aims to fully understand message conveyed (depth of understanding, appreciation of message) and demonstrates, using empathy, how listener values information shared. Requires concentration with no distraction; full eye contact (i.e. no drifting); receptivity to message without judgement or interruption

Explain the two types of intimate gaze.

Intimate zone = eye to chest Personal zone = eye to groin

Describe passive listening. Give and example.

Listening with the intent to respond. Ex: Listener gives impression of listening by using minimal non-committal agreements (e.g. head nods,"ah huhs"), but is distracted- actively thinking ahead to responses/further questions. Also includes 'hot buttons'.

Explain what the N in OCEAN represents. Explain what scoring low/high in this trait means.

Neuroticism - tendency towards sadness/depression, stress, moodiness, and emotional instability - worrisome - easily upset - mood swings - anxiety and irritability Low score = emotionally stable, resilient, rarely feel sad/depressed, often relaxed; secure and confident

Explain the different forms of rapport by CHANCE.

Normal - shared associations w/ people you know Impromptu - shared association that initiates convo (e.g. team logo, high school)

Describe indifferent listening. Give and example.

Not really listening-gated out. Ex: Someone talking to you while you are watching your favorite TV show - all you hear is noise.

Explain the key components of the "Personal Touch" or the "Moment of Truth".

Open - open attitude/body Eye - appropriate eye contact Beam - smile reflecting attitude Hi - appropriate salutation Lean - subtle lean = interest

Explain what the O in OCEAN represents. Explain what scoring low/high in this trait means.

Openness to Experiences - intellectual curiosity - imagination and creativity - adventurous - inventive Score low = traditional, dislike change, resist ideas, struggle with abstract thought

What does OCEAN stand for? What is its importance?

Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These represent 5 core personality traits that are remarkably universal. Also called five factor model.

Describe selective listening. Give and example.

Partially distracted and hears only key words. Ex: Listener interprets/deciphers message using these words, but generally misses emotion/meaning behind message conveyed by speaker.

Give an example for the C in BASIC ID.

Primary attitudes, perception, values, beliefs, and opinions of current behavior(s), change process and outcomes?

Explain the power stare.

Same triangle as power gaze, but with narrow eye

Give an example for the S in BASIC ID.

Specific sensations (pain, tension, headaches)? Presence of any positive sensations associated with positive behaviors (exercise)

Give an example for the second I in BASIC ID.

Support systems and social networks, and impact upon overall quality of life and influence on making healthy choices? Level of importance and satisfaction with support system?

What type of social setting is the Daves and Holland model best used for? What dimensions is the model broken down into?

The business world Dominance and Sociability

True / False: A key skill of coaching is having the ability to listen and understand the challenges of the individual before being responsive with solutions


True / False: According to Knowles's learning principles, adults favor learning information that is immediately applicable to their lives


True / False: Although technology continues to increase the challenges we face in demonstrating value in the service(s) we provide, we still hold an advantage in our ability to develop a stronger human connection.


True / False: As adult learners usually lack a personal frame of reference related to the material they choose to learn, a good instructor does not need to provide examples and applications to facilitate the learning process


True / False: The 'open' component of the big 5 reflects your willingness to be non-judgmental in accepting another person's attitudes and belief systems


True / False: The triangle between the mouth and eyes represents the location where we fix our eyes when using the social gaze


True / False: This notion of a social brain helps explain how sometimes people appear to function in unison


True / False: When making your communication count, the acts of steepling your hands while speaking, and moving purposefully yet, using strategic pauses can improve the impact of your message.


True / False: When someone is exhibiting signs of frustration and anger, a cathartic style of communication is probably most appropriate


True / False: Within the concept of the 'moment of truth' discussed in class, open refers to be non-judgmental while also orientating your body towards the person of interest


Explain the benefits/problems of smiling in the workforce for women v men.

Women - smile more = seen as subordinate Men - smile more = seen as dominant

When working with a new client or patient, which distance between you would be suggested (i.e., appropriate) considering the nature of that relationship. a) 12" b) 16" c) 24"

a) 12"

Which of the following does NOT represent key traits of an effective coach? a) Questioning and being understood to identify a solution. b) Asking and listening, and trying to understand. c) Understanding rather than trying to be understood. d) Asking, listening, understanding, and then responding.

a) Questioning and being understood to identify a solution.

What type of rapport defines a coincidental shared association between two people that initiates a conversation based upon that shared association. a) impromptu b) normal c) designed d) custom

a) impromptu

When establishing the 'Moment of Truth', which 5-traits are critical to success? a) open-eye-beam-hi-lean b) open-hi-beam-engage-feel c) feel-beam-feel-engage-lean d) feel-open-eye-hi-lean

a) open-eye-beam-hi-lean

Explain what a head tilt upward means?

arrogance/superiority (especially with backwards lean)

Explain what a hands on hip means?

assertive and confident (may also be aggressive)

What interpersonal distance is generally considered appropriate when working professionally with a person? a) 16" b) 30" c) 50" d) 72"

b) 30"

Which strategy would you employ to help Mary understand how to make some healthy changes if she is more of a kinesthetic learner? a) Providing handouts and written instructions to reference as needed. b) After demonstrating a concept, invite her to try it firsthand c) Using recorded reminders she can access to reinforce the desired actions. d) Utilize pictures and illustrations to cue her desired behaviors.

b) After demonstrating a concept, invite her to try it firsthand

Which statement reflects the location and / or function of the amygdala in the brain? a) It is located within the pre-frontal cortex and helps regulate our emotional responses. b) It is located within the limbic system and helps regulate our emotional responses. c) It is located within the pre-frontal cortex and helps regulate our rational decision-making process. d) It is located within the limbic system and helps regulates our rational decision-making process.

b) It is located within the limbic system and helps regulate our emotional responses.

You are assigned to work with Joe on a project and your initial impressions of him are that he is quite highly motivated and excited, but a little impatient, impulsive and tries to be persuasive with his ideas. How would you best interact with him? a)Avoid being impatient, forceful or pressing for rapid decisions; move carefully through planning and into action; while building trust and confidence in you. b) Share his vision and enthusiasm; and avoid being directive, inflexible, too structured or restrained; and provides incentives to stimulating more provoking ideas. c) Appeal to his need to be right; be well-prepared, detail-orientated and organized, and avoid being too casual or informal. d) Satisfy his need for action and problem-solving; but be clear and concise on everything, and focus on facts, exploring all solutions and possible outcomes.

b) Share his vision and enthusiasm; and avoid being directive, inflexible, too structured or restrained; and provides incentives to stimulating more provoking ideas.

Which trait BEST reflects the behavior of considering the feelings of others rather than simply making decisions based upon logic or analytical thought? a) open b) agreeableness c) conscientious d) neuroticism

b) agreeableness

Which type of personality places high value on making a strong, personal connection with another person rather than a more formal professional connection (i.e., where they feel a strong level of mutual and caring trust)? a) expressor b) collaborator c) director d) deliberator

b) collaborator

Which of the following domains are reflected in the Daves and Holland personality indexing model? a) steadiness and influence b) dominance and sociability c) judgement and intuition d) conscientiousness and perception

b) dominance and sociability

If Mary, while listening to your opinion on global warming gets distracted by a hot button (i.e., something you stated that she disagrees with), whereupon she becomes a passive listener (or even selective listener) as she begins to formulate her points to share with you, which of the following is she demonstrating? a) happy hooker b) rebuttal maker c) logical listener d) interrupter

b) rebuttal maker

Asked how his life would change if he could achieve his 60 lb. weight loss goal, Bob indicates that he would feel more energetic, and less anxious and frustrated about his appearance. Which of the BASIC ID traits would you emphasize when building importance to his goal? a) behavioral and biological b) sensations and affective c) cognitive and biological d) affective and cognitive

b) sensations and affective

Which of the following appears statements is accurate. a) IQ has the most significant impact on improving job performance. b) Personality is more influential than EQ on improving job performance c) EQ is fluid and malleable (changeable) and can impact job performance. d) Personality and IQ are both set later in life, around the late 20's

c) EQ is fluid and malleable (changeable) and can impact job performance.

Michael decides to survey a group of individuals he is coaching to learn more about their perceptions of his coaching methodologies. The feedback he receives indicates that he works hard to understand their challenges by listening actively, then prescribes the best changes he believes are needed (given his expertise in nutrition and exercise), which often restricts their choices on bad foods and watching TV. What do you identify as a MAJOR concern with this feedback? a) He appears to be too immersed in his listening styles. b) He devotes insufficient time trying to get the group to understand his plans. c) He is too directive and perhaps overly coercive with his programming ideas d) He does not utilize active listening styles adequately.

c) He is too directive and perhaps overly coercive with his programming ideas

Complete the following statement: A professional who utilizes a questioning technique that encourages more open or even deeper dialogue to explore options or solutions is said to be using a style of communication. a) cathartic-collaborative b) informative-educating c) catalytic-collaborative d) mirroring-directive

c) catalytic-collaborative

Which personality BEST reflects an individual who may become disengaged with activities quickly, and thus relies upon new and constantly-changing challenges to maintain motivation? a) deliberator b) director c) expressor d) collaborator

c) expressor

Which style of communication may build your level of credibility of being a good and impartial source of information? a) catalytic b) prescriptive c) informative d) supportive

c) informative

Complete the following statement: When asking questions, the strategy of combining the speakers message with yours to create something better is called ........ a) paraphrasing b) extrapolating c) synergizing d) parroting

c) synergizing

What are the 3 communication styles?

collaborative, informative, and directive

Explain what a hands behind back means?


Which negative type of person is exemplified through this example: When Michael shares his story about a challenge he recently experienced, Bob interjects with his own similar experience, and really emphasizes how complicated his challenge was to resolve. a) debbie downer b) tank c) passive personality d) better 'than'

d) better 'than'

A new co-worker whom you have to work with appears be to very methodical (slow) and analytical in their thinking, a little direct with you, and somewhat monotone in their speaking - what personality trait do you suspect dominates this person? a) collaborator b) expressor c) director d) deliberator

d) deliberator

Which style of listening defines the following scenario? You are engaged in a friendly debate and while listening to your opponent's arguments, you are also jotting down key points to make in your rebuttal. a) indifferent listening b) selective listening c) active listening d) passive listening

d) passive listening

The ability of understand who pushes your emotional buttons is an example of a strategy to improve which EQ skill? a) self management b) social awareness c) relationship management d) self-awareness

d) self-awareness

Which EQ competence focuses upon how we are able to recognize the emotional states experienced by other people? a) self-awareness b) self-management c) relationship management d) social awareness

d) social awareness

Which EQ trait reflects your ability to understand the emotions of another person? a) self-management b) relationship management c) self-awareness d) social awareness

d) social awareness

Explain what a legs crossed means?

defensive, but not going anywhere - not receptive, yet polite

Explain what a foot and hip orientation (belly button) means?

directional interest

Define communication.

exchange/sharing of information, thoughts, or messages between people via speech, visuals, signals, writing, or even behavior

What is the main way to improve SQ?

improve the capacity to inspire others through your empathy, influence and care, and your ability to successfully build relationship and navigate our social environments.

Explain what a head tilt downward means?

negative, judgemental or dejected

Explain what a leg twine means?

shy or timid

Explain what a head tilt sideways (exposing neck) means?

submissive (animals meeting alpha-male)

Explain what a ankle lock means?

uncertain or fearful

What are some things that a coach should do MORE of?

- Asking/listening (immersive) - Explorative = allow the client self-discovery - Understand - Support autonomy/choice - Curious

What are some deceitful gestures?

- Hand covering mouth/finger to mouth - Nose touch/itch - Ear rub or eye rub; face/neck scratch; collar pull

Explain how emotional sabotage can adversely affect our sense of motivation.

- Left side of PFC = center for motivation - negative emotion inhibits left PFC = shuts down motivation center

What are some things that a coach should do LESS of?

- Telling (directive/prescriptive) - Self-focused ('Righting reflex') - Being understood - Being coercive- 'Psychological Reactance' = rebellion - Complacent

Describe the general characteristics of the collaborative style of communication.

- Used more during Rapport and Investigation - Listening to challenged (more listening then talking) - Apply to identify psycho-emotional impact of challneges - Nonjudgemental

Describe the general characteristics of the informative (educating) style of communication.

- Used more with Investigation and Planning - Info/content is factual and unbiased - Goal is to enhance level of knowledge or understanding

define social intelligence (SQ)

- ability to tune into other peoples emotions, read subtle behavioral cues and select the most effective response to a given situation

Describe the general characteristics of the directive style of communication.

- can be used at any stage EXCEPT Rapport - provide instructions, corrective feedback, or coaching

What are the major principles of adult learning?

- desire to be self-directed - possess own personal experiences - learn by doing - ready to learn - possess strong inner motivation - problem oriented - expected to be immediately applicable to life

Explain the role of mirror neurons and EQ.

- elicit/activate a mirror image of what others are doing, feeling, or intending - predicts behaviors of others - synchronizing interactions

define intelligence quotient (IQ)

- evaluates cognitive abilities - HOW you learn, rather then WHAT you know

Explain the role of spindle cells and EQ.

- fast acting neurons in brain - guide social decisions

Define emotional intelligence (EQ)

- human capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, and for managing our own emotions and our relationships with others - belief we possess multiple intelligences (most important being intrapersonal and interpersonal) - what we see and what we do

Explain the personality style of Expressors based on the Daves & Holland model.

Expressors - HIGH sociability - LOW dominance - more emotion, less thinking - strong communication - high motivation - persuasive but impatient - ambitous - risk-driven - favor incentives and rewards - impulsive, lacks discipline - tell-oriented - visionary - thrive on excitement, challenge, and creativity

Explain what the E in OCEAN represents. Explain what scoring low/high in this trait means.

Extraversion - excitability - sociability - talkative - assertive - high emotional expression - outgoing and energetic Score low = reserved, solitary, difficult to start convos, dislike small talk, dislike center of attention, and think carefully before speaking

True / False: A kinesthetic learner is one who is more likely to recite information out loud when trying to remember information


True / False: According to the Daves and Holland Model, an individual displaying traits of being very persuasive, talkative, energetic and charismatic is described as a being a collaborator


True / False: An individual who appears to be willing to try new ideas when seeking solutions, regardless of how unconventional they may be, demonstrates the trait of extroversion


True / False: An individual who appears very animated, passionate and energized when speaking, would MOST likely be a Deliberator


True / False: Auditory learners are those who are more likely to take detailed notes during a class


True / False: CEOs often score higher on EQ tests than middle managers


True / False: Freeing your mind of distractions such as people in the background or moving objects inside the gym, are examples of internal distractors


True / False: Gathering behavioral information on readiness to change and decisional balance should follow after completing a health-risk assessment on an individual


True / False: If asked how her life would change if her challenge disappeared, Michelle indicated greater levels of energy and decreased levels of pain - these would fall under the category of 'affective'


True / False: On a trip to London, you ran into an individual who was wearing a sweatshirt from your college and you instantly connected - this is an example of normal rapport


True / False: One of the most overlooked and undervalued components of communication between 2 people is the actual message being communicated


True / False: Positive emotions like joy and happiness will generally activate the right PFC, while inhibiting the left PFC which can reduce our levels of motivation


True / False: Rapport is built upon the traits of warmth, genuineness and sympathy


True / False: The ability to experience another person's world as if it were one's own is a good definition of sympathy


True / False: The act of repeating someone's words back to them as they stated them to help clarify your understanding of what they are trying to communicate is an example of paraphrasing True / False: The act o


True / False: The term that defines an event where an individual identifies a problem in another person, then attempts to offer a solution, whether it is invited or not is called 'Psychological Reactance'


True / False: When shaking hands with a person, the double-handed handshake is consider more neutral and appropriate than a single handshake where both hands are orientated vertically


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