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Gender Roles in Adulthood

- Family roles - Work roles - The Second Shif

Post Civil War

- Many African Americans were forced to move (mostly to the mid-south) after the war. Others migrated north in search of factory jobs. Those that stayed share cropped. Many were in women headed house holds because men were more likely to migrate north to find work. Many men did not survive the journey. This led to the myth that blacks preferred matriarchy

Learning Gender Roles

- Parents - Play & Toys - Peers & Siblings - Teachers & Schools - Popular culture & Media

Theories explaining gender differences:

- Sociobiology - Social Learning theory - Cognitive Development - Symbolic interaction - Feminist theories

Aspects of Gender-

-Gender Identity - Gender Roles

Islamic Polygyny

-a man may have up to 4 wives -The husband is the absolute authority in the family -Seniority and authority among women in the family is determined by order of marriage. -Status among children is based on gender, age, and to which wife they are born

what is marriage

-a socially approved mating relationship -controls and legitimizes sexualactivity and is the basis off amily formation. -The type of marriageallowed in a society affectsthe structure of the family. -The structure of familydetermines the structure ofthe society.

in the US

-we allow only serial monogamy;• states regulate marriage and family law; • all state recognize marriages and divorces of all otherstates; • there is no recognition of any form of polygamy; and • personal choice and love are the primary criteria formarriage

Five myths about the American Family

1 Families in the past were happier and worked better. 2 Hetero sexual marriage and child-bearing are "natural". 3 Family is a loving refuge from the roles and interaction governed by other social institutions. 4 Families should be selfsufficient. 5 Individuals can create the perfect marriage and family if they work hard and do it right.

Expectations about marriages across culturesinclude:

1 Sharing economic responsibilities and resources; 2 Engaging in sexual activity; 3 Bearing and raising children

All 4 kinship systems:

1 Specify roles and relationship based on biological and legal kinship. 2 Include nuclear and extended family relationships. 3 Include families of orientation and procreation. 4 Include incest taboos and other rules of endogamyand exogamy.

Thereare several perspectives on the changing family:

1 The family is in decline. 2 The family is adapting and changing for thebetter. 3 The changes in family reflect our cultural valuessupporting individualism more Universal permanent availability has becomenormative.• Variation in what is considered family (fictive kinrelationships).• Extended family living arrangements have increased.• Out of wedlock childbearing has increased overall-especially for women in their 20s - but declined forteenage women.• Same sex marriage is allowed in all states and U.S.territories

3 basic characteristics of family inevery society

1) Family is two or more people who have acommitted relationship, see their identity asimportantly tied to the family group, shareclose emotional ties and cooperate to fulfillsocial functions. 2) Family is a cultural universal. 3) Family is the primary social institution

There have been 3 waves of the Feminist Movement:

1) First wave culminated in the right to vote (1920) 2) Second wave 1960s-1970s reduced obstacles to women's participation in public roles. 3) Third wave seeks to be more inclusive and focuses on ethnicity, race, sexuality and nationality

Three of the most common family micro-structures IN THE U.S. are:

1) Patriarchal nuclear family 2) Egalitarian nuclear family 3) Matricentric nuclear family

5 functions of the family

1, Provides social structure; 2 Legitimizes sexual activity; 3 Responsible for procreation and socialization; 4 Provides emotional support; 5 Establishes social placement within society and orderly replication of the social order.

Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) has four categories

1. Economic participation 2 Educational attainment 3 Political empowerment 4 Health and survival

Macro Level theories

1. Structural Functionalism: Instrumental & Expressive roles 2. Conflict theory - Consciousness & False Consciousness 3. Ecological theory - A Parsimonious theory that includes micro, meso, exo and macro systems 4. Feminist theories - Liberal, Radical, Socialist and Cultural

Micro Level Theories

1. Symbolic Interaction - Significant &Generalized others 2. Social Exchange theory - Reciprocity &Balance 3. Applied Micro theories Developmental theory - 8 stages of thefamily life cycle 4. Family Systems theory - Consistent withSymbolic Interaction


1. The universe was created byGod 2. Life forms were created in approximately their current state, recently and nearly simultaneously. 3. Organisms were originally created to be best adapted to fulfil their place in existence. 4. Particular organisms were created to fulfill the principles of unity and variety, with variations within each type

Top 10 countriesfor reported sexual assault

1United States2 India3 United Kingdom4 Mexico5 Canada6 Germany7 Sweden8 Russia9 Belgium10France


A theory is a set of ideas that helps us explain and predict what happens the observable world


Defense of Marriage Act

Sexual control in a serial monogamous culture:

Double standard Stigma Fear Sexual Assault Restriction of access to comprehensivesex education, birth control andreproductive choice

Gender Inequality in four Institutions

Education,Religion, Politics and Health Care

The post war

G.I. Bill fueled college enrollment and homeownership. It also produced the baby boom (1946-1964). Italso produced discontent among women leading to the rise ofthe Women's Movement in the 1960s. The Women'sMovement allied itself with the Civil Rights Movementproducing gains for both and resulting in the end ofmiscegenation laws.

what are the 2 types of marriage

Monogamy- 1. True monogamy, One mate only, no divorce, no remarriage 2. Serial monogamy - One mate at a time- remarriage and divorce permitted. Polygamy- 1 Polygyny - Multiple wives 2 Polyandry - Multiple husbands 3 Pantogamy - group marriage - multiplehusbands and wives (AKApolygynandry

Male Socialization results in both positive and negative consequences. negatives:

Negatives include: identity tied towork, limited emotions, fear of intimacy, moreloneliness, lose contact with their children, abuse ofalcohol & drug, higher suicide rate and shorter lifeexpectancy.

Three commonfamily micro-structures:

Patriarchal nuclear family• Egalitarian nuclear family• Matricentric nuclear family (AKA matrifocal)

the most common type of polygamy:


four basic social institutions

Religion - "God the father"• Government - Patriotism literally means loyalty tofather.• Economy - Male providers, female consumers• Education - Women teach lower grades. Men holdhigher rank and continue to dominate higher education.

what is the only form of marriage allowed in the us

Serial monogamy

Gender v. Sex-

Sex refers to the biological characteristics with which we areborn that are used to identify one as either male or female.- Gender refers to learned social attitudes and behaviorsassociated with one sex or another based on differing socialand cultural expectations.

in the north... (early america)

The early trading colonies created a class system (merchants, artisans and laborers) which later developed into industrial production.Literacy was higher and made it easier for workers to operate complex machinery


The patterns of relationships in families -exist within a larger macro structureof the institution of family

theMarriage Equality Movement

The social movement advocating that same sex marriagebe legal and recognized in all jurisdictions

The 2 court cases that made same sex marriage legalwere:

U.S. v. Windsor (2013) overturned DOMA, and• Obergefell et al. v. Hodges (2015) extended the right tomarry regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

family is...

a cultural universe and the primary socialinstitution

Early America had regional differences that...

affected families.

Natural selection is

aninevitable outcome of three principles: 1. Most characteristics areinherited. 2. More offspring areproduced than are able tosurvive. 3. Offspring with morefavorable characteristicswill survive and have moreoffspring than thoseindividuals with lessfavorable traits

The Great Depression (1929-1939)...

began with the stockmarket and banking collapse and ended with expansion ofwar production for WW II. The wealthy became much richerwhile the working class and poor were hard hit


brought an increase in the national debt spiked by tradewars, immigration policies and deteriorating relationshipsbetween the United States and both it's allies and enemies

Civil unrest ...

caused by the death of black people at the hands ofpolice has also added to the challenges faced this year. Recentvigilantes protesting the protest has created derisiveness thathas divided families, friendships and communities.

An institution

consists of social organizations, rolesand norms designed to accomplish a basic social goal.


continued in the north and GreatLakes region. Cities grew because workers needed tolive near factories. Immigrants were drawn to the jobsand cities

Theoretical concepts...

define, distinguish and clarify ideas

WW II...

disrupted family life. Men went to war, while womenwent to work in factories. The highest divorce rate of thecentury thus far occurred just after the war

marriage is ____ in south Caroline but divorce is ____ in sc

easy, hard

what is the primary social institution and is a cultural universe



has been a year of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic hasthreated the health and well being of families. Problems include:1)Healthcare and health insurance2)Unemployment3)Homelessness

kinship system

is a configuration of family roles and obligations. They are a cultural universal

Serial monogamy

is a marriage in which individuals may engage in a series of monogamous pairings, in other words when men or women can marry another partner but only after ceasing to be married to the previous partner.


is the process of acquiring the language,knowledge, norms, roles, attitudes, beliefs and values of asociety

social structure

is the stable arrangement of social institutions, organizations and roles whereby humans in a society interact and produce social order

Gender discrimination

is the unequal treatment of men andwomen in hiring, firing, promotion and pay.

One of the goals of Feminism...

is to reduce andeliminate gender inequality in the U.S.

Structural pluralism

manyvaried forms of family co-exist within the institution offamily

what is the primary means of controlling sexual behavior in human society


During the mid 19th century...

middle class women were encouraged to augment and display their husband's status by behaving as"true women". This meant displaying piety,purity, submission and domesticity

Colonial Era Families 1615 - 1776

mostly patriarchal nuclear families with few children widely space. There was a high infant and maternal mortality rate which exacerbated the imbalance in the number of women to men

Primary socialization

occurs during infancy and earlychildhood. When primary socialization is impaired therecan be lifelong consequences.

Secondary socialization

occurs throughout life as peopleexpand their roles and participation in society

Most cultures allow ______, but most people practice ______

polygamy, monogamy(one mate)


rarest form of marriage. It is not legally recognized, and it is seldom practiced because it is too structurally complex

By the late 19th and early 20th centuries...

the companionate marriage and family developed. Marriage was supposed to be based on attraction & affection. Affection was also extended to children and became the beginning of the child centered family.

Between 2013 and 2016...

the economy recovered, and unemployment decreased. From 2017-2019 unemployment remained low but so did salaries. High inflation lead to a rise in the number of working poor families

in the south...(early America)

the south was developed using aplantation system. It was heavily dependent on the manual labor of slaves and some white bonded servants. Because of the shortage of women,bonded women, slaves and American Indian

Myths about the family are part of the ______ that supportsand legitimizes the institution offamily

value system


very rare form of marriage. It is always accompanied by extreme poverty and female infanticide

The 21st century ...

was barely begun when the U.S.entered into two wars (Iraq & Afghanistan). The warsgreatly increased national debt. The loan industryinduced a banking and housing market crash thatresulted in the Great Recession (2007-2012). Extendedfamily residential arrangement spiked and migrationbetween Mexico and the U.S. plummeted

The Oneida Perfectionists

were the largest and longest surviving group marriage in history (1846-1881)

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