Exam 2 Anthropology

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Which of the following is the oldest human subsistence pattern? a) foraging b) pastoralism c) horticulture d) all are equally old

a) foraging

What percent of people living today had ancestors who lived in societies with band level political systems? a) 5% b) 45% c) 100%

c) 100%

Which of the following pastoralists herded reindeer? a) Saami or Lapps b) Mongols c) Masai of East Africa

a) Saami or Lapps

When did the transition from acephalous bands and tribes to chiefdoms begin? a) 2,000-3,000 years ago b) 4,000-5,000 years ago c) 8,000-10,000 years ago

c) 8,000-10,000 years ago

Which of the following statements is true of human warfare? a) The mobility of most foraging societies made them successful conquerors. b) As agriculture became more intensive and populations larger, the scale of war increased dramatically. c) Pastoralists rarely are interested in warfare. d) None of the above

b) As agriculture became more intensive and populations larger, the scale of war increased dramatically.

Which of the following statements is true concerning foragers? a) The last foraging society adopted a farming subsistence pattern during the early 19th century. b) Foragers generally have a passive dependence on what the environment contains. c) Most foraging societies used horses for transportation. d) Men and women in foraging societies have a great deal of occupational choice.

b) Foragers generally have a passive dependence on what the environment contains.

What has happened to the global human population over the last 10,000 years? a) It has decreased slightly b) It has grown explosively c) It has remained about the same in size

b) It has grown explosively

What happened to the political and economic power of most farmers in the ancient civilizations? a) it increased b) it decreased c) it remained the same

b) it decreased

Which of the following cultures traditionally used "song duels" to settle quarrels between individuals within their community? a) Masai b) Ju/'hoansi c) Inuit

c) Inuit

Around 4,500-5,500 years ago, kingdoms with state level political systems developed into ancient civilizations in which of the following areas? a) northwestern Europe b) Japan c) Mesopotamia d) all of the above

c) Mesopotamia

Which of the following traits would likely be found in pastoralists societies? a) polygyny b) patrilineal descent c) older men are the leaders d) all of the above

d) all of the above

The Mongol pastoralists were _______________________ during the 13th and 14th centuries A.D . a) unsuccessful conquerors b) easily defeated in war by settled agricultural societies c) both of the above d) none of the above

d) none of the above

Which of the following are characteristic of non-market economies? a) the use of money as a means of exchange b) the ability to accumulate vast amounts of capital c) highly complex economic interactions that are ultimately international in their scale d) none of the above

d) none of the above

Which of the following were common traits found in early states that were beginning to wage wars against neighboring states? a) considerable population pressure b) growing scarcity of land, water, or other essential resources c) desire for revenge against what was perceived to be a prior wrong d) a and c e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Which of the following statements is true of the horse riding Indian tribes of the North American Plains, East African cattle herders, and the Yanomamö Indians of Venezuela? a) They prized aggressive, violent behavior among men. b) They gave high status to those men who succeeded in raids. c) both of the above d) none of the above

c) both of the above

Which of the following traits are typical of pastoralist men around the world? a) They tend to be cooperative with each other and aggressive towards outsiders. b) They usually have the ability to make important economic decisions quickly and to act on them independently without hesitation. c) both of the above

c) both of the above

How does someone in a pedestrian foraging band usually become a political leader for the community? a) appointment by a superior b) appointment by a mystical religious leader c) community consensus arrived at through casual discussion

c) community consensus arrived at through casual discussion

Which of the following terms best describes the interaction between the Hatfield and McCoy families along the Kentucky and West Virginia border during the late 19th and early 20th centuries? a) raiding b) warfare c) feuding d) cooperation

c) feuding

In small-scale pedestrian foraging societies, succession to political offices usually occurs through: a) formal election b) inheritance c) general recognition of personal achievement d) promotion by a superior

c) general recognition of personal achievement

The transition to intensive agriculture leading to the development of the ancient civilizations ultimately resulted in a number of inevitable major social changes including: a) permanent year round settlements b) a much more complex division of labor c) surplus crops d) all of the above

d) all of the above

What kinds of societies have politics? a) small-scale societies b) large-scale societies c) Western societies such as those of North America and Europe d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Which of the following are examples of economic redistributive systems? a) rich people giving substantial amounts of money to charities b) rich people paying a higher income tax rate than poor people c) potlatch ceremonies of the Kawakiutl and some of their Indian neighbors d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Which of the following statements concerning slaves in the ancient civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia is true? a) They were often people defeated in war. b) They were often made servants in the households of the political elites. c) Their children could sometimes become free, wealthy, and politically powerful. d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Which of the following would be most likely to have a well equipped professional army? a) chiefdom b) state c) both of the above would be equally likely to have professional armies

b) state

Which of the following is likely to have pyramid shaped power relationships with a small hereditary elite class at the top headed by a king and royal family? a) chiefdoms b) states c) both of the above

b) states

Which of the following are important parts of social control in some small non-western societies? a) forced use of hallucinogenic drugs b) threat of witchcraft c) both of the above d) neither of the above

b) threat of witchcraft

What kind of political system is most likely to be found among horticultural and pastoralist societies that consist of a few hundred people with multiple communities and other kinds of social sub-divisions? a) bands b) tribes c) either bands or tribes

b) tribes

The concept of ownership in which land and other property rights are restricted by the overriding rights vested in the community as a whole is called _________________ . a) vivaldi b) usufruct c) proprietary deed

b) usufruct

Which of the following statements is true of historically known foraging societies? a) They usually created permanent, year-round settlements. b) Because of the efficiency of hunting and gathering, foraging societies have relatively high population densities. c) They intentionally burned grasslands and woodlands.

c) They intentionally burned grasslands and woodlands.

Which of the following statements is true concerning equestrian foraging societies? a) They were easily and quickly defeated by European style armies. b) They had highly democratic political systems without leaders. c) They were male dominated. d) none of the above

c) They were male dominated.

Which of the following kinds of society are most likely to have formalized laws and special government institutions (e.g. police, courts, and jails) to enforce them? a) pastoralist b) horticultural c) advanced agricultural and industrial

c) advanced agricultural and industrial

Which of the following things are usually considered to be important gifts in small-scale societies with non-market economies? a) songs, dances, and speeches b) women and children c) all of the above d) none of the above

c) all of the above

Which of the following kinds of societies impose social control on their citizens? a) small-scale societies b) large-scale societies c) both

c) both

In which of the following societies has raiding been common? a) horse riding buffalo hunting tribes of the North American Great Plains b) African cattle herding tribes c) both of the above d) neither of the above

c) both of the above

Which of the following statements about law is true? a) It is not uncommon for some laws to be confusing for the members of the society in which they exist. b) Laws are often open to interpretation depending on the situation of a crime. c) both of the above d) none of the above

c) both of the above

Which of the following were characteristic of anthropologists during the 19th century? a) They usually classified different cultures on the basis of subsistence patterns. b) They totally rejected the approach of classifying cultures based on whether they were "civilized" or "primitive". c) They did not yet have a system for classifying different cultures. d) none of the above

d) none of the above

Which of the following statements is true concerning armed conflict? a) It commonly occurs among humans both within the same society and between societies. b) The majority of other primate species are relatively peaceful compared to humans. c) Violent physical fighting is primarily a male activity among humans. d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Which of the following things have usually occurred as cities became larger during the last two centuries? a) The local micro-climate was altered. b) There was increased air pollution. c) The drinking water supplies became polluted. d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Which of the following things occurred at traditional Kwakiutl potlatches? a) high ranking, influential guests were seated according to their relative status b) the host made speeches and dramatically gave gifts to the guests c) the host destroyed things of value d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Which of the following would be a positive sanction? a) receiving good grades in school b) being promoted in the military c) being allowed to go to your religion's "heaven" d) all of the above e) none of the above

d) all of the above

Which of the following statements is true of tribes? a) They are essentially egalitarian in that no one family or residential group is politically or economically superior to others. b) They are advanced over bands in the way that they are integrated. c) They are essentially acephalous. d) all of the above are true

d) all of the above are true

Which of the following statements is true? a) Unlike permanently settled farmers, pastoralists usually can move to a new area to avoid a continuing dispute with their neighbors. b) One method horticulturalists commonly use to deal with crime within their own community is to shift the blame to people in other communities or even other societies. c) The fear that witchcraft might be used against you is often enough to prevent deviation from the social norms in settled fishing and farming communities. d) all of the above are true

d) all of the above are true

Equestrian foraging societies existed in which of the following regions? a) grasslands of East and South Africa b) Great Plains of North America c) grasslands of Southern Argentina d) b and c e) all of the above

d) b and c

In what kind of social environment are informal negative sanctions most likely to be an effective mechanism of social control? a) large cities in modern nation states like the United States b) small rural towns in which everyone knows everyone else c) isolated bands of foragers d) b and c e) all of the above

d) b and c

This tutorial concluded that the theory of early state formation that is mostly likely the best one is the _________________ . a) coercive theory b) hydraulic theory c) voluntaristic theory d) multi-cause theory

d) multi-cause theory

Which society is able to rely solely upon internalization of its normative code in order to control behavior? a) United States b) Japan c) England d) no society

d) no society

Which of the following statements is true of the San speakers of the Kalahari Desert in Namibia and Botswana when they were still living as foragers? a) Men provided most of the calories in their diet. b) Most adult San spent 10-12 hours every day hunting and gathering in order to get enough food. c) None of the San lived more than 40 years because of their hard lives and because they did not have the benefit of our modern medicines. d) none of the above

d) none of the above

Which of the following things characterize horticulturalists? a) They usually grow only one plant species in each field. b) They usually live in large towns or cities c) Their farming techniques are relatively unproductive and they are ignorant of soil characteristics and plant nutrients. d) none of the above

d) none of the above

How are difficult disputes between people living in a chiefdom usually settled if an informal agreement cannot be reached by the parties? a) A chief usually functions as an arbitrator and judge. b) Someone from a neighboring society is asked to act as an arbitrator and judge. c) none of the above

a) A chief usually functions as an arbitrator and judge.

According to this tutorial, what was the main reason that our ancestors first developed domesticated food plants and began farming. a) A combination of a changing climate and human over population made it necessary. b) Constant warfare demanded greater food production. c) Curiosity driven experimentation led them to realize that farming was a better way of getting food.

a) A combination of a changing climate and human over population made it necessary.

Which of the following is generally true of pastoralist societies in East Africa? a) Cattle functioned as their special purpose money in the past. b) Women use their livestock to pay a bride price when they get married. c) They have successfully resisted the use of general purpose money. d) all of the above

a) Cattle functioned as their special purpose money in the past.

What was the main argument of the coercive theory of early state formation? This theory was developed in the 1970's by Robert Carneiro. a) Centralized state governments developed to mobilize and direct armies which would continue to exist as tools for controlling conquered peoples, collecting tribute, and allocating resources. b) Food surpluses made possible by farming allowed some to become wealthier than others which resulted in greater social inequalities and the decision to develop less democratic states. c) none of the above

a) Centralized state governments developed to mobilize and direct armies which would continue to exist as tools for controlling conquered peoples, collecting tribute, and allocating resources.

Which of the following statements is true of a specialized foraging subsistence pattern? a) It can be a very risky way of life in a changing environment. b) It has been the most common subsistence strategy of hunters and gatherers in recent centuries. c) The total amount of food acquired is often less and the amount of time required to secure it is greater compared to a diversified subsistence pattern.

a) It can be a very risky way of life in a changing environment.

What happened to the rate of culture change in the developed nations during the last two centuries? a) It increased. b) It remained about the same as it was before. c) It slowed down.

a) It increased.

Which of the following statements is true of commerce between small-scale societies in the past? a) It involved more institutionalized balanced reciprocity than is found generally in the international trade system today. b) It involved far less social gain than is the case of international trade today. c) Neither of the above statements is true because there was no commerce between small-scale societies in the past.

a) It involved more institutionalized balanced reciprocity than is found generally in the international trade system today.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the introduction of general purpose money into societies that have non-market economies? a) It makes it easier to carry out trade and gives individuals the ability to accumulate wealth. b) It results in the economic independence for the society as a whole. c) It rarely has a powerful effect on the non-market economy.

a) It makes it easier to carry out trade and gives individuals the ability to accumulate wealth.

Where did indigenous tribal level societies have leaders called "big men"? a) New Guinea b) Uganda c) Hawaii

a) New Guinea

The most well known aquatic foraging societies in the Americas live on the ___________________________ . a) Northwest Coast of North America b) Gulf Coast of the Southeastern United States c) New England Coast

a) Northwest Coast of North America

Which of the following statements is true of reciprocal gift exchanges in all societies? a) Participants in a gift exchange agree to receive a gift and repay it with another. b) Reciprocal exchanges usually redistribute the wealth of a society in a way that causes some people to become richer than others. c) Reciprocity requires that a gift be returned that has close to the same economic value.

a) Participants in a gift exchange agree to receive a gift and repay it with another.

Which of the following statements is true of the aquatic foragers of the Northwest Coast of North America? a) Settlements were usually permanent rather than seasonal. b) They had very little leisure time because their fishing was a relatively unproductive, time consuming activity. c) These societies no longer make a living from fishing.

a) Settlements were usually permanent rather than seasonal.

As intensive agriculture based societies developed, which of the following things occurred? a) There was an increase in the efficiency of food production. b) There was a decrease in the percentage of the population who were non-food producers. c) There was more leisure time for most people.

a) There was an increase in the efficiency of food production.

In what kinds of societies are laws usually written down formally? a) large-scale societies b) small-scale societies c) both of the above d) neither of the above

a) large-scale societies

Which of the following statements is true of the civil rights acts of the U.S. Congress during the 1960's that mandated the legal enforcement of "racial" integration in schools and public places? a) There was considerable resistance to them in a number of southern states. b) They were immediately popular throughout the United States since they reflected the social norms at that time. c) They were enacted by Congress long after the social norms throughout the United States had embraced racial integration.

a) There was considerable resistance to them in a number of southern states.

In what way are chiefdoms similar to bands and tribes? a) They are mostly classless societies. b) Their top political positions are only temporary. c) none of the above

a) They are mostly classless societies.

Which of the following statements is true concerning non-market economies? a) They are typically found in small-scale, isolated societies. b) There usually is a high level of technological knowledge. c) Large-scale collaboration on subsistence jobs is common. d) all of the above

a) They are typically found in small-scale, isolated societies.

Which of the following statements is true of non-market economies? a) They can only survive in isolation from the market economies of large-scale societies. b) Most small-scale societies today still have thriving non-market economies. c) Large-scale societies are beginning to give up their market economies in favor of non-market ones.

a) They can only survive in isolation from the market economies of large-scale societies.

How were disputes and crimes within the community usually settled traditionally by the Ju/'hoansi and other small-scale societies? a) They openly gossiped about the deviant individuals and socially ostracized them. b) They had trials in formally organized courts with judges and advocates speaking for defendants. c) They avoided public discussion about a dispute or crime in order for the tension to be reduced and everyone forget about it.

a) They openly gossiped about the deviant individuals and socially ostracized them.

Which of the following statements is true of band leaders? a) They usually only have temporary political power. b) They are usually appointed to their positions for life. c) Bands do not have leaders of any sort.

a) They usually only have temporary political power.

Which of the following statements is true of bands? a) Typically, there is no leadership position in bands that has the authority to conclusively settle disputes, punish criminals, or prevent families from leaving. b) They rarely split into two separate bands because of the strong leadership of their headmen. c) The political and economic power of women is generally very low compared to men.

a) Typically, there is no leadership position in bands that has the authority to conclusively settle disputes, punish criminals, or prevent families from leaving.

The Kula Ring was ____________________________________________ . a) a closed trading system among the Trobriand Islanders in which only recognized senior male trading partners from each island could be expedition leaders b) a trading system in which senior trading partners always ceremonially gave each other long necklaces of red shells c) both of the above

a) a closed trading system among the Trobriand Islanders in which only recognized senior male trading partners from each island could be expedition leaders

A "vendetta" is a term meaning _______________________ . a) a long lasting blood feud b) a kind of weapon invented in medieval Sicily used in siege warfare c) a term used by the Yanomomö of Venezuela to describe their unique form of intervillage raiding.

a) a long lasting blood feud

"Slash and burn" refers to: a) a method of field preparation for farming b) a technique of warfare used by horticulturalists c) a method of eliminating fleas and other insects from a settlement

a) a method of field preparation for farming

Juries around the world commonly are expected to reflect the judgment of _________________ . a) a reasonable man b) a reasonable person c) the political elite within society

a) a reasonable man

A general term for relatively simple political systems in which power is diffused throughout the society. a) acephalous b) hierarchical c) chiefdoms

a) acephalous

An informal negative sanction is _________________________ . a) an unofficial, non-governmental punishment for violations of social norms b) a law prohibiting sexual intercourse and marriage between people of different races c) a socially recognized link between individuals created as an expedient for dealing with special circumstances, such as the bond between a godmother and her godchild

a) an unofficial, non-governmental punishment for violations of social norms

What level of political integration would be expected to exist in a society in which the total number of people does not exceed a few dozen and there is no economic class differentiation. a) band b) tribe c) pantribal association

a) band

If, after several minutes of negotiation, you agree to trade three music CD's with a friend for his used copy of the textbook needed in your cultural anthropology class, it would be an example of ______________ . a) barter b) dumb barter c) gift exchange

a) barter

When a political system has a number of positions with different levels of responsibility, power, and authority it is referred to as a: a) bureaucracy b) monarchy c) democracy d) all of the above

a) bureaucracy

As some horticultural societies of the past developed more intensive agricultural subsistence patterns when their populations grew into the thousands, they were forced to create new levels of political integration in order to maintain unity and order. Which of the following did they develop first? a) chiefdom b) state

a) chiefdom

Which of the following is likely to be found in all kinds of societies? a) feuding b) warfare c) both of the above

a) feuding

About how many band level societies survive today with their traditional form of political organization intact? a) few if any b) hundreds (mostly in Africa and South America)

a) few if any

Horticulture is most well suited to what kind of environment? a) humid, tropical forests b) dry sparse grasslands c) cool, pine forests in temperate regions

a) humid, tropical forests

What are common laws? a) laws that evolve slowly over time and are usually part of the existing cultural tradition rather than being enacted by legislatures or rulers b) laws that are enacted by legislatures or rulers and that apply commonly to everyone c) laws that are commonly found in all kinds of societies

a) laws that evolve slowly over time and are usually part of the existing cultural tradition rather than being enacted by legislatures or rulers

A term referring to different general types of political systems used to organize and manage societies. a) levels of political integration b) subsistence patterns c) foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, and intensive agriculture

a) levels of political integration

When does the "internalization" of the moral codes of a society usually take place? a) mostly in childhood b) mostly during the teenage years in school c) mostly as young adults when people are finally on their own and must make responsible decisions

a) mostly in childhood

Special purpose money consists of _______________________ . a) objects that serve as a medium of exchange in only limited contexts b) a portable, arbitrarily valued medium of exchange that can be used to purchase anything that is for sale c) both of the above d) neither of the above

a) objects that serve as a medium of exchange in only limited contexts

The term "subsistence pattern" refers to the sources and methods a society uses to ______________________________ . a) obtain food and other necessities b) construct houses and other dwellings c) educate its children d) none of the above

a) obtain food and other necessities

Men in indigenous societies of New Guinea wanting to increase their personal status and influence over others organized large ceremonies similar to the Kwakiutl potlatch. The most important things that were given away during these ceremonies in New Guinea were ____________ . a) pigs b) money c) rare sea shells d) none of the above

a) pigs

Which of the following kinds of agriculture is most likely to be found in the poor developing nations in tropical regions of the world? a) plantation agriculture b) mechanized grain farming c) intensive farming in greenhouses

a) plantation agriculture

Which of the following things are horticulturalists most likely to use in farming? a) pointed sticks, hoes, or other hand tools b) large beasts of burden, such as horses and oxen, to pull plows c) pesticides and herbicides

a) pointed sticks, hoes, or other hand tools

Which of the following kind of legal concern is commonly found among pastoralist and rich settled fishing societies but usually not among pedestrian foraging ones? a) property theft b) violence among men resulting from competition for the same mate c) both of the above d) neither of the above

a) property theft

_____________ is defined as planned surprise predatory attacks directed against other communities or societies with the primary objective of plundering and then escaping unharmed with the stolen goods. a) raiding b) feuding c) warfare

a) raiding

Some economic exchanges are intended to distribute a society's wealth in a different way than exists at present. These are called _________________ . a) redistributive exchanges b) reciprocal exchanges c) Kwakiutl exchanges

a) redistributive exchanges

For anthropologists, the word "horticulture" refers to: a) small scale, low intensity farming b) the raising of flowers for sale c) a subsistence pattern in which food only comes from domesticated plants

a) small scale, low intensity farming

Which of the following things happened to human societies as we changed over time from foraging to horticulture and eventually intensive agriculture? a) societies became more complex b) societies became less complex c) there was no significant changes in societies

a) societies became more complex

Proprietary deed has been strongly supported by _____________________ . a) the U.S. and Canadian national cultures, which are European in origin b) most Native American cultures in the 19th century and earlier c) both of the above

a) the U.S. and Canadian national cultures, which are European in origin

What commonly functions as a rudimentary beginning of a taxation system in chiefdoms? a) the redistribution of surplus goods by the chief b) the chief forcing farmers to give up some of their girls to be his wife c) both of the above

a) the redistribution of surplus goods by the chief

Which of the following were intended functions of the Kwakiutl potlatch ceremonies in the 19th century? a) to celebrate major life events in a family b) to dispose of worthless surplus property that could not be bartered or sold to others c) to reinforce the fact that no one had the right to special economic and ceremonial privileges d) all of the above

a) to celebrate major life events in a family

Which of the following kinds of pastoralists would be most likely to have stable, permanent villages that they return to every year? a) transhumance pastoralists b) nomadic pastoralists c) herbivorous pastoralists

a) transhumance pastoralists

What is the name of the theory of state formation that the British archaeologist V. Gordon Childe developed in 1936? This theory assumed that people made rational economic decisions that led them inevitably to develop the first states. a) voluntaristic theory b) hydraulic theory c) coercive theory

a) voluntaristic theory

The transition to intensive agriculture was originally made possible by: a) water management systems and the domestication of large animals for pulling plows b) the discovery of new species of plants that were suitable for domestication c) the creation of cities and an urban way of life

a) water management systems and the domestication of large animals for pulling plows

What is the legal concept at work in the following case? A man is murdered by his neighbor as a consequence of a dispute over the ownership of a small field. The neighbor's family is ordered by a judge to pay the dead man's wife 12 goats in order to pay for the crime and to end the murder's guilt. a) weregeld b) primogeniture c) neither of the above

a) weregeld

Which of the following would be expected to have the most centralization of power? a) chiefdom b) state c) both are about equal in the centralization of power.

b) state

Ancient civilizations based on intensive agriculture developed in all of the following regions except: a) North China b) Australia c) Western South America d) Mesoamerica (Central Mexico to Honduras)

b) Australia

Why do horticulturalists usually have a shifting pattern of field use? That is, why do they abandon their gardens after a few years and create new ones elsewhere? a) Because they don't like to settle down in one area for a long period of time b) Because production drops due to the inevitable depletion of soil nutrients in the old field c) Because water for irrigation becomes scarce

b) Because production drops due to the inevitable depletion of soil nutrients in the old field

Where in the world is horticulture commonly used as a subsistence pattern today? a) Europe and North America b) Central Africa and the Amazon Basin of South America c) Japan, Korea, and China

b) Central Africa and the Amazon Basin of South America

In North America and other large-scale industrial nations, there have been major changes in the typical family during the last century. These changes include: a) Extended family households have become more common. b) Nuclear family households have become more common. c) neither of the above

b) Nuclear family households have become more common.

Gift giving is a common form of non-market exchange within small-scale societies. Which of the following statements is true concerning this sort of exchange? a) It usually results in an inequality in the distribution of wealth within the community. b) The primary motivation for this form of economic exchange in small-scale societies is not economic but social. c) It is better to receive gifts from others because it results in your personal enrichment and increased political power.

b) The primary motivation for this form of economic exchange in small-scale societies is not economic but social.

What usually has happened to tropical horticulturalists when population pressure and/or governments prevented them from following their traditional shifting pattern of farming? a) The horticulturalists usually became wild plant and animal foragers again. b) The productivity of their crops dropped dramatically due to extreme soil nutrient depletion and the people became impoverished. c) The horticulturalists become cattle or sheep ranchers.

b) The productivity of their crops dropped dramatically due to extreme soil nutrient depletion and the people became impoverished.

Which of the following things resulted from international commerce during the last two centuries? a) There has been a redistribution of wealth from the rich nations to the poor ones so that the economic disparity between them is now less than it was two centuries ago. b) There has been an enormous redistribution of wealth to the industrialized nations located mostly in the Northern Hemisphere c) There is now a balance in trade between the richest and the poorest nations in the world.

b) There has been an enormous redistribution of wealth to the industrialized nations located mostly in the Northern Hemisphere

During the 20th century, most national governments tried to force pastoralists to stop their migrations and to reduce the size of their herds in order to prevent over-grazing. What has been the result of this? a) Pastoralists have usually become convinced of the importance of reducing the size of their herds. b) These efforts at controlling them have been consistently resisted by pastoralists. c) Most pastoralists have given up their old ways of life and have become farmers.

b) These efforts at controlling them have been consistently resisted by pastoralists.

Which of the following things happened as people changed over time from foraging to horticulture and eventually intensive agriculture? a) They developed a passive dependence on their environment. b) They progressively had less of a passive dependence on their environment. c) The rate of extinction of wild plant and animal species decreased.

b) They progressively had less of a passive dependence on their environment.

Which of the following is true of North American cattle ranchers today? a) They still follow a traditional pastoralist subsistence pattern. b) They usually share with traditional pastoralists the same basic outlook on life and also value strong male personalities. c) none of the above

b) They usually share with traditional pastoralists the same basic outlook on life and also value strong male personalities.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the anti-miscegenation laws in Alabama during the last 1/3 of the 20th century? a) They were eliminated before the social norms about interracial marriage had changed. b) They were eliminated long after the social norms about interracial marriage had changed. c) They were eliminated as soon as the social norms generally accepted interracial marriages.

b) They were eliminated long after the social norms about interracial marriage had changed.

The term "positive sanction" refers to ____________________ . a) the concept of ownership in which an owner of property has the right to keep it whether or not it is being used or actively possessed b) a reward for appropriate or admirable behavior that conforms with the social norms c) a punishment for violations of social norms

b) a reward for appropriate or admirable behavior that conforms with the social norms

Which of the following kinds of people would most likely be considered to be criminal for acting oddly in public and subsequently be arrested by the police in North America? a) a well dressed rich man b) an unemployed man of African origin who is living on the street c) a homeless woman of European origin who is living on the street

b) an unemployed man of African origin who is living on the street

Bureaucracies with the clearest chains of command are most often: a) large national governments such as that of the U.S. b) armies and other military organizations c) no bureaucracies have clear chains of command d) all bureaucracies have clear chains of command

b) armies and other military organizations

The simplest kind of political system for a society is a: a) tribe b) band c) chiefdom

b) band

What did David Riesman think is the most effective form of social control for a society? a) formal, written laws enforced by police b) being inner directed or conscience controlled c) being other directed or shame controlled

b) being inner directed or conscience controlled

In what kind of society are norms likely to change very slowly? a) large multi-ethnic societies such as the United States b) culturally homogenous traditional Arab nations c) Both of the above are equally likely to have norms that only change very slowly.

b) culturally homogenous traditional Arab nations

Standard economic analysis is inadequate in explaining how and why non-market economies function within societies that have them because ____________________________________________ ? a) these societies lack a system for exchanging and distributing goods and services b) economic profit is not the major motive for exchanging and distributing goods and services in these societies c) barter and gift giving are not really means of exchanging goods or services

b) economic profit is not the major motive for exchanging and distributing goods and services in these societies

In which of the following variations of foraging would people most likely concentrate their subsistence efforts on hunting large mammals from horseback? a) aquatic b) equestrian c) pedestrian

b) equestrian

Which of the following would fit the definition of balanced reciprocity in North America today? a) giving a birthday present to a member of your family b) exchanging Christmas gifts with your best friend at an office party c) buying your friend's lunch

b) exchanging Christmas gifts with your best friend at an office party

The most common form of exchange in non-market economies between friendly small-scale societies is ________________________________ . a) gift giving b) face to face barter c) dumb barter d) the sale of goods using general purpose money as a medium of exchange

b) face to face barter

_____________ is prolonged hostility and occasional physical fighting between individuals and their supporters. (Select an answer based on what you learned in this tutorial.) a) raiding b) feuding c) warfare

b) feuding

With which of the following subsistence patterns are people most likely to intentionally produce a surplus of food to sell or exchange for things that they cannot produce themselves? a) foraging b) horticulture c) both are equally likely

b) horticulture

What is the name of the theory of state formation developed during the 1950's by Karl Wittfogel and Julian Steward? This was an ecological explanation that proposed that states arose out of the need to construct and manage large-scale irrigation systems necessary for intensive agriculture within arid river valleys. a) coercive theory b) hydraulic theory c) tribute theory

b) hydraulic theory

The subsistence pattern of pastoralists all around the world is based on maintaining herds of ______________________ . a) cattle b) large herbivores c) both of the above d) none of the above

b) large herbivores

Which of the following kinds of societies are likely to have bureaucracies of political officials? a) small-scale societies b) large-scale societies c) both are equally likely to have them

b) large-scale societies

The commonly held conceptions of appropriate and expected behavior in a society would be best described as ______________ . a) laws b) norms c) mechanisms of social control

b) norms

Tribes are different from bands in that they have a new kind of integrative mechanism consisting of organizations that cross-cut society by bringing together a limited number of people, typically at least one from each family. Anthropologists refer to these kinds of groups as _____________ . a) age sets b) pantribal associations c) neither of the above

b) pantribal associations

Which of the following would fit the definition of negative reciprocity in North America today? a) buying lunch at an inexpensive fast food restaurant and paying for it with money b) selling flashlight batteries at triple the normal price during a prolonged blackout caused by a widespread electrical power failure c) none of the above

b) selling flashlight batteries at triple the normal price during a prolonged blackout caused by a widespread electrical power failure

What normally functions as rudimentary credit institutions in non-market economies? a) local banks that lend money at low interest rates b) social ties including kinship c) nothing serves the function of a credit institution in these societies---each family must fend for itself.

b) social ties including kinship

Which of the following were a consequence of the transition to intensive agriculture? a) The major contagious diseases were progressively reduced or eliminated from the human population. b) Parasitic diseases appeared for the first time among humans. c) It became easier for contagious diseases to spread and reach epidemic levels.

c) It became easier for contagious diseases to spread and reach epidemic levels.

Which of the following statements is true? a) There is no slavery in modern nation states. b) The human population is no longer growing in numbers. c) Over the 21st century, much of the world very likely will face severe shortages, including those of food, drinking water, arable land, and petroleum based fuels. d) all of the above

c) Over the 21st century, much of the world very likely will face severe shortages, including those of food, drinking water, arable land, and petroleum based fuels.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the ancient civilizations? a) They were organized in an egalitarian way. b) The status and power of women increased. c) Ownership of property shifted from the community to individuals

c) Ownership of property shifted from the community to individuals.

Which of the following statements is true concerning pastoralists? a) Compared to pedestrian foraging societies, the economic and political power of most pastoralist women is very high. b) The division of labor is based primarily on kinship. c) The animals herded by pastoralists are rarely killed for family use alone.

c) The animals herded by pastoralists are rarely killed for family use alone.

Which of the following statements is true of pedestrian foragers? a) There are still many of these societies following their old way of life. b) Pedestrian foragers usually are not able to effectively respond to changing environmental conditions. c) The pedestrian foraging way of life was highly mobile.

c) The pedestrian foraging way of life was highly mobile.

Which of the following statements is true of laws, courts, and police? a) They are the most effective mechanisms of social control. b) They are commonly found in both large and small-scale societies. c) They are not the only mechanisms of social control available to a society.

c) They are not the only mechanisms of social control available to a society.

Marshall Sahlins observed that there are three distinct types of reciprocity that occur in human societies around the world. Which of the following statements is a description of what he described as generalized reciprocity? a) an economic exchange in which there is an explicit expectation of immediate return. b) an attempt to get someone to exchange something he or she may not want to give up or an attempt to get a more valued thing than you give in return c) gift giving without the expectation of an immediate return

c) gift giving without the expectation of an immediate return

According to this tutorial, the crucial difference between gifts and sales is that _________________________________________________________ . a) sales are more efficient than gifts in exchanging goods and services b) more kinds of things can be exchanged by selling c) gifts create and strengthen social relationships while sales usually do not

c) gifts create and strengthen social relationships while sales usually do not

Which of the following would be examples of pastoralism? a) hunting and gathering wild plants and animals b) planting, tending, and harvesting domesticated plants c) herding large animals d) none of the above

c) herding large animals

Large-scale societies with cities obtain most of their food with which of the following subsistence patterns? a) horticulture b) pastoralism c) intensive agriculture d) none of the above

c) intensive agriculture

What is the primary binding mechanism of a band level society? In other words, what usually is most effective in keeping these societies from disintegrating? a) pantribal associations b) religion c) kinship

c) kinship

What is the subsistence base that is almost always found among societies with a state level of political integration? a) pastoralism b) horticulture c) large-scale intensive agriculture

c) large-scale intensive agriculture

Modern nation states differ from the states of the ancient civilizations in that modern states commonly have _______________________ . a) smaller bureaucracies. b) less social mobility c) larger cities d) all of the above

c) larger cities

The population density and community size of horticultural societies is usually _______________ pedestrian foragers. a) about the same as b) smaller than c) larger than

c) larger than

Which societies do not have laws? a) small foraging societies b) pastoralist societies c) neither of the above

c) neither of the above

In New Guinea, tribal leaders often worked for years to accumulate things of high value in order to give them away in large, very public formal ceremonies. What traditionally was the most important kind of thing that they gave away? a) fish oil b) women and children c) pigs

c) pigs

"Competition for power over people and things" is a definition of: a) pedestrian foraging b) levels of political integration for societies c) politics d) bureaucracies

c) politics

What are the major components of any society's economy? a) foraging, horticulture, and pastoralism b) production, exchange, and money c) production, distribution, and exchange

c) production, distribution, and exchange

Pastoralism is usually an adaptation to __________________________ . a) treeless arctic wastelands b) tropical forests c) semi-arid open country

c) semi-arid open country

In his field studies of the ju/'hoansi, Richard Lee noted that as the number of people in a band level society increases, the potential for disruptive interpersonal conflicts inevitably rises. What did he call this phenomenon? a) social discord b) kinship divorce c) social velocity

c) social velocity

Most historically known pedestrian foraging societies ____________________________ . a) usually had a food supply that was inadequate and unreliable b) usually had very few people who lived beyond their 20's or early 30's c) subsisted mainly on vegetable foods rather than meat.

c) subsisted mainly on vegetable foods rather than meat.

_______________ is large scale, sustained conflict in which there is organized combat between societies with clearly recognizable armies. (Select an answer based on what you learned in this tutorial.) a) raiding b) feuding c) warfare

c) warfare

Intensive agricultural first began about ___________ years ago. a) 20,000 b) 15,000 c) 10,000 d) 5,000 e) 1,000

d) 5,000

In the U.S. and other economically powerful nations, we are now moving into a post-industrial information-based economy. Which of the following has been a result of this economic change? a) The economic and political power of women has risen. b) There has been an increasing emphasis on mental rather than hard physical labor. c) We no longer have a need for agriculture d) a and b

d) a and b

A political symbol is: a) a tool used by politicians b) a kind of musical instrument used by politicians in some small-scale societies c) an idea or physical thing that is used as a tool for focusing the attention and emotions of people d) a and c

d) a and c

Political leaders often are allowed access to and control over society's important resources. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are richer than others. In what part of the world were traditional political leaders in the past expected to bankrupt themselves by giving away their wealth to others? a) New Guinea b) Western Europe c) Vancouver Island, Canada d) a and c e) none of the above

d) a and c

What kinds of legal concerns are common in societies that have pedestrian foraging or simple horticultural subsistence bases? a) failure to share food b) theft of property c) fights resulting from competition for the same mate d) a and c e) all of the above

d) a and c

A political leadership role is one in which individuals: a) usually have authority related to broad areas of concern for the society b) usually are allowed to make decisions concerning the group as a whole c) are often expected to lead community discussions and act as spokesmen in dealing with outsiders d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Formal market places are rare in isolated, small-scale societies because ______________________________________ . a) the advantages of trading in them are slight since every household usually provides for its daily needs from its own production. b) surpluses cannot be easily sent to areas of scarcity due to limited transportation capabilities c) effective food preservation technology is usually not available so perishable items do not last long d) all of the above

d) all of the above

If you know what the subsistence base is for a society, it is usually possible to predict ______________________________ . a) the kinds of social and political systems that it can create b) the complexity of its science, mathematics, and technology c) the scale of warfare that it can sustain d) all of the above

d) all of the above

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