Exam 2 Geography CH. 4 & 5

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Which of the following phenomena occur in the tropical South Pacific Ocean during ENSO?

- Upwelling of colder ocean waters slows down near the South American coast. - Trade winds of the South Pacific weaken and may even reverse direction. - A low-pressure system forms over the eastern South Pacific.

The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales only coincide at


Surface ocean currents ___.

-form large rotating gyres in the major ocean basins -are driven by winds -are influenced by Coriolis effect

Which of the following has the highest albedo? -asphalt -fresh snow -forests -dry, light sandy soils -the Moon

-fresh snow

Which of the following forces works to create cyclonic and anticyclonic wind circulation patterns?

-surface friction -Coriolis effect -pressure gradient

How is energy transferred from Earth's surface to Earth's atmosphere?

-through latent heat in water vapor -through the greenhouse effect -through conduction -through convection

-273°C (-459.67°F) is

0 absolute temperature.

What is the insolation range (watts per square meter) associated with July temperatures ranging from 3 to 5° C?

0 to 99 W/m2

What is the primary July temperature range associated with the portion of the Rocky Mountains in northern Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana (2000-3,999 m)?

15 to 17° C

Where do you find the greatest net radiation deficit in June 2003?

200 W/m2 in southern New Zealand

What is the highest net radiation surplus that you can find in June 2003?

200 W/m2 in the northern Pacific Ocean

Earth's average overall albedo is

31 percent

How much of the Sun's incoming radiation is scattered or reflected back to space before any heating effect is felt on Earth?


How much of the Sun's incoming radiation is absorbed by Earth's surface?


As you view the animation, keep in mind that the subsolar point travels between 23.5° north and 23.5° south, for a total of 47° of movement. The region of highest net radiation surplus moves from:

50° N in June to 50° S in December.

The western intensification causes water to pile up, ____________, forcing water to flow ______________ in strong currents.

Against Eastern shore of continents; northward and southward

San Francisco, CA and Wichita, KS are located at approximately the same latitude. Which of the following is true?

Annual temperature ranges in Wichita are greater than those in San Francisco.

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of incoming shortwave radiation from the Sun decreased and was less than the longwave radiation lost to space?

Atmospheric temperature would decrease.

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of shortwave radiation reflected at Earth's surface increased significantly?

Atmospheric temperature would decrease.

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of outgoing longwave radiation decreased so that it was less than incoming shortwave radiation from the Sun?

Atmospheric temperature would increase.

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of shortwave radiation reflected by clouds decreased significantly?

Atmospheric temperature would increase.

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of incoming shortwave radiation from the Sun was the same as the longwave radiation lost to space?

Atmospheric temperature would remain the same.

Which of the following is true relative to the Earth-atmosphere radiation system?

Averaged over a year, Earth's surface has an energy surplus.

Which of the following statements best compares wind circulation patterns and mean January temperatures?

Cold air associated with the high pressure over central Asia blows in a clockwise (anticyclonic) direction.

Which of the following is correctly matched?

Conduction - molecule-to-molecule heat transfer

________ refers to the greater range between maximum and minimum temperatures that occurs in inland areas distant from large bodies of water.


The intertropical convergence zone is characterized by

Convergence and uplift of warm surface air.

The El Nino-southern oscillation is associated with the following except

Cooler than normal ocean along the west coast of South America

Which of the following factors best explains the areas of high-speed winds seen in the Santa Ana wind speeds layer?

Downslope winds

Which natural climate oscillation produces warm and cold phases near the west coast of South America?


Which of the following statements regarding albedo is correct?

Earth's average albedo is 31%.

What causes the Coriolis force?

Earth's rotation

How does evaporation effect land-water heating differences?

Evaporation tends to lower temperatures more over water bodies than over land.

How does wind generally move?

From areas of higher atmospheric pressure toward areas of lower atmospheric pressure

Which of the following locations has the highest albedo?


The current in the northwestern part of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre that transports warm water toward the North Atlantic is called the __________.

Gulf Stream

One of the worlds most powerful currents, located off the east coast of the United States, is the ________.

Gulf Stream.

The tropical atmospheric circulation associated with rising winds along the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and descending air in the subtropics are called

Hadley cells.

Which of the following is true regarding locations at high elevations?

Higher elevations experience lower average temperatures during both day and night.

Which statement describes global temperature patterns?

In July, the thermal equator is at higher latitudes over continents in the Northern Hemisphere than over oceans.

What causes friction forces?

Interaction between wind and surrounding atmosphere

mountain and valley breezes

Involve warm air rising up slope during the day, creating an area of low pressure; at night it is reversed with a low pressure area forming on the valley floor

El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

Is a periodic shift of high and low pressure zones over the western and eastern Pacific, respectively, usually occurring every 2 to 12 years.

Which of the following is true of the albedo of water?

It changes, depending upon the Sun angle.

What happens to the energy that the ground absorbs in the form of visible sunlight?

It is returned upward in the form of infrared light.

On a cloudless day, what happens to most of the visible light headed toward Earth?

It reaches Earth's surface, where some is reflected and some is absorbed.

Which of the following is not important in shaping ocean currents?

Land-sea breezes

Which association between atmospheric circulation and mean temperatures in July is correct?

Low pressure and warm temperatures associated with the intertropical convergence zone over South Asia

Which of the following cities would most likely experience the effects of the ITCZ in December?

Lusaka, Zambia

Fluctuations in the flow of the Gulf stream current result in curving loops of water known as ____________.


Which is true of upper atmospheric circulation?

Middle and upper tropospheric circulation is an important component of the atmosphere's general circulation.

Seasonally shifting winds systems associated with the annual cycle of returning precipitation are known as


On Earth between 30° north latitude and the equator, winds flow from the ________ as they flow out of the ________ pressure zone toward the ITCZ.

NE; subtropical high

A deep and powerful southward subsurface current that flows under the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic is the __________.

North Atlantic Deep Water

The gulf stream transports warm water into the ________.

North Atlantic.

Which temperature anomalies in the United States are correctly matched with La Niña and El Niño years?

North Dakota experiences negative temperature anomalies during La Niña years and positive temperature anomalies during El Niño years.

Which of the following regions has the largest annual temperature ranges?

North-central Asia (e.g. Siberia, Russia)

Which of the following is true?

Northern Hemisphere temperatures are more strongly dominated by continentality than are Southern Hemisphere temperatures.

Which natural oscillation in global circulation is associated with shifts in patterns of sea surface temperatures, air pressure, and winds between the northern and tropical western Pacific?

Pacific Decadal Oscillation.

The western side of subtropical high-pressure cells

Produces surface winds that pass over warm ocean currents

The principle that explains the differential scattering of shorter wavelength radiation and accounts for the Earth's blue sky is

Rayleigh scattering.

________ are waving undulations within the upper-air westerly wind flow.

Rossby waves

Which of the following regions would have the greatest range of temperatures?

Siberia, Russia

Which statement accurately describes surface ocean currents?

Surface ocean currents are driven by frictional drag from winds.

Which of the following is NOT true of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)?

The ITCZ is stationary throughout the year.

How does the location of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) change over time?

The ITCZ migrates south of the equator in Northern Hemisphere winter and north of the equator in Northern Hemisphere summer.

Imagine two hypothetical cities, both located at 12° N latitude. However, one is located near sea level, while the other at an elevation of 4,000 m (13,123 ft) above sea level. Which of the following is likely true?

The city at the higher elevation has average monthly and yearly temperatures lower than the city near sea level.

On a day with complete cloud cover, what happens to the visible light headed toward Earth?

The clouds reflect some of it back to space, and some still reaches the surface.

What causes the pressure gradient force?

The difference in atmospheric pressure from one location to another

Which is true for global annual temperature ranges?

The greatest ranges occur in east central Siberia in Russia.

Which of the following statements about albedo patterns in the Arctic and Antarctic is correct?

The highest albedo values are found around each pole's spring equinox.

Which of the following has the lowest albedo? - fresh snow - croplands - the moon - light roof - forests

The moon

Which of the following statements regarding the range of net radiation values through the year is correct?

The net radiation values along the Tropic of Cancer range from -100 W/m2 to 150 W/m2.

Which of the following is true of India's weather patterns?

The shifting of the intertropical convergence zone and upper air circulation brings heavy precipitation in summer from June to September.

Which of the following statements regarding diffuse radiation is correct?

The sky is blue as a result of Rayleigh scattering.

Which of the following statements is correct?

The subsolar point does not move as far as the region of maximum net radiation surplus.

Of the following statements, which most accurately explains the relationship between wind and pressure patterns and the average annual precipitation in particular regions?

The trade winds converge toward the intertropical convergence zone, producing average precipitation totals that generally exceed 60 inches a year over northern South America.

Which of the following is true of differences in latitudinal energy?

There is an energy balance between energy gains and losses around 36° latitude.

Which of the following is true of thermohaline circulation?

Thermohaline currents are deep currents caused by differences in temperature and salinity.

Which of the following is false regarding the jet streams?

They have no known effect on surface weather systems.

How does the Coriolis force deflect objects in the atmosphere, relative to their original paths?

To the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere

What are the persistent surface winds that flow in the lower latitudes

Trade winds.

What conditions are found under the intertropical convergence zone?

Warm surface air is converging and rising.

How would wind move if Coriolis and friction forces did not exist?

Wind would move directly from areas of high atmospheric pressure to areas of low atmospheric pressure.

How would wind move if pressure gradient and Coriolis forces did not exist?

Wind would not move.

How would wind move if pressure gradient and friction forces did not exist?

Wind would not move.

Land surface temperature (LST) is

a measure of the heating of the land surface and is distinct from air temperature.

The assimilation of radiation by molecules of matter is


A horizontal air current that is generated by temperature-induced density differences is an example of heat transfer by


The time of maximum daily temperature occurs

after the time of maximum absorbed insolation, because an energy surplus accumulates in the atmosphere while the Sun is still high in the sky and reaches a peak in mid-afternoon.

The relationship between insolation and air temperature through the course of day shows

air temperature reaches a maximum afternoon, whereas absorbed insolation reaches a maximum at noon.

The reflective quality of a surface is known as its


Which areas of Earth experience the most precipitation?

areas near the ITCZ

What are jet streams?

bands of high-speed wind found at elevations of 9-15 km.

Where are the two main hemispheric jet streams located?

between 50 and 60 degrees latitude and at about 30 degrees latitude.

In the Northern Hemisphere, ocean currents move ________ about high-pressure cells; in the Southern Hemisphere ocean currents move ________ about high-pressure cells.

clockwise; counterclockwise

The polar high pressure system is best characterized as

cold and dry with weak anticyclonic high pressure.

When a meander from the Gulf Stream pinches off into the warm water south of the current, the eddy is called a __________.

cold-core eddy or ring.

What is the process that transfers heat by molecular contact?


The thermal equator

connects all points of highest mean temperature.

Sensible heat transfer (H) refers to energy transfer between the air and the surface by

convection and conduction

If the amount of low, thick stratus cloud cover increases, the Earth's climates would likely ________ due to increased ________.

cool; reflectivity

During summer, cities located near the coast are ________ than those in the interior at the same latitude, while in the winter they are ________.

cooler; warmer

Longwave radiation absorbed by certain atmospheric constituents and re-radiated back to Earth's surface is known as

counter radiation

Santa Ana winds

create wildfire conditions by bringing heat and dryness as they flow southwest.

The loss of heat from the ocean surface, resulting in a lowered temperature, causes ocean water to become __________.


Incoming radiation that reaches Earth's surface after scattering is

diffuse radiation.

The Aleutian low and Icelandic low are

dominant in the winter and weaken or disappear in the summer.

NET R values, as illustrated for a typically summer day at a midlatitude location, are positive

during daylight hours, peaking just after noon with the peak of insolation.

When would you expect the low-pressure cell over Greenland to be most developed?

during the Northern Hemisphere winter

During the winter, the Bermuda high migrates to the ________ and becomes the ________.

east; Azores high

Ocean frontal systems that spin off from currents such as the Gulf Stream, akin to atmospheric storms, are known as __________.


Which of the following primary pressure areas are produced by thermal factors, rather than dynamic factors?

equatorial low and polar high

A large system of rotating ocean currents, usually driven by the major wind belts, is called a(n) __________.


What drives Hadley cell circulation?

heating from the Sun

Heat always flow from an area of ________ temperature to an area of ________ temperature.

higher; lower

Which of the following climate types is predominately found adjacent to warm ocean currents?

humid subtropical, moist all year

Where are Hadley cells found?

in the atmosphere near the equator

On land, the highest annual values for latent heat of evaporation (LE) occur

in the tropics.

The single most important control on temperature is



involve onshore (toward the land) air flows that develop in the afternoon.

The analogy of a greenhouse

is a useful, but inaccurate model since atmospheric gases do not trap, but absorb heat.

The greenhouse effect raises Earth's surface temperature (from what it would be otherwise) because the infrared light radiated by Earth's surface __________.

is temporarily absorbed by greenhouse gases and then reemitted in random directions

The area of conflict between colder and warmer air masses in the subpolar region

is termed the polar front.

Lines on a temperature map connecting points of equal temperature is called an


If a surface absorbs insolation,

its temperature increases.

The most prominent movement in the upper-level westerly geostrophic wind flows are the

jet streams.

During the day along the coast, the wind tends to blow toward the ________ because ________.

land; land heats more rapidly than water

Which of the following is a nonradiative transfer of longwave radiation to the atmosphere?

latent heat transfer

Energy gained or lost when a substance changes from one state to another is

latent heat.

Which of the following is not a reason for the energy deficit in the polar regions?

little seasonal variability

The specific heat of land is ________ than water and, therefore, land heats more ________ than water.

lower; quickly

What are Rossby waves?

major undulations in the path of a jet stream

Temperature is

measure of the average kinetic energy of individual molecules in matter.

An image that appears near the horizon when layers of air are at different temperatures and densities is a(n) ________ and an example of ________.

mirage; refraction

Official temperatures are measured using thermometers placed in shelters that are

placed a few feet above the ground in louvered white boxes.

The polar high pressure cells

produce the weak, variable polar easterlies.

During the day, clouds ________ insolation, lowering daily maximum temperatures; at night, clouds ________ longwave energy, thereby raising minimum nighttime temperatures.

reflect; absorb and counter radiate

Only some shortwave radiation from the Sun reaches Earth's surface. What is the leading cause of this radiation loss?

reflection by clouds

When light passes from one medium to another, resulting in a change in speed and direction of insolation,

refraction occurs.

Because of the process known as ________ the Sun appears above the horizon ________ it has actually risen.

refraction; before

Monsoonal winds are

regional wind systems that seasonally vary.

Heat that can be sensed due to the kinetic energy of molecular motion is

sensible heat

Which statement describes the Earth-atmosphere energy budget?

shows net surpluses at the equator and net deficits at the poles

The temperature control that includes the heat capacity of a substance is

specific heat

Which of the following is associated with the Sahara and the Arabian Deserts?

subtropical high pressure

Which of the following is not associated with the Asian monsoon pattern?

summer low pressure zones over the ocean and high pressure zone over land.

Thermohaline circulation in the ocean is driven primarily by differences in __________ and __________ among water masses.

temperature; salinity

Net radiation (NET R) refers to

the balance of all radiation incoming and outgoing at Earth's surface

Calm winds associated weak pressure gradient and the vertical ascent of air in the ITCZ are known as

the doldrums.

Differential transmissivity of shortwave insolation and longwave terrestrial radiation by various atmospheric gases is better known as

the greenhouse effect.

Elevation typically refers to ________ whereas altitude refers to ________.

the height of a point on Earth's surface; the height above Earth's surface

Conduction refers to

the molecule-to-molecule transfer of heat energy.

The size of one Kelvin unit is

the same size as one Celsius degree.

What two features are many of Earth's deserts associated with?

the subtropical highs and cool ocean currents found along the west coasts of continents

Between 20° to 35° north and 20° to 35° south are

the world's arid and semi-arid desert regions.

Earth's main energy outputs are

thermal infrared radiation.

What are the variations in temperature and salinity that affect deep ocean currents?

thermohaline circulation

How can the jet stream return to normal zonal flow after Rossby waves build?

through separation of a mass of cold air from the jet stream

The winds converging at the equatorial low are known as

trade winds.

The passage of shortwave and longwave energy through the atmosphere and water is an example of


What is the uninterrupted passage of insolation through the atmosphere or water?


In January, the thermal equator

trends southward into the interior of South America and Africa.

Earth's main energy inputs are

ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared radiation.

Where surface water is swept away from a coast, ________ occurs, bringing cold, nutrient rich waters to the surface.


An increase in the amount of high altitude, ice crystal (cirrus) clouds would

warm the planet in a process called cloud-greenhouse forcing.

Which two gases are good absorbers of longwave radiation emitted from Earth?

water vapor and carbon dioxide

In which direction do jet streams generally travel?

west to east.

On Earth between 30° and 60° north latitude, winds flow from the __________ as they flow out of the __________ pressure zone toward the __________ pressure zone.

west-southwest; subtropical high; subpolar low

The dominant surface winds from the subtropics to high latitudes are the


A monsoon climate is characterized by ________ summers and ________ winters.

wet; dry

Which of the following is associated with a La Niña-ENSO Phase?

wetter conditions throughout Indonesia, the South Pacific, and northern Brazil

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