Exam 2 Industrial and Product Safety

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Give five categories of human reaction to workplace stress.

1. Subjective or emotional (anxiety, aggression, guilt) 2. Behavioral (accident proneness, trembling) 3. Cognitive (inability to concentrate or make decisions) 4. Physiological (increased heart rate and blood pressure) 5. Organizational (absenteeism and poor productivity)

Explain the rationale for emergency preparation.

A quick and proper response can prevent panic, decrease the likelihood of injury and damage, and bring the situation under control in a timely manner.

Chapter 31: Define the concept of the safety-first corporate culture.

A safety-first corporate culture exists when the tacit assumptions, beliefs, values, attitudes, expectations, and behaviors that are widely shared and accepted in an organization support the establishment and maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment for all personnel at all levels.

Explain three stages of human reaction to stress.

Alarm- characterized by pallor, sweating, and an increased heart rate. Resistance- initiates a greater physical response, The alarm dissipates and the body develops an adaptation to the stress. Exhaustion- This stage is demonstrated by the body's failure to adapt to the continued stress, psychosomatic diseases such as gastric ulcers, colitis, rashes, and autoimmune disorders may begin during this stage.

Chapter 25: Define the term emergency.

An emergency is a potentially life-threatening situation, usually occurring suddenly and unexpectedly.

Chapter 16: Describe the following thermal comfort-related terms: conduction, convection, and metabolic heat.

Conduction is the transfer of heat between two bodies that are touching or from one location to another within a body. Convection is the transfer of heat from one location to another by way of a moving medium (a gas of liquid) Metabolic heat is produced within a body as a result of activity that burns energy.

What problems can be caused by poorly designed incentives?

Employee access (depending on the location), injury, unfair programs, and insufficient budget.

Describe and differentiate among first-, second-, and third-degree burns.

First-degree burns are minor and result only in a mild inflammation of the skin, known as erythema Second-degree burns are easily recognizable from the blisters that form on the skin. Third-degree burns are very dangerous and can be fatal depending on the amount of body surface affected.

What is the most fundamental weakness of both FMEA and HAZOP and how can it be overcome?

The element of human error is missing from FMEA and HAZOP which is a weakness of the two. It can be overcome by coupling human error analysis.

What is trauma?

Trauma is psychological stress.

What should you do if an employee accidentally splashes a caustic chemical on himself or herself?

Wash off the chemical by flooding the burned areas with copious amount of water as quickly as possible.

How can cold stress be prevented?

When working in a cold environment, provide the right PPE for the conditions that exist. PPE for cold environments might include face protection, head protection, ear protection, wind vests, wind-blocking jackets, over suits, warming vests, hand warmers, foot warmers, gloves, wind-and-water insulated clothing, cold-insulated footwear, ice cleats, slip resistance footwear, and glare protection. In selecting PPE for cold environments, it is advisable to ask employees to participate.

Explain the precautions that should be taken before resuming business after a disaster.

A comprehensive hazard assessment should be completed before business is resumed. Structural integrity, Utility checks, cleanup protection, health and sanitation, air quality, ventilation, walls, ceilings, and floors, safety equipment, lighting, hazardous waste removal, machines and equipment, and furniture.

What is the purpose of preliminary hazard analysis?

A hazard analysis is a systematic process for identifying hazards and recommending corrective actions.

How can a company localize its EAP?

A map of the specific plant helps localize an EAP.

List the major components of an OHSMS.

Assessment of risk/hazard analysis Planning for hazard abatement and control Establishment of performance outcomes Establishment of roles and responsibilities Training related to occupational safety and health Communication with stakeholders Procedures for controlling hazards and risks Emergency response plans and procedures Regular ongoing measurement of performance Closing the loop: acting on the results of evaluations in ways that continually improve safety and health in the workplace.

Why did it take so long for TOR to catch on?

For about 20 years user documentation of TOR was not readily available. Consequently, widescale use did not occur until the early 1990s, when documentation began to be circulated.

Discuss efforts to rid the workplace of all causes of workplace stress.

Not all sources of stress on the job can be eliminated, and employment screening is unlikely to identify all those who are sensitive to stress. People can learn to adapt to stress, however.

What is the significance of objectivity and consistency when enforcing safety rules?

Objectivity and consistency are critical when enforcing rules. Objectivity means that rules are enforced without bias. Consistency means that the rules are enforced in the same manner every time with no regard to any outside factors. This means that the same punishment is assigned regardless of who commits the infraction.

Describe how a company's emergency response effort should be coordinated.

One person in charge, everyone involved knows who that person is, everyone has a role in response to an emergency and is given ample opportunities to simulate the conditions that come as close as possible to the real conditions.

Explain how individuals can reduce workplace stress.

Openly communicate with management and team. Regular exercise. Taking relaxation breaks periodically throughout the day. Leaving work at work and not taking it home. Having a sense of humor. Forming of support groups.

List five sources of workplace stress and give an on-the-job example for each source

Physical working conditions, Work overload, role ambiguity, lack of feedback, personality, personal and family problems, or role conflict.

Explain how to prepare for and respond to an active shooter incident.

Prepare by training workers how to recognize and report suspicious ppl and their behavior. Workers should evacuate, hide or plan to defend.

How are some autoimmune diseases and workplace stress related?

Research has linked some autoimmune diseases with increased long-term workplace stress.

How can employers prepare for the threat of terrorism?

Run a safe and caring operation, listen to employees, train employees, communicate, know your personnel, empower personnel, harden the site against external threats and restrict access, remove any barriers to clear visibility around the facility, have and enforce parking and delivery regulations, Make sure that visitors can be screened from a distance, Keep all unstaffed entrance doors locked and alarmed, Make air intakes and other utilities inaccessible to all but designated maintenance personnel, Prevent access to roofs and upper stories, Secure trash containers, Ensure that employees, contractors, and visitors wear badges, Have an emergency response plan and practice it periodically, Be cautious of information placed on your company's Web site, Keep up-to-date with the latest safety and security strategies, Protect the integrity of your facility's key system.

Explain the principal concerns of the safety manager.

Strategic planning, safety policy, written procedures, employee training, communication, human resource management, self assessments, safety and health promotion, accident investigation and reporting, and ongoing monitoring.

Chapter 11: Define Stress.

Stress is the reaction of the human body to social, occupational, environmental, and psychological factors the we perceive as threats. These perceived threats are external stimuli.

How does the concept of superior value factor into the need for a safety-first corporate culture?

Superior value is a combination of superior cost, quality and service- all of which are achieved more easily in a safe and healthy work environment and all of which are undermined by anything less.

What are the characteristics of effective teams?

Supportive environment, team player skills, role clarity, clear direction, team-oriented rewards, and accountability.

Explain the hazards of chemical burns besides tissue damage.

The primary hazardous effects of chemical burns are infection, loss of body fluids, and shock.

Why is the term safety culture a misnomer?

The term safety culture is a misnomer in that it implies that safety is a standalone, nonintegrated concept that can occur in a vacuum- that is not part of a longer corporate culture.

How do OSHA standards relate to emergency preparation?

There are technically no OSHA standards that would be used in case of emergencies.

Why is employee participation/involvement so critical in the promotion of safety?

They usually know better than anyone where hazards exist. In addition, they are the ones who must follow safety rules. A fundamental rule of management is if you want employees to make a commitment, involve them from the start.

What measures are recommended by OSHA for preventing cold and heat related injuries?

To prevent cold related injuries OSHA recommends that employers train workers to recognize how to prevent cold stress hazards. Provide appropriate engineering controls, such as heaters and windshields. Identify safety work practices for cold environments and make sure they are followed and make sure workers wear the proper PPE. To prevent heat related injuries OSHA recommends that employers train workers to recognize and prevent heat stress hazards. Provide appropriate engineering controls, such as air conditioners, proper ventilation, as well as shady spots. Identify safety work practices hot hot environments and make sure workers are using them.

Give specific steps that can be taken by managers to help reduce workplace stress.

Training can help people recognize and deal with stress effectively. Role ambiguity and stress caused by lack of feedback by providing frequent feedback. A manager can help employees realize their full potential by helping them match their career goals with the company's goals and giving them more control over their jobs. Managers can help design jobs in ways that lead to worker satisfaction, thereby lessening work stress. Managers can also assist in the effort to provide varied and independent work with good possibilities for contact and collaboration with fellow workers and for personal development.

Explain the concept of persuasive communication.

Use this approach when you want employees to by into a concept and you want to identify the sources of potential resistance. Gain information you don't have, let people who are concerned or opposed vent then gain feedback before solidifying an idea or in order to diffuse any anger.

How does wind movement affect the way the body perceives temperature?

Whether employees are exposed to cold air or are immersed in cold water, wind can magnify the level of cold stress. This phenomenon is often referred to as windchill.

How is workplace stress different from general stress?

Workplace stress involves the emotional state resulting from a perceived difference between the level of occupational demand and a person's ability to cope with this demand.

List three benefits companies gain from asking employees to sign a declaration of safety.

1. By their signature, employees make a personal commitment. 2. By their signature, employees promise to interact positively with fellow workers when they see them ignoring safety precautions. 3. By their signature, employees give fellow workers permission to correct them when they ignore safety precautions.

What are the steps for ensuring that incentives actually promote safety?

1. Define objectives. 2. Develop specific criteria. 3. Make rewards meaningful. 4. Recognize that only employees who will participate in an incentive program know what incentives will motivate them. 5. Keep communications clear. 6. Use nonmonetary rewards. 7. Reward teams.

List and explain the four main components of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.

1. Emergency planning- requires that communities from local emergency planning committees and that states from stat emergency response commissions. 2. Emergency notification- requires that chemical spills or releases of toxic substances that exceed established allowable limits be reported to appropriate LEPCs and SERCs. 3. Information Requirements- mean that local companies must keep their LEPCs and SERCs and, through them the public informed about the hazardous substances that the companies store, handle, transport, or use. 4. Toxic Chemical Release Reporting- requires that local companies report the total amount of toxic substances released into the environment as either emissions or hazardous waste.

Why should a company include trauma response in its EAP?

workers can become ill or unable to function, they may develop resentments with the organization which may lead to conflicts with bosses and coworkers, and high employee turnover and even self conscious sabotage.

List at least five ways (evidence) to tell if an organization has a safety-first corporate culture.

1. Its priorities 2. How people in the organization succeed 3. How decisions are made in the organization 4.Expectations management has of employees 5. Expectations employees have of management 6. Effects of internal peer pressure on safety 7. Unwritten rules that are widely accepted 8. How conflict about safety is handled.

Explain the two options given to organizations by HAZWOPER for responding to a chemical spill.

(1) Evacuate all employees in the event of a spill and call in professional emergency response personnel. (2) Respond internally, employers who use this must have an emergency action plan in place.

Name and briefly explain two approaches to HEA.

(1) Observing employees at work and noting hazards (the task analysis approach) (2) Actually performing job tasks to get a firsthand feel for hazards.

List the factors that determine the severity of a chemical burn.

-Corrosive capability of the chemical -Concentration of the chemical -Temperature of the chemical or the solution in which it is dissolved -Duration of contract with the chemical

Describe the various components of cold stress prevention program.


Why is cost-benefit analysis so critical as a part of hazard analysis and prevention?


Describe the essential components of an EAP and explain how to build the needs of personnel with disabilities into the plan.

1. Procedures. specific, step by step emergency response procedures should be developed for each potential emergency. 2. Coordination. All cooperating agencies and organizations and emergency responders should be listed along with their telephone number and primary contact person. 3. Assignments and responsibilities. Every person who will be involved in responding to a given emergency should know his or her assignment. 4. Accident prevention strategies. The day-to-day strategies to be used for preventing a particular type of emergency should be summarized in this section of the EAP. 5. Schedules. This section should contain the dates and times of regularly scheduled practice drills.

List and explain each of the 10 steps for establishing a safety first corporate culture.

1. Understand the need for a safety first corporate culture 2. Assess the current corporate culture as it relates to safety. 3. Plan for a safety first corporate culture. 4. Expect appropriate safety related behaviors and attitudes. 5. Model the desired safety related behaviors and attitudes. 6. Orient personnel to the desired safety first corporate culture. 7. Mentor personnel in the desired safety related behaviors and attitudes 8. Train personnel in the desired safety related behaviors and attitudes. 9. Monitor safety related behavior and attitudes at all levels. 10. Reinforce and maintain the desired safety first corporate culture.

Explain three ways in which mental workload can be measured.

1. With subjective ratings, the workers are asked to rate their perceived level of workload. 2. Behavioral time-sharing techniques require the simultaneous performance of two tasks. 3. psychophysiological techniques require simultaneous measurement of heart rate and brain waves, which are then interpreted as indexes of mental workload and workplace stress.

Chapter 27: Define the term Hazard

A hazard is a condition or combination of conditions that, if left uncorrected, may lead to an accident, illness, or property damage.

How can heat strain be recognized?

A sustained rapid heart rate, core body temp is greater than 38.5°C, recovery rate minute after a peak work effort is greater than 110 beats per minute, sudden and severe fatigue, nausea, dizziness, or light-headedness, profuse sweating that continues for hours, weight loss of more than 1.5 percent of body weight during one work shift, and urinary sodium excretion of less than 50 moles.

Explain why promoting safety by example is so important.

After a safety policy has been implemented, its credibility with employees will be determined by the example set by management, from supervisors through executives. It is critical that managers follow the company safety policy in both letter and spirit. Managers who set a poor example undermine all the company's efforts to promote safety.

What factors influence the WBGT?

Air temperature, radiant heat, and humidity

What is an expert system? How can one be used in responding to an emergency?

An expert system is a computer program that is used to solve problems. Such system relies on the database of knowledge about a very particular area, an understanding of the problems addressed in that area, and expertise in solving problems in that area.

Discuss how shift work causes workplace stress. Give suggestions for minimizing workplace stress from work shift.

Basic physiological functions are scheduled by the biological clock called the circadian rhythm. The body perceives a change in work shift as being stressful. So, you can minimize this by encouraging shift workers to exercise regularly, encouraging shift workers to avoid caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs that can inhibit their ability to sleep, and if shift workers cannot sleep without some type of sleep aid, the food supplement melatonin or other natural sleep inducers should be recommended rather than sleeping pills.

What is heat stress?

Heat stress is the net heat load to which a worker may be exposed from the combined contributions of metabolic effect of work, environmental factors, and clothing requirements.

How are psychosomatic reactions to stress and actual physiological illness related?

Continual or persistent stress has been linked to many physiological problems. Initially, the effects may be psychosomatic, but with continued stress, the symptoms show up as actual organic dysfunction.

Describe how corporate cultures are established.

Corporate cultures in organizations are established based on what is expected, modeled, passed on during orientation, taught by mentors, included in training, monitored and evaluated, and reinforced through recognition and rewards.

Define the following emergency response concepts: ERT, ERN, and TRT.

ERT- a team of personnel designated to ensure and facilitate a proper response to an emergency. ERN- a network of ERTs that covers a designated geographical area and is typically responsible for a specific type of emergency. TRT- The purpose of the response is to help employees get back to normal by enabling them to handle what they have experienced.

Name five widely applicable hazard prevention strategies.

Eliminate the source of the hazard, substitute a less hazardous equivalent, reduce the hazards at the source, remove an employee from the hazard, isolate the hazard, dilute the hazard, apply appropriate personal protective equipment, provide employee training, practice good housekeeping.

Briefly, describe the following detailed hazard analysis methodologies:

FMEA: (failure mode and effects of analysis) formal step-by-step analytical method that is a spin-off of reliability analysis, a method used to analyze complex engineering systems. HAZOP: (hazard and operability review) an analysis method that was developed for use with new processes in the chemical industry. HEA: (Human error analysis) used to predict human error, not to review what has occurred. TOR: (Technique of operations review) An analysis method that allows supervisors and employees to work together to analyze workplace accidents, failures, and incidents. FTA: (Fault tree analysis) can be used to predict and prevent accidents or as an investigative tool after the fact. Risk analysis: an analytical methodology normally associated with insurance and investments.

What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?

Fatigue, Nausea/vomiting, headache, light-headedness, clammy & moist skin, pale/flushed complexion, fainting when trying to stand, rapid pulse.

What are the employer's obligations regarding rules and regulations?

Employers must have rules that ensure a safe and healthy workplace. Employers must ensure that all employees are knowledgeable about the rules. Employers must ensure that safety rules are enforced objectively and consistently.

How does clothing affect the cooling process?

Encapsulating suits and clothing that is impermeable or highly resistant to flow of air and water vapor multiply the potential for heat strain.

Explain why experience and related expertise are so important when conducting a preliminary hazard analysis.

Experience and related expertise are important because

What is heat strain?

Heat strain is the overall physiological response resulting from heat stress.

Explain how you would provide first aid training if you were responsible for setting up a program of your company.

First-aid programs are usually available in most communities. The continuing education departments of community colleges and universities typically offer first-aid training. The American Red Cross and also the National Safety Council provides first-aid training.

Describe the symptoms of cold stress and hypothermia.

Frostbite- 1st degree: Freezing but not blistering or peeling 2nd degree: freezing accompanied by blistering and peeling 3rd degree: Freezing accompanied by death of skin or tissue. Frost nip- less severe form of frostbite, it can cause the skin to turn white but there is typically not tissue damage. Trench foot- a condition that manifests itself as tingling, itching and swelling pain, caused by continuous exposure of the feet to cold but not freezing environment and moisture. Hypothermia- a condition when the body temperature drops to dangerously low levels.

Besides training, what other first aid preparation should a company take?

Have well stocked first-aid kits. Have appropriate personal protective devices available. Post emergency telephone numbers. Keep all employees informed.

Define the following terms: heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat syncope, heat rash, work tolerance time, and moisture vapor transfer rate.

Heat exhaustion: a physical state in which the worker's skin becomes clammy and moist and his or her body temperature is still normal or slightly higher than normal. Heat cramps: muscle cramps that can occur when workers exert themselves sufficiently to lose fluids and salt through sweating, but replace only the fluids by drinking large amounts of water containing no salt. Heat syncope: Workers who exert themselves in a hot environment will sometimes faint. Heat rash: Workers who exert themselves in a hot environment in which swear does not evaporate can develop a prickly rash. Work tolerance time: (WIT) is a formula safety and health professionals can use to determine what steps can be taken to allow a worker to safely perform his of her required tasks in the environment in question for the time required. Moisture vapor transfer rate: (MVTR) is a measure of the ability of the fabric used in making PPE to dissipate heat.

Explain why lack of job autonomy may cause workplace stress.

If you feel like you have no control, that can cause stress.

Why is it important for organizations to have a safety-first corporate culture?

In one word, competition, in today's market.

What is risk assessment? How is it used?

Is the process of quantifying the level of risk associated with the operation of a given machine of process. It should be structured in a systematic process.

What is the most important strength of TOR?

Its involvement of line personnel in the analysis.

Summarize the main elements of LOPA.

LOPA (Layer of protection analysis): Hazardous events, Event severity, Event likelihood.

Discuss at least five methods to reduce workplace stress, according to the life insurance company research.

Management recognizes workplace stress and takes steps regularly to reduce this stress. Mental health benefits are provided in the employee's health insurance coverage. The employer has a formal employee communications program. Employees are given information on how to cope with stress. Workers have current, accurate, and clear job descriptions. Management and employees talk openly with one another. Employees are free to talk with each other during work. Employers offer exercise and other stress-reduction classes. Employees are recognized and rewarded with nonmonetary prizes for their contributions. Work rules are published and are the same for everyone. Child care programs are available. Employees can work flexible hours. Perks are granted fairly based on a person's level in the organization. Workers have the training and technology access that they need. Employers encourage work and personal support groups. Workers have a place and time to relax during the workday. Elder care programs are available. Employees' work spaces are not crowded. Workers can put up personal items in their work areas. Management appreciates humor in the workplace.

Describe and differentiate among minor, moderate, and critical burns.

Minor burns: All first degree burns are considered minor. Second-degree burns covering less than 15 percent of the body are considered minor. Moderate burns: Second-degree burns that penetrate the epidermis and cover 15 percent or more of BSA are considered moderate. Critical Burns: Second-degree burns covering more than 30 percent of BSA or third degree burns covering more than 10 percent of BSA are considered critical.

How does the concept of globalization factor into the need for a safety-first corporate culture?

Over the years, enhancements in these key areas- the nature of work, transportation, and communication- continued to enable over-increasing levels of global competition. They also increased the number and types of hazards present in the workplace, making safety and health and increasingly important element in an organization's ability to compete.

What does a safety-first corporate culture look like?

Part of the process of establishing a safety first corporate culture is developing an understanding of what one looks like.

Describe the various general controls in heat stress management.

Provide accurate verbal and written instructions, training programs, and other information about heat stress and strain. Encourage drinking small volumes (approximately one cup) of cool water about every 20 minutes. Permit self-limitation of exposure. Encourage coworker observation to detect signs and symptoms of heat strain in others. Counsel and monitor those employees who take medications that may compromise normal cardiovascular, blood pressure, body temperature regulation, renal, or sweat gland functions, and those who abuse or who are recovering from the abuse of alcohol and other intoxicants. Encourage healthy lifestyles, ideal body weight, and electrolyte balance. Adjust expectations of those returning to work after absence from heat stress situations and encourage consumption of salty foods (with approval of the employee's physician if on a salt-restricted diet). Consider replacement medical screening to identify those susceptible to systemic heat injury

What type of data do psychosocial questionnaires provide? Discuss bias in this type of data.

Psychosocial questionnaires evaluate workers' emotions about their jobs. Psychosocial questionnaires are another form of subjective rating and are also subject to state-dependent bias in the data.

What elements should a disaster recovery plan contain?

Recovery coordinator, recovery team, recovery analysis and planning, damage assessment and salvage operations, recovery communications, and employee support and assistance.

Describe how a company may respond to the trauma resulting from a workplace emergency.

The job a TRT consists of safety and health personnel who have undergone special training or fully credentialed counseling personnel, depending on the size of the company. In any case, the TRT should by included in the assignments and responsibilities section of the EAP.

Explain the concept of negligence as it relates to a company's safety.

The law tends to view employers who do not meet these three criteria as being negligent. Having the rules is not enough. Having rules and making employees aware of them is not enough. Employers must develop appropriate rules, familiarize all employees with them and enforce the rules. It is this final step (enforcement) from which most negligence charges arise.

If your task was to establish a safety committee, whom would you ask to serve on it?

The most effective committees are those with a broad cross-section of workers representing all departments. This offers two advantages: (1) it gives each member on the committee a constituent group for which he or she is responsible and (2) it gives all employees a representative voice on the committee.

Chapter 28: What messages should a company's safety policy convey?

The policy should make it clear that safe work practices are expected of all employees at all levels at all times. The safety policy serves as the foundation upon which all other promotional efforts are built.

Describe the various purposes served by the skin.

The skin serves several important purposes including the following: protection of body tissue, sensation, secretion, excretion, and respiration. Protection from fluid loss, water penetration, ultraviolet radiation, and infestation by microorganisms is a major function of the skin.

What the critical elements of OSHA's standard for evacuation planning?

The standard requires a written plan for evacuating a facility in the event of an emergency. Critical elements involve the marking of exits, communication, outside assembly.

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