Exam 2 nutrition

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A disease of chronic malnutrition during childhood, in which a protein deficiency makes the child more vulnerable to other diseases, such as measles, diarrhea, and influenza.

The amino acid profile of a protein in a food helps determine whether that food is a complete or incomplete protein. Which of the following contains incomplete protein?

A handful of peanuts

retrospective cohort study.

A research study in which the medical records of groups of individuals who are alike in many ways but differ by a certain characteristic (for example, female nurses who smoke and those who do not smoke) are compared for a particular outcome (such as lung cancer). This is also called a historic cohort study.

prospective cohort study.

A research study that follows over time groups of individuals who are alike in many ways but differ by a certain characteristic (for example, female nurses who smoke and those who do not smoke) and compares them for a particular outcome (such as lung cancer).

Case-control study

A type of epidemiologic study where a group of individuals with the diseases, referred to as cases, are compared to individuals without the disease, referred to as controls

Researchers do their best to account for the potential influences of confounding variables when they analyze their data statistically. Which of the following are potential confounding variables in a study of vegetarian dietary patterns and incidence of colorectal cancer? Select all that apply.

Age, history of cancer in family, alcohol, and excercise patterns

randomized, controlled trial

An experimental study in which researchers randomly assign individuals to either an experimental or a control group and expose the experimental group to the manipulated variable of interest.


Bill has been eating 2 whey protein shakes per day and he cannot understand why he is gaining weight and inches around his waist instead of increasing body mass

Carbon skeleton

Can be converted to glucose and used for energy

In the Introduction section of the research article, the authors review the results of previous studies of vegetarian dietary patterns and disease risk. Previous research has linked a vegetarian dietary pattern to reduced risk for ______. Select all that apply.

Cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, type 2 diabeties, obesity, hypertension

A child living in a developing country with high rates of malnutrition is at risk for developing protein-calorie malnutrition. If this child consumes insufficient dietary protein, what is the physiological consequence?

Insufficient dietary protein intake inhibits the body's ability to make immune antibodies, some hormones, and enzymes.

Tomas is babysitting his neighbor's seven-month-old child, who has just begun to eat solid foods. Having eaten with his neighbors many times, he is aware that there is a family history of food allergies. He knows that the protein in certain types of foods is particularly allergenic and should not be introduced early into the diet of a child at high risk for food allergies. Which food is the safest option for Tomas to offer the baby if he wants to minimize any potential problems with food allergies?

Iron-fortified cereal made with rice and water


Larissa is chronically malnourished toddler whose only energy source comes from starchy foods; she recently contracted measles


Louisa is a very elderly woman with malnutrition related to congestive heart failure

Nonessential amino acid

Dispenisble amino acids Endogenously Aspartic Acid

Why does a child with kwarshiorker and low protein diet sometimes present with light colored and brittle hair?

Duetery proteins and amino acids contribute to healthy hair growth and proper hair color.

Examine the Methods section of the research article. What method did the researchers use to collect data about the dietary patterns of the study participants?

Food frequency questionaires

Vitamin D

Fortified foods and sun exposure

The analyses indicated that reducing intake of red meat to less than ______ would have prevented 9.3% of deaths in men and 7.6% of deaths in women in this study.

Half a serving per day

Food Intolerance

Inability to digest food, usally requires significant amounts of food, usally due to lack of specific enzymes

Lacto-ovo vegetarian

Person who consumes all vegan items plus dairy products and eggs.

Which vegetarian dietary pattern seems to be most protective against colorectal cancer?


Which of the following are methods used to measure protein quality in food? Select all that apply.

Protein digestibility corrected amino acid score, protein efficency ratio, biological value, chemical score

Vitamin B-12

Supplement sources... plant foods have negligable amounts of b-12

Negative nitrogen balance

burn, infection and fever, cortisol, inadequate protein intake, inadequate protein intake

Confounding variables

characteristics or behaviors other than the variable of interest (in this case, a vegetarian dietary pattern) that could influence the outcomes of the study

High-quality complete protein foods

chicken, egg, whey (milk protein)

When two or more plant proteins are combined to compensate for deficiencies in essential amino acid content in each protein, the proteins involved are called

complementary proteins.


dried peas, beans, soy based products, legumes, and nuts


excludes red meat but may include fish and poultry, as well as dairy products and eggs

Food Allergies

exposure causes immune response, possibly life threatening

Runny nose, sneezing, itching skin, hives or digestive upset are symptoms of a(n) ____________ .

food allergy

Symptoms that occur due to the body's inability to digest components of a food are due to a ____________ .

food intolerance

Riboflavin and iron

fortified grains, breakfast cereals, legumes, breakfast cereals


fortified soy milk, fortified orange juice, tofu processed, w/ calcium salts

lower-quality of incomplete protein foods

geletin, garbanzo beans, rice

Positive nitrogen balace

growth, pregnacy, insulin and growth hormone, testoserone

Hazard Ratio (HR)

hazard rate in treatment group/ hazard rate in control group

A vegetarian diet differs from a traditional animal-based diet in that a vegetarian diet is:

higher in dietary fiber than a traditional animal-based diet.


includes all types of animal products


including moderate amounts of protein in the diet helps keep Manny's blood slightly basic and prevent it from getting too acidic.

Does not stimulate body protein production

insulin, testoserone, growth hormone

A person who consumes inadequate dietary protein may be expected to experience

loss of lean body mass, fluid imbalance, decreased immune function.

Even though some protein breakdown can occur in food preparation when food is cooked, protein digestion continues in the stomach where the protein is partially digested by _____ and HCL.


Amino acids enter the _____ from the small intestine where they are transported to the liver and released into the bloodstream.

portal vein

Antigens are almost always caused by the ____________ -containing part of foods.


Further digestion occurs in the small intestine by _______ released by the pancreas.

protein splitting enzymes

nonessential proteins

proteins made in our bodies

complete proteins.

proteins that contain all nine of the essential amino acids

limiting proteins

the essential amino acid in lowest concentration in food or diet relative to body's needs at that time

The process that allows interconversion of non-essential amino acids is called


Amino group

where nitrogen atom is contained

Why does a child with kwarshiorkor and low protein diet sometimes not eat enough calories to meet growth needs?

A diet low in protein and amino acid is often high in starch foods which are bulky and fibrous

Essential amino acid

-Indispenible amino acids -Must be supplied by food -Tryptophan


-disease that results from grossly inadequate intakes of protein, energy, and other nutrients. People with this disease slowly starve to death. People suffering from marasumus are described to look like "skin and bones."

RDA for protein

.8g/kg body weight

Tomas is a 24-year-old male trying to calculate his protein needs. The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that 10%-35% of calories come from protein. If Tomas follows a 2,300-calorie diet, how many grams of protein per day should he be consuming?

58-201 grams of protein per day

If Tomas is a healthy 24-year-old male who weighs 166 pounds, how many grams of protein per day should he have to promote protein equilibrium? (One kilogram = 2.2 pounds.)

60 grams per day (166/2)/.8=60g

Steps of protein synthesis

DNA needed is transfered to the cystol of the cell by mRNA from the nucleus, then mrna translates the code of the dna in the ribosomes, after that the mrna instructs the amino acids to form a polypeptide chain, having the trna move the amino acids into position, lastly the chain will twist and fold into the 3d polypeptide dna chain structure.

Why does a child with kwarshiorker and low protein diet sometimes present with fatty liver?

Dietary protein and amino acids create transport proteins that are supposed to move fats out of the liver.

Why is a child with kwarshiorker and low protein diet at increase risk for contracting measles and other preventable diseases?

Dietery protein and amino acids are important components of antibodies, which are responsible for fending off disease and infection

Why does a child with kwarshiorker and low protein diet have abdominal edema?

Dietery protein and amino acids are important to fluid balance

R group

Differes with each amino acid

Review the Results section of the research article. As consumption of red meat increased,

Mortality from cancer, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality increased as a result

Stimulates body protein production

Thyroid hormone, cortisol

Tomas is studying his family's genealogy for an anthropology class. He interviews an uncle about the family's health history and learns that a number of family members have sickle cell anemia. It is safe to assume that:

Tomas' family members with sickle cell anemia have a defect in the structure of the protein chains of hemoglobin.

Review the Introduction section of the research article. Which of the following are reasonable theories that might explain a link between vegetarian dietary patterns and risk for colorectal cancers? Select all that apply.

Vegetarians consume less red meat and processed foods then omnivores, more dietary fiber, lower body fat then omnivores

Tomas has taken up bodybuilding and is starting to become more interested in a diet to improve athletic performance. He read an article in a bodybuilding magazine that said he should dramatically increase his dietary protein intake. What happens to excessive dietary protein intake?

With excessive protein intake, amino acids may be used to meet energy needs or converted to and stored as fat


a malnourished baby who doesn't eat enough protein will likely have incomplete or poor bone formation


a person who does not eat food from any animal source


after eating a meal, Charlie's pancreas automatically secretes insulin to help shuttle the glucose into his cells.


all plant foods, dairy, eggs and fish

Parents may benefit from introducing smaller amounts of new foods, when a child is at an appropriate age (at least 4-6 months old), to identify any potential ____________ , the part of food that causes a hypersensitive reaction.


essential proteins.

amino acids not produced by the body that must be obtained from food

Severe food allergies can cause an allergic response that lowers blood pressure and causes respiratory distress that can be fatal; that is referred to as ____________ .

anaphylactic shock

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