Exam 2 (POLS 2311)

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Madison, who recognized that people act most forcefully when they have a stake in the outcome, believed tyranny could best be avoided by

empowering every faction to look out for its own interests

The difficulty with the doctrine for obscenity policy as set forth by the Supreme Court in the 1957 case Roth v. United States is

every key word in the passage is ambiguous and subject to lenient or restrictive interpretations

A small but persistent abolitionist movement before and into the Civil War forced the nation to do

face the discrepancy between its creed, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness," and the enslavement of 10 percent of its population

The First Reconstruction Act of 1867 disbanded the governments of the southern states and replaced them with

five military districts headed by generals and administered by more than twenty thousand troops

Under the Articles of Confederation each state was free to conduct its own international trade policy, which meant

foreign governments and merchants could exploit competition among the states to negotiate profitable trade agreements

Over the past century, determination of national civil liberties policy has shifted

from nearly the exclusive jurisdiction of states and communities to Washington, D.C.

Affirmative action refers to a policy that

gives special consideration to minorities in their selection for employment and education where employers or government agencies have practiced discrimination in the past

For most states, freeing slaves and granting slaves full-fledged citizenship were two different things and

granting slaves full-fledged citizenship was considered radical even by abolitionists

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution provides in part that no state shall "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without the due process of law," nor

"deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The so-called "elastic clause" of Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution provides that Congress can "make all Laws which shall be . . .

. . . necessary and proper for carrying into Execution" the foregoing enumerated powers

The poll tax, literacy tests, and grandfather clause were all mechanisms by

African Americans were deprived of the right to vote

In 1787, _______________ convened an abolitionist society meeting in his home and invited delegates to the Constitutional Convention to attend.

Benjamin Franklin

Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment reaffirms the constitutional prescription of apportioning seats in the House or Representatives according to a state's population but makes the following exception

if black males are not allowed to vote in federal and state elections, the number of allocated seats would be reduced proportionally

The constitutional right to privacy is to be found in the Constitution's penumbras, which are best defined as

implicit zones of protected privacy rights on which the existence of explicit rights depend

After Brown v. Board of Topeka was decided in 1954, Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, was integrated in 1957 with the help of

U.S. Army troops sent by President Dwight Eisenhower

The purpose of Reconstruction can best be characterized as

a partisan effort by the Republican Party

American federalism is

a two-tiered system comprised of the national government and the state governments

Between 1882 and 1950, 4,729 lynchings were reported in the United States. African Americans were the victims of these lynchings in

about three-quarters of the cases

What has been a problem for the Supreme Court and law enforcement when it comes to obscenity

adequately defining obscenity and drafting objective standards that enable judges and police to distinguish the merely pornographic or sexually explicit from the truly obscene

The second sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment, which includes both the "equal protection clause" and the "due process clause," means in part

all persons enjoy the same civil liberties and rights, which the states cannot deny without following reasonable, legally established procedures applied equally to everyone

It is evident that Reconstruction was driven by narrow partisan purposes for which reason

all the freed slaves got from Congress was the ballot

The commitment of northern Republicans to Reconstruction in the South waned after

an economic recession led to many Republican losses in the 1874 election

The 1970 extension of the Voting Rights Act required what with regard to ballots

ballots be available in Spanish where at least 5 percent of the population is Hispanic

In 1846, David Wilmot, a Democratic representative from Pennsylvania, sought to ban slavery in the newly acquired territories for which reason

because the presence of slaves as free labor depressed wages for white workers

Shortly after the Civil War, southern legislators enacted laws to keep former slaves from voting. These laws were called

black codes

As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, what happened

both voter registration and election to office increased dramatically for African Americans

Madison and Jefferson both subscribed to the view that the First Amendment erects a "wall of separation between church and state"

but this is only one interpretation, as separation is not mentioned in the Constitution itself

What had occurred by June of 1861

eleven states had left the Union and formed a new confederation-style government

Although the two concepts are often used interchangeably, the difference between civil liberties and civil rights is

civil liberties are the Constitution's protections "from" government power; civil rights are the Constitution's protections provided "by" government power

The effort to secure civil rights for African American rested on

configuring politics to allow society's competing interests to check one another

The difference between de facto segregation and de jure segregation is

de facto segregation is not mandated by law; de jure segregation is mandated by law

Although in Gitlow v. New York the Supreme Court established the Fourteenth Amendment's jurisdiction over the states when it came to free speech, what was also true

defendant Gitlow still had his state-level conviction upheld and went to prison

In 1833, in the case of Barron v. Baltimore, the Supreme Court reasoned that the whole thrust of the Bill of Rights was

directed exclusively at restraining federal power

The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 forced law enforcement authorities

in both the North and the South to act as slaveholders' agents in seizing and returning their "property"

What is true about the 1913 ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment, which mandated the popular elections of senators

it came about because of public pressure amid persistent, widespread, and well-founded charges that senators were buying seats by bribing state legislators

What is true about the Constitution, as it emerged from the Philadelphia convention in 1787

it did not seriously address civil liberties

How has Madison's vision of the national government as the ultimate guarantor of individual rights fared throughout the years

it has largely been realized

In the McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), John Marshall determined the supremacy clause did

it implicitly exempted the federal government from state taxes

The Johnson administration's high-profile sponsorship of civil rights laws set the stage for civil rights to do

it led to a Republican majority in the House of Representatives for the 1965−1966 term

What is true about the religious freedom provision of the First Amendment

it prohibits Congress from passing any legislation "respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

What best describes the language of the Bill of Rights

it seems generally clear and unequivocal but sometimes is ambiguous

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka is most notable for

it struck down the separate but equal doctrine established by Plessy v. Ferguson

What is true about the Supreme Court's 1973 opinion in Roe v. Wade

it was the first time the Court had ruled on any issue regarding the decision of an individual to bear a child

Incorporation of provisions of the Bill of Rights into the Fourteenth Amendment occurred through

judicial interpretation

"Jim Crow laws" were

laws adopted throughout the South to disenfranchise black citizens and to institutionalize segregation

The Bill of Rights was designed to

limit the capacity of government to impose conformity costs on those individuals and minorities whose views differ from the majority

In a famous decision by Judge F. Dillon, "Dillon's Rule" ,made it clear that

local government are mere creatures of the state

A confederation is a form of government best describes as

lower-level government possess primary authority

Dual federalism leaves the states and the national government to preside over

mutually exclusive spheres of sovereignty

When was the first time in American history that the president and a majority in both the House and the Senate were opposed to the extension of slavery into the new territories

not until President Rutherford B. Hayes was elected in a landslide

The Supreme Court has held all of the following to be expression protected by the First Amendment except


In part, the incorporation decisions handed down by the Supreme Court since 1925 have done

offered new opportunities for litigation and have generated the dramatic growth in the civil liberties docket of the Supreme Court

Early feminists called themselves "suffragists" because

one important issue for them was campaigning for the vote

In the five year period from 1865 to 1870, slaves were emancipated, granted citizenship, and guaranteed the right to vote. However, what was also true

only a handful of Union states gave African American citizens equal access to the ballot box

The 1965 Voting Rights Act authorized the Justice Department, under certain circumstances, to send federal officers into communities to directly register voters. This policy is

perfectly consistent with Madison's proposed national veto over objectionable state laws

The Supreme Court first began selectively incorporating into the Fourteenth Amendment those provisions of the Bill of Rights dealing with

personal freedoms such as those protected in the Fifth Amendment

Wilmot, Lincoln, and Johnson all assembled coalitions of self-interested constituencies behind

policies that have rapidly evolved to secure the civil rights of all Americans

Growing numbers and a concentrated residential pattern for Hispanics means

politicians will find they can ill afford to ignore this constituency

Rosa Parks launched the Montgomery bus boycott in December of 1955

refusing to surrender her seat to a white person and move to the back of a city bus as required by law

Advances in national civil liberties policy have frequently involved:

reigning in majorities that assert their prerogatives over the objections of individuals and groups who did not wish to conform to prevailing social norms and rules

_____ occurs when national and state government jointly supply services to the citizenry.

shared federalism

In 1919, Charles Schenck's advocacy of resistance to the draft led to the Supreme Court's creation of

the clear and present danger test

In order to justify the New Deal's unprecedented intervention in the economy, the Roosevelt administration invoked

the commerce clause

The passage of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act, which standardized state driver's licenses for interstate truckers, is an example of the federal government doing?

solving a coordination problem among the states.

Currently, the most accurate statement about the application of the Bill of Rights to the states is

some of the provisions of the Bill of Rights are still not applied to the states

From the 1920s through the 1940s, the Supreme Court incorporated into the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment the First Amendment freedoms, which include

speech, press, and religion

In the nineteenth century and the Senate had both the motive and the means to defend state prerogatives against national encroachment because of

state legislatures picked the senators and each state had equal representatives in the Senate regardless of population

The post-Civil War passage of the Fourteenth Amendment allowed later courts to use its due process clause to do?

strike down state laws that violated various explicit and implicit federal rights

In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), the Supreme Court ruled state antisodomy laws were unconstitutional because

such laws violated individuals' Constitutional privacy rights

Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty are both examples of

sudden bursts of national policymaking in which the federal government assumed jurisdiction over public policy once reserved to the states

In Federalist No. 84 Alexander Hamilton poses the question, "Why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do?" He was expressing what concern

that a list of rights in the Constitution might imply the federal government had the authority to restrict the freedoms not expressly protected

Congress passed a law that ended the importation of slaves in 1807 for which reason

the Constitution's prohibition against the federal government's regulation of the slave trade was about to expire

The first provision of the Bill of Rights to be incorporated by the Supreme Court into the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause was

the Fifth Amendment's ban on taking private property without just compensation

The Fourteenth Amendment, as an integral part of Reconstruction, was intended to serve two constituencies--first, African Americans in the South, and second

the Republican majority in Washington, D.C.

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spearheaded demonstrations throughout the South through his organization, which was called

the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

After Lincoln was elected, for the first time in American history

the Supreme Court and a majority of both houses of Congress were aligned against the president over slavery

In the case of McCulloch v. Maryland, Chief Justice John Marshall upheld the right of the national government to create a bank based on

the authority to create the bank was expressly enumerated to its governmental power in the Constitution

In the 1873 Slaughterhouse Cases, the Supreme Court stated that ____________________ would "fetter and degrade the State governments by subjecting them to the control of Congress."

the broad application of the Fourteenth Amendment to state policy

The Constitution opened the door to nationalization by granting the federal government ultimate power to determine within certain bounds

the extent of its authority over the states

A unified national citizenship is provided for in the Constitution

the first sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment

What is a compelling strategic reasons for a group to prefer national policy to state policy

the national arena may be the only place in which it can help to prevail

In unitary government systems

the national government monopolizes constitutional authority

The original intent of the supremacy clause was to ensure

the national government would prevail over states when both governments were acting in a constitutionally correct manner

Between 1807 and 1819, slavery was a side- issue in politics only because

the northern and southern states carefully maintained regional balance in the Senate by equally matching slave states' and free states' entry into the Union

What was the rationale behind the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which matched Missouri's entry into the Union as a slave state with Maine's entry into the Union as a free state

the parties compromised so the balance in the Senate between free and slave states would be maintained

Although state officials may frequently complain about the policies of the Environmental Protection Agency,

the presence of national standards insulates environmental protection from cutthroat competition among the states

The white primary, which excluded African Americans from voting in the primary, effectively disenfranchised African Americans because

there were rules in place that prohibited anyone who had not voted in the primary from voting in the general election

As Madison points out in Federalist No. 10, since the states and the national government combine the citizenry's preferences into different groupings, the two levels of government do?

they may adopt different, even opposite, policies to address the same problem

What best describes scholars who argue that the Tenth Amendment -- which provides that the powers not taken by the national government belong to the states -- is little more than a truism

they point to the powerful combination of the supremacy clause and the elastic clause to support their argument

Although the Antifederalists lost their battle against ratification of the Constitution, what is true

they salvaged a major political concession in the Bill of Rights, which is their chief legacy to future generations of Americans

In the antebellum South, white majorities enlisted state authority to preserve slavery, aided by their agents in the Senate, who did which of the following, as Madison warned

they succeeded in frustrating national action

Federal hate crime protections concern

those provisions of the criminal code that make it illegal, or enhance penalties for, violence directed against individuals, property, or organizations solely because of the victim's race, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation

Whereas Madison viewed competing ambitions as performing a limited but vital service of neutralizing politicians who might be inclined to serve themselves more than their constituencies, the history of civil rights portrays these same vote-seeking politicians as

transforming moral justice into public policy

In a federal system, the constitution divides authority between

two or more distinct levels of government

The process of "incorporation" by the Supreme Court refers to

using the Fourteenth Amendment to make the Bill of Rights binding on state governments

The "criminal anarchy" for which Benjamin Gitlow was arrested and convicted was

violently resisting the draft

At first, the nationalization of civil liberties in the Bill of Rights

was not a popular idea and Madison's proposal to amend the Constitution to apply them directly to the states was defeated in Congress

The Supreme Court has interpreted the Fourth Amendment to allow for police searches and seizures of evidence without a warrant under all of the following circumstances, except for

when using a thermal imaging device to conduct a blanket sweep of neighborhoods to search for basement marijuana fields

When the Supreme Court ruled in Gibbons v. Ogden that only Congress possessed the authority to regulate interstate commerce it did?

with McCulloch v. Maryland, it created a powerful precedent that allowed future national policy to develop free of the constraints of state prerogatives

An independent press plays an indispensable role in maintaining a representative democracy for

without reliable information about the performance of officeholders, citizens would be hard-pressed to monitor their agents, and politicians would find it difficult to communicate with their constituents

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