Exam 2 prac questions

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In a __________ structure, teams or workgroups, either temporary or permanent, are created to improve collaboration and work on common products. A.divisional B.hollow C.matrix D.functional E.horizontal


________ power comes into play when one's personal characteristics and social relationships become the reason for compliance. A.Reward B.Coercion C.Referent D.Legitimate E.Expert


A fabric design company is known for the designs it develops, owing to its creative talent and knowledge of the market. This firm uses partner organizations to take orders, ship products, and manage employee benefits. The company has a _____ structure. •A. hollow •B. modular •C. matrix •D. horizontal •E. virtual


Adams thrives on organizing and defining what group members should be doing to maximize output. According to the Ohio State researchers, Adams is exhibiting which of the following behaviors? A.Initiating structure B.Laissez-faire C.Relationship-oriented D.Consideration E.Supportive style


An example of the ________ heuristic occurs when you see news reports about people losing their jobs, and then start believing that you are in danger of being laid off. You start lying awake in bed each night worrying that you are about to be fired. A.availability B.hindsight C.representativeness D.anchoring E.framing


An example of the ________ heuristic occurs when you see news reports about people losing their jobs, and then start believing that you are in danger of being laid off. You start lying awake in bed each night worrying that you are about to be fired. •A. availability •B. hindsight •C. representativeness •D. anchoring •E. framing


In the _________ bias, a decision maker subconsciously decides something even before investigating, and then seeks information that supports the decision. A.confirmation B.availability C.representativeness D.overconfidence E.framing


Kendall is shopping for a rug for her new dorm room. She's been to numerous stores and they all seem to be similar in price and she is running out of time before she has to move in. She is not particular on which one she chooses and decides to go with the rug that seems to be the most neutral in color. Kendall considers this a(n) ________ or "good enough" solution. A.satisficing B.optimizing C.minimizing D.intuitive E.rationalizing


Mantle Inc. is noted for its philosophy of having fun, holding parties, and celebrating. For example, staff in each city in which the firm operates are given a budget for parties. The company also uses a variety of performance-based awards and service awards to reinforce employees' efforts. Its positive and enriching environment is supported by the very low employee turnover. What function of organizational culture does this represent? A.social system stability B.organizational socialization C.sense-making D.competing values E.mentoring


Nicole is a manager at a fast food restaurant. She is under a lot of pressure from headquarters to increase her monthly profits. Nicole isn't sure what the solution is for her financial dilemma. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to determine the best path for a solution. The problem has already been defined by headquarters. Now Nicole has to A.generate alternative solutions. B.evaluate the alternative solutions. C.identify additional opportunities. D.implement a solution. E. evaluate the solution.


The boss in the workplace told team members that "Let me share a vision that transcends us to a greater good." This statement is a good example that reflects: A. inspirational motivation. B. idealized influence. C. individualized consideration. D. intellectual stimulation. E. transactional leadership.


Which of the following is not a driver or cause of organizational culture? A.work attitudes and behaviors B.leaders' behaviors C.organizational vision D.industry environment E.national culture


________ focuses on clarifying employees' role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance. A.Transactional leadership B.Transformational leadership C.Consideration D.Empowerment E.Servant leadership


Drake is running for Congress during a time of conflict. He has a strong, craggy, dominant look—similar to Clint Eastwood. His campaign manager says that this gives him an advantage over his opponent. This reflects a A.cognitive map. B.leadership prototype. C.path-goal schema. D.situational construct. E.follower construct.


John is asking advice about how to effectively empower his employees. Which of the following is NOT good advice? A.Only share responsibilities with those who are competent to do what is necessary. B.A manager needs to be careful when empowering employees because it will decrease the manager's power. C.Use job design and the job characteristics model as a way of empowering employees. D.The extent to which employees have positive self-evaluations will enhance their sense of empowerment. E.A common element of empowerment involves pushing decision-making authority down to lower levels.


One of the "pros" of _________ organizations is clear roles and responsibilities. A.matrix B.functional C.hollow D.modular E.virtual


Professor Smith promises Professor Davis that he will buy him dinner if Professor Davis covers class for him one day while Professor Smith is presenting a paper at a conference. Professor Davis agrees, although he is merely going to hand out an assignment to students and be available for questions if they have any. Professor Smith is using his ________ power and Professor Davis is ________. A.reward; committed B.reward; complying C.referent; committed D.referent; complying E.expert; complying


The ________ style of decision making can foster an idealistic and indecisive approach to decision making. A.analytical B.conceptual C.directive D.behavioral E.ambiguity


The leader at Joe's organization believes that all organizations overstate their expenses in order to pay less income tax. What trait is this leader exhibiting? A.Psychopathy. B.Machiavellianism. C.Extraversion. D.Criminal intent. E.Narcissism.


When making a decision, bounded rationality often prevails, involving all of the following EXCEPT: A.satisficing. B.the rational model. C.intuition. D.time constraints. E.financial constraints.


Century Y Corporation invested $1 million to fix a computer system despite severe technical problems and complaints about the system not being "user-friendly." The decision maker was likely influenced by which judgmental bias? A.Framing bias. B.Hindsight bias. C.Escalation of commitment bias. D.Representativeness bias. E.Anchoring bias.


Christina promises Alexis that she will buy her dinner if Alexis helps her finish a work project. Alexis agrees. Christina used which influence tactic? A.Coalition B.Pressure C.Exchange D.Rational persuasion E.Ingratiation


Jeannie belongs to a formal work group with established norms. All the following would be considered norms for her group EXCEPT A.meetings always start on time. B.meetings are limited to two hours. C.Jeannie's boss always mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor. D.members take turns bringing snacks. E.no cell phones are allowed during the meeting.


Marvin is a medical technician who administers stress tests. He has a low tolerance for ambiguity and is oriented toward task and technical concerns when making decisions. The ________ style is well suited for this position. A.analytical B.conceptual C.directive D.behavioral E.consultative


Rachel bought a table at a thrift store for $20. She had a feeling it might be valuable. When cleaned up and assessed, the table turned out to be an antique from the 1700s, worth $3,250. What was Rachel using to make her decision? A.satisficing B.rationalization C.intuition D.explicit knowledge E.evidence-based decision making


Ryan is looking to buy a used car. He seems to be most concerned with the color and style of the car, and uses those criteria as a basis for evaluating the value of the car, rather than considering how well the engine or the transmission is maintained. This is an example of A.confirmation bias. B.availability bias. C.anchoring bias. D.overconfidence bias. E.framing bias.


Tech Innovations is in the process of hiring a leader. The organization has poor leader-member relations, low task structure, and weak position power. What type of leader should be hired according to Fiedler's Contingency Model? A.Relationship-motivated B.Passive C.Task-motivated D.Directive E.Supportive


Which of the following is not a benefit of functional structures? A.They can save money by grouping together people who need similar materials or equipment. B.Members develop pride in their specialty, which helps quality. C.They work well in dynamic environments. D.Supervisors understand what department members do. E.People devote more of their time to what they do best.


•Adam is a new product development manager for Hello2u.org, an Internet match-making service. He has only two employees reporting directly to him. From what you have read about organization charts, what do you know for sure? A.His subordinates enjoy greater autonomy than others. B.His subordinates take part in the decision-making process. C.He has a narrow span of control. D.His subordinates are not closely supervised. E.He is encountering low administrative costs.


An individual who enjoys working with others and enjoys social interactions in which opinions are openly exchanged exhibits which decision-making style? A.analytical B.conceptual C.directive D.behavioral E.consultative


Leader Member Exchange (LMX) perspective suggests that __________________________ A.Leaders provide positive and negative rewards for performance B.Leaders do not assume leadership responsibilities C.Leaders clarify role requirements and accountabilities of their subordinates D.Leaders differentiate relationship quality with their subordinates E.All of the above


Rachel believes using soft influence tactics are more effective than using hard tactics. Which of the following tactics is Rachel most likely to use? A.Basing requests on her authority or rights B.Getting others to support her efforts to persuade someone C.Using intimidation and threats D.Building enthusiasm by appealing to her employees' emotions E.Making explicit promises


An enacted value is A.the explicitly stated qualities and norms preferred by an organization. B.the physical manifestation of an organization's culture. C.an organizational value that has been taken for granted. D.related to the organizational structure. E.the qualities and norms that are exhibited or converted into employee behavior.


Gina promised her employees if they reached the goal of fewer than 5 customer complaints during December she would give them each a $500 gift card. What type of power is Gina using and what is her likely result? A.Coercive, commitment B.Positive legitimate, compliance C.Expert, resistance D.Referent, commitment E.Reward, compliance


Grid X (GXC) Corporation has a need for rapid communication and a resulting need for creating new products with a reduced cycle time. Which organizational design would likely be best for GXC? A.Virtual. B.Functional. C.Modular. D.Hollow. E.Horizontal.


Which one is NOT correct statements regarding the group/team dynamics? A.To overcome the issue of social loafing, we need to offer the hybrid rewards to both individuals and team. B.Trust within the team will lead to higher cooperation and better decision-making outcomes. C.Assigning someone to be a "devil's advocate" at each meeting will help to avoid groupthink. D.Too much team cohesiveness can be a problem for the organization E.According to a social facilitation, on average, people perform easier tasks worse and difficult tasks better.


•XYZ has divided its employees according to the locations of the customers that they tend to. Thus, it has teams that cater to the urban areas, semi-urban areas, and so on. XYZ is said to have a ________ structure. •A. functional •B. hollow •C. modular •D. virtual •E. divisional


(T/F) External threats hurt team cohesiveness


(T/F) Success leads to cohesion, rather than cohesion causing success


(T/F) In general, smaller teams are more cohesive


(T/F) Members of cohesive teams enjoy more satisfaction and less turnover


(T/F) Too much team cohesiveness can be a problem for the organization


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