Exam 2 Review

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Which of the following is a characteristic associated with emotions?

Emotions are often triggered by environmental events.

refers to presenting one of two equivalent value outcomes either in positive or gain terms or in negative or loss terms.

Message framing

__________ attempts to create an association between a response (e.g., buying a brand) and some outcome (e.g., satisfaction) that serves to reinforce the response.

Operant conditioning

__________ motives emphasize the individual as striving to maintain equilibrium.


The tendency of an owner to evaluate an object more favorably than a nonowner is called the

mere ownership effect.

Instead of featuring any functional benefits of the product or brand in ads for the iPod, this product was introduced by showing a silhouette of a person dancing with the white earbuds and holding a white iPod MP3 player. Which type of advertising appeal does this illustrate?

value-expressive appeal

When considering consumers' ideal levels of performance on attributes when using a multiattribute attitude model, which attitude index is best?


Which VALS segment consists of consumers that are strongly traditional, conservative, and motivated by ideals?


Which of the following is a VALS segment of consumers?


Christina lives in Hong Kong, with her husband and young children. She has a nice career with a high-tech company and commutes daily from her private estate outside the city center. She and her family love electronic gadgets and are often the first to adopt any new consumer technology that comes into the market. To which global lifestyle segment identified by Experian's Mosaic Global system does Christina belong?

Career and Family

Which of the following statements is false regarding consumption subcultures?

Consumption must be shared physically to be a shared ritual that creates and sustains a group.

Which VALS segment of consumers comprises successful, sophisticated, active, take-charge people with high self-esteem and abundant resources and are driven by a mix of motivations?


Consumers in which technology segment are young and established, knowledgeable and confident in their use of new technology, and just a notch down from Wizards in their enthusiasm for technology?


What is the premise underlying geodemographic analyses?

Lifestyle, and thus consumption, is largely driven by demographic factors.

Which of the following statements is false regarding schemas?

Once an associative link is formed, it is permanent.

occurs when a response to one stimulus is elicited by a similar but distinct stimulus.

Stimulus generalization

Which of the following is true regarding value-expressive versus utilitarian appeals?

Utilitarian appeals are most effective for functional products.

Which technology segment is characterized by the statement "technology is life"? These folks are enthusiastic and adventurous users of new technology.


Which of the following is one of Experian's technology profiles based on an extensive analysis of attitudes, lifestyle, and adoption and usage patterns related to technology?

Wizards Journeymen Apprentices Novices

A consumer's propensity to pursue differentness relative to others through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods is exhibiting

a need for uniqueness.

The most complex form of cognitive learning is

analytical reasoning.

Amanda is in junior high and begged her mother to buy her a certain brand of athletic shoe that all the "cool" kids in school were wearing. She thought that if she had those shoes, she would be accepted as one of them. To Amanda, these other students in school that she wants to be associated with represent a(n)

aspiration reference group.

Marketers must promote __________ rather than __________, especially for less knowledgeable consumers and for complex products.

benefits, features

The value consumers assign to a brand above and beyond the functional characteristics of the product is known as

brand equity

Using the toll-free number 1-800-FLOWERS to help consumers remember the phone number is an example of


High-involvement learning often involves

classical conditioning.

In McGuire's classification of motives, which ones focus on the person's need for being adaptively oriented toward the environment and achieving a sense of meaning?


Todd purchased a Harley-Davidson motorcycle because he identifies himself with what he feels is the typical owner of a Harley. Many other owners of this brand also feel this way, and they get upset when they see someone riding one who they think is not the "right" kind of person to own this brand. Which characteristic of brand communities does this illustrate?

consciousness of kind

Regulatory focus theory suggests that

consumers will react differently depending on which broad set of motives is most salient.

Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners that join a Harley group, Jeep owners that attend events sponsored by Jeep, and Star Trek "Trekkies" are all examples of

consumption subcultures.

Color and the nature of the programming surrounding the brand's advertisement are examples of __________ present in the situation that can play a role in consumer interpretation independent of the actual stimulus.

contextual cues

Attempts to develop quantitative measures of lifestyle were initially referred to as __________, and is a term that is frequently used interchangeably with lifestyle.


Bob is somewhat of a loner in high school. He really despises the school "jocks" that seem to be involved in every sport. He doesn't want anything to do with them or be like them in any way. To Bob, the group of students who represent the school athletes is a(n)

dissociative reference group.

Leigh received a digital camera for her birthday. She was able to figure this product out pretty easily because it only required a moderate change in how she used to take pictures. One thing she had to get used to was printing the pictures instead of taking a roll of film to a processor. This is an example of a __________ innovation.

dynamically continuous

Consumer-generated content helps brands do which of the following?

engage with consumers increase the brand's sales increase the brand's awareness increase the brand's sales and increase the brand's awareness

A consumer who purchases a certain style of clothes to establish and reinforce a unique identity is most likely fulfilling a need for


Consumers are usually explicitly aware of the role lifestyle plays in their purchase decisions.


The VALS segment known as Achievers are strongly traditional and respect rules and authority.


For which type of products can affect, emotions, and Aad play a role in more conscious, high-involvement settings?

hedonic products

In the VALS typology, which primary motivation is characteristic of consumers guided in their choices by their beliefs and principles rather than by feelings or desire for social approval?

ideals motivation

Which type of processing involves the recall and mental manipulation of sensory images, including sight, smell, taste, and tactile (touch) sensations?

imagery processing

Donald has just learned that he has Type II diabetes, so he wants to learn as much as he can to manage his health. He reads health magazines, visits health-related websites, and reads product nutrition and ingredient information on packages. Donald's strength of learning is most likely to be strong due to which factor that affects the strength of learning?


An advertiser that surrounds its ads with positive programming

increases the chances that their information is evaluated in a more positive light.

Which type of reference group influence do marketers use when developing advertisements?

informational, normative, and identification

Which core trait in the Five-Factor Model of personality is manifested by an individual being moody, temperamental, and touchy?


Which type of self-concept emphasizes family, cultural, professional, and social relationships?

interdependent self-concept

Sometimes consumers have difficulty retrieving a specific piece of information because other related information in memory gets in the way, which is an effect referred to as


Perception is a process that begins with consumer exposure and attention to marketing stimuli and ends with consumer


Which of the following is a motivational state caused by consumer perceptions that a product, brand, or advertisement is relevant or interesting?


Which type of community interacts over time around a topic of interest on the Internet?

online community

Jill is a breast cancer survivor. She posts a blog, which is her online journal, on a site that is specifically for others to share their experiences and support one another. She and others discuss products that help them deal with the side effects of their treatments as well as products that can help them maintain their self-esteem (e.g., wigs). Jill is participating in a(n)

online community.

Erin is very imaginative and appreciative of all types of art. She is very creatively talented, and others come to her for novel solutions to problems because she tends to "think outside the box." Which core trait best describes Erin?

openness to experience

Changing behavior prior to changing affect or cognition is based primarily on

operant conditioning.

A consumer's need for reinforcement is

passive and external.

Which of the following offers marketing managers a useful technique for measuring and developing a product's position by taking consumers' perceptions of how similar various brands or products are to each other and relates these perceptions to product attributes?

perceptual mapping

Dana is watching television when a commercial for a brand of bathroom cleaner comes on. She is not very interested in the product category, but the ad was entertaining and made her laugh. As a result, she had a positive attitude toward the brand of cleaner advertised. According to the elaboration likelihood model, which route to persuasion influenced Dana?

peripheral route

The voluntary and self-selected nature of online offerings where consumers "opt-in" to receive email-based promotions is often referred to as

permission-based marketing.

The extended self consists of the self plus


Kerri is searching within herself and trying to determine how she would like to be to herself. Kerri is seeking her

private self-concept.

In regulatory focus theory, __________ motives revolve around a desire for growth and development and are related to consumers' hopes and aspirations.


For which product category would a reference group's influence be strongest?

running shoes

Memory of how an action sequence should occur is a special type of schema known as a(n)


Action-oriented consumers that strive to express their individuality through their choices and purchase experiences are driven by which primary motivation?

self-expression motivation

What is the most common measurement approach to measuring self-concept?

semantic differential

The basic knowledge and feelings an individual has about a concept is known as

semantic memory.

The process of encouraging partial responses leading to the final desired response is known as


Which of the following characteristics influencing interpretation represents factors beyond the stimulus itself?


Karen went to a movie and was disappointed because the main character died. She prefers happy endings to movies, and this one really put her in a bad mood for the rest of the day. This movie was in contrast with which need of Karen's?

teleological need

PRIZM organizes its 68 individual segments into broader social and life stage groups.


__________ is defined as the exponential expansion of word-of-mouth.


Graham is a college student who is impulsive and somewhat rebellious. He seeks out variety and excitement, usually looking for something new, offbeat, and risky. Even though he was old enough, he didn't vote in the last presidential election and is not very interested in world events. To which VALS segment does Graham belong?


Which of the following statements is true regarding stimulus position and attention with respect to advertising?

For U.S. readers, high-impact zones in print ads and other print documents tend to be more toward the top and left of the ad.

An approach to measuring the importance of attitude components that requires consumers to allocate 100 points among the components such that the distribution of the points reflects the relative importance of the component is

None of these choices are correct.

Renee sat down and did some serious soul searching. She wanted to understand her perception of her self-concept of who she is now. Renee is searching for her

actual self-concept.

Kevin is shy and doesn't really like to be around others. Most of the others from his high school that went to the same college he did got involved in student organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, business organizations, and religious groups, but Kevin didn't join anything. Kevin has a low need for


A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object is known as a(n)


Caleb learned from his parents that littering was bad, so when he sees someone doing it, he forms an unfavorable impression of that person. Caleb's learned predisposition to dislike someone who litters represents his


Which group classification variable refers to the closeness and intimacy of the group linkages?


Yoga instructors and elite athletes are recruited by lululemon to teach classes in exchange for free lululemon clothing. These __________ promote the lululemon brand and encourage others to purchase lululemon merchandise.

brand ambassadors

Which of the following is a theory about how attitudes are formed and changed under varying conditions of involvement?

elaboration likelihood model

A market researcher asked Carl about his recollection of a specific exposure event, such as seeing an advertisement, or experience, such as driving or riding in an Acura automobile, which was the brand the researcher was interested in. While Carl could not recall a specific ad and has never traveled in an Acura, he seemed to "know" quite a bit about this brand. Carl described the brand as "reliable," "high-performance," "luxury," and "expensive." Which type of memory does this represent?

implicit memory

Individuals with which type of self-concept are more likely to seek adventure and excitement through travel, sports, and entertainment, to be opinion leaders, and to prefer magazines over TV?


Which of the following is not a guiding principle for marketing to online communities and social networks?

post marketing content so it does not stand out and appears as just another participant in the community, such as a flog

Which of the following is an individual factor that can influence attitude change?

program context level of viewer distraction buying occasion consumer knowledge

Which of the following is a situational factor affecting attention?

program involvement

Richard is reassessing his life and asking himself, "How am I seen by others?" He is also asking himself, "How would I like to be seen by others?" Richard is seeking his

social self-concept.

The tendency of many consumers to discount claims made by sales people and ads is related to the need

to attribute causation.

In the VALS typology, individuals are classified according to their primary motivations, which are ideals motivation, achievement motivation, or self-expression motivation.


The technology segment labeled Wizards consists of consumers driven by desire for new technology as a means for improving all aspects of life.


The tendency of an owner to evaluate an object more favorably than a nonowner is known as the mere ownership effect.


Which type of appeal attempts to build a personality for the product or create an image of the product user?

utilitarian appeal

Which PRIZM segment consists of consumers that are older, upper-class, successful, college-educated professionals with no kids at home, and often among the leading citizens of their small-town communities?

Big Fish, Small Pond

__________ involves presenting the stimulus in such a way that it is perceived as the focal object to be attended to and all other stimuli are perceived as the background.


Which global lifestyle segment is relatively well informed about social trends but not quick to innovate?

Routine Service Workers

Bob is a consumer who strives for a clear social position and is strongly influenced by the actions, approval, and opinions of others. He drives an expensive automobile, and only buys brands of clothing that are considered "status symbols." Which primary motivation is driving Bob's behavior?

achievement motivation

Some people experience emotions more strongly than do others, which is a trait known as

affect intensity.

Beverly went to the store to purchase instant hot chocolate mix for her family. A sign near the hot chocolate directed her to a specific aisle where she could purchase marshmallows. This is an example of a(n)


With respect to advertising, __________ opinion leadership can involve presenting the results of surveys showing that a high percentage of either knowledgeable individuals or typical users recommend the brand.


An advertisement for the Honda Civic Hybrid featured gas mileage in the subheading (49 city/51 highway). The copy also noted that owners of this automobile may be eligible for a clean-fuel tax deduction. At the time this ad appeared, gas was over $3.00 per gallon, which made the information important to consumers. This is an example of which type of appeal?

utilitarian appeal

Theories based on which need view the consumer as a problem solver who approaches situations as opportunities to acquire useful information or new skills?

utilitarian need

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