Exam 3

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A cylindrical lens is used to correct a. astigmatism b. emmetropia c. presbyopia d. hyperopia e. myopia


As adults, the tooth type that is most common are the a. molars b. incisors c. canines d. diphyodonts e. premolars


Deep pressure and vibration are detected by _______________, which have onion-like layers of Schwann cells wrapped around sensory fibers a. lamellated (pacinian) corpuscles b. tactile (Meissner) corpuscles c. Ruffini corpuscle d. Krause end bulbs e. free nerve endings


Each hepatic lobule consists of plates of epithelial cells radially arranges around a blood vessel called the _________ a. central vein b. hepatic vein c. hepatic portal vein d. sinusoid e. hepatic transport vessel


Factors which protect the stomach from self-digestion include all of these EXCEPT a. desmosomes b. epithelial cell replacement c. tight junctions d. mucous coat


Following is a list of some of the tissue layers of the digestive tract. Which answer has them in the correct order from lumen to external surface? a- muscularis externa b. muscularis mucosae c. serosa d. lamina propria e. submucosa a. d, b, e, a, c b. d, e, b, a, c c. d, b, a, e, c d. c, d, e, b, a e. b, e, d, a, c


How would damage or removal of parts of the mesentery interfere with normal function of the SI? a. blood and nerve supply would suffer inferference b. intestines would lose muscle contraction abilites c. hormone secretion would increase d. it would cause an increase in peristalsis e. none of the above


In what order do the following structures vibrate as sound is trasmitted? 1- stapes 2- tympanic membrane 3- oval window 4- incus 5- malleus a. 2, 5, 4, 1, 3 b. 2, 1, 5, 4, 3 c. 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 d. 3, 4, 5, 1, 2


Inner and outer hair cells are components of the a. organ of Corti b. saccule c. crista ampullaris d. tectorial membrane e. cochlea


Liver cells called _________ produce bile. a. hepatocytes b. stellate reticuloendothelial cells c. phagocytes d. endothelial cells


Place the following in the correct order, as found in the muscularis layer of the stomach, from outermost to innermost 1- oblique layer 2- circular layer 3- longitudinal layer a. 3, 2, 1 b. 2, 1, 3 c. 1, 2, 3 d. 3, 1, 2


Pleural fluid is secreted by a. both visceral and parietal pleura b. mediastinum c. respiratory membrane d. visceral pleural only e. parietal pleural only


Proportionally cones are found a. most densely at the middle of the retina b. mostly near the ora serrata c. mostly in the optic disc d. rarely in the middle of the retina e. mostly in the tapetum lucidum


Select the best description for the sebaceous ciliary glands a. at the base of the follicles of the eyelashes b. embedded in tarsal plate of eyelid c. near the external opening of the external auditory canal d. in CT underneath the olfactory epithelium e. superior and lateral to the eyeball


The _________ of the stomach is/are responsible for the production of gastric juice. a. gastric glands b. serosa c. fundus d. rugae


The accessory duct opens in the duodenum and carries a. pancreatic secretions b. mucous secretions c. hormones d. hepatic lipase e. bile


The base of the stapes attaches to the a. oval window b. round window c. malleus d. tympanic membrane e. incus


The correct order of the digestive tube layers from lumen outward is 1- mucosa 2- muscularis externa 3- serosa 4- submucosa a. 1, 4, 2, 3 b. 4, 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 4, 3, 2 d. 3, 1, 2, 4 e. 4, 2, 3, 1


The epithelium lining the lumen of the esophogas is a. stratified squamous b. pseudostratified columnar c. no epithelium adventitia is present d. pseudostratified columnar e. simple squamous


The fact that cone cells exhibit less neuronal convergence than rod cells do is part of the reason that a. cone cells are responsible for high resolution images, but require bright light to function b. no images are perceived within the optic disc c. cone cells do not see in black and white d. rod cells cannot distinguish different colors from each other e. rod cells do not function in bright light


The floor of the internal nose a. is also the hard palate b. is formed entirely by the palatine processes of the maxillae c. also called the nasal septum d. separates the internal nose form the external nose


The folds of the stomach are known as a. rugae b. microvilli c. haustra d. taenia coli e. plicae circulares


The mesentery that suspends some of the LI is a. mesocolon b. mesentery proper c. transverse mesentery d. greater omentum e. lesser omentum


The partially digested fluid that passes from the stomach into the small intestine is a. chyme b. saliva c. bile d. mucus e. feces


The physically smallest of these surface area increasing structures of the SI is a. the microvilli b. the rugae c. the ciliated cells d. the villi e. the plicae circulares


The principal muscles of inspiration are the ______ and ________ a. diaphragm, external intercostals b. diaphragm, sternocleidomastoid c. diaphragm, internal intercostals d. internal intercostals, external intercostals


The right and left lobe of the liver are separated by a. falciform ligament b. greater omentum d. epi-hepatic separating ligament d. mesentary proper e. lesser ornentum


The tragus is a structure located on the a. ear lobe b. ciliary body c. rim of the nostril d. olfactory epithelium e. middle ear


There are totally __________ lobes in BOTH lungs a. 5 b. 2 c. 4 d. 3 e. 6


Tightening the vocal cords during sound production will result in a. a higher pitch to the sound produced b. increased pressure on the clottis c. no effect on the volume or pitch of the sounds produced d. a lower pitch to the sound produced e. increased volume of sounds produced


Unlike the small intestine, the large intestine shows pouches called _________ along its length. a. haustra b. circular folds c. epiploic appendages d. ceca e. teniae coli


Vibrissae are a. nasal guard hairs b. nasal cartilages c. folds in the larynx d. air passsages between the nasal conchae e. cilia of the nasal mucosa


What are nerve endings that respond to tissue injury or noxious stimulation that produce sensations of pain? a. nociceptors b. lamellated corpuscles c. merkel discs d. free nerve endings e. tactile corpuscles


What aspect of hearing will be lost if the auditory cortex is damaged? a. sound interpretation and pattern recognition will be difficult or impossible b. individual will respond to sounds and have normal acoustic reflexes c. high frequency sounds will be unable to be interpreted d. tones and patterns will become incomprehensible e. none of the above


What is likely to happen if the epiglottis fails to fold over the glottis during the act of swallowing food or liquid? a. food or liquid may enter the trachea b. air may enter the trachea c. the person may be induced to sneeze d. nothing e. none of the above


What is the function of the saccule and utricle? a. they perceive static eq b. they perceive sound c. they detect low-freq vibrations d. they detect change in the rate of rotation e. they detect angular acceleration


What is the superior opening into the stomach? a. cardiac orifice b. gastric portal c. pyloric sphincter d. esopageal constrictor e. ileocecal sphincter


Where are stem cells of the SI located? a. intestinal crypts b. duodenal (Brunner) glands c. Peyer patches d. intestinal sinusoids e. gastric pits


Which muscle(s) contract(s) during forced expiration? a. rectus abdominus b. external intercostals c. diaphragm d. pectoralis minor e. sternocleidomastoid


Which of the following cutaneous receptors are responsible for fine touch? 1- type I cutaneous mechanoreceptors 2- end organs of Ruffini 3- type II cutaneous mechanoreceptors 4- corpuscles of touch (Meissner's) a. 1, 4 b. 2, 4 c. 1, 3 d. 1, 2, 3, 4


Which of the following develop as specialized muscle fibers? a. muscle spindles b. joint kinesthetic receptors c. tendon organs d. hair cells of the inner ear


Which of the following does not form part of the nasal septum? a. inferior nasal conchae b. cartilage c. vomer d. ethmoid


Which of the following is NOT true of the trachea? a. it is a tubular passageway, posterior to the esophogas b. the outer layer of the wall of the trachea, the adventitia, is a layer of areolar connective tissue that joins the trachea to surrounding tissues c. it is lined by a mucous membrane containing pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, goblet cells, and basal cells d. its wall contains 16-20 C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage


Which of the following is a function of the stomach? a. it churns food into a paste by mechanical means b. it absorbs most of the nutrients in food c. it digests lipids d. most chemical digestion takes place in the stomach e. it stores food in the form of fat


Which of the following is not a type of general sensory receptor? a. auditory receptor b. nociceptor c. mechanoreceptor d. chemoreceptor e. thermoreceptor


Which of the following is not true of the tracheal cartilages? a. they are formed by a complete hyaline cartilage ring b. they show very similar histological characteristics to the primary bronchi c. the open region is connected by an elastic ligament and fibers of a band of smooth muscle d. trachealis muscle can contract to alter the shape and size of the tracheal lumen e. none


Which of the following types of cells is the first to receive a light ray as it travels through the retina? a. ganglion cell b. pigmented epithelium c. photoreceptor cell d. bipolar cell


Which of the primary actions of the digestive system listed below would be defective if a person is getting sufficient quantities and types of food to ear, but is still diagnosed as being extremely malnourished? a. absorption b. digestion c. ingesion d. excretion e. secretion


Which of these is the site of contact digestion? a. the brush border of the SI b. gastric pits c. cytoplasm of the small intestinal cells d. intestinal crypts e. surface of the gastric mucosa


All of these describe the vestibule in structure of position, or function accurately except a. the vestibule has sensory hair cells located in the maculae b. the vestibule surrounds the modiolus c. the vestibule lies between the semicircular canals and the cochlea d. the vestibule is responsible for sciatic equilibrium e. the vestibule contains the utricle and the saccule


All receptors for _____________ are confined to the head and are innervated by cranial nerves. a. exteroception b. special senses c. chemoreceptors d. proprioception e. somesthetic senses


Antacid tablets (TUMS, ROLAIDS) are used to help neutralize the acidity of gastric contents. What cells are responsibly for this acidity? a. rugae b. parietal c. mucus d. chief


Bronchoconstrictors brought on by various allergens is a _______________ response. a. visceral afferent b. parasympathetic c. somatic d. sympathetic


CO2 level in the blood is the primary factor that affects rate and depth of ventilation. Increased CO2 levels stimulate arterial and medullary chemoreceptors, resulting in messages to the respiratory center to decrease the rate and depth of ventilation a. both are false b. first true, second false c. both true d. second true, first false


Changes in tension of the vocal chords is brought about by using muscles to move the a. cuneiform cartilage b. arytenoid cartilage c. corniculate cartilages d. cricoid cartilages e. thyroid cartilage


Control of movemnts of the digestive tract is via the a. hypoglossal nerve b. myenteric plexus c. submucosal plexus d. sympathetic NS e. control is different in various areas of the tract


Each tertiary bronchus supplies a region of a lung called a/an ______ a. lobe b. bronchopulmonary segment c. alveolar sac d. lobule


Eye movements would be compromised by a. damage to accessory nerve b. damage to trochlear nerve c. damage to vagus nerve d. damage to vestibulocochlear nerve


How do the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles affect the functions of the ear? a. they do not affect hearing, but play an important role in eq b. they dampen loud sounds that could harm sensitive auditory hair cells c. regulate the opening and closing of the pharyngotympanic tube d. they increase the cochlea's sensitivity to vibration produced by incoming sound waves e. none of the above


Identify the correct order of smooth muscle layers in the stomach from innermost to outermost 1-circular 2- oblique 3- longitudinal a. 1, 2, 3 b. 2, 1, 3 c. 3, 1, 2 d. 3, 2, 1 e. 2, 3, 1


Kupffer cells are found in sinusoids of a. the intestinal crypts b. the liver c. the appendix d. the pancreas e. the gastric glands


Oblique musculature is only found in the ______________ wall of the alimentary canal a. colon b. stomach c. duodenum d. ileum e. rectum


Otolith stimulation of hair cells occurs in the a. organ of Corti b. saccule and utricle c. semicircular canals d. crista ampullaris e. cochlea


Peristaltic contractions a. are of similar strength throughout the digestive tract b. occur in stomach, esophogas, SI/LI c. primarily responsible for mixing the food with the digestive juices d. all of the above


Tears are produced by a. lateral canthi b. lacrimal glands c. puncta lacrimalia d. lacrimal sac e. tarsal glands


The _________ is an internal feature of the lower respiratory tract located at the bifurcation of the trachea into bronchi. a. cupula b. carina c. epiglottis d. rimi vestibuli


The congenital condition of "crossed eyes" is also known as a. hyperopia b. strabiimus c. hymaopopia d. presbyopia e. hemianopia


The footplate of the stapes covers an opening called a. auditory canal b. oval window c. round window d. auditory tube e. crista ampullaris


The head of the pancreas is located closest to the a. inferior surface of the liver b. curve of duodenum c. lesser curvature of the stomach d. medial surface of the spleen


The hilum of the lung is on its a. base b. mediastinal surface c. cupola d. cardiac notch e. costal surface


The hormone CCK a. is released by the stomach b. stimulates secretion by the liver and an increase of pancreatic juice c. stimulates gastric secretions d. none of the above e. A and B


The lacrimal sac is located a. lateral to the eye b. medial to the eye c. superior to the eye d. superior and lateral to each eye


The lower respiratory tract begins at a. primary bronchi b. glottis c. trachae d. bronchioles e. choanae


The other special sense that contribute the most to olfactory perception is a. vision b. gustation c. audition d. mechanoreception e. none of the above


The otoliths are located in a. anterior compartment of eye b. utricle c. cochlea d. posterior compartment of eye adjacent to the hyaloid canal e. bony labyrinth


The scleral venous sinus is also known as a. sigmoid sinus b. canal of Schlemm c. hyaloid canal d. pupillary sinus e. transverse sinus


The semicircular ducts lie within a. auditory tube b. semicircular canals c. membranous labyrinth d. vestible e. middle ear cavity


The strach-digesting enzymes of the saliva and pancreatic juice are called___________. a. lysosymes b. amylases c. upsadaisies d. lipases e. peptidases


The structure attached to soft palate that helps close off the nasopharynx during swallowing is the a. tongue b. uvula c. fauces d. epiglottis


This test is used to distinguish between sensorineural and conduction deafness a. the otoacoustic emission test b. Weber's test c. the sudiogram d. Miller's test


Visual information from the retinas first arrives for processing at the a. hippocampus b. lateral geniculate nucleus c. temporal lobes d. occipital lobes e. none


We sense rotary movements of the head when the endolymph pushes on a gelatinous cap called the __________ in a semicircular duct. a. papilla b. cupula c. utricle d. saccule e. otolith


We sense rotary movements of the head when the endolymph pushes on a gelatinous cap called the _____________ in a semicircular duct. a. papilla b. cupula c. otolith d. utricle e. saccule


What are Peyer patches, and where are they located? a. lymphatic tissue of the oropharynx b. lymphatic tissue found in submucosa of the ileum c. peptic ulcers that may occur in the stomach of duodenum d. mucous glands of the duodenal submucosa e. fatty, clublike appendages on the serosa of the colon


What happens when the diaphragm contracts? a. the size of the thoracic cavity decreases and air pressure in the thorax drops b. the size of the thoracic cavity increases and air flow into the lungs c. the size of the thoracic cavity increases and air flows out of the lungs d. the size of the thoracic cavity increases and air pressure in the thorax increases e. the size of the thoracic cavity decreases and air rushes into the thoracic cavity


What is a function of parietal cells in the stomach? a. they produce a secretion that breaks down lipids b. they produce intrinsic factor c. they produce a secretion that begins to break down starch d. they produce mucus e. they produce a secretion that initiates breakdown of proteins


What is the mechanism that permits a beer drinker to participate in a belching contest? a. rhythmic contraction of the esophogas b. expulsion of gas from the cardiac region of the stomach through the weakly constricting esophogeal sphincter c. closure of the uvula against the soft palate d. voluntary stimulation of the phrenic nerve, caused by the belcher turning the head rapidly to one side or the other e. none of the above


What is the name for farsightedness? a. presbyopia b. hyperopia c. myopia d. utopia e. glaucoma


What kind of tissue lines the most of the respiratory tract? a. simple squamous b. ciliated pseudostratified c. ciliated squamous d. ciliated cuboidal e. stratified squamous


What would be affected if bile secretion was inhibited? a. protein digestion b. fat digestion c. glucose absorption d. starch digestion e. cholesterol produciton


Which is not true of nasal conchae? a. they help cleanse the air b. they reduce turbulence inside the nasal cavity c. they moisten the air d. they help warm the air e. there are superior, middle, and inferior nasal concahe


Which muscle(s) is/are not involved with inspiration? a. pectoralis minor b. internal intercostals c. external intercostals d. sternocleidomastoid e. diaphragm


Which of the following correctly lists the order in which air flows through the respiratory tract? a. larynx; pharynx; trachea; bronchi; bronchioles b. pharynx; larynx; trachea; bronchi; bronchioles c. larynx; pharynx; trachea; bronchioles; bronchi d. pharynx; trachea; larynx; bronchi; bronchioles e. larynx; pharynx; bronchi; trachea; bronchioles


Which of the following is not a proprioceptor? a. tendon organ b. hair root plexus c. muscle spindle d. hair cells of the inner ear


Which of the following is part of the fibrous tunic of the eye? a. retina b. sclera c. rods d. vitreous humor e. choroid


Which of the following is/are not (an) accessory structure(s) of the eye? a. lacrimal apparatus b. intrinsic muscles c. eyelashes d. palpebrae


Why does the pupil look black? a. the choroid and the retina have pigment b. there is no light in the interior of the eye c. the choroid has pigment d. the retina has pigment e. sclera is pigmented


A condition that results from infection and causes the alveoli to fill with fluid is a. chronic bronchitis b. tuberculosis c. pneumonia d. emphysema e. asthma


A portal triad in the liver consists of branches of the a. hepatic artery, central vein, and hepatic vein b. common bile duct, and right and left hepatic ducts c. hepatic vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct d. hepatic portal vein, hepatic vein, and hepatic artery


A premature baby born at 27 weeks gestation is suffering from respiratory distress syndrome. What is the cause? a. alveoli are not adequately developed by 27 weeks b. the breath was not vigorous enough to pop open the alveoli c. there is not enough surfactant to keep he alveoli from collapsing d. foramen ovale failed to close at birth e. fluid in the lungs was not adequately reabsorbed by the blood and lymphatic capillaries


All of the following except _____ contribute to the large surface area available for nutrient absorption in the small intestine. a. intestinal length b. circular folds c. rugae d. villi e. microvilli


As a molecule of oxygen passes from alveolar air into the blood it passes through the layers of the alveolar capillary membrane in what order? 1- epithelial basement mem 2- capillary basement mem 3- alveolar epithelial wall 4- capillary endothelial wall a. 1, 3, 2, 4 b. 3, 1, 4, 2 c. 3, 1, 2, 4 d. 4, 3, 2, 1


At the periphery, the iris is attached to the anterior region of the a. cornea b. pupil c. choroid d. vitreous humor e. ciliary body


Bile secreted from the gallbladder and pancreatic juice secreted from the pancreas enter which portion of the GI tract? a. cecum b. jejunum c. duodenum d. ileum


Circular muscles of the iris contract in response to stimulus received from the a. abducens nerve b. oculomotor nerve c. parasympathetic nervous system d. trochlea nerve e. sympathetic nervous system


During embryonic development, what structure does the optic stalk develop into? a. lens b. retina c. optic nerve d. ganglion cells e. sclera


If the upper respiratory tract becomes blocked, it might be necessary to perform a procedure called a. laryngectomy b. bronchodilation c. tracheostomy d. bronchiostomy e. atelectasis


One unique feature about the sense of smell is a. olfactory receptors are the only chemosensors in the body b. it has no projections to the limbic system c. olfactory sensations do not synapse in the thalamus before going to the cerebral cortex d. the action potentials between the nasoreceptors and the cerebral cortex are not all or none e. olfactory sensations terminate in the temporal lobe


Opening above and below the ______________ are the lacrimal puncta a. conjunctiva b. nucleus soliatrius c. caruncle d. pupil e. levator palpebrae superioris


Paralysis of the ____________ muscles will prevent accomodation. a. palpebral b. oblique c. ciliary d. radial e. circular


Place the following in the correct order for the transmission of olfactory information that results in odor perception. 1- olfactory bulbs 2- olfactory tract 3- temporal cortex 4- olfactory nerves 5- frontal cortex a. 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 b. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5 c. 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 d. 2, 1, 4, 3, 5


Pulmonary surfactant is produced by a. goblet cells b. type I alveolar cells c. type II alveolar cells d. S cells e. alveolar macrophages


Select the best description for the ceruminous glands a. embedded in tarsal plate of the eyelid b. in connective tissue underneath the olfactory epithelium c. near the external opening of the external auditory canal d. at the base of the follicles of the eyelashes e. superior and lateral to the eyeball


Select the best description for the filiform papillae. a. distributed in V-shaped row on the anterior portion of the tongue b. mushroom shaped; evenly distributed over the tongue c. contain no taste buds d. largest type; all contain taste buds


Sensory nerve impulses may be integrated at all of the following levels of the CNS. Perception, however, occurs when sensory impulses reach which region? a. brain stem b. thalamus c. cerebral cortex d. spinal cord


Sensory receptors found within the ampulla are locates within the a. perilymphatic duct b. cochlea c. semicircular canals d. utricle e. saccule


Taste cells detect all of the following tastes except a. bitter b. umami c. spicy d. sweet e. salty


The LASIK procedure is a surgical intervention that typically changes the structure of the a. sclera b. lens c. cornea d. uvea e. iris


The _____ is/are the first portion(s) of the respiratory tract to enter lung tissue. a. tertiary bronchi b. secondary bronchi c. primary bronchi d. trachea


The air passages beneath the conchae that create turbulence within the nasal cavity are a. choanae b. fossae c. meatuses d. conchae


The aspect of laryngeal function would be impaired if the arytenoid cartilages are damaged? a. the larynx would be unable to move up or down during swallowing to ease the passing of a bolus b. air would not be able to enter c. sound production would be impaired d. person would be likely to choke e. none of the above


The cell types of the respiratory epithelium include all of the following except a. mucus glands b. psuedostratified, ciliated, and columnar epithelia c. lymphocytes d. goblet cells e. all of the above


The contractile activities of the muscularis externa are regulated primarily by the a. neurons of Meisser's plexus b. somatic motor neruons c. neurons of the myenteric plexus d. parasympathetic stimulation e. sympathetic stimulation


The convexity of the lens is increased for near vision by contraction of which muscle? a. medial tectus b. dilatory c. ciliary d. superior oblique e. lateral recuts


The highly contagious bacterial infection known as "pinkeye" is caused by bacterial or viral irritation of the a. retina b. choroid c. conjunctiva d. sclera e. cornea


The hilium of the lung is on its a. cardiac notch b. base c. mediastinal surface d. costal surface e. cupola


The layer of connective tissue underlying the epithelium of the mucosa of the GI tract is called the ________ a. peritoneum b. adventitia c. lamina propria d. submucosa


The pancreas a. acts as a pathway for the transport of digested materials to the SI b. is located in the posterioinferior depression or hollow of the liver c. is both a digestive and an endocrine organ d. empties into the jejunum e. all of the above


The peritoneal fold situated as a "fatty apron" anterior to the small intestine is the _____________ a. lesser omentum b. mesentery c. greater omentum d. falciform ligament


The primary function of the lens to teh eye is to a. provide coloring to the eye b. focus the visual image onto the optic disc c. focus the visual image on the retinal photoreceptors d. maintain the shape of the eye e. A and B


The vestibular apparatus is located in the a. anterior cavity of the eye b. nasal cavity c. inner ear d. midddle ear


Third order neurons a. carry nerve impulses to the primary somatosensory area in the precentral gyrus b. have axons that end in the thalamus c. carry nerve impulses from the spinal cord and brain stem to the thalamus d. have axons that decussate in the spinal cord or brain stem


What is the function of the uvula? a. catches food that slip posteriorly accidentally prior to being properly masticated for swallowing and returns them to the oral cavity b. no known function c. forms a seal between oral cavity and the nasopharynx to prevent materials from entering the pharyngeal region prematurely d. it is lymphoid tissue as are the nearby tonsils e. all of the above


What is the hepatic flexure? a. a curve in the caudate lobe of the liver b. the curve in the diaphragm that accomdates the liver c. the boundary between the ascending and transverse colon d. the boundary between the liver and the duodenum e. the boundary between the transverse and descending colon


What is the life span of epithelial cells in the lining of the stomach? a. 1-2 days b. 7-10 days c. 3-6 days d. several decades e. 15-17 days


What is the source of most of parasympathetic innervation of the digestive tract? a. phrenic nerve b. vagus nerve c. enteric nerve d. splanchnic nerves e. glossopharyngeal nerves


What kind of tissue lines the oral cavity? a. ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium b. simple columnar epithelium c. stratified squamous epithelium d. simple cuboidal epithelium e. simple squamous epithelium


What structure corresponds to the "Adam's apple"? a. vocal cords b. thyroid gland c. thyroid cartilage d. cricoid cartilage e. epiglottis


What structure flaps over the glottis when a person swallows food or drink? a. uvula b. thyroid cartilage c. epiglottis d. glottis e. fauces


What structure may become inflamed and infected, and may burst resulting in peritonitis? a. cecum b. duodenal papilla c. appendix d. pharyngeal constrictors e. duodenum


When you focus on objects close to the eye, the eye makes an adjustment called a. myopia b. diplopia c. accomodation d. refraction e. emmetropia


Where are taste buds located? a. filiform papillae b. organ or Corti c. vallate papillae d. cupula e. inguinal frenulum


Which of the following cell types secrete gastrin? a. parietal cells b. chief cells c. enteroendocrine cells d. mucous cells e. regenerative cells


Which of the following do not apply to the entire SI? a. averages 6 m in length b. movements may be restricted during digestion by the stomach, LI, the abdominal wall and the pelvic girdle c. it is retroperitoneal d. bears a series of transverse folds called plicae circulares e. primary site of digestion and the absorption of most of our nutrients


Which of the following do not contain cartilage? 1- tertiary bronchi 2- alveolar ducts 3- respiratory bronchioles 4- terminal bronchioles a. 2, 4 b. 1, 2, 3, 4 c. 2, 3, 4 d. 2, 3


Which of the following is an anatomical feature of the SI that serves to increase the SA for digestion and absorption? a. rugae b. lacteals c. microvilli d. all of the above


Which of the following is not a feature of the external ear? a. tympanic membrane b. lobule c. auditory (eustachian) tube d. helix


Which of the following is primarily responsible for the mechanism of equilibrium? a. cochlea b. ampulla c. vestibular apparatus d. saccule e. utricle


Which of the following pairs of terms is incorrectly matched? a. exteroceptors; at or near the surface of the body b. interoceptors; in internal organs (viscera) c. proprioceptors; in walls of BV d. cutaneous receptors; in skin and mucous membranes


A layer of dense connective tissue that covers all of the eyeball except the cornea is called __________ a. conjunctiva b. uvea c. choroid d. sclera


A person experiencing age-related macular degeneration will experience loss of vision a. in the periphery of their visual fields b. while viewing distant objects c. while viewing objects that are close by d. the middle of their visual field e. the lateral extremes of their visual field


A thin membrane that covers the surface of the lung is called a. parietal pulmonary membrane b. parietal pleura c. visceral pneumothroax d. visceral pleura e. visceral peritoneum


Accomodation would occur when a. the zonular fibers become taut b. objects move further away from the eye c. the lateral rectus muscle contracts d. the muscles of the ciliary body contract


Advancing a gastric tube from the oral cavityto the oropharynx requires passing through the a. chonae b. inferior meatus c. parotid gland d. fauces


Bile helps accomplish which of the following? 1- chemical breakdown of protein 2- emulsification 3- protection of the gastric lining 4- maintenance of an alkaline pH in the duodenum a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 2, 3, 4 c. 2, 3 d. 2 e. 1, 3, 4


Borborygmus is a. form of tooth decay that causes bad breath b. scar tissue in liver that leads to cirrhosis c. structure that connects teh gallbladder to the liver d. the noise that results from gas moving though the intestines


Decrease in lung volume during normal expiration is mainly due to a. relaxation of inspiratory muscles b. the inward pull of surface tension c. recoil of elastic fibers in the lungs d. all of the above


Diphyodont refers to a. we have 2 jaws with teeth on them b. we have more than one type of tooth c. we can grind and bite our food with our different types of teeth d. we have a primary and adult set of teeth e. mastication occurs in more than one location in our body, the mouth and the stomach


Expansion and inflation of the lungs during inspiration is a result of a. atmospheric pressure b. contraction of the main inspiratory muscles c. surface tension between the parietal and visceral pleura d. all of the above


Food with the largest proportion of __________ takes the longest to move out of the stomach. a. triglycerides b. nucleic acids c. complex carbs d. proteins e. simple sugars


How many deciduous teeth does a person normally have? a. 22 b. 40 c. 32 d. 20 e. 10


LASIK will a. change the shape of the iris b. improve hearing c. change the shape of the retina d. change the shape of the cornea


Low frequency sounds generate stimuli in the Organ of Corti most specifically a. in the cochea b. in the ampulla c. in the area of the cochlea closest to the round window d. towards the apex (helicotrema) of the cochlea e. in the area of the cochlea closes to the oval window


Mucus found on the surface of the olfactory epithelium a. makes it possible for odorant gases to react with the olfactory receptors b. is produced in increased amounts in response to stimulation by the facial VII nerves c. produced by glands beneath the olfactory epithelium d. all of the above


Obstruction of blockage of the nasolacrimal duct will prevent drainage of tears into the a. vitreous humor b. ciliary body c. aqueous humor d. nasal cavity


Receptors that detect the sense of position or movement of the body are specifically known as a. nociceptors b. interoceptors c. exteroceptors d. proprioceptors e. mechanoreceptors


Segmentation movements differ from those of peristalsis because segmentation movements a. require electrical stimulation of each smooth muscle fiber individually b. propel contents along the length of the digestive tract c. depend on coordinated contractions of the circular and longitudinal layers d. churns and mix the digetive tract contents but produce no net movement in a particular direction e. differ in all of the manners described above


Select the best description for the circumvallate papillae a. distributed in V-shaped row on the anterior portion of the tongue b. mushroom shaped; evenly distributed over the tongue c. contain no taste buds d. largest type; all contain taste buds


Some of the structures that form the respiratory membrane include 1- elastic fibers 2- secondary bronchioles 3- the basement membrane of the alveolar epithelium 4- pulmonary nerve plexus 5- capillary walls a. all b. none c. 2, 4, 5 d. 3, 5 3. 2, 4


Structures which comprise the triad in a liver lobe include all of these EXCEPT a. branch of the hepatic artery b. branch of hepatic portal vein c. branch of bile duct d. sarcoplasmic reticulum e. all of these are part of the triad in the liver


Sympathetic stimulation of the terminal bronchioles causes a. broncoconstriciton b. increase in blood supply to these areas c. no changes; there is no parasympathetic innervation of these structures d. bronchodilation e. secretion of less surfactant


Taste buds of a young adult are located on the a. pharynx b. tongue and soft palate c. epiglottis of the larynx d. all of the above


The auditory tube a. spirals around the modiolus of the cochlea b. leads from the pinna to the tympanic membrane c. leads from the tympanic membrane to the oval window d. leads from the nasopharynx to the middle ear e. includes vestibule and semicircular ducts


The base of a lung is a. just superior to the diaphragm b. the inferior surface c. concave d. all of the above


The cardiac notch is a feature of the a. right lung b. heart c. diaphragm d. left lung


The cochlear duct is filled with _______ and the scala vestibuli is filled with ____________. a. endolymph; endolymph b. perilymph; perilymph c. perilymph; endolymph d. endolymph; perilymph e. cerebrospinal fluid; perilymph


The cranial nerve that innervates the most extrinsic eye muscles is a. trochlear nerve b. trigeminal nerve c. abducens d. oculomotor nerve e. opthalmic branch of the cranial nerve V


The epiglottis a. consists of a leaf-shpaed piece of hyaline cartilage b. is attached posteriorly to the thyroid cartiage c. serves to route food and lipids into the esophogas d. all of the above


The first intestinal segment entered by materials that leave the stomach through the pylorus is the a. gallbladder b. jejunum c. ileum d. duodenum e. none of the above


The functions of the esophogas include a. mixing of food and secretions b. absorption of H2O and small nutrients c. secretion of enzymes d. none of the above


The histology of this salivary gland shows the presence of approximately equal amounts of serous and mucous cells. It is the a. palatine gland b. sublingual gland c. submaxillary gland d. submandibular gland e. parotid gland


The most important function of the hard and soft palates is to a. serve as an additional surface area for taste buds b. crush food c. serve as a site of attachment for the root of the tongue d. separate breathing and mastication functions to permit a person to breathe while chewing e. do none of the above


The olfactory epithelium occupies the superior part of the a. superior nasal conchae b. nasal cavity c. nasal septum d. all of the above


The original role of the vocal chords was and still is to a. separate the conductive and respiratory portions of the tract b. separate the upper and lower respiratory system c. allows us to speak using words d. regulate the opening and closing of the glottis e. elevate the epiglottis


The otolith is located in the _________ of the ___________________ a. scala media, cochlear duct b. ampulla, semicircular canals c. scala media, utricle and saccule d. maculae, utricle and sccule e. membranous labyrinth, inner ear


The portions of the respiratory system that are capable of gas exchange include a. alveoli b. respiratory bronchioles c. alveolar ducts d. all of the above


The receptors for pain a. respond to any type of stimulus if it is of sufficient intensity b. are free nerve endings called nociceptors c. may be stimulated by chemicals released by injured tissues d. all of the above


The salivary glands whose ducts open on either side of the lingual frenulum are the a. buccal glands b. parotid glands c. sublingual glands d. submandibular glands


The sensory cells of hearing are stimulated by the ___________ resting on the stereocilia. a. basilar membrane b. crista ampullaris c. cupula d. tectorial membrane e. vestibular membrane


The small intestine is suspended from the dorsal body wall by a. epiploic appendages b. falciform ligament c. lesser omentum d mesentery proper e. greater omentum


The sphincter of the hepatopancreatic ampulla directly controls the flow of bile between a. liver and the common bile duct b. gallbladder and cystic duct c. liver and gallbladder d. common bile duct and duodenum


The stomach occupies the following abdominal regions(s): a. umbilical b. left hypochondriac c. epigastric d. all of the above


The tensor tympani muscle attaches onto the a. stapes b. tensor fasciae latae c. tympanic membrane d. malleus e. incus


The vitreous body a. is produced by the ciliary processes b. undergoes constant replacement c. main contributor to intraocular pressure d. none of the above


These features of a gomphosis help actively anchor's tooth to its socket a. pulp and dentine b. the periodontal ligament c. enamel and dentine d. the periodontal ligament and the cementum e. cementum


This contributes to the large surface area available for nutrient absorption in the stomach. a. villi b. microvilli c. circular folds d. rugae e. intestinal length


Visual reflexes would be impaired by damage to the a. red nucleus b. inferior colliculi c. medial geniculate nuclei d. superior colliculi


What condition is stimulated by allergens and results in bronchoconstriction, airway inflammation, and difficulty in exhaling? a. pulmonary fibrosis b. chronic bronchitis c. tuberculosis d. asthma e. emphysema


What is the effect of sympathetic innervation of the lungs? a. contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchioles b. increased diameter of the bronchi c. constriction of bronchioles d. dilation of bronchioles e. increase activity of the mucociliary elevator


What is the terminal portion of the SI? a. duodenum b. jejunum c. pylorus d. ileum e. cecum


What structure is not part of the eyelid? a. tarsal plate b. tarsal glands c. eyelashes d. lacrimal glands e. obicularis oris


Which is NOT true of the diaphragm? a. it is a striated (skeletal) muscle b. when contracted it decreases the vertical dimension of the abdominopelvic cavity c. it receives innervation from cervical spinal nerves 3, 4, and 5 via the phrenic nerve d. in the relaxed state, the diaphragm is a flat, horizontal sheet


Which of the following are openings into the nasopharynx? 1- auditory tube 2- fauces 3- internal naris 4- external naris 5- nasolacrimal duct a. 4, 5 b. 1, 2, 3 c. 2, 3 d. 1, 3


Which of the following features of the lungs face(s) the heart? 1- costal surface 2- hilus 3- base 4- mediastinal surface a. 1 only b. 1, 2 c. 3, 4 d. 2, 4


Which of the following is primarily responsible for sensation of hearing? a. ampulla b. saccule c. utricle d. spiral organ


Which of the following is true of olfactory hairs? a. they are cilia of the supporting cells b. they are dendrites of olfactory neurons c. they produce mucus n the olfactory gland d. they are cilia of olfactory receptors


Which of the following statements about the cornea is TRUE? a. the outer surface is nonkeratinized simple squamous epi b. the outer surface is keratinized simple squamous epi c. contains proteins called crystallins d. CT layer of the cornea is avascular


Which of the nutrients is absorbed by the lacteals of the SI? a. AA b. water-soluble vitamins c. glucose d. fats


Which of these nutrients is absorbed by the lacteals of the SI? a. glucose b. amino acids c. glucose d. fats e. water-soluble vitamins


A cataract is a problem with the a. iris b. capsule c. pupil d. cornea e. lens


Accessory respiratory muscles that become active when the depth and frequency of respiration must be increased markedly include the a. diaphragm b. external and internal intercostals c. sternocleidomastoid and scalenes d. abdominal obliques and rectus abdominis e. C and D from above are correct


All of these are components of the choroid layer except a. ciliary body b. pupillary constrictor muscles c. pupil d. iris e. ora serrata


As an image falls farther away from the fovea centralis on the retina a. your ability to detect detail increases b. it is more likely that your cones will be stimulated c. your ability to detect color increases d. your ability to detect color only decreases e. your ability to detect color and detail decreases


At normal daylight intestines, the __________ cells are nonfunctional. a. amacrine b. bipolar c. mitral d. cone e. rod


Functions of the greater omentum include a. padding of the abdominal viscera b. storage of fat c. radiation of excess heat generated by the process of digestion through the anterior abdominal wall to cool the body d. no known function' it is a vestigial structure e. A and B from above


Gastric regurgitation would indicate that this muscle has relaxed a. gastric sphincter b. pyloric sphincter c. ileocecal valve d. arytenoid muscle of the glottis e. cardiac sphincter


Glaucoma is condition which may occur due to the malfunction of the a. uvea b. retina c. lens d. vitreous humor e. scleral venous tissue


In order to examine the retina, this is usually used a. surgical process b. otoscope c. eyesight d. stethoscope e. opthalmoscope


Information from your _____________ and ________________ convey to you a sense of body position. a. baroreceptors, inner ear b. aortic bodies, carotid bodies c. golgi tendon organs, Organ of Ruffini d. baroreceptors, eye e. golgi tendon organs, inner ear


Monosodium glutamate (MSG) stimulates a. acid receptors b. sweet receptors c. salt receptors d. bitter receptors e. umami receptors


Of the LI component only the _________________ has/have mesocolon mesenteries a. transverse colon b. ascending, transverse, and descending colon c. ascending and descending colon d. sigmoid colon e. sigmoid and transverse colons


Pain receptors respond to a. extremes of temperature b. mechanical injury c. dissolved chemicals released by injured cells d. a and b e. a, b, and c


Peristalsis occurs during this initial phase of digestive activity a. chewing b. defecation c. segmentation d. deglutition e. small intestinal propulsive movements


Select the best description for the lacrimal glands a. in CT underneath the olfactory epi b. at the base of the follicle of the eyelashes c. near the external opening of the external auditory canal d. embedded in tarsal plate of eyelid e. superior and lateral to the eyeball


Sound produced by adult men is lower in pitch than produced by women because a. men have larger lung volumes than women b. larynx in more vertical in men c. the glottis is wider in men d. the vocal folds are thinner and shorter in men e. the vocal folds are thicker and longer in men


Sphincters located at the beginning and the end of the SI are respectively a. Lieberkuhn's and Brunner's sphincters b. upper and lower intestinal sphincters c. there are no anatomical sphincters at these locations d. the gastric and the colonic sphincter e. the pyloric sphincter and the ileocecal valve


The Vasalva maneuver a. prevents food and drink from entering the nasal cavity b. protects the lungs from overinflation c. prevents food and drink from entering the trachea d. is used to dislodge foreign matter from the airway e. increases pressure in the abdominal cavity and helps to expel abdominal contents


The blind spot in each visual field is a region in which a. the iris casts a shadow on the part of the retina b. there are rod cells, but no cone cells c. bipolar cells block light from reaching the rods and cones d. there are cone cells, but no rod cells e. the optic nerve leaves the eye


The common opening of the pancreas and the liver into the stomach is the a. the hepatopancreatic duct b. the bile duct c. hepatopancreatic ampulla d. the ampulla e. none of these answers


The condition ankyloglossia is associated with a short or rigid a. labia b. tongue c. styloglossus muscle d. labial frenulum e. lingual frenulum


The cranial nerve/s responsible for Gustatory discrimination are a. CN I, II, X b. CN VII, VIII, and XI c. CN X only d. CN VIII, IX, and X e. CN VII, IX, and X


The deepest cells of the retina are the a. ganglion cells b. rods c. amacrine cells d. bipolar cells e. photoreceptors


The falciform ligament a. attaches the gallbladder to the liver b. attaches the stomach to the diaphragm c. attaches the liver to the diaphragm d. is a remnant of the umbilical vein e. attaches the liver to the abdominal wall


The gland that produces tears in the eye is called the a. serous b. tarsal c. ciliary d. meiobomian e. lacrimal


The largest of the following is a. cricoid cartilage b. epiglottic cartilage c. arytenoid cartilage d. corniculate cartilage e. thyroid cartilage


The middle ear is located in the a. cochlea b. mastoid region of the temporal bone c. fovea centralis d. mastoid air cells e. petrous portion of the temporal bone


The most superficial layers of the esophagus is the a. serosa b. epimucosa c. mucosa d. muscularis mucosa e. adventitia


The posterior limit of the nasal cavity is/are a. vestible b. fossae c. conchae d. nasal septum e. choanae


The release of bile into the duodenum is controlled by a. gastroesophageal sphincter b. GIP c. ptyalin d. pepsin e. increase in CCK and secretin


The retina and the posterior edge of the ciliary body meet at the a. iris b. tapetum lucidum c. canal of Schlemm d. ciliary process e. ora serrata


The semicircular ducts are filled with a. perilymph b. aqueous humor c. cerumen d. vitreous humor e. endolymph


The structure of the meati and conchae creates the appropriate conditions for a. smooth airflow that helps move mucous with trapped dust/germs towards the pharynx b. development of vocal tone conducive to speech c. cross-ventilation patterns of airflow which allow CO2 to exit at the same time that O2 enters the respiratory tract d. smooth slow air flow conducive to protecting the delicate alveoli e. turbulent airflow that promotes warming and humidifyingn air prior to entering the lungs


The transportation of absorbed fats from the intestine is a function of a. lamina propria b. arterioles and venules c. capillary network in a villus d. tenia coli e. lacteals


These cells undergo mitosis and replace the olfactory receptors a. bipolar cells b. mitotic cells c. supporting cells d. amacrine cells e. basal cells


These papillae do not have taste buds a. fungiform papillae b. circumfrential c. circumvallate d. interstitial papillae e. filiform


This structure separates the esophogas from the respiratory tract along their length a. the upper esophogeal spincter b. laryngopharynx c. trachea d. oropharynx e. trachealis muscle and ligament


What condition results from elevated pressure within the eyeball due to inadequate reabsorption of aqueous humor? a. astigmatism b. myopia c. cataracts d. macular degeneration e. glaucoma


What is a muscle that allows you to roll your eyes upward, as in a look of disgust? a. superior oblique b. inferior oblique c. lateral rectus d. inferior rectus e. superior rectus


What is the purpose of the cartilaginous rings in the trachae? a. they maintain an open passageway for food b. they provide smooth, slick passageway for air c. they support smooth muscle d. they lend stability to the neck e. they maintain an open passageway for air


What structure is responsible for peristalsis? a. pharyngeal constrictors b. muscularis mucosae c. gastric rugae d. mesothelium e. muscular externa


When rods and cones are stimulated by light, they in turn stimulate which cells? a. ganglion cells b. dendritic cells c. amacrine cells d. bipolar cells e. none of the above


Which of the following are not true of respiratory systems? It a. contributes to blood pressure control b. contribute to control of body fluid pH c. assist in the regulation of blood volume d. protects respiratory surfaces from dehydration e. assists in regulation of hormone activation to control the rate of digestion


Which of the following cells are not found in the gastric glands? a. chief cells b. enteroendocrine cells c. mucous neck cells d. parietal cells e. goblet cells


Which of the following is not a function of the respiratory system? a. it permits vocalizations b. it helps to expel abdominal contents during defecation and childbirth c. it allows exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and air d. it contributes to maintenance of pH balance e. it helps to transport gases to tissues


Which of the following is primarily responsible for the mechanism of eq? a. utricle b. cochlea c. saccule d. ampulla e. vestibular apparatus


Which of the following statements about the duodenum is not true? a. it secretes digestive enzymes b. it receives bile from the liver c. it receives chyme from the stomach d. it receives secretions from the pancreas e. it is longer than the jejunum


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