Exam 3

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Which of the following drugs will DECREASE the secretion of gastric acid? A. A drug that inhibits somatostatin production. B. A drug that stimulates H2 receptors. C. A drug that increases parasympathetic output. D. A drug that activates the fusion of tubulovesicular membrane and intracellular canaliculus in parietal cells E. A drug that blocks H-K ATPase.

E. A drug that blocks H-K ATPase.

Which of the following are incorrectly paired? A. ECL cells: pepsinogen B. D cells: somatostatin C. Pancreatic exocrine cells: HCO3- D. A (alpha) cells: glucagon E. B (Beta) cells: insulin

A. ECL cells: pepsinogen

Neurotransmitters that relax GI smooth muscle include A. NO B. Substance P C. ACh D. All of the above


Which of the following statements is true about GI muscle contractions? A. Phasic contractions last only seconds and can occur in the stomach and small intestine. B. Contractions of the smooth muscle do not depend on calcium. C. Tonic contractions are sustained for minutes and occur in the small intestine. D. GI Smooth muscle has a very stable membrane potential which is around -70 mV.

A. Phasic contractions last only seconds and can occur in the stomach and small intestine.

The brain can use ________ for energy. A. both glucose and ketones B. only glucose C. only fats D. only glucose and fatty acids E. only ketones

A. both glucose and ketones

Leptin levels observed in athletes with chronic negative energy balance (i.e., calories you take in is less than the calories expended) are expected to be _____; and neuropeptide Y (NPY) levels are expected to be ________. A. lower; higher B. higher; lower C. lower: lower D. higher; higher

A. lower; higher

Bile salts are DIRECTLY involved in the following process(es) of lipid digestion and absorption. A. micelles formation B. enzymatic lipid digestion C. chylomicrons synthesis D. transport cholesterol into the epithelial cells E. all of the above

A. micelles formation

During the fed-state and as a net effect, A. the liver forms glycogen. B. adipocytes contribute fatty acids to the circulation. C. resting skeletal muscles break down glycogen. D. glucagon levels are elevated. E. all of the above

A. the liver forms glycogen.

Which of the following processes are involved in providing sufficient energy sources for brain during the fasted stage. A. Muscles protein synthesis B. "glucose sparing" C. Gluconeogenesis by muscles D. Liver glycogenesis E. lipogenesis under the influence of insulin

B. "glucose sparing"

Regarding carbohydrate absorption, which of the following statements is TRUE? . Glucose and galactose absorption uses a basolateral Na+-glucose SGLT symporter. B. Neither di- nor trisaccharides can be readily absorbed into epithelial cells. C. Monosaccharides leave the epithelial cells via a primary active transport process and then enter capillaries that supply the portal vein. D. The apical surface of epithelial cells contain a facilitative-transport process that can absorb glucose but not galactose.

B. Neither di- nor trisaccharides can be readily absorbed into epithelial cells.

pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Disease (PDCD), where PDH (responsible for converting pyruvate to acetyl CoA) is inhibited, which of the following treatments are NOT true? A. Lactate levels in those patients increase. B. Patients are able to generate sufficient ATP. C. Patients can experience muscle pain and weakness. D. High fat, low carbohydrate diet can improve the symptoms. E. Patients can experience hyperventilation.

B. Patients are able to generate sufficient ATP.

In untreated type I diabetes, a hyperglycemic hyperosmotic state may occur. Which of the following best describes this state? A. There are low levels of vasopressin (ADH). B. Plasma glucose and blood osmolarity levels are above normal. C. There is decreased water intake due to decreased neuronal activities in hypothalamus. D. ATP production is increased in all cells due to the increased levels of glucose. E. Blood osmolarity is below normal levels due to elevated glucose.

B. Plasma glucose and blood osmolarity levels are above normal.

A patient is referred to a gastroenterologist because of persistent difficulties with swallowing. Endoscopic examination reveals that the lower esophageal sphincter fails to fully open as the bolus reaches it, and a diagnosis of achalasia is made. During the examination, or in biopsies taken from the sphincter region, a decrease would be expected in which of the following? A. Substance P release B. Release of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) C. Acetylcholine receptors D. Contraction of gastric fundus

B. Release of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)

Hydrochloric acid secretion decreases when ___________ binds to its receptor and induces a reduction of intracellular_____________ A. Histamine; cAMP B. Somatostatin; cAMP C. Prostaglandin; Ca2+ D. Gastrin; Ca2+ E. ACh; Ca2+

B. Somatostatin; cAMP

An insulin to glucagon ration of 0.4 will A. activate Hexokinase B. activate Perilipin phosphorylation C. stimulate protein synthesis D. increase glycolysis E. increase lipogenesis

B. activate Perilipin phosphorylation

When salivary gland is activated, the ductal modification reduces. [K] will _____ in saliva (compared to the resting salivary secretion). A. increase B. decrease C. no change

B. decrease

Glucagon A. inhibits ketogenesis B. has its primary effects on liver C. promotes lipogenesis D. promotes glycogenolysis in mus

B. has its primary effects on liver

Which of the following intestinal transporters allows movement of Glucose, Fructose, and Galactose? A. SGLT1 B. GLUT5 C. GLUT2 D. All of the above


All of the following are true about leptin EXCEPT: A. Mutations in the leptin gene lead to morbid obesity B. Dietary obesity increases the levels of leptin in the plasma C. Leptin is secreted from the hypothalamus D. Leptin shuts off appetite stimulating neurotransmitters

C. Leptin is secreted from the hypothalamus

Figure 2 shows pancreatic secretion recorded over an hour. At time 0, an injection is given. The injection is likely to be A. GLP-1 B. Gastrin C. Secretin D. CCK E. GIP

C. Secretin

Regarding chylomicrons, which of the following statements is FALSE? A. They exit the cells by exocytosis. B. They are one of the major groups of lipoproteins. C. They are synthesized in hepatocytes. D. They contain re-synthesized triglycerides and phospholipids. E. They enter lacteal and bypass the hepatic portal vein.

C. They are synthesized in hepatocytes

Which of the following is not a specialization of the large intestine A. Taenia coli B. Transition from smooth muscle to skeletal muscle C. Thicker wall than small intestine D. Haustra

C. Thicker wall than small intestine

Which of the following absorbed nutrients would be sent to the systemic circulation (e.g.the vena cava) BEFORE the liver? A. Simple sugars B. Amino acids C. Triglycerides D. None of the above

C. Triglycerides its a fat

The gastric emptying rate can be increased by A. decreased tonic contraction in gastric reservoir B. increased H+ in duodenum C. increased action of VIP in the pyloric sphincter; D. decreased peristaltic wave in gastric pump

C. increased action of VIP in the pyloric sphincter;

A molecule that activates GI smooth muscle Gs receptor will A. increase membrane permeability to calcium ions. B. increase the contractility of smooth muscle in the intestine. C. inhibit smooth muscle contraction. D. activate Myosin Light Chain Kinase (MLCK) E. deplete intracellular stores of ATP.

C. inhibit smooth muscle contraction. its opposite

A ketogenic diet A. is low in carbohydrate and high in protein and fat. B. is high in carbohydrate and low in protein and fat. C. may disrupt the body's pH balance. D. A and C E. B and C

D. A and C

Which of the following is NOT involved in the secretion of insulin in the pancreas? A. Increase the production of ATP B. ATP-sensitive K channels close C. Ca2+ influx D. Cell hyperpolarization E. Glucose influx through GLUT 2

D. Cell hyperpolarization

A 50-year-old man presents to his physician complaining of severe epigastric pain, frequent heart burn, and unexplained weight loss of 20 pounds over a 6-month period. He is referred to a gastroenterologist, and upper endoscopy reveals erosions and ulcerations in the proximal duodenum and an increased output of gastric acid in the fasting state. The patient is most likely to have a tumor secreting which of the following hormones? A. Secretin B. Cholecystokinin C. Motilin D. Gastrin E. Somatostatin

D. GastrinWhich of the following are incorrectly paired?

Which of the following is not considered as a satiation or satiety signal? A. GLP-1 B. CCK C. PYY D. Ghrelin E. Leptin

D. Ghrelin

Tom has hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. Which of the following symptoms would you expect to observe in Tom? A. Impaired digestion of protein B. Overproduction of blood plasma albumin C. Elevated levels of blood glucose D. Jaundice

D. Jaundice

In Hartnup disease (a defect in the transport of neutral amino acid), patients do not become deficient in these amino acids due to the activity of A. trypsin B. Na,K ATPase C. CFTR D. PepT1 E. Brush border peptidases

D. PepT1

Which of the following increases bile production? A. GIP B. HCl C. CCK D. Secretin

D. Secretin

A 40-year-old woman comes to her primary care physician complaining of severe, episodic abdominal pain that is particularly intense after she ingests a fatty meal. An imaging procedure reveals that her gallbladder is acutely dilated. A gallstone lodged in which location will increase her risk of pancreatitis? A. Left hepatic duct B. Cystic duct C. Common bile duct D. Sphincter of Oddi E. Right hepatic duct

D. Sphincter of Oddi

Which of the following events does NOT occur when you swallow? A. Peristaltic waves are generated in the esophagus. B. The lower esophageal sphincter relaxes. C. The upper esophageal sphincter opens. D. The glottis and epiglottis open.

D. The glottis and epiglottis open.

A newborn infant acquires passive immunity through the mother's breast milk. Thus, antibodies, large, intact peptide molecules, cross into the newborns blood through absorption within the small intestine. These intact proteins must be brought into the small intestine through which method? A. H+ Symport B. Na Symport C. SGLT1 D. Transcytosis E. None of the above

D. Transcytosis

A drug that blocks the action of carbonic anhydrase in parietal cells would result in A. an increased H+ production in the lumen of stomach. B. an increased alkaline tide in the blood. C. an increased production of pepsinogen by chief cells. D. a decreased protein digestion in the stomach. E. a decreased gastrin production.

D. a decreased protein digestion in the stomach.

GLUT2 transporters A. Facilitate unidirectional glucose diffusion (in a direction from extracellular to intracellular). B. are pulled from the hepatocyte membrane during the fasted state. C. are directly insulin dependent. D. are readily expressed in the cell membrane of hepatocytes.

D. are readily expressed in the cell membrane of hepatocytes.

If only insulin but not glucagon is secreted when plasma amino acids are elevated, what could happen? A. Skeletal muscles cannot express glucose transporters after protein rich meal. B. Hypoglycemia after a protein rich meal. C. Hyperglycemia after a carbohydrate rich meal. D. Amino acids are used for protein synthesis instead of providing energy source.

E. Both B and D

Rugae, plicae, and villi are all features that accomplish A. mechanical digestion. B. immune function. C. secretion of enzymes. D. secretion of hormones. E. an increase in surface area.

E. an increase in surface area.

Insulin secretion A. decreases in response to elevated amino acid concentrations. B. is inhibited by parasympathetic neurons. C. is inhibited by GLP-1. D. is stimulated by sympathetic neurons. E. is stimulated by GIP.

E. is stimulated by GIP.

The fundus of stomach relaxes as food moves through esophagus. This process is called A. adaptive relaxation B. segmentation C. peristalsis D. gastroesophageal reflex E. receptive relaxation

E. receptive relaxation

Lipoprotein lipase is found: A. In capillary beds surrounding adipose tissue B. In lumen of the small intestine C. Inside adipocytes D. All of the above

a. In capillary beds surrounding adipose tissue

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