Exam 3

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Which of the following portions of the spine have a convex curve anteriorly?

cervical and lumbar

A syndrome characterized by a narrowing of the spinal canal that can impinge the spinal cord resulting in burning and tingling bilaterally is known as:

cervical spine stenosis

Which of the following is a progressive degenerative disease of brain tissue that also involves an accumulation of tau protein within the tissue?

chronic traumatic encephalopathy

Which of the following results in cardiac arrest due to a blunt traumatic impact to the chest?

commotio cordis

A direct blow to the anterolateral aspect of the thorax, or a sudden twist, or falling on the ball, can compress the rib cage and can result most often in a:

costochondral separation

Which of the following measures will help an athlete to prevent heat illness?

eat a well-balanced diet and allow two to three hours for food to be digested

All of the following are symptoms of frost nip EXCEPT:

Skin tissue may become gangrenous

As an athletic trainer, what is the first step that should be taken after seeing lightning or hearing thunder?

Stop activity at once and seek shelter

Which of the following fractures' mechanism of injury is a direct blow to the cheek bone resulting in trismus or numbness of the face?

Zygomatic complex fracture

When a blow to the head produces an injury to the brain on the opposite side of the head, it is known as:

a contrecoup injury

Hematuria in an athlete participating in contact or collision sports is a sign or symptom of:

a kidney contusion

During ________ stress, the threat is immediate and the body's response is instantaneous.


Which of the following is a sign of cervical neck fracture?

all of these - cervical muscle spasm, cervical pain, neck point tenderness

Which of the following is a mechanism by which MRSA can be transmitted?

all of these - potential improper use of disinfectants, sharing of equipment, and skin-to-skin contact

The outer periphery of the intervertebral disk composed of strong, fibrous tissue is called the:

annulus fibrosus

Which of the following describes the inability of an athlete to remember events that occurred after an injury?

anterograde amnesia

hay fever may be relieved by:


One of the most common mental and emotional stress producers is:


Abdominal rigidity and pain at McBurney's point may indicate:


Most serious cervical injuries in football result from purposeful:

axial loading as a result of spearing

A "hot spot" in the skin may be the beginning of a:


Any athlete who receives a severe blow to the abdomen or back region should be instructed to check for:

blood in the urine

Getting the "wind knocked out" of you is characteristic of a:

blow to the solar plexus

Which of the following symptoms is not characteristic of an asthma attack?

blurred vision

Which of the following is not a bacterial organism?

verruca plantaris

Sports during which of the following seasons may require that athletes have influenza vaccines?


Impetigo contagiosa is most associated with which sport?


Flu generally has an incubation period of:

48 hours

In performing progressive muscle relaxation, the athlete must first tense the muscles for ________ seconds, and then relax them for ________ seconds.

5-7; 20-30

Shivering ceases below a body temperature of:

85 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit

Which of the following statements is true about managing epistaxis?

A patient should sit upright with his or her head held forward and tilted slightly up.

Which of the following is the final stage of Kubler-Ross's classic model of reactions to death and dying?


________ is a syndrome characterized by sudden catabolic destruction and degeneration of skeletal muscle accompanied by leakage of myoglobin and muscle enzymes into the vascular system.

Acute Exertional Rhabdomyolysis

Which of the following conditions is caused by peripheral vasodilation of the superficial vessels, hypotension, or a pooling of blood in the extremities, which results in dizziness and fainting?

Heat syncope

Which of the following is the first thing that an athletic trainer should do while giving emergency treatment to an athlete affected by heatstroke?

Immersing the athlete in a cold-water bath after determining rectal temperature

Which of the following statements is true of a panic attack?

It is an unexpected and unprovoked emotionally intense experience of terror.

Pain that radiates to the left shoulder and one-third of the way down the left arm is displaying:

Kehr's sign for a ruptured spleen

The lumbar vertebra that is most likely to slip as a result of spondylolisthesis is:


Seventy-five percent of back flexion occurs at the:


Which of the following should an athletic trainer consider while introducing a preseason conditioning program to acclimatize athletes?

The first two to three weeks of preseason present the greatest risk of exertion-related illnesses.

Which of the following is the most effective means that the body has to dissipate heat when the temperature and radiant heat of the environment are higher than the body temperature?


Which of the following heat disorders is characterized by profuse sweating, diarrhea, persistent muscle cramps, and dizziness with loss of coordination?

exertional heat exhaustion

Which of the following heat disorders is clinically characterized by sudden collapse with CNS dysfunction, such as altered consciousness, seizures, confusion, emotional instability, irrational behavior, or decreased mental acuity?

exertional heatstroke

A mild dehydration of up to two percent of body weight can promote cardiovascular and thermoregulatory response and can increase the capacity for exercise and have a positive effect on performance.


After a cerebral injury, an athlete may return to competition even if he or she has a slight headache as long as other neurological and vasomotor functions are normal.


All individuals infected with the herpes simplex virus tend to develop skin lesions.


Constant uncontrolled movement of the breast over a period of time can stretch Poupart's ligament, which supports the breast at the chest wall.


In a typical vertical alignment, a plumb line hanging from the ear should pass just in front of the knee joint and patella.


It is advisable to disperse fluid from an intact blister by cutting it with scissors.


Men are apparently more physiologically efficient at body temperature regulation than are women.


Sciatica is a scientific term that describes all lower back pain without reference to exact causes.


Solutions such as sports drinks are not any better for the athlete in replacing fluid loss than water.


The external intercostal muscles draw ribs together and aid in expiration.


The rate and degree of injury acceptance is the same for all athletes.


Unequal pupil size following a head injury is always a sign of significant brain damage from the injury.


Chafing of the skin is due to:

friction from excessive rubbing of the skin

The condition in which an athlete takes a violent blow or compression to the chest, without any accompanying rib fracture and presents with severe pain during breathing, coughing up of blood, and shock is known as:


a protrusion of the abdominal viscera through a portion of the abdominal wall is called a(an):


In which of the phases of rehabilitation does the patient feel fearful and may be in denial?

immediate postinjury

the solid organs, which are contained in the abdominal viscera, consist of the:

kidneys, spleen, liver, adrenal glands, and pancreas

Which of the following postures is characterized by an increased curve in the lumbar spine?


A psychological skills training technique used to quell an active mind is:


Which of the following disorders includes symptoms of high fever, stiff neck, intense headache, and sensitivity to light and sound?


Which of the following is not a symptom of a diabetic coma?

moist, cool, and pale skin

Which of the following conditions predisposes an athlete to injuries of the spleen?


In the context of the treatment of avulsions, the avulsed tissue should be:

placed in a watertight bag immersed in ice water

A condition in which the pleural cavity becomes filled with air that has entered through an opening in the chest is called:


When assessing static balance, if an athlete begins to sway, cannot keep the eyes closed, or obviously loses balance, it indicates a:

positive Romberg sign

Problems such as persistent headache, impaired memory, lack of concentration, anxiety and irritability, giddiness, fatigue, depression, and visual disturbances are associated with:

postconcussion syndrome

Which of the following is not included in the management of a seizure?

restrain the athlete so he/she does not hurt himself/herself

Which of the following eye injuries is painless but shows early signs including specks floating before the affected eye, flashes of light, or blurred vision?

retinal detachment

An acute seasonal allergic condition that results from airborne pollens is:


The organ that serves as a reservoir of red blood cells, a destroyer of ineffective red cells, and to produce lymphocytes is the:


Sports movements that characteristically hyperextend the spine are likely to cause:


Which of the following can be used as a treatment for a stitch in the side?

stretch arm on the affected side overhead

Which of the following is NOT a way to manage an avulsed tooth?

the avulsed tooth can be scraped or scrubbed to get dirt off

Which of the following muscles is associated with back extension?

the erector spinae

Athlete's foot is the common name for:

tinea pedis

Which of the following is a sign of insulin shock?

tingling in mouth or hands

Acute torticollis occurs when a small piece of synovial membrane is pinched between two cervical vertebrae.


An athlete must be informed and able to vent any frustration during the rehabilitation process.


As the spinal segments progress downward from the cervical region, they grow increasingly larger to accommodate the upright posture of the body and to contribute in weight bearing.


Asthma is characterized by a spasm of the bronchial smooth muscles, edema, and inflammation of the mucous lining.


Death is imminent if the core body temperature drops to between 77 degrees Fahrenheit and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.


In second-impact syndrome, an athlete may receive a minor blow to the head, may look stunned, and then collapse in as little as 15 seconds.


In the context of a mandible fracture, the most frequently fractured area is near the jaw's frontal angle.


Injury may affect an athlete as much psychologically as it does physiologically.


Myoglobin is found in the urine of individuals with acute exertional rhabdomyolysis.


Overweight individuals have as much as 18 percent greater heat production than underweight individuals, because metabolic heat is produced proportionately to surface area.


Part of an athlete's reaction to injury is a lost sense of belonging and a feeling of separation from teammates.


Reproduction of viruses can take place only within a living cell.


The cervical and lumbar regions of the spine allow for extension and flexion.


The condition of an ingrown toenail mostly affects the great toe.


The epidermis provides a barrier against invading microorganisms, foreign particles from dirt and debris, chemicals, and ultraviolet rays.


The longer the body temperature is elevated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the higher the mortality rate.


There are more than 100 different viruses that can cause a cold, and regardless of treatment most colds last for 5 to 10 days.


Tinea cruris is commonly called "jock itch."


Type I diabetes is commonly detected in individuals under 35 years of age.


While a patient rehabilitates an injured body part, he or she should continue to condition unaffected body regions both aerobically and anaerobically.


a hyphema is a collection of blood within the anterior chamber of the eye


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