Exam 3 practice problems

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A creditor on a liquidated debt of $1 million may agree to take which of the following from the debtor in satisfaction of that debt? Select 2 answers.

- 100 cents on the dollar -a horse in exchange for the $1 million that is due

A police officer who finds a missing child as part of his duties may not collect any reward for finding the child. Why?

Because the officer already had a pre-existing duty to do so.

Evan offers to sell his 2016 John Deere Tractor to Jorge for $30,000. Jorge accepts and promises to meet Evan on Saturday to make the exchange. On Thursday, a fire on Evan's farm totally destroys the tractor. Jorge is upset, because the price of the tractor was really good, and he knows he cannot get another one for that price. If Jorge sues Evan for breach of contract, the likely result will be that:

Evan's performance under the contract will be excused due to impossibility of performance.

In an auction, the bidder is:


Sarah is shopping at Sylvia's thrift store, and notices that the inside of the store needs repainting. Sarah offers to paint the store for $400. Sylvia does not respond to Sarah's offer. Later that day, Sarah returns to the store with painting supplies in hand and begins painting the store. When Sarah is finished, she demands payment of $400 from Sylvia. Will Sylvia have to pay Sarah for painting the store?

Yes, Sylvia will have to pay Sarah for painting the store, even though she did not verbally agree to the contract.

If unforeseen difficulties arise during the performance of a contract, may the parties change the terms of the contract without giving additional consideration?

Yes, if the modification is fair and equitable.

In general, which of these contract terms is NOT required to meet the requirement of definiteness? The parties involved The subject matter of the contract The time of payment Acceptance


Maryanne offers to sell her 2015 Mustang convertible to April for $15,000, and April agrees to those terms. April brings the $15,000 to Maryanne, and Maryanne promises to deliver the Mustang to April the next day after she has it detailed. At this point, Maryanne and April have:

an executory contract.

When party A and B form a contract and both parties fully perform, the contract is considered:


What is the term for a contract agreement in which an offeror promises to pay after the occurrence of a specified act, and the offeree is not required to respond in words?

unilateral contract

In order for an accord and satisfaction to be valid, the debt must be


Marla offers to sell Kennedy her property on Lake of the Ozarks for $90,000. Marla drafts a written agreement that contains the property description and price, and has places for both Kennedy and Marla to sign. Marla sends the agreement to Kennedy to review. Kennedy signs the agreement and sends it back to Marla, who never signs it. Marla then has second thoughts about the deal and refuses to complete the transaction. If Kennedy tries to enforce the contract against Marla, Kennedy:

will be unsuccessful, because Marla never signed the agreement.

Tyler entered into a contract with Leah to provide supplies for her business. What form can the writing of the contract take? Choose 3 answer choices.

- an invoice - a check - an email

What elements are required for courts to apply the doctrine of promissory estoppel? Choose 3 answers.

-Enforcement of the promise is necessary to avoid injustice to the promisee. -There was a detrimental result from reliance on the promise. -The promise must be definite and relied upon.

What conditions must be met for an offer to be legally accepted? Choose 2 answers.

-It may only be accepted by the intended offeree or the offeree's agent. -Acceptance must be unequivocal with no requests for changes in the offer.

Which of the following words, if added to an offer, will cause the offer to fail for definiteness? (Select two)

-Might, as in "I might want to sell you my boat for $1000" -In the future, as in "I will sell you my boat sometime in the future for $1000"

What factors are used to judge if consideration is adequate to ensure a fair bargain? Choose 2 answers.

-Promises must be made with voluntary consent. -Promises exchanged may not be a preexisting duty.

If the terms of an agreement seem to be very one-sided, which public policy could it be violating? Choose 2 answer choices

-Restraint of Trade -Substantive Unconscionability

In general, certain terms must be included in contracts to satisfy the requirement of definiteness. What are the exceptions to this rule? Choose 2 answer choices.

-Sales contracts under the UCC -Courts can complete a contract to supply some missing items.

What elements are required for an offer to be effective under the common law? Choose 3 answers.

-The offeror must intend to be bound by the offer. -The terms of the offer must be reasonably definite so that all parties understand them. -The offer must be communicated to the offeree.

What are the elements of consideration? Choose 2 answer choices.

-something of value from each party -an exchange to which the parties agree

Danny hires Evelyn to install a swimming pool at Danny's home for $40,000, to be completed by June 1. Evelyn completes the job on time. When Danny inspects the pool, he discovers that Evelyn used a vinyl lining, and the contract called for a fiberglass lining. Danny refuses to pay Evelyn, stating that Evelyn breached the contract because the contract was not completed according to the specifications stated in the contract. If Evelyn sues Danny for the contract price:

Evelyn will probably receive the contract price less the cost to replace the pool liner with a fiberglass liner.

Otto orally agrees to install three wells for Green Space Energy over the next eighteen months. When the three wells are completed, Green Space Energy will pay Otto $10,000. After the first well is completed, Green Space Energy tells Otto that it does not want any more wells. Green Space Energy refuses to pay Otto for the first well, claiming that the contract was not in writing and, therefore, not enforceable. If Otto sues Green Space Energy to enforce the contract:

Green Space Energy will have to pay Otto a reasonable price for the one well that was installed.

Which of the following statements is an offer?

I will sell you my house for $400,000.

Anwah runs an antique store that specializes in paintings and other types of artwork. Lionel visits Anwah's antique store and discovers a beautiful old painting in a gilded frame. Lionel is excited because it looks like a painting by Gomez that he saw in his art review class that is worth $5,000. Lionel asks Anwah to confirm that the painting is indeed a Gomez original. Anwah smiles and winks at him. Lionel purchases the painting from Anway for $1,500. When Lionel takes the painting to an art dealer, he discovers that the painting is not a Gomez original and is only worth $20. If Lionel tries to rescind the contract with Anwah:

Lionel will be able to successfully rescind the contract because Anwah committed fraud.

Selma wants to buy Matilda's house. Selma has been admiring the house for a long time and has asked Matilda repeatedly to sell the house to her, but Matilda has always refused. Finally, Selma tells Matilda that if Matilda does not sell Selma the house, Selma will kill Matilda's daughter. Afraid for her daughter's life, Matilda signs the contract to sell the house to Selma. If Matilda later tries to rescind the contract:

Matilda may rescind the contract on the grounds that she signed the contract under duress.

Which situation would be considered sufficient consideration for a contract to exist?

Pam agrees to pay Derek $500 if he does not sit next to her in class anymore.

How is substantial performance involved with the classification of material breaches versus immaterial breaches?

Substantial performance involves an immaterial breach.

If a buyer agrees to purchase "all the widgets I require" and the seller agrees to sell him "all the widgets you require" is there sufficient consideration?

Yes, because this is a requirements contract.

Ralph and Lydia plan to be married soon, so Ralph drafts a prenuptial agreement for them. Lydia reviews the prenuptial agreement and decides that everything looks fine. Lydia signs the prenuptial agreement electronically using Adobe E-Signature. After Ralph and Lydia have been married for two years, Ralph sues Lydia for divorce. Ralph wants to enforce the terms of the prenuptial agreement, but Lydia objects. Lydia's best argument for invalidating the prenuptial agreement is that:

e-signatures cannot be used on prenuptial agreements.

Quon and Bert have signed a contract for Bert to mow Quon's grass every week in June, July, and August for a price of $40 per week. They have agreed to all the necessary terms, but Bert has not yet mowed because it is still May. What type of contract do they have?


Mia contracted with Greencare Lawn Service for a pest treatment on Mia's lawn for $1,000. Pat lives next door to Mia. Greencare mistakenly treats Pat's lawn instead of Mia's. Pat watched them perform the treatment while looking through the window of his living room, but did not go outside and stop them. When Greencare seeks payment from Pat, Greencare can probably receive:

from Pat an amount less than the contract amount that will reimburse Greencare for expenses incurred, in order to avoid unjust enrichment.

Sylvia agrees to deliver one hundred computers to Ralph's Tech Store by Saturday. On Friday, Sylvia delivers ninety-nine computers. Ralph's Tech Store refuses to accept the shipment and accuses Sylvia of breaching the contract. By not delivering the entire one hundred computers, Sylvia:

has not materially breached the contract and will be allowed the opportunity to cure by providing the one remaining computer.

Sal has ordered 100 pounds of shrimp for his restaurant from Sam every Friday for 5 years and has always paid that week's market price. One Friday, Sal decides to take a vacation but doesn't tell Sam. Sam claims they have a contract, even though it was never written down. What kind of contract do they have?


When ambiguity in a contract's language exists, a court will: (Select all that apply)

interpret the terms against the drafting party

Ben and Jerry have an agreement whereby Ben will deliver ice cream for Jerry to all of Jerry's retail customers for the next three years. After delivering ice cream for the first nine months, Ben decides that this is not how he wants to spend his time. Ben does not want to let Jerry down, though, so he contacts his buddy Baskin about delivering the ice cream. To protect Jerry from liability, the contract that the parties need to form to transfer the rights and duties under the contract to Baskin and relieve Ben from all responsibility should be a(n):


If two parties have an on-going oral agreement that that one will ship and the other will accept 50 pounds of produce each week unless the buyer informs the seller one week before not to ship the next order, then the buyer's failure to speak up and tell the shipper not to send the produce:

qualifies as acceptance of that week's delivery offer.

Shania offers to sell her lakefront property to Tonya for $150,000, and Tonya agrees to buy it. Tonya and Shania both sign the real estate contract, but, before they close the deal, Shania learns that a new resort is being opened on the lake. The opening of the resort will drive property prices up in the area, so Shania believes she can sell her property to someone else and get a better price on the deal. Shania tells Tonya that she has decided not to sell the property to Tonya. If Tonya sues to enforce the contract, a court will likely:

require Shania to go through with the sale.

Landscape Supply agrees to provide Delta Lawn Service eight pallets of sod for the price of $260 per pallet. The agreement contains the following provision: "This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by an instrument in writing signed by the party to be charged with such amendment or modification." Delta decides it now needs 160 pallets of sod, and Landscape is willing to reduce the price to $255 per pallet because of the increased amount. Delta and Landscape can accomplish this change to the contract by:

signing an amendment, crossing out the incorrect language and replacing it by hand with the correct terms, or rewriting the entire contract to include the changed provisions.

Ellen offers to sell her 1997 Mustang convertible to Fred for $2,000. Fred agrees to pay $2,000 for Ellen's Mustang. Before Fred picks up the Mustang, Ellen discovers that the Mustang is considered a classic car and is worth much more than $2,000. Ellen refuses to sell the Mustang to Fred, stating that the consideration is insufficient. If Fred tries to enforce the deal by taking Ellen to court:

the court would probably enforce the deal because there was valid consideration on both sides.

Brindley has an old shed on her property that needs to be removed. She posts the following ad on Facebook: "Shed needs to be gone. You take down and haul away. (Much of the wood is reusable.) $100 to the first person to show up and haul this away." This is an example of a(n):

unilateral contract

Jordynne was the manager of Pets-R-Us, a pet store in Southern Valley Mall. Pets-R-Us had a one-year lease, and rent payments were $2,000.00 per month. Five months into the lease, Jordynne found a better site for the pet store. She notified Southern's manager, vacated the mall, and moved her store to its new location. After two months, Southern was able to re-lease the premises to another retail store, but at a reduced rent of $1,800.00 per month. If Southern successfully sues Pets-R-Us, Southern will likely receive:

$5000 in damages

Melissa felt pressured into signing a contract that released her employer from any liability if she is injured on the job. What prohibited behavior under public policy could this be?

Exculpatory Clause

Must all terms of a deal be included in an offer?

No, but the terms required will depend on the type of contract.

Quon decides to sell his antique roadster, so he places an ad on Craigslist. He lists the roadster as a 1957 Mercedes Benz 300SL Roadster, describes it as in good working condition, and states that no reasonable price will be refused. Fern responds to the ad and offers to pay $25,000 to Quon for the car, which Quon agrees to. In this scenario, who is the offeror?

fern is the offeror

An assignment is the transfer of:


What happens when a party with the right to avoid a contract chooses to not avoid it?

the contract is ratified

Bryan owns Snow Country, a business that leases out snow cone stands. Kaylee agrees to lease one of the snow cone stands for $500 per month. Kaylee and Bryan sign a written contract that states the monthly lease amount is $5,000. When Kaylee refuses to pay the $5000 for the first month's rent, Bryan sues for breach of contract. If Kaylee tries to introduce evidence in court that shows that the amount stated in the written contract is incorrect:

Kaylee will be allowed to introduce the evidence under the parol evidence rule.

In a bilateral contract, the consideration which supports the forming of the contract is:

a promise to perform

If an individual shopping for groceries opens a bottle of water from their cart and drinks it before they have paid for their items:

a quasi-contract has been created.

Harold offers to sell Emma his farmland in Bryson County. After discussing the sale at length in front of their friends Nicole and Jackson, Harold and Emma orally agree on a price of $120,000 for the land. The next day, Emma goes to the bank and withdraws $120,000 to pay Harold for the land. When Emma presents the $120,000 to Harold, Harold tells Emma he was just joking and does not wish to sell the land. Emma tries to enforce the deal, and Harold continues to refuse by saying that the deal was not in writing, and, therefore, it is unenforceable. The contract between Harold and Emma for the sale of the land:

is not enforceable because it violates the statute of frauds.

Dora has been in a nursing home for three years and rarely has visitors. Vanita works at the nursing home and regularly takes care of Dora. Vanita and Dora have become very close, and Dora depends on Vanita to help her with decisions about her finances. Just before Dora dies, Vanita and Dora enter into a contract to sell Dora's family home to Vanita for $20,000. The home is worth $100,000. If Dora's children try to void the contract between Vanita and Dora:

the children may be able to void the contract based on undue influence.

Contests, lotteries, and competitions with prizes are common examples of:

unilateral contracts

Alvin's Department Store agrees over the telephone to purchase $1,000 worth of blankets from Blanket Emporium. Blanket Emporium sends an invoice for the blankets before shipping them, and Alvin's Department Store refuses to go forward with the deal, saying their deal is not a valid contract. The oral agreement between Blanket Emporium and Alvin's Department Store for the purchase of $1,000 worth of blankets:

violates the statute of frauds, and is, therefore, unenforceable.

What type of contract exists when at least one party has the option of canceling it?


Geraldo is the owner/manager of Geraldo's Cleaning Service, a firm that cleans office building. Geraldo has a team of seven employees who do a fantastic job. To encourage them to keep up the good work, Geraldo tells his employees that if they continue to work hard until the end of the quarter and if he is pleased with his profits at the end of the quarter, he will give them each a $100 bonus. At the end of the quarter, the company's profits were extremely high. Will Geraldo have to make good on his promise of a $100 bonus for each employee?

No, Geraldo will not have to award the bonuses because his offer of a $100 bonus if he is pleased with his profits was an illusory promise.

Assuming there is no contract language prohibiting delegations, which of the following acts could likely be delegated? (Select two)

-the mowing of grass in a residential neighborhood to another landscaper -painting the exterior of a house to another house painter

Alfred is having trouble with his car so he visits his friend Glen, who is a mechanic, for some free advice. Alfred asks Glen just to look at the car and determine what is wrong, but not to fix it. Glen looks at the car, determines the problem, and repairs the car using parts and materials he already had in his garage. Alfred takes the car out for a test drive, and it performs better than it ever has. Alfred tells Glen that because Glen fixed his car, when Alfred gets paid again he will buy Glen the new torque wrench that Glen has been wanting. A week later, Glen asks Alfred about the torque wrench, and Alfred tells Glen that he has changed his mind. If Glen sues Alfred to enforce his promise to buy Glen the torque wrench:

Alfred will win because the act of repairing Alfred's car is past consideration, and therefore no valid contract was formed.

Korbyn enters into a contract with Peyton to sell Peyton a 1956 roadster. The contract has a condition precedent that the roadster will pass inspection by an independent appraiser, verifying that the roadster contains all original parts and is in good working order. This contract provision means that:

Peyton is not required to perform under the contract until the appraisal is complete.

Anna purchases a wedding dress and takes the dress to Jessica for alteration. Anna and Jessica agree that Anna will pay Jessica $75 for the alterations. After Jessica begins working on the dress, she has second thoughts. Jessica contacts Anna and advises her that the alternations will cost $150 instead of $75. Because Anna's wedding is in just two weeks, Anna reluctantly agrees. Once the alterations are completed, Anna pays Jessica the $75 originally agreed on. Is Jessica entitled to the additional $75?

No, Jessica is not entitled to the additional $75 because there is no additional consideration for the revision to the contract.

Logan agrees to deliver fifty pounds of crab claws to Dominique by May 15. Dominique needs the crab claws for a wedding party that Dominique is catering on May 16, so time is of the essence of the contract. Logan contacts Dominique on May 15 and tells Dominique that the earliest Logan can deliver the crab claws is on May 17. Dominique cancels the order and quickly makes other arrangements for the wedding party she is catering. Logan then demands payment from Dominique for the full contract price, and Dominique refuses. If Logan sues Dominique for damages under the contract:

Dominique will not have to pay because Logan breached the contract.

The weekly Kroger advertisement states that five-pound chubs of ground chuck are available for eighty-nine cents per pound. Arlene sees the advertisement; she realizes that ground chuck has not been priced this low in quite some time, so she hurries to the store to purchase some. Arlene loads seven chubs of ground chuck in her shopping cart. When she goes to the checkout to pay, however, the cashier informs Arlene that the price in the advertisement is a typo and that the correct price is $1.89 per pound. Arlene insists that the store must honor the price listed in the advertisement, because it is an offer that she has just accepted. The cashier calls the store manager for a decision. The store manager will likely explain to Arlene:

that advertisements are not offers, but merely a request for offers.

How may a revocable offer effectively be revoked? Choose 2 answers.

-The offeror may withdraw the offer with a clear expression. -The offeror may take an action that contradicts the offer and make that known to the offeree.

What is required for a writing to be legally sufficient to form a contract? Choose 2 answer choices.

- The writing must provide evidence of agreement - The UCC requires that the quantity be included

What are the legal differences between a material breach and an immaterial breach of contract? Choose 2 answer choices.

- Whether the court will discharge the contract -The level of the performance of the contractual obligations

Which of the following is legally sufficient consideration? Select 2 answers.

- a promise to do a legal act - forbearance of a legal act

What factors make an agreement enforceable under the principle of quasi-contract? Choose 2 answers.

-The enriched party knows about the benefit and keeps it. -One party is being enriched at the expense of the other.

How may an offer be terminated? Choose 3 answers.

-The offeree may make a counteroffer. -An offeror may terminate an offer by revocation. -A reasonable amount of time has passed.

Robert inherited lots of antique tools when his father died. Because Robert is not interested in woodworking, he decides to sell several of the tools. Robert agrees to sell an antique hand-held wood planer to Geoffrey for $50. After agreeing to the deal, Robert discovers that the planer is a pre-WWII Norris Jointer Planer worth over $5,000, and refuses to sell the planer to Geoffrey. Can Geoffrey enforce the deal?

Yes, Geoffrey can enforce the deal because the contract contained valid consideration.

Zayn boards the Big Rock Metro to ride downtown to his job. Zayn gives his money to the driver and takes his seat. Neither the driver nor Zayn says anything. Zayn and the bus driver:

have an implied contract

When an agreement fails to qualify as an enforceable contract, but one of the parties breaches the agreement, the non-breaching party:

may sue for unjust enrichment

Huseyin and Ashish are negotiating the details of a new garage that Ashish plans to build on Huseyin's property. They agree on the building specs, the delivery date, and a price of $25,000. Ashish draws up the contract and sends it to Huseyin to sign. Huseyin reviews the contract and notices the price is listed as $2,500 instead of $25,000. Elated at the unbelievably low price, Huseyin quickly signs the contract and sends it back to Ashish, who signs it as well. If Ashish later tries to rescind the contract due to the mistaken price:

Ashish will be successful, because it is a mathematical mistake that Huseyin was aware of.

Rafael tells his friends that he wants to sell his party barge for $30,000. Rafael has some flyers made up with a picture of the party barge, a description of the features, and the price. Andre obtains one of the flyers and contacts Rafael about purchasing the party barge. Rafael draws up a contract and mistakenly lists the price of the party barge at $20,000 instead of $30,000. Rafael and Andre both sign the contract. When Andre brings $20,000 to purchase the party barge, Rafael discovers his mistake. Will Rafael be able to rescind the contract?

Yes, Rafael can rescind the contract even though it was a unilateral mistake.

Jones Construction Company is building a series of new subdivisions in Newtown over the next two years. Jones enters into a verbal agreement with Harley Concrete Inc. to construct all the driveways and sidewalks in the subdivisions that Jones will be building. Jones and Harley agree on a price of $130 per cubic yard and that Jones will pay Harley at the end of each project. Harley completes the first project, which is four sidewalks and sixteen driveways, and bills Jones for the project. Jones decides that the price is too high and refuses to pay, claiming that they have no obligation to pay because the parties did not have a valid contract. If Harley sues Jones for payment the court would probably:

apply quasi contract theory and award the fair market value of the work that Harley completed.

Owen offers to sell his motorcycle to Julian for $5,000. After he makes the offer, Owen has second thoughts. Owen can revoke the offer to sell his motorcycle to Julian:

as long as Julian has not yet accepted the offer.

Milo is the owner of a sporting goods store that has only been open for three months. The holiday season is coming up, and Milo realizes that he will need extra help. Milo asks his friend Jess to help him out at the store. Milo and Jess agree that Jess will work during the months of November and December. However, because Milo is unsure how much help he will need and how much he will be able to pay, they agree to decide each week on the hours that Jess will work for the following week, and to decide the hourly rate after Jess has worked two weeks before she receives her first paycheck. Just before November 1, Jess takes a job at another store. If Milo tries to sue Jess for breach of contract, the court will probably decide:

that the parties had no contract because the terms of the offer were not definite.

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