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order of olfactory pathway

- olfactory epithelium - olfactory nerve - olfactory tract - cerebral cortex - hypothalamus

lower limb

All blood being drained from the _______ ________will take this pathway back to the heart: - External iliac vein - common iliac vein - inferior vena cava

pectinate muscle

Blood is pushed out from the right atrium into the right ventricle (every last drop of it) by this muscle. Can you name the structure?

occipital lobe

Conscious perception of vision probably reflects activity in the:

left atrium, left ventricle

Freshly oxygenated blood is delivered to the ________ and then it passes into the ________ to be pumped to the entire body.


Pressure, pain, and temperature receptors in the skin are:


Receptors for hearing are located in the ______________.

papillary muscles

Small muscle masses attached to the chordae tendineae are the:


The area of the eye with the greatest visual acuity is the:

external iliac artery

The femoral artery originates from the:

more difficult

The larger the receptive field, the __________ it is to localize the stimulus.


The lining of the heart chambers is called the ________.

cardiac cycle

The period between the start of one heartbeat and the beginning of the next is a single _______.

electrically active nodal tissue located in the wall of the left ventricle.

The sinoatrial node, or cardiac pacemaker, is _______.


The white, outer tough connective tissue covering of the eyeball is called:


Veins are much more easily distended under pressure than are arteries because their walls are ________ and contain a lower proportion of smooth muscle fibers.


Veins need valves because blood pressure is _______ in veins so the valves help it to oppose the force of gravity

facilitates heart contraction

Which of the following is NOT a role of the pericardium?

AV valve

Which of the following is NOT part of the conduction system of the heart?

bundle branches

Which of the following is a major component of the conduction system located in the interventricular septum, and extends towards the apex of the heart?

right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood into the lungs

Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning blood circulation?


Which of these types of receptors responds to pain stimuli?

mitral valve

Which structure prevents backflow into the left atrium?

tympanic membrane

Which structure separates the external auditory canal form the middle ear?

sensory adaptation

occurs when a receptor becomes so accustomed to the stimulation that it stops gathering impulses.

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