EXAM 3 UNDERSTANDING MANAGEMENT - Chapter 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15

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Which of the following traits is most important to have if you want to be an effective manager?


At the Franklin Steel Products Plant in Franklin, Kentucky, employees from the Dana Corporation's Perfect Circle Products unit manufacture as many as 3,500 different part numbers, primarily for automakers Ford, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler, as well as thousands of after-market products. Despite the high-volume, high-mix environment, Dana Franklin has maintained a 99% on-time delivery rate to customers since 2001. The philosophy here is that with each unit produced, with each hour, with each day and each week, the plant gets just a little bit better.

Continuous improvement

Which of the following behaviors would you associate with a transactional leader? Check all that apply.

Creating a budget for upcoming work Checking plans and schedules for existing work

Which of the following is NOT a basic principle of self-management?

Creative thinking

Which of the following will help managers to persuade employees to try and achieve company goals? Check all that apply.

Establish credibility and trust Connect emotionally Build goals on a common ground

The three cues used to interpret face-to-face communication are: Check all that apply.

Facial expressions Verbal cues Vocal cues

In the communication process, the receiver of a message sends information back to the sender of the message. This is known as:


Which of the following are ways of improving your own resilience to stress? Check all that apply.

Find a work-life balance Find meaning and support Destroy key sources of stress

These teams consist of employees who all report to the same manager.

Functional teams

Strategies, job instructions and performance feedback are all found in which formal channel of communication?

Get to the point. Don't use jargon.

Which of the following actions is NOT going to help people to feel engaged at work?

Helping people get better office equipment.

Brian rewards his employees with raises rather than with opportunities to develop more skills.

Hierarchical Control

When Intermountain Healthcare wants patients to have comprehensive, standardized, detailed information about their condition and their treatment plan, what is the most appropriate way to communicate this information to providers, who will then give it to patients?

In information sheets produced and distributed through a centralized network

Which of the following are environmental factors that affect a situation's favorability for a leader, according to Fiedler? Check all that apply.

Leader position power Leader-member relations Task structure

Which of the following are part of the organizational context that affects the effectiveness of teams? Check all that apply.

Leadership Culture Strategy

Which of the following statements is true? Check all that apply.

Managers are focused on the organization while leaders are focused on people. Organizations need both leaders and managers.

When employees trust their managers, they are likely to have higher: Check all that apply.

Organizational commitment

Managers are performing this function when they compare actual performance to goals and make adjustments if performance is falling short.

Organizational control

Which of the following traits are associated with bad managers in the 2018 study by the developers of the Predictive Index test? Check all that apply.

Plays favorites Bad-mouths people behind their backs Betrays trust

Which of these follower styles is likely to use different ways of interacting with leaders in different situations? Check all that apply.

Pragmatic survivor

Which of the following are tasks that leaders do? Check all that apply.

Promoting change Defining purpose Being a visionary

You have just joined a new team, designed to create new products for Millennials. Rob is also on your team, but whenever Rob gets an assignment, he expects someone else to do it. He hasn't come to a team meeting with a completed work assignment yet. This is an example of which of the following team dilemmas?

Putting up with free riders.

When a defense company needed to create quality software, they brought representatives from the Quality Assurance (QA) group in to work with software and systems engineers. The QA group found that peer reviews were the best way to catch software bugs, and they shared their knowledge with the head of software engineering. Working together with the engineers, the QA group started a system of peer reviews and formal inspections, and together, the group decreased the number of problems in the software the company produced.

Quality partnering

Which of the following are effective ways to expand recruitment efforts and reach out to underrepresented groups? Check all that apply.

Reaching out to underrepresented groups Rewarding managers who hire diverse employees

When considering buying Written Wisdom, you want to know if the money you spend on the store would be better invested by simply putting it in the bank. Which of the following ratios could help you to answer that question?

Return on assets

Which of the following are causes of work-related stress? Check all that apply.

Role ambiguity Role conflict Task demands

These teams have a tremendous amount of control over their own work, and they typically produce an entire product or service.

Self-managed teams

These leaders are humble, and they pay more attention to the needs of their employees than they do to their own needs. They help their followers achieve their goals, but never forget about helping the organization achieve its mission at the same time.

Servant leaders

This theory of leadership says that leaders should choose how to manage their followers based on an assessment of the follower's ability and willingness to do the work.

Situational model

The difference between sponsors and mentors is:

Sponsors actively advocate for the people they are supporting, mentors just offer more passive support

Which of the following is NOT a way for managers to communicate with candor?

Start with positive communication.

In this stage of team development, it is important for team members to express their emotions as they work through team differences.


The best leaders focus on improving which of the following?


Which type of conflict is most likely to produce positive outcomes in team decision-making?

Task conflict

Which of the following elements impact a team's cohesiveness? Check all that apply.

Team interaction Shared goals Team success

Based on this graph, which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

Teams need some conflict to do their best work. A moderate level of conflict produces the highest level of performance.

Which of the following is NOT a factor in channel richness?

The loudness of the communication channel

The CEO of Tough Mudder believes that teams in his company are not working as effectively as they could, and he is asking you for advice. Provide the best answer to his question. "A new team we just formed to explore expanding into the Mediterranean and Middle East seems to have split into three factions around what kinds of events to host and what kinds of customers to target, and communication is sometimes not respectful. How can the manager help the team move beyond this?"

The manager should encourage everyone to participate in discussions by stating their underlying interests rather than demands for specific outcomes.

Which of the following statements is true about leadership influence tactics?

The more influence tactics a leader can use, the more successful the leader will be

In the Netherlands, the amount of money the entire government can spend over the next four years is determined by senior officials at the start of each new government term. This figure is then filtered down through the organization so that each line ministry knows what they are allowed to spend in the years ahead. This is known as:

Top-down budgeting

The Beijing Municipal Government recently bought several new cars for the Beijing subway. They want to know if these cars will pay for themselves, so they look at the _____ for the subway.

capital budget

One of your friends seems to know everyone in your personal network, and they talk to that friend regularly. This person plays a role that is ____ to the communication process.


Pfizer finds that the people of Morocco no longer suffer from blinding trachoma, indicating that Pfizer's donation of Zithromax® was effective in treating the disease.

compare performance and standards

Bank of America's ______ provides information such as its interest expense, or the interest the bank paid depositors, and its interest income, or the interest it earned by investing deposits over a period of time. This document also states the bank's other revenues and expenses for the time period.

income statement

If an employee comes in late to work, his or her manager may dock the employee's pay. This is a______ designed to discourage this behavior.


The most effective motivational style is described in _____ of the image above.

quadrant 4

The U.S. Department of Labor has a Business Operations Center and within it are different departments, such as the Office of Worker Safety and Health and the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, each with its own manager. These organizational units are _____.

responsibility centers

When someone assumes that a good outcome on your part is due to external factors, while their own good outcomes are due to internal factors, they are experiencing the _____

self-serving bias

This discipline is based on a five-step methodology referred to as DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control, pronounced "de-May-ick" for short), which provides a structured way for organizations to approach and solve problems.

six sigma

Members of _____ teams participate more actively, are more committed to the team, and are more focused on team goals.


People working in teams are more effective in part due to , which is the enhancement to performance that comes simply from working with other people instead of by oneself.

social facilitation

Some of the elements of _____ are a focus on a shared mission, a willingness to work together toward the same goals, and a sense of trust in each other.


Proposed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham, _______ states that work has five core dimensions that impact employee satisfaction and productivity: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback.

the job characteristics model

Developed by Frederick Herzberg, the ______ suggests that hygiene factors must be present to avoid dissatisfaction, while motivators must be present to create satisfaction.

two- factor theory

In emotional intelligence, social awareness refers to:

understanding the feelings of others.

The company is gearing up for next year's events and determining where to hold them. Customer feedback, logistics, and pricing of sites and supplies all play a role in the decision. Tough Mudder hosts events in North America, Europe, and Asia, so detailed country knowledge is necessary as well. Using a ____ of employees would result in the best decisions.

virtual team

Managers spend at least___ percent of each day in direct communication with others.


The use of social media is likely to: Check all that apply.

Allow employees and managers to connect with each other. Make people more willing to share their ideas with their coworkers.

Leaders who use this style are likely to have strong beliefs that shape their values. They make decisions based on what they think is right and pursue their purpose with a passion.

Authentic leadership

This style of handling conflict should be used when the conflict is trivial or when you have no chance of winning the conflict.


Which of the following is NOT an action associated with good listening?

Being the first to develop a solution to a problem.

Which of the following items would be included in Written Wisdom's liabilities? Check all that apply.

Bills due for heating and telephone services Money the owner owes to her mother for a short-term loan

Managers who have an inspiring vision have employees who are ___ percent more satisfied than other managers' employees.


Employees are selected and socialized to engage in high-performing behavior.

Decentralized Control

In general, employees can be expected to take the initiative to solve problems.

Decentralized Control

When deciding on your next action, you have three options. These options include: Check all that apply.

Defer it Do it Delegate it

Which of the following factors changes how well Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model predicts personal and work outcomes?

Employee growth-need strength

Which of the following factors is likely to have a negative impact on the success of a TQM program? Check all that apply.

Employees are dissatisfied with working conditions. Managers expect to see dramatic innovations as a result of TQM. Middle managers fear that they will lose their authority.

Your team is having problems. You sense that several of the team members have a lack of commitment to the team, and, as a result, the team is finding it difficult to make decisions. If you are the manager, what should you do in this situation?

Encourage each of the team members to put all of their ideas on the table.

The CEO of Tough Mudder believes that teams in his company are not working as effectively as they could, and he is asking you for advice. Provide the best answer to his question. "One of our longstanding cross-functional teams is being led by Ingrid. She is very knowledgeable and highly organized, so we would like to keep her in a leadership role. However, when there is disagreement on the team, she puts forward her ideas very emphatically and flatly rejects other team members' contributions. Everyone on the team needs to buy in to the final decision so they work hard to implement it. What guidance should I give Ingrid?"

Ingrid should learn to collaborate, using a high degree of both her natural assertiveness and cooperation.

Which of the following is NOT a rule for achieving a win-win solution in a negotiation?

Insist that results be based on subjective standards.

When you want to convey a routine message, you should use a ____ communication channel.

Less Rich

A person who is high in this work-related attitude is going to look out for themselves in any situation, even if they have to manipulate others to do so.


A manager who wants to have an effective virtual team should do all of the following EXCEPT:

Make sure that one team member has a strong leadership role

Charismatic leaders can be dangerous if: Check all that apply.

They are striving for personal, not organizational gains The charismatic leader's vision is flawed

The purpose of cascading the balanced scorecard throughout the organization is:

To help all employees think about, discuss, and implement the corporate strategy

Which of the following are advantages of using virtual teams? Check all that apply.

Virtual teams tend to come up with creative solutions for problems Virtual teams are less costly than other types of team

If Mark Allen wants to train healthcare providers in the system to communicate better with one another about patient health, which of the following would be appropriate topics for the training? Check all that apply

When a doctor believes a nurse may not understand the instructions for a patient, the doctor should ask the nurse questions about the patient's care. When members of a patient's care team experience conflict, their communication should focus on facts rather than judgments, and statements should begin with "I" rather than "you." When one physician asks another for a second opinion, the consulted physician can make sure he understands the patient's condition by reflecting or restating the information given.

Someone who can motivate others to achieve certain goals is

a leader

Managers at Amazon are using ____ control to manage these employees.


Employees who feel ownership for their work and who participate in decision making and problem solving at work are using ____ style.

an active

Channel richness is, in part, determined by the ability to facilitate rapid, two-way feedback. This means that an instant message will be richer than ____l , because:

an email; You can respond immediately to what the person is saying

When a manager uses positive and negative reinforcements to change an employee's performance, the manager is using _______ .

behavior modification

Someone who is dependable and achievement oriented is said to have high levels of ____


Researchers who ask "What do people want to get when they take action?" are investigating ______ of motivation.

content theories

When the company is hosting an event, managers should assign event preparations to a ____ . Preparations include trucking in different kinds of equipment and setting it up over several acres; installing sufficient security, first aid, and portable restrooms throughout the course; and having food and drink delivered, as well as marketing the event and enrolling partici

cross- functional

Managers should seek to maximize _____ on the team to enhance its effectiveness.

diversity of skills

Organizations increase_______ by sharing information with employees at all levels and giving them the authority to make decisions.


Pfizer commits to providing enough Zithromax® to eliminate blinding trachoma by 2020.

establish standards

In _______, employees decide how motivated they are by evaluating the likelihood that their effort will produce a certain level of performance and that a certain level of performance will lead to a reward, as well as how much they value the reward being offered.

expectancy theory

If you miss blocking a goal in soccer, and your coach says to you, "Don't worry. The angle on that ball was impossible to block," the coach is making an ____ attribution.


Suppose that an employee was promised an extra day off with pay for every report that they turned in on time. This employee's manager is using _____ motivation to help the employee accomplish their goals.


____ you whether what you did was appropriate, and if you should do it again.

feedback tells

Operating income is a common ___ performance measure.


According to _____ , a manager who works with employees to develop performance expectations that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound will see performance improve.

goal setting theory

Emotional intelligence is especially important when a job requires:

high amounts of social interaction.

Hiring team members who are diverse in terms of gender and race is likely to ____ the team's productivity.


Diversity ___ decision making in a team.


Bank of America's _____ provides information such as its interest expense, or the interest the bank paid depositors, and its interest income, or the interest it earned by investing deposits over a period of time. This document also states the bank's other revenues and expenses for the time period.

income statement

Managers use______ to improve employees' productivity and satisfaction by ensuring that employees have job tasks that are inherently satisfying.

job design

In order for the deal to go through, you need to compare the owner's current assets and ____ by looking at her ______. But because you also want to see the company's ____, or profit and loss, for a one-year period, you also ask to see her income statement.

liabilities; balance sheet ; net income; income statement

When employees hear a strong vision, they become more: Check all that apply

motivated communicative likely to challenge the vision

People who like to persuade others to do work and have authority over others are likely to have a high _____ . They are especially effective at attaining senior positions in large organizations.

need for power

The spoken and unspoken rules that guide team member behavior are referred to as team ____


Leadership neutralizers:

prevent a leader from displaying a behavior.

When a team increases the number of parts they can machine in a week by 25 percent, they are increasing the team's

productive output

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