Exam 4

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Equal Pay Federal laws

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 - "Prohibits sex-based wage discrimination between men and women in the same establishment who preform jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort and responsibility under similar working conditions."

Equal Pay US Council of Catholic Bishops

"A clause safeguarding protective laws for women wage-earners appeared in an early version of the proposal but was dropped for many members who believed regulatory measures discriminatory. Such legislation should be applied equally to men and women. As a result, the amendment, which was introduced in congress in 1923, simply read, "men and women shall have equal rights throughout the US and every place subject to its jurisdiction. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

The Second Amendment

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Vaccine The Papal Encyclicals:

"For scientific research and for the production of vaccines or other products, cell lines are at times used which are the result of an illicit intervention against the life or physical integrity of a human being"

Marijuana Papal Encyclicals

"Let me state this in the clearest terms possible: the problem of drug use is not solved with drugs! Drug addiction is an evil, and with evil there can be no yielding or compromise," The Pope said. "To think that harm can be reduced by permitting drug addicts to use narcotics in no way resolves the problem. Attempts, however limited, to legalize so-called 'recreational drugs', are not only highly questionable from a legislative standpoint, but they fail to produce the desired effects"

Vaccine Catechism of the Catholic Church

"Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions. 'He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in religious matters"

Equal Pay Local laws

"The Maine Equal Pay Law prohibits employers from discriminating against employees in the same establishment on the basis of sex by paying wages to any employee in any occupation in the state at a rate less than the rate it pays any employee of the opposite sex for comparable work on jobs requiring comparable skill, effort, and responsibility."

Marijuana Catechism of the Catholic Church

"The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. These constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practice gravely contrary to moral law"

Equal Pay Papal encyclicals

"Women's dignity has often been unacknowledged and their prerogatives misrepresented; they have often been relegated to the margins of society and even reduced to servitude. This has prevented women from truly being themselves and it has resulted in a spiritual impoverishment of humanity. Certainly it is no easy task to assign the blame for this, considering the many kinds of cultural conditioning which down the centuries have shaped ways of thinking and acting. And if objective blame, especially in particular historical contexts, has belonged to not just a few members of the Church, for this I am truly sorry." "As far as personal rights are concerned, there is an urgent need to achieve real equality in every area: equal pay for equal work, protection for working mothers, fairness in career advancements, equality of spouses with regard to family rights and the recognition of everything that is part of the rights and duties of citizens in a democratic State."

How much does Maine make from Marijuana

$111.6 million a year is what Maine makes on marijuana, and that's more than blueberries and maple syrup. Not more than lobster.


(also known as marijuana) is a psychoactive drug which is used recreationally as well as medically. In the United States, as of today, each state has their own stance on the legalization of marijuana. Some states have legalized marijuana completely, while others have legalized for medical purposes only and some prohibit both. Researchers are still studying marijuana and its long-term effects. With continuing research, we learn more and more each day about marijuana and the potential benefits as well as concerns.

Equal Pay Involvement

- "The Equal Payback Project is a campaign that's been run by the National Women's Law Center for over four decades. The legal center specifically pushes for legislation that helps to decrease the pay gap, and is funded by donations and an annual crowdfunding campaign." - "Equal Pay Today - The program uses "an innovative collaboration of national, regional, and state-based women's legal advocacy and worker justice groups" to move towards that goal. It focuses on pay inequality, workplace harassment, and other relevant topics for the Latinx community."

Marijuana Cons

- Addiction - FDA has yet to approve any CBD products other than cannabidiol - Marijuana can remain in someone's body for days or even weeks after it is used - Negative effects on Health (Brain, Heart, Lungs)

Gun Control State Laws

- As of October 15, 2015, Maine is unrestricted and shall issue - Must be 21+ and fit all other requirements in order to carry without a permit - There are no laws restricting assault weapons


- Cannabidiol - Non-psychoactive -"NO HIGH" - Contains 0.3% THC (or less)

Equal Pay Pros

- Everyone would know how much each person got paid - Smaller chance of discrimination based on sex, race etc. - Higher wages for women - Might reduce poverty

Equal Pay Cons

- Exposure of Privacy - Hard work may not be rewarded - Less Motivation - Less Women may be employed

Gun Control Pros

- Fewer mass shootings - Less suicide by firearm - Fewer minors with access to firearms - Promotes more responsible gun owners - Fewer gun-related accidents

Gun Control Cons

- Infringes on the civil right to bear Arms - Citizens can not protect themselves - Criminals will use different weapons to commit violent crimes - Increase in underground firearm sales - Unfair to law abiding citizens who already have firearms

Marijuana Federal Laws

- Marijuana federally still remains illegal - Marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 Drug (A Schedule 1 Drug- "A drug that has a high chance of being abused or causing addiction and has no FDA-approved medical use in the United States.") - Signed on December 20, 2018 was the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Pub. L. 115-334, (the 2018 Farm Bill) This bill removed hemp from the definition of marijuana. With that, it was removed from the controlled substances act, which allowed for the possession, sale and distribution of the hemp plant. - On December 4, 2020- The House voted on the "MORE Act" "MORE Act" - The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act. Which decriminalizes Marijuana at a Federal Level and erases nonviolent federal marijuana convictions. This Act also creates ownership opportunities in the industry.

Marijuana Pros

- Marijuana would be regulated for consumer safety - More research can be done on marijuana and its medical benefits for: ○ Pain management (MS, Nerve pain) ○ Anxiety/ PTSD ○ Seizures ○ Tourette's syndrome - Marijuana can help treat physical and invisible wounds of war - States where medical marijuana is legal, opioid overdose deaths declined almost by 25%

Gun Control Federal Laws

- National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA) The goal was to decrease the amount of organized crime by gangs. Focused on registration and taxation. - Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) The goal was to 'keep firearms out of the hands of those not legally entitled to possess them.' Focused on licensing, prohibited firearms, prohibited persons, and prohibited places.


- Tetrahydrocannabinol - Psychoactive - "HAS A HIGH" - Contains more than 0.3 THC

Vaccine Cons

- Vaccines can cause serious and sometimes fatal side effects - Some vaccines contain harmful ingredients - The government shouldn't have a say in families personal medical choices/decisions - Mandatory vaccines violate constitutionally protected religious rights and freedoms - Vaccines can contain ingredients that some people consider to be immoral

Vaccine Pros

- Vaccines can save children's lives - The ingredients in vaccines are tested to make sure they are safe - Major medicale organizes state that the vaccines are safe - Serious reactions from vaccines are extremely rare - Vaccines protect future generations

Vaccine U.S Council of Bishops

1. Catholic parents face moral dilemma when getting their children vaccinated for school: some vaccines contain aborted fetus cells 2. Suggested "conscience exemption" if it doesn't pose a serious risk to the population; although it may be difficult to qualify 3. A long-term solution lies in working to ensure that future vaccines and other medicines are not based on cooperation with practices demeaning human life

Vaccine Local Laws

1. Immunizations are required for entering school. There has to be proper documentation proving that the student has received their vaccinations before attending school. 2. There can be exceptions if the child has pre existing medical issues that can cause a serious risk to their health. The student and their family would have to get medical documentation proving their illness. 3. If there are religious beliefs that prohibit them from receiving vaccines, then they also have to provide detailed documentation explaining why they cannot have the vaccine. This is NOT continuing this upcoming September (2021)

Marijuana use in the United States

115 million adults have tried marijuana 78 million have tried but don't currently use 20 million use marijuana yearly 35 million use marijuana monthly

Equal Pay Catechism of the Catholic Church

1935 - The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God's design. 2433 - Access to employment and to professions must be open to all without unjust discrimination: men and women, healthy and disabled, natives and immigrants.219 For its part society should, according to circumstances, help citizens find work and employment.

MLDA in the United States

21 years as of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984.

Gun Control Federal Laws

21+ 18+ for rifles and shotguns no criminal record, US citizen, no drug history background check instantaneous

Vaccine Statistics

A. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (4+ doses DTP, DT, or DTaP): 80.7% B. Polio (3+ doses): 92.6% C. Measles, Mumps, Rubella (aka MMR) (1+ doses): 90.8% D. Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) (primary series + booster dose): 79.6% E. Hepatitis B (3+ doses): 90.6% F. Chickenpox (1+ doses): 90.2% G. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) (4+ doses): 81.0% Children with all 7: 68.3%

Vaccine Ways to Get Involved

A. Distribute COVID-19 vaccinations to our shelter and food pantry staff members, volunteers, and other guests. B. You can donate money or become a volunteer/mentor and help give back to those in need

Vaccines Today

A. Harmful diseases are becoming rare B. Vaccines will keep you healthy C. When you get sick, you can put your loved ones at risk D. Vaccinate to protect our future

Marijuana Maine Laws

Both recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries are open in the state of Maine. - Individuals 21 years of age or older can possess up to 2.5 ounces (or 70 grams) of cannabis. - Allowed to have three mature plants as well as 12 immature plants, unlimited seedlings. - Cannabis should only be consumed on private property (If someone is found guilty of consuming marijuana elsewhere but private property, there is a fine up to $100.00.) - Driving under the influence of cannabis is illegal (can result in a DUI or OWI). - Transporting cannabis- Can have up to 2.5 ounces and must be in a sealed child-proof container. - Exporting marijuana across state lines is illegal.

MLDA how many deaths per year

Drinking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the US and that's around 85,000 deaths per year. Alcohol use has increased because of Covid (increase in depression and anxiety ie. self medicate)

Gun Control US Council of Catholic Bishops

During this conference, Bishop Frank Dewane of Venice discussed how the Council already advocates for gun laws. He said that they support bans on assault rifles, laws on gun trafficking, background checks, and limits on large-capacity magazines. The Council considers this to be a right to life issue.

Marijuana State Laws

Each state in the U.S. has its own stance on marijuana

Vaccine Historical Background

Edward Jenner is credited for finding the first kind of vaccine. He tested his hypothesis in 1796 that someone who has cowpox (a less dangerous disease) could protect a person from the smallpox infection. Jenner tested this theory by taking cowpox bacteria from a blister in Sarah Nelmes' hand. Jenner inserted this bacteria into a cut in James Phipp's arm. Jenner later exposed Phipp's to smallpox and the young boy never caught this illness. The word "vacca" derives from the Latin word for cow.

Equal Pay

Equal Pay is when men and women that have the same employment and are performing equal work which means that both men and women must then receive the same pay unless there's a justified reason not to. Also includes basic pay, bonuses, overtime and allowances, performance-related benefits, hours of work, Company car, sick pay.

Gun Control Involvement

Everytown for Gun Safety, Gun Free Kids, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, March for Our Lives

Gun Control sellers

Gun company or business. Federal laws aren't applicable to private sales/occasional dealers. This isa big loophole for internet (craigslist), FB marketplace, and Uncle Henry's in Maine.

Marijuana History

In 1973- Oregon was the first state in the United states to decriminalize marijuana. I n 1996- California approved Proposition 215 (which legalized the medical use of marijuana). In 1997- Oregon tried to recriminalize Marijuana but it was turned down by voters. In 2012- Both Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational use of Marijuana. As of 2020 - 35 states have legalized Marijuana

Marijuana U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops

In the statement of The Roman Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts state "the use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense"

MLDA Maine Laws

Maine raised the drinking age to 21 in 1987, although municipalities in the state can prohibit the sale of alcohol (there are 56 dry towns in Maine). It is legal for a minor to consume alcohol at home in the presence of their parents. Minors may not transport liquor unless required due to the minor's employment, or at the request of their parent, guardian, or custodian. Liquor is not permitted in Maine State Parks.

MLDA moderation drinking

Men: 2 drinks a day Women: 1 drink a day

MLDA binge drinking

Men: 4+ per day or 14+ a week Women: 3+ per day or 7+ per week

Gun Control Papal Encyclicals

Since Pope John XXIII emphasizes the importance of each person's rights, such as the right to life, bodily integrity, immigration, etc. He also said that along with having a right to life, you also have the duty to protect it. Based on these views, it is assumed that he would support preserving life in every way, which would include not killing people.

MLDA Federal laws

The National Minimum Drinking Age Act was passed by Congress in 1984, making the minimum "purchase and possession" age 21. The national law specifically requires states to prohibit purchase and public possession of alcoholic beverages. It does not require prohibition of persons under 21 from drinking alcoholic beverages. All fifty states are in accordance with this law, however, some territories are not.

Gun Control CCC

The book would support the position that gun laws should be stricter, because it discusses how killing another person goes against the dignity of a human being. It is clarified that self defense is not seen in this same light, because in the end you were protecting your right to life

Equal Pay State laws

The majority have equal pay when it comes to wages, sex discrimination and wage discrimination. The states that aren't part of the majority either don't have any state laws or they have a less strict laws about pay meaning that the equal pay is in effect but not to the extent it should be when it comes to benefits.

Gun Control Statistics

US is about 4% of the world's population, and we own 46% of all the guns in the world. There are more guns than people in the US. Majority of gun related deaths are accidental and suicides. If you own a gun you are 40 times more likely to use it on yourself or someone else making your house less safe.

Marijuana Non-profit Organizations

Veterans Cannabis Project, The American Alliance for Medical Cannabis, Americans for Safe Access (ASA), Veterans for Cannabis Access

MLDA Recommended Involvement

a. Alcohol Justice - This nonprofit advocacy organization works with individuals, especially young people, to promote evidence-based public health policies and organize campaigns against harmful practices perpetuated by the alcohol industry. www.alcoholjustice.org b. Mothers Against Drunk Driving - MADD creates several campaigns to encourage parents to talk to their children about the dangers of drunk driving, to encourage adults to find designated drivers or other safe rides home when they go out to parties or bars, and to change the laws around DUI punishments. www.madd.org c. Alcohol Awareness Month - Alcohol Awareness Month is a national public health awareness campaign sponsored by the National Council for Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.


a. Research shows that early legal access to alcohol (such as 18) is associated with higher rates of drinking later in life. Under the current system, people under 21 drink less and continue to do so through their early twenties. b. Europe's drinking age at 18 can't be compared to the United States because their minimum driver's license age is ~18, and more Europeans use public transit, resulting in decreased alcohol-induced accidents. c. No scientific evidence suggests that a lower MLDA would create conditions for responsible drinking or would lead young adults to make healthy decisions about drinking. d. Drinking alcohol is not a fundamental right guaranteed by the US Constitution (like voting), age is not inherently a suspect criteria for discrimination, and using the drinking age to prevent highway crashes has a rational basis in available scientific evidence. e. Research shows that early legal access to alcohol is associated with higher rates of drinking later in life. Under the current system, people under 21 drink less and continue to do so through their early twenties.


a. The current MLDA hasn't reduced underage drinking, it has forced it underground, away from bars— where it is more carefully monitored—to private parties, which are less safe. b. Motor vehicle safety improvements have contributed more in lessening traffic deaths than the MLDA. c. The current MLDA is not working to prevent youths from using alcohol and experiencing the negative consequences of drinking d. 18-year-old Americans can drive, vote, marry, buy guns, and join the military, why can't they legally purchase & consume alcohol? e. Lowering the drinking age to 18 results in more responsible drinking behavior, as in Western Europe.

Deaths in US in 2020

a. alcohol- 85,000 deaths b. cigarettes- 480,000 deaths c. opiod crisis- 40,000 deaths d. marijuana- NA/ not tracked e. covid- 380,000 deaths

Vaccine Federal Laws

different states establish different vaccination requirements for school children. These laws often apply not only to children attending public schools, but also to those attending private schools and day care facilities. States may also require immunization of healthcare workers and of patients/residents of healthcare facilities


i. "Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them, taking into account the needs of others and the common good." ii. "Concern for the health of its citizens requires that society help in the attainment of living conditions that allow them to grow and reach maturity: food and clothing, housing, health care, basic education, employment, and social assistance." iii. "The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed endanger their own and others' safety on the road, at sea, or in the air. d. Drunkenness is considered a mortal sin, associated with gluttony. e. Catholic teaching on alcohol is that of temperance, or moderation to prevent getting drunk. f. Catholics are called to respect and follow civil laws, such as the MLDA.

Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) laws

specify the legal age when an individual can purchase alcoholic beverages as a means of controlling the substance from minors

Vaccine State Laws

there are no federal requirements for informed consent relating to immunization.

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