Exam 4 A&P 2 King

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The normal pH range for extracellular fluid is 7.45-7.55 7.35-7.45 7.15-7.25 7.25-7.35 6.95-7.00


Which hormone stimulates the thirst mechanism? norepinephrine natuiretic peptides epinephrine ADH aldosterone


A child born with one lone X chromosome will have Klinefelter's syndrome Down syndrome Turner's syndrome Tay-Sachs disease acromegaly

Turner's syndrome

In simple autosomal inheritance, phenotypic characters are determined, or controlled, by the action of a single gene the genes on the Y chromosome multiple alleles a single pair of alleles regulator genes on a different chromosome

a single pair of alleles

Which substance plays a central role in determining the rate of sodium reabsorption? natiuretic peptides extracellular fluid epinephrine aldosterone ADH


When the pH rises above 7.45, a state of ________ exists. alkalosis acidosis


The hemoglobin buffer system exists in extracellular fluid only intracellular fluid only both intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid

both intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid.

A chemical that minimizes changes in the pH of a body fluid by releasing or binding hydrogen ion is called a(n) compensation alkali buffer acid electrolyte


A(n) ___________ consists of a combination of a weak acid and its associated anion. fixed acid buffer system leak channel exchange pump water balance

buffer system

The oval, three-layered sheet produced by gastrulation is called the embryo yolk sac ectoderm inner cell mass. embryonic disc

embryonic disc

The _________ is the inner lining of the uterus. myometrium endometrium germinal epithelium uterine lumen perimetrium


Spermatozoa functionally mature within the epididymis seminiferous tubules seminal gland ductus deferens rete testes


Which of the following hormones is the cause of most puberty-related changes in a female? estrogen relaxin progesterone chorionic gonadotropin oxytocin


The onset of the first uterine cycle is called menopause menses menarche menstruation menstrual cycle


_________ is the process of sloughing off the old functional layer of the endometrium menarche menstruation menopause perimenopause ovulation


The surge in luteinzing hormone that occurs during the middle of the ovarian cycle triggers atresia menopause menstruation follicle maturation ovulation


The placenta is expelled from the uterus during the _______ stage of labor. afterbirth placental expulsion contraction dilation


Hyperventilation will ________ pH. lower (decrease) raise (increase).

raise (increase)

The __________ is/are in contact with the posterior side to the urinary bladder. corpus cavernosum prostate gland bulbourethral gland seminal glands testes

seminal glands

When spermatogonia divide, the two daughter cells produced are a spermatogonium and a spermatid spermatozoon sperm spermatocyte sertoli cell


The male gonad is called a(n) spermatid epididymis testis scrotum ductus


_______ play(s) a key role in maintaining acid-base homeostasis by eliminating carbon dioxide. metabolically active cells the urinary system the respiratory system buffer systems all of the answers are correct

the respiratory system

In a(n) ___________, each ductus deferens is cut, and either a segment is removed and the ends tied (or cauterized) or silicone plugs are inserted. tubal ligation vasectomy hysterectomy ovariectomy prostatectomy


The embryonic heart starts beating as blood begins to flow through chorionic vessels at approximately ________ of development. week 3 day 12 the second trimester day 3 week 2

week 3

The infancy stage of life is considered to be over when the baby reaches ________ of age. 2 years 18 months 1 year 1 month

1 year

What is the proper arrangement of the four structures listed below into the order in which sperm pass from the testis to the urethral meatus? 1. ductus deferens 2. urethra 3. ejaculatory duct 4. epididymis 1,4,3,2 1,3,4,2 4,1,2,3 4,1,3,2 4,3,1,2


How many chromosomes do human somatic cells contain? 23 46 22 44 92


Trisomy 21 is the clinical term for Down syndrome fetal alcohol syndrome amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Klinefelter syndrome Marfan's syndrome

Down syndrome

Which body system is not involved in fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance? cardiovascular integumentary endocrine muscular all systems produce metabolic wastes and therefore are involved in fluid and electrolyte balance.

all systems produce metabolic wastes and therefore are involved in fluid and electrolyte balance.

Enlargement of the prostate gland, or ___________, typically occurs spontaneously in men over age 50. benign prostatic hypertrophy fibrocystic disease carcinoma prostate cancer testicular cancer

benign prostatic hypertrophy

The trophoblast has many characteristics of _________ cells. cardiac smooth muscle cancer infectious none of the answers is correct


With regard to fluid balance, water gains occur primarily in the digestive tract lungs kidneys cardiopulmonary system liver

digestive tract.

When the pH of the extracellular fluid drops, the kidneys reabsorb bicarbonate ions excrete more hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate ions. excrete more bicarbonate ions excrete more hydrogen ions and excrete more bicarbonate ions excrete more hydrogen ions.

excrete more hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate ions.

A zygote whose genotype is XX will develop as a male female


The neonatal period extends until the first birthday for the first 24 hours of life for the first month of life from day 1 until day 60 until breast feeding stops

for the first month of life

____________ is the time spent growing within the uterus. embryonization gestation development pregnancy gasturlation


_________ is defined as an inability to achieve or maintain an erection. benign prostatic hypertrophy emission sterility infertility impotence


About two-thirds of the body's fluid is within cells and is termed ________ fluid. interstitial intercellular intracellular vital extracellular


The primary role of the carbonic-acid base buffer system is to buffer stomach acid buffer carbonic acid formed by carbon dioxide increase ventilation limit pH changes caused by organic and fixed acids buffer the urine

limit pH changes caused by organic and fixed acids

The thick muscular layer of the uterus is the myometrium perimetrium uterometrium endometrium none of the answers is correct


Which hormone is released by cardiac muscle cells in response to increased atrial distension? natiuretic peptides PTH acetylcholine ADH aldosterone

natiuretic peptides

The ectoderm forms the urinary system neural tissues blood the lining of the stomach and small intestine muscle

neural tissues

Intracellular fluid is found only within the cells of the body blood vessels the interstitial space lymph the cerebrospinal fluid.

the cells of the body

On which of the following days would the level of LH be highest in a female? the first day of menses the day before ovulation 3 days before ovulation 3 days after ovulation the day of ovulation

the day before ovulation

During amphimixis, sperm become capacitated the zygote is formed with 46 chromosomes the male and female pronuclei fuse gametes are formed meiosis occurs

the male and female pronuclei fuse

Which buffers/buffer system exist(s) only in intracellular fluid? the hemoglobin buffer system amino acid buffers the phosphate buffer system plasma protein buffers the carbonic acid-bicarbonate system

the phosphate buffer system

The organ that provides mechanical protection and nutritional support for the developing embryo is the vagina uterine tube ovary uterus cervix


"Natural family planning" is an alternative term for which form of birth control? an intrauterine device the rhythm method vasectomy hormonal post-coital contraception oral contraceptives

the rhythm method

During gastrulation, the blastomeres fuse the placenta penetrates the endometrium the neural tube closes blastomeres form three germ layers are formed

three germ layers are formed

The structure that transports the ovum to the uterus is the infundibulum myometrium uterosacral ligament uterine tube vagina

uterine tube

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