Exam 4 Learning Curve

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When a conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without being paired with the unconditioned stimulus, then _____ may gradually occur


With continuous reinforcement, an organism is reinforced _____. With intermittent reinforcement, an organism is reinforced _____

every time the desired behavior occurs; sporadically when the desired behavior occurs

In the famous "Little Albert" study, what was the conditioned stimulus

A White Rat

Which scenario is NOT an example of positive punishment

A child's mother places him in "time out" every time he calls his brother "stupid."

The development of the theory of operant conditioning can be credited to the _____ psychologist named _____

American; B. F. Skinner

Every species is _____ to learn some things more readily than others

Biologically Predisposed

Thorndike Studied


The predictability of an association between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned stimulus (US) facilitates an organism's ability to expect or anticipate the occurrence of the US. This fact is most likely to be highlighted by a _____ perspective.


The majority of correlational studies that have examined television violence and aggressive behavior suggest that the more hours children spend watching violent television shows, the more likely they are to exhibit aggressive behaviors. What is the major problem with these findings?

Correlation does not prove causation.

Ivan conditioned his pet bloodhound, Watson, to drool every time the doorbell rang. After a few weeks, he got tired of mopping up the puddle of drool by his front door so he repeatedly rang the doorbell without pairing the sound with food. Eventually, the process of _____ occurred, and Watson stopped drooling every time the doorbell rang


_____ is the ability to differentiate between the CS and other stimuli that have NOT been associated with the unconditioned stimulus.


Pavlov studied


The development of a taste aversion likely has a(n) _____ component, such that if an animal in the wild eats a food that makes it sick, the animal is more likely to survive by avoiding that food in the future


Bandura proposes that _____ reinforcement affects the performance of what has been learned.

Expectation Of

Sarah gets a weekly allowance, but only if all of her chores are completed by 5 p.m. on Friday night. Although Sarah does some work around the house during the week, most of her chores are done in a burst of activity after she comes home from school on Friday afternoon. Sarah's behavior is being maintained on a _____ schedule of reinforcement

Fixed Interval

Psychologist B. F. Skinner's ideas were controversial because of Skinner's denial of:

Free Will

_____ is the tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus, and


Which statement about John B. Watson is false

He forged the way for the field of humanism

Neutral Stimulus

In classical conditioning, which must come first

One main difference between punishment and reinforcement is that the goal of reinforcement is to _____ a behavior, while the goal of punishment is to _____ a behavior.

Increase; Decrease

The tendency to revert to instinctive behaviors instead of maintaining operantly conditioned responses is called

Instinctive Drift

Zeno tried to train his potbellied pig to pick up the newspaper on the doorstep and bring it into the house. However, the pig pushed the paper with his snout into the garden, even though this behavior would NOT be rewarded. It appears that Zeno's attempt to operantly condition his pig has been subject to

Instinctive Drift

What did the study conducted with Little Albert reveal about classical conditioning

It can be used to deliberately establish a conditioned emotional response

Which statement is true about the use of behavior modification as a form of operant conditioning

It has been successfully applied in many different settings

The learning principle that proposes that responses followed by a satisfying effect are strengthened and more likely to occur again is called

Law Of Effect

David routinely forgets the password to his computer. He posts a sticky note on his computer with a password clue so he can remember it. Eventually, David remembers his password by simply thinking of his clue and no longer needs his sticky note. This is an example of _____ behavior


_____ is a phenomenon in which exposure to inescapable and uncontrollable aversive events produces passive behavior.

Learned Helplessness

a relatively enduring change in behavior or knowledge as a result of past experience


In Bandura's experiment, compared to children not exposed to the adult model, those who observed the adult model's aggressive behavior were _____ to lash out at the doll.

Much More Likely

Becca studies very hard to avoid getting bad grades because she finds a bad grade a devastating experience. Becca's increased studying behavior is maintained by:

Negative Reinforcement

According to Bandura, reinforcement is _____ for learning

Not Essential

John B. Watson believed that psychology should be the science of

Observable Behavior

When a 4-year-old girl suddenly picks up her ironing board and plays it like it is an electric guitar, it is likely that she has seen someone playing a real electric guitar in the same manner. Thus she has learned via


Nate has come to learn that every time he does what his mother asks him to do, he will NOT have certain privileges taken from him. Nate's behavior is influenced by the expectation that he will not be punished if he listens to his mother. This means that Nate's mother has successfully instituted a form of _____ conditioning


Behavior modification most often involves applying the principles of _____ to bring about changes in behavior.

Operant Conditioning

Frances is studying nonreinforced, natural behaviors and their impact on learned behaviors. It is likely that Frances is going to be tested on

Operant Conditioning

Gambling addiction via slot machines has been studied with

Operant Conditioning

_____ behavior occurs based on the environment, whereas _____ behavior occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus

Operant; Conditioned

Having won a Nobel Prize for his work on digestion, the Russian physiologist, _____, both discovered and investigated the learning principle known as _____ conditioning.

Pavlov; classical

_____ reinforcement increase(s) the likelihood of a behavior happening, while _____ punishment decrease(s) the likelihood of the behavior

Positive and negative; positive and negative

After working out at the gym for 6 months straight, Francine lost the 20 pounds she was trying to lose. Francine's goal is to keep going to the gym for the next 6 months. It appears that the lost weight is _____ Francine's desire to go to the gym

Positively Reinforcing

Gabe got stuck in an elevator in a high-rise office building one morning. Now he refuses to enter an elevator. If "entering an elevator" is the operant, what type of consequence has altered Gabe's behavior

Punishment By Application

At recess time each day, the first graders have been making a habit of digging holes in the playground. The teacher has warned the children that they will have recess taken away the next day if they continue to dig holes. The children stop digging the holes. This example illustrates

Punishment By Removal

Watson Studied


Skinner Studied


As a result of the research conducted by Rescorla and his colleagues, the modern understanding of how learning occurs in classical conditioning differs from that of Pavlov and Watson in its emphasis on the role of _____ that precede the unconditioned stimulus

Reliable Signals

_____ proposed that the cognitive process of expectation occurred between a conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response

Rescorla and Wagner

The operant conditioning procedure involving teaching a new behavior through prompting and reinforcing behaviors that come closer and closer to the goal behavior is referred to as


Research has shown that a relationship between watching television portrayals of sexual activity and sexual behavior of U.S. adolescents is


About five hours after Dr. Sheckenov had successfully extinguished a dog's classically conditioned response of salivating to the sound of a bell, she discovered that the dog once again salivated in the presence of the bell. This example illustrates the phenomenon of

Spontaneous Recovery

The ability of organisms to transfer learning of one particular stimulus to other very similar stimuli is evidence of

Stimulus generalization

In Pavlov's classic experiment the sound of a tone was the _____ that produced a(n) _____ of salivating in dogs, even in the absence of food

Stimulus; Response

Biological Preparedness

The theory that animals are genetically programmed to fear particular things that threaten their survival

Most learning involves the process of association. With classical conditioning, an organism comes to associate:

Two Stimuli

In Pavlov's famous dog experiments, the dogs learned to salivate at the mere sound of a bell ringing. However, prior to conditioning, the food in the dog's mouth is what caused the salivation, or the

Unconditioned Response

Jamal was in a car accident in the spring. There was a row of trees in bloom at the accident site. Now, every spring when he sees those trees in bloom, he feels nauseous and anxious. This reaction is an example of

Unconditioned Response

According to the Critical Thinking box entitled, "Does Exposure to Media Violence Cause Aggressive Behavior?" which statement is false

Very few TV depictions of violence fulfill the criteria that are most apt to lead to imitation.

A guest will be spending time in your classroom. To make sure that your students imitate this person's prosocial behaviors, you should pick a guest who the children will consider

Warm and Nurturing

____, the principal founder of behaviorism, was inspired by the findings of _____

Watson; Pavlov

Learning typically involves

a long lasting change in the state of the learner

According to observational learning theory, when children have _____ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them. When children have _____ models, they imitate the helpful and positive behaviors they observe.

antisocial; prosocial

According to Albert Bandura, the four factors that are necessary for observational learning to occur are

attention, memory, motor skills, and motivation

If rats become ill after eating a novel food, they will

avoid eating that food

Shaping is a method used by Skinner to

guide an organism to exhibit a complex behavior using successive approximations.

According to the Critical Thinking box, B. F. Skinner maintained that

human freedom is an illusion

Michael is busy with a project. His son wants him to put a movie in the DVD player. Michael tells him to wait 10 minutes. However, his son whines and complains so much that Michael decides to put the movie in right away. In operant conditioning terms, what has Michael just done?

increased the likelihood his son will whine in the future

Classical and operant conditioning are similar in many ways. Which process does NOT apply to both types of learning?

involuntary responses to stimuli

Watson and Pavlov agreed that

laws of learning are the same for all animals.

Because of phenomena such as spontaneous recovery, it can be inferred that

learning has produced an underlying neural change that continues over time

Penpa is watching a group of girls tease a classmate at her new school. The girls are about Penpa's age and she perceives them as having interests similar to hers. Based on what we know about imitation Penpa is

more likely to imitate them because they seem similar to her

Younger siblings may learn some things at a younger age than did their older siblings because of

observational learning

According to the _____ model developed by _____, behavior is shaped and maintained by its environmental consequences.

operant conditioning; Skinner

Watson and Rayner taught Little Albert to fear white rats by

pairing a loud noise with the presentation of a white rat

Escape Behavior

perform an operant response that gets you away from an ongoing aversive stimulus.

Avoidance Behavior

perform an operant response that prevents the occurrence of an aversive stimulus

Little Albert's fear response to a white rabbit, fur coat, and Santa Claus mask are all examples of:

stimulus generalization

The Critical Thinking box discusses the role of violence portrayed on television in aggressive behavior in the real world. Research in this area indicates that:

the more a person is exposed to media violence, the greater is the likelihood that the person will behave aggressively.

Misha met her first serious boyfriend when she was working a summer job as a lifeguard. Years later, when she smells the distinctive smell of saltwater, sand and the sunscreen he used to wear, she still feels a twinge of excitement, even butterflies, remembering their romance. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is _____ and the conditioned response is _____.

the smell of the ocean and sunscreen; excitement

Classical conditioning occurs when a(n) _____ is paired with a(n) _____ to produce a response.

unconditioned stimulus; conditioned stimulus

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